LDHR Casestudies

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(Oe 2 62230 SECTION - C anal 12, Compulsory Case Study : (1=15=15) ‘A Captive Unit is a businesses unit of a company functioning offshoring as an entity of its own while retaining the work and close operational tic ups within the parent company. Fintech HQ is based out of San Francisco USA. In 2020, they opened their first Captive, shared services center is Banglaore. They are defining the scope of the work to be off - shored to India. The scope will primarily include Software Development and Business Operations Support. Consider yourself as a consultant with a role to design Training Modules to build the fe eed oe Questions : 1. What would be your key Design Principles for building Training Modules? 2. Explain your approach in Designing Training Programs. eee Pee CASE 2 12. Case Study (Compulsory): 5=15) ‘The out-of-control Interview ‘Maria Femandez is a bright, popular and well-informed mechanical engineer who Graduated with an engineering degree from State University in June 2003. During spring preceding her graduation, she went out on many job interviews, most olin she thought were conducted courteously and were feasonably useluin giving both her and the prospective employer a good impression of where each of them stood on matters of importance to both of them. It was, therefore, with great anticipation that she looked forward to an interview with the one firm in which she most wanted to work : Apex Environmental. She always had a interest in cleaning up the environment and firmly believed that the best use of her training and skits lay in working for firm like Apex, where she thought she could have a successful career while making the world a better place, The interview, however, was a disaster. Maria walked into a room in which five men-The President of the company, two Vice Presidents, the marketing director and another engineer-began throwing questions at her that she felt were aimed peimatty tipping her up rather than Binding out what she coud ofr trough her engineering skills. The questions ranged from unnecessarily discourteous (Why would you take a job as a waitress in college if you're such an intelligent person?”) to inr@levant and sexist (“Are you planning on settling down and starting a family anytime soon 7°}. Then after the interview, she met with two af the gentlemen individually (including the President), and the discussions focused Simost exclusively on her technical expertise, ‘She thought that these later discussions went fairty well. However, er te operons ah renenens a eeen mean-spiritediness of the pane! interview, she was astonished when several days later she got a job offer from the firm. ‘The offer forced her to consider several matters. From her point af view, the job itself was perfect.she liked what she would be doing, the industry and the firm's location. And in fact, the President had been quite courteous in subsequent discussions, as had been the other members of the management team. She was left wandering whether the panel interview had been intentionally tense to see how she'd stand up under pressuro, and, if so, why they would do such a thing, Questions: 1) How would you explain the nature of the panel interview Maria had to endure ? ‘Specifically, do you think it reflected a well-thought-out interviewing strategy on the part of the firm or carelessness on the part of the firm's management ? ititwas carelessness, what would you do to improve the interview process at Apex Environmental ? 2) Would you take the job offer if you were Maria ? If you're not sure, is there ‘any adational information that would help you make your decison, and itso, SECTION-¢ ie CASE 3 12, Case Study : } (115215) Rajat Sharma has been employed for six months in the accounts section of a large manutacturing company in Faridabad. You have been his supervisor for the past three months. Recently you have been asked by the management to find out the contributions of each employee in the accounts section and monitor Carefully whether they are meating the standards set by you. A lew days back you have completed your formal investigation and with the exception of Rajat, all seem to be meeting the targets set by you. Along with numerous errors, Rajat's work is characterised by low performance-often he does 20% less than the other clerks in the department. AS you look into Rajat's performance review sheets again, you begin to wonder ‘Some Sort of remedial training is needed for people like him. ‘Questions - » ‘AS a Supervisor, can you find out poor performance al one employee is due to lack of training ? Justify your answer 2) How do you go about introducing a remedial training programme ? Explain. conn ONE ee fe tpn ce nd ecto companies {iu werk Brery jen cme 20000 people in UK. ts ation, Margi (foes ug amo mney ely on research and development because ‘See busmese heused on innate Theres for powth o thet buss, Marquis needs pepe wh or ios eve fs mowed and capably SgSccing 17 ousnco end wher evant Sel. Marquis Company’ araep fnming tecudes workoce plnning and Kis aywematic process for ‘enuping the oman capil rege to ect companys goals and develing ‘Ge stages to nest thee regufementa Workforce planning, belpe a ‘aun to tines te tre wordree requirements and eau the ‘umters, mature aod sources of ovat employes who might meet tht ‘Ecmand) Worknece panning enables Marquis to iapection ft present tall (fumters and the sk than place ms weil as enify whee i sl paps ‘ade to meet ts Bune object. argu stenton i now focused on Win {rbines and renewable energy source bremuee of cate change and owing. = res oa i See fe ma a a Patpes sac ome ‘apn how Marin can sche ewig tpi th ting (ate Margi tye pment pa ® Saget how Margi cn meee eetenn ft dedopat SECTION -C Compulsory (Case Study) (txth=t6) McCormick and Company Uses Strategic Training to Spice Up Bureess Results ‘You may know McCormick and Company from its favorings anc spices that enhance the taste of appelizers. main dishes and Gessets (who dossnt appreciate the great aroma of just-beied chocolate chip oocides 7). You should also arow ist training and develapmert play 3 strategic role at MoGarmick and Company Leaming @ driven by ts company strategy. The company's Imain strategies include growing sales, totering Hrm~wation, managing te coe! base and planning for succession Thesa strategies have been tandiated into Severs! strategy training and ceveicpment intiatves Ore nitative supporing the innovahon strategy Freolves the davolanment of tachrological innovation centers for scertints and isaming and developmant confers for comparty leaders. In another initiative, § imélion was spent to teach empicyans how to use the new SAP business software implementing througnout the comparty The company’s succession planning process is designed to make good on ‘he promae that af employees have access to fhe farming and development they need to become successors to the current company leaders 21 of lnvals. Robert Lawes, chairman and CEO, beteves that having a process 10 Grom er eioyens imamaly gves the company a competiine advantage. Growing employees internally requires challenging empixyses arnt providing opportunities tor career growth, learning and devekomen. His commirert 0 succession planning is evident in the amount of ime te Emencts rerwimaing development needs, goals, peclormance and recent traning and dewelopenert tor the top employees in fre company. moans > Ps ~ 680 ‘Toermure that traning and devetopmare are strategic, the director of maming art Gaveiopment has posttoned the trainrg department as a aa of performance CONEURArES WhO Rerve Ihe Reeds of the business. Also. McCormick and Company has empnasized teaching a ail level of the organization. wth the oa! of making the camaany mare agta arc able to adapt to change and cope (81M the fous of experts cue to the retirement of baby boomers. The teaching organization has four roles, each signed with business plans. Corporate imaming profassionals ave found at the company's two leaming centers Mayland and in the United Kingdom Corporate laaming protassionsis are charged with estubishing experime and then sharing & wth others. Site-specific Journieg professionalsincuce employees who nave reeponstitty for loa7ng APC develcpmert at the company’s locations, Each trimming manager reports irecty to each locanom's human rescurce or operations tuncsion to enaure that training reeds are dented and met. Leader Jaachors include all employees ttn supervisory respcesiities, regardiess of level Managers are tanec to hepemployeas apply re ski's thay inam in traiving and senor executives loach asses To ensure fut leaders ar teachers, the perfomance evaluations tor at of MoCormick's managers mciude one competency aftractng and cevenping ‘utent. Attracting and devsioping talent evolves actve paricpation Te Fomth anc deveicpment of employees and etlective cosching and mentoring Peer-teachars engage in one-cr-one trainin with OP sengoyans at well a8 Ihrough the companys Mutple Management Board (MMB) system The MMB system includes cross-lunctonal, cross-diveiona’ groups at employees from ab levels who work on projects thet can have & sigrificant impact on the busness The MMB expenance provides pariopating employees wth stole: and anowtedge that are not typically part of their jad reaponsbiltieg, Buch a developing strategic Pinking oF strengthening presentation shits. At any one ‘sme, thare are approximately 200 employees serving on MMB. The strategic importance the camaany places on faring and development is highighted by the board of director’ dactsian not to cut the frm’s learing buttget-cespte budget cuts chester: duo ta a decrasse in company earringt (atinuted to he effects of Hurricane Katrina on business in the southern United States and falling prices in the workd markat for vanila) McCormick and Company's board af tirectors wil provide additional turding tor training and devuiogmert intiatives f there § a business cass made for addtional financial meources. To mane tha business case lor training arc devetopment, McCormick and Company evaluates the effectwennss of Irsining and Sevelogment using Matrics such as how Many omployEeS have beSn pramohed, how many amployees have attended he inarning and development center, how many employees ate in tha MMBls, and the dolar empact at MAB project rasults on the business. 1) Ooyeu tink MoCormick’s initiative of supporting tha lmovaton strategies of develogenent of technical innavaton orrire tor sciorhiats a right decision 7 2} Evatate the decision of McConmick to spend $ 1 mékcn to iach emetayens ‘on how to wse SAP business software Do you propose amy other solution. (mana _@ ys st 62230 SECTION-C Compulsory Question. (Ds=15) 12. CASESTUDY Elucidate the various modes of Online Classes which you underwent and experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Explain in dotail its advantages and disadvantages. a SECTION-C 12, Compulsory Case Study: (1x15=15) Shahi Exports Company developed a training strategy for training its global sales force. An important feature of the strategy was to create a mastet training plan for each year. The ‘organization's strategic plans, objectives, and functional tactics would drive this plan. Once an initial procedure was designed it was then evaluated and critiqued by the top management,

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