Phytosociology of Pinus Qurecus Forest V

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International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences.

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ISSN 2227-670X ©2013 IJACS Journal

Phytosociology Of Pinus-Qurecus Forest

Vegetation Of Nikyal Hills, District Kotli, Azad
Kashmir, Pakistan
Muhammad Shoaib Amjad 1, Muhammad Arshad 2 and Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar3
1,2. Department of Botany, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi , Pakistan
3. Rangeland Research institute National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan

Corresponding author

ABSTRACT: Thirteen plant communities were recognized from Nikyal valley on the basis of importance
value viz Myrsine -Pinus- Rhus community, Olea-Punica-Berberis community, Olea-Themeda-Pinus
community, Myrsine-Rhus-Pinus community, Quercus community, Rubus-Quercus-Oxalis community,
Olea-Themeda-Pinus community, Myrsine community, Qurecus-Oxalis- Justica community, Quercus-
Myrsine-Berberis community, Quercus-Rabdopsia- Themeda community, Pinus-Quercus- Indigofera
community, Pinus-Quercus-Oxalis community. The altitude of the area differs from 1535 – 1860m.
The soil texture differs from loam to clay loam type, with slight basic pH. Saturation varies from 42-57,
E.C. from 0.52-0.72, organic matter from 0.57-1.40, Phosphorus from 2.80-6.60 mgkg , Potassium from
60-160 mgkg .
Key word: Vegetation, Nikyal valley, Qurecus dilatata, Pinus roxburghaii community


Nikyal Hills are situated in District Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir at an altitude of 1500-1900m. They are
located 30 km away from Kotli towards North. The investigated area lies within longitude 74 04 to 10 East and
latitude 33 26 to 29 North. It is surrounded by Kotli on south, on western side by Tatapani, on Northern side by
Mender and on east by Pir-Panjal (Anonymous 2006).
The climate of Nikyal valley is of sub tropical humid type with average annual rainfall of 95.60 mm. The
maximum rainfall occurs during July amounting to 251.52 mm, while least rainfall occurs during November
amounting to 14.44 mm. The hottest months of the year are June and July, with mean daily maximum temperature
o o o o
of 37.69 C and 34.82 C respectively and minimum temperature of 23.61 C and 23.62 C respectively, while the
o o
coldest months of year were December and January mean maximum temperature of 19.99 C and18.09 C
o o
respectively and minimum temperature of 5.49 C and 4.41 C respectively. The average maximum and minimum
relative humidity received by the area is 79.64 and 30.82% respectively (Anonymous 2006).


The study was conducted during monsoon 2012. The area was divided in to thirteen stands on the basis of
altitude and physiognomic characters. Quadrat method was used for vegetation sampling. The size of quadrat was
2 2 2
10 × 10 m for trees, 5 × 5 m for shrubs, 1× 1 m for herbs. In each community five quadrats were laid for trees,
ten for shrubs, and fifteen for herbs. Total quadrats in all the communities were 390. Each species was recorded in
different strata due to its habitat. The herbage cover was determined by the Daubenmire’s cover scale
(Daubenmire, 1959). Trees with diameter at breast height (1.5m) were measured to obtain basal area (Hussain,
1969). Density, frequency and canopy cover thus measured following Curtis & McIntosh (1950) and Hussain
(1969). They were changed to the relative values and summed up to obtain the importance value Index (IVI) in a
particular stand (Curtis and Cottom 1959). Every species was ranked according to their importance values and the
species with the highest importance value in the stand was considered as the dominant species. (Khan et al 2010).
Soil was collected from each community up to the depth of 15cm and analyzed physically and chemically in the soil
and water testing laboratory Rawalpindi
Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 5 (24), 2952-2960, 2013

Figure 1. Map of Dsitrict Kotli, Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

Phytosociology is the study of plant communities, their composition and development due to
interrelationship between the species (Allaby, 2004). Some phytosociological studies have been conducted in
some other parts of Azad Kashmir by Amjad et al. (2011), Malik and Malik (2004), Dastagir et al. (1999) , Malik
and Zandial (1996), and Malik et al., (2001; 2007), Malik & Hussain, (1987, 1988, 1990). According to their
observation, the subtropical Olea-Pinus and Olea-Acaia forests reflect highly deteriorated condition due to intensive
human pressure, deforestation and overgrazing. The aim of this study was to reports the existing vegetation
diversity of the area, which might be helpful for future workers involved in the development of this area.


Thirteen plant communities were established in the Nikyal valley during Monsoon 2012, which are as:

Myrsine -Pinus- Rhus community

This community was recorded from Pir-Nasoora hills at an altitude of 1535m, located at 33N 28.569’ and
74E 04.365’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). Myrsine africana, Pinus roxburghii and Rhus cotinus were the dominant
species with importance value of 34.06, 21.37 and 18.80 respectively. The co-dominant species were Themeda
anathera, and Qurecus dlatata having importance value of 16.27 and 14.60 respectively. Whereas
Rabdopsia rugosa and Viburnum grandiflorum were the associated components. 40 species were recognized as
rare (Table 1).

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 5 (24), 2952-2960, 2013

This stand was present in loamy soil with slightly basic pH; Electrical conductivity 0.72 µs/cm; O.M very low;
-1 -1
saturation 56%; Phosphorus 4.90 mgkg and potassium 160 mgkg (Table 2).

Olea-Punica- Berberis community

Olea-Punica- Berberis community was established in Pir-Klinjar at an elevation of 1540m, located at 33N
29.112’ and 74E 06.664’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). Olea ferruginea, Punica granatum and Berberis lycium were the
important component of the community. Melilotous indica and Themeda anathera were the co dominant species.
The associated components of stand were Dicliptera roxburghiana, Justica paploroides and Cynodon dactylon. 28
species had low importance value (Table 1).

The soil of this community was loamy with slightly basic pH; Electrical conductivity 0.52 µs/cm. Potassium was
-1 -1
60 mgkg with 33 % saturation; Organic matter was high and Phosphorus was 6.20 mgkg (Table 2).

Olea - Themeda -Pinus community

This community was established in Pir-Klinjar hills at an altitude of 1595m, located at 33N 29.184’ and 74E
06.806’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). The dominant species were Olea ferruginea, Themeda anathera and Pinus
roxburghii with importance value of 36.06, 35.15 and 24.07 respectively. Brachiaria eruciformis and Galium elegan
were codominant species with the importance value 22.89 and 21.02 respectively. Berberis lycium, Rubus
fruticosus and Micromeria biflora species were associated component. 26species were rare (Table 1).

The soil of the community was loamy having a pH of 7.60, Electrical conductivity was 0.62 µs/cm,
-1 -1
saturation was 50%; O.M was low; Phosphorus was 5.20 mgkg and potassium was 80 mgkg (Table 2).

Myrsine - Rhus-Pinus community

At an altitude of 1610m, Myrsine - Rhus- Pinus was recorded, located at 33N 28.497’ and 74E 04.362’ co‐
ordinates (Table 3). Dominants were Myrsine Africana, Rhus cotinus and Pinus roxburghii with the importance
value of 50.68, 37.44 and 26.07 respectively. Themeda anathera and Viburnum grandiflorum were the codominant
species with the importance value of 22.23 and 17.07 respectively. The associated species were Galium elegan,
Viola odorata and Berberis lycium. 30 species were recorded as rare. This community was protected as the
dominants were woody (Table 1).
In this community soil was clay loam type with slightly basic pH. Electrical conductivity was 0.79µs/cm;
-1 -1
Saturation was 57%; O.M was 0.88%; Phosphorus was 6.50 mgkg and Potassium was 60 mgkg (Table 2).

Quercus community
This community was established in Tar-Kundi at an altitude of 1620m, located at 33N 26.235’ and 74E
08.613’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). Qurecus dlatata was dominant species with the importance value of 52.26.
Themeda anathera and Indigofera heterantha were the co-dominant species. Rubus fruticosus, Gaium elegan
and Elaeagnus parvifolia were associated species. 38 species were recorded as rare (Table 1).The dominance of
Quercus was due to low deforestation as it is a non palatable species.
In this community soil was loam with 7.60 pH; Electrical conductivity was 0.57µs/cm; Saturation was 32%;
-1 -1
O.M was low; Phosphorus was 2.80 mgkg and Potassium was 40 mgkg (Table 2).

Rubus- Quercus-Oxalis community

This community was established at altitude of 1650m from Pir_Klinjar hills, located at 33N 29.268’ 74E
09.748’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). Rubus fruticosus, Qurecus dlatata, Oxalis corniculata and Pinus roxburghii were the
dominant species with the importance value of 23.97 22.57 and 20.64 respectively. They were followed by Pinus
roxburghii, Galium elegan and Scutellaria linearis with the importance value of 19.56, 19.14 and 16.03
respectively. The associated components of the community were Justica paploroides, Themeda anathera and
Melilotous indica. 29 species were recorded as rare (Table 1). Rubus and Quercus were the non palatable species
while the Oxalis is a poisonous plant.

In this community soil was loamy with pH 7.18; Electrical conductivity was 0.53 µs/cm; Saturation was 54%;
-1 -1
O.M was high; Phosphorus was 3.40 mgkg and Potassium was 80 mgkg (Table 2).

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 5 (24), 2952-2960, 2013

Olea –Themeda-Pinus community

Olea –Themeda-Pinus community was recorded from Pir_Klinjar at an altitude of 1655m, located at 33N
29.540’ and 74E 06.960’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). The dominants were Olea ferruginea, Themeda anathera and
Pinus roxburghii with the importance value of 42.17, 39.59 and 39.39. Punica granatum, Berberis lycium, Sorghum
halepense and Justica paploroides were the other important members of the community .30 species had low
importance value (Table 1).
The soil of this community was loamy with 7.65 pH; Electrical conductivity0.63 µs/cm; Saturation 42%; O.M
-1 -1
was high; Phosphorus was 4.90 mgkg and Potassium was 80 mgkg (Table 2).

Myrsine community
At 1670m Myrsine community was established, located at 33N 28.435’ and 74E 04.412’ co‐ordinates
(Table 3) having the importance value of 51.38. Rhus cotinus, Qurecus dlatata and Pinus roxburghii were the co
dominants. The associated components of this stand were Themeda anathera, Berberis lycium and Viola odorata.
34 species had low importance value (Table 1).
Soil of this community was of loam texture with slight basic pH. The Electrical conductivity was 0.71µs/cm;
-1 -1
Saturation was 55%; O.M was 0.65%; Phosphorus was 6.00 mgkg and Potassium was 120 mgkg (Table 2).

Qurecus-Oxalis- Justica community

This community was recorded at an altitude of 1700m in Pir-Klinjar hills, which was located at 33N 29.342’
and 74E 06.606’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). Qurecus dlatata, Oxalis corniculata and Justica paploroides were
recorded as dominant component of stand with the importance value of 28.85, 26.87 and 24.19 respectively . The
co-dominant species were Indigofera heterantha (21.81) and Rubus fruticosus (20.05). where as Pinus roxburghii,
Themeda anathera and Melilotous indica were associated. 28 species were recorded as rare (Table 1).
Soil was loamy with slight 0.69 pH. Here soil saturation was 38 %; Electrical conductivity was 0.69 µs/cm;
-1 -1
O.M was low; Phosphorus 3.60 mgkg and Potassium was 60 mgkg (Table 2).

Quercus- Myrsine- Berberis community

This community was established in pir lasoora at the height of 1710m, located at 33N 28.370’ and 74E
04.356’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). The dominant species in the stand were Qurecus dlatata, Myrsine Africana and
Berberis lycium with the importance value of 44.24, 39.87 and 26.73 respectively. The co-dominants were
Themeda anathera and Viburnum grandiflorum with the importance value of 20.01 and 15.85 respectively. While
Myrsine africana, Dodonaea viscosa, Galium elegan, Micromeria biflora, Themeda anathera were the associated
component of this community. 26 species were recorded as rare. The community is of xeric nature and dry type
(Table 1).
Soil of this community is of clay loam texture with 7.15 pH. Soil saturation was 55%; Electrical
-1 -1
conductivity was 0.73 µs/cm; O.M was 1.08 %; Phosphorus was 6.20 mgkg and Potassium was 80 mgkg (Table

Quercus- Rabdopsia- Themeda community

This community was established at an altitude of 1760m from Tar-Kundi Hills, located at 33N 26.394’ and
74E 10.297’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). Qurecus dlatata, Rabdopsia rugosa and Themeda anathera were dominant
species with the importance value of 43.77, 25.53 and 18.69 respectively. Co-dominant species in this community
were Indigofera heterantha and Sorghum halepense. While Dicliptera roxburghiana, Malvestrum coromendelianum
and Chrysopogon aucheri were associated species. 36 species were recognized as rare (Table 1).
The soil of this community has clay loam texture with basic pH. Here soil saturation was 33%; Electrical
-1 -1
conductivity 0.52 µs/cm; O.M low ; Phosphorus 4.90 mgkg and Potassium 40 mgkg (Table 2).

Pinus- Quercus –Indigofera community

This community was harboured in Tar-Kundi Hills at an elevation of 1820m, located at 33N 28.325’ and
74E 10.322’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). The dominants had importance value of 27.83, 23.87 and 23.86 respectively.
Chrysopogon aucheri, Themeda anathera, and Rubus fruticosus were the co-dominant species with the
importance value of 22.66, 19.76, and 16.77 respectively. The associated components of this community were
Berberis lycium, Malvestrum coromendelianum and Loranthus pulverulentus. 27 species were recorded as rare
(Table 1).
In this community soil was loamy with slightly basic pH. Here soil saturation was 40%; Electrical
-1 -1
conductivity was 0.57 µs/cm; O.M was low; Phosphorus was 6.60 mgkg and Potassium was 80 mgkg (Table 2).

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 5 (24), 2952-2960, 2013

Pinus- Quercus -Oxalis community

At the top of Tar- Kundi Hills (Alt. 1870m) Pinus- Quercus -Oxalis community was recognized, located at 33N
26.354’ and 74E 10.272’ co‐ordinates (Table 3). The dominants had importance value of 31.97, 27.95 and 27.44
respectively. The co-dominant species were Plectranthus rugosus, Fragaria nubicola and Galium elegan. The
associated components of this community were Berberis lycium, Ranunculus muricatus, where as Cynodon
dactylon, Malvestrum coromendelianum and Themeda anathera were associated. 27 species were recognized as
rare (Table 1).
The soil of this community have clay loam texture having pH 7.52; soil saturation 38%; Electrical
-1 -1
conductivity was 0.59 µs/cm; O.M 1.01% ; Phosphorus 5.20 mgkg and Potassium 60 mgkg (Table 2).


Vegetation is a unit which possesses distinctive physiognomic structure which differentiates it from other
units (Hussain and Ilahi, 1991). It is dependent on different environmental as well as anthropogenic factors such as
soil, climate, deforestation and overgrazing (Gairola et al., 2008; Timilsina et al., 2007). Structure, composition,
diversity and distribution of vegetation also show variation in response to variables like productivity, Geographical
location, human forest interaction and evolutionary competition (Woodward, 1988; Eriksson, 1996; Criddle et al.,
Ahmed et al., (2006) characterized the subtropical-tempreate ecotone forest in the Borad leaved forest and
mixed pine forest and Temperate zone in to Temperate Borad leaved forest, temperate mixed forest, and
temperate coniferous forest. The study area has vegetation in fragments. Thirteen different plant communities
were recognized in the present study due to season and time of sampling which linked up to the particular
vegetational units. Local dominance of therophytes alters the shape of the vegetation which may reflect the
seasonal variations (Oosting, 1956).
Most of the shrubs, trees and perennial herbs are similar in all stands. Plant communities which are
recognized in present research work represent the different seral, edaphic remnants or, degraded stages of the
major vegetational units as recorded by Ahmed et al. (2006), Beg (1975) and Champion et al. (1965).
The climate of Nikyal valley is of mountane temperate type (Champion et al, 1965, Beg, 1975). However
due to the obvious differences in physiographic, edaphic, and local climatic conditions in different slopes at different
elevations, they support different plant communities (Ahmad, 1986). At the base of hill Pinus roxburghii, Olea
ferruginea and Punica granatum was dominant tree species. Ilyas et al. (2012) and Ahmed et al. (2009; 2006) also
reported these species as dominant at same altitude in Sawat and lower Dir. Myrsine africana, Rhus cotinus and
Berberis lycium were the dominant shrubby species and Themeda anathera was dominant grass. Ahmed et al.
(2006) reported such type of forest under lower pine forest of subtropical zone, however some previous worker
such as Champion et al. (1965) consider these forest as a Himalayan Pine forest. Hussain (1969) and Beg (1975)
consider these forests as dry temperate and Himalayan dry Chir-Pine respectively. Similarly Naqvi (1976) describe
these forests under mountain zone. Deforestation and the influence of the local occupant lead to cutting down of
other tree for their need viz fuel, fodder and construction purpose due to which the population of woody plants
decreases in the area.
With the increase in altitude Qurecus dlatata become the major component along with the Rubus
fruticosus, Myrsine africana, Oxalis corniculata, Justica paploroides while the Pinus roxburghii become the co-
dominant. With slight deviation the results are in line with Ilyas et al. (2012) and Khan et al., 2010. Qurecus dilatata
is non palatable species that is why it dominates. According to Champion et al., (1965) Quercus dilatata found in
higher and relatively narrow altitude (1828m 2286m ) on southern aspects and prefer colder conditions. Moreover
he reported it as one of the natural climax subtype of moist temperate forest that has almost been eliminated due to
anthropogenic activities. So our findings in this regard are also in line with them.
However at the top of hills Quercus- Rabdopsia- Themeda community (1760m), Pinus- Quercus –
Indigofera community (1820m) and Pinus- Quercus -Oxalis community (1870m) were recognized. The co
dominant components in these communities were Plectranthus rugosus, Fragaria nubicola and Galium elegan,
while the grasses such as Chrysopogon aucheri, Themeda anathera and Sorghum halepense were the associated
components. With slight deviation the presents results are in line with those of Hussain & Ilahi (1991), Beg (1975),
Ahmad (1986, 2006), Shaheen et al., (2011) and Ilyas et al. (2012). The area lies in moist temperate zone where
rain fall is high and temperature is low. So these communities might be the remnants of original temperate forest
(Malik 2005; Hussain et al., 1992; Hussain and Ilahi, 1991). Similar degraded vegetation is also reported by
Hussain et al. (1992) Haridasan et al. (1993) Sakya and Bania (1998). So our findings are also in line with them.

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 5 (24), 2952-2960, 2013

The composition and distribution of plant communities in the investigated area appears to be controlled by
multifarious environmental factors including soil, climate, topography, and biotic pressure. These factors undergo
changes of different degrees due to interactions with each other and may result in micro-gradients (Hanson and
Churchill, 1965). On smaller scale Soil characteristics also influence plant distribution i.e. more local scale
(Bakkenes et al., 2002). Topography also play important role in structural characteristics of vegetation. It affects the
vegetation by altering other environmental factors. Different altitudes, aspects and slopes support different
communities in Nikyal hills. The co- dominant species in particular community is also prominent in other community
and much overlap seen in species composition in the investigated area. Ahmed et al. (2009) recorded the similar
findings while working on Olea ferruginea forests of lower Dir.

Table 1. Importance value of different plant species recorded from Kotli hills during Monsoon, 2010.
Species Importance value No of stands in
which species is
Maximum Minimum Average
Achillea millefolium L. 1 2.71 1.86 2
Achyranthes aspera Wall 2.7 4.32 3.51 2
Adiantum venustum D.Don 1.5 7.8 2.95 10
Agrostis canina auct 4.87 4.87 1
Ajuga bracteosa Wallich 0.57 6.12 2.16 7
Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Bth. 0.59 1.09 0.84 2
Androsace rotundifolia Hardw 2.46 2.46 1
Andropogon gerardii Vitman 3.97 4.97 4.47 2
Arisaema jacquemontii Blume 3.09 11.15 5.66 4
Aristida adscensionis L. 0.55 5.73 2.37 7
Bergenia ligulata (Str) Hot 1.03 1.28 1.16 2
Berberis lycium Royle 2.42 31.32 13.90 13
Biden biterata (Lour.) Merr and Sherf 0.86 8.29 4.18 7
Brachiaria eruciformis (J.E Smith)
2.58 22.89 8.02 7
Brachiaria repans
2.49 7.09 4.79 2
(L.) Gardner and Hubbard
Bryophyllum pinnatm Kurz 1.81 3.56 2.73 3
Bupleurum falacatum L. 1.2 7.42 3.27 5
Chrysopogon aucheri (Boiss) Stapf 5.91 22.68 11.32 4
Clematis grata Wallich 2.13 7.78 5.85 3
Colebrookia oppositifolia Sm. 1.54 2.32 4.91 4
Commelina benghaliensis
1.28 9.44 3.47 7
Linn.,sp. Pl.
Contoneaster acuminatus ILinley 0.84 6.69 3.96 5
Conyza ambigua Hook. Arn 2.99 2.99 1
Conyza canadensis L. 1.49 1.94 1.72 2
Cymbopogon jwarancusa
3.75 4.89 4.32 2
(Jones) Schult.
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers 10.43 12.77 11.60 2
Cynoglossum lanceolatum Forssk 2.7 8.86 4.76 8
Cyprus difformis L. 4.13 4.13 1
Cyperus niveus Retz 2.62 5.75 3.69 6
Cyperus rotundus L. 1.17 8.06 3.73 6
Cyperus globosus Forssk. 1.15 1.15 1
Debregeasia salicifolia (D.Don)
1.74 4.57 2.65 4
Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk).Stapf 4.25 8.16 5.73 3
Dicliptera roxburghiana
1.01 11.63 7.21 9
Dodonaea viscosa L. Jack 4.78 4.78 1
Dryopteris stewartii Fress 1.33 2.23 1.89 3
Elaeagnus parvifolia Wall. ex Royle 1.54 11.18 6.27 4
Eragrostis japonica Thunb. Trin. 5.14 8 6.57 2
Eriophorum comosum Wall 2.17 8.15 3.91 4
Euphorbia helioscopia L. 1.95 4.92 3.48 4
Euphorbia prostrata Ait 1.06 2.95 2.51 2
Euphorbia wallichii HK.f 1.09 5.61 3.86 4
Ficus palmata Forrsk 0.65 7.59 2.20 11
Fragaria nubicola Landle ex Lacaita 1.72 19.47 15.98 4
Galium elegan Wall. 3.24 21.02 11.41 13
Gerbera gossypina Royle 1.61 11.8 6.18 8
Geranium rotundifolium L. 2.15 6.45 4.72 9

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 5 (24), 2952-2960, 2013

Grewia villosa Willd 4.14 4.14 1

Hedra nepalensis K. Koch 2.14 4.83 3.49 2
Heteropogon contortus (L.) 2.9 5.26 4.27 3
Hypericum perforatum L. 1.41 1.57 1.99 2
Impatiens edgeworthii H.K.f 2.91 3.91 3.41 2
Imperata cylindrica (L.) 6.26 6.26 1
Indigofera heterantha Wall. 1.39 23.86 14.47 7
Ipomea cordata 0.95 2.38 1.79 4
Ipomea purpureaL. 1.67 1.67 1
Juncus serotinus Clarke 2.42 3.75 2.89 5
Justicia procumbens L. 4.79 24.19 13.09 6
Lespedeza juncea (L.F) Pers 1.47 5.05 4.44 4
Loranthus pulverulentus Wall. in
1.38 7.86 3.86 4
Malvestrum coromendelianum L. 2.03 15.06 9.35 5
Mal_par 1.48 2.02 1.75 2
Medicago denticulata Willd 1.94 2.17 2.06 2
Melilotous indicus L. 2.14 15.05 7.14 11
Micromeria biflora (Ham) Bth 1.79 11.58 7.59 11
Myrsine africana L. 1.7 50.86 24.74 8
Nerium indicum Mill 2.8 5.46 4.13 2
Oenothera rosea (L). Her 0.7 4.68 2.49 5
Olea ferruginea Royle 2.42 42.17 24.54 5
Origanum vulgare L. 2.71 6.84 4.41 7
Otostegia limbata(Bth) Boiss 0.85 5.94 3.01 3
Oxalis corniculata L. 2.99 27.44 11.42 11
Phalaris arundinacea L. 2.93 3.41 3.17 2
Pinus roxburghii Sargent 6.09 39.39 20.96 13
Plectranthus rugosus Wall. 4.25 19.83 10.59 3
Poa annua L. 3.04 5.05 4.05 2
Polygonum aviculare L. 1.47 1.47 1
Prunus persica (L) )Batsch 1.3 14.33 6.19 9
Prunella vulgaris L. 1.58 2.57 2.08 2
Pteris cretica L. 3.08 3.39 3.24 2
Punica granatum L. 0.99 31.33 13.27 6
Qurecus dlatata Lind 6.77 44.9 28.43 10
Rabdopsia rugosa (Wall. ex
2.42 25.53 10.08 6
Benth.) H.Hara
Ranunculus muricatus L. 0.84 13.74 3.64 6
Rhus cotinus L. 14.23 37.8 23.86 4
Rhynchosia hirta (Andrews)
Meikle & Verdc. 0.28 12.75 3.79 4

Rubus fruticosus Wallich. 7.3 16.77 17.91 6

Rubus niveus Wallich 0.74 9.33 3.16 6
Rubia tinctorum L. 2.91 6.15 4.05 4
Rumex hastatus
0.92 6.89 3.90 3
Rumex nepalensis D.Don 0.66 4.11 1.98 4
Saccharum spontaneum L. 2.64 2.64 1
Sarcococca saligna (D.Don) Muel 3.26 3.26 1
Scutellaria linearis Benth 4.02 16.03 5.98 11
Solanum nigrum L 0.77 1.68 1.23 2
Solanum surattense Burm. f. 1.72 1.72 1
Sonchus arvense L. 2.38 2.38 1
Sonchus asper Hill 1.06 6.72 3.78 3
Sorghum halepense (L)Pers 4.25 15.13 9.51 9
Seteria viridis Var. 6.23 6.23 1
Taraxacum officinale Weber 1.26 9.38 4.31 9
Themeda anathera (Hack) 11.26 39.59 20.30 13
Trifolium repens L. 1.2 3.17 2.32 3
Tussilogo farfara L. 1.74 1.74 1
Valeriana jatamansi Jones 0.62 1.03 1.03 2
Viburnum grandiflorum Wallich ex
1.36 17.07 11.77 5
Viola odorata L. 1.5 14.33 11.86 4
Woodfordia floribunda Salisb 2.17 7.52 4.66 3
Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb 1.36 1.46 1.41 2
Ziziphus jujuba Mill 1.13 1.13 1
Key: Same as in Table 2

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 5 (24), 2952-2960, 2013

Table 2. Soil analysis result from different communities of Kotli Hills during Monsoon 2012.
S.No Name of Height E.C Saturation O.M P K PH Texture
community (m) µs/cm % % mgkg-1 mgkg-1

1 MPR 1535 0.72 56 0.60 4.90 160 7.70 Loam

2 0PB 1540 0.52 33 1.40 6.20 60 7.68 Loam
3 OTP 1595 0.62 50 0.88 5.20 80 7.60 Loam
4 MRP 1610 0.79 57 0.88 6.50 60 7.63 Clay
5 Q 1620 0.57 32 0.88 2.80 40 7.60 Loam
6 RQO 1650 0.53 54 1.35 3.40 80 7.18 Loam
7 OTP 1655 0.63 42 1.24 4.90 80 7.65 Loam
8 M 1670 0.71 55 0.65 6.00 120 7.68 Loam
9 QOJ 1700 0.69 38 0.49 3.60 60 7.10 Loam
10 QMB 1710 0.73 55 1.08 6.20 80 7.62 Clay
11 QRT 1760 0.52 33 0.57 4.90 40 7.15 Clay
12 PQI 1820 0.57 40 0.74 6.60 80 7.30 Loam
13 PQO 1870 0.59 38 1.01 5.20 60 7.52 Clay

MPR = Myrsine -Pinus- Rhus community M = Myrsine community
0PB = Olea-Punica- Berberis community QOJ = Qurecus-Oxalis- Justica community
OTP = Olea - Themeda -Pinus community QMB = Quercus- Myrsine- Berberis community
MRP = Myrsine - Rhus-Pinus community QRT = Quercus- Rabdopsia- Themeda community
Q = Quercus community PQI = Pinus- Quercus – Indigofera community
RQO = Rubus- Quercus-Oxalis community PQO= Pinus- Quercus -Oxalis community
OTP = Olea –Themeda-Pinus community

Table3. Altitude and co‐ordinates of studied sites

S.No Community Altitude Longitude Latitude

(m) N°. E°
1 MPR 1535 33N 28.569’ 74E 04.365’
2 0PB 1540 33N 29.112’ 74E 06.664’
3 OTP 1595 33N 29.184’ 74E 06.806
4 MRP 1610 33N 28.497’ 74E 04.362’
5 Q 1620 33N 26.235’ 74E 08.6.13
6 RQO 1650 33N 29.268’ 74E 09.748
7 OTP 1655 33N 29.540’ 74E 06.960
8 M 1670 33N 28.435’ 74E 04.412’
9 QOJ 1700 33N 29.342’ 74E 06.606
10 QMB 1710 33N 28.370’ 74E 04.356’
11 QRT 1760 33N 26.394’ 74E 10.297
12 PQI 1820 33N 26.543’ 74E 10.322
13 PQO 1870 33N 26.354’ 74E 10.272

Key: same as in Table 2


Nikyal valley is under severe deforestation pressure for fuel and timber value. Alternative sources could be
provided by the government and valley should be protected for 30 years to promote natural vegetation (especially
trees and shrubs cover). There is an urgent need to promote the ethics among the people that improvement and
conservation of natural resources are critical for land and soil management


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