Computer Studies - Computer Form 3 - Marking Scheme-1

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Term 1 - 2023
Time: 2 ½ Hours


SECTION A (40 marks)

1. Define the following terms as used in data processing
a. Timelines
• Information have time value attached to it therefore it should be availed within
the time when it is useful or meaningful
b. Accuracy
• Error free information
Award one mark each max 2
2. Describe any three types of action queries
• Make table – create a new table from a dynaset
• Delete – Erase specified records from one or more tables
• Update – Update data in table
• Append – Add data in a table from one or more table
Award one mark each max 3
3. List four examples of magnetic disks

• Hard disk
• Floppy disk
• Jaz disk
• Zip disk
Award ½ mark each max 2
4. Define the following terms as pertaining computer software
a. Upgradeability
• Refer to a software that have the ability to accommodate new changes , updates
and environment
b. Compatibility
• A software that work in harmony with the existing hardware and software
Award one mark each max 2
5. State four factors that cause system malfunction in window operating system
• Improper installation
• Malware
• Missing system files
• Hardware related issues
Award one mark each max 4
6. Briefly describe two advantages of a cordless mouse
• Portable/Flexible- The mouse can easily be carried from one point to another
• Reduce the clutter on the desktop- Since there is no cable it reduce on the
overcrowding of peripheral devices on the desk
• Can be used at far distance – Since the mouse is not fixed on the computer you
can use at any distance provided there connectivity between the mouse and the

Award one mark each max 2
7. Give two reasons for using binary system in computers
• Used to represent all forms data
• It is easier to design devices using binary system since they are based on two
states only
• Binary system based devices are energy efficient
• Binary system based devices are small in size and are reliable
Award one mark each max 2
8. Name three types of graphical objects that can be inserted in a Word
• Drawing/shapes
• Smart Art
• Screenshots
• Gallery
• Pictures download/Camera/Scanned pictures
Award one mark each max 3

9. What is the function of the following Microsoft Access field properties

a. Caption
• More descriptive name for a field to be used in table or form display
b. Validation Rule
• An expression that restrict values entered in a filed
Award one mark each max 2
10. Workout the twos complement of -17 10

17 = 10001 .................................................... ½ mark

1c = 01110 ..................................................... ½ mark
2c = 01111 .................................................... 1 mark

11. Describe three factors that affects the provision of internet based services
• Global inconsistencies in internet availability. .
• The ever-rising demand for bandwidth.
• Cybercriminal access/ Security
• Technological difference with respect to devices used to access the internet
Award one mark each max 3
12. Give four ways employed by organizations in minimizing threats to data
• Use methods that capture directly from source
• Use error detection and correction software for data on transit
• Design interfaces that restrict invalid data entry
• Control data access by enforcing security access
• Backup data regularly
Award one mark each max 4
13. What is the role of a master page in DTP
• A Master Page is a nonprinting page that you can use as the template for the
rest of the pages in your document. Master pages can contain text and graphic
elements that will appear on all pages of a publication
Award two marks max 2
14. State three ways in which computer virus infection can be prevented other
than through restricting the usage of removable storage media like flash disk, floppy
disk, memory card etc.

• Installing antivirus and updating it regularly
• Avoid using unsecured Wi-Fi
• Always scan email attachment before downloading
• Smart browsing
• Regularly patch the OS and applications installed on the computer
Award one mark each max 3
15. ICT can be very useful in the management of learning Institutions. State any
four ways in which ICT can be used in a school to improve service delivery
• Schools adopting epayment platforms allow parents and guardians to make
payment irrespective of where they are
• Efficient communication between parents and school via bulk sms, whattapps
and email
• Evaluation report sent to parent in time via Zeraki platform
• Biometric systems that notifies the parents when a student login and out school
• School website that give information and updates
• Timetable suite that help in lesson scheduling
• Computerized bell that takes the duties of a bell ringer
Award one mark each max 4

SECTION B (60 marks)


a. Perform the following number system conversion

i.1298128 base 10 to Binary (3 marks)
2 129
2 64 rem 1
2 32 rem 0
2 16 rem 0
2 8 rem 0
2 4 rem 0
2 2 rem 0
2 1 rem 0
2 0 rem 1

0.0625x2 0.125
0.125x2 0.25
0.25x 2 0.5
0.5x2 1.0

10000001. 0001 2 ......................

AFH to Octal
A = 1010 .................. ½ mark
F = 1111 ..................... ½ mark
10 101 111 .............. ½ mark
2 5 7 ........................ ½ mark
257 8 1mark

b. Carryout the binary arithmetic below

10100 +1010 -1010 -1010
2 2 2 2

1010 +1010 = 11110 ..................... 1mark

11110- 1010 = 10100 .........................1mark
10100-1010 = 1010 ............................1mark

c. Using 8-bit notation, perform the twos complement of 10 -19 , leaving your 10 10

answer in binary

19 = 10011 = 00010011 .............................. ½ mark

10 = 1010 .. ½ 11101100 ......... 1c ................................ ½ mark
11101101 .......... 2c .............................. ½ mark
11101101 +1010 = 1110111 ........................ 1mark 2 .

d. Given that 10111 is negative number give three possible decimal equivalent of
this number (3marks)
• Prefixing a sign bit
10111 = 1 will be a sign bit therefore the number is 0111 which is equivalent 7
-7 10

• Ones complement
-8 10

• Twos complement
10110 = -22 0

Award one mark each max 3


a. The information below is maintained by the patron of Maranda High School Scout
club. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
Name FormAdmNoMembership NoGroup Registration FeeContribution
Peter Kimani 4K 2720 S001 Lion 1000 2000
James Kale 3G 2812 T001 Zebra 1000 3000
John Walter 2K 2929 T003 Zebra 1000 5000
Jackstone Kali 4G 2712 M001 Warthog
1000 1000

Moses Kibanda 3R 2820 A001 Warthog1000 2000
i.State the most appropriate data type for AdmNO, Membership No and Group
• AdmNo - Text
• Membership No –Text
• Group – Lookup
Award one mark each max 3

ii. Write an expression used to compute the total amount contributed by each
• [Registration Fee ]+[Contribution]
Award two marks max 2

iii. Assuming that you are a Database administrator split the table in (a) above into
two tables and explain how to establish a relationship between them
Table 1 Table 2
Name MembershipNo (PK)
Form Registration Fee
AdmNo (PK) Contribution
• Split the main table as Table1 and Table 2 as shown above
• In Table 1 make AdmNo the primary key and in Table 2 make Memmbership
No the primary key
• Link the primary key in table one and two to create a one to one relationship
Award one mark each max 3

iv. Write an expression that will calculate the grand Total for Registration fee in a
• =Sum([Registration Fee])
Award two marks max 2

b. Explain the following functions of an operating system

i.Interrupt handling
• Interrupt refer to a break from sequential execution. The operating system have
a routine program called interrupt handler which study the cause of the
interrupt and then fix the problem to allow the computer procced with
execution normally
ii. Security
• The operating system have ways of protecting its data and programs. This can
be achieved through password, backup, biometric systems ettc
Award one mark each max 2
(b) Name three programs that resides in the system tray when the computer is on
• Volume control
• Network connection
• Antivirus
• OneDrive

• Time and Date
Award one mark each max 3


i.The table below is an extract from a spreadsheet document used it to answer the
questions that follow
2 KDF 150 120 3600
3 Gaddaffi 135 50 1350
4 Blue Band 120 120 2880
5 Cocoa 118 50 1180
a. Identify the most appropriate data type used to represent the content of D2, F2 and
• D2 – Function/Formula
• F2 - Formula
• A1- Label
Award one mark each max 3
b. State how cell F5 can be represented using R1C1 style
• R5C6
Award one mark max 1
c. Write a formula used to compute
i.Total Buying price
• =B2*C2 or =product (b2:C2)
ii. Profit
• =E2-D2
Award one mark each max 2

d. Write a function that will assign Item position based on the profit margin
(Item with the highest profit margin position one)
• Rank(f2, $f$2:$f$5,0)
Award two marks max 2

ii. Explain the following data management features used in spreadsheet

a. Sort
• It is a feature used to arrange data items in spreadsheet in a particular order
b. Data validation
• Feature that restrict invalid data entry in a spreadsheet cell
c. Filter
• Display only the rows that meet criteria that you specify and hide rows that you
do not want displayed, for one or more columns of data

Award one mark each max 3

iii. Give four characteristics of a laser printer

• Use light principle to print documents
• Silent while printing
• Fast in printing
• Produce quality print out
Award one mark each max 4


a. What is a template with reference to Word processing

• Templates are pre-formatted documents designed to create commonly used
document types such as letters, fax forms, or envelopes
Award two marks max 2

b. Describe three factors to consider when choosing a word processor

• User friendliness- Choose Word processor that is ease to learn and use
• Formatting and editing features- Consider word processor with good and
varied Formatting and editing features
• Type operating system – Choose a word processor that is compatible with the
operating system. For example Ms-Word support graphical user interface
therefore it require an operating system that will create a GUI
environment so menu and command line operating systems are not suitable
Award one mark each max 3

c. Describe the following basic features of word processing

i.Word wrap
• Refers a feature in word processor that will automatically force text to a new
line when the right margin is reached while typing.
ii. Scrolling
• It is the vertical movement of text document on the screen
iii. Help
• Refer to tips, instructions, pointers, explanation and guidance in word processor
that assist the user in navigating the application
Award one mark each max 3

d. Explain how the following printer problems can be fixed when printing a word
i.Paper Jam
• Open the printer doors and remove all the papers that are stuck on the runway
ii. Printer is offline
• Switch on the printer and connect the printer to the computer
• Uninstall the printer then do a fresh installation

Award one mark each max 2

e. The Kenya Government introduced ICT integration in education by financing

selected schools to setup a Computer Lab and acquire ICT gadgets. Mention
five measures against theft that the schools must enforce to ensure safety of ICT
gadgets in the Computer Lab
• Employ security personnel
• Burglar proof the room
• Install security monitors like CCTV cameras
• Install Alarming Systems to deter forcefully entry to the room
• Install Biometric systems to control entry
• Use Smart doors that are opened using passwords or Swipe cards
• Insure the hardware resource with a reputable insurance company
Award one mark each max 5


a. Data collection is the first stage in data processing cycle. Mention four devices that
can be used in this stage to capture data directly from source
• QR code Scanner
• Camera
• Finger Print Scanner
• Magnetic Ink Character Reader
• Magnetic Stripe Reader
• Optical Barcode Reader
• Optical Mark Reader
• Optical Character Reader
Award one mark each max 4
b. Describe three ways of reducing transcription errors during data entry
• Verification –Involves confirming whether what is keyed in is the same as what
is in the source document
• Data Validation- This involves putting mechanisms that prevent invalid data
• Use devices that capture directly from source like Camera, OBR , OCR, MICR
Award one mark each max 3

c. Mention three challenges facing electronic information processing

• Security threats
• Lack of Legal framework
• Lack of ICT skills
• High initial cost of setting up electronic data processing platform
Award one mark each max 3

d. Distinguish between Reference file and Backup file

• Reference file is mainly used for lookup or reference purpose while Backup file
is used to hold duplicate copies of a file which can be used in case the original
file is damaged

Award two marks max 2

e. A staffing Officer in a company is responsible for making a payroll for the

employees. The payroll is organized according to the date of employment for the
purposes of job promotion and replacement
i.Name the most appropriate electronic data processing mode for this organization
• Batch processing
Award one mark max 1

ii. State two advantages of the electronic data processing mode identified in (i)
• Require little supervision since the processing run automatically as long as the
instructions are given
• Low cost mode since tasks are processed once at ago
• The processor works uninterrupted thus increase the output
Award one mark each max 2

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