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David D. Zhou, Ph.D., Jessy D. Dorn, Ph.D., Robert J. Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D., Argus II Study Group
Second Sight Medical Products, Inc. Sylmar, CA

ABSTRACT Until recently, all of these efforts were investigational.

After over 10 years of research and development, The Argus
The Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System is the only II Retinal Prosthesis System is the first commercially-
commercially-approved treatment for severe to profound available device approved for the treatment of RP. It is CE
Retinitis Pigmentosa in the world. Over 10 years of research Marked and has been available in the European Economic
and development have gone into this device; it is now Area since 2011. Recently, the FDA has approved it for sale
commercially available in the European Economic Area, in the United States under a Humanitarian Device
Saudi Arabia, and in the United States. The Argus II System Exemption.
consists of an implant (including an epiretinal electrode This article provides an overview of the Argus II System,
array, an electronics case, and a receiver antenna), as well as including design, principle of operation, bench testing, and
a body-worn computer and a pair of glasses with a miniature clinical trial testing.
video camera. It converts video images from the camera into
stimulation patterns that are transmitted to the implant in 2. THE ARGUS II SYSTEM
real time, allowing users to perceive patterns of light. All
aspects of the System have been extensively bench tested The Argus II System consists of implanted and external
and found to provide long-term reliability. These findings components.
have been borne out in a clinical trial; in over 120 subject-
years of testing, there has been only one device failure. 2.1 Implant
Clinical trial results have established the safety and probable
benefit of the Argus II System. The implant is an epiretinal prosthesis that includes a
receiver coil (antenna), electronics, and an electrode array.
Index Terms— Retinal prosthesis, epiretinal array, These are implanted in and around the eye (Figure 1A). The
Retinitis Pigmentosa array has 60 platinum based electrodes arranged in a 6x10
grid. Each electrode is 200 µm in diameter; horizontal and
1. INTRODUCTION vertical pitch is 525 µm. The array covers about 20° of
visual field (diagonally). The flexible polymer thin-film
Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic disease that slowly electrode array, which follows the curvature of the retina, is
robs fully-sighted people of their vision. Photoreceptors, the attached to the retina over the macula with a retinal tack
light-sensing cells of the retina, degenerate, causing (Figure 1B). The extra-ocular portion of the Argus II
irreparable vision loss. While the photoreceptors are lost in Implant is secured to the eye by means of a scleral band.
RP, most other parts of the visual pathway remain largely
intact and functional, including bipolar cells and ganglion
cells (the output cells of the retina) as well as the optic nerve Electronics case
and visual structures in the brain.
Retinal prostheses (also called retinal implants or bionic
eyes) work by electrically stimulating the remaining retinal
cells, bypassing the degenerated photoreceptors. The
electrical signals move up the visual pathway into the visual
cortex, where they are perceived as visual percepts. Many
different groups worldwide are investigating retinal
prostheses; some approaches involve inserting an electrode
Electrode array
or photodiode array subretinally, near the photoreceptors
[1], [2], some insert an array epiretinally, near the ganglion
cells [3], while others involve placing an array in the Receiver coil
suprachoroidal space [4], [5].
Figure 1A. Internal components of the Argus II System.
photoreceptors and stimulate the retina’s
r remaining cells,
which transmit the visual informatiion along the optic nerve
to the brain. This process is intended to create the
perception of patterns of light whiich patients can learn to
interpret as visual patterns (Figure 3).

Figure 1B. A thin-film polymer 60 electrodee array in the eye

of a RP subject.

2.2 Externals

The external equipment consists of glasses, a video

processing unit (VPU), and a cable (Figuree 2). The glasses
include a miniature video camera and a trannsmitter coil. The
Argus II Clinician Fitting System softw ware is used to
configure the Argus II system stimulationn parameters and
video processing strategies for each subjeect. The software Figure 3. The patient perceives pattterns of light created by
provides modules for electrode control,, permitting the electrical stimulation.
clinicians to interactively construct test stim
muli with control
over amplitude, pulse-width, and freqquency of the
stimulation waveform of each electrode. TING

The Argus II Retinal Implant has been

b tested in-vitro at the
component, sub-assembly, and systtem levels for long-term
reliability. The hermetic electrronics case has been
Camera demonstrated to prevent moisture accumulation inside the
Transmitter coil device, extending the functional lifetime
l of the implant.
Finished implants have reached more m than 10 years of
lifetime in accelerated testing and so
s far reached more than
4 years in real time testing. Thin n-film polymer electrode
array insulation so far has reacheed 7 years in real-time
testing and an equivalent lifetim me of over 26 years in
Video Processing Unit (VPU)
accelerated testing.

3.1 Electrode Material

Figure 2. External components of the Arguss II System.
Electrode arrays withstood agg gressive constant pulse
2.3 Principle of Operation stimulation and provided long-term m safe stimulation without
corrosion or material degradation. The electrode material
The Argus II System provides real-time viisual information developed by Second Sight, Platinu um Gray, has been fully
to blind patients. During use, the miniatuure video camera verified with soak tests for over 10 years and has more than
housed in the patient’s glasses captures a scene. The video is sufficient chronic charge density capacity – up to 1.0
sent to the small patient-worn VPU where it is processed mC/cm2 for retinal stimulation. The high surface area
and transformed into instructions that are sent back to the Platinum Gray is similar to the mo ore familiar soft platinum
glasses via a cable. These instructions are transmitted black except it has significantly more
m mechanical stability
wirelessly to the receiver coil in the implantt. The signals are (Figure 4) [6].
then sent to the electrode array, which emitts small pulses of
electricity. These pulses are intended to byppass the damaged
Figure 4. SEM micrographs of Second Sighht Platinum
Gray electrode material (top) showing the m
material’s high Figure 5. The voltage excursion waaveforms (A. top) by
surface area and Platinum Gray coated thin--film electrodes biphasic, cathodic first pulse stimulaation and electrode
(bottom). impedance curves (B. bottom) recorrded during long-term
3.2 Electrical Stimulation and Waveform
Electrical stimulation of Argus II Retinnal implant uses
biphasic cathodic first, charge balanced constant current The Argus II System is being studieed in a clinical trial of 30
pulses. Electrode voltage excursion and electrode subjects in the U.S. and Europe, wh hich began in 2007 and is
impedance are monitored during active pullse stimulation to still ongoing. These subjects will be followed for ten years.
assess device stability. The electrode vvoltage excursion As of December 2012, there were overo 120 subject-years in
(Figure 5A) remains low during the long--term stimulation the clinical trial. The average time implanted was 4.1 years
and is far below the water window potenntial of platinum (SD 1.1 years), with a range of 1.2 – 5.6 years.
electrode material. Electrode impedancee (Figure 5B) is At the time of implant, all subjects’ residual vision had
stable during the long-term stimulation. n or worse (i.e., they were
deteriorated to bare light perception
only able to detect very bright liight, and had no useful
RI) safety and
3.3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR functional vision). Most (29) had retinitis pigmentosa.
4.1 Reliability
The System has also been tested for Maggnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) safety and compatibilitty. Test results As of December 2012, there was on ne failure of an implanted
indicated that the exposure of the A Argus II Retinal device, suspected to be due to damage sustained by the
Prosthesis System to various conditions using 1.5-T/64- device during implantation. Thee device has remained
MHz and 3.0-T/128-MHz systems will not damage the implanted but is non-functional. Alll other devices continue
device, alter its functionality, or have safeety consequences to function.
for the patient [7].
4.2 Safety 2.9 logMAR (or about 20/16000 on the Snellen acuity scale)
to 1.6 logMAR (~ 20/800).
Safety was monitored by recording and investigating
adverse events due to the device or surgery. There were no
unexpected device- or procedure-related adverse events (i.e.,
all events that occurred were part of a pre-defined list of the
events that could be expected from this type of ophthalmic
surgery). All adverse events that did occur were treated with
standard ophthalmic techniques.

4.2 Probable Benefit

All subjects perceived light with their Argus II Systems, and

all subjects used their Systems at home. Probable Benefit
was measured in the clinical trial with a battery of visual
function and functional vision assessments to determine Figure 6A. A subject performing the Square Localization
whether subjects showed better visual performance with the assessment.
System turned ON vs. turned OFF. Assessments were
administered at regular time points throughout the clinical
trial (e.g., baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 2 years,

4.2.1 Visual Function

The visual function assessments were computer-based tests

with high-contrast stimuli presented on a touch screen. The
most basic assessment was Square Localization [8]; it tested
subjects’ ability to locate and touch a white square at a
random location on a black touch screen monitor (Figure
6A). Each target square (40 trials total) remained on the Figure 6B. The Direction of Motion task.
screen until the subject touched the monitor where he or she
believed the square was located. The distance from the
center of the target square to the subject’s response was
calculated for each trial.
The second visual function test, Direction of Motion,
assessed subjects’ ability to determine the direction of a
white bar as it crossed the black touch screen at a random
angle (0-360°) [9]. After each bar moved across the screen
(80 trials total), the subject drew the direction he or she
perceived on the monitor (Figure 6B). The unsigned angle
difference between the target and response was calculated.
A successful performance on this test required spatial vision
ability: subjects must be able to perceive spatial information Figure 6C. The Grating Visual Acuity assessment.
from their electrode array (i.e., distinguish between
electrodes on different areas of the array) in order to
successfully determine the direction of motion. All visual function tests were performed with the subjects’
Grating Visual Acuity, the final visual function test used Systems turned ON and with it OFF (using only their
in the clinical trial, was designed to measure subjects’ visual residual vision) as a control.
acuity using principles similar to the standard Early As a group, subjects performed Square Localization and
Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) letter Direction of Motion better with the System ON compared to
chart. In this test, subjects were required to determine the OFF at each time point (Figure 7). Grating Visual Acuity
orientation (horizontal, vertical, diagonal right, diagonal was the most difficult of the visual function tests. Only one
left) of black and white gratings of differing spatial subject was able to score on this test with the implanted eye
frequencies (Figure 6C). The test measured acuity in units of when the System was OFF, and that was achieved at only
log of the Minimum Angle of Resolution (logMAR), from one time point. With the System ON, between 31% and 50%
of subjects scored between 2.9 – 1.6 logMAR depending on
the time point (up to 24 months post-implant). The best The Functional Low-vision Observer Rated Assessment
score to date was 1.8 logMAR (or 20/1262 on the Snellen (FLORA) involved interviews (self-report) and observation
acuity scale). of subjects performing real daily life and O&M tasks. It was
administered by trained independent blind and low-vision
rehabilitation therapists. The results were categorized
according to the effect the Argus II System had on the
subjects’ lives (both their functional vision and their well-
being). Results showed that the Argus II System had a
generally positive effect on a majority of subjects assessed
(20 of 26, or 76%) and a neutral effect on 23% of subjects.
No subjects had been negatively affected.
Two questionnaires, the Massof Activity Inventory and
the Visual Quality of Life (VisQoL), did not find clear
effects of the Argus II System on the daily life (Massof) or
quality of life (VisQoL), primarily because these
instruments have been designed and validated for patients
with significantly better vision.

Figure 7A. Square Localization results averaged across

subjects at yearly time points.

Figure 8. A blind subject walks along the line in an

Orientation & Mobility Task trial.

Figure 7B. Direction of Motion results (mean response error

± mean standard error) averaged across subjects at yearly
time points.

4.2.2 Functional Vision

The functional vision assessments were developed to test

subjects’ visual performance on more real-world tasks in
less controlled environments. They included Orientation and
Mobility tasks such as finding a door and following a line
(Figure 8), as well as questionnaires and observer-rated
assessments intended to measure subjects’ functional vision
in everyday life and their general well-being.
Figure 9A. Average success rate across subjects (± standard
On the Orientation and Mobility (O&M) tasks, the
error) on the “Find the Door” O&M task at yearly time
subjects as a group performed better with the System ON
than OFF at each time point (Figure 9).
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“Subretinal electronic chips allow blind patients to read

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