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Role Play Scenarios at a Restaurant

Scenario 1: Ordering Food

Characters: Customer, Waiter


1. Menu - cardápio
2. Starter - entrada
3. Main course - prato principal
4. Dessert - sobremesa
5. Drink - bebida
6. Bill - conta
7. Tip - gorjeta
8. Waiter - garçom/garçonete
9. Reservation - reserva
10. Table - mesa

Key Phrases:

1. Can I see the menu, please?

 Posso ver o cardápio, por favor?
2. What do you recommend?
 O que você recomenda?
3. I would like to order a starter.
 Eu gostaria de pedir uma entrada.
4. I will have the chicken for the main course.
 Eu vou querer o frango como prato principal.
5. Can I get the bill, please?
 Posso receber a conta, por favor?
6. Is service included?
 O serviço está incluído?
7. Do you have any vegetarian options?
 Você tem opções vegetarianas?
8. I would like a glass of water.
 Eu gostaria de um copo de água.
Dialogue: Customer: Hello, can I see the menu, please?

Waiter: Of course, here you go. Do you have any questions?

Customer: Yes, what do you recommend?

Waiter: The pasta is very popular.

Customer: Great, I will have the pasta for the main course and a salad for the

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Customer: Yes, I would like a glass of water, please.

Waiter: Certainly. I’ll be right back with your order.

Scenario 2: Making a Reservation

Characters: Customer, Host


1. Reservation - reserva
2. Table - mesa
3. Available - disponível
4. Number of people - número de pessoas
5. Time - horário
6. Date - data
7. Contact number - número de contato
8. Confirm - confirmar

Key Phrases:

1. I would like to make a reservation.

 Eu gostaria de fazer uma reserva.
2. For how many people?
 Para quantas pessoas?
3. What time would you like the reservation for?
 Para que horário você gostaria da reserva?
4. Do you have a table for two?
 Você tem uma mesa para duas pessoas?
5. What is your contact number?
 Qual é o seu número de contato?
6. Your reservation is confirmed.
 Sua reserva está confirmada.

Dialogue: Customer: Hello, I would like to make a reservation.

Host: Certainly. For how many people?

Customer: For four people, please.

Host: What time would you like the reservation for?

Customer: At 7 PM, please.

Host: Okay, and for which date?

Customer: For tomorrow evening.

Host: Perfect. May I have your contact number?

Customer: Sure, it’s 123-456-7890.

Host: Thank you. Your reservation is confirmed for four people at 7 PM


Customer: Great, thank you!

Scenario 3: Complaining About Food

Characters: Customer, Manager


1. Cold - frio
2. Overcooked - cozido demais
3. Undercooked - mal cozido
4. Salty - salgado
5. Spicy - picante
6. Apologize - desculpar-se
7. Replacement - substituição
8. Discount - desconto

Key Phrases:

1. Excuse me, I have a problem with my food.

 Com licença, eu tenho um problema com minha comida.
2. My food is cold.
 Minha comida está fria.
3. This is too salty.
 Isto está muito salgado.
4. Can I speak to the manager, please?
 Posso falar com o gerente, por favor?
5. I apologize for the inconvenience.
 Peço desculpas pelo inconveniente.
6. We can replace your meal.
 Podemos substituir sua refeição.
7. Can I get a discount?
 Posso receber um desconto?

Dialogue: Customer: Excuse me, I have a problem with my food.

Waiter: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the issue?

Customer: My steak is overcooked.

Waiter: I apologize for the inconvenience. Would you like us to replace it?
Customer: Yes, please. I would appreciate that.

Waiter: I will inform the kitchen right away. Can I offer you a complimentary
drink while you wait?

Customer: That would be great, thank you.

Waiter: Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Your new steak will be ready

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