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Module-4: Interactive Methods
Unit 4.4: Assignment Method

Dr. A. S. Walkey
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Education
Dr. Anil Kumar
Former Professor of Assessment

Editor: Dr. Joshua Earnest, Former Professor of Electrical Engineering

National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research

Shamla Hills, Bhopal M.P. - INDIA 462002
Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method


The participants (means teachers or potential teachers se
variety of basic instructional strategies and methods to develop the pre-determined
learning outcomes.

Module- 4: Interactive Methods

Learning Outcomes of Module - 4

At the end of this module, you will be able to:
i. Use the tutorial methodeffectively.
ii. Design relevant assignments to develop the pre-determined outcomes.
iii. Use seminar method effectively.

Unit - 4.4- Assignment Method


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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

Unit 4.4
Assignment Method

Learning Outcomes of Unit

At the end of this learning unit you will be able to use assignment method to enhance
effectiveness of teaching-learning process.

Meaningful learning only occurs when learners are engaged in knowledge construction,
conversation, articulation, collaboration, authentic context, and reflection with institution
and learning. Student effort, or the extent to which students perform activities, is a major
indicator of the engagement with learning. There are wide ranges of engagement activities
used both inside and outside the classroom that promote meaningful learning. Assignment is
one such teaching - learning method where student engagement is prime assignment. It is a
sort of teaching - learning method which comprises the guided information, self-learning,
writing skills and report preparation among the learners and is the most common method of
teaching. Hence, the reason for greater concern of making this teaching method more
effective and efficient, as discussed in this unit.


An assignment is a teaching method to facilitate the students to independently acquire
academic competencies. This can be both in an individual or group context. It is also a method
which engages the learner in different learning experiences such as self-learning, information
seeking and retrieval behaviour, information analysis and the learning experiences from
various sources. The pictorial view of assignment method can be depicted as in figure4.4.1.

Teacher Student
Creates Assignment Completes and sends

Teacher provides
feedback to

Student Teacher
Views assessed Assesses Assignment

Figure 4.4.1 Pictorial view of Assignment

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

The above definition highlights the following facts:

✓ It’s a guided learning method
✓ Teacher creates assignment
✓ Students completes assignments using different information sources
✓ Teacher assesses and provides feedback


As a teacher quite often, the students are given assignments. It is important to think about the
assignment in the context of the development of expected the different types of outcomes. The
teacher should always focus on the purpose when designing the tasks for an assignment and try
to answer the following questions:
• How does this assignment relate to the pre-determined outcomes?
• Does it help the students to express their ideas or concepts in their own words to
demonstrate understanding?
• Does it help the students apply relevant concepts to a situation or phenomenon?
• Does it help the students to analyse ideas and concepts and the relationships among
• Does it help to evaluate a decision, perspective or a particular way of doing something
• Does it help the students create new ideas or perspectives for the given topic/issue?
• Does it help the students to practice and develop practical skills on their own?

All this mental exercise needs to be done by the teacher so that the students are able to:
• Exhibit/ develop in-depth knowledge
• Apply Knowledge in new and different settings and situations
• Synthesise available Information and knowledge from different sources
• Demonstrate / develop writing skills
• Demonstrate / develop oral skills
• Demonstrate / develop critical thinking skills
• Demonstrate /develop practical skills
• Assess for feedback purposes.


A variety of assignments are given by the teacher in different situations and at different occasions
based on different criteria. Assignments can be classified in different ways. The classification of
assignments is depicted in the figure. 4.4.2.

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method


Based on Place Based on Purpose Based on Number

• Home Assignments • Essay type assignment • Individual

• Classroom Assignment
• Paper or article
Assignments • Group Assignment
• Oral presentation assignment
• Project assignment
• Case Study assignment
• Laboratory/ Practical assignment

Figure 4.4.2: Classification of Assignment

4.1 Place of Execution

One way of classifying the assignment is based on the place of execution:
• Home Assignments
• Classroom Assignments.

a) Home Assignments
The assignments given by the teacher is completed by the students at their homes with the help
of reference books, instructions/information provided by the teacher and other available
resource materials. These assignments are basically meant for practice purposes to further
strengthen the topic/ task. The Completed assignments are evaluated by the teacher and
appropriate feedback provisions are made. Sometimes such assignments are used for the
purpose of understanding level of prior learning on a topic/task

b) Classroom assignments
Prior to dealing with a complex topic in a curriculum or to know the prior learning before or
prior to the experiments to be done, the teacher interrogates some questions in the form of
assignment regarding the tasks or experiment. The students find the answer with the help of
text books and library books and other available resources. The teachers assess the information
provided by the students and decide about next course of action. In case of experiment also if
the known information is relevant and sufficient, the students is allowed to proceed further
towards the experiment or tasks. Otherwise they are again instructed with further information

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

and clarification to resubmit the assignments. Such assignments are termed and known as
classroom assignments. The classroom assignments are tested to know the immediate
knowledge of result during instructional session.

4.2 Purpose
The other way of classifying assignment is by its purposes such as the following:
• Essay type assignment
• Research paper or article type assignment
• Oral presentation assignment
• Project assignment
• Case study assignment
• Laboratory/Practical assignment.

The different types of assignment and their purposes are shown in the table 4.4.1.

Table 4.4.1 Assignments and their Purposes

Type of Demonstr Demons Demonstr Application of Syntheses Evalua Demonst
Assignment/ ate trate/ ate/ Knowledge of tion of rate in-
Purpose Develop Develop Develop and attitude Informati Knowl depth
Writing Oral Critical in performing on and edge Knowled
Skills Skills Thinking practical tasks Knowledg ge
Skills e
Essay √ √ √ √ √
Paper / √ √ √ √ √
Oral √ √ √ √
Project √ √ √ √ √ √
Case Study √ √ √ √ √
Laboratory/ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
✓ means correlates with the concerned purpose

4.3 Criteria: Number of Students

Assignments may also be classified based on the number of students attempting an assignment.
These can be:
• Individual Assignment
• Group Assignment

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method


Some statements about ‘Assignment Method’ are given below. State whether a statement is
‘True’ or ‘False’. If the statement is ‘False’, state why it is ‘False’. Give the ‘True’ statement.

i. Assignment method of teaching engages the learner in different learning

experiences. True/False
ii. The teacher should always focus on the purpose when designing the tasks for an
assignment True/False
iii. Assignment is classified based on the place of execution only. True/False

c) Individual Assignment
In this type of assignment, each student has to do it individually. It may be the same assignment
for all the students or different for each student. However, to avoid copying practices, teacher
constructs more than one assignment and assigns them randomly to different students. Students
are asked not to discuss among themselves. These types of assignments are good for assessing
the depth of knowledge of a student for that task/issue.

d) Group Assignment
As against to individual assignment, in group assignment, students are divided into small groups
and each group is given one task or assignment separately. A group of students is asked to discuss
the given task in the group and answer the same based on group consensus. These types of
assignments are good to develop team work, oral communication skills, critical thinking,
synthesizing the information from different sources and others.


Good assignment writing encourages students’ engagement with course material, promote
critical thinking, sharpen lab or practical skill, help the students in self-learning, analysing data,
and making arguments regarding the task. No matter what type of writing the teacher assign,
how the teacher presents the assignments to your students can affect their success.

Formulating good assignments is the basic task of teachers. It is the formulation of the
assignment that makes the assignment good or bad. The purpose of the assignment gets
defeated, if assignment is not formulated properly and is not able to communicate what is being
expected by the teacher. Some of the basic elements of good assignment are:
a) It should satisfy the pedagogical goals meet outcomes of the course.
b) Well defined in terms of:

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

• the writing or performing task in observable and measurable terms

• Student’s role
• Format (length, resources to be used, manuscript details, etc.)
• Expectations for process (draft dates, peer review workshops, revision dates)
• Criteria for evaluation
d) Be precise, but having sufficient information to enable the student to complete the task
with individual differences.
e) Sufficiently interesting to enable students to complete within the stipulated time.
f) References and required information must be given with guidelines to the students.
g) The teacher must have the solutions and its feedback with the problem-solving guidelines
to reduce the gaps in learning process among the students.
h) Should yield a good learning experience which ultimately facilitates the further follow up
of academic activities such as designing appropriate learning experiences, Laboratory
work, projects and others.

The evaluation of student’s assignment should be constructive to promote learning.

i. Respond to content, not student.
ii. Resist the urge to comment on everything, which will overwhelm students.
iii. Use written or oral feedback to set a few specific goals for student improvement.
iv. Allow students for the revision of assignment on your primary comments and evaluate
final drafts.
v. Ask students to hand in early drafts and teacher’s comments with their final drafts so that
the teacher can respond directly to their revisions (and spend less time responding to
final versions).
vi. Ask students to self-evaluate first to encourage self-reflection.


Students should not be left alone. It is the duty of the teacher as a facilitator of learning to
advise student in writing assignment and making writing interesting and even enjoyable.
Following points are worth considering:
Step 1: Plan
Step 2: Analyse the assignment question
Step 3: Prepare the outline and preparing a mind map
Step 4: Collect relevant information from different sources
Step 5: Write the assignment
Step 6: Finalise the assignment

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Analyze the Prepare the

assignment outline and a
question mind map Plan

Step 6 Step 5 Step 4

Finalize the Write the Collect relevant

assignment assignment information from
different sources

6.1 Step 1: Plan

Planning assignment will help student to get focused and keep on track. At this stage, the
teacher should guide students to:
a) Check the worth of assignment and its weightage in final examination. This will help
students to decide the quantity of time to be spent on it.
b) Check the assessment and evaluation scheme to see the criteria of assessment and the
awarding of marks. This will help to focus on.
c) Look at various aspects needed to complete the assignment such as search and
retrieval, writing drafts, reference checking, reviewing and editing, etc. Break these
into a list of tasks to do.
d) Give each task a deadline by working backwards from assignment due date.

6.2 Step 2: Analyze the assignment question

Before answering a question, the student needs to know what exactly is being asked in the
question? Students should try to read it slowly and carefully, and try to understand what is
expected of them. Each student should ask himself or herself about the following:
• Intent of the question and the topic
• Meaning within the question
• Expected answer

While analysing the question, the student should:

✓ Look for words like interpret, explain, compare, contrast and such other action verbs.
which provide clue to expected outcome.
✓ Check the context in which the words are used.
✓ Try to read at least twice or thrice.

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

6.3 Step 3: Draft an outline and preparing a mind map

Drafting an outline and mind map will give the student a structure to follow when it comes to
reporting the assignment. The type of assignment and its criteria of marking will help student
to give a broad structure about what must be included, and which sections are worth the most
marks. This will help the student to create outline, using headings and gaps for the information
to be fill in. Generally, assignments follow the following basic structure:
a) Introduction (10%) - Brief purpose of the assignment and intended outcome or
b) Discussion (80%) - Paragraphs having discussion points, supporting evidence and
c) Conclusion (10%) - Brief restatement of main arguments, evaluation of ideas and

6.4 Step 4: Collect relevant information from different sources

Before start writing, the student needs to collect relevant and reliable information from
course materials, library, on line sources and recommended readings. After collection, it is
necessary to evaluate to ensure it is right for assignment.

6.5 Step 5: Write the assignment

Once information is collected it’s time to bring it altogether and write the assignment.
a) Write first draft
▪ Based on outline and mind map, fill in the gaps by writing main points for each
▪ Write freely, getting as much down as much as possible without worrying about
the perfect wording.
▪ Not to spend too much time in trying to make this draft perfect as it will change.

b) Fine tune
▪ Revise first draft, and check that it makes sense and includes everything it needs.
▪ Fine tune the words used, and make sure the sequence and coherence in writing.
▪ Make sure to keep different copies of the drafts as it may be required later.
▪ Leave the writing for a day, read it, and fine tune again.
▪ Compile bibliography or reference list.

6.6 Step 6: Finalize the assignment

After the written assignment is ready, work for its improvement by editing and proofreading,
Check assignment with a fresh mind for a while. Look at the bigger picture. Check the written
assignment for:

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

a) Appropriateness of answer
b) Compatibility with criteria of marks
c) Correctness of the structure
d) Inclusion of all relevant parts such as- the title page, introduction, conclusion,
reference list etc.
e) Logical coherence of the content
f) Smooth flow of each section
g) Acknowledgement of all the sources and correct referencing
h) Tidy and systematic presentation
i) Grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Following are some type of assignments that can be showcased:
a) Discuss the best possible ways a teacher/educational institution can make use of
information and communication technology in the classroom - Word limit: Word
Limit: 800 (Essay Type Assignment).
b) Discuss the extent to which online users alter their identity - Word limit: 2000
(Essay Type Assignment).
c) Submit a report of the visit of an industry/enterprise/research laboratory related
to your domain area (viz. branch of engineering) which you have recently visited
(Report Type Assignment).
d) Prepare a write up explaining the utility of data mining in assessing the academic
environment of an educational institution (Essay Type Assignment).
e) Prepare a concept paper on ‘facets of digital marketing in India’ and prepare the
same in front of your peers. (Paper Type Assignment).
f) Narrate an innovative experience which you recently came across in the classroom
during the discussion on Fiber Optical Devices (Report Type Assignment).
g) Prepare a case study of an automobile mechanic showing the steps and process
followed by him while finding faults of a four-wheeler which suddenly stopped
working at a crossing (Case study Type Assignment).
h) Design an innovation in the Lab in your discipline and report its efficiency and
effectiveness in front of informed audience from public (Lab Type Assignment).
i) Balance wheels of four-cylinder automobile car in the workshop and submit a
report (Practical/ Task Type Assignment and report type assignment).
j) Operate a hydraulic jack to lift the four-wheeler in your automobile lab and submit a
report (Practical/ Task Type Assignment and report type assignment).

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By this time, the enormous strengths of the Assignment as an instructional method can be seen
as given below;
a) Students’ active participation is encouraged.
b) Provides self-directed learning opportunity for the students.
c) Combining with other teaching methods like lecture or practical results in better learning
d) Assignment method provides sufficient flexibility in learning pace of the students
particularly for the slow learners and learners with different learning styles and abilities.
e) Teacher truly serves as a guide, mentor and facilitator of learning.
f) The students receive better training in construction of knowledge i.e. learning on their
g) This method is able to develop information seeking and retrieval behaviour.
h) It can provide space for the individuals learning attitude.
i) This method helps in providing better feedback for the student’s future learning process.
j) The learning by self and learning by active participation in this assignment method
promotes the self-confidence and self-respect in the students.
k) Additional bibliographic information and references provide a good in-depth knowledge
among the students in the subject they work.
l) Teacher himself or herself improves the awareness about the students’ learning.
m) Individualized instruction and attention is possible in this method.


As is true with any or every method, assignment method also has some limitations stated as
a) For Teachers
i. It consumes time depending on the complexity and its assessment.
ii. Often times, it is difficult to prepare thought provoking and good assignments.
iii. Needs to collect the information from various sources before assigning the work to
the students.
iv. It poses problems for teacher assigning a unique or uniform topic for assignment to
divergent group of students in a class.
v. The success of the assignment method largely depends on classroom experiences,
library, laboratory and other ICT facilities provided for the teacher.
vi. It requires differential treatment from the teacher. The slow learners need much more
attention from the teacher.

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b) For Students
i. It needs more time in seeking and retrieval of information and preparing assignment.
ii. The time limit given for assignment increases student’s anxiety and sometimes results
in making substandard assignment submission.
iii. The slow and weak learners stay behind and tend to copy others work which
ultimately develop a habit of cheating and copying.
iv. The submission of formal assignment of project reports may be a little expensive.
c) In general
i. Assignments do not fit for all topics.
ii. The teacher student ratio needs to be less in number. Difficult to use for large number
of students.
iii. Careful analysis and correction is necessary so that the efforts do not go waste.


Given below are certain statements. Indicate whether the statement is True or False.
1. Assignment should satisfy the pedagogical goals and meet outcomes of the course. True/False
2. References and required information must be given to the students with assignment(s). True/False
3. Evaluation of student’s assignment should be constructive to promote learning. True/False
4. For success of assignment method, student should be left alone. True/ False
5. Assignment method discourages the students’ active participation during teaching- learning process
6. Assignment method helps in providing better feedback for the student’s future learning process.
True/ False
7. It consumes time depending on the complexity and its assessment. True/False

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Unit 4: Teacher-Centred Methods Unit 4.4 Assignment Method

In the context of technical education, where the students are being developed to be wage
employed or self-employed in the ‘world of work’, meaningful learning is much important.
There is a need to have a major shift from rote/ memory-based learning to meaningful
learning and this is possible only if the students are actively engaged in the process of learning
and the Assignment Method provides this opportunity to students which had been discussed
at length in this unit. How a teacher can play a role of facilitator and guide of learning through
this method has been also discussed quite elaborately. World renounced Scientist and Nobel
Prize Winner Albert Einstein once said “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training
of mind to think”. Assignment method helps in achieving the same by making the mind of the
students to be active.


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[4] Garvin, David A. - Learning in Action – A Guide to Putting Learning Organization to
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