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CAMBRIDGE HB CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH Ne oa UNIVERSITY PRESS pues eaten yy STUDENT’S BOOK ar au Activitie Recs c Rouen Plast to)4) a : 3 S) emcee RSe lle m are ha Young Learners (YLE) UNIVERSITY PRESS BP Language Assessment Part ofthe Univerelty of Cambridge CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH STUDENT’S BOOK with Online Activities and Home Fun Booklet 1 Karen Saxby Contents & Counting Come and play Kim’s birthday Hugo’s school bag What am I? 6 Grandma's glasses Let’s go there now! UV 6 - Not today! ® Let’s have fun! @ Let’s speak! ©) Let’s say! Wordlist 12 20 28 36 44 52 60 68 72 74 76 Hi! My name’s Ben and I’m your friend. And this is Sam. Sam is my dog. Sam plays with my shoes. Sam? My shoes, please! My name’s Ben and I’m your friend. 1, 2, 3 Count with me! GQ 4, 5, 6, 7 Silly Sam! My blue shoe, please! Be tie Good dog, Sam. Well done! Right! 8, 9, 10. — Let’s count t again. nate % SG ., 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Oh, and then, It’s 9 and ...? Silly Sam. * 7g My red boot, please! Good dog, Sam. \ Well done! So ... How many? = It’s 9 and 10. Goodbye! “oe Counting # @blue @dog Ored @shoe a Draw, count and write. & & & 3 % Read, draw and write. Hi! My name’s Eva. What's your name? >} G Listen and write numbers. Draw lines and say. e - om / Goodbye! \ \ Goodbye! <7 ee ee Y e ® Well done, Sam! i Well done! e Silly Sam! My red ball, please! 4 G Listen and tick ( v) the box. is ° e ° @ ® © 4 Read and draw. I girl 1 dog & a 2 boys 3 phones a & Hi! I’m Anna. I’ve got two cars and four guitars! Come and play with me today! I’ve got three kites and a yellow bike. Come and play with me today! aS a w + Hi! ’m Tom. Pve got some bats and some funny red hats! Come and play with me today! I’ve got five ducks and two big trucks. Come and play with me today! My name’s Pat. Pve got a lizard and lots of pears and here’s my happy teddy bear. Come and play with us today! My name’s Sue. I’ve got a doll. And look! Here’s my blue book! We've got lots of pets, too. They can play with you! We’ve got a cat, a dog and three green frogs. So clap your hands and come and play. Come and play with us today! & ‘ex. Comey d play a" Draw lines. ° * @ duck & er, ®@ frog “S © kite e ® pear 3 “> Look, read and write the names. * Anna Pat Sue Tom “Myname's | Hi! My name's 4 Put a tick (v ) or across (3) in the box. ° die abike ¥] @ Q a duck Fd 6 Gam acar [_ 6 Ww ateddy bear | | 8 4 atruck | | e & a girl Oo 8 & a pear Cl QO Ss a ball $ Look and write. SASL A ieee) es The robots have got one @b 424,one@b___, one @g_____ andone@d___. The robots have got two @h___. two@k____ and two @o__.. The robots have got three @d____, four@p______ and five(b____, too! “$ Look and say. They've got four hats! Pat has got a cat. The cat has got a truck. Sue has got a red pencil. The children have got seven bats. The big robot has got four pencils. Tom has got two books. Anna has got six trucks. 398 9908000 Listen and colour. 4 Write and draw. Here’s my .... Here’s My escessscesenssesens « ©, ©8000 4 Say the words. Draw lines. bat cat dog duck hat It’s my birthday today! Hooray! Hooray! This is my mum and dad. This is my brother, Dan. This is my sister. Her name’s Jill! And Grandpa’s here, too! My grandpa’s name is Bill. I love him! Let's make ‘ é i aie: We a big cake! a party! Let’s get \ some balloons! Let’s have ae some fun! Let’s sing lots of songs! It’s my birthday today! Hooray! Hooray! Pve got lots of cards and a new box of paints. These are my presents, too! Look! » a Tanto Wow = Bare * Is this a bat? Is this a clock? Is this a toy tiger? No, it’s a No, they’re No, it’s a sun hat. some socks. toy spider! Cen-— It’s my birthday today! Hooray! Hooray! It’s my party now. We’ve got lemonade and ice cream! But where’s my toy spider? It’s on Grandpa’s head! This cake is great! And now I’m eight! How old are you? Are you eight, too? 4D off Thank you, Mum and Dad and Jill. And thank you, Dan and Grandpa Bill! Ae YY vs ~" vam's birthday “%§ Draw lines. ° ¢ ° @clock @icecream Opaints spider “> Look, read and write. brother dad rother dad grandpa - rawr sister Thist is me! This iS MY .sscesseesseeseeeneee« “ Te name’s Kim. ‘g This is my .lMUMssssssee S This is MY veessesseesnessneennee« ° This iS My -ssssssssseesseecesses « " “ngewe is my ‘$ Which are Kim's presents? Put a tick (v ) or a cross ( x) in the box. O/43§ GS i l i. ; Read and choose a word. Write. balloons cake hats lemonade party songs | 6 Look and read. Write yes or no. a) 39 8900006 Kim's sun hat is yellow. Kim's sister has got a hat. Kim's brother is in the picture. The balloons are red and blue. Kim has got some lemonade. The kite is pink and blue. Listen and colour. © Draw lines. @ Is this a bat? © I'mseven! ® Happy birthday! © OK! Great! © Where's my toy spider? @ It's under the chair. © How old are you? © Thank you! y! y' © Let's play some games! © No, it’s a sun hat! $ Draw your present for Kim. tas x) Thank you! ) & QD GS Listen and sing the song. SEDO ODDO ODODE * ie It’s my birthday today! Hooray! Hooray! * = It’s a happy, happy, happy, happy day. SEBEL OEE Ht Ot Mum and @.. .. are here. And Jill! My brother Dan and Grandpa Bill. poorer toeerr sss se ss We've got lemonade and chocolate e And now I'm not seven. Now I'm ©} & ZOO BE DUDE WX Thank you, Mum and Dad and Jill. /e\ And thank you, Dan and Grandpa Bill. SOS bb pint nye? aaa h° Ww? School bag It’s a school day today! Right! What’s in my bag? My new crayons and paints. My old eraser and phone. But where is my ruler? Oh! There, with my book. And where is my pen? Oh! There it is. Good! ae oY @ a Look at the clock! Bye, Mum. Bye, Sue. Pve got my school bag. See you! Run to the bus stop. Quick! Quick! And jump on the bus. Hi, Grace! Hello, Nick! aoe eS /@@ We love our new playground. Let’s have some fun. Here! Catch this ball. And jump and run! This is my classroom. And this is Miss Rice. She’s our new teacher. = yh She’s really nice. We’re making a poster. Right! What’s in my bag? My new crayons and paints. My old eraser and phone. But where is my ruler? It’s not here with my book. And where is my pen? Its not here. Oh no! Look! ‘Don’t worry!’ says Mark. Here you are! Have my ruler. I’ve got two! They’re for you.’ ‘It’s OK!’ says May. ‘Here you are! Have my pen. I’ve got three! For you and me!’ Thank you! Thank you! = = ae /O. o's WH 90 Fool bag “) Draw lines. ° ‘2 2 e@Oeoeo006 “ jp 0 This is my pen! Here’s my school bag. This is my teacher. Here are my crayons. This is my ruler. ae And here's the bus! =, om “% Look, read and write. oe Hugo has a sister. Her name is $ 4 & @ Hugo has a new teacher. © Hugo sees a girl on the bus. Her name is Miss R_c_ Her name is G_a_e. @ Hugo sees a boy on the bus. © A boy gives Hugo a ruler. @a girl gives Hugo a pen. His name is _ic_ His name is M_rk. Her name is_a_ % Ask and answer. »\ (fier a. ee Look and point. Where's the ball? | Where are the birds? a G Listen and say. ABCDEFGHIIJIKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 4 Choose and draw a blue line from the ruler tot the pen. Ask and answer and draw a red line. Aaa) What letter ) isn'there? / g «\ é G Listen and draw lines. Alex Mark Lucy Read and choose the correct answer. It's a classroom. It's a computer. Qe It's a bird. It’s a boot. 9 It’s a name. It's a game. It's a playground. It’s a pencil. . What's in your % 7% Write. Ask and answer. school bag? Peete My school bag My friend’s school bag G Listen and sing the song. wy®. ... is so cool. My lessons are great. a eT How @... my classmates? We're seven and eight! 8 afin My teacher's so 8. Her name is Miss File. She's got lots of @ da a really big smile! | ] Yes, our school’s really 8 Our lessons are GREAT! @... Our lessons are GREAT! ni oe ., our school’s really cool. Excuse me! What am I? Can you tell me, please? Well, you aren’t an elephant. I’m an elephant and my body is very big. Your body is very small. Have you got big ears? Well, elephants have got big ears. No. You aren’t an elephant. Sorry! Excuse me! What am I? Can you tell me, please? Well, you aren’t a crocodile. I’m a crocodile and I’ve got lots of long white, teeth. You haven't got teeth. Have you got a long tail? No, I haven't. My tail is short. Well, crocodiles have got long tails. No. You aren’t a crocodile. Sorry! = ar Well, you aren't a monkey. I’m a monkey and I’ve got a funny face. You haven’t got a funny face! Can you climb trees? cs ‘ Excuse me! \ What am I? & Please tell me! / Well, monkeys can climb trees. No. You aren’t a monkey. Sorry! Excuse me! What am I? Pm not an elephant. I’m not a crocodile and I’m not a monkey. I’ve got two brown wings and two yellow feet. I can swim. I can walk and I can fly. Me too! You’re a duck, you see! You're a duck like me! I’m a DUCK! Yippee! GR = What am I? Aa? & @crocodile @duck @elephant @monkey “%§ Which animals does the duck talk to? Choose and colour the path yellow. % Who is correct? Read and write. The duckcan’'t | understand the | elephant, crocodile } orthe monkey. The duck says, The duck says, ‘No, I'm not a duck. ‘Please tell me.” Sorry! I can't swim, It wants answers to walk or fly.” lots of questions. is correct! $ Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. This isan@ue. This isan___ This isa___ Thisisa__ This is a This is a ~% Read and choose the crocodile’s answer. > oe Ae (Can you fly? Yes, I can. / oe e Conyousuint ) Yes, I can. / No, I can't. 8 Yes, Ican. / No, I can’t. ° Can you jump? Yes, Ican. / No, I can't. “~F G Listen and colour. How many monkeys are there in the picture? } Read and choose the correct answer. Monkeys love burgers /(bananas} / fish. Monkeys have got long arms / noses / feet. Hippos can sing / climb / swim. Monkeys have got two wings / hands / tails. Elephants can talk / jump / walk. GO8006 Spiders can run / fly / count. 4 Look, read and write. © What are you? Be. HORA. 020d... eheRhank. © what colour is your body? and ..., © what colour are your eyes? @ Have you got a long tail? 6 Can you talk? © Can you fly? % Read the questions. Ask and answer. Are you a What colour & boy or a girl? are your eyes? Have you got ab, long hair? | Can you swim? a (#) Grandma is at Jill's house. She wants to go home now, but she can’t find her glasses. ve got my handbag and I’ve got my coat. T’ve got my toothbrush and [I’ve got my bike. But where are my glasses?’ asks Grandma. Let’s look on the table and in the cupboard, too!’ says Tom. ‘No! Your glasses aren’t here! But look! Wow! My robot! Great!’ GQ ‘Let’s look under the TV and next to the computer,’ says Jill. ‘No! They aren’t here! But look! Wow! My old ruler! Great!’ ‘Let’s look next to the armchairs and under the cushions,’ says Mum. ‘No! Your glasses aren't here! But look! Wow! My red socks! Great!’ RO we’. . . ‘Oh dear! With no glasses, I can’t ride my bike!’ Grandma says. ‘We can drive you home!’ Dad says. Ap i} dt ‘Can we come too?’ ask Tom and Jill. “Yes, you can!’ says Dad. ‘Thank you,’ says Grandma. ‘Wow! It’s hot in here!’ ‘Grandma!’ Tom and Jill say, ‘Your glasses are on your head!’ ‘Fantastic!’ says Grandma. ‘Now I can ride home.’ Draw lines. © car @ computer © glasses | Z Cw ay, = DO, de, @handbag @home Look and read the questions. Write one-word answers. © what can’t Grandma find? @ Whatis the boy’s name? © What does Jill find? © who finds some socks? © Where are Grandma's glasses? © What can Grandma ride? Cb rercsccn Write a, b or cin the boxes. me o% oe oe Tom Till : Mum a Draw lines. aTv. a table arug a clock a desk 2 a cupboard an armchair a sofa Look and read the questions. Write one-word answers. © whet colour is the armchair? @ What colour is the table? © What colour is the sofa? © What colour is the cupboard? Read and choose the correct answer. it nextto on on under under .. the cupboard and @... the table and @..... ... the desk and @... The cat's looking oe = the sofa and @.... and @. ~} Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write and colour. o ° This is Grandma’s blue «HA... mt x This is Jill's pink... ral Lan. This is Tom’s black..... bi es ro $ dap These are Mum's red ee - —¥\ (These are Grandma's purple @ How many people can you see? @ How many animals can you see? © How many flowers can you see? © How many children can you see? 4 G Listen and colour. a te = © The TVis under \ The armchair is . the window. | next to the desk. Pu See A A pai = In the morning, Matt sees Alice at the bus stop. Matt and Alice like lots of sports. ‘Hi, Alice!’ Matt says. ‘I’ve got badminton today. I love badminton. Do you?” ‘No,’ Alice answers. ‘But I really like horse riding!’ ‘I don’t,’ says Matt. ‘Bye! See you!’ ES W vw 4 At lunchtime, Alice sees Matt at the sports shop. ‘Hi again, Matt!’ Alice says. ‘I love tennis. Do you?’ ‘Tennis? No! But baseball is a great sport!’ says Matt. says Alice. ‘Bye! See you!’ In the afternoon, Matt sees Alice in the playground. ‘Hello again!’ Matt says. ‘I love skateboarding! Do you?’ ‘Yes, I do!’ says Alice. ‘Which is your skateboard, Matt?’ ‘The red one,’ answers Matt. ‘And which is your skateboard, Alice?’ ‘The grey one,’ Alice answers. ‘Where do you go skateboarding?’ ‘In the park!’ says Matt. ‘Me too!’ says Alice. ‘Let’s go and skateboard there!’ says Matt. ‘OK,’ says Alice. ‘Yes! Let’s go there now!’ G ‘My father and | like fishing here, too. Do you?’ asks Alice. ‘No, I don’t,’ answers Matt. ‘I don’t like fishing!’ _ ups. ‘Do you like swimming, Matt?’ asks Alice. ‘Yes, I do!’ says Matt! "Or Senge $ 90 \ vil vie re now: =k Draw lines. @badminton @baseball @ fishing ‘SM ee ‘he =" @skateboarding © aranian @ tennis “3 Read and put a tick (v) in the boxes. Matt Alice @ who likes horse riding? v @® Who likes tennis? a © Who loves badminton? @ Who loves fishing? © Who loves baseball? © Who loves skateboarding? S$ Where’s Matt? Look, read and write the number. noe He's at home. Look! He loves swimming. _ ° (oii, He's at the playground! ( He’s at the beach! °e He’s at the park! He loves the park. 6 _ ate ( Look! He's at the \ bus stop. ] He's there! At the sports shop. 4 Read and put a tick ( v) in the box. ge \ baseball PE uo AC PELL} Now ask and answer. Yes, Ido. _—_—_———__ Cor like swimming? No, Idon't. “> G Listen and write a name or a number. @ what is this girl's name? How old is she? © Where is her school? next to Who is her favourite friend? What is her tennis teacher's name? Mrs 8 e ‘ © How many tennis balls has she got? .... 6 Qo How many sports shoes has she got? “} Read, draw and colour. Alice loves tennis. She’s got her tennis racket but she hasn't got her tennis ball. She's got a yellow tennis ball and purple tennis shoes in her sports bag. Matt likes baseball. He's got his baseball but he hasn't got his bat! He’s got a grey baseball bat and an orange baseball cap in his sports bag. “% - TAS yy D- Not today! Dan and his sister, Lucy, are with their mother in Mr Chip’s food shop. Can we have some oranges or some nice red grapes, Mum I love apple Me too! But no pie, Mum! apple pie today. Wow! Meatballs! We can't, but let’s get some carrots. (What's this? What are these? T love this watch! No, Lucy and Can I have one of these T-shirts? Look! Shorts! They're so cool! No, But we can get two new white shirts for school. Come on! Let’s go! 20 SF & Dan and Lucy are at their favourite pet shop. Look! A beautiful green snake! r Arnette with e A chicken? a ' a long tail? ‘A mouse in my house? \.€995 from chickens, Boe No, Lucy No! =a Donkeys are cool Thank you, Mum! We love our donkey! Me too! Can we have a donkey, then? “ “if * gS. 2 Wot today! “% Draw lines. @apple pie @chickens @donkey a) @; @4 ® @fish O@meatballs a" Who wants this/these? Write, ask and answer. (GLE gaat (Who likes tomatoes?) ( Dan! ) : SS eee _ wo” Read and choose the correct answer. oe OO ‘Td like some oranges (and) / but some apple pie, please, Mr Chips!’ asks Dan. “Can I have some tomatoes and / but a watch?’ asks Lucy. Dan wants some jeans and / but he doesn’t want a new school shirt. Mum doesn’t want a chicken and / but she wants a donkey. ‘What do donkeys like eating?’ Lucy asks. “Carrots and / but fruit!’ Dan answers. 4 Look and read. Write yes or no. O©9908006 Lucy’s chair is yellow. Dan is eating an egg. You can see a computer. The grapes are blue. The glasses are under the book. Dan is eating fish and chips. There are five pears. Lucy is eating a kiwi. é G Listen and tick (v ) the box. @ amonkey [| a donkey vl © afish anelephant [| © asnake B acat oO © aspider O a frog a © acrocodile [| a chicken © adog a hippo oO Read and choose a word. Write. I live in Dan’s @.....garde...... I’ve got four legs and a long @ but I’m not an elephant or a © I'm a donkey! I don't drink lemonade but I drink a lot of @ love carrots, pears and Do you? “% G Listen and draw lines. Alex Bill Pat Nick Sam o' o Listen and sing the song. \ Six blue cakes! And two long snakes! Where are the cakes? Oh no! Oh no! Nine nice burgers And three hungry tigers Where are the burgers? Lots of white rice! And five little mice! Where is the rice? Oh no! Oh no! Eight big kiwis! | ry And four hungry monkeys! Where are the kiwis? | Oh no! Oh no! > (sen!) | Ten lemon sweets! For my friends and me to eat! | . Where are all the sweets? @ Jonnie) Fy Ys . ri Let's have fun! “% Count and tick ( v ). How many? Look! That's red. eo That's blue. HV a Make a poster. 6 Make a birthday card. ws é Play an animal game. red sofa brown table 4 eee tt Make a sports poster. (8) Make a donkey. yt “ge te\: Lets speak 4 How many? Playa game. 2 Come and play with me today! Ask and answer. Two and two. Yes! Well done! Are you a doll? Come and play with me today! 3 Whatis it? Playa game. 4 What’s your name? Ask and answer. 5 Who is it? Play a game. 6 Where is it? Ask and answer. Colour. A girl. Brown hair. Green eyes. 7 What do you like? 8 What’s on the list? Ask and answer. Play a game. Apples? me Baseball. teddy bear } | computer G @ Counting nouns ball boot boy dog friend girl name number phone right shoe adjectives blue good great red right silly verbs count let's play expressions goodbye hi how many please well done © Come and play nouns bat bike book car cat dog doll duck frog guitar hands hat kite lizard mouse pear pencil pet robot table teddy bear today truck adjectives big blue funny green happy red yellow verbs can clap colour come have got © Kim's birthday nouns balloon we box brother cake card chair chocolate clock dad day fun games grandpa head ice cream lemonade mum paints party picture present sister sock song spider sun tiger toy adjectives brown new old pink purple verbs get have look love make sing expressions thank you @ Hugo's school bag nouns bag baseball cap bird bus stop classmate classroom computer lesson pen pencil playground poster ruler school smile adjectives cool nice quick verbs give jump run say see prepositions in on under expressions bye don’t worry © What am 1? nouns answer arm banana body burger colour crocodile ear elephant eye face feet/foot flower hair hippo leg monkey mouth nose question tail teeth tree water wing adjectives long short white verbs climb fly jump swim talk understand walk want expressions sorry © Grandma's glasses nouns animal armchair &) child coat cupboard cushion desk glasses grandma handbag home house people rug sofa table toothbrush Tv window adjectives black fantastic hot orange verbs ask drive go skateboarding help sport ride street prepositions swimming next to tennis expressions adjectives oh dear favourite @ Let's go there now! = 9"°Y nouns verbs afternoon fo badminton craw beach tke father We fishing spell football © Not today! horse riding nouns lunchtime apple pie morning carrot park chicken racket chips sea clothes. shell donkey shop egg skateboard fish food fruit garden grape jeans kiwi lemon meatball mice/mouse mother orange sausage shirt shorts snake sweets tomato T-shirt watch adjectives beautiful hungry little verbs drink eat

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