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Department of Visual Communication

Media Marketing Communication


Product promotion- Advertising, Public Relations & Publicity;

Sales promotion techniques- Corporate & brand image building;
Direct marketing strategies- telemarketing &
online marketing; Types of Online Marketing; Challenges and
future of Online Marketing; Developments Promotion mix in

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

3.1 Product promotion
Product promotion refers to the set of activities focused on spreading information about
products among prospective buyers in market. In simple terms, it involves publicizing
the brand and its product line on a mass scale by reaching out to target audience.
Product promotion aims at creating awareness, developing interest, growing sales and
building up the brand loyalty. It is the fourth and quite important element of marketing
mix which attracts and induce customers for buying the product. This serves as a
means of market communication to business for informing peoples about the
availability of its products and services.

Product promotion does the work of introducing goods and services to customers by
telling them about features, merits and even benefits over the other competitors’
products. Marketers are easily able to differentiate their products and create a distinct
image in minds of people. In the absence of this element, business may find difficulty in
reaching their objectives. No matter how well-designed product a business is offering
with appropriate pricing and distribution system, they can’t be sold unless and until they
reach the target market. Product promotion act as a responsible factor for awakening
and stimulating people’s demand.

Different types of product promotions techniques are as discussed below: –

Discounted products: This is one of the most popular type of product promotion
strategy adopted by business enterprises. Customer always love to grab a bargaining
deal so by giving them discounted offers, they become more happy with brand.
Businesses should always ensure that discounted offers are designed properly to make
them more attractive. A bottom line should be considered and be sure not to provide
these offers too often to peoples.
Flash sale: A flash sales is a limited time deal offered to customers for buying
products. This technique of promoting products is very effective and creates a sense of
urgency among people to buy. More successful flash sales are one which lasts for a
short time and sell more than 50% of products in the first hour only. Customers are
more interested to buy and try products which are offered in such limited time deals.
Product giveaways: This is a good promotion strategy which induces more and more
peoples to try your products. Everyone enjoys in getting the free stuffs from brands.
People appreciate such gestures from company and are easily able to memorize their
products. In case, if a business can’t giveaway its products then it should think about
giving some useful branded gifts with every purchase.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Free shipping and free returns: Free shipping and hassle-free return mechanism
motivate customers to purchase brand products. This offers a sense of security among
people that they won’t lose their money in case if they want to send the product back. It
is revealed from data that 66% of customer will prefer to buy from brand offering
next-day delivery and free returns.
Loyalty points: It is another means of enticing peoples to buy more of your products.
Rewarding with points on every purchase will enable brand to build a solid base of
loyal fans. The points collected by customers while purchasing can be used on their
next purchase. Loyalty pointing system is a popular type of product promotion which
convince peoples for repeat purchases.
Coupon giveaway: This is another important type of promotion strategy to induce
peoples for buying your products. Companies send virtual coupon to their customers
which gives them a push to visit the online store for buying products. However,
companies should plan these promotion in such a way which seems more exclusive to
peoples and makes them happy.

Various features of product promotion are as discussed in point given below: –

● Product promotion primarily focuses on creating wide awareness of products

and brand in market. It is highly effective in exposing new products or brands to
customer for the first time.
● It plays an effective role in creating interest among customers for products by
designing appealing promotional campaigns. The campaigns are run in such an
interesting way which grab the attention of people.
● Product promotion supplies all substantial information regarding products to
clients. People are informed about the features, uses, and availability of
products thereby converting an interest into actual sales.
● This stimulates the demand for business products via convincing peoples to buy
them. It is done by highlighting the features and importance of product.
● Product promotion strengthens the brand image in the mind of customers
leading to more repeat sales in long run.
● It facilitates the business to remain in a competitive position in market. In
present time, every business is excessively using promotional strategies to
show its presence in market.
● Product promotion is helpful in raising the sales of
● business during the off-season. More and more customers are attracted by
employing techniques such as off-season discounts and off-season offers.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

3.2 Definition of Advertising
Advertising is described as a paid, non-personal, one-way public communication that
draws public communication towards a product, service, company, or any other thing
through various communication channels, to inform, influence and instigates the target
audience to respond in the manner as desired by the advertiser.

Advertising can be done through print ads, radio or television ads, billboards, flyers,
commercials, internet banner ads, direct mails and so on. The advertiser has exclusive
control over what, how and when the ad will be aired or published. Moreover, the ad
will run as long as the advertiser’s budget allows.

As advertising is a prominent marketing tool, it is always present, no matter the people

are aware of it or not. Nowadays, advertising has not left a single medium to spread
the message to the target audience.

3.3 Definition of Public Relations

Public Relations is a strategic communication tool that uses different channels, to
cultivate favourable relations for the company. It is a practice of building a positive
image or reputation of the company in the eyes of the public by telling or displaying the
company’s products or services, in the form of featured stories or articles through print
or broadcast media. It aims at building a trust-based relationship between the brand
and its customer, mainly through media exposure and coverage.

Public Relations can be called as non-paid publicity earned by the company through its
goodwill, word of mouth, etc. The tactics used in public relations are publicity, social
media, press releases, press conferences, interviews, crisis management, featured
stories, speeches, news releases.

Key Differences Between Advertising and Public Relations

The difference between advertising and public relations can be drawn clearly on the
following grounds:

Advertising is a technique of drawing public attention to products or services, mainly

through paid announcements. Public Relations is a practice of strategic communication
that aims at building a mutually beneficial relationship between the company and the
Advertising is a purchased or paid media, whereas public relations is an earned media.
Advertising is a monologue activity. Conversely, public relation is a two way
communication process, wherein the company listens and responds to the public.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Advertising is done to promote product or services, with an aim to induce the intended
audience to buy. On the other hand, public relations aims at maintaining a positive
image of the company in the media.
In advertising, the advertiser has full control over the ad, i.e. when, how and what will
be displayed to the people. As opposed to public relation, where the company can
pitch the story, but has no control over, how media uses or does not use at all.
In advertising, the placement of the ad is guaranteed, but there is no such guarantee of
placement in case of public relations.
In advertising, the ad is published or aired as long as you are willing to pay for. On the
contrary, in the case of public relation, the story is published only once.
Credibility is higher in public relations than in advertising because in the case of
advertising savvy consumers, know that it’s just an ad and do not believe easily, and so
they remain sceptical. Unlike Public Relations where third-party validation improves the

3.4 Sales promotion techniques

● Sales promotion is useful for achieving short-term sales goals to entice potential
consumers to purchase the goods.
● Disseminating details about the product to potential clients or new markets is a
crucial promotional tactic.
● Increase sales volume steadily and meet short-term sales targets.
● Create the impression that the goods are a fantastic bargain to increase
demand in the near run.

Sales Promotion Techniques Are

New leads are produced as a result of sales promotions. Since sales promotion
stimulates information exchange among social networks linked to your business, it can
improve the image of your goods. People interested in playing football will spread the
word if you provide training sports shoes.
Allows you to re-engage with your current audience. A user who has signed up for an
email newsletter from a brand will frequently get sales promos. It is a method of
maintaining the audience’s interest and a tight relationship with the business, which is
essential for fostering loyalty.
Increased revenue. Even if they must cut the price to do so, sales promotions aid
businesses in growing the volume of items sold. Of course, simply lowering the cost is
insufficient; customers must actually need your goods; the reduction is merely an
additional incentive.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Increases awareness of a brand. Because consumers are more inclined to talk about
just a firm that offers advantages and saves them money, sales marketing is a
technique to establish your brand.
Strategies And Techniques Of Sales Promotion
Free shipping: Customers frequently abandon your site without purchasing due to
pricey delivery alternatives. You may conduct a time-limited promotion that offers these
potential customers free purchases in exchange for a minimum purchase quantity to
bring them back.
Seasonal sales: People frequently purchase air conditioners and ski gear in the
summer to save money. It might be quite difficult to sell things during the off-season;
thus, we strongly advise you to offer seasonal deals. Offer discounted rates on goods
from previous collections, and also don’t hesitate to promote your promotion on social
media and via email.
Limited-time offers: This tactic is much more effective than a significant discount.
Marketers use this tactic to generate a sense of desperation and apprehension about
losing out on their goods. Customers can have 24 hours to take advantage of this deal.
Holiday promotions: Valentine’s Day, Republic Day sales, Diwali sales, Christmas
sales, and Diwali sales are all excellent opportunities to increase sales. When
purchasing gifts for your friends and relatives, people are incredibly giving. Launch
your Christmas promotions early and spend money on emails, Seo, social networking
sites, and other advertising avenues.
Contests: These are a fantastic way to enhance user engagement, brand exposure,
and revenue. You might ask your audience to come up with a new motto for your
company, an ad campaign, a design, or innovative ways to utilize your product.
Reward points: It’s important to reward loyal customers since consumers like
companies that respect their preferences. Therefore, you may begin developing client
loyalty using this method. Each customer who tends to make a future purchase or
invests a specific amount of money should receive points. Allow them to redeem those
credits for goods later.
Rebates: This strategy dates back as far as the hills. Small firms and huge
organizations utilize this strategy to sell more. The fact that discounts benefit
customers and retailers equally is among the reasons it remains so popular even now.
Customers may purchase more items at lower costs, and sellers can take place in their
storage for fresh deliveries.
Gifts: Use this strategy since you’re a startup or are preparing to introduce a new
product. You may quickly reach large audiences, increase brand recognition, and
gather user-generated material, which is particularly beneficial for many kinds of
Special discounts: Marketers typically organize a one- or two-day campaign during
which consumers may purchase anything for a set price. Users are frequently seduced

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

by this pricing and unable to shake their sense of loss. A yearly clearing of products
might be the aim. You may specify fixed pricing for each of your store’s product
Coupons for first purchases: It usually takes some time for individuals to make
donations to a new business, particularly when purchasing expensive goods. Offer
them a specific incentive to get them to consider the purchase more quickly. An email
containing a voucher for a 10 or 15 percent rebate on their first transaction might be
sent as a welcome message to new visitors.
Flash sales: These incredibly brief promotions provide steep reductions for a
constrained period of time. These sales generate a sense of necessity and urgency
surrounding your purchase.
Free trials or demonstrations are among the most popular sales campaigns and among
the most effective ways to expand a clientele. Businesses can provide a first-time
customer with a limited supply of the goods or a limited period with the product for free
to see whether they enjoy it.

3.5 Corporate & brand image building

"Corporate image" was once advertising jargon but is today a common phrase referring
to a company's reputation. The "image" is what the public is supposed to see when the
corporation is mentioned. The ordinary man and woman on the street usually have a
wry view of public relations, advertising, hype, hoopla, and therefore also of corporate
image—and this often for good reasons. But a good corporate image is a genuine
asset; it translates into dollars at the counter and higher stock valuation.

The concept is usually associated with large corporations, but small businesses also
have a corporate image even if neither their owners nor customers think of it that way.
In the absence of active efforts, corporate image "simply happens": it is how a
company is perceived. Management, however, may actively attempt to shape the
image by communications, brand selection and promotion, use of symbols, and by
publicizing its actions. Corporations trying to shape their image are analogous to
individuals who will dress appropriately, cultivate courteous manners, and choose their
words carefully in order to come across competent, likeable, and reliable. In the
personal as in the corporate case, the image should match reality. When it does not,
the consequence will be the opposite of the one intended.
Brand image is the perception of the brand in the mind of the customer. It is an
aggregate of beliefs, ideas, and impressions that a customer holds regarding the

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Importance of Corporate and Brand Image

Every Company strives to build a strong image as it helps in fulfilling their business
motives. A strong brand image has the following advantages –

More profits as new customers are attracted to the brand.

Easy to introduce new products under the same brand.
Boosts the confidence of existing customers. Helps in retaining them.
Better Business-Customer relationship.
A company with a bad image may struggle to operate and might not be able to launch
a new product under the same brand.

What Gives Rise To Corporate and Brand Image?

Companies spend most of their time, effort, and resources in building their brand
identity. They decide how their brand will look, how should the customer feel when they
contact the brand, where should the brand be located in consumers’ minds, and other
associations. All these, when summed up, give rise to a brand personality which
eventually gives rise to the brand image when the customer interacts with this brand or
gets to know about it.

Now, it is not always necessary that an image forms out of interactions and experience
with the brand. There are times when prospective customers form an image of the
brand in their mind after reading news about the brand or after watching an influencer
review it.

This is just like with humans. When we meet a person, we assess his personality and
form a perception of him in our minds based on our interactions. Similarly, we also form
perceptions when we hear about that person from some of our friends.

Examples of Brand Image

Coca-Cola is a brand known for a product best used at the time of happiness, joy, and
good experience. It is the ‘original cola’ and has a ‘unique taste’.
Woodland Shoes are solid and are an ideal choice for outdoors. They last very long.
McDonald’s has an image of an inexpensive brand that serves the food very quickly.
Walmart is best known for a retail brand selling goods for a lesser price than usual
Rolls-Royce is a premium brand considered to be exclusive for wealthy and influential
The brand image of Nike is different from other apparel brands. It’s considered to be a
cult brand which deals only in sportswear.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

3.6 Direct marketing strategies- telemarketing &
online marketing;

Direct marketing is a form of marketing that communicates right to the customer

without the use of an advertising middleman, and it involves presenting information
only to a target audience determined to be interested in purchasing the product or
service. The goal of direct marketing is to persuade audiences to become customers to
at least visit the company's website, sign up for a mailing list or call for more
Examples of direct marketing include mail order catalogs, flyers, postcards, coupons,
and door-to-door sales.

Types of direct marketing

Here are 11 of the most common types of direct marketing:

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Telemarketing involves contacting clients over the phone to sell them a product or
service. With this form of direct marketing, companies can have employees or
automated machines reach out to many individuals at one time. This is beneficial
because it makes it easy to reach a broad audience within a short amount of time,
which can boost productivity.

Some examples of telemarketing include:

Inbound calls: These are calls initiated by the customer, whether they call into the
company directly or if they set up a time for the company to call them.
Outbound calls: Also called cold calling, this is when a company calls a consumer

Email marketing
Email marketing is when a company reaches out to consumers by sending email
messages to them. Consumers can either subscribe to a company's email list or
companies can purchase a list of verified consumer emails through a mailing list

Some examples of email marketing include:

● Electronic newsletters
● Promotional emails
● Advertisements

Text marketing
Text marketing is when companies contact consumers via text messages. There is
often a higher response rate with text marketing because of how often consumers use
their cell phones. There are several phone plans that companies can utilize to send
text messages to customers for $0.01 to $0.05 per text, which can be more

Text marketing can include:

Short message service (SMS) and back-and-forth messaging where a recipient can
respond to brief questions and provide the company information about preferences A
link to a company website where recipients can get more information or opt in to

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

receive mobile offers Push notifications, where the recipient gets alerts from the

Direct mail
Direct mail allows a company to send information about products, special offers,
services and sales to a street address via the postal service. Two benefits of direct mail
marketing include versatility, meaning they can personalize it to the consumer, and
flexibility, meaning businesses can change the amount of mail they send out.

Here are some examples of direct mail:

● Letters
● Flyers
● Brochures

Direct selling
Direct selling involves a consultant selling products or services to a customer in-person
at the customer's home or workplace. For example, some businesses have employees
go door-to-door to advertise and sell subscriptions, housewares or makeup to
customers. This form of direct marketing allows companies to better establish a
personal connection with the customers and learn their preferences since there's more
face-to-face interaction.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing uses various social media platforms to connect with
consumers, popularize their brand, initiate business transactions and promote special
offers. This is a cost-effective way to market your business since most social media
platforms are free to join. Companies can also purchase advertisement programs
where they can boost certain posts to reach more users and attract more sales.

Brochures are advertisement papers decorated to grab customer's attention using
pictures and vivid colors, and they contain a wide array of information about a
business, like company goals, special offers or history. These can be a great way to
add artistic flair and well-organized information to a marketing campaign. And while this
is a less targeted approach, it can help companies reach a broader audience when
they want to find new consumers. It is helpful to distribute handouts at events hosting
the targeted market. For example, if you are selling a workout supplement, then you
may choose to hand brochures out at a workout competition.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Direct-response marketing
Direct-response marketing, sometimes known as broadcast advertising, involves
advertising a business through television, radio and multimedia. This style of marketing
is convenient for companies and consumers because of the popularity of televisions
and radios, which makes it easy for the consumer to listen, watch or read about the

Some examples of direct-response marketing are:

● TV commercials
● Radio advertisements
● Newspapers
● Magazines

Catalogs are small booklets or magazines that showcase and advertise products and
services as well as the specials or new items and features. These marketing tools can
make it easy for companies to send large amounts of product information to a targeted
audience. Many companies also send catalogs to returning or expected customers so
they can buy items from the catalogs by phone, by returning a purchase envelope
included in the catalog or by going onto the company's website using the information
found in the catalog. It is common for department stores to do this so that they can
showcase their large collection of items in various areas, like housewares, clothing and

Internet marketing
Internet marketing uses online search engines to generate traffic to a company's
website. Using the internet to market a company is often profitable, flexible and
far-reaching. Because the internet is popular worldwide, it offers a diverse audience for
advertisers. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a popular form of internet marketing
that involves generating more traffic to a company's website based on consumer's
search engine results.

Some examples of internet marketing include display advertisements, which are

advertisements that are linked to a company's website, and search engine marketing,
which is focused on generating traffic via paid search results.

3.7 Types of Online Marketing;

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Online marketing refers to any marketing strategy that uses an electronic device that
may or may not be connected to the internet. Even radio ads and television
commercials are online marketing strategies, though online marketing has evolved,
and new strategies can be much more effective.

Online marketing is important when it comes to being competitive and relevant within
your industry. If your business has no web or online presence, you’re missing out on
countless opportunities to reach out to your target audience.

1. Video Marketing
Video content is quickly becoming the most powerful way to reach an audience online.
Videos can be anything from education to entertainment and can help establish your
brand’s persona in just a few seconds.

2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves giving a third party a reason to refer people to your product.
This often means giving them a discount code to share, or offering them a small
paycheck for every click their affiliate link gets.

3. Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing means to use your content on your website to draw in readers, and
then convert them to buyers.

4. Referral Marketing
Referral marketing happens when a customer is happy enough to tell other people to
buy from you. Reviews are a form of referral marketing.

5. Email Marketing
Sending out emails to an invested list of buyers and interested parties is a great way to
market your products and services.

6. Pay-per-click Marketing
PPC marketing means that you pay to have your website link displayed prominently in
ad space on various Internet pages, primarily on Google or other search engines.
Every time someone clicks, you pay a small fee to the hosting website.

7. Social Media Marketing

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Using social media to market your business can mean a huge range of things.
Primarily, social media is a great place to grow your brand’s persona and connect with
customers or fans.

8 Display Marketing
Display marketing involves having a space with artwork and words, such as a banner
on another popular website. Think of it as a online billboard.

9. Search Engine Optimization

Getting your product in front of customers by using the right keywords and links is
called search engine optimization. This makes sure that search engines display your
content on page one of a search.

10. Search Engine Marketing

Using SEO, as well as PPC advertising, social media, and more, all together, is called
search engine marketing.

3.8 Challenges and future of Online Marketing

Unable to provide Hand- on Experience

The Indian audience is not to buy products with physically seeing it. Still now most of
the audience used the Internet websites of brand to get information through posts,
feedback but prefer to buy it from the shop. People still have security issues relating to
online transactions. online marketing cannot cover the targeted audience wanting
on-hand experience.
online marketing can be easily used to Defraud
The major disadvantage of online marketing is that competitors replicate campaigns
and logos to defraud audiences and reduced the market size of its competitor easily.
Many illegitimate websites replicate original websites and spam customers and hacked
confidential data. Competitors defame the brand by posting negative feedback
becomes the biggest drawback of online marketing.
Lot of Ad Online
online marketing is affected by a lot of Ad online, as it irritates the audience and
becomes very hard for online brands to get noticed by the targeted audience. Most
customers have the habit of simply ignoring online Ads, which will lead to lost of web
traffic and brand image.

Rules of online marketing changing rapidly

As it is said that physical appearance does matter, just like it the Website page do
matters. It is continuously keep-in check so it does not look outdated as rules of online

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

marketing are continuously changing. Professional expertise is used so the targeted
audience takes it seriously. Consistently Monitoring of webpage is used to take the
greatest advantage of online marketing.

Online marketing is not appropriate in most the cases

Online marketing main requisite is access the Internet. The targeted audience which
do not have Internet access or is not Tech Savvy is not covered by online marketing
channels. Online marketing also does not lead to repeat sales as it lacks personal
Human touch

3.9 Developments Promotion mix in marketing.

A promotional mix is a combination of marketing methods including advertising, sales,

public relations and direct marketing to achieve a specific marketing goal. The
promotional mix is typically only part of a larger marketing mix.

Developing a promotion mix requires skills and experience in marketing. Marketers

should complete various studies and gather lots of data about a particular company to
come up with an effective promotion mix.

For instance, it is necessary to identify your target audience, work out a budget that
you can afford for a promotion, and decide the most efficient marketing channels for
your audience. A promotion mix is a more expanded approach towards one of five
elements of the marketing mix — Promotion. Other factors are people, product, place,
and price.

Improves the effectiveness of promotional campaigns. Promotion is a crucial part

of any business, so companies develop a promotion mix, putting all efforts to make
promotions at the right place, at the right time, and to the right audience. It helps one
get the most out of their marketing resources by optimizing their budget and saving

Helps segment the audience. To develop a compelling promotion mix, a company

needs to identify its target audience. Potential subscribers may include various groups
of people who have something in common, for example, age, gender, preferences,
etc., and they all require an individual approach. A promotion mix is a key method for
delivering a relevant promotion message via the most suitable channel for each

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Improves communication with clients. Companies develop a promotion mix trying to
speak their consumers’ language. If prepared correctly, it helps build trust between the
brand and its customers. This is a crucial factor in lead nurturing and customer
retention. For example, automated email campaigns help achieve these goals by
responding to people’s actions instantly.

Informs subscribers. Some promotions, on Instagram for example, aim to show the
product from the best angle, and others, like SMS, emphasize the advantages of local
services. When using a promotion mix, companies define the best ways to educate
people about the products and services they provide.

Stands out from the crowd. People are bombarded with all sorts of advertising at
every turn. With a promotion mix, it is possible to stand out from the crowd without
creating chaos in your customers’ heads. Successful companies make quality prevail
over quantity, promoting their product or service at the right place and right time.

Promotion Mix best practices and Tips

Identify the target audience. Determine your target audience and take advantage of
the promotion mix tactics. Create your customer profile to find out how to provide
people with the products they need.
Follow a five P’s rule. Five factors form promotional marketing success: what you sell
(Product), how much you want for it (Price), how you offer it (Promotion), where you
sell it (Place), and whom you sell it to (People). Work on these five P’s of marketing
and give your customers what they need at the most convenient time.
Provide people with useful information. Demonstrate the products and services you
sell. Explain what makes them so unique and why customers should choose yours and
no one else’s products. Create reviews comparing your product with competitors’
Use appropriate marketing channels. Find out which channel of communication is
the most convenient for your audience. Try delivering the same message through
different channels and examine which performs best with your customers.
Rely on the right promotion mix elements. Personal selling is usually useful for only
small businesses due to its high cost and low outreach. Every business can afford to
display advertising and email marketing, though. Develop a balanced system of
communication with your audience that fits your business well.
Implement segmentation. This tool targets the audience by dividing it into smaller
groups based on similarities. With SendPulse, segmentation works with emails, SMS,
and web push notifications.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

Monitor marketing trends. As internet marketing evolves, new channels for
communication with customers appear. Follow marketing trends to be able to reach
your customers the way they like it.

Promotion Mix Example

Let’s take Nike’s promotion mix as an example and learn how they use each of the
promotion mix components.

Advertising. In advertising campaigns, Nike aims to reach large target audiences. The
brand invites celebrities who represent the image of an ideal consumer. Potential
customers associate themselves with famous ones, and this motivates them to trust
the brand and communicate with it.

Personal selling. Nike’s selling takes place in their stores. Trained store personnel
assist consumers, provide details on the company’s products and stimulate visitors to
buy their products. Besides, Nike’s employees help customers find the right Nike
product and promote the company through the use of personalized services.

Sales promotion. Usually, Nike’s sales promotions include special discounts for a
targeted audience. The brand motivates their customers with the savings they can
have when they buy discounted products. After that, they create a demand for
purchasing more products using those bonuses, turning new customers into loyal

Public relations. Nike developed a social responsibility strategy, in response to global

ecological trends. Besides, Nike sponsors numerous sports events that build a better
brand image in the eyes of their audience.

Direct marketing. Nike uses direct marketing to promote its products among sports
organizations in universities, colleges, schools. Marketers call this lead nurturing.

Prepared by P.S.Padmavathy, Asst. Prof., SRM,Ramapuram

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