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Sure, I’d be happy to help you create a personalized morning routine.

Let’s start by
understanding your current habits and preferences. Here are a few questions to get us started:

1. **What time do you usually wake up?**

2. **Do you have a set bedtime? If so, what time is it?**
3. **How much sleep do you typically get each night?**
4. **What is the first thing you do when you wake up?**
5. **Do you currently have any morning habits or rituals? If so, what are they?**
6. **Are there any activities that you enjoy in the morning that make you feel energized? (e.g.,
exercise, meditation, reading, etc.)**
7. **Do you eat breakfast? If so, what do you typically have?**
8. **What time do you usually start your work or main activities for the day?**
9. **Are there any specific goals you have for your morning routine (e.g., increased focus, more
energy, better mood)?**

Feel free to answer as many of these as you like, and add any additional information that you
think might be helpful!

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