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Aussie Hunt, Luis Pardes , Gui Lima

Ms. Collins
February 14th, 2024

Warm Up Exercises

Warm-up exercises The total amount of Amount of time it

reps(around the cone) should take
laps around cones 2 reps 15 seconds each

Open the gate 2 reps 1 minute each

Close the gate 2 reps 1 minute each

Leg kicks 2 reps 1 minute each

Back kicks 2 reps 1 minute each

Leg sweeps 2 reps 1 minute each

Lunges 2 reps 1.30 minute each

Side lunges 2 reps 1.30 minute each

Side shuffles 2 reps (quick) 15 seconds each

Jump, jump, Sprint 3 reps (50%, 80%, 100%) 5 seconds each

Game Warmup
Ping Ball
- Dodgeballs
- Need to find a partner
- Have the whole gym to run around and not get hit by the ball
- If you get hit, you have to sit down and wait for your teammate to come and touch you to get you
back up
- If both of you and your teammate get hit, you both have to do 10 pushups to get back in
- Play the game for 3 minutes than get some water, than come back and do another game for 3

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