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Jake Ben-Ishay

Music Review
June 2024
Professor Olsen
A Kayne West Playlist: The Ten Most Streamed Songs

Kanye West's music is a reflection of his personal journey, his evolving relationship with

fame, and his impact on hip-hop culture. This essay will analyze a playlist consisting of ten of

Kayne’s most streamed songs on Spotify (including features), exploring their musical styles,

cultural significance, and the non-musical forces that have shaped them. By examining these

songs, we can gain a deeper understanding of Kanye's artistic evolution and his contributions to

contemporary music.

1. "Ni**as In Paris"

"Ni**as In Paris" is a standout track from the collaborative project Watch the Throne

(2011) with Jay-Z. This song embodies the opulence and grandeur associated with the artists'

lifestyles at the time. The track's beat, produced by Hit-Boy, is characterized by its heavy use of

synths and a hypnotic loop that captures the listener's attention. The song's repetition of the

phrase "That shit cray" became a cultural meme, illustrating Kanye's ability to tap into and shape

popular culture. The song represents a moment in Kanye's career where he was at the pinnacle of

his success, indulging in and celebrating his achievements.

2. "Stronger"

"Stronger" is from the studio album Graduation (2007). This song marked a significant

shift towards a more mainstream and globally appealing sound, helping Kanye transition from a

producer-rapper to a global superstar. The song samples Daft Punk's "Harder, Better, Faster,
Stronger," merging electronic music with hip-hop. This fusion marked a shift in Kanye's musical

style, moving towards a more mainstream and globally appealing sound. The song's lyrics focus

on resilience and empowerment, themes that resonate widely and contribute to its lasting


3. "Heartless"

"Heartless," from the 2008 studio album 808s & Heartbreak, showcases Kanye's

exploration of emotional vulnerability through the use of Auto-Tune. This album was a pivotal

moment in Kanye's career, reflecting his personal struggles and emotional vulnerability. The

minimalist production, characterized by its melancholic melody and sparse beats, marked a

departure from his previous work, influencing a new wave of hip-hop and pop artists who

embraced similar sounds. 808s & Heartbreak demonstrated Kanye's willingness to experiment

and push the boundaries of the genre.

4. "Gold Digger"

"Gold Digger," featuring Jamie Foxx, is one of Kanye's most commercially successful

songs. Released in 2005 on the studio album Late Registration, the song samples Ray Charles' "I

Got a Woman" and blends it with a catchy, upbeat production. The lyrics address materialism

and relationships, providing a satirical look at the dynamics of wealth and attraction. "Gold

Digger" showcases Kanye's knack for creating infectious hooks and his ability to address social

issues with humor and insight. This track solidified his status as a hitmaker and cultural


5. "FourFiveSeconds"
A collaboration with Rihanna and Paul McCartney, "FourFiveSeconds" is a departure

from Kanye's typical hip-hop sound. Released as a single in 2015, the acoustic, stripped-down

production highlights the versatility of the artists involved. The song combines elements of folk,

pop, and soul, showcasing Kanye's ability to blend different genres seamlessly. The collaboration

with McCartney, a legendary figure in music, signifies Kanye's influence and reach within the

industry. "FourFiveSeconds" reflects a more mature and reflective side of Kanye, focusing on

themes of resilience and redemption.

6. "Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1"

From the 2016 studio album The Life of Pablo, "Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1" is a

gospel-infused track that highlights Kanye's ability to merge spirituality with contemporary

hip-hop. The song's production, featuring a soulful sample from Pastor T.L. Barrett, underscores

Kanye's roots in gospel music and his knack for innovative sampling. The lyrics, while

celebratory, also touch on themes of personal struggle and redemption. This track is emblematic

of Kanye's ongoing exploration of faith and his quest for personal and artistic salvation.

7. "Flashing Lights"

"Flashing Lights," from the album Graduation, is a lush, cinematic track that combines

electronic beats with orchestral elements. The song's production, featuring string arrangements

and pulsating synths, creates a dramatic and immersive soundscape. Lyrically, "Flashing Lights"

addresses themes of fame, excess, and the pitfalls of celebrity life. This song exemplifies Kanye's

ability to create visually evocative music that blurs the lines between different genres and

influences. It remains a fan favorite for its atmospheric production and introspective lyrics.
8. "Bound 2"

"Bound 2," from the 2013 studio album Yeezus, is a polarizing track that contrasts sharply

with the rest of the album's abrasive, industrial sound. The song samples Brenda Lee's "Sweet

Nothin's" and features a soulful, nostalgic production. The lyrics focus on love and commitment,

presenting a more tender and reflective side of Kanye. The accompanying music video, featuring

Kim Kardashian, adds a layer of personal and cultural context, highlighting Kanye's ability to

merge his personal life with his artistic output. "Bound 2" is a reminder of Kanye's versatility and

his ability to surprise listeners with unexpected musical choices.

9. "POWER"

"POWER," from the 2010 studio album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, is a

powerful anthem that addresses themes of ambition, fame, and self-empowerment. The song

samples "21st Century Schizoid Man" by King Crimson, blending rock elements with hip-hop.

The production is grandiose, featuring choral arrangements and heavy drums, creating a sense of

epic scale. "POWER" reflects Kanye's complex relationship with fame and his introspective

exploration of his own psyche. This track is a cornerstone of his discography, showcasing his

ability to create profound and impactful music.

10. "American Boy"

"American Boy," featuring Estelle, is a breezy, danceable track that combines elements of

hip-hop, R&B, and electronic music. Released in 2008, the song became a global hit,

highlighting Kanye's international appeal. The production, featuring a catchy beat and Estelle's

smooth vocals, creates a feel-good vibe that is both infectious and timeless. "American Boy"

reflects Kanye's ability to create crossover hits that resonate with diverse audiences. This track
underscores his influence on the global music scene and his talent for creating universally

appealing music.

Kanye West's top 10 most streamed songs on Spotify provide a snapshot of his dynamic

and influential career. Each track showcases his ability to blend genres, address complex themes,

and shape popular culture. From the opulent celebration of "Ni**as In Paris" to the introspective

vulnerability of "Heartless," Kanye's music reflects his evolution as an artist and his impact on

the music industry. His willingness to experiment and push boundaries has solidified his status as

one of the most innovative and influential artists of his generation. These studio recordings,

released under major labels, encapsulate the essence of Kanye's artistic journey and his

significant contributions to contemporary music.


Barnett, Donovan. “The 45 Best Kanye West Songs So Far, An Official Ranking.” Highsnobiety,
Highsnobiety, 10 Feb. 2023, www.highsnobiety.com/p/best-kanye-west-songs/.

“Kanye West.” Spotify, open.spotify.com/artist/5K4W6rqBFWDnAN6FQUkS6x.

“Kanye West - Spotify Top Songs.” Kworb.net, 26 May 2024,

kworb.net/spotify/artist/5K4W6rqBFWDnAN6FQUkS6x_songs.html. Accessed 27 May

Stone, Rolling. “Readers’ Poll: The Ten Best Kanye West Songs.” Rolling Stone, 26 June 2013,
90/6-devil-in-a-new-dress-229292/. Accessed 27 May 2024.

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