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1)Types of metaphors.

The word metaphor comes from the ancient Greek word which means “to carry over” or
“to transfer”. Metaphors is the transfer of some qualityfrom one object to another based
There are 3 types of metaphor: 1) simile; 2) simple; 3) implied
1) Simple metaphor – It is the simplest form of a metaphor. It uses “to be” form for creating
metaphor. For example: He is a monster.Her eyes Were stars.
2) metaphor between makes comparison showing similarities between 2 different things, and
it shows the resemblance with the help of the words “like” and “as” .
For ex; The brownie was so overcooked that’s why it tasted like coal.
3)Implied Metaphore is also called “submerged” metaphor, because the comparison is not
obvious. For example, when we say that this person is a Cupcake”,bur when person can get
to know him, you find out that he is fluffy inside. Other types of metaphors: Dead metaphors,
cliche,stock metaphors, original metaphors,trite metaphors and etc. Cliche metaphors are used
in litecature,words,and other types of writing, figurative language is used. Figurative
language. includes many techniques, such as metaphors
8)Publicistic style.
The publicistic style is used in public speeches and printed works.
It devides into 3 kinds. The first one is the oratorical oub-style. The other two are the essay
and articles in newspapers and magazines.
The general aim of publicistic style is to influence to the public opinion, and to convince
listener to the given news which is correct.
The brain washing function is the most effective way in oratory, here the most powerful
instrument is the human voice. Publicistic style has features in common with the style of
scientific prose, and offical documents. Publicistic style has elements of both logical and
emotional appeal. This style uses clear and logical sentences.
It has a well-organized structure with good use of paragraphs. Publicistic style also uses
words for creating emotions.
15) **Commercial Advertising**

Commercial advertising is the most common and noticeable type of advertising, but it’s not
the only one. Other examples are political speeches, sermons, and announcements like birth
and death notices. These also aim to persuade or inform people.
**What Makes Commercial Advertising Special:**
- **Language Variety**: Ads can use any kind of language, similar to literature. They might
include anything about human experiences and sometimes non-human ones.
- **Word Choice**: Ads often use vivid, concrete, positive, and universal words. Examples
are “new,” “bright,” “soft,” “washable,” “safe,” “extra,” “best,” and “perfect.”
- **Grammar**: Ads usually have a conversational and informal style. They might be vague,
like “A better deal” (better than what?).
- **Figurative Language**: Ads often use figurative expressions, like “taste the sunshine in
K-Y peaches,” and creative spellings, like “Beanz Meanz Heinz.”
- **Sound Effects**: Rhythm, alliteration and rhyme are common, especially in slogans.
- **Dramatization**: On TV, ads might include vocal expressions. Radio ads use sound
effects, music, and different accents.
**Slogans in Advertising:**
- Slogans aim to encourage people to buy something or act in a certain way.
- **Structure**: Slogans are often short, rhythmic, and balanced, like “Make love, not war”
or “Safety First.”
- **Figurative Language**: They might use imaginative phrases, like “Terylene keeps its
22)**The Headline**
The headline is the title of a news story or an article in a newspaper or magazine. The main
job of the headline is to quickly tell the reader what the news is about. Sometimes, headlines
also show the writer’s or newspaper’s opinion about the news.
English headlines are short . They summarize the main point of the news in just a few words.
A well-written headline can tell a story or give enough information to make the reader
In many English and American newspapers and magazines, sensational headlines are
common. Different newspapers have different ways of writing headlines. Many newspapers
usually have one headline for each news story, but some newspapers might have two or three
headlines for one story.
Slang is a type of informal language that includes words and phrases which are not found in
standard dictionaries. It is often used by specific groups of people, such as teenagers,
professionals, or social communities, for creating a sense of identity or belonging. Slang is
usually more playful, creative, and can change quickly as new terms,. Examples of slang
include words like “cool” (meaning good or excellent), “bucks” (meaning dollars), and “hang
out” (meaning to spend time with friends).
The term “slang” is used in a broad way. It refers not only to informal words but also to
special jargons or cants. There are also types of slang like prison slang, army slang, school
slang, and teenagers’ slang.
**Examples of Slang:**
- **American Campus Slang:**
- **Dode**: An appealing or stupid person, idiot.
- **Harsh**: Very bad or mean.
- **American Teenagers’ Slang:**
- **Flake**: A stupid or unpredictable person.
- **Babe magnet**: A person or thing that attracts the opposite sex.
61)**Green Packaging: A Sustainable Solution**
In today’s world, “green packaging” is becoming increasingly important for protecting our
planet. Green packaging means using materials that are eco-friendly, like recycled paper and
The main goal of green packaging is to reduce waste and pollution throughout the packaging
process. By using materials that can be renewed or recycled, we can reduce our impact on the
The demand for green packaging is growing.
In conclusion, green packaging is an important step towards a more sustainable future. By
choosing products with eco-friendly packaging, we can protect the environment for
generations to come.
68)**Travel Troubles: Facing Challenges on the Go**
Traveling is exciting, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Flight delays, lost luggage,
and language barriers are common problems travelers face.
Transportation issues, like flight cancellations or train delays, can disrupt plans and cause
frustration. Losing luggage can make things worse.
Language differences can also be diffucults for people, especially in countries where English
isn’t spoken much. It can be hard to ask for help or understand directions.
Cultural differences add another layer of difficulty. Not knowing local customs can lead to
Despite travelers can be ready with planning ahead, staying flexible, and staying informed can
make things smoother.
Even when things go wrong, keeping a positive attitude can turn travel troubles into learning
experiences. With a bit of patience , travelers can still enjoy their adventures and make
unforgettable memories.

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