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Study the topics (highlighted in yellow) and prepare for a mock exam(fagsamtale).
We’ll use the questions/key words as a starting point for a conversation that will last
app. 10 minutes. This is a graded assignment.

Analysis of Political Cartoons, Literary Analysis: Poems and Short Stories, US System of Government

Political Cartoon: Bring a political cartoon that you have studied.

1. To what political event or idea is the cartoon referring?

2. What key person(s) are targeted in the cartoon?

3. How has the artist depicted these people? Are they distorted in any way? Does the artist’s
portrayal of characters cast them in a negative or positive light?

4. Identify and explain any symbols incorporated in the cartoon.

5. Identify and explain captions, labels, titles and/or speech bubbles. How do these contribute
to the cartoon’s message?

6. What is the message of the cartoon? How is the artist trying to persuade the reader?

7. Discuss some of the elements of style/techniques used by the artist and their effect
(authorial choice)

Analysis of a poem/song of your choice + Warsan Shire’s “Home:

1. Identify different types of literary devices and explain what effect they have (authorial
2. Discuss themes and message.

Short story analysis: “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, and “Chinasa” by
Chimamanda N. Adichie
1. How does the title relate to the text?
2. How would you describe the main characters?
3. Do the (main) characters change throughout the novel, and if so, what makes them
4. Any internal or external conflicts in the text?
5. How is the text structured or narrated? Why do you think the author chose to write the
text this way? (Authorial choices)
6. Any elements of style used? Discuss literary devices used and their effect.
7. What themes are raised or addressed in the text? How do we see this in the text?
8. How is the setting important to the theme/s?
9. Does the text address broader social issues?

US System of Government:

1. One of the three branches of government is the legislative branch. What is its role?

2. One of the three branches of government is the executive branch. What is its role?

3. One of the three branches of government is the judicial branch. What is its role?

4. What is the point of separation of powers and checks and balances?

5. The legislative branch consists of a Congress, which has two parts. What are these two

6. The executive branch consists of the President, Vice President, and Cabinet. What is the
Cabinet and how is it chosen?

7. Who is the current President and Vice President?

8. What is the name of the highest court of the judicial branch? How are justices chosen?
Who is the Chief Justice?

9. What is the difference between the US federal government and state governments?

10. What are exclusive and concurrent powers? What are some examples?

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