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I. Choose the correct name of each natural disaster. (Elige el nombre correcto del
desastre natural)

a. Thunderstorm a. Forest fire a. Earthquake

b. Earthquake b. Volcanic b. Forest fire
c. Cyclone c. Typhoon
c. Landslide

a. Flood a. Landslide a. Earthquake

b. Tornado b. Thunderstorm b. Drought
c. Drought c. Volcanic c. Typhoon

a. Forest fire a. Sandstorm a. Cyclone

b. Volcanic b. Avalanche b. Avalanche
c. Tornado c. Flood
c. Flood

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II. Choose the beginnings of the sentences to complete the text. (Elige el inicio de
la oración para completar el texto coherentemente)

a. If a lion joins a group of other lions

b. If lions go hunting
c. If a lion roars
d. If lions are active
e. If male lions use scent marking

1. ..............................................., it can be heard over five miles away.

2. ................................................................, it usually stays with them for three


3. ................................................................, they work in teams.

4. ..............................................................., they establish their territory.

5. ..........................................................., it is usually at night.

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III.Fill in the blanks with 'have' or 'has' . (Rellena los espacios escribiendo Have o
Has segun corresponda)

1. I ___________answered the question. 6. We ____________washed the car.

7. He ____________closed the window.
2. She ____________opened the
8. Jenny __________locked the door.

3. They ___________called us.

9. The girls ___________visited the
4. You ____________carried a box.
10. John and Sophie
______________helped in the garden.
5. It ______________rained a lot.

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IV. Elige la forma correcta del verbo, debe estar en PRESENT TENSE.

1. When you ___________ (arrive) at Lyon, try some of the local restaurants.
A) arrives
B) arriving
C) arrive

2. If you __________ (go) to the party, pick me up on the way.

A) went
B) go
C) gone

3. Don’t leave work unless you _____________ (finish) all the work.
A) finishing
B) finish
C) finishes

4. When he _________ (come) in the morning, don’t tell him anything about it.
A) comes
B) come
C) coming

5. Don’t talk about things like that when we _____________ (have) lunch.
A) have
B) has
C) had

6. When I am talking on the phone, please ________________ (not make) noise.

A) don't make
B) doesn't make
C) not make

7. If it ________ (rain), take a taxi.

A) rains
B) raining
C) rained
8. When my husband cooks he always _____________ (burn) the food.
A) burns
B) burn
C) burned

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V. Choose the best option to complete the sentence in PRESENT PERFECT. (Elige
la opción que complete la oraciòn en Presente perfecto)

1. Lindsay _____ not been to France. 5. We _____ never eaten Mexican food.
a. has a. have
b. is b. has
c. have c. are

2. _____ you finished your homework? 6. Andrea has _____ her umbrella.
a. Have a. forget
b. Has b. forgetting
c. Is c. forgotten

3. They___ gone to a rock concert. 7. _____ the sun come up?

a. 's a. Was
b. 'es b. Have
c. 've c. Has

4. _____ you been to Japan? 8. The children ________ the lost puppy.
a. Is a. have find
b. Have b. is finding
c. Has c. have found

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