Informe 1 Ingles

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Profesora: Estudiantes:

Carmen Contreras Jesús Gabriel Santamaría

C.I: 27.652.096

Raúl Lemus

C.I: 27.505.707

Daniel Marcano

C.I. 26.756.543

Barcelona, abril 2022.

1. Los verbos modales:

Los verbos modales son aquellos verbos auxiliares que se utilizan en inglés para expresar una
opinión sobre si algo es probable o posible. Asimismo, son utilizados para hablar sobre
habilidades, pedir permiso o realizar una petición.

Los verbos modales son: CAN, COULD, MAY, MIGHT, MUST, SHALL, SHOULD,
WILL, WOULD y OUGHT. Estos no tienen conjugación, ni infinitivos y como todo verbo
auxiliar, acompaña a otro verbo pero con la particularidad de que en su caso nunca se usan solos
y solamente sirven para expresar una actitud respecto a lo que se quiere comunicar como
habilidad, posibilidad, necesidad, etc.

2. Funciones y ejemplos de los verbos modales:

 CAN: Es mayormente usado para expresar habilidad o posibilidad. Por ejemplo:

 I can teach you.
 She can´t come this weekend.
 Can she play the drums ?
 I can swim.
 You can go to the party.

 COULD: Principalmente es la forma en pasado de (CAN) y es usada para expresar

posibilidades, preguntar, y hacer solicitudes de manera formal. Por ejemplo:
 You could get up early.
 I could not deliver my work.
 Could you call me later, please?
 She could be there by now.
 Could you tell me the time?

 MAY: este puede manifestar una probabilidad o una posibilidad. También se usa para
preguntas de cortesía. Por ejemplo:
 He may be proud of her.
 They may not publish our book.
 May I go to the bathroom?
 May we come in?
 You may not speak during the test.

 MIGHT: Es usado desde expresar posibilidades (sucesos poco probables), peticiones, o

sugerencias hasta ofrecimientos. Por ejemplo:
 I might help you.
 This phone might not work, it´s too old.
 Might I find him tomorrow?
 They might be at the park.
 Might we run at the beach this weekend?

 WOULD: Se utiliza para manifestar acciones repetitivas en el pasado como también para
hacer peticiones con tono amable. Por ejemplo:
 She would never go to that place.
 He would ride his own horse every summer.
 Would you be my valentine?
 Would you like a drink?
 I would rather stay in tonight?

 MUST: Principalmente su uso expone un compromiso o una necesidad y en algunas

situaciones puede manifestar una suposición. Por ejemplo:
 You must show appreciation.
 He must not return later.
 Must they come for the breakfast?
 He must be sick.
 I must do my tax returns.

 SHOULD: Esto es utilizado para realizar recomendaciones o consejos, al igual que

ciertas deducciones. Por ejemplo:
 She should take a painkiller.
 I should not lose the guarantee.
 Should I do it now?
 They should arrive by 10 a.m.
 You shouldn´t smoke.

Exercise #1.

When I was about 14, I used to be really rude to my parents and they got completely fed
up with me, so they sent me away to live with my grandmother on one of the islands. It was
terrible! It was really isolated and hardly anybody lived there. You couldn’t get TV or anything
like that and everybody worked on farms. I had to get up at 6 a.m. every morning and milk the
cows and then my grandmother told me to go with her to help in the fields.

The work was very hard, but if I complained she told me I should be grateful for what I
had! I did not see any of my friends and if I need to contact them, I had to write letters because
she said I mustn’t use the phone. But they were always very kind to me so slowly I realized I
didn’t have to be rude to get what I wanted and now I can see how much this tune away helped

Exercise #2

1. May I borrow your robber, please? Yes, of course you may

2. My friend is getting married today, she must feel very nervous.
3. Next year I think you should translate any report to your own language.
4. Don’t touch that wire because it could be dangerous.
5. I could swim quite well when I was five years old.
6. Sonia must practice so much if she wants to take part in the marathon.
7. You shouldn’t cook those vegetables because they have already cooked.
8. The girl can go to the studio for an audition.
9. That diamond bracelet is very elegant, but it must have cost a fortune.
10. If you are interested in human life, you should study biology.
11. He is applying for a job at the university. He can get it.
12. That house was really important in her life so she couldn’t sell it.
13. I’m not sure but perhaps Robert might leave for Australia soon.
14. You shouldn’t have shouted at Thomas yesterday. He is very sorry.
15. Look it has stopped raining. We could go for a walk in the country.
16. The old woman can fall on the street and break a leg. She should carry a stick.
17. Sheila didn’t go to work yesterday. She must be ill in the bed.
18. Last Christmas party was fabulous, you should come with me.
19. I’ve lost my keys. I must have dropped them when I went shopping.
20. It’s prohibited to go into that building. You mustn’t go in.
21. Patricia is driving a new car. She may have bought it.
22. My dictionary isn’t in my schoolbag. I must have left it at home.
23. The boy should help his parents in the farm during the summer holidays.
24. Look! The lights are off so the library must be closed


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