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(From Using Information Technology – Williams, Sawyer and Hutchinson, 2nd ed. 1997.
Discovering Computers 2009, Shelly, Cashman, Vermaat.)

An information system (IS) consists of hardware, software, be greater than its lifetime costs. It addresses
people, procedures and data that work together to produce funding. A systems analyst often consults the
information. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is advice of a business analyst, who uses many
a set of activities used to build an information system. Most financial techniques, such as return on
system development cycles have six (6) phases: preliminary investment (ROI) and payback analysis, to
investigation, analysis, design, development, implementation, perform the cost/benefit analysis.
maintenance.  Submit a Preliminary Plan/Feasibility Report

System development involves: Use of:

 Arranging activities into phases  Gantt Chart (a bar chart that uses horizontal bars to show
 Involving Users project phases or activities)
 Developing Standards  PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) Chart
(a chart that analyses the time required to complete tasks
Persons involved: and identifies the minimum time required for an entire
 Users (e.g. customers, employees, students, data entry project.)
clerks, accountants, sales managers, owners.)
 Managers Analysis
 Systems Analysts (person responsible for designing and How can we solve the problems?
developing an information system.) In the second phase, systems analysis, a systems analyst
 Systems programmer gathers data, using the tools of written documents, interviews,
questionnaires, and observation. Next he or she analyses the
A deliverable is any tangible item that is to be provided during data, using data flow diagrams, system flow diagrams,
a phase of the system development. decision tables and others. Finally, the analyst writes a report.
 Gather Data
Preliminary Investigation o Written documents (reports, forms, manuals, memos,
We identify problems or opportunities business plans, policy statements, the organizational
In the first phase, preliminary investigation, a systems analyst chart, etc.)
conducts a preliminary analysis, determining the o Interviews (managers, workers, clients, suppliers and
organization’s objectives and the nature and scope of the competitors)
problems. The analyst then proposes some possible solutions,  Structured interviews – include only questions
comparing costs and benefits. Finally, he or she submits a you have planned and written out in advance.
preliminary plan to top management, with recommendations. By sticking with this script and not asking other
 Conduct the Preliminary Analysis questions, you can then ask people identical
o Determine organization’s objectives questions and compare their answers.
 Read internal documents about the organization.  Unstructured interviews – include questions
 Read external documents about organization. prepared in advance, but you can vary from the
 Interview important executives within the line of questions and pursue other subjects if it
company. seems productive.
o Determine the nature and scope of the problems. o Questionnaires
 Is too much time being wasted on paperwork?  Advantages: may yield more information
On waiting for materials? On non-essential tasks? because respondents can be anonymous; is
 How pervasive is the problem within the convenient; is inexpensive and yields a lot of
organization? Outside of it? data.
 What people are most affected?  Disadvantages: People may not return their
 Propose Alternative Solutions forms; results can be ambiguous, and with
o Leave the system as is. anonymous questionnaires there is no
o Improve the system opportunity for follow up.
o Develop a new system o Observation
 Describe the costs & benefits  Observe individuals and their use of the
o Feasibility is a measure of how suitable the machines, software and documentation.
development of a system will be to the company.  If people know they are being watched, they
 Operational feasibility – measures how well the may falsify their behavior in some way.
proposed information system will work. Will the o Analyse the Data
users like the new system? Will they use it?  Data Flow Diagrams - (DFD) graphically shows
Will it meet their requirements? Will it cause any the flow of data through a system.
changes in their work environment?  System flowcharts – diagrams the flow or input
 Schedule feasibility – measures whether the of data, processing and output or distribution of
established deadlines for the project are information.
reasonable. If a deadline is not reasonable, the  Connectivity diagrams – used to map network
project leader might make a new schedule. If a connections of people, data, and activities at
deadline cannot be extended, then the scope of various locations
the project might be reduced to meet a  Grid Charts – show the relationship between data
mandatory deadline. on input documents and data on output
 Technical feasibility – measures whether the documents.
company has or can obtain the hardware,  Decision tables – show the decision rules that
software and people needed to deliver and then apply when certain conditions occur and what
support an information system. The challenge is actions to take.
obtaining funds to pay for these resources.
 Economic feasibility, also called cost/benefit
feasibility, measures whether the lifetime
benefits of the proposed information system will
 Write a Report o If you decide to create a new program, decision: use
o Explanation of how the existing/current system organizations’ own staff, programmers or hire outside
works. contract programmers?
o Explanation of problems with the existing system.  Acquire Hardware
o Description of the requirements for the new system o Will the system require new hardware? Old hardware
and recommendations on what to do next. has become obsolete perhaps?
o Lease or buy?
Design  Test the system
We select and plan the best solution o Unit testing (individual parts of the program are
In the third phase, system design, the analyst first does a tested, using test (made-up) data. If the program is
preliminary design, next a detailed design, then writes a written as a collaborative effort by multiple
report. The preliminary design may use prototyping and programmers, each part of the program is tested
CASE tools and project management software. The detailed separately.)
design defines requirements for output, input, storage, and o System testing (the parts of the program are linked
processing, as well as system controls and backup. together, and test data is used to see if the parts work
 Do a preliminary design (A preliminary design describes together. At this point, actual organizational data
the general functional capabilities of a proposed may also be used to test the system. The system is
information system. It reviews the system requirements also tested with erroneous and massive amounts of
and then considers major components of the system. data to see if it can be made to fail (crash).
Usually several alternative systems are considered, and
the costs and benefits of each are evaluated. System Implementation
o Prototyping tools (Prototyping refers to building a We place the best solution into effect
working model or experimental version of all or part The fifth phase, system implementation, consists of converting
of a system so that it can be quickly tested and the hardware, software, and files to the new system and of
evaluated. A prototype is a limited working system training the users
developed to test out design concepts.)  Convert to the new system (Conversion, the process of
 CASE tools (CASE – Computer Aided Software converting from an old information system to a new one,
Engineering – tools are software that provide involves converting hardware, software and files.
computer automated means of designing and Hardware conversion may be as simple as taking away an
changing systems. old PC and replacing it with a new one or it may involve
 Front-end CASE tools are used in the first acquiring new buildings and putting in elaborate wiring,
three phases: preliminary analysis, systems climate-control and security systems. Software
analysis and systems design. conversion means making sure the applications that
 Back-end CASE tools are used during the worked on the old equipment also works on the new. File
two later stages-system development and conversion means converting the old files to new ones
implementation, to help in coding and without loss of accuracy. For example, can the paper
testing, for instance. contents from the manila folders in the personnel
 Do a detailed design (A detailed design describes how a department be input to the system with a scanner? Or do
proposed information system will deliver the general they have to be keyed in manually with the consequent
capabilities described in the preliminary design.) risk of errors being introduced?)
o Output requirements (What do you want the system o Direct approach – direct implementation means the
to produce? Will it be hardcopy and/or softcopy? user simply stops using the old system and starts
What will be the appearance or format of the output using the new one.
such as headings, columns, menus etc.?) o Parallel approach – parallel implementation means
o Input requirements (What types of input (key, source that the old and new systems are operated side by
data automation)? In what form should data be input side until the new system has shown it is reliable, at
and how will it be checked for accuracy? What which time the old system is discontinued.
volume of data can the system be allowed to take in?) o Phased approach – Phased implementation means
o Storage requirements (Using the data dictionary as a that part of the new system are phased in
guide, what files and databases will be defined for the separately—either at different times (parallel) or all
system? How will the files be organized? What at once (direct)
kinds of storage devices will be used? How will they o Pilot approach – Pilot implementation means that the
interface with other storage devices inside and entire system is tried out but by only some users.
outside of the organization? What will be the volume  Train the Users
of database activity?) o Training is done with a variety of tools. Instruction
o Processing requirements (What kind of computer or manuals, Video tapes/DVDs, live classes one-on-one,
computers will be used to handle the processing? side-by-side teacher-student training, etc.
What kind of operating system will be used? Will
the computer/computers be networked? Exactly what System Maintenance and Review
operations will be performed on the input data to We evaluate the results of the solution
achieve the desired output information?) The final phase, systems maintenance, adjusts and improves
o Systems controls and backup (What measures will be the system through system audits and periodic evaluations and
put in place for security, privacy, and data accuracy? making changes based on new conditions.
What measures will be put in place for unauthorized  Maintenance includes not only keeping the machinery
users? What measures for auditing procedures and running but also updating and upgrading the system to
specifications for testing the new system? For keep pace with new products, services, customers,
backing up information and storing it elsewhere in government regulations, and other requirements.
case the system fails or is destroyed. o Auditing – means an independent review of an
 Write a Report organization’s information system to see if all records
o Information from the Preliminary design and systems are as they should be. An audit trail
o Information from the Detailed design helps independent auditors trace the record of a
transaction from its output back through all
System Development processing and storage to its source.
We acquire the hardware and software and test them o Evaluation – Other evaluations apart from auditing
The fourth phase, systems development, consists of acquiring (done by an accountant) are done by the systems
software and hardware and then testing the system. analyst or other systems analysts. Evaluations may
 Acquire Software also be done by a user or client who is able to
o Make-or-buy decision (you decide whether you have compare the workings of the system against some
to create a program—have it custom-written—or buy preset criteria.
it, meaning simply purchase an existing software  Post-implementation review – six months later.

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