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Synthetix-7 Audit Estimate

Estimate By: Jordan Estimate Date: May 22nd, 2024

Estimated Time Price Current Availability

$6000 for 1 auditor

$12000 for 2 auditors
Earliest Start:
2 days
Week of June 3rd
$15,000 per auditor per week
($3,000 per auditor per day)

Additional Time for Fix Review: Clients are granted up to 1 day of extra review
time for each week spent on code audit by our auditors. Extra time needed for
fixes review beyond 1 day per week of audit time would be billed at same prorated
daily rate

Scope & Context



Files 5

Total LoC 338

Pace ~170

Description Registry for cannon packages, with some cross chain messaging

Estimate Rationale
This contract deals with multi chain messaging, as well as custom input validation.
It also is upgradeable with a diamond-like storage pattern. However, it is relatively

Synthetix-7 Audit Estimate (external) 1

simple outside of that, so we can audit faster than average.

Code Analysis Report

registry % scc contracts/**/*.sol --by-file

Language Files Lines Blanks Comments
Solidity 8 481 92 23
contracts/CannonRegistry.sol 343 66 10
contracts/ERC2771Context.sol 38 6 6
~ontracts/EfficientStorage.sol 35 6 1
~contracts/OwnedUpgradable.sol 11 2 1
contracts/Proxy.sol 9 2 2
Total 8 481 92 23
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $9,402
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 2.33 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 0.36
Processed 15362 bytes, 0.015 megabytes (SI)

Test Coverage Report (copy/paste)

There are tests, that seem sufficient, however experiencing issues running the
tests when installing dependancies.

Synthetix-7 Audit Estimate (external) 2

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