Mathematical Literacy P2 May-June 2017 Memo Eng

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MARKS: 150

Codes Explanation
M Method
MA Method with Accuracy
CA Consistent Accuracy
A Accuracy
C Conversion
D Define
J Justification/Reason/Explain
S Simplification
RD Reading from a table OR a graph OR a diagram OR a map OR a plan
F Choosing the correct formula
SF Substitution in a formula
O Opinion
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc.
R Rounding Off
NP No penalty for rounding OR omitting units
MCA Method with consistent accuracy

These marking guidelines consist of 15 pages.

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F = Finance; M = Measurement; MP = Maps, plans and other representations
DH = Data Handling; P = Probability.
QUESTION 1 [39 Marks]
Ques Solution Explanation T&L
1.1.1 P
3 1A numerator L2
Probability =
15 A 1A denominator
= 0,2 CA 1CA simplification
1.1.2 D
6 members scores decreased. L2
6 1A no. decreased
As a percentage = A× 100%
15 MA
1MA percentage with
= 40% CA denominator 15
1CA simplification
1.1.3 D
(a) Arranging scores in ascending or descending order: L2

27; 28; 30; 32; 34; 38; 41; 42; 43; 43; 44; 46; 53; 56; 1MA ordered data
62 MA
Median is 42. 2A median
1.1.3 D
(b) 43 2A mode L2
1.1.3 CA from 1.1.3(a)
(c) IQR = upper quartile – lower quartile D
= Q3 – Q1 L3
RT 1RT 46
= 46 – 32 RT 1RT 32

= 14 CA 1CA IQR value

1.1.4 J D
The interquartile range of 1 tournament is smaller 2J comparison L4
than that of the 2nd tournament (i.e. 14 compared to 50)
Range of scores is smaller (i.e. 35) in the 1st 2J comparison
tournament compared to a range of 90 points scored in
2nd tournament. Majority improved their scores.


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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

Highest score by a player in 1st tournament

J is 38 points
less than a player in 2 tournament. 2J comparison
The interquartile range of 2nd tournament is higher
than that of the 1st tournament (i.e. 50 points higher 2J comparison
than 14 points).

The lowest score of tournament 2 is 17 less than the

lowest score in tournament 1.

Players' performance in Tournament 1 were more 2J comparison
consistent because the IQR is smaller and also the
range is smaller. J 2J comparison
1.2.1 MA D
Points : 3 × 1 = 3 1MA point in relation L3
8 × 2 = 16 to position (multiply)
3 × 3 = 9 M A 1M adding points
Point scored = 3 + 16 + 9 = 28 1A accumulated points

Player F CA 1CA player

MA M A 1MA balls multiply by
3 × 1 + 8 × 2 + 3 × 3 = 28 points points
1M adding
Player F CA 1A total points
1CA player
1.2.2 M
45 cm : 3,66 m MA 1MAwriting in correct L2
C ratio
0,45m : 3,66 m 1C convert cm to m

15 : 122 CA 1CA simplification (no

45 cm : 3,66 m MA
1MAwriting in correct
45 cm : 366 cm C ratio
1C convert m to cm
15 : 122 CA 1CA simplification (no

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

1.2.3 Shaded Area = πr2 (hoop) – πr2 (ball) 1A radius hoop M
A M A SF 1A radius ball L3
= 3,142 × (22,5cm)2 – 3,142 × (12,4cm)2
1M subtracting
1SF correct values
CA CA 1CA area in cm2
= 1 590,6375 cm2 – 483,11392 cm2
1CA area occupied by
the ball
1CA simplification
= 1 107.52 cm2 CA

Area of circle (hoop) = π × (radius)2

A 1A radius
= 3,142 × (22,5)2 SF 1SF correct values

= 1 590,6375cm2 CA 1CA area

Area occupied by the ball = π × (radius)2

= 3,142 × (12,4)2 1A radius of a ball
CA 1CA area occupied by
= 483,11392 cm2
the ball
Shaded area = 1 590,6375 – 483,11392 cm2 1M difference

= 1 107,52358 cm2 CA 1CA simplification

1.3 F
Proportional price money: L4

3 CA 1MA getting 9
Y group share R8,1 mil × = R2,7 mil
9 MA 1M multiply by ratio
1CA price money to
2,7 million
Each member of Y group will receive = 1M divide by 5
5 M
1CA each member's
= R0,54 mil.CA
0,54 × 1 000 000 = R540 000 1C to 1000's
The player was correct. 1O conclusion based on

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

3 2MA correct ratio
Group Y receives of the share MA
1 1A each member's share
Each member receives A
M 1M multiply with ratio
A player from Y = 45
× 8,1 million

= 0,54 million CA 1CA simplification

= R540 000 C 1C conversion

The statement is correct 1O conclusion
[max 4 marks if divided
by 15 first to get 0,54 mil
Max 5 marks if dividing
by 3 instead of working
with the ratio ]

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

2.1.1 RT F
(a) Amount × (106,18%) = R14,44 1RT correct values L2
K = R14,44 ÷ 106,18 % or 1,0618 1A dividing by 106,18%
or dividing by 1,0618
= R13,599

= R13,60 R
1R value in rand
2.1.1 RT M 1RT correct values D
(b) R11,50 − R10,88 1M subtracting values L2
Q= × 100% F 1F percentage change
1CA simplification
= 5,7 CA
1RT correct values
RT 1M mean concept
– 0,81 + 12,2 + 7,82 + 2,28 + 6,18 +5,24 + 10,07 +11,34
+ Q = 6,00 x 10 M 1M subtracting values
M 1CA simplification
Q = 60 – 54,32
= 5,68 CA (4)
2.1.1 D
(c) E= MA 1MA adding values L2
0,99 + 17,32 + 15,07 + 5,99 + 9,42 + 8,16 + 4,46 + 9,04 + 10,27 + 15,64 1MCA mean concept
MCA ÷10

10 1CA mean value
= 9,64 CA (3)
2.1.2 D
Apr. 2015 to Jan. 2016: both prices increased. 2J both increased L4

Jan. 2016 to Apr. 2016:

J 1J 600 g constant
The price of the 600 g loaf of white bread remained the
same (is constant).
J 1J 700 g increased
The price of the 700 g loaf of white bread increased

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

Per period per bread
600 g:
Apr 2015 – Jan 2016 : The price increased. J 1J increased
Jan 2016 – Apr 2016: The price remained the same.J 1J constant
700 g: 700g:
Apr 2015 – Jan 2016 : The price increased. J 1J increased
Jan 2016 – Apr 2016 The price increased. J 1J increased
2.1.3 J F
He will have to adjust his spending to cater for the 2J explanation
increased price. That is money that he was saving to
use for other things will be used for wheat products.
OR J
Will experience financial difficulties (i.e. unable to 2J explanation
afford bread any longer).
If he buys the wheat products it will cost him more and
2J explanation
he will have less money to spend on other stuff J
Can buy less and less J 2J explanation
Any other valid reason J 2J explanation
2.2 Increase in 2017 = 6,6% × R6,72 1MA multiplying correct L3
= R0,44 A 1A increase amount
Increased price = R6,72 + R0,44 1M adding
= R7,16 CA 1CA increased price

Increase in 2018 = R7,16 × 6%

1CA increase %
= R0,43 CA

Increased price = R7,17 + R0,43

1CA increased price
= R7,59 CA

1MA multiplying correct
MA A M values
2017: R6,72 × 1,066 = R 7,16 CA 1A increase amount
2018: R7,16 × 1,06 = R7,59 CA 1M adding
1CA increased price
OR 1CA increase %
MA AM A M 1CA increased price
R6,72 × 1,066 × 1,06 = R7,59 CA (6)

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

2.3.1 M
V = 690 mm × 445 mm × 180 mm 1SF correct values L2
2CA volume
= 55 269 000 mm3
P if unit is wrong
2.3.2 Number of crates lengthwise M
2 M 2 000 1C conversion L3
0,69 C or 690 1M dividing

= 2,89 = 2,89
1CA number length
∴ 2 crates CA wise

Number of crates breadthwise

2 2 000
= = 4,4
0,445 or 445
= 4,4
∴ 4 crates CA 1CA number

Now the remaining space is 0,62 m × 2 m

 0,62 
∴Turn crates: 1 more fit in   and two down
 0,445 
Total M 1M finding the total
= (2 Lengthwise × 4 breadth wise + 2) × 9 on top of each number
other 1CA number of crates
= 90 crates CA

∴ 80 will fit J 1J conclusion


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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

2.3.3 F
Number of loaves = 80 × 8 = 640 A 1A total number of L3
R5 350 M
Cost price per bread =
640 1M dividing
= R8,36 CA
1CA cost price
Number of loaves to break even =
SP − CP 1SF substitution (at
R1 720,70 least 2 correct values)
R11,50 − R8,36
= 548 CA
1CA number of whole

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QUESTION 3 (38 marks)

Ques Solution Explanation T&L
3.1.1 22 574 500 1RT correct values L3
Total population =
41,1% M 1M dividing by %

= 54 925 790,75 CA 1CA population

R 1R number of people
≈ 54 925 800 people
3.1.2 2 325 100 P
(a) P (White female) = 1MA numerator and L3
55 908 900  MA denominator
CA 1
= 0,042 OR 4,2% OR 1CA simplification
24 AO
3.1.2 P
(b) Total males = RSA population – Female population L3

= 55 908 900 – 28 529 100  MA 1MA difference

1CA males total
= 27 379 800 CA
27 379 800 1CA probability
P (male) = = 0,489721672 ≈ 0,49 OR 48,97%
55 908 900

28 529100 A
P (female) = = 0,51027... ≈ 0,51 or 51,03% 1A P(female)
55 908 900
M 1M subtracting from 1
P (male) = 1 – 0,51027.. or 1 – 0,51 or 100% – 51,03%
= 0,489721672 or 0,49 or 49,97%  CA 1CA P(male)
3.1.3 MA D
684 100 1MA numerator and
2016 = × 100% denominator L4
28 529 100 M 1M multiply by 100%
1CA percentage
= 2,3979024 ≈ 2,4% CA

2015 = or 2014 = 1MA numerator and

 MA
673 900 664 900 denominator
× 100% × 100%
28 078 700 27 635 900

= 2,4% = 2,4% CA 1CA percentage


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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

CA 1MA subtracting from
MA M
2014: 100% – (80,2% + 8,9% + 8,5%)= 2,4% 100%
 MA 1M adding other values
2015: 100% – (80,4% + 8,9% + 8,3%)= 2,4% CA 1CA percentage
2016: 100% – 80,6% – 8,9% – 8,1% = 2,4% 1MA another year
1CA another year
3.2.1 M
Total distance of a space and a post L2
= 100 mm + 40 mm or 0,1 m + 0,04 m 1A correct distance
= 140 mm A = 0,14 m
Distance between posts that must have a space and a
= 3 460 mm – 100 mm or 3,460 m – 0,14 m 1M subtracting
= 3 360mm M = 3,360 m

3 360 M 3, 360 1M dividing by 140

Number of small posts = or
140 0,140
= 24 CA 1CA number of small post
= 24 m [Accept 26 full marks]
3.2.2 J
Direct sunlight coming into the rooms through the 2J sun and time MP
windows for much longer. L4
Sun spend most of the time on the north side of the 2J direction and time
It is the side on which the sun shines most of the time 2J sunshine
during the day.
3.2.3 MP
Open outward because they have short width O 2O wideness L4
Designed to store things, as such they will obstruct 2O purpose
inward opening of the doors.
Storage space will be lost if doors open inwards 2O space

O O
Other rooms open inward because it is the entrance to 1O way of opening
the room. 1O purpose

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

3.2.4 Carpeted floor = Area of a Passage + Dining + Living M
rooms L3

DR area = 3,3274 × 3,6576 SF 1SF finding area

= 12,17029824 m2 CA 1CA area of DR

LR area = 4,5720 × 4,2672

CA 1CA area of LR
= 19,5096384 m2
M 1M finding 15%
Area of passage = 15% of (12,17 + 19,51) m2
= 15 % of 31,68 m2
= 4,751990496 m2 CA 1CA area of passage

Total area = 12,17 m2 + 19,51 m2 + 4,75 m2 M 1M adding 3 or 4 values

= 36,43 m2 CA 1CA total area
≈ 37 m2 R 1R rounding
[Max 6 marks if total area
is calculated]
3.2.5 MA Area CA from 3.2.4 above
Labour Cost: R1 600 + 37 × R70 1MA finding labour F
= R1 600 + R2 590
= R4 190 CA 1CA labour cost

Number of boxes = 37 ÷ 2,15 M 1M dividing by 2,15

= 17,209
≈ 18

Cost for boxes flooring:

18 × R299,90
= R5 398,20 CA 1CA cost of boxes

Number of underlay rolls: 37 ÷ 10

= 3,7
Underlayer: 4 × R56,90
1CA underlayer cost
= R227,60 CA
MCA 1MCA adding all 3
Total cost = R4 190 + R5 398,20+ R227,60
different cost types
CA 1CA total cost
= R9 815,80

O 1O conclusion
The budget is sufficient.

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QUESTION 4 [36 marks]

Ques Solution Explanation T&L

4.1.1 F
RT RT RT 1RT bracket3 L2
Tax bracket 3, 4 and 5 1RT bracket 4
[Accept Tax bracket 1] 1RT bracket 5

$37 001 – $87 000 RT 1RT tax bracket

$87 001 ̶ $180 000. 1RT tax bracket

$180 001 and over. RT 1RT tax bracket

[Accept $0 – $1 200]
4.1.2 F
Pay extra tax (2% on taxable income) O 2O reason L4

O OR
The levy is an extra (additional, more) tax on their
income. 2O reason


O 2O reason
Higher income earners are subjected to an extra tax in (2)
addition to usual income tax paid.

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

4.1.3 F
Tax due 2016: L3/4
RT SF 1RT tax bracket
= $54 547 + 45% × ( $289 303,26 ̶ $180 000) 1 SF correct substitution

= $54 547 + 45% × $109 303,26

=$54 547 + $49 186,47

=$103 733,47 CA 1CA tax due

Medical levy = $289 303,26 × 2%

= $5 786,07 MA 1MA levy value

Total due = $103 733,47 + $5 786,07

= $109 519,54 CA 1CA total due

Tax due 2017: 1RT tax bracket

RT SF 1SF correct values
= $54 232 + 45% × ($311 001 ̶ $180 000)

= $54 232 + 45% × $131 001

= $54 232 + $ 58 950,45

= $113 182,45 CA 1CA tax due

Medical levy = 2% × $311 001

= $6 220,02

Total for 2017: $113 182,45 + $6 220,02 CA 1CA total

= $119 402,47
Tax due difference: $119 402,47 – $109 519,54 1M finding difference

= $9 882,93. CA 1CA simplification

The statement is VALID. O 1O conclusion

A A A MP
4.2.1 Mary Rose restaurant; Denmark hotel; Civic Centre 3A venues L2
Accept hotel

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Ques Solution Explanation T&L

4.2.2 O MP
Because it runs over the river. 2O reason L4
Portions of the river not visible from above where the 2O reason
highway crosses or passes over the river. (2)
4.2.3 RT RT RT MP
North west OR NW OR West of North 2RT direction L2
4.2.4 MP
Turn right walk along Walker Str A 1A route and turn L3
Turn right into Strickland Str A 1A route and turn
Pass South Coast Highway
And turn left into Mount Shadforth Rd A 1A turn and road
Restaurant will be on his right
Turn SW into Walker Street and proceed.
At the corner turn NW and continue. 1A route and turn
Cross South Coast Highway A 1A route and turn
Turn W into Mount Shadforth Rd. A
The restaurant is on the northern side of the road. 1A turn and road
4.2.5 MP
Measured distance between = 23 mm   MA 2MA measuring L4

Scale 23 mm is 100 m  C 1C using scale

Distance  F
How long it will take him = Time = 1F formula
= 1A dividing by speed
1,1m/s  A
= 90,91 seconds  CA 1CA calculating time
C 1C divide by 60
 CA
In minutes 90,909 ÷ 60 = 1,52 minutes. 1CA minutes
O 1O conclusion
No. He can walk in less than 2 minutes at that speed.

 A 1C multiply by 60
2 min = 120 sec
1A time in seconds
A F
Distance = 1,1 m/s x 120 s = 132 m  CA 1A multiply with speed
1F formula
Measured distance = 23 mm   MA
1CA distance
Scale 23 mm = 100 m C 2MA measurement
1C using scale
He will have passed the Indigo Cuisine O 1O conclusion
[Accept measurements 23 mm to 25 mm]
TOTAL: 150
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