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 Reading comprehension:

Helen’s daily routine

 Answering questions
English Test – 7th about personal daily
No.6  Present Simple
 Possessive case
 The time
 Writing activity: daily

Name: _________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________

A. Read the following text carefully.

Helen’s daily routine
Dear pen pal,
I am writing to tell you about a typical day in my life.
My name’s Helen Kearns. I’m thirteen years old and I live in Birmingham.
My father is a businessman and my mother works in a hospital. I’ve got one
sister. She’s studying at the university here.
I think my day is very typical. I usually get up at 8.15 a.m. I have a shower
and I dress myself up. Before going to school I have breakfast: tea, toast
and marmalade. Then I go to school on foot. I have classes from 9 to 4
o’clock. I like school. I’ve got good friends there. I don’t like Maths, but
Geography and Biology are fun. When school finishes at 4 o’clock, I go
home and I help my mother in the house. We have dinner at 7 o’clock. After
dinner I sometimes watch TV or listen to music. I go to bed at 11 0’clock.
Best wishes,
B. Answer the questions. Use full answers.
1. What time does Helen usually get up?
2. How does Helen go to school every day?
3. What are Helen’s favourite school subjects?
4. Does she like Maths?

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5. What does Helen do after dinner?

C. Answer these questions about your daily routine:

1. What time do you get up?
2. How do you go to school?
3. How long do your lessons last?
4. Do you have lunch in the school canteen?
5. Do you like your school?

A. Complete the text about Helen’s friend, Peter, with the
verbs in brackets in the Simple Present.
Peter ____________(be) a schoolboy. He usually _________(go) to school
by bus. He ____________(love) Science. He always __________(listen) to
the teacher. He ___________(have) his lunch at school but he always
____________(eat) dinner with his parents. In the afternoon, he
___________(play) the piano and on Saturdays he _____________
(practise) basketball. He ___________(collect) posters of his favourite

B. Build correct sentences.

1. I/ listen to music/ after dinner/ sometimes.
2. she/ have breakfast/ usually/ before going to school.

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3. We/ often/ on foot/ go to school.
4. She/ go to bed/ rarely/ after midnight.

C. Write the following sentences in the negative form.

1. I wake up at 7.30 in the morning.
2. They watch TV after dinner.
3. We have got two pets: a dog and a cat.
4. Helen and Peter are best friends.

D. Use the information below to build sentences using the

possessive case. Follow the example.
1. Lisa has got a new computer. It is Lisa’s computer.
2. John likes his new house. _____________________________________
3. Susan has got three blue pens. ________________________________
4. John and Susan are at home. __________________________________
5. Rachel is sleeping on the net. _________________________________

E. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions of time.

1. __________ March is my mother’s birthday.
2. Harry wakes up __________ eight o’clock ________ the morning.
3. _________ night he likes to watch his favourite programme on TV.
4. I was born _________ the 20th century, ________ 21st May 1999.
5. _________ two days time my grandfather will celebrate his birthday.
6. _________ spring the days are longer.

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F. What time is it? Write the time in full.
1. 7.00 ___________________________________
2. 7.20 ___________________________________
3. 9.30 ___________________________________
4. 8.10 ___________________________________
5. 5.15 ___________________________________
6. 11.45 ___________________________________

A. Write a short text about your daily routine.

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