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“Arthur, High King of Britain”

Baron 1: So there was made a great cry that every man who would claim the
High Kingship should, on New Year’s Day, assay to win the sword. The
Archbishop was certain that God would make known who was to win the
sword and make himself king. Archbishop: The day of the tournament came
round, and all the people went out onto the field to watch the jousting. (all exit)
SCENE 2 (Arthur enters alone, casually draws the sword, and exits.) (Sir Ector,
Arthur, and Kay enter. Kay draws the sword from behind his back.) Kay: Here
is the sword from the anvil, father. I must be king of all England! Sir Ector:
You are but a newly made knight, my son. Swear to me truly, upon your
knighthood – how came you by this sword? Kay: Sir… Sir Ector: Did you draw
this sword from the anvil? Tell me! Kay: Sir, my brother Arthur brought it to
me. Sir Ector: Arthur, how came you by this sword? Arthur: Sir, my brother
Kay, as we rode to the tournament, asked me to ride home for his sword – he
had left it at our lodging – and so I did. But when I came there, the whole
household had ridden out to see the jousting, and the doors were locked. So I
said to myself: I will ride to the church and borrow that sword I’ve seen
sticking out of the anvil. It was serving no useful purpose there, and my brother
needed a sword, so I brought it to him. Sir Ector: You pulled the sword from
the anvil. Arthur: Sir, I did. I confess it. Have I done wrong? Sir Ector: Were
there any knights standing by who saw you do the thing? Arthur: No one. Sir
Ector: Then put the sword back in its place. (Arthur does) (Sir Ector and Kay
try to draw it, with no success.) Now you draw it again, fosterling. (Arthur
does; Sir Ector and Kay kneel) I see you must be king of this land, Arthur.
Arthur: Why do you kneel to me? Sir Ector: Because you have drawn the sword
from the stone, and it is ordained by God that none shall do that save he who is
rightfully High King of Britain. Arthur: Not me, oh, not me! Sir Ector: I never
knew whose son you were when Merlin brought you to me for fostering. But I
know now that you are of higher blood than I thought you. Arthur: Get up. Oh
sir, get up! I cannot bear that you should kneel to me, you, who have been my
father all these years! Sir Ector: I kneel to my liege lord. I will serve you in all
things, and keep true faith with you. Kay: And so shall I. When you are king,
will you be my good and gracious lord? (Arthur drops to his knees as well)
Arthur: I will serve God and the realm of Britain with the best that is in me.
Only get up now, for indeed I cannot bear it. (They rise)

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