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Overview Section:

Ball control

Control in soccer is important, but you must know how to do it. When the ball comes towards
you, you can extend your arms to have a better reception with your body and with one foot
slightly loose and the other firmly planted on the ground so you can control the ball with the
instep. The ball can come in the air; you can control it with your thigh by jumping, with your
chest, or even your head, but not with your hands because that would be a foul for the other
team, which could result in a goal against and lead to losing the game. All control is based on
managing your body within the field and knowing how to use it while playing. A single bad
control can be too serious because it can bounce and fall to a player from the other team.


The pass must be well-executed with the instep, applying force towards where you want the
ball to go, and sending it with good direction. For this, you need concentration and a good
mindset while playing to deliver a good pass. The more passes you make, the faster you can
advance towards the opponent's field and score a goal. Skill can be used when we're about to
outmaneuver the opponent and divert their attention. The more you practice passes with the
instep, the more perfect your pass can become, and if you need to perfect it further, you can
train by passing the ball against a wall, which is a good idea to enhance your skills.

discussion between long and short passes:

Passes make football look more beautiful. There are long and short passes. I think that short
passes are for playing faster and long passes are for changing the field from one end to the
other. Each pass has an expression in the play, it depends. how the player makes the pass to
the other person, it can also be a change of pace in the play and more fluidity on the field and
seeing this beautiful sport

To dribble in football you need several skills that you have to use, if you want to dribble well
at the other enemy you have to have good ball control to know where to go to the side you
want, dribbling is a part of dribbling since it is You need to (fool) the other person with quick
movements and not know where I can go, to be able to dribble and dribble you need good
speed and agility to escape from defenders and look around to know that no more enemies are
coming from behind or sides, while you attack you need good balance so that the rivals do
not stop you and you can reach your objective and you always have to be confident when
doing so and know how to solve each playing situation


To make a good header in football, when you are going to head an aerial ball you have to
jump at the right and exact moment so that it hits your head well and try to head and beat the
defenders, you have to have a very quick reaction to look at the ball as it comes to your head
to hit it well and also be aware of the defenders, your neck has to be resistant if there is any
collision in the air and resistance in the jump and if you can anticipate the ball better because
you can score a goal more effectively in the header.


In shooting towards the football goal, each skill has its moment which can be precision,
power, reflexes, etc. Before shooting you have to make decisions very quickly with your
brain to think what can happen after the shot, the more creative you are in the field, the more
you will be able to show off in front of people and the most important thing is that you have
confidence in yourself to shoot hard.


We can start talking about the defenders who are the ones who help score when a corner or a side kick
is taken. He needs to score behind his opponent's back to be more effective when it comes to
recovering the ball and having better possession and carrying out an effective counterattack that could
end in a goal.
To make a clean tackle you have to go directly to the ball. If you go to the player it can cost you
because it can be a dangerous foul and you can even be expelled from the game.

A block without the goalkeeper on the pitch can be a save since when the enemy kicks towards the
goal without a goalkeeper and you block it you are making the team save from that goal.
For a jockeying we can tell the team to return and regroup in their usual positions so that no space is
left free for the other player to pass through that side and throw the ball. This slows the attacker and
therefore the ground that they are able to cover which could put them in a scoring position. It also
forces errors to be made as well as well as the wrong decisions due to the pressure being placed on the
opponent. It the defender does their job right then this is when a tackle can be make to ensure that
they take possession of the ball.


To score without the ball we have to cover from behind with open arms so that the player does not
turn quickly and end up in a goal situation when the ball is passed to him this would be without the
ball, with the ball we have to make good marking yes The opponent knows what to do with a mark on
the back and to the sides. It can also be dangerous. The marker also has to have good posture and not
lose sight of the ball. You have to have good changes of pace so that if the play goes too far you can
defend it. and if you manage to recover the ball you can't hesitate to attack a counterattack because it
could end in a goal in your favor.

Decision Making

When we talk about decision making we can talk about any skill that is needed to play
football but the important thing is that we need to have vision of the game to know where the
ball is going and to whom we will give it with the pass we are going to make.
Reading the game, this means that you have to be faster than even your teammates to make
the pass before the player who runs down the wing, for example, and it is important that your
enemies do not know your next move or pass.

We need to be calm when we have enemies on the ball and enemies attacking, we have to
know how to think and know what to do when doing this since football is a sport with very
fast actions, the more you train when people see you it is very good since you develop the
pressure and knowing what decision to make with the ball.

Communication would say that it can be important since you can talk to your teammates to
give you a passing line, whether long or short. One of the examples of coordination could be
body language on the soccer field.

Having confidence is essential since you can have very good skills and bring them out and
this makes us execute the passes better, to improve your confidence you can train, think that
your parents would be proud of you if you manage to be a professional football player,
Saying in your mind that you are the best, even if there are more better people, always put
yourself at number 1 and believe in yourself is like having a winning mentality to reach that
goal and learn from your mistakes to improve them every day.

Decision making is practically having or improving those skills that you have within you so
that you can go out on the field to think about where you should pass or when to shoot, also if
we have to take corner kicks or throw-ins and fouls, among others. The more effective they
are, the better your performance will be in the game.

Tactical Awareness

For this we have 2 options, one is when we attack and the other is when we defend, when we
attack we can have many techniques such as doing counterattacks, which is when the other
team makes a corner kick and your team takes possession and everyone quickly goes up to
the pitch. opposing team to score, we can also make a play that is 2 to 1 which is when you
go with the possession of a teammate and you with the ball and to destabilize it we can make
passes between us and the other player gets confused and we will get rid of him There is a
change of band, so we can say that you are on a line with possession and to have more space
or be freer, we shoot the ball to the other side of the end of the court and try to score a goal.
and to defend each one has to have a position to play that position they have to cover the
entire game always marking person by person so no one could run away so quickly and
remain well positioned when defending. Having a good position and good movement is
important so that you are not unbalanced with easy dribbles and you never lose sight of the
person you have to mark without making any aggression or foul so that it is easier for you to

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