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Migration to Abyssinia - 5th year of prophethood

Intro: Reasons -1 Mark

● The persecution by Quraish increased and became unbearable
● Allah allowed the Muslims to migrate. Prophet Muhammad did not migrate.
● “O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. Indeed, the patient will be
given their reward without account.”
● Holy Prophet selected Abyssinia as King Negus was a just ruler, common beliefs
and crossing the sea.
Main Body - 7 Marks
● First batch of 12 men and 4 women including Hazrat Ruqayyah(RA) and Hazrat
Uthman(RA) went to Abyssinia
● Rumours of Quraysh accepting Islam (details required) spread and some
Muslims including Hazrat Uthman(RA) and Hazrat Ruqayyah(RA) returned to
Makkah but later migrated back to Abyssinia after learning the truth.
● The second batch consisting of 83 men and 18 women including Hazrat Ja’afar
bin Abi Talib(RA) migrated to Abyssinia.
● Amr bin al-Aas and Abdullah bin Rabi’ah sent as envoys to King Negus and
demanded the return of the Muslims. They took expensive gifts for the King.
● King Negus upon hearing their request summoned the Muslims to his
court.Hazrat Ja’afar bin Abi Talib(RA)represented the Muslims. (refer to
Hammad bin Nishaat for the speech, write summarised version of the speech)
● Negus demanded Hazrat Ja’afar(RA) to recite some verses of the Quran.
● Hazrat Ja’afar(RA) recited the verses of Surah Maryam which impressed Negus
so much that he started crying. He said; “Truthfully, this and what Jesus
brought are from the same light.”
● The King allowed Muslims to live in his land freely and returned the envoys to

Conclusion (However, if b part asks about importance/benefits then omit the following
points in part a) - 1 Mark
● Benefits of the migration: Muslims were free to practise their religion without
fear of persecutions, they were able to spread Islam outside Makkah, they
learned to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah, this migration prepared
them for a bigger migration to Madinah.
● Lessons for Muslims today:Be firm in your faith, always speak the truth even in
front of an authoritative person (Students can come up with more substantial
Boycott of Banu Hashim and Muttalib:

● The Quraysh demanded Abu Talib to hand over Muhammad but he refused so
they decided to boycott the Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib.

● A social and economic boycott was put on the two tribes.
● Terms: no conversation, no business, no inter-marriages, no peace overtures
until Muhammad is handed over. Terms were hung in Kaaba.
● Abu Talib took everyone and settled in the valley of Abu Talib.
● The refugees faced hunger, and starvation during the three years
● Some kind-hearted people smuggled food to them
● Quraysh would increase the price of the goods so that refugees would not be
able to buy
● After three years some nobles from Quraysh forced Abu Jahal to lift the boycott
but he was adamant. During this time the Holy Prophet received a revelation
that termites have eaten the terms. Abu Jahal after finding out this to be true
lifted the boycott
● The Quran says, “O you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and
prayer: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.”

● Some old and weak people even died including Hazrat Khadija and Abu Talib.
This is why the 10th year of prophethood is known as “the year of sorrow” for
the Holy Prophet.
● People became weak due to the hardships they faced.
● Only a few people accepted Islam in these three years.
● Businesses were affected.

● The Quraysh leaders were now desperate to find a solution to this growing
problem as they called Islam.
● In their effort to reach a compromise with the Prophet(PBUH), they suggested
that they should practise both religions. Before the Prophet (PBUH) could
formulate a response, he received the Surah Kafirun as a divine answer.
● ‘Say: O disbelievers, I shall not worship that which you worship, Nor will you
worship that I worship……….To you, be your way and to be mine”(109:1-6).
Battle of Trench:

● 5th year of Hijra
● Reasons: Jews seeking revenge, Qureish still not finished with their objective of
wiping out Islam completely.
● Preparations: Quraish, Banu Ghatafan, Banu Nadeer and some other tribes
made an alliance, 10,000 well-equipped soldiers. The hypocrites tried their best
to demotivate everyone, Allah records in the Quran their attitude, “Allah and His
Messenger have promised us nothing but delusions.”
● The Prophet consults companions, 3000 men, Salman Farsi suggests to dig
trench, Muslims work day and night, hypocrites work reluctantly or leave.
Muslims face hunger and starvation while digging the trench. Miracle of the
Prophet’s vision while digging the trench[about Syria, Persia and Yemen],
● miracle of the food pot.
● The Prophet said, “God is Great! I have received the keys of Syria…”

Main body:
● The confederates arrived, surprised to see the trench, laid a siege
● Some people tried to cross the trench but failed, Amr Ibne Abd Wudd and Ali’s
duel, Saad Bin Muadh being shot, no major battle,
● Hai bin Akhtab convinced Quraiza to break alliance with Muslims and they
attack the women and children,
● On knowing that the tribe changed sides the prophet sends 2 men to remind
them of the treaty but the Jews replied,
● “We do not know who Muhammad is and what is the treaty”?
● hypocrites create havoc over this news, Allah sends Nuaim bin Masood as help
who successfully breaks the alliance between Quraish and Quraiza.

● Battle lasts a month, the Quraish start running out of supplies and a storm
destroys all their tents, animals and they leave the battlefield empty handed.
● Muslims win. Last attempt by Quraish to attack Muslims.
Treaty of Hudaibiyah:

● 6th Year, dream of Prophet, preparations for Umrah, 1400 Muslims

● Ihram at Zulhulaifa, Quraish stop Muslims from entering Makkah, Khalid bin
Walid’s army resists Muslims entry.
● The Prophet (PBUH) changes route and comes to Hudaibiyah.
● Exchange of messengers
● Usman bin Affan (R.A.) sent and detained. Quraish invites Usman for Umrah and
he refuses.
● Pledge of Rizwan, the quran says about this pledge:
● “Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave their Bait to
you under the tree.”
● Usman’s return
● Treaty signing with names, Terms of treaty, Suhayl ibn Amr, Ali bin Abi Talib
(scribes); Ali was told to remove the words “Messenger of God’’
● Khuza allied with Muslims and Bakr with Qureish
● Abu Jandal, the son of Suhayl ibn Amr runs away but is returned.

● Muslims are distraught
● “Verily, We have given you a manifest victory.”
● Umar (R.A.) disapproves of terms but is calmed by the Prophet.
● Muslims did not remove Ihram first, Umm Salama’s suggestion.
● Muslims return.
● A manifest victory (verses revealed)
Khyber Expedition:

● Jews of Khyber took the treaty of Hudaybiyyah as a weakness of Muslims, sent
parties to attack the outskirts of Madinah (incident of Abu Zar Ghaffari)
● 7th A.H.

● The Prophet marched to Khayber with 1400-1600 soldiers
● Jews taken by surprise, locked themselves in forts, at this the Holy Prophet
remarked, “God is Great! Khyber has met its doom…”
● 8 strong forts, Qamus being the strongest one.
● Muslims able to conquer all the forts except Qamus, 20 days siege, Muslims
start to become underconfident.
● The Holy Prophet said, “tomorrow I will send a commander who loves Allah
and His messenger and is loved by them in return.”
● Hazrat Ali chosen as the commander, duelling with Marhab, Qamus is captured.
Muslims won the battle

● Large quantities of gold and silver that the Jews had been accumulating for
● The finest arsenals of Arabia containing the newest weapons of the times.
● Vast herds of horses, camels and cattle, and flocks of sheep and goats.
● Rich fertile lands with palm groves.
● The Holy Prophet forgave the Jews on the condition that they will share 50% of
their produce with Muslims.
● A Jewish woman tried to poison the Holy Prophet. He survived but one
companion died so the woman was executed. [Casualties]
● The Prophet also married Hazrat Safia, the daughter of Hai bin Akhtab.
● The Muslims migrating to Madinah from Abyssinia also received the war spoils
as they wanted to fight in the battle but could not participate.
Battle of Mu’tah:

● Harith bin Umair killed on his way to Busra in 7th A.H., considered act of war by
Holy Prophet

● 8th A.H, 3000 Muslims under leadership of Zaid bin Haritha, Jafar bin Abi Talib,
and Abdullah bin Rawaha. (Instructions to these soldiers)
● Romans: Two hundred thousand well-equipped soldiers, Muslims demoralised
but Abdullah encourages them,
● The prophet declared the rules of Jihad
● “Fight the disbelievers in the name of Allah”
● battle began,
● all 3 leaders martyred,
● Jaafar’s martyrdom and title of “Tayyar” Khalid bin Walid chosen by Muslims,
● Khalid’s war strategy,
● broke 9 swords,
● title of “Saifullah”,
● Muslims retreat.

● The Muslims sustained twelve martyrs (some sources say 15) whereas the
number of casualties among the Byzantines was unknown although the details
of the battle point clearly to a large number.
● Both armies learned each other’s strengths,
● Muslims were victorious, many surrounding tribes accepted Islam,
● it established Muslims as a strong political force.
● Quote: Write a portion of the Holy Prophet’s code of conduct of war
Conquest of Makkah:

● Brief background of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah (just 2-3 lines), Banu Bakr’s
attack on Banu Khuza'a. They take refuge in the Kaaba but Banu Bakr even kill
them there.

● 8th A.H., Prophet’s 3 options, Abu Sufyan’s visit, secret preparation of 10,000
Muslim soldiers,
● torches to be lit near Makkah to make army look magnified in number,
● Quraysh not prepared,
● Abu Sufyan caught spying and accepts Islam,
● Prophet’s announcement before entering Makkah,
● army divided in 4 groups,
● Khalid’s cavalry face resistance incurring two martyrs,
● Kaaba is cleansed,
● The Prophet gives sermons; speaks about equality and forgives his enemies.
● “And say, Truth has come and Batil has vanished. Surely! Batil is ever bound
to vanish.”
● Bilal gives Adhan.
● Makkan accepted Islam at their own free will.

● Many including Hinda and Wahshi accept Islam, peaceful conquest without
much bloodshed
Tabuk Expedition:

● The Romans were planning an attack (details to be given by students)

Main body:
● Call for Jihad,
● conditions of Madinah (hot weather, crops ready)
● donations required (at least 3 examples to be given),
● hypocrites did not participate,
● “Those who stayed away rejoiced in their staying behind the messenger of
● Kaab bin Malick, Murrah bin Rabia and Hilal bin Ummayyah procrastinated and
were later punished by the Prophet,
● Ali left behind to look after Madinah,
● hypocrites taunted him and he went to join the Prophet,
● the Prophet sent him back saying,
● “You are to me as Haroon was to Musa except that there is no Prophet after
● 30,000 Muslims faced hunger and thirst during the journey,
● Romans were terrified and did not show up to fight.

● The Muslims stayed for 20 days in Tabuk,
● made alliances with bordering tribes,
● the entire Arabian peninsula came under Muslim rule.

Quotes: two direct quotes required (one already given)

Battle of Hunain and Taif:

● Banu Saqif and Hawazin felt disturbed by the fall of Makkah and decided to
wage a war against Muslims.

Main Body:
● Malik bin Awf allied forces and camped at Hunain,
● they had the best archers,
● brought all their cattles, gold, and families to the battlefield to encourage their
soldiers to fight.
● Prophet gathered 12,000 men,
● marched to Hunain,
● Muslims were ambushed,
● initially panicked but regained courage when Abbas called them to fight,
● Allah send angels for help,
● Prophet hurled handful of dust at the enemies,
● “May your faces be shameful”
● Muslims won,
● 6000 prisoners along with a large amount of war spoils.
● The Hawazin fled to Taif and fortified the city,
● Muslims laid siege,
● Prophet’s dua,
● “O Allah! Give guidance to the tribe of Saqif and send them to me.”
● eventually the enemies surrendered,
● The Prophet returned the prisoners to their families.

● people of Taif accepted Islam,
● war spoils given only to Muhaijireens and Ansars received the gift of the Holy
Prophet living among them.

Recommended Quotes:
● “O Allah! Give guidance to the tribe of Saqif and send them to me.”
● “O Ansar, that people take away sheep and goats and you take home
● Students may use any other relevant quote of their choice from the textbook.
The final years of the Prophet’s life - 9th and 10th A.H.

Years of delegation:
● People from all over Arabia came and accepted Islam or entered into alliances
with Muslims.
● However, these years are also full of challenges.
● Sent an expedition against the tribes on the borders of Syria under the
leadership of 18-year-old Usama bin Zaid. The Prophet also reviewed the Quran
twice in Ramzan before his death.
● The Hajj
● The Holy Prophet announced that he is offering Hajj.
● 10,000 Muslims accompanied him to Makkah.

Main Body:
● 8th Zilhajj: Prophet at Mina, performed all the prayers at their respective time.
● 9th Zilhajj: At Arafat near Jabl e Rehmat, he gave his last sermon, and one
hundred thousand Muslims listened to it.
● Last Sermon: Textbook page 135
● The Holy Prophet addressed the Muslims saying, “O People! Listen to my
words, I don’t know whether, after this year, I shall be among you again.”
● Then he spoke about human rights saying that the life, property, and honour of
every Muslim is sacred and so goods entrusted to Muslims should be returned
to their rightful owners and no one should be hurt in any way. He also spoke
about women’s rights and said that they should be treated with kindness, and
should be clothed and fed. Wives have rights over their husbands and husbands
have rights over them, and both are committed partners to each other. He also
said that women should not make friends with someone their husbands
disapprove of and should not commit adultery.
● The Prophet further stated that all humans are equal and being white, black,
Arab, or non-Arab is not the criteria for being superior, it is only the good deeds
that matter to Allah. He also emphasised the rights of slaves saying that they
should be treated well and should be clothed, and fed according to what the
masters themselves eat and wear. If masters don’t find it easy to overlook the
mistakes of the slaves then they should part themselves from the slaves rather
than treat them harshly.
● The Prophet then advised the Muslims to adhere to Quran and Sunnah saying “I
leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if
you follow these, you will never go astray.” He also emphasised the
performance of the pillars of Islam. According to the commands of Allah, the
Holy Prophet also forbade the practice of interest and said that henceforth all
interest is waived. He modelled it by announcing that all the interest due to his
uncle Abbas is waived.
● Then the Prophet warned the Muslims to beware of Shaytan and not fall into his
traps as he will do his best to mislead them and provoke them to commit minor
sins. He also reminded Muslims of the day of Judgment and clearly stated that
he is the last messenger and there will be no Prophet after him. He asked the
Muslims to convey this message to all those who are not present and ended his
sermon by asking the crowd to be his witnesses that he has delivered Allah’s
message to them. Here he received the revelation, “This day I have perfected
your religion for you, and completed my favours upon you…”
● 11th A.H.
● Sometime after returning to Madinah, the signs of illnesses started to appear so
much that the Prophet could not lead the prayers and asked Abu Bakr to lead
them instead. He also moved into Ayesha’s (R.A.) house. He gave his belongings
as Sadqa, sat with his family members, and advised them. He also met his
companions one last time and advised them as well. On Monday, the 12th
Rabiul Awwal took his last breath and is buried in the same place.

● Some Muslims became very emotional on his death like Umar (R.A.) so Abu
Bakr addressed all the Muslims saying, “Those of you who worshipped
Muhammad know that he is dead but those who worship Allah know that He
is alive and live forever.”

10th and 11th A.H.

Para 1: Introduction:
● 9th and 10th A.H were years of delegation, many people came to accept Islam
or to make alliances with Muslims.

Main Body:
● In the 10th A.H. announcement of Hajj, ten thousand people travelled with the
Prophet to Makkah, a brief description of how the prophet offered hajj.
● One hundred thousand people gathered at Arafat near Mount of mercy, the
farewell sermon to be discussed here (briefly all teachings). Verse 5:3 was
revealed (religion being perfected).
● Prophet returned to Madinah and increased his seclusion, reviewed the Quran
twice with Jibraeel in Ramadan, he even sent an expedition to Syria under the
leadership of Usama bin Zaid
● 11th A.H. the signs of illness started to appear,
● 13 days before his death he moved to Hazrat Ayesha’s apartment,
● he found it difficult to lead the prayers so Hazrat Abu Bakr led them in his place
as the Prophet specifically asked him for it.
● He instructed the Muslims regarding three things.
● He gave away 7 dinars in sadqa,
● freed his slaves,
● He called for Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and his wives,
● his last words to his nation and to himself,
● On 12th Rabiul Awwal he took his last breath, aged 63.

● Companions' reactions to his death.

● Quotes: Overall two direct quotes required.

- life before Islam
- Conversion
- Title
- migration(s) (brief)

- Services in Makkan life and Madinite life.
- Role in battles. (details)
- Include at least 2 important events/incidents. (details)
- Role in the era of the Caliphs. (brief)

Hazrat Bilal Ibn Rabah R.A:
● A Slave of Abyssinian origin owned by Umayyah bin Khalaf
● Early convert.
● Faced severe persecution after acceptance of Islam (details to be added by
● Bought and freed by Abu Bakr
● Migrated to Madinah and was given the honour of calling out the first Azaan
thus he was the first Muezzin of Islam.
● Participated in all battles alongside the Holy Prophet and killed his master in
battle of Badr.
● Gave the Azaan at the time of Conquest of Makkah.
● He left Madinah after the death of the Holy Prophet and stopped giving Azaan.
However, he once delivered the Azaan in Syria upon the request of Hazrat Umar
● Once the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said,
● “O Bilal, what special deeds you have done that I heard sounds of your
walking steps ahead of me in Paradise.”
● He passed away at the age of 60 in Damascus

Salman Farsi (R.A.):

● Initially followed Zoroastrianism.
● Became interested in Christianity due to which his father locked him in his room.
● He managed to escape and moved to Syria and traveled in many other countries
as the follower of Christian faith.
● One of his dying bishop told him about the coming of the last messenger which
led Salman to search for this man.
● He ended up being enslaved by a Jew who brought him to Madinah and that is
where he finally heard of Holy Prophet.
● Salman met the Holy Prophet and tested him as he was informed of signs of
Prophethood. ( seal of Prophets, not accepting charity but only accepting gifts).
● Could not participate in battles of Uhad and Badr as he was still enslaved.
● The Holy Prophet freed him after fulfilling his master’s demand of planting 300
date trees and paying 40 ounces of gold.
● He gave the idea of digging the trench.
● Salman (R.A.) became known as "Salman the Good". He was a scholar who
lived a rough and ascetic life. He had one cloak which he wore and on which he
slept. He would not seek the shelter of a roof but stayed under a tree or against
a wall.
● Later, as a governor of Al-Madain (Ctesiphon) near Baghdad, Salman (R.A.)
received a stipend of five thousand dirhams. This he would distribute as
‘Sadaqah’ (charity). He lived from the work of his own hands. When some
people came to Madain and saw him working in the palm groves, they said, "You
are the ameer here and your sustenance is guaranteed and you do this work!"
● "I like to eat from the work of my own hands," he replied.
● As a scholar, Salman (R.A.) was noted for his vast knowledge and wisdom. Ali
ibn Talib (R.A.) said of him that he was like Luqman the Wise.
● Salman al Farsi R.A. passed away at the age of 80.
● The Holy Prophet said, “Salman is from my household.”

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