Mastering English For Food Service Essential Language Skills For Restaurant Workers9

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Dining Utensils

Describing Taste
and Texture

When working in the food service industry, it

is essential to be able to describe the taste

and texture of dishes to customers e!ectively.

This skill can help customers make informed

decisions about what to order, and can also

enhance their overall dining experience. In

this section, we will cover the following topics:

Describing Taste

Describing Texture

Describing Taste

Taste is an essential aspect of any dish, and

being able to describe the di!erent tastes

accurately is crucial. There are five basic


1. Sweet

2. Sour

3. Salty

4. Bitter

5. Umami (savory)

When describing taste, it's essential to be

specific and avoid using vague terms like

"good" or "bad." Here are some examples of

how to describe taste:

"This dish has a sweet and tangy flavor,

thanks to the honey and lemon glaze."

"The soup has a rich and savory taste, with

a hint of garlic and onion."

"The salad is slightly bitter, thanks to the

arugula, but the sweetness of the

strawberries balances it out."

Describing Texture

Texture is another critical aspect of food that

can significantly impact a customer's dining

experience. Describing texture accurately can

help customers understand what to expect

when they order a dish. Here are some tips

for describing texture:

Use descriptive adjectives such as

"crunchy," "creamy," "juicy," or "flaky."

Compare textures to familiar objects, such

as "the pasta is al dente, like a firm piece

of fruit."

Describe how the texture changes as you

eat the dish, such as "the outside of the

chicken is crispy, but the inside is tender

and juicy."

Examples of describing texture include:

"The bread is warm and crusty on the

outside, but soft and flu!y on the inside."

"The steak is cooked to perfection, with a

juicy and tender texture that melts in your


"The risotto has a creamy and velvety

texture, with a hint of chewiness from the



Being able to describe taste and texture

accurately is an essential skill for anyone

working in the food service industry. By using

specific and descriptive language, you can

help customers make informed decisions

about what to order and enhance their

overall dining experience. Practice describing

the taste and texture of di!erent dishes to

improve your skills and become a more

e!ective communicator in the workplace.


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