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The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 32, Number 8, November/December 2021 Brief Clinical Studies

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FIGURE 1. CT scan of the patient revealed unilateral fracture of the left FIGURE 3. Postoperative 3D CT scan. 3D CT, three-dimensional computerized
mandible with 908 of medial displacement of the condylar process. CT, tomography.
computed tomography.

displacement of the condylar process (Fig. 1). Fractures segments segment is visualized, neither to widen the dissection around the
were accessed through the preauricular incision. A 7 mm-long bone for inserting the bone holders nor drilling to put the screw are
2.0 mm self-drilling IMF screw (Lorenz Plating System, BIOMET necessary. The screw head with the hole at the tip can be used as
Jacksonville, FL) was inserted to the condylar neck by using the bucket handle in holding the bone or pulling it outward by passing a
battery charged screwdriver (Power Driver) of the same plating wire through the hole. Additionally, if the condylar head is dis-
system. The cerclage wire was passed through the ring of the IMF located and/or medially displaced with the contraction force of the
screw, which then made it possible to retracted and manipulate the lateral pterygoid muscle, a countertraction force applied via the
proximal bone segment. Internal fixation was achieved with 2.0 mm screw put on the lateral surface of the condylar head does not only
4-hole medium titanium plate and 4 screws (2 on each side of the bring the medially displaced bone out linearly but rather causes
fracture line) at the reduced position of the fragmented bones and in counterrotation (rotation in the opposite direction of medial dis-
the end IMF screw was extracted (Fig. 2). In long-term follow-up, placement) and reduces the angulation between the fragments.
there were no problems for occlusion and normal range of tempor- Moreover, once the fracture reduction is achieved, it is crucial to
omandibular joint motion at 12-months (Fig. 3). The proximal bone maintain that correct alignment until the rigid internal fixation is
fragment, that is, condylar process is prone to dislocate medially completed. With the wire applied to the IMF screw, primary
under the mechanical forces of the lateral pterygoid muscles on the surgeon can work with both hands to apply the screws to the
condylar process of the mandible, whereas the distal bone fragment fixation plate while the traction is maintained by somebody else
is prone to displaced toward the condylar fossa under the mech- (assistant or scrub nurse) without obscuring the surgical field.
anical forces of the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles inserter
to the mandibular angle and of the temporalis muscle inserted to the REFERENCE
coronoid process.1 It is not easy to manipulate the proximal segment 1. Canter HI, Kayikcioglu A, Aksu M, et al. Botulinum toxin in closed
effectively, that is, to bring the displaced condylar process in its treatment of mandibular condylar fracture. Ann Plast Surg
anatomic position and to hold it there until the rigid internal fixation 2007;58:474–478
process is completed. Application of a self-drilling IMF screw,
mostly overcomes this problem. Insertion of the self-drilling IMF
screw is a straightforward easy procedure. Once the proximal
Medium-depth Trichloroacetic
Acid and Deep Phenol–Croton
Oil Chemical Peeling for Facial
Rejuvenation: An Update
Bishara Atiyeh, MD, Ahmad Oneisi, MD, and Fadi Ghieh, MD

Abstract: Face-lift is an established rejuvenation modality; how-

ever, when performed alone, it lacks the ability to improve the
appearance of fine wrinkles and dyschromias that are an important
component of facial rejuvenation. Although it is only natural to be
attracted by the latest technologically advanced innovative skin
resurfacing techniques, chemical peeling has been proven to be a
simple and effective method with a relatively good safety profile.
Unfortunately, the practice of chemical peeling has relied for a long
time on dogmas perpetuated by early reports without any real
FIGURE 2. Internal fixation was achieved with 2.0 mm 4-hole medium titanium scientific basis. Moreover, application of peels has been hindered
plate and 4 screws (2 on each side of the fracture line) at the reduced position of
the fragmented bones and in the end IMF screw was extracted. IMF,
by difficult estimation of penetrance and control of depth. Three
intermaxillary fixation. decades ago, a shift has occurred from early dogmatic empirical

# 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD e745

Copyright © 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Brief Clinical Studies The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 32, Number 8, November/December 2021

application to better understanding of the peeling formulations and Treatment of furuncular infections and pemphigus with phenol
mechanism of action together with appreciation of the interaction by British dermatologist Tilbury Fox in 1871 is probably the first
between the various components of the peeling formulations in description of chemical peeling in the modern medical literature.7
addition to better estimation of clinical end points and peel depth. Borelli et al10 have recently published an interesting comprehensive
historical review of chemical peeling with phenol, resorcinol,
Given the increasing demand for none or minimally invasive
trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and salicylic acid in Europe in the
cosmetic procedures, the current review is aimed at highlighting 19th century. In the early 20th century, Jean DeDesly and Antoinette
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the recent applications of available medium-depth and deep chemi- LaGasse, in addition to other laypeelers, Gardé, and Kelsen in
cal peels for optimal facial rejuvenation and for the treatment of Hollywood and Coopersmith and Mascheck in Florida, were pio-
photo-related aging skin changes. neers in the pursuit of beauty; they catered for celebrities and movie
stars with ‘‘European secret formulas’’ most of which contained
Key Words: Chemexfoliation, chemical peels, facial rejuvenation small amounts of croton oil.5,11,12 Publicity about laypeelers led in
the late 1950s to much interest by physicians.11 In 1959, Brown
described a formula containing phenol and croton oil.13,14 On
S ymmetry and proportions determine primarily facial aesthetics
and beauty. In recent years, skin appearance and texture have
been recognized as an essential factor considerably affecting per-
September 1961, Litton reported chemical face lifting in an oral
communication then published his work in 1962 describing chemi-
cal peeling with a ‘‘minute amount’’ of croton oil and a 50%
ception of beauty and youth.1 Cutaneous photoaging is character- solution of phenol with glycerin and water.15,16 Several years later,
ized by breakdown of the elastic fiber network and thinner Litton published the composition of his formulation that he appar-
epidermis with cellular atypia; it often manifests as irregular ently had obtained from Coopersmith in Fort Lauderdale.15,17 From
pigmentation, wrinkling, and development of solar lentigines and an obscure anecdotal technique, chemical peels emerged gradually
actinic keratosis.2 to their present acceptance as a scientifically based procedure for
In addition to surgery and volume restoration, the ability to skin resurfacing.18
improve the appearance of fine wrinkles and dyschromias is emerging With the assumption that phenol is the active ingredient
as an important component of facial rejuvenation. Several options responsible for epidermal and superficial dermal coagulation,
exist, each with indications, advantages, and disadvantages.3 Chemi- Baker19 detailed in November 1961 the exact composition of a
cal peels, or chemabrasion, chemexfoliation, chemical exfoliation, peeling formula containing 1.2% croton oil in 47.5% phenol.
chemical face lifting, chemosurgery, dermapeeling, and surface Subsequently, the Baker-Gordon formula consisting of 3 mL of
surgery as sometimes referred to, are one of the oldest forms of skin phenol, 2 mL of tap water, 8 drops of liquid soap (Septisol - Steris
resurfacing. A wide variety of chemical peeling agents are available Corp, Mentor, OH), and 3 drops of croton oil (1cc ¼ 27 drops)
with different mechanisms of actions.2 Application of 1 chemical became widely adopted as the standard chemical peel formu-
ablative agent to the skin induces keratolysis or keratocoagulation. lation.20 – 22 Since that time, although laypeelers continued practi-
With controlled injury to the epidermis and dermis of specific depth, cing with their own formulas, plastic surgeons have used to the
exfoliation and stimulation of organized cutaneous regeneration exclusion of others the Baker-Gordon phenol-croton oil peel.11,15
occurs through epidermal growth, collagen deposition, and a more In 2016, chemical peels were the third most commonly performed
even distribution of melanin.2,4 Chemical peeling has withstood the noninvasive cosmetic procedure in the United States23; they are
trials of time and scrutiny with peeling agents being relatively currently witnessing an upsurge in clinical applications and
inexpensive, cost-effective, and generally reliable and safe. Chemical research interest.2,4
peeling has a longstanding and widespread acceptance as an efficient Peeling produces a controlled, partial-thickness chemical burn
and valuable treatment modality for rhytids, actinic damage, lentigos, of the epidermis and the outer dermis.24 Peels alter the epidermis by
and dyschromias, and is the standard by which other resurfacing inducing a more normal histologic pattern with columnar cells
methods are measured.5–7 showing return of polarity and more regular distribution of mel-
Chemical peels date back to ancient Egypt and likely are the anocytes and melanin granules.2 They are classified by the depth of
oldest esthetic procedure performed; animal oils, salt, and alabaster injury into superficial, medium, and deep depending on the con-
mixtures for ‘‘improving beauty of the skin" and ‘‘removing centration, pH, and type of peeling agent used; depth of the peel is
wrinkles" have been mentioned as early as 1550 BC in the Ebers also influenced by anatomical location, epidermal integrity,
Papyrus.5,7–9 Ancient Greeks and Romans used plasters made of adnexal structure density, and skin thickness as well as cutaneous
mustard, sulfur, and corrosive limestone for chemexfoliation and 27 priming, application technique, occlusion, and contact
agents for cleansing, brightening, darkening, softening, and esthe- time.2,4,8,23,25,26 Using the correct depth chemical peel, based
tical improvement of the skin were known since antiquity.7,9 on the disorder to be treated and the histological level or severity
of the skin pathology, is critical for treatment success.2 A peel too
From the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American superficial will not be effective to efface rhytides; if too deep,
University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon. scarring or hypopigmentation would result.27 Agents for super-
Received February 7, 2021.
Accepted for publication March 3, 2021.
ficial peels today include various alpha hydroxy acids; TCA can be
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Fadi Ghieh, MD, Division used for superficial peels at 10% to 20% concentration and for
of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American University of Beirut medium-depth peels at 35%. Deep peels are typically performed
Medical Center, Riad El-Solh/Beirut 1107 2020 Lebanon; with phenol-based solutions, including Baker-Gordon and the
E-mail: more recent Hetter phenol-croton oil peels.2 Deep phenol peels
The authors report no conflicts of interest. provide the most dramatic results but also hold the highest potential
Supplemental digital contents are available for this article. Direct URL for systemic complications, particularly serious cardiac arrhyth-
citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and mias that should not be underestimated.28 – 30
PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.jcraniofa- Superficial peels target the epidermis and the epidermal-dermal
Copyright # 2021 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD interface. They are characterized by greater safety, fewer compli-
ISSN: 1049-2275 cations, and are appropriate for patients with mild actinic damage
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000007729 and fine rhytids. They exfoliate the skin from the stratum corneum

e746 # 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 32, Number 8, November/December 2021 Brief Clinical Studies

down to the papillary dermis. Deep peels on the other hand MATERIALS AND METHODS
penetrate to the mid-reticular dermis denaturing epidermal keratin A preliminary PubMed search of published manuscripts in English
and dermal proteins causing complete epidermolysis with mid- from 1990 to 2020 was performed using the search term ‘‘chemical
dermal injury and inflammation of the reticular dermis; they are peel.’’ It identified 2239 manuscripts, the titles of which were
indicated for patients with Glogau types III or IV photo-aging and screened for relevance. A second advanced search with MESH
Fitzpatrick type I and II skin. Although most effective in erasing terms chemexfoliation and rejuvenation was conducted: (‘‘chemi-
deep rhytids, deep peels carry the highest risk of local compli-
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cal peel’’[All Fields] OR (‘‘face peel’’[All Fields] O ‘‘face pee-

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cations, such as scarring or hypopigmentation. The medium-depth ling’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘face peels’’[All Fields]) OR
peels penetrate the papillary dermis to the upper reticular dermis; (‘‘chemexfoliation’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘chemexfoliation classifica-
they balance appropriate results with low risks and are particularly tion’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘chemexfoliation methods’’[All Fields]) OR
indicated to treat moderate photo-aging (Glogau II).2,4,5 ‘‘chemabrasion’’[All Fields] OR (‘‘chemical exfoliation’’[All
As with any therapeutic resurfacing technique, a reliable clinical Fields] OR ‘‘chemical exfoliation method’’[All Fields]) OR
endpoint is essential. With TCA peels, visual determination of (‘‘chemical facial’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘chemical facial peel’’[All
frosting and epidermal sliding as described and histologically Fields]) OR ‘‘chemosurgery’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘surface surger-
elucidated by Obagi et al are reliable indicators for determination y’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘dermapeeling’’[All Fields]) AND (‘‘rejuvena-
of peel depth penetrance.6,26 Epidermal sliding indicates a medium te’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘rejuvenated’’[All Fields] OR
peel penetrance to the level of the papillary dermis. It is observed ‘‘rejuvenates’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘rejuvenating’’[All Fields] OR
when the coagulated epidermis becomes separated from the under- ‘‘rejuvenation’’[MeSH Terms] OR ‘‘rejuvenation’’[All Fields]
lying reticular dermis and slides as a thin independent sheet. It OR ‘‘rejuvenations’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘rejuvenative’’[All Fields]
subsides once peeling advances deeper to the immediate reticular OR ‘‘rejuvenator’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘rejuvenators’’[All Fields]).
dermis bonding epidermis and dermis into a single protein block. ‘‘rejuvenations’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘rejuvenative’’[All Fields] OR
This indicates maximal relatively safe depth with the least inci- ‘‘rejuvenator’’[All Fields] OR ‘‘rejuvenators’’[All Fields]). 163
dence of scarring and hypopigmentation.26 With phenol-croton oil articles were retreived. Abstracts of all relevant manuscripts were
peels, frost density was not found by Stone31 to be a completely reviewed independently by 2 authors. Inclusion criteria were
reliable indicator. The application technique, in particular increased clinical cohort trials or comparative studies about medium and
number of rubbings, pressure, and abrasiveness of the application, deep chemical peels for facial and neck rejuvenation. Experimental
coupled with the amount of volume of acid used and time of contact chemical peeling studies were also included. Manuscripts about
with the skin, is more important in peel penetrance and is a principal superficial peels, or peels of body areas other than face and neck,
factor in determining depth. were excluded as well as chemical peels used for other indications
An essential component of deep peels is croton oil obtained from than rejuvenation such as for melasma and acne. All reviews,
the seeds of croton tiglium, a small shrub native of India and Sri letters-to-the-editor, and comments were also excluded. Identified
Lanka; it is a vegetal matrix of phorbol esters that are specific relevant manuscripts were grouped into 4 major categories: exper-
activators of protein kinase C enzymes. Croton oil was used in India imental studies about chemical peels, trichloroacetic acid peels,
as a purgative and became known in Europe in 1630.15 It has been phenol-croton oil peels, and comparative and/or combined peel
used for medicinal applications since the 19th century then mixed studies. A final PubMed search performed again with each of the 4
with other ingredients in the 1900s, particularly with phenol, that categories did not retrieve any additional manuscripts. Full texts of
has the ability to increase phorbols’ deep penetration.11,13 Unfortu- all identified articles were reviewed along PRISMA guidelines for
nately, the finding as early as 1935 by an organic chemist that croton size of study groups, study design, outcome measurements; out-
oil causes severe vesiculation and deep burns has been largely come level of evidence was classified according to the rating scale
overlooked.15 It was not until several years after the original of Ackley et al for experimental studies and ASPS Evidence Rating
description of the Baker-Gordon formula that Hetter demonstrated Scales for Therapeutic Studies for clinical case series.34,35
that croton oil, not phenol, was the primary active agent and that by
altering concentrations of croton oil rather than phenol, it was
possible to vary the peel depth.11,32 Hetter stressed that the strength RESULTS
and corresponding depth of penetration of phenol-croton oil peel
can be manipulated by varying the concentration of croton oil and Experimental Studies
outlined the rationale for referring to formulas by the percentage of Six experimental studies have been identified within the
croton oil and phenol.11,13 He described 5 easily mixed ‘‘heresy 30 years’ time frame of this review (Supplementary Digital Content,
phenol formulas’’ and suggested a metric standard for drop size at Table 1, Vagotis et al confirmed
0.04 mL allowing greater control in treating areas of diverse skin that Retin-A treatment before 50% phenol chemical peel or der-
thickness and thereby accomplishing a more uniform result.6,33 mabrasion, results likely in accelerated healing, whereas Butler et al
With the advent of laser resurfacing and other innovative confirmed histologically the beneficial effects of deep 50% TCA
nonsurgical facial rejuvenation modalities, chemical peeling has and Baker-Gordon phenol peels.32,38 In addition to phenol-Baker
been disregarded by many and considered as an out-of-date pro- and TCA, a study in an animal experimental model about the more
cedure. Nevertheless, it remains an important nonsurgical modality common chemical peels revealed that, despite the fact of a minimal
available to the aesthetic plastic surgeon. It definitely still has a role peeling effect, glycolic and pyruvic acids induced a disproportion-
in the aesthetic armamentarium of rejuvenation either as a mono- ate increased collagen deposition suggesting direct stimulation by
therapy or as a combination therapy with other cosmetic procedures. these 2 agents.36 Han et al40 investigated the mechanism of wrinkle
Despite predictions of their disappearance in favor of lasers, the reduction and the effects of TCA 30%, TCA 50%, and Baker–
overall use of chemical peels continues to grow.4,5,7,15,23,26 Given Gordon formula peeling in photo-aged hairless mice skin. They
the increasing demand for none or minimally invasive cosmetic observed that each chemical substance penetrated to a particular
procedures, the present review is aimed at highlighting the recent depth with infiltration of inflammatory cells extending to the
applications of available medium-depth and deep chemical peels for epidermis and papillary dermis in the TCA 30% group, to the
optimal facial rejuvenation and for the treatment of photo-related lower reticular dermis in the TCA 50% group, and to the subcu-
aging skin changes. taneous fat in the phenol group. The authors concluded that

# 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD e747

Copyright © 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Brief Clinical Studies The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 32, Number 8, November/December 2021

chemical peeling reduces wrinkles and regenerates skin by increas- efficacious in removing actinic keratosis than JS-TCA. One last
ing dermal thickness and the amount of collagen and elastic fibers. study reported on the effect of Jessner’s solution and TCA Mask.49
This effect is greater for more deeply penetrating chemicals. Larson This report was mainly descriptive with a low level of evidence. An
et al39 for their part tested in an animal experimental study the immunohistochemical study comparing 40% and 60% TCA to
hypothesis of Hetter regarding the phenol-croton oil solution to 100% pure phenol demonstrated overexpression of proliferating
establish persuasive scientific evidence regarding the role of each cell nuclear antigen, a marker of epidermal cell proliferation, with
ingredient as well as the effect of the application technique. The 40% TCA within 12 hours after peeling. Authors warned about
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authors confirmed the validity of the concentrations and formu- long-term potential carcinogenic effect of frequent low concen-
lations suggested by Hetter.15 With increasing concentrations, tration TCA peels and recommended special attention for unex-
phenol peels more deeply; addition of Septisol causes deeper injury; pected cutaneous lesions and skin tumors.51
croton oil added to any concentration of phenol increases peel depth
proportional to its concentration; multiple applications of croton oil
in phenol increases the depth of peel. However, in an earlier study
Phenol and Phenol–Croton Oil Peel
on Yucatan minipigs, histologic, quantitative, and mechanical One study investigating a new peeling application technique of
analysis of skin at 5 intervals over 6 months following 25% and pure phenol peel is reported without conclusive clinical benefits
50% TCA, Baker’s phenol, and dermabrasion, the long-term effi- (Supplementary Digital Content, Table 4,
cacy of TCA and deep Baker’s phenol peels was questioned.37 SCS/C696).44 On the contrary, 2 studies by Stone et al, (one being
published in 2 different journals54,55), demonstrated that for
phenol–croton oil peels, the application technique is the more
Trichloroacetic Acid Peel important determining factor than phenol or croton oil concen-
Five studies with TCA peels were identified (Supplementary tration.31,54
Digital Content, Table 2,,41 – 44
Dailey et al41 demonstrated histologically that the depth of DISCUSSION
necrosis increases with increasing TCA concentrations. Fanous Efficacy of chemical peels as a photo-damage treatment modality
et al recommended varying depths of peel based on their proposed has been repeatedly reported and is well documented. Its practice,
genitico-racial skin classification to limit complications, whereas however, has relied for a long time unfortunately on dogmas
the studies of Obagi et al and Johnson et al emphasized clinical perpetuated by early reports without any real scientific basis, in
signs of peeling depth.6,43 Although with great clinical implica- particular reports about phenol-croton oil peels.15,57 Moreover,
tions, these studies were not comparative, with low level of difficulty in predicting an agent’s penetrance with relative lack of
evidence. Moreover, evaluating changes in Langerhans cells precise depth control and even distribution of the chemical over the
following 40% and 60% TCA peels compared to control liquid treatment area are the main disadvantages that have halted wide-
nitrogen, concerns were raised about potential carcinogenesis spread acceptance of chemical peeling as a reliable treatment
following repeated TCA peels due to temporary impairment of option.58 Although practiced with much hesitation by plastic
the skin defense system.42 surgeons and considered by many to have unpredictable and
possibly dangerous results,23 chemical peeling for facial skin
Comparative and/or Combined Peel Studies resurfacing and rejuvenation, compared to recent technologically
Two studies investigated a combined 70% glycolic acid (GA) advanced modalities claiming to offer better control of ablative
and 35% TCA peel (Supplementary Digital Content, Table 3, http:// depth with easier use and relative lack of systemic toxicity and side,50,56 Coleman et al45 described both effects, continues to be an integral part of rejuvenation pro-
clinical and histological medium-depth injury following GA-TCA grams.8,23,59 Recent reports reveal that chemical peels constitute
peel; however, their report was mostly descriptive without any a large fraction of office-based cosmetic practice mostly by
information about the study group nor objective assessment of dermatologists.60,61
clinical outcome. Electron microscopic examination conducted Much like the disproven incorrect dogmas that were followed
by El Samahy et al50 concluded that more profound changes can for decades in the twentieth century, general fears and apprehen-
be observed than those with simple histological examination. sions about complications, scarring, and pigmentation changes are
Kubiak et al53 for their part compared 70% GA with 15% TCA proving to be far from real.5 The most important advancement that
and 35% TCA peels and did not demonstrate any clinically sig- has affected the acceptance of chemical peels as a valid and reliable
nificant difference between the 2 peeling protocols. Four other non or minimally invasive facial rejuvenation alternative with
studies reported on observed outcome of combined Jessner’s increased safety and versatility, was a shift >3 decades ago from
solution (14% salicylic acid, 14% lactic acid, and 14% resorcinol early empirical application to better understanding of the mechan-
in 95% ethanol) and TCA peel.46,47,49,52 Monheit described in 2 ism of action of the peeling formulations based on histologic and
separate publications his experience with 500 patients treated with clinical studies together with the appreciation of the interaction
the combined Jessner’s-TCA 35% medium depth peel.46,47 The between the various components of the peeling formulations. It was
author detailed the application technique and presented illustrative recognized also that the morbidity of the traditional Baker-Gordon
cases without, however, providing any objective data to justify his phenol peel and its frequently observed poor outcome with waxy
claim that Jessner’s solution allows deeper TCA penetration ‘‘milky face’’ appearance and disturbing permanent hypopigmenta-
through papillary dermis. However, the study by Tse et al is tion was due to uniform application of the peeling formulation
interesting in the sense that the authors have treated each of the regardless of variable skin thickness. Face and neck depth maps
13 patients included in their study with 70% GA plus 35% TCA have since been developed to balance safety with efficacy.27 In that
(GA-TCA) to the right face and Jessner’s solution plus 35% TCA regard, the experimental study of Larson et al that has scientifically
(JS-TCA) to the left face.48 Clinical outcome by 3 independent demonstrated what Hetter has emphatically stressed, in addition to
evaluators was based on photographic documentation and 2 inde- the clinical signs of peel depth pioneered by Obagi and Stone are
pendent investigators evaluated histological changes. Authors important milestones rendering chemical peeling a safe and valid
concluded that GA-TCA medium-depth chemical peel was effec- alternative and a true competitor of technologically advanced
tive in treating photo-damaged skin and was slightly more resurfacing modalities.6,31,39

e748 # 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 32, Number 8, November/December 2021 Brief Clinical Studies

Another important progress witnessed in the practice of chemi- highly attractive to any plastic surgery practice. However,
cal peels similar to other nonenergy rejuvenation modalities, was despite its apparent simplicity, the procedure must not be taken
the appreciation of prepeel skin preparation, peel application, and lightly; it is technique-sensitive and requires thought, training,
post-peel skin care as critical components of the rejuvenation and experience with the greatest ability in determining clinical
process for the prevention and/or treatment of postprocedural end points to avoid complications.18,58 As the line between
adverse events such as inflammation, infection, and scarring.26,62 effective results and complications is very thin, predictability
The objectives of skin activation, depth control, and shortened and consistency of results require proper preoperative patient
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recovery can be routinely realized mainly through 3 active ingre- evaluation and selection in addition to strong familiarity with the
dients: topical tretinoin (0.05%–0.1%), hydroquinone (2%–4%), application techniques as well as knowledge of the pharmaco-
and alpha hydroxyl acid (4%–10%).25,26 Tretinoin (Retin-A) pre- logic fundamentals and intricacies of cutaneous penetrance of the
treatment improves epidermal regeneration, 4% hydroquinone les- various formulations.5,52,67
sens postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, and alpha hydroxyl acid Multiple modalities are currently available to rejuvenate visible
decreases epidermal atypia, induces epidermal hyperplasia, dis- cutaneous signs of aging.66 Although it is only natural to be
perses melanosomes, and increases elastin fiber thickness.32,63,64 attracted by the latest technologically advanced innovative tech-
However, despite published detailed protocols and guidelines for niques, chemical peeling has been proven to be a simple and
periprocedural management, lack of standardization and consist- effective method with a relatively good safety profile. Despite
ency is the norm and evidence-based recommendations to optimize some conflicting reports, outcomes to be expected with chemical
patient outcomes, reduce and manage adverse events, and shorten peeling are largely comparable to laser resurfacing modalities.7,18
healing time are still missing.26,62 It is also unclear from the Problems of the epidermis and superficial papillary dermis may
literature when prophylactic anti-viral therapy for herpes simplex even be more easily and less expensively treated with chemical
should be started and for how long it should be continued, and peeling though rhytids of deeper papillary dermis and reticular
whether it is indicated in patients without a history of herpes dermis may probably respond to laser resurfacing with a more
simplex.62 natural clinical outcome.69 Unfortunately, objective and scientific
Ironically, this increased knowledge arrived at a time when the evaluation of emerging peeling modalities and protocols with well-
demise of chemical peeling was expected with the advent of laser defined outcome measures such as evaluation of wrinkle improve-
technology that offered an increased ability of depth control by ment and reduction in apparent age, is still largely deficient.
varying flux energy for different skin thicknesses.15,26 Moreover, Moreover, proven clinical and histologic outcomes of deep peels
contrary to the large number of heterogeneous nonstandardized compared to other more attractive innovative approaches for skin
publications over the last 30 years about combined medium and resurfacing and wrinkle treatment, such as fractional ablative and
deep peels with surgical or other nonsurgical rejuvenation options non-ablative lasers, fractional ablative radiofrequency, and micro-
as well as reports about unproven combinations of peeling formu- needling, are also still lacking.13,18,70 Evidently, comparative vali-
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Brief Clinical Studies The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 32, Number 8, November/December 2021

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Copyright © 2021 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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