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Mahboob Alam 14-Mar-01

Academic Session Subject Exam

2022-23 Preprof Block I( Paper A) - ( 2310-6 )


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120 60

Paper Question & Answers Detail`s

A medical student comes to the class, he is taught the A Anatomy

science of diseases. Which branch of medicine is this? B biochemistry

C Pathology [T]

D physiology

E zoonosis

Hematopoiesis occurs at different sites at different stages of A Bone Marrow

pregnancy. Which of the following is most likely the major B Liver [T]
site for RBCs production in the middle trimester of
pregnancy? C Lymph nodes

D Spleen
E Yolk Sac

Which of the following cells most likely become inactivatedl A B Lymphocytes

in the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome? B Cytotoxic T cell

C Helper T cells [T]

D Macrophages

E Suppressor T cells

Most body odor is the result of bacterial metabolism of the A apocrine sweat glands [T]
secretions produced by _____ gland B ceruminous glands

C Merocrine glands

D sebaceous glsnds

E Ecrine glands

Which of the following repair systems in E.coli requires DNA A Base Excision Repair
Polymerase III? B Direct Repair

C Double strand break Repair

D Mismatch Repair [T]

E Nucleotide Excision Repair

Regarding the organelles and inclusion bodies of the cell, A Mitochondria

which one of the following stuctures is an inclusion body. B Rough endoplasmic reticulum

C Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

D Peroxisome

E Lipofuscin granules [T]

RNA is the genetic material found in? A In some Viruses & Prokaryotes
B In some Viruses,Prokaryotes & rarely Eukaryotes

C In Eukaryotes

D Only in some Viruses [T]

E In Viruses only
Which of the following characteristics of a biological A Fluidity [T]
membrane is most influenced by its cholesterol content. B Glycosylation

C Hydrophobicity

D ion permeability

E thickness

Which of thge following nucleotides is used for A ADP

Epimerization of Galactose to Glucose? B ATP




Apart from nucleus, DNA is found in which of the following A Golgi Apparatus
organelles? B Microtubules

C Mitochondria [T]

D Peroxisomes

E Ribosomes

The extra-embryonic Allantois become intra-embryonic A 2nd week

Allantois during which week of development B 3rd week

C 4th week [T]

D 5th week

E 8th week

A 35 years old male is brought to the Northwest Teaching A Folic Acid deficiency [T]
hospital with jaundice. Investigations revealed hemoglobin B Iron deficiency
10 g/dl, Peripheral smear showed odd shaped, large 1
C Vitamin B12 deficiency
nucleated RBCs. What is the most likely cause of his
disease? D Vitamin C deficiency

E Vitamin K deficiency

There are various types of medical research. One of which A Basic Research
deals with how biological knowledge can be used to treat B Clinical Research
disease. An example is the development of a vaccine and 1
conducting its animal trials. Which among the following best C Ethical Research
describes the type of medical research? D Observational Research

E Translational Research [T]

A lack of which of these will result in abnormally large red A Carbon dioxide
blood cells and a condition called megaloblastic anemia? B Oxygen

C Vitamin C

D Vitamin B-12 and folic acid [T]

E Vitamin D

Regarding the morphological classification of neurons, A Betz Cells [T]

which one of the following are the largest multipolar neurons 0 B Horizontal cells of Cajal
in the cerebral cortex?
C Fusiform cells

D Mortinotti cells

E Stellate cells

Different types of connective tissue contains different cells. A Fibroblasts

The connective tissue cells that store fat are called: B Histiocytes

C Adipocyte [T]

D Mast cells

E Melanocytes

Which of the following is a mature bone cell and is found A osteoprogenitor cells
within lacunae of the bone matrix ? B osteoblasts

C osteoclasts

D osteocyte [T]

E Osteoid
The Boolean search technique allows you to combine A AND [T]
keywords with the 3 operators. Using these operators, you B IN
are able to make your search more precise and save time.
One of the operators narrows your search, combines 1 C NOT
different concepts, and retrieves results that contain both/all D OF
keywords. Which among the following best describes the
given operator?

Which of the following Ribosomal RNA is most imp in A 5S Subunit

initiation of Translation? B 5.8S Subunit

C 16S Subunit [T]

D 23S Subunit

E 30S Subunit

The placental membrane is an extra foetal tissue that A syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast
separates the foetal blood from maternal blood.What is the B cytotrophoblast and connective tissue of tertiary villi
composition of the placental membrane during layer stages
of pregnancy? C connective tissue of tertiary villi and foetal endothelium

D syncytiotrophoblast and foetal endothelium [T]

E cytotrophoblast and foetal endothelium

What is the major function of sudoriferous glands A gives skin texure

B gives skin a healthy color

C helps to regulate body temprature [T]

D lubricate the skin surface

E protects the skin elasticity

“You should select a research topic that has interest and A Avoidance of duplication
support of local/national authorities”. Which criteria for title 1 B Ethical acceptability
selection best defines the given statement.
C Feasibility of study

D Political acceptability [T]

E Relevance

What is the structural unit of compact bone called? A Osteocyte

B Osteon [T]

C Osteoblast

D Osteoid

E osteoclast

Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder of A Valine [T]

hemoglobin synthesis .it is a point mutation in the beta chain B Leucine
at 6th position at which glutamic acid is replaced by which of
the following amino acid C Isoleucine

D Troponin

E Phenylmendellic acid

The myelin sheath of peripheral nerves is produced by the A Internode

Schwann cells of peripheral nervous system. It consists of B Synapse
segments of myelin sheath interrupted at regular intervals.
C Nodes of Ranvier [T]
What are the interruptions called?
D Synaptic clefts

E Initial segment

Which one of the following terms denote the spherical A Corpora amylacea
structures seen microscopically as a sliced onion,in the 1 B Corpora arenacea
medulla of the thymus gland?
C Concretions

D Psammoma bodies

E Hassal's corpuscle [T]

Which of the following statements clarify that the glucose A Both of them are mirror images of each other
and mannose are epimers of each other?
B Both of them are different in configuration around single Carbon atom

C both of them rotate plane of polarized light in opposite direction

D both of them rotate plane of polarized light in the same direction

E Both of them are ketohexoses

Protein is an anticoagulant. Protein C most likely causes A Fibrinogen Prothrombin

anticoagulant activity by inactivating which of the following 1 B Va and V111a [T]
clotting factors?
C V11a and XIa

D 1Xa and Xa

E Thrombin

Concerning the histology of cell, Which one of the following A Smooth muscle cell
cells is a multinucleate cell B Cardiac muscle cell

C Skeletal muscle cell [T]

D Epithelial cell in the skin

E Connective tissue cell

The person who first, dissected the human body was also A Herophilus [T]
called “Father of Anatomy”. His name was B Galen

C Hippocrates

D William hunter

E Vesalius

During intrauterine development, the embryonic period A First two week after fertilization
refers to which one of the following time periods? B 3rd through 8th weeks after conception [T]

C 12-18 weeks after conception

D 20- 28 weeks after conception

E 32-38 weeks after conception

A young girl of age 16 years, presents to ER with history of A Increase in plasma bicarbonate
hysterical attack.She is diagnosed with Respiratory B Decrease in plasma chloride
alkalosis.Which one of the following is the primary event in
C Rise in pCO2
this case?
D Decrease in pCO2 [T]

E Decrease in plasma bicarbonate

The Professor of anatomy asked the students after his A Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
learning session about “Histological features of cell” , that B Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum [T]
which one of the following organelle is responsible for
Detoxification of drug administered in the body: C Lysosome

D Mitochondria

E Peroxisome

Adrenal / supra renal gland is located on upper pole of A Neural tube of neuro-ectoderm
kidney. It has outer cortex and inner medulla. The adrenal 1 B Neural crest of neuro-ectoderm [T]
medulla is derived from which of the following germ layers.
C Paraxial mesoderm

D Intermediate mesoderm

E Lateral plate mesoderm

For a substance to be antigenic It must have a molecular A Less than 4000

weight of? B 4000 or greater

C 8000 or greater [T]

D 10000 or greater

E 12000 or greater

The placenta is a fetomaternal organ and is the primary site A amniotic sac
of nutrient and gas exchange between mother and foetus B chorionic sac
.Which of the following embryonic structure forms the foetal
C umbilical cord
part of the placenta ?
D chorion frondosum [T]

E smooth chorion
An HIV-AIDS patient has visited his general physician in his A Examining the patient
clinic. The maximum risk of doctor to be infected with 1 B Giving the injection
HIV/AIDS is during
C Giving the intravenous fluid

D Handling the biopsy material

E Recapping the used needle on syringe [T]

Research objectives are concrete statements describing A Achievable

what the research study is trying to achieve. Which among 1 B Correlational Research
the following is not a characteristic of a research objective?
C Rationale [T]

D Specific

E e) Time-bound

Human Blood can be differentiated from animal blood by: A Benzedine Test
B Kastle Meyer Test

C Takayama Test

D Preceipitin TEST [T]

E Hemin Crystal Test

A young boy of 18 years from Gilgit Baltistan applied to join A Excess erythropoietin from a renal tumour
Pakistan Army. In the medical test his routine laboratory B Iodine deficiency
investigation showed an RBC count of 7 million per micro 1
liter of blood. What is most likely cause for his more than C Iron over load
normal RBC count? D Physiological polycythemia [T]

E Polycythemia Vera

A doctor advised a 40 year old woman to have A Primordial prevention

mammography each year. this advice refers to: B Primary prevention

C Secondary prevention [T]

D Tertiary prevention

E Health protection

A 30 year old man has difficulty in swallowing. His blood A Vitamin B12 deficiency
picture shows Hb8.5mgldl, MCV 50, microcytic hypochromic. 0 B Folic acid deficiency
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
C Iron deficiency [T]

D Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

E Hereditary spherocytosis

Least malignant and most common type of skin cancer is : A Basal cell carcinoma [T]
B Merkel cell carcinoma

C Malignant melanoma
D sebaceous carcinoma

E Squamous cell carcinoma

Regarding the history of anatomy the person, called, the A Herophilus

father of medicine was B Galen

C Hippocrates [T]

D William hunter

E Vesalius

Which of the following is mainly responsible for A Active transport of K+ ions by Na+-K+ Pump
establishment of resting membrane potential? B Active transport of Na+ ions by Na+-K+ Pump

C Outflux of K+ ions through leak channels [T]

D Facilitated diffusion of K+ ions

E Influx of Na+ ions through leak channels

Which of the followings is the ratio of H2CO3 and HCO3 at A 1: 4

the blood pH of 7.45 B 1: 9

C 1: 15

D 1: 20 [T]

E 1:25
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a thiamin deficiency state, is A Confabulation [T]
caused by alcoholism, smoking, caffeine, anorexia, B Diabetes Insipidus
pregnancy. It is characterized by confusion, ataxia,
C Diarrhea
nystagmus, memory problems and which of the following?
D Fever

E Hypertension

In year 2018, tenth vaccine was added in expanded program A Chicken pox vaccine
of immunization for the children of Pakistan. This particular 1 B Cholera vaccine
vaccine is:
C Influenza vaccine

D Pneumococcal vaccine [T]

E Rota virus vaccine

The Professor of anatomy asked the students at the end of A Cilia

his learning activity that Which one of the following 1 B Centriole [T]
structures has “Nine Triplets” arrangement of Microtubules
C Flagellum

D Villi

E Microvilli

Which of the following Disaccharides contain alpha-1-1 A Galactose

glycosidic linkage? B Lactose

C Maltose

D Sucrase

E Trehalose [T]

Which one of the following antibodies are most abundantly A Ig A

produced during the primary response against an anitigen? B Ig D

C Ig E

D Ig G

E Ig M [T]

which blood cell can barely be seen by naked eye ? A Basophil

B Eosinophil

C Macrophages [T]

D Neutrophil

E Lymphocyte

Which one of the following is the rarest blood group A AB positive

B B negative [T]

C A negative
D O negative

E B positive

The axon of a neuron is stimulated experimentally with a 25- A 25

millivolt pulse, which initiates an action potential with a B 50 [T]
velocity of 50 meters per second. The axon is then
1 C 75
stimulated with a 100-millivolt pulse. What is the action
potential velocity after the 100-millivolt stimulation pulse (in D 100
meters per second)?
E 125

If the flux of substance across a cell membrane is directly A Active transport

proportional to the concentration gradient of that substance, 1 B Facilitated diffusion
the transport process is most likely:
C Na+ coupled co-transport

D Na+ coupled counter-transport

E Simple diffusion [T]

In which of the following muscle of the body are the A visceral muscle
myofilaments arranged in sarcomeres ? B ciliary muscle of the eye

C cardiac muscle [T]

D smooth muscle in blood vessels walls

E erector pilli muscle of skin

Dextran is a polymer of glucose units. What type of linkages A alpha-1-1 Glycosidic linkage
are predominant in it's structure? B alpha-1-4 Glycosidic linkage

C alpha-1-6 Glycosidic linkage [T]

D beta-1-4 Glycosidic linkage

E beta-1-2 Glycosidic linkage

Which of the following is least likely to be major function of A Synthesis of lipids

the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)? B Synthesis of proteins

C Providing enzymes that control glycogen break-down [T]

D Providing enzymes that detoxify substances that could damage the cell

E Synthesis of steroids

Which one is least likely to consider mature cell ? A Eosinophil

B Hepatocyte

C Kupffer cells

D Monocyte [T]

E Neutrophil

Regarding the applied anatomy of joints , in osteo-arthritis, A Articualr cartilage [T]

which of the following parts of a synovial joint is damaged. B Synovial membrane

C Capsule

D Bursae related to the joint

E Ligament

During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes of the A prophase

cell line up along the equatorial plate for proper separation 1 B pro metaphase
of sister chromatids ?
C metaphase [T]

D anaphase

E telophase

A patient of chronic renal failure was brought to Northwest A Deficiency of erythropoietin [T]
Teaching hospital for dialysis. His Lab reports revealed urea B Deficiency of iron due to loss in urine
300 mg/dl, creatinine of 14mg/dl, RBC count 3.8 1
million/microliter and Hb of 9 mg/dl. What is the most likely C Excess of creatinine causing hemolysis
cause of his Anemia? D Hemolysis in the damaged kidney

E Suppression of the bone marrow by the high urea level

Which of the following muscle fibre structure is responsible A sarcolemma

for conducting action potential from the cell surface to the 1 B sarcoplasm
interior of the cell to cause muscle fibre contraction?
C transverse tubule [T]

D sarcoplasmic reticulum

E terminal cistern

The topic of discussion during SGD session was “Cell and A Ribosome
its Organelle”. The facilitator asked the students that , Which B Mitochondria [T]
one of the following organelles is surrounded by Double
C Peroxisome
D Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

E Lysosome

Bohr Effect is the ability of hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to A low pH [T]

tissues at B pH less than 7.1

C neutral pH

D High pH

E pH greater than 7.5

adult hemoglobin (HbA) is a tetramer consisting of which of A alpha2beta2 [T]

the following chains ? B alpha2sigma2

C alpha2delta2

D beta4

E alpha4
Which of the following is most likely the function of A Activation of complement system
interleukin-1? B Activation of macrophage system

C Chemotaxis of neutophils

D Destruction of bacteria

E Growth and reproduction of lymphocytes [T]

Which of the following is most likely responsible for the A Closure of voltage gated Na+ channels
hyper polarization phase of the action potential? B Closure of voltage gated Cl- channels

C Opening of voltage gated K+ channels

D Opening of voltage gated Na+ channels

E Slow closure of voltage gated K+ channels [T]

Transfusing a person with blood plasma proteins from a A active immunity

person or animal that has been actively immunized against a 1 B autoimmunity
specific antigen most likely provides what type of immunity?
C anti immunity

D no resistance

E passive immunity [T]

The membrane will depolarize by the greatest amount if the A Chloride

membrane permeability increases for: B Potassium

C Potassium and chloride

D Sodium [T]

E Sodium and potassium

Among the various research types, one seeks to describe A Descriptive [T]
the current status of an identified variable. These research B Correlational
projects are designed to provide systematic information
C Quasi-Experimental
about a phenomenon. The researcher does not usually begin 0
with a hypothesis but is likely to develop one after collecting D Causal-Comparative
data. The analysis and synthesis of the data provide the test
E Experimental Research.
of the hypothesis. This type of research is known as?

Spina bifida can be due to deficiency of which of the A Vitamin A

following? B Vitamin B1

C Vitamin B12

D Vitamin C

E Folic acid [T]

The acrosome of the sperm contains hydrolytic enzymes A Mitochondria of spermatid

which play a major role in fertilization. Which of the following 1 B Golgi complex of spermatid [T]
structure gives rise to the acrosome of the sperm ?
C nucleus of spermatid

D centrosome of spermatid

E cytoplasm of spermatid

The complications that can occur in severe thalassemia is A Enlarged spleen [T]
B diabetes mellitus

C hypertension

D cancer

E sudden death

The embryo is suspended along with its amniotic cavity and A splanchnic layer of extra embryonic mesoderm
yolk sac into the chorionic cavity by a connecting stalk. 0 B somatic layer of extra embryonic mesoderm
Which of the following structures forms the chorion?
C somatic layer of extra embryonic mesoderm and cytotrophoblast

D somatic layer of extramebryonic mesoderm and syncitiotrophoblast

E somatic layer of extra embryonic mesoderm and trophoblast [T]

Which one most likely the function interleukin ? A It binds to and present antigen
B It is required for the proliferation of T-helper cells

C It kills viruses infected cells

D It stimulate proliferation of cytotoxic T cells [T]

E Suppressing the function of suppressor T-cell

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