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“Arthur, High King of Britain”

SCENE 3 (Archbishop, lords and Merlin enter) Baron 1: On Twelfth Night, the
Archbishop assembled the barony of England, and Arthur drew the sword for
them all. But many of the lords were angry and said it was a great shame to be
governed by a boy of no high blood born. Canterbury: My lords, this is your
king who drew the sword at Christmastide, when none could, and has now done
so again at Pentecost. The kingdom must have a strong king, or else be divided
against itself and fall into destruction. I present to you Arthur, your undoubted
king, for you to do him homage. Most lords: Arthur shall be king! It is God’s
will and ours! Crown him! Arthur king! (Arthur is robed and crowned by the
Archbishop) Merlin: Speak to them. Arthur: I am your king! I will keep faith
with you. Do you keep faith with me! When this feast of Pentecost is over, let
us gather our forces, and together we will drive back the Sea-wolves and the
men of the North who ravage these lands! We will free the realm of the fire and
the strife and the sword that have torn it apart in the years since my father’s
death. You and I together, let us make this a good land, where men do not rule
only because they are strong, but where men are strong for the Right, none the
less! Give me your love and your faithkeeping, oh people of Britain, and I will
give you mine through all the days of my life! (Merlin puts his hand on
Arthur’s shoulder in approval; silence, then jubilation) (Arthur goes among the
lords and shakes hands) King Lot of Lothian and Orkney, King Uriens of Gore,
and your fellow kings and knights… I am right glad of your coming, and of
your great love to do me worship at my coronation. Lot: (refuses to shake,
draws sword) Oh, I’ll do no worship to a beardless, base-born boy! Uriens:
(draws sword as well) We are come to give you gifts… Lot: The gift of a sword
between neck and shoulders! (fighting) (Arthur is protected by his guards and
exits) SCENE 4 Uriens: My lords, for what cause have you made that boy
king? Lot: The realm needs a strong man for its governance – not a child.
(Merlin comes forward; all cross themselves) Merlin: Sirs, I shall tell you the
cause. Arthur is King Uther Pendragon’s son. Uriens: Liar! King Uther had no
son. Merlin: But I know he had. Lot: Then he is a bastard born. (murmurs and
shouts) Merlin: Nay, not so. He is no bastard, no matter who sayeth so. He shall
be king, and a strong one, too, and smite down all his enemies – Lot: With your
witchcraft, devil Merlin? (all cross themselves and murmur)

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