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PUBDET-2017 Subject : Chemistry Time Allowed : 1Hour 30 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100 10203069 INSTRUCTIONS Candidates should read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions: 1. This question paper contains 50 MCQ type objective questions. Each question has four answer options given, viz. A, B.C and D. 2. Only one answer is correct. Correct answer will fetch full marks 2. Incorrect answer or any combinations of more than one answer will fetch —Y% mark, No answer will fetch 0 mark. 3. Questions must be answered on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked A, B, C, or D. 4, Use only Black/Blue ball point pen to mark the answer by complete filling up of the respective bubbles. 5. Mark the answers only in the space provided. Do not make any stray mark on the OMR. 6. Write question booklet number and your roll number carefully in the specified locations of the OMR. Also fill appropriate bubbles: 7. Write your name (in block letter), name of the examination centre and put your full signature in appropriate boxes in the OMR. 8, The OMRs will be processed by clectrohic mednis. Hence it is liable to become invalid if there is any mistake in the questions booklet number or roll number entered or if there is any mistake in filling corresponding bubbles. Also it may become invalid if there is any discrepancy in the name of the candidate, name of the examination centre, signature of the candidate’ vis-a-vis what is given in the candidate's admit card. The OMR may also become invalid due to: folding’ oF putting stray niarks on it or any damage to it. the consequence of such invalidation due to incorrect marking or careless handling by the candidate will be sole responsibility of candidate, 9. Rough work must be done on the qlestion paper itself. Additional blank pages are given in the question paper for rough work, 10. Handover the OMR to the invigilator before leaving the Examinstion Hall, PUBDETIN/CHEMISTRY Please Turn Over 1, The solubility of Ca,(PO,), in wateris y mol L:!. Its solubility product is A) 6 (B) 36y* (©) 180y* @D) 108y* 2, 02 (N) Na,SO, solution is isotonic with a NaCl solution at same temperature. Concentration of NaCl is (A) 02. (M) ®) 02) © 04a) () 0-1 (M) 3, If the kinetic energy of an eleciron (mass =m) is E(V = 0), the value of de Broglie wavelength will be «a (s45)” A © oar (ome? oOo 4, Which one of the equation isincorrect according to Boyle's law (PV = K)? 09 Gr) aye 5. A100 W bulb emits light of wavelength 400 nm, ‘Number of photons emitted in 1 minute by the bulb is (A) 12x 107 B) 2-4 x 104 (© 24x 107 @) 8x 10 @) 1. Ba FE Ca,(PO,) 94 ERTS y one / fib) LARGO UTRT (A) 64 B) 36y* © 180) @D) 108y5 2. NaCl ee B44 0:2 (N) Na,SO, B08 A ‘SRR | NaCl Bert “Gy ST (A) 02.0) @) 020) © 04) @) O1@™) 3. Gab Qarehers (Ga =m) ABA £(V=0), wali wan don 1 Ta ye (gz) ‘ ©) Gney* A © Sat wo) Gal 4. 2G FW (PV=K) cap Rafe arm Mesa get ‘oP. K 09 (S.-i ov) _ @ (i) av) LL o@)- OP. ©» (Fe 5, BR 100 W Ae 400 om Gartner CET Faas ae | aes HAAN oO are awOTe catba Fismad aa? (A) 12 «107 B) 24x 1! © 24x 10% @) 8x10 xin vis es PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY (4) 6. For which order of a chemical reaction the plotof rate vs. concentration is parabolic? (A) 0 @) 1 C2 @) V2 7. Which one of the followings is not ¢ unit of pressure? (A) Newton meter* (B) Kilogram meter second? (©) Gram en second? (D) Gram cnr second* 8. Diffusivity of a colloidal particle in a viscous liquid is proportional to (A) both temperature and viscosity of the medium. (B) temperature and inversely proportional to viscosity of the medium. (©) square of temperature and inversely proportional to the viscosity of medium, (D) square of temperature and independent of viscosity of the medium, 9. Conducting power of an electrolytic solution does not depend on the (A) actual size and mass of the ions (B) viscosity of the solution (©) temperatare (D) effective size of the solvated ions 10, The slope of P vs. V plot for a fixed mass of an ideal gas is infinity. The plot describes an (A) adiabatic process (B) isochoric process (©) isothermal process (D) isobaric process PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY 6: PRARG com aca ATTN faferats ean FART tle Rana apces orifta wfgets Wo @)l (2 @) 12 1. Rais cate ones are THe (A) Newton meter? (B) Kilogram meter” secon* (©) Gram om second? ©) Gram cm! second"! 8, iG te Oat ACNE FA TAT (A) TSGR Tae 6 Ort Beara rratyhos 1 ®) oritats wanes 6 AITO ATESTT waraies | (C) Snares Products, the concentration (CofA changes with time (*)as: ¢ = A — Bt [A and Bare constants]. The half-life period of the process is A) 4B ®) AB © Aap ©) 2B 15. Forthe reaction 2P + Q — R + 2S, which is first order in P and also first order in Q, the rate is (where k is the rate constant). (A) KPPIQI ®) KPNQP © HQ () HPF (5) 11. 100 ata Frere wer (298 K wretatarR) ate STTCT 70 (A) ~ 10" @B) ~2 10% (C) ~2x107 @) ~ 107 12. CO,, U7 H,O 6 CH,OH-94 Bea wit ‘nettmen -94.05 Fecarestante, ~68.32 Rearartenta cn ~66.4 FeTeTIeT CHOH CC® CO, Berd QR ‘afeeata BTAoIA (A) ~ 326.6 FATT (B) 326.6 Feeencents (C) - 162.36 Reatatente D) 162.36 RATT 13, GRAB ATARAX RAK TOGA IX SR Ky 10-9 ea & ares Fata pH BA a) 4 @) 10 ©7 @) 14 14. A > Ritarereay, fifa 4-99 apy (yA OWRAHE Bo= A Brae Ree] Amie Tey Ba (A) 4B (B) AB (© 428 (D) 248 15. 2P-+Q—> R+ 28 Faken Pam are Qu ATT Be | ke CRT SPS I ARP Ca A (A) KPPIQ) @®) KPIIQP © KPI ) APF PUBDET17/CHEMISTRY 16, The veluc of [7=V—1] is (6) 16. [iJ] sa re (B) e* © eo? ©) ss CI, Carpe exces, fight 17. Toluene 225 Major product x (A) e B) & Oe? (D) et? 1G, Mange excess), lake U7. Taluene 85 Major product +x ii) Ag. NeOH, heat tu a HCH Proghict “X? is (A) p-bromobenzoic acid B) p-chlorobenzoic acid (©) 2, 6-dibromo-4-chlorotoluene (D) 2, 6-dichloro-4-bromotoluene 18. Propionaldehyde is heated with large excess of HCHO and Cone. NaOH and acidified with dil. HCl10 form two products *X? & *Y". *X’ and *Y” respectively are (A) CH, C(CH,OH), - COOH, CH,OH (B) CH,- C(CH,OH),, HCOOH (C) CH,- CH(CH,OH)— COOH, CH,OH (D) CH,- CH(CH,OH),, HCOOH 19. Configuration of C, and C, carbons in the following compound are respectively, @ RR ‘exo @) s,s i2b-n0 ORS role ©) SR 4 cH 20. Thestructureofthe compound’ inthe following scheme is Scheme: X 205, Mh, NMOL, pechiorobenzote id 9 Om @o-<_)—a @) «—{_y—m ‘. PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY i Aq, NaOH, beat tip at tet RAG At (A) p-carcateacen ee uIP B) p-cetcatercenee eats (CO) 2, 6-0 Rateat 4 GaraibeRA (D) 2, 6-CRercaT-4-carcatbe RRA 18. colfcarpraeaiters Gfeiee HCHO 6 NaOH ony 7 See Vea AT HCL ata Safar eat eT Gf NX” eae Yeon BAX! aR! WAH A (A) CH,-C(CH,OH),- COOH, CHOH ®) CH,-C(CH,OH), HCOOH (© CH,—CH(CH,OH)- COOH, CH,OH (D) CH,-CH(CH,OH),, HCOOH 19, Rae Aire C, © C, Bier TRATCANT Tae Se (A) RR Veo @ ss yPhuo ORS woe © 5R al CHLOH 20, Frafate fafa x" aba the za Scheme: X Sh, _Mh , _880, , petloroberaoic acid a) oS) m ®) He 01 ©a<)-0 © aL on (7) 24, Which of the following compounds (IV) on heating with Br,!'NaOH gives bromoform? (D CH,CHOH)CH,CH,CH, QD CH,CH,CH(OH)CH,CH, (HD CH,COCH,CH,CH, (IV) BrCH,COCH,CH,CH, (A) 1&0 (B) 1&1V (© Le , (D) 1, WI& IV 22. PhNHCOPh + Conc. HNO, + Cone. H,SO,—> Y (major product), ‘The structure of “Y" is w too 23, 3-Hexene was subjected to ozonolysis with @) O, Gi) Zn dust and H,O. The product(s) obtained was heated with dil. NaOH to form °X". The product “X" is, (A) CH,CH= CHCH,CH,CHO (B) CH,CH,CH= C(CH,)CHO (© CH,CH,CH= CHCH,CHO (D) CH,CH,CH= C(CH,)CH,OH 24, Which one of the following compound(s) would react with an excess of PhMgBr in anhydrous ether to produce Ph,CHOH? (A) PhCO,H B) HCO,Et (C) PhCHO 21. CHR GRA Frais ch te (-IV) Br,/NaOH7 Sed aaa aiarel Geo ar? (@ CH,CHCOEDCH,CH,CH, (Q) CH,CH,CH(OH)CH,CH, (i) CH,COCH,CH,CH, (IV) B:CH,COCH,CH,CH, (A) L&I (B) 1&Iv © Lue ©) Lor&iv 22, PhNHCOPh + ‘It§ HNO, + IG H,SO,—> Yes AY AAT er . {on ©. Sy v © Sor 23, 3h (i) O, (ii) Zn BY 6 HO ARATE si eal Be | Beott ANY RORY NaOH AR Bee Fam x’ Mah Bert Bx’ Tad a (A) CH,CH= CHCH,CH,CHO (8) CH,CH,CH=C(CH,)CHO (©) CH,CH,CH= CHCH,CHO ‘ (D) CH,CH,CH= C(CH,)CH,OH 24, Rahs GistePa ata siete PhMgBraa HCA Rare BIH Fafa ea Ph,CHOH Bey Wa? (A) PhCO,H @) HOt (C) PhCHO (©) Bowe HCO,Et 4K PhCHO 8) (@) Both HCO,Bt & PhCHO PUBDETI7{CHEMISTRY 25, How many primary alcohols are possible withthe molecular formula C,l1,,0? As @)4 3 ©) 2 26. Which of the following alkenes ((-iv) of general formula CX)(y) = C(P)@) [x y. p. ¢ are substituents] show geometrical isomerism? [Given: (i) x=y =p #45 Gi x=y. p=asGii)x#y, p#a; (i x¥y¥p¥a) (A) (i) & Gi) B) @ & Gi) (C) Gi) & Gv) (©) Only Gv) 27. Conversion of neopentyl bromide to neopentyl Iodide can be carried out by (A) treatment of neopentyl bromide with Nalin DMB. (B) treatment of ncopentyl bromide with Nalin EIOH, (©) treatment of neopentyl bromide with Mghdry ether followed by reaction with I,. (D) treatment of neopentyl bromide with I, and excess Nal in DMF. 28, The major product of reaction of HBr with McCH = CHPh in presence of H,O, is (A) MeCH(B9)CH,Ph (B) MeCH,CHGA (©) BrCH,CH=CHPh (D) p-BrCH,CH = CHMe 29, Me-O-CMe, can be prepared by (A) reaction of Me,CCl and NaOMe (8) bubbling isobutene through MeOH and H,S0, (C) reaction of Me,CCI with MeCO,Ag (D) reaction of MexCMgBr with Met PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY (8) 25:-CeHyO ARS Gat Tooley ATA eurecsre a? (a) 5 B) 4 ©3 @) 2 26. CORY) = CONG) [x ys Pra MART], AR FRE ACPO CO OR SUC (i-iv) rear eigorafien’ cram? [are # (i) x= y=p¥qi Gi)x=y, P=a; (ii) x#y.p¥a: Gv x#y #p Fal (A) @ 8 Gd B) @ ¢ Gil) © Gii)¢ Gv) (D) GR Gv) 27, recibir aww fect Tee SIETETRTS faa a oH (A) Fhocerbite amit Na/DMP-aa Fifer (B) feceBia camiaw ¢ Nal/EtOH-a3 faieaa (©) Recrbiea canige « Mgfortd ates Fafirarens oT Lae ee fafa stat (D) DMF Reae Recor TIT ACA I, afSite Nalas fifteat tat 28. H,O-4a Gafefeco HBr 6 ~MeCH = CHPh ‘Fifa Berg yy CT (A) MeCH®NCH,Ph (®) MeCH,CHBNPH (© BrCH,CH = CHPh (D) p- BrCH,-CH = CHMe 29. Me-O-CMe, Goff sat az (A) Me,CCL¢ NaOMe-< fafa 2! (B) MeOH ¢ H,SO, fee sitenhetts ate HI (C) Me,CChe MeCO,Ag-s3 Fa 2a (D) Me,CMgBre Mel-a3 Rea tat! (9) 30. In a compound ‘X', all the bond angles are perfectly 109°28'. °X" is (A) Chloroform (B) Bromoform (©) Carbon tetrachloride ®) Chloromethne 31. Thereactionof MeyCMgCl with Me,C-CO-CMe, produced an alcohol and a gas. The gas is attributed to (A) (Me,©),C-OH (B) Me,C=CH, (©) Me,C-CO-C(CMe,) = CH, (D) Me,C-CMe, 32. Ethyl bromoacetate on reaction with Zn in an inert solvent produced an organometallic compound which when treated with cyclopentanone produced w oc™ OCR oo © (Xan 33. Benzene diazonium chloride when treated with Na,SO, produces (A) aniline (B) PRSO,H (©) Phenol (D) PLNENH, 34. Thefirst ionization energy of boron is lesser than beryllium because (A) beryllium has « higher nuclear charge than boron (B) beryllium has a lower nuclear charge than boron (©) the outermost electron in boron occupies 2p orbital (D) the 2sand 2p orbitals of boronaredegenerate 30, MAB CRA Xa ASTER HI ASPEN 109°28", “x Att et (A) @reref @&) aronet (C) Wen aTEMATAS (D) creas 31. Me,CMgCi'¢ Me C-CO-CMe a fafa af onTecie 8 eA oor erty gat pile Aa er (A) (Me;C),C-OH @) Me,C=CH, (© Me,C-co-C(CMe, = CH, (D) Me,C-CMe, 32, Fifer wet Sie arsenite Zn pee fafa Gert Caaated cil ARCeRArOT ACT ‘Patera Becta eet aX” ® OCS: oO © (Xoo 33, Cafe wHRICen Fra GFAIRE © Na,SO.-a9 Riza Berra (A) SutFierR (B) PRSO,K © or (D) PLNENH, 34. CATRCAA siete Creare fe APTI Ae TCRTTReTA IRS ICH A HR (A) @fiamcas Bier atm carters ct (2) cafatanera Ria Ir caters oor FT (© ctarraaReetaaia 2p rear sees (D) career 2s wat Ip were RocerareT PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY (10) 35, The bombardment of aluminium target with an alpha particle leads to the nuclear transformation reactions: "Alyy+4He,—> °Xyg#my) "Kp "Y ,tZay Mark the correct symbols from the list below: = positron @) Z= beta particle © P.Z= gamma (D) X=Ga, Y=P, Z= electron 36. Thepercentageincrease in radius whenanelectron of the atomic hydrogen jumps from the firstto the third Bohr’s orbit is (a) 80 @) 800 © 300 ©) 400 37. Arrangement of halideions with basic strength is, (a) Fscr Cl >Br>r (© F’Brar (@) r S*>K" > Ca (B) Kt> Ca > Cr > S™ (© Sh>CrsKt> co (D) Ca*>K"> Cr > 50. The product formed in the reaction of NCI, with water is (4) HCL ®) HOC] Och @) HCIO, PUBDETIZ/CHEMISTRY 16.298, ERETRIRAT THE CHAT SAA (orbital angular momentum) "@ (A) Yoqv2n) @) Y2qv2n) (©) Px) @) 2(h2n) 47. Rais ara Ga oft afta ater (high spin complex) CFSE AR GPT? @) [Mn ®) [CxGH,0),P* (©) [Mn(H,0),1* ©) [Cr 48. CaC CS YE C TIA NG o 6 x TEA AAT a (A) Ratt o Tl 6 Cora x TH GR 8) ae o TaN 6 GB xa) © Wo whe at x eT OD) eB o We aE x THA 49. K*, Ca, Chan S* ore Rs orate UATE SREP et (A) Cl > S* >K*>Ca®™ (B) K*> Ca’ > Cr > s* © S>cr>Kt>ce (D) Ce > K*> Cr > s? 50. NCI,aa FOr Ga Fae Geog (A) Hel ®) HOC! © ch ©) HCIO, (13) Space for Rough Work PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY (14) Space for Rough Work: PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY (is) Space for Rough Work PUBDETI7/CHEMISTRY. PUBDET-2017 Subject : Chemistry HS > V1 vo AB ARG TWA soo Booklet No. .. Promeraet aarnters bax crema aed Roma wre ea voy Moo As d1 Rees SOB MCQ ACH a EM TNR AB ace A,B, CaeR D A vial aisty Bes creat Ica a1 abs Sea fies 2 rea ote gar Bar fer wT GR cats Bea Frat Ye ea oneal Gorn Bea a Fret “G0 Ae ©1 OMR 7 A, B,C S8at D fife ABs wait walt sex Dea Fis KAI 8 OMR a Bea fics exe stet/ate wit aa oes cols Teas TATA <1 OMR os FRB a Al OO COR HI OTS AT! BL OMR oem FRG ger aot aA wer Resa Gael ara aS HteerotA Ate Pardee ACs eR ate TOE A FOS WAL 81 OMR ota FRG gem Road ats @ ofibreraes aT Fees wa ae Fiesa amy ares fos aA ¥ OMR Gears Sersaihe AeA AIT TS AA OAR See ART A A a GA PRI eT wa salt aa Seadalt afrart sar isa ee ata) oa baat ars, abseraea A aI a ame 29 Tea Sa AUS A! OMR Beara Cle VA A Clos CalTS wil ETS AeA VA AS shea *Strias me ger a wresers ey Gert aio ar aaata Peal Fics Os ea AR STA » SGT CIOL TE MF TAR GT A GIA HGR SITE! SHU GH Hele AA SCG Ta SAA A 201 ATER Bgis Bic] OMR “a eel afirfere Ftd act / PUBDET17/CHEMISTRY

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