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Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857

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Aerospace Science and Technology

Resistojet thruster with supercapacitor power source – design and

experimental research
Jan Kindracki ∗ , Przemysław Paszkiewicz, Łukasz Me˛ żyk
Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Nowowiejska 21/25, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper presents the design of and experimental research on a resistojet thruster with a dedicated
Received 8 October 2018 power supply system based on supercapacitors. First, the description of two research stands used in
Received in revised form 27 June 2019 different stages of the research is presented. The experimental approach divides the research into two
Accepted 3 July 2019
phases. The first part focuses on optimization of the heating chamber, which has a laboratory power
Available online 10 July 2019
supply as a power source. Seven configurations of the chamber – differing in the number of coaxial
Keywords: channels and spiral heaters – are presented together with the results of the optimization process.
Satellite propulsion The second stage describes research into thruster-like conditions with both power supply systems –
Resistojet supercapacitor based and with a laboratory power supply – with the geometry chosen based on the
Attitude control system optimization process. A comparison is presented of propulsion parameters for various pre-heating times,
power levels and power supply types, with a cold gas system as a reference.
© 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction presented. In this case the pressure inside the system is lower
than 600 Pa and seems to be attractive for nano-satellites. Romei
Electrically powered propulsion systems are of essentially three et al. [8] presented a process for manufacturing high temperature
types, namely: electrothermal, electrostatic and electrodynamic [1]. resistojet heat exchangers using the additive manufacturing tech-
In an electrothermal thruster, electric energy is used to increase nique (selective laser melting). The models were made from AISI
the temperature of the fluid that acts as a working medium. There 316L and were a first attempt at producing a single-piece heat ex-
are two solutions in this group. The first one is the arcjet, in which changer for the resistojet thruster.
fluid is heated while flowing through an electric arc [2]. The sec- Lately, growing interest is observed in applying supercapaci-
ond is the resistojet, which is dealt with directly in this work. In tors for space applications. Supercapacitors (also called electrical
a resistojet thruster, propellant passes through a heat exchanger double layer capacitors, ultracapacitors or electrochemical capaci-
in which the temperature of the medium increases rapidly due tors) store electric charge within the double-layer that is formed
to heat delivered by an electric resistive heater element [3]. Var- between electrodes of high surface and an electrolyte [9,10]. The
ious fluids may be employed, e.g. gases such as O2 , H2 O, CO2 , most recognizable features of electrochemical capacitors are re-
NH3 , N2 , or hydrazine decomposition products, some spacecraft markably high power density of several tens of kW/kg [11] and
waste products may be used as well (e.g. water). What is more, short charge and discharge times [12]. Since they can deliver very
the same resistojet system can be used with various propellants high power pulses resulting in only moderate temperature rises
[4]. As the use of electric propulsion is now on an upward trend, [13], the use of double layer capacitors is advantageous in appli-
the authors in [5] presented the development results of two re- cations requiring short duration but high power peaks [14]. Other
sistojet thrusters with 50 W and 100 W power, using Xe and Kr issues are: the ability to operate in a wide temperature range of
and operating in both hot and cold gas modes. In [6] a butane about −40 ◦ C to 70 ◦ C and the ability to withstand a great num-
resistojet was proposed which delivered thrust of 50 to 60 mN, ber of cycles (>106 ) [13]. Typical applications for supercapacitors
with 10 minutes required to warm up at 15 W. This solution does include for example electric vehicles, power generation plants and
not require high-pressure tanks and is well suited for small size energy power supplies [15]. They are also considered in electro-
satellites. In [7] a concept of an ice-propelled micro-resistojet is mechanical and electro-hydrostatic flight control actuation systems
[14], and as a source of energy for pyrotechnic mechanisms [16]
and high power radars [12]. The technology, on the other hand,
* Corresponding author. suffers from low energy density; on that account, it is beneficial to
E-mail address: (J. Kindracki). hybridize the system and complement Li-ion batteries with super-
1270-9638/© 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
848 J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857

capacitors for high power applications [17]. Tests were performed

which proved that commercial, off-the-shelf supercapacitors are
capable of withstanding vacuum exposure and proton and gamma
irradiation. In [18], on the basis of the tests performed, the au-
thors came to the conclusion that no significant change occurred
in terms of capacitance and equivalent series resistance deviation
for gamma irradiation doses of up to 200 krad (Si) and proton irra-
diation of up to 2 Mrad (Si). In [11] and [13] tests were performed,
which proved that exposure to vacuum resulted in no significant
performance degradation (products from different vendors were
tested). Worth mentioning is the fact that works are underway to
implement 3D printing technology into supercapacitor production
[15,19], as well as develop novel electrode materials [20,21]. This
paper describes research on a resistojet thruster with dedicated
power supply system based on supercapacitors, done at Warsaw
University of Technology.

2. The research facility

Fig. 1. View of the research stand for heater performance optimization: 1 – heater
Two research stands were used during the experimental cam- chamber, 2 – gas feed connections, 3 – electrical connections.
paign: one for optimizing heater geometry and performance, the
other for measuring thruster performance. The first research stand conditions, an electromagnetic valve for working gas flow con-
consists of a heating chamber (HC), sonic nozzle, gas supply sys- trol and thermal isolation used to decrease the heat flux from
tem, electrical power charging system and measurement system. the heating chamber to the ambient. All the parts of the thruster
A view of the stand is presented in Fig. 1. Three different ba- are made of 316 AISI stainless steel. The gas feeding system in-
sic geometrical configurations – organization of the working gas cludes a gas accumulator, pressure regulator, Venturi orifice and
flow in the heating chamber – were investigated. Additionally, tak- filters. For precise control of the flow, measurements were taken
ing into account the number of heaters, their various resistances of pressure and temperature at the inlet line and differential pres-
and connection types (serial or parallel) 7 experimental cases were sure in Venturi orifice. Two types of electrical power systems
investigated, whose parameters are described in Table 1. In each were used – one based on the regulated laboratory power sup-
configuration, use was made of the same sensors for pressure and ply and the other on supercapacitors – connected according to
temperature measurements, placed in the same locations. The in- experimental needs. Both were equipped with control and mea-
crease in temperature and pressure losses in the heating chamber surement units giving the possibility of precise control over the
were calculated based on experimental data. A K-type thermocou- power level and start-stop timing together with information about
ple with an exposed measurement junction was used during the the current and the voltage delivered to the heater. To measure
research, to cut the response time of temperature measurement. the parameters of the flow and performance of thruster pressure
For pressure measurement, a Keller PAA-23 absolute pressure sen- sensors (Keller PAA-23, PD-23), thermocouples (Czaki, type K) and
sor was applied. In order to obtain thruster-like conditions (pres- a force transducer (Kistler 9205) were used. The acquisition sys-
sure, mass flow rate) in the heating chamber the sonic orifice was tem was based on a National Instruments USB 5269 measurement
integrated with the chamber outlet. Full nozzle was not required card with dedicated, in-house software, giving automatic control
at this stage of the research. The mass flow rate of working gas over the stand and assuring high repeatability of the experiments.
was calculated based on the pressure drop on the Venturi tube. In order to measure the thrust, a baffle plate method was used.
Air was used at this stage of the research, despite the fact that In this method, the flat plate hanging freely on an axis of revolu-
nitrogen is the dedicated working medium for the thruster. As the tion supported by a low friction bearing is placed in the stream
laboratory is equipped with an air pressure installation, air is much of exhaust gases. By changing the exhaust gases velocity vector by
more readily available than nitrogen. Since the gases are very sim- 90 degrees an impinging force is created and transferred to the
ilar, this change should not affect the final results. The thermal force transducer placed directly behind the plate. The force, which
properties of both gases are very similar and for chamber pressure equals the thrust produced by the engine, is recorded by the mea-
of 10 bar and a temperature range of 300 to 600 K, the differ- surement system. To avoid oscillations of the plate an initial force
ences for specific heat and thermal conductivity do not exceed 3% is introduced by the plate to the transducer. A schematic of the
and 6.4% respectively. Propulsion performance is also very similar stand is presented in Fig. 2 and a view given in Fig. 3.
– the difference between those gases is approximately 1.6%.
Depending on the configuration, the heating chamber consists 3. Experimental results
of one, two or three flowing channels. One or two of them are
equipped with an electrical heater made of heating wire. The wire One of the key parameters of a rocket thruster is specific im-
consists of a resistive element surrounded by the electrical in- pulse (I sp ), which describes the thrust that can be delivered from
sulation and enclosed in a casing made of Inconel. The external a unitary propellant mass flow rate. It means that the higher the
diameter of the wire is 1 mm and its resistivity is 9 /m. It is able specific impulse, the lower the propellant mass flow rate required
to withstand a temperature of 1000 ◦ C. The flexible construction of to produce a certain level of thrust. The practical profit of that is
the wire lends itself means almost any shape of a heater can be that it lowers the required mass and hence the cost of the mis-
created which gives a large degree of latitude as to heater shapes, sion. In a resistojet thruster, delivering the energy to the gas in the
with bending radius being the only limitation. form of heat increases the specific impulse compared to the cold
The second research stand consists of four main elements: en- gas system. The value of I sp also depends on the nozzle expan-
gine, gas feeding system, electrical power system and measure- sion ratio. The theoretical behavior of specific impulse and mass
ment system. The engine has three main parts: a heating cham- flow rate of nitrogen with rising gas temperature is presented in
ber with a convergent-divergent nozzle designed for atmospheric Fig. 4 for two nozzle expansion ratios – laboratory and vacuum
J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857 849

Fig. 2. Schematic chart of the research stand for thrust measurement: 1 – ball valve, 2 – pressure regulator, 3 – pressure in the feeding line (in front of the Venturi), 4 –
Venturi tube, 5 – electromagnetic valve, 6 – pressure before the heater, 7 – laboratory power supply or supercapacitors (based on needs), 8 – temperature before the heater,
9 – temperature after the heater, 10 – insulated thruster, 11 – pressure at the nozzle inlet, 12 – baffle plate measurement system.

equipped with a single channel with a spiral heater inside. In the

second construction (HC2) an additional channel without a heater
was added to recover the heat, normally lost through the casing of
the heating channel. The next step (CH3) was to use three flowing
channels – two equipped with a heater and one “recovery” chan-
nel. For this geometry different configurations – length of channels,
heaters resistivity and connection type (serial or parallel) – were
tested. Models of all geometries are presented in Fig. 5 and the
detailed data is in Table 1.
The research stands control system gives a possibility to in-
troduce a time shift between starting the heater and opening
the feeding valve. It gives an opportunity to preheat the cham-
ber before the gaseous propellant is delivered, which increases the
dynamics of the chamber but also raises the risk of overheating
the heater. Safe operation in such a mode requires timing opti-
mization. The preheating process is the first phase of operation
– not always required. The second phase – the active one, when
the heater was on and energy was delivered into the flowing gas,
Fig. 3. View of the research stand for thrust measurements: 1 – resistojet engine, 2 lasted for 20–25 s. It was followed by the 30 s passive phase when
– control valve, 3 – thermal isolator between thruster and control valve, 4 – force the heater was inactive but the control valve was still open. Dur-
sensor, 5 – pressure sensor connectors, 6 – thermocouple connectors, 7 – baffle ing that phase, the air flow cooled the chamber down to initial
conditions, to increase the repeatability of results. The time sched-
ule of the exemplary experiment is presented in Fig. 6. In this
conditions. A temperature increase of about 400 degrees causes an experiment, a time delay (t delay ) was introduced between heater
increase in specific impulse of about 52% and a decrease in mass activation (t heat-i ) and the valve opening time (t flow-i ). The temper-
flow rate of about 35% theoretically. ature started to rise even without the flow (passive heating), due
As mentioned before, for laboratory research nitrogen was re- to the heating of the chamber walls and air accumulated inside the
placed with pressurized air and investigated with various config- chamber. When the valve opens, the gas temperature (red line)
urations of heating chamber. First, the basic geometry (HC1) was rapidly rises and after achieving a high peak value it decreases

Fig. 4. Theoretical calculations of specific impulse and mass flow rate as a function of the working medium (nitrogen) temperature. Chamber pressure was 10 bar, thrust
700 mN, solid curve – pressure ratio 10, dotted curve – pressure ratio 120.
850 J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857

Fig. 5. Possible configurations of heating chamber (HC): a) HC1: one channel and one heater; b) HC2: two channels and one heater; c) HC3: three channels and two heaters.

Table 1
Description of various configurations of heating chamber of the resistojet thruster.

Case no Heating chamber Length of the Heater resistance Voltage range Type of heater Additional Power Time delay between
configuration channel [mm] [] [V] connection description supply heat and flow [s]
Case 1 HC1 39 6.3 30–45 – – LPS* Range 0-2
Case 2 HC2 20 2.7 25–32.5 – – LPS* Range 0-2
Case 3 HC2 20 2.3 25–32.5 – one ceramic wall LPS* Range 0-2
Case 4 HC3 40 10.4 + 4.7 30–40 parallel – LPS* Range 0-2
Case 5 HC3 40 5.3 + 4.7 30–40 parallel – LPS* Range 0-2
Case 6 HC3 20 3.0 + 2.5 20–30 parallel – LPS* Range 0-2
Case 7 HC3 20 3.0 + 2.5 50–60 serial – LPS* Range 0-2
Case 8 HC3 20 3.0 + 2.5 30 parallel – SCPS** 0.5
Case 9 HC3 20 3.0 + 2.5 30 parallel – SCPS** 1.0
Case 10 HC3 20 3.0 + 2.5 30 parallel – SCPS** 1.5
Case 11 HC3 20 3.0 + 2.5 30 parallel – SCPS** 2.0
Case 12 HC3 20 3.0 + 2.5 33,3 parallel – LPS* 1.0
LPS – Laboratory Power Source.
SCPS – Super Capacitors Power Source.

Fig. 6. The course of thermodynamic parameters at the heating chamber outlet and trigger timing during the typical experiment: t heat-i – heating start time; t heat-f – heating
stop time; t flow-i – flow start time; t flow-f – flow stop time; t delay – delay time between heating and flow start time. (For interpretation of the colors in the figure(s), the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857 851

Fig. 7. The experimental course of the temperature at the heating chamber outlet Fig. 8. The experimental course of the temperature at the heating chamber outlet
for different delay time (t delay ). Theoretical electrical power was 254 W, pressure in for electrical power. Delay time was t delay = 0 s, pressure in the chamber 10 bar
the chamber 10 bar (case 1). (case 2).

Fig. 9. Value of power demand coefficient C EPD for all experiments in the heater chamber optimization process.

slightly, stabilizing at the quasi-steady state (QSS) level. The power QSS is obtained at approximately the same time regardless of the
supply is switched off, followed by the cooling phase which re- power level.
turns the conditions to the initial ones. It was noticed that the Since the tested cases differ in construction, power levels, mass
exact time between opening the valve and obtaining QSS is mainly flow rates, etc. it is impossible to compare them directly. Coeffi-
related to heater construction and t delay . Optimization was carried cient C EPD which expresses the power demand for heating up the
out to improve the dynamics and efficiency of the heating cham- unit of mass of flowing gas in one second by a single Celsius de-
ber. gree is used for that reason due to its ability to combine all the
3.1. Heater optimization
Fig. 7 presents an exemplary set of experimental results of gas  T · ṁ
temperature measurements for the heater construction described P – electrical power supplied to chamber [W]
as “case 1” (see Table 1). For every presented experiment the  T – temperature increase due to heating [◦ C]
power level and total heating time (20 s) were the same and dif- m – propellant mass flow rate [kg/s]
ferent characters of temperature behavior are related only to t delay . The unit of such a coefficient is W s/(◦ C kg). Comparing all
For short time delays, like 1–2 s, the temperature rises slowly and cases, the one with the lowest C EPD should be the most effective,
does not reach QSS in the considered time of operation. Higher since the lowest power is required to obtain the same thermo-
t delays (4–5 s) increase the heating dynamics – the temperature dynamic effect. The summary of C EPD for all experiments during
rises faster, achieving QSS earlier with rising t delay value. It should the optimization process is shown in Fig. 9. Based on that, the
be borne in mind that during the preheating period, when the gas most effective configuration case 7, characterized by C EPD in the
flow does not receive heat from the heater, there is a risk of it range of 1700–950 W s/(◦ C kg). Heat transfer efficiency was used
being damaged by overheating. That is why the maximum t delay , as a second comparative parameter and was calculated as a ratio
safe from the thermal strength of the heater, should be found and of gas energy increase to energy delivered from the power sup-
never exceeded. The effect of increasing power with a common ply. It takes into account two phenomena: conversion of electrical
time delay (equal 0 s) is presented in Fig. 8. As expected QSS tem- energy into thermal energy together with heat transfer between
perature increases with rising power level. At the same time, the the heater and working medium. Based on the data presented in
rising temperature does not influence the dynamics of the heater – Fig. 10, the highest efficiency is again delivered by case number
852 J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857

Fig. 10. Heating chamber gas temperature increase: measured value against theory – heat exchange efficiency. Continuous lines mean different efficiency value.

Table 2
Advantages and disadvantages of supercapacitors.

Advantages Disadvantages

• Very high power density – over 10000 W/kg • Relatively expensive

• Wide range of operating temperatures −40 ◦ C ÷ 70 ◦ C • Low energy density compared to chemical batteries (40 Wh/kg)
• Very high capacitances – even over the 5000 F • Low available voltage of a single capacitor (2.7 V)
• Low internal resistance – even less than 0.3 m • Exponentially lowering value of voltage during discharge
• High efficiency – over 95%
• High lifetime – over 1 million cycles or 20 years
• Maintenance – free – low operational costs
• Low properties degradation
• Environmental friendly

7. Outlet temperature obtained in that configuration was also rel- about the design, technology, and materials regarding the super-
atively high – about 350 ◦ C. It is worth noticing that the simplest capacitors can be found in papers by Halper and Ellenbogen [23]
geometry – case 1 – also presents high efficiency but for a signif- and Namisnyk [24]. A typical single supercapacitor achieved maxi-
icantly lower temperature range. It is connected with heat losses mum voltage of 2.0–2.8 V and for most practical applications they
through the chamber walls. Any further increase in temperature have to be connected serially. A summary of the advantages and
would require more power, which in turn requires longer geometry disadvantages of supercapacitors is presented in Table 2.
and that generates more losses. The best geometry from the heat Taking all advantages and disadvantages into account superca-
loss point of view would be one with a low area-to-volume ratio. pacitors seem to be the perfect solution for resistojet applications
This is characteristic for case 7 and so that was the one chosen for small satellites, as highlighted by Shimizu and Underwood [25].
as the final geometry of a heating chamber for resistojet thruster The concept of the resistojet thruster with a dedicated power sup-
ply based on supercapacitors in the paper is presented in Fig. 11
and can be described as follows:
3.2. Supercapacitor charger
• The system remains in standby mode during normal flight,
One of the most important issues pertaining to a thruster op-
supercapacitors are charged by the spacecraft electric power
erating in a short time – “pulse mode” – is the very fast heating
system, using low power when available.
of the working gas. The power supply needs to be able to release
• To power the thruster by the supercapacitors alone, they are
high energy into the gas in a short period. On the other hand, it
disconnected from charging system before the thrusters start
should not significantly impact a spacecraft power system or other
and work independently.
onboard subsystems. The idea proposed in this research is to use
a power supply dedicated specifically to thrusters based on su- • During the operation of the thruster, the supercapacitors’
percapacitors which should be able to meet those requirements. power supply is rapidly discharged by the resistance of the
Supercapacitors store energy and release it very quickly with high heater circuit.
current due to small internal resistance, which provides for the • After switching off, the supercapacitors are reconnected to the
possibility to obtain high power for a short period of time. Su- charging system and recharged.
percapacitors, also called as ultracapacitors or electric double-layer
capacitors (EDLC), collect the charge at the interface between the Based on those ideas a power supply system was built using
surface of the conductive electrode and the electrolyte and use the LSUC supercapacitors. Each of them has a capacitance of 350 F
appearance of the Helmholtz double layer. The first model for the and can deliver a maximum voltage of 2.8 V. The whole bank con-
distribution of ions near the surface of a metal electrode was de- sists of a 30 supercapacitor group in two sets, in serial or parallel
vised in 1874 by Hermann von Helmholtz [22]. More information connection depending on the needs, which gives maximum output
J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857 853

Fig. 11. Scheme of the resistojet thruster system with dedicated power supply system.

pacitors (case 9). For these exemplary experiments, a 1 s delay

time between power at the start of the flow was used. As can be
noticed, the thrust of the engine remains the same regardless of
the power source, which is as expected. Since one of the sources
is based on the capacitors, the character of delivering the energy
into the heater differs – for the laboratory power supply, the volt-
age is constant, in contrast to the capacitors-based power supply
in which the voltage drops constantly as the capacitors discharge.
For this reason, a lower amount of total energy is delivered by the
capacitors source (1031 J versus 1130 J in the case of the labora-
tory power supply) which has a direct influence on the mass flow
Fig. 12. View of the bank of the supercapacitors. rate through the thruster. Comparing the mass flow rate for both
power sources it is noticeable that for the capacitors power sup-
voltage of 84 V or 42 V respectively. The bank of supercapacitors ply the mass flow rate is higher and for similar thrust the specific
is shown in Fig. 12. impulse delivered is lower. However, it needs to be remembered
Using a developed power supply system, some preliminary ex- that those two sources cannot be compared for propulsion param-
periments were conducted. To conduct the experiments the com- eters, since the laboratory power supply is constantly connected to
bination of a three channel chamber with two heaters in parallel a 230 V electrical network and does not store energy but only con-
connection (HC3 configuration) heated by a 30 V power supply verts it. A more reasonable comparison would be between classic
was chosen. Fig. 13 presents a comparison between the laboratory accumulators (e.g. Li-Ion) and supercapacitors, which is planned in
power supply (case 12) and the power supply based on superca- the near future.

Fig. 13. Influence of the power supply type on measured parameters of the engine.
854 J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857

Fig. 14. Experimental results for supercapacitor power supply system with different time delays.

Fig. 14 presents a comparison between four experiments with

different time delays. Again, the thrust remains the same for all
the experiments as well as electrical power. It is noticeable that
for rising time shift, the efficiency rises together with “gas heat
power” (energy accumulated in the flow due to electrical power
supped through the heater).

3.3. Final design

The final design of the resistojet thruster consists of three main

sections: heating chamber (HC), thermal isolator and control valve.
The heating chamber has three channels – two of them equipped
with a heater and the third (the most external) used as a heat re-
covery channel. Working fluid is delivered into the external chan-
nel at the back of the thruster and is forced to move into the
direction of the nozzle where it enters the second channel and the
flow direction is changed by 180◦ . After getting into the end of the
second channel working medium enters the third one – the most Fig. 15. View of the final design model of the resistojet engine: 1 – heating chamber,
2 – valve thermal isolator, 3 – valve, 4 – electrical connector of the heater, 5 –
internal – and after changing the flow direction one more time, it
feeding line (thermal compensator), 6 – measurement (pressure and temperature)
is delivered into the nozzle and produces thrust while expanding. connector, 7 – isolation layer.
Due to the assumption of working only in laboratory conditions,
the nozzle expands hot gases into atmospheric pressure, but it may
be easily changed by replacing the nozzle adjusted to other condi- connected with a valve by an element providing a tight but mov-
tions – e.g. vacuum of space. To improve the heat transfer inside able connection to compensate for the thermal expansion of the
the heating chamber, most of the walls were manufactured with thrusters’ elements. The model of final version thrusters is pre-
deliberately introduced incisions, increasing the roughness coeffi- sented in Fig. 15.
cient, which also increase the turbulence level inside the channels.
Based on experience, the electrical connection between the heater 3.4. Thrust measurement and specific impulse calculations
and cooper wire delivering the energy was found to be the most
critical spot from the durability point of view. To protect this spot The low thrust level generated by the thruster requires an ap-
from overheating, the gas flow was organized to flow in direct propriate measurement method to eliminate all external distur-
contact with the connectors and intensively cool them, which com- bances which may have an influence on the measured parameters.
plicates the construction but significantly improves the parameters Accordingly, the baffle plate (impulse) method was chosen. As a
of the heater. Also, the control valve was protected from exces- measurement sensor, a Kistler 9205 transducer with a range of
sive temperature by introducing some distance between the valve 0–5 N and a dedicated Kistler 5015 amplifier was used. The ini-
and heating chamber. Special thermal insulator, in the form of a tial load was introduced to the plate before the thruster started,
30 mm cylinder with elliptical holes, was designed to limit the to dump the oscillations and move the measured values to the up-
heat transfer into the valve. The distance raises another problem – per range of the sensor scale – both increase the measurement
the pneumatic connection between the valve and HC – which was accuracy. A typical record of a single experiment is presented in
solved by using a small diameter pipe fixed to the thruster and Fig. 16. The thrust and specific impulse are clearly correlated with
J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857 855

Fig. 16. The course of measured parameters: thrust, the mass flow rate of working gas, heating chamber outlet temperature and calculated: specific impulse during the
typical experiment. Arising thrust time (from 5 to 95% of nominal thrust) is 260 ms (2.07 N/s).

Fig. 17. Influence of delivered electrical power on the specific impulse of the resistojet thruster.

the measured mass flow rate, which is strongly influenced by the seems to be advantageous. It needs to be remembered that the
temperature in the chamber. It is visible that in the first 20 s of delay time has to be chosen reasonably, due to the risk of over-
the experiment, when the power is on and gas is heated, the mass heating in the pre-heating stage when the heater is not cooled by
flow rate is lowered and the specific impulse and thrust are higher the gas. In the case of using the supercapacitors based power sup-
in comparison to the cold gas period – last 30 s. The influence of ply, the delay time also has to be optimized depending on system
power level delivered into the heater, for the same delay time, is capacitance and heater thermal inertia.
presented in Fig. 17 with a cold gas mode as a reference. In the As presented before, specific impulse changes in time during
examined range of power levels, the linear correlation between the single experiment. That is why for the purpose of comparing
power delivered and specific impulse was identified (it is clearly various setups a mean specific impulse value for every experiment
shown in Fig. 19). It was also proved that the heater-valve delay was calculated from the quasi-state period. They are presented in
time has no influence on the maximum value of specific impulse, Fig. 19 as a function of the temperature-mass flow rate coefficient
but has a major influence on the dynamics of the thruster. For (the value was calculated as a ratio of temperature increase and
various delay times, the maximum specific impulse is nearly the mass flow rate). Two additional lines added to the discussed figure
same, but the maximum value is obtained much more quickly for represent the theoretical value of specific impulse for a resistojet
greater delay times. This can directly translate into higher thruster thruster working in the same conditions as well as an actual value
performance. This effect is visible in Fig. 18 resulting from higher of I sp obtained in cold gas mode as a reference. Values obtained
heating rates with increasing delay time (see temperature graph in from the research are about 6% lower than the theoretical val-
Fig. 18). Thrusters for typical AOCS system should operate dynam- ues, but the nature of changes with increasing temperature-mass
ically in short pulses and so the delay time (preheating period) flow rate coefficient is similar. The highest value of specific im-
856 J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857

Fig. 18. Influence of delay time on the specific impulse and outlet area temperature of the heating chamber for resistojet thruster for constant electrical power 230 W.

Fig. 19. Influence of temperature–mass flow rate coefficient on the specific impulse for a different electrical power source.

pulse obtained in resistojet mode is about 28% greater than for in design. This is connected with the power demand coeffi-
cold gas mode. Fig. 19 contains results for both power sources – cient and organization of the flow inside the heating chamber;
supercapacitors based and regulated laboratory power supply. The • Increasing the turbulence level by using high roughness chan-
increase in specific impulse with temperature-mass flow rate co- nels leads to better heat transfer between the heater and the
efficient is similar for both sources. The lower range obtained for working medium, but also increases the pressure losses.
laboratory-based power supply comes from the current limitation
of this source – maximum 20 A compared to 80 A in the superca- Evaluation of the performance parameters of the resistojet
pacitors based source. thruster built based on the optimized heater proved the thesis
that introducing a heater-valve time improves the dynamics of a
4. Summary and conclusions thruster. The study shows that a delay time of 2 seconds reduces
– by approximately 4 seconds – the time required to reach the
This paper describes two kinds of experiments: optimization of steady-state level of specific impulse. This is important since the
a heater for resistojet application and the performance evaluation AOCS thrusters should operate dynamically. In that stage of the re-
of a thruster designed and built based on the most effective heater. search two power supplies were investigated – one based on the
The final design of a thruster is intended for use as an actuator regulated laboratory power supply and the other based on super-
of AOCS systems of a model of space model tested in the Space capacitors. Since the supercapacitors based power supply is able
Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences. to operate at higher power levels (due to the higher safe current)
Results from the heater optimization deliver a few conclusions higher specific impulses were also obtained. Specific impulse ob-
that are useful for the thruster design process: tained during the research phase is only 6% lower comparing to the
theoretical value for both power supply types. Increasing the tem-
• Gas heating dynamics are strongly influenced by the initial perature of a working gas in the chamber of about 200 ◦ C per unit
temperature of a heater and so a heater-valve delay time mass flow rate (g/s) leads to an increase in the specific impulse of
should be introduced. It must be chosen carefully due to the the resistojet thruster by up to roughly 28%. That led to the conclu-
risk of overheating during the preheating period; sion that, even taking the additional mass of power supply system
• The power demand coefficient was at its lowest for cases 6 into account, replacing the cold gas system with a resistojet system
and 7. Both are characterized by separately powered heaters may extend the satellite’s working life – depending on the class of
and short channels, which limit the heat loss; satellite – provided the power source is properly chosen. Superca-
• Heating efficiency in the range of 60–80% was obtained for pacitors seem to be a promising option, due to their high power
cases 6 and 7 but also for cases 1 and 2 – which are different density, cycle durability and other performance.
J. Kindracki et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 92 (2019) 847–857 857

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