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Escuela Profesoras: Nancy Ambiado

“Federico Acevedo Salazar” Asignatura: Idioma Extranjero (Inglés)

Cerro Navia. Curso: Quinto Básico.


Name:_______________________________________. Date: March ___________, 2023.
*In this test you will find the way to practice 3 of the 4 main skills- writing, reading and listening.
*If you have any doubt, please raise your hand.
*You should use a pencil and eraser. If you make a smudge, that question will be dropped from the final score.

I.- Reading and writing.

Look at the following images. How do you spell each word? Write it down.

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

II.- Listening and writing.

Listen to your teacher and then complete the crosswords.
Escuela Profesoras: Nancy Ambiado
“Federico Acevedo Salazar” Asignatura: Idioma Extranjero (Inglés)
Cerro Navia. Curso: Quinto Básico.

III.- Listening, reading and writing.

Listen to the following audio. Then, complete the dialogue with the lost words.

Homework – Week - Up – Rules - Watching Tv - Please.

A: Have you done your __________________________?

B: Not yet.

A: Then why are you ____________________________________?

B: This is my favorite show.

A: Go do your homework.

B: But, mom!

A: You can watch TV after you do your homework.

B: But the show will be over.

A: There will be another show next _______________________.

B: ________________________?

A: You know the _______________________.

B: I hate the rules! I can't wait till I grow up.

IV . Writing.
How do you say…

a) Buenos días:
b) Hola:
c) ¿Cómo estás?:

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