Engagement Flowchart

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ABPL90437 Design Studio C

Engagement 1 Opportunity for direct engagement with

Indigenous project stakeholders

Flow Chart Clarify your relationship with the client, users and
other stakeholders, and relationships between them

Develop a memorandum of understanding with the

community: how knowledge is shared, ownership of
intellectual property, attribution
Do you have an Indigenous
client? Yes
Plan a check-in / ongoing sharing process throughout
your project
E.g. Indigenous community groups directly
commissoning a new community centre You can only work with Indigenous cultural knowledge/
stories/symbols if you are directly invited

Opportunity to utilise a Reconciliation
2 Action Plan
Is your design for an Yes
Indigenous user group?
Use client’s Reconciliation Action Plan to advocate
for an opportunity to engage with users
E.g. an Indigenous cultural centre proceed to 3 5
commissioned by a Municipal Council or
State Government Department

Encourage client to engage an Indigenous

No 3 consultant to facilitate engagement with
Traditional Owners

Is your site within an area Refer to available resources by formally recognised

with formally recognised Yes language groups or Registered Aboriginal Parties
Traditional Owners
& is it a civic project? Engage with landscape architect and/or ecologist with
an expertise around ecological systems
Check if there is a Registered Aboriginal
Party representing a specific Traditional
Opportunity to apply the statutory
4 planning requirements in your project
Engage with Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAP) or a
heritage advisor
Is your site within
Areas of Aboriginal Cultural Yes Understand how the Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage
Heritage Sensitivity? Test (PAHT), Cultural Heritage Management Plan,
Cultural Heritage Permit and Cultural Heritage
Management Agreements work
Check the overlay of Areas of Aboriginal
Cultural Heritage Sensitivity by accessing
Planning Property Report

5 All Country in Australia is unceded

Aboriginal land. Most international
territories will also have Indigenous prior
No custodians who have been displaced.

Your obligation is to exercise care for Country &

decolonise your own practice

Avoid referencing specific Indigenous culture - reflect

on the guides to non-Indigenous designers

Could be applicable to international projects

Equivalent overlays available in different states and territories

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