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NIRMAL N R (37222023)











MyByk, a bicycle-sharing service, seeks to expand its customer base by
attracting students, particularly those attending Cusat University, a large
institution. This research investigates the feasibility of this expansion by
exploring student travel habits, their awareness of MyByk services, and the
factors influencing their decisions to use or not use MyByk. Through a survey
administered to a representative sample of Cusat students, the research
analyzes student reliance on various transportation modes, their familiarity
with MyByk's offerings, and the specific challenges that hinder MyByk adoption
among this population segment.

The data analysis reveals the prevalence of different travel methods used by
Cusat students for their daily commute, along with the extent of their
awareness of MyByk services. Importantly, the research identifies key factors
that influence student decisions regarding MyByk usage, such as pricing
structure, availability at crucial locations, and safety concerns. By
understanding these student-specific considerations, the report proposes
actionable strategies to address these challenges and increase MyByk adoption
among Cusat students. These recommendations include the implementation of
student discount plans, optimization of MyByk availability based on usage
patterns, and collaborative safety awareness campaigns with the university.
Additionally, the report suggests targeted marketing initiatives within the
campus to raise awareness about MyByk's benefits, pricing plans, and safety
features. By addressing these student-centric concerns and implementing the
proposed recommendations, MyByk can position itself as the preferred mode
of transportation for Cusat students, promoting a convenient, sustainable, and
healthy commuting option within the university community.

In today's urban landscape, universities face a growing challenge in managing
traffic congestion and promoting sustainable transportation options for their
student populations. Large campuses often require students to navigate
between classes, dorms, and other facilities spread across vast distances.
Traditional transportation methods like personal vehicles can contribute to
congestion and parking difficulties, while public transportation may not always
offer the flexibility and convenience students need for short trips within the

MyByk, a bicycle-sharing service, presents a promising solution for universities

seeking to encourage eco-friendly and efficient student transportation.
Bicycles offer a healthy, affordable, and readily available mode of
transportation, particularly suitable for short-distance commutes within a
university campus. However, to effectively expand its customer base within
the student demographic, MyByk needs to understand the specific needs and
preferences of this unique population segment.

This research report focuses on Cusat University, a large university with a

vibrant student community. By investigating the travel habits of Cusat
students, their awareness of MyByk services, and the potential barriers to
adoption, this research aims to identify strategies that can increase MyByk's
appeal and utilization among Cusat students. Ultimately, the goal is to
establish MyByk as the preferred mode of transportation for Cusat students,
promoting a convenient, sustainable, and healthy commuting experience
within the university.


MyByk, established in 2014 by chartered accountant Arjit Soni, has become

synonymous with premium bicycle-sharing services in India. Standing tall as
the nation's largest and most successful operator in this domain, MyByk's story
is one of innovation and a commitment to a greener future.

Born from Soni's personal struggles navigating the "first and last mile"
connectivity gaps while using Mumbai's local public transport system, MyByk
emerged as a pioneering force in the shared mobility landscape. The
company's vision extends far beyond simply offering bicycles. It aspires to
create a vibrant and diverse outdoor experience, promoting a culture of health
and well-being within Indian cities.

MyByk's core mission lies in revolutionizing urban mobility by advocating for

sustainable solutions. Recognizing the ever-growing challenges of traffic
congestion and environmental pollution, particularly in university areas and
bustling city centers, MyByk strives to be more than just a bicycle-sharing
service. They aim to be a catalyst for a cultural shift, encouraging Indian
citizens to embrace healthier and more eco-friendly commuting options.

Through its premium offerings, MyByk caters to a segment of the population

seeking a convenient, reliable, and stylish mode of transportation. This not
only promotes a more active lifestyle but also reduces reliance on personal
vehicles, thereby contributing to cleaner air and a more sustainable urban

By strategically establishing docking stations across key locations within cities,

MyByk ensures accessibility and ease of use for its subscribers. This user-
centric approach, coupled with a commitment to a sustainable future,
positions MyByk as a leader in India's shared mobility revolution.

1. Scope of the Research

This research focuses on investigating the feasibility of expanding MyByk's

customer base to specifically target students attending Cusat University. Given
Cusat's large student population, it presents a significant potential market for

The scope of this research encompasses several key areas:

 Student Travel Habits: We aim to understand the primary modes of

transportation currently used by Cusat students for their daily commute.
This includes analyzing the frequency of walking, cycling, public
transportation usage, carpooling, and reliance on personal vehicles.
 MyByk Awareness: The research will assess the level of awareness Cusat
students have regarding MyByk services. This includes determining the
percentage of students familiar with MyByk's offerings and how many
have ever used the service.
 Barriers to MyByk Adoption: A crucial aspect of this research is
identifying the specific challenges that hinder student adoption of
MyByk. We will investigate factors such as pricing structure, availability
of MyByk stations at key locations, safety concerns about cycling on busy
roads, and any lack of awareness about MyByk's features and benefits.
 Student Preferences: The scope extends beyond simply identifying
challenges. We will also explore student preferences regarding ideal
pricing plans, desired MyByk station locations, and any additional

features or information that would enhance their experience with


By delving into these areas, the research aims to provide a comprehensive

understanding of Cusat students' travel needs and their perspectives on
MyByk. This will enable the development of targeted strategies to address
student-specific concerns and encourage MyByk adoption within the Cusat
student community.

2. Identification of Parameters & Variables

This research delves into the factors influencing Cusat students' decisions to
adopt MyByk as their preferred mode of transportation. To achieve this, we
identify key parameters and variables that will guide our data collection and


 Travel Behavior: This parameter encompasses the overall patterns and

habits students exhibit regarding their daily commute. Here, we focus on
understanding the frequency and mode of transportation utilized (e.g.,
walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling, personal vehicles).
 MyByk Awareness: This parameter reflects the level of knowledge
students possess regarding MyByk services. It includes assessing the
percentage of students familiar with MyByk's existence and their
comprehension of its offerings.
 Pricing Perception: This parameter gauges student perspectives on
MyByk's pricing structure. We will examine whether students consider
current pricing plans affordable, student-friendly, or a barrier to
frequent MyByk usage.

 Safety Concerns: This parameter explores student anxieties related to

cycling safety, particularly on busy roads within the university campus or
surrounding areas. We aim to understand the prevalence of these
concerns and their potential impact on MyByk adoption.


 Mode of Transportation Used: This variable captures the specific mode

of transportation students utilize most frequently for their daily
commute (walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling, personal
vehicles). The survey will allow students to select all applicable options,
providing a nuanced understanding of their travel habits.
 Frequency of MyByk Usage: This variable measures how often students
currently use MyByk for their commutes. The survey will offer response
options ranging from "never" to "daily" to gauge the current level of
MyByk adoption among students.
 Factors Influencing MyByk Usage (Cost, Availability, Safety): This
variable is multi-dimensional, encompassing three key factors that may
influence student decisions to use MyByk.
o Cost: This sub-variable delves deeper into student perceptions of
MyByk's pricing structure. The survey will include questions about
whether students find current pricing plans affordable and if cost
is a deterrent to more frequent MyByk usage.
o Availability: This sub-variable explores student experiences with
MyByk station availability. The survey will investigate whether
students encounter difficulties finding MyByk bicycles at
convenient locations during their commute times.

o Safety: This sub-variable examines student concerns regarding

safety while cycling, particularly on busy roads. The survey will
assess the prevalence of these safety anxieties and how they
might influence MyByk adoption.
 Level of MyByk Awareness: This variable measures the extent of
student knowledge about MyByk services. The survey will determine if
students are familiar with MyByk's existence and whether they
comprehend the service offerings, such as subscription plans, station
locations, and available bicycle types.

By identifying these parameters and variables, we establish a clear framework

for data collection and analysis. This approach allows us to gather insightful
information about student travel needs, their understanding of MyByk, and the
specific factors influencing their decisions to use or not use MyByk. The data
obtained will be crucial in developing targeted strategies to address student-
specific concerns and promote MyByk adoption within the Cusat student

3. Research Questions

This research aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of Cusat students'

travel habits and the factors influencing their decisions to adopt MyByk as their
preferred mode of transportation. To achieve this, we have formulated several
research questions that delve deeper into specific aspects of student travel
behavior and MyByk usage patterns.

Understanding Student Travel Needs:

1. Primary Modes of Transportation: What are the most prevalent modes

of transportation utilized by Cusat students for their daily commutes
(e.g., walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling, personal vehicles)?
2. Factors Influencing Mode Choice: To what extent do factors like
distance, travel time, convenience, cost, and weather conditions
influence Cusat students' choices of transportation for their daily
3. Frequency of Different Modes: How often do Cusat students utilize each
mode of transportation (walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling,
personal vehicles) throughout a typical week?
4. Satisfaction with Current Travel Options: Are Cusat students generally
satisfied with their current travel options, or do they experience
challenges or limitations with their existing commute methods? If so,
what are the specific challenges they face?

Exploring MyByk Awareness and Usage:

5. Level of MyByk Awareness: What percentage of Cusat students are

familiar with MyByk's existence and its services?
6. Sources of MyByk Awareness: Through which channels do Cusat
students learn about MyByk services (e.g., university announcements,
social media, friends/family, personal observation)?
7. Frequency of MyByk Usage: Among students aware of MyByk, how
often do they currently utilize MyByk bicycles for their commutes (e.g.,
never, occasionally, frequently)?

8. Reasons for MyByk Usage: For students who do utilize MyByk, what are
the primary reasons for choosing MyByk over other transportation
9. Barriers to MyByk Adoption: For students who are aware of MyByk but
do not use it, what are the key factors hindering their adoption of MyByk

Investigating Student Preferences and Perceptions:

10.Ideal Pricing Plans: What pricing structures or subscription plans would

Cusat students find most appealing and encourage them to use MyByk
more frequently?
11.Desired MyByk Station Locations: At what key locations within the
Cusat campus or surrounding areas would students prefer to see MyByk
docking stations readily available?
12.Perceptions of MyByk Safety Features: To what extent are Cusat
students aware of the safety features offered by MyByk bicycles (e.g.,
lights, reflectors, brakes)? Do these features adequately address their
safety concerns about cycling on busy roads?
13.Information Needs Regarding MyByk: Is there any additional
information or features related to MyByk services (e.g., real-time
availability, mobile app functionality) that Cusat students believe would
enhance their experience and encourage MyByk adoption?

By delving into these research questions, we aim to gather in-depth data on

the current state of student travel at Cusat University and identify the specific
opportunities and challenges surrounding MyByk adoption within this student
population. This information will be instrumental in formulating targeted

strategies that address student-specific needs and concerns, ultimately

promoting MyByk as a preferred and sustainable mode of transportation for
Cusat students.

4. Research Objectives

 Identifying Travel Mode Prevalence: The primary objective was to

assess the prevalence of different travel modes utilized by Cusat
students for their daily commutes. This involved analyzing the frequency
with which students rely on walking, cycling, public transport,
carpooling, or personal vehicles.
 Gauging MyByk Awareness: We aimed to determine the level of
awareness Cusat students possess regarding MyByk services. This
included quantifying the percentage of students familiar with MyByk's
existence and their comprehension of its offerings (e.g., subscription
plans, station locations, bicycle types).
 Understanding Barriers to Adoption: A crucial objective was to identify
the specific challenges hindering student adoption of MyByk. This
involved investigating factors such as pricing structure, availability of
MyByk stations at key locations, safety concerns about cycling, and any
lack of awareness about MyByk's features and benefits.
 Examining Student Preferences: Beyond identifying challenges, we
sought to explore student preferences regarding ideal pricing plans,
desired MyByk station locations, and any additional features or
information that would enhance their experience with MyByk.

5. Research Method

A survey approach was chosen as the primary method for data collection.
Surveys offer an efficient way to gather information from a large and
geographically dispersed population, making them well-suited for this research
targeting Cusat students.

6. Target Population

The target population for this research encompassed all undergraduate and
postgraduate students enrolled at Cusat University. This diverse population
offers a valuable representation of student travel needs and perspectives
within the university community.

7. Sampling Technique

To ensure the collected data accurately reflects the broader student

population, stratified random sampling was employed. This technique involves
dividing the student population into subgroups based on factors like faculty or
department affiliation. A random sample of students is then selected from
each subgroup, guaranteeing representation from various academic disciplines
within Cusat University.

8. Data Collection Instrument

A self-administered questionnaire was developed as the primary data

collection instrument. The questionnaire was meticulously designed to gather
relevant information on student travel habits, MyByk awareness, and usage
patterns. The survey included a mix of question formats, such as multiple-

choice, Likert scale, and open-ended questions, to capture both quantitative

and qualitative data.

9. Data Collection

The finalized questionnaire was administered electronically to a sample of

Cusat students. Electronic surveys offer several advantages, including ease of
distribution, efficient data collection, and improved data quality.

10. Data Analysis

The collected data underwent rigorous analysis. Descriptive statistics provided

a summary of the key data points, such as the frequency of different travel
modes used by students or the percentage of students aware of MyByk

11. Reporting

The findings of this research are presented in this comprehensive report. The
report outlines key insights gleaned from the data analysis, highlighting the
prevalence of different travel modes among Cusat students, their level of
MyByk awareness, and the major challenges hindering MyByk adoption.
Furthermore, the report details recommendations aimed at addressing
student-specific concerns and promoting MyByk as a preferred and sustainable
mode of transportation within the Cusat student community.

12. Ethical Considerations

Throughout the research process, ethical principles were strictly adhered to.
All participants remained anonymous, and their data was treated with
complete confidentiality.

13. Timeline


From the Figure, it is understood that most of the students use bus and two
wheeler as their main form of transport to the college as it both has higher
usage rate from the data.

From this figure, it is understood that majority of the students are aware of the
service that MYBYK are providing.

From this figure, it is understood that the students are not using the service as
60% have never used it and only small percentage of students have used the

From this figure, the reasons that student prefer to choose to use the service
are due to its environment friendliness ,convenience and the health benefits in
form of exercise from using it.

From this figure, it is understood that students mainly haven’t considered

using the service due to them not being aware of the station locations exactly
and they prefer other modes of transportation more.

From this figure, the major source from the students become aware of the
service is from social media and some of them also came to know from their

From this figure, we can understand that the users that are using the service
are fairly satisfied with the experience.

The CUSAT-MyByk student survey yielded a wealth of data on student travel
preferences and experiences with the bicycle-sharing service.

Travel Mode Landscape:

 The survey revealed the dominant modes of transportation utilized by

CUSAT students for their daily commutes. It is understood that most of
the students use bus and two wheeler as their main form of transport to
the college as it both has higher usage rate from the data. This
establishes a baseline understanding of the current transportation
landscape at CUSAT.
 Question 2 delved deeper, revealing the frequency of travel mode
usage. The most frequently used mode of transportation on daily was
bus and two wheelers and sometimes walking and bicycles.

MyByk Awareness and Usage:

 Question 3 established a baseline for MyByk awareness among CUSAT

students. The percentage of students aware of the service was high
within the student population.
 Among students aware of MyByk (question 4), only 20% actually used
the service daily and almost 60% have never used the service. This
provided insights into the gap between awareness and actual usage.
 Question 5 explored the motivations behind MyByk usage. Among which
convenience, environmental benefits, exercise were the promiment
motivation behind people that used the service. This information was
crucial for tailoring MyByk's marketing messages to resonate with
student needs.

 Question 6 shed light on the barriers preventing students from using

MyByk. Some of the main reasons students avoid MyByk was due to the
lack of awareness of station location and their preference to other
modes of transportation. Addressing these challenges will be critical in
expanding MyByk's user base.

User Satisfaction (MyByk Users Only):

 Question 7 explored how MyByk users initially learned about the

service.the most effective communication channels the students learned
about the service was thorugh social media and through friends. This
information helps to make future MyByk marketing strategies, allowing
to target students through the most successful channel.
 Question 8 gauged student comfort levels riding bicycles near CUSAT.
The students mostly was satisfied with the comfort levels of usage of the
bicycles in CUSAT.
 Question 9 captured user satisfaction with MyByk's service using a Likert
scale. From that most of the students was moderately satisfied with the
overall service provided.
 Question 10 provided valuable qualitative feedback through open-ended
responses. This data helped to get particularly insightful in uncovering
user needs and potential service enhancements, such as expanding
station networks or implementing real-time bicycle availability features
within the app.

Based on the survey findings, here are key suggestions to promote MyByk
usage among CUSAT students:

Addressing Awareness and Accessibility:

 Targeted Marketing Campaigns: Utilize the most effective

communication channels that is social media to raise awareness about
MyByk services among students who are currently unaware.
 Improved Station Visibility: Increase the visibility of MyByk stations
around campus through better signage or strategic placement to
enhance student awareness of station locations.
 Creating designated MyByk parking areas near bus stops: This would
allow students to combine MyByk with buses for longer journeys,
potentially offering faster commutes compared to cycling the entire
distance. Students could cycle from their residence to a nearby bus stop,
park their MyByk, and then take the bus for the main leg of their
journey. Conversely, they could take the bus to a point closer to their
destination and then use MyByk to complete the final leg.
 Offering incentives for parking two-wheelers and using MyByk for the
last-mile commute: Encourage students who use two-wheelers to park
at designated locations on campus and then use MyByk for shorter
distances within the university. This could free up valuable parking space
on campus and promote MyByk usage for shorter trips.

Encouraging Continued Usage:

 Student Discount Programs: Implement student discount plans for

MyByk subscriptions to make the service more affordable and attractive
for students. This can incentivize students who are aware of MyByk but
haven't yet subscribed due to cost considerations.
 Loyalty Programs: Develop loyalty programs that reward frequent
MyByk users with incentives like free rides or extended rental periods.
This can encourage continued usage and promote MyByk as the
preferred mode of transportation for students' regular commutes.
 Campus Partnerships: Collaborate with CUSAT departments or student
organizations to host cycling events, workshops on bicycle maintenance,
or safety seminars. These initiatives can foster a cycling culture within
the university, promote the benefits of MyByk, and encourage students
to choose cycling for their daily commutes.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

 Regular Surveys: Conduct similar surveys periodically to track changes in

student travel habits, MyByk awareness and usage patterns, and user
satisfaction over time. This data will allow for continuous improvement
of MyByk services based on evolving student needs and preferences.
 Focus Group Discussions: In addition to surveys, consider conducting
focus group discussions with students to gain deeper qualitative insights
into their experiences with MyByk and their perceptions of the service.
This can provide valuable information that might not be captured
through surveys alone.

By implementing these suggestions and utilizing data-driven decision making,

CUSAT and MyByk can work together to create a more attractive and
accessible bicycle-sharing program that caters to the specific needs of the
CUSAT student community. This will not only encourage students to adopt
MyByk for their daily commutes but also promote a more sustainable and
healthy mode of transportation within the university campus.

The findings from this CUSAT-MyByk student survey have shed light on the
current transportation landscape among students and their evolving needs.
The data paints a clear picture of the dominant travel modes, the level of
MyByk awareness and usage, and the key factors influencing student choices.

While the survey reveals a potential for increased MyByk adoption, it also
identifies challenges that need to be addressed. By understanding student
concerns regarding station availability and affordability, MyByk can implement
targeted strategies to enhance the user experience. This might involve
strategically expanding station networks, collaborating with campus
authorities to improve cycling infrastructure, and introducing student discount
programs to make MyByk a more cost-effective option.

Furthermore, the concept of a multi-modal transportation network presents

an exciting opportunity. Integrating MyByk with existing bus routes and
student two-wheeler parking can encourage students to view MyByk as a
complementary mode of transportation, facilitating efficient last-mile
commutes or seamless connections with longer bus journeys.

This data-driven approach, coupled with continuous monitoring through

regular surveys and focus group discussions, will allow for the continuous
improvement of MyByk services. By addressing student needs and concerns,
MyByk can position itself as the preferred mode of transportation for shorter
campus commutes, fostering a more sustainable and healthy transportation
culture within CUSAT.

Ultimately, the success of MyByk at CUSAT hinges on a collaborative effort. By

working together with the university administration, student organizations,
and local authorities, MyByk can create a comprehensive and sustainable
transportation ecosystem that caters to the specific needs of the CUSAT
student community. This will not only benefit students by providing them with
a convenient, affordable, and environmentally friendly way to get around
campus, but it will also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future for
Cochin University of Science and Technology.



Thank you for participating in this survey! Cochin University of Science and
Technology (CUSAT) and MyByk are collaborating to understand student travel
habits and experiences. Your honest feedback is crucial in helping us improve
transportation options for the CUSAT community. All responses will be kept


• Age:

• Year of Study :

• Program Enrolled in (e.g., Engineering, Science, etc.):

Travel Habits:

1. For your daily commutes to and from CUSAT, which mode of

transportation do you typically use? (Select all that apply)

⚬ Bus

⚬ Two-wheeler (motorcycle/scooter)

⚬ Carpool

⚬ Walk

⚬ Bicycle (personal)

⚬ Other (please specify): _________


2. On average, how often do you use each of the following modes of

transportation for your daily commutes? (Select one option per row)

Daily | Weekly | Occasionally | Rarely | Never |

Bus: Daily | Weekly | Occasionally | Rarely | Never |

Two-wheeler: Daily | Weekly | Occasionally | Rarely | Never |

Carpool: Daily | Weekly | Occasionally | Rarely | Never |

Walk: Daily | Weekly | Occasionally | Rarely | Never |

Bicycle: Daily | Weekly | Occasionally | Rarely | Never |

MyByk Awareness and Usage:

3. Are you aware of MyByk's bicycle-sharing service offered in Kochi?

⚬ Yes

⚬ No

4. (If Yes to question 3) How often do you use MyByk for your
transportation needs?

⚬ Daily

⚬ Weekly

⚬ Occasionally

⚬ Rarely

⚬ Never

5. (If Yes to question 3) What are the main reasons you choose to use
MyByk? (Select all that apply)

⚬ Affordability

⚬ Convenience (stations near my origin/destination)

⚬ Environmentally friendly transportation

⚬ Exercise

⚬ Other (please specify): _________

6. (If No to question 3) Why haven't you considered using MyByk? (Select

all that apply)

⚬ Not aware of station locations

⚬ Prefer other modes of transportation (please specify):


⚬ Concerned about availability of bicycles

⚬ My commute is not suitable for cycling

⚬ Other (please specify): _________

User Satisfaction (for MyByk Users Only):

7. How did you first learn about MyByk's bicycle-sharing service? (Select all
that apply)

• University communication channels (e.g., website, posters)

• Friends/acquaintances

• Social media

• Other (please specify)

8. How comfortable do you feel riding a bicycle on the roads near CUSAT?
(Select one)

• Very comfortable

• Somewhat comfortable

• Neutral

• Somewhat uncomfortable

• Very uncomfortable

9. Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of MyByk's

service (1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree)

Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree

• Bicycles are readily available at stations when I need them :

• MyByk stations are conveniently located near my origin and

destination points :

• The MyByk app is easy to use for renting and returning bicycles:

• Overall, I am satisfied with the MyByk bicycle-sharing service:

10. Please share any additional comments or suggestions you have for
improving MyByk's services:

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