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Before mentioning importance of communication, it is better and mandatory to talk about communication.
Communication is a process of exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions, as a means that individual or organization
share meaning and understanding one another. Communication includes a message which is to be communicated, a
sender who sends the message, a receiver who receives the message, and a return response or feedback from the
receiver. There are many importance of communication.

We communicate to plan, change, and reflect on our lives. It means we communicate to imagine alternatives, to
solve problems, to build models, to organize ourselves, to persuade others, to assess new situations, to reassess and
change behaviors, to think critically and reflectively, and to establish and develop meaningful relationships. There
are different kinds of communication like, verbal, written, sign communication.

Communication is also helpful in business situation. People who engage themselves in business communicate to
develop, improve, and expand products, services and access to information, to make and maintain positive work
relationships; to hire, orient, train, and motivate others; to produce , manufacture, and deliver products; to customers
to buy, and to bill them for their purchases.

Generally, we cannot run our life without communicating with others it is because we are sociable and thinkable
animals. As a result, we need interaction with others, and this needed interaction can only true with

I. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives based on the above essay. to answer questions 1-10.

1. Based on the given essay the topic could be_________.

A. Types Of Communication

B. Importance Of communication

C. How People Communicate With Others ?

D. The Modern Communication Skills

2. Before mentioning importance of communication,_________.

A. it is better and mandatory to talk about communication.

B. there are many importance of communication.

C. Communication is also helpful in business situation.

D. we cannot run our life without communicating.

3. One of the following is not the massage of the given essay.

A. communication is not necessary in our life.

B. Communication is helpful in business situation.

C. Communication is expand different products.

D. We cannot run our life without communicating with others.

4. what does the writer need to tell ?

A. the disadvantage of communication

B. the Importance of communication

C. about different communication skills.

D. about How we are able to communicate with others.

5 The writer used the word pursued only in________

A. paragraph 1. B. paragraph 2. C. paragraph 3. D. paragraph 4.

6. ''We need interaction with others.'' What is the synonym of '' interaction '' ?

A. exchange B. unfamiliarity C.ignorance D. all

7. What is the conclusion of the essay ?

A. We cannot run our life without communicating with others.

B. We communicate to plan, change, and reflect on our lives.

C. Communication is also helpful in business situation.

D. Communication is a process of exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions.

8. It is better and mandatory to talk about communication. in paragraph 1 ''It'' represents to ?

B. Communication B.relationship C. customer D. interaction

9 In paragraph 3. What does it mean expand ?

A. make smaller or less in amount, or size.

B. become or make larger or more extensive.

C. to make less or cause to appear less.

D. A and B
IV. Direction : Find the word which is correctly spelt and choose the correct answer from the given

10. A. Contemporary B. contamporary C. contemporari D. conteporary

11. A. ackord B. akord C. acord D. accord

12. A. design B. desin C. decign D. dsign

13. A. livelihud B. livelihood C.lifelihood D.livelhood

14. A. agricultur B. agreeculture C. agricalture D. agriculture

15. A pedstrian B. pedstriane C. pedestrian D. pedestriyan

IIl. Choose the bast answer from the given alternatives.

16. My father_____coffee every day after lunch.

A. drank C. drunk

B. dranks D. will be drinking

17. I must be at work at 9 o'clock everyday. so, I_________wake up at 7 o'clock.

A. have to B. have C. has D. has to

18. She has_______ her friend since, she was seven years old.

A. know B. known C. knowing D. knew

19. Look! Brain _______a bicycle with no hands.

A. rides C. was riding

B. is ride D. is riding

20_____ takes a train to work.

A. they B. we C. he D. you

21. We always ________ our hands before meals.

A. washed B. washing C. wash D.washes

22. when_______comes,I'll tell her everything you did.

A. mother C. father

B. brother D. uncle

23. when Our dog was getting old; it _________all day.

A. sleeps C. is sleeping

B. slept D. sleep.

24. Almaz is more_______ than her sister.

A. tall B. fat C. cute D. beautiful

25. We_______all________ the movie when the power went out.

A. was/enjoying B. is/enjoying C. were/enjoying D. are/enjoying

26. We________work every day at 8 o’clock.

A. are starting C. have started

B. starts D. start

27. She_________done here Exercise.

A. not B. is. C. has D. have

28. If it's sunny tomorrow we________go to the beach.

A. won't B. will C. would D. a and b

29. Mr. William ________for a walk yesterday.

A. gone B. go C. went C.goes

30. I didn't__________anything.

A. done B. does C. do D. did

31. We waited _______ to see the doctor.

A. patiently B. patience C. patient D. patients

32. Daniel:___________Have you been here ?

A. how far B. how long C. how much D how much years

33.I_____go shopping on the way home if I have time.

A. will B. will have C. will be D. won't

34. You______speak loude! I can’t hear you.

A. must not B. must C. should D. should not

35. ____always______my homework after dinner

A. I/do B. He/do C. She/do D. a and b

36. Take off your______shoes before you come in.

A. muddy B. mudd C. dirtier C. dirtiest

37. I was born________1991 E.C.

A. at B. on C. in D. for

38. A: What is your sister doing ?


A. She cleans the bathroom.

B. She are cleaning the bathroom.

C. She is cleaning the bathroom.

D. She clean the bathroom

39. The answer to the question '' where were you born ?''

A. I was born in 200.

B. I have been born in 200.

C. I was born in Addis Ababa.

D. I am born in Addis Ababa.

40. Sam_____ doing his math homework when the phone rang.

A. were B. was C. is D. are

41. Which one of the following word that can end in-ous ?

A. beauty B. danger C. fool D. mess

42. Which one of the following word that can end in-ful ?

A. harm B. gold C. wool D. slow

43. The Ethiopia calendar is seven/eight years _____________than European calendar.

A. younger B. youngest C. more younger D. more young

44. They often ________ their grandparents at weekends.

A. visited B. visit C. visiting D. visits

45. They eat their lunch__________.

A. quick B. quickly C. slowly D. B and C

46. Goodnight ! see you_______Monday.

A. in B. at C. on D. for
47. She________at the curb and look before you cross the line.

A. must stopped B. must stop C. must stops D. a and b

48. Sarah_____come to the party because she was ill.

A. can not B. could C. can D. could not

49.Where ________ your parents ___________.?

A. does/come B. do/comes C. do/come D. does/come

50. If I________a lot of money, I would buy a big house.

A. win B. won C. have D. will win

51. He beats his wife,_______he loves her.

A. and B. nor C. yet D. so

52. It was very hot,_____ I opend the window.

A. for B. and C. yet D. so

53. Children ________ play with matches.

A. may not B. must not C. must D. may

54.Sara was so tired. she______have worked days and nights.

A. should B. would C. need D. must

55. My brother is only 6, but he________already play the piano.

A. may B. may not C. can D. can not

56. If it is snow, traveling_______more difficult.

A. are B. is C. was D. were

57. Which one of the following different from the others?

A. again C. and then

B. also D. but

58. Those are my shoes, Everyone Knowns that they belong to______ B. me C. mine C. l

59. " You should have told her !" What does it mean ?

A. you told her.

B. you tell her.

C. you didn't tell her.

D. you don't tell her.

60. You can buy fruit __________ in this shop.

A. very cheaply B. very cheap C. very D. all


1 b 11 d 21 C 31 A 41 b 51 b

2 a 12 a 22 A 32 B 42 a 52 d

3 a 13 b 23 B 33 A 43 a 53 d

4 b 14 d 24 D 34 B 44 b 54 c

5 b 15 c 25 C 35 A 45 d 55 d

6 a 16 a 26 D 36 A 46 c 56 b

7 a 17 a 27 C 37 C 47 b 57 d

8b 18 b 28 b 38 C 48 d 58 b

9 b 19 d 29 C 39 c 49 c 59 c

10 a 20 c 30 C 40 b 50 b 60 a

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