Electromag Ans

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The Lorentz force equation describes the force experienced by a charged particle moving in an
electromagnetic field. the force exerted on a charged particle q moving with velocity v through an
electric field E and magnetic field B F=q(E+v×B)

Conduction current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor, such as a wire or a metallic
structure. It is caused by the movement of electrons in response to an electric field. displacement
current is associated with changing electric fields in dielectric materials where there are no mobile
charge carriers. t is associated with the rate of change of electric flux in a region of space

A scalar quantity is a physical quantity that only has magnitude and no direction. A scalar field is a
function that associates a scalar value with every point in a space or region.eg temperature distribution
in a room.

At the boundary between any two dielectrics, the tangential components of the electric field are
continuous, and the normal components are discontinuous and equal to the surface charge density.

A vector quantity is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. A vector field is a
function that associates a vector with every point in a space or region.

The divergence of a vector field describes the rate at which the vector field's vectors spread out or
converge at a given point. he curl of a vector field provides valuable information about the rotational
behavior of the field.

Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction states that a current is induced in a conductor which is in a
changing magnetic field.

The law of BiotSavart1 then states that at any point P the magnitude of the magnetic field intensity
produced by the differential element is proportional to the product of the current, the magnitude of the
differential length, and the sine of the angle lying between the filament and a line connecting the
filament to the point P at which the field is desired; also, the magnitude of the magnetic field intensity is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the differential element to the point P

Ampere’s circuital law states that the line integral of H about any closed path is exactly equal to the
direct current enclosed by that path,

Divergence theorem: The integral of the normal component of any vector field over a closed surface is
equal to the integral of the divergence of this vector field throughout the volume enclosed by the closed

State three factors that affect Coulomb’s Force

1. Magnitude of the Charges (�1q1 and �2q2)
2. Distance Between the Charges (�r)
3. Permittivity of the Medium

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