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(00)FM theater 12/22/03 9:34 AM Page xi


1. Read each paragraph of each form several times. Therefore, I have attempted to craft generic con-
Take your time. Make sure you understand each tracts that address those concerns, while still
provision thoroughly. It may be easier to read the allowing the parties flexibility to negotiate their
text version before you work with the electronic ver- agreements within available resources.
sion of the form, so you can be sure you are using 4. Just as Broadway’s union contracts represent the mere
the right form. minimum terms which each party extracts from each
2. All of the forms are fill-in-the-blanks. other, the terms of the contracts in this book call for
3. The provisions in the forms are based on standard the mere minimums. Parties can—and should—
industry practice. However, standard industry prac- always attempt to better the proffered terms.
tice varies according to the kind and level of pro- 5. Standard industry practice is not ironclad. One can
duction you are contemplating. For instance, always modify practice in contract negotiations.
standard industry practice for actor’s contracts for 6. Use these forms only as starting points for your dis-
Broadway shows are governed by extremely detailed cussions with the party with whom you hope to
contracts negotiated between Actors’ Equity contract.
Association and the League of American Theatres 7. Wherever pronouns call for a particular gender—
and Producers. Since Broadway productions are that is, “him” or “her”—it goes without saying you
capitalized in the millions of dollars, the standard should simply pick the appropriate pronoun to
Broadway actor’s contract contains terms on a scale describe the particular party to the contract.
much greater than a non-Equity summer stock the- 8. For many terms, alternative possibilities are avail-
ater in Nebraska could possibly afford. Nonetheless, able. These alternatives are set off by brackets: [ ].
all producers and artists have many of the same con- Consider each alternative carefully. Pick the one
cerns, regardless of their level of production. which best satisfies both parties.


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