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First trimester 2024
Duration 90 min
Teachers: Inês Francisco; Guida Francisco and Nduwimana Munezero

Student’s name _______________________________ number____ stream ___date__/___/2024

General instruction: Read carefully the text and every paragraph of your test before you answer any questions. Use a separate sheet to write
your answers.
No. Questions Aims Level of Possible answers Score Observation
01 What are the causes of climate Student should list the Global warming; emissions of heat- 1,0
chance, according the text? causes of the climate REMEMBER trapping gases; The clearing of forests;
02 What is the importance of the Students should explain the The importance of knowing the climate 1,5
knowing the climate change? importance of knowing the change is that we can take actions to
climate change. UNDERSTAN reduce are to protect the health and
D economic well-being of present and
future generations.
03 Compare and contrast Students should talk about COMPARE Comparison: both are whether natural 1,5
droughts and floods. the differences and disasters-related.
similarities between Contrast: Droughts happen when there
droughts and floods. has not been enough rain over an
extended period of time, whereas floods
happen there is a large amount of water
that overflows onto dry land.
04 Define the following words: Students should give the REMEMBER Contribute: “to be a factor that makes 1,5
(contribute, extended, meaning of the vocabulary- something to happen”.
submerge and harmed). related terms given. Extended: “lasting longer”.
Submerge: “to cover something under
Harmed: “damaged or hurt”
05 Exemplify drought or floods Students should give UNDERSTAN Cyclones IDAI; Fredy and Kenedy. 1,0
that you may have seen or examples of either droughts D
heard talk about. or floods they know.
06 Name the prevention actions Students should list the REMEMBER Stay inside house; close every window; 2,0
that are taken in your village action people take to listen early waring-systems news about
or city against natural prevent themselves from natural disasters; and so forth.
disasters. disasters.
07 What are cyclones? Students should define what REMEMBER They are a violent tropical storm or wind 2,0
cyclones are. in which the air moves very fast in a
circular direction.
08 In which province of Students should name the REMEMBER The province in which Idai cyclone hit is 1,0
Mozambique hit Idai cyclone? province which suffered Sofala, Beira city.
with Idai cyclone.
09 What climate can be found in Students should identify the UNDERSTAN Mozambique has tropical to sub-tropical 2,5
Mozambique? climate which can be found D climate.
in Mozambique.
10 What does the text talk about? Students should recall what REMEMBER It talks about the climate change. 1,0
the text is all about.

Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb in brackets. e.g. The wooden floor had cracked and split in the heat. (SPLIT)

11 I _____ my skirt as I got off Students should recognize REMEMBER teared O,5
my bike. (TEAR) the past simple of the verb
12 Our guide ____ us over the Students should recognize REMEMBER led O,5
mountains. (LEAD) the past simple of the verb
13 We ______ our camera from Students should recognize REMEMBER bought O,5
the central shop. (BUY) the past simple of the verb
14 Margaret Thatcher______ Students should know the REMEMBER became O,5
Britain’s first woman prime past of the verb ‘become’
minister in 1979. (BECOME)
15 She ____ her bags on the Students should recall the REMEMBER flung O,5
ground. (FLING) past of the verb ‘fling’
16 The problem of flooding has Students should relate the REMEMBER arisen O,5
____ because of the rainy verb in context
weather. (ARISE)
17 The old houses are _____ of Students should recognize REMEMBER built O,5
stone. (BUILD) the past simple of the verb
18 There was a shed in the garden Students should recognize REMEMBER kept O,5
where everyone’s bicycles the past simple of the verb
were ____. (KEEP)
19 I only ______ for four hours Students should recognize REMEMBER sleep O,5
last night. (SLEEP) the present simple of the
20 They ______ the escaped Students should recall the REMEMBER hid O,5
prisoner in their room. (HIDE) past simple of ‘hide’
Climate change is a reality. Today, our world is hotter than it has been for two thousand
years. By the end of the century, if current trends continue, the global temperature will
probably climb higher than at any time in the past two million years. Global warming is one
of the most serious challenges that we face today. We must reduce our emissions of heat-
trapping gases if we are to protect the health and economic well-being of present and future
Carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are emitted primarily by the burning fossil
fuels. For more than a century, people have relied on burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal and
gas for their energy needs. Factors, power stations and cars are all pumping out pollution into
the atmosphere. The clearing of forests has a similar effect by reducing the number of trees
available to use up carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis. If our greenhouse gas
emissions are not brought under control, the speed of climate change over the next hundred
years will be faster than anything known since before the dawn of civilization.
(adopted form:

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