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Experiment Number: 01

Name of the Problem: To determine the co-ordinates of the point which divides
the line segment joining two points A(-2,-3) and B(4,6) internally in the ratio 2:1
and to express it in the graph.
Theory: The co-ordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining two

(x1, y₂) and (x1, y₂) internally in the ratio m1 : m2 is ( )

Necessary Equipments: (i) Graph Paper (ii) Pencil (iii) Pen (iv) Sharpener (v)
Eraser (vi) Scale (vii) Scientific Calculator and (viii) Necessary Book.
1. Represent x-axis by XOX’ and y-axis by YOY’. Here, O(0,0) is the origin.
2. By choosing a scale such that the length of each 2 smallest squares = 1 unit
along the both axes, plot the points A(-2,-3) and B(4,6) on the graph paper.
3. Draw the line segment AB joining A and B.
4. Determine the point which divides the line segment AB internally in the ratio
2:1 with the help of formula and also using graph. Let the point is P.
5. Plot the internal division point on graph paper and verify the accuracy of its
Compilation of Result:
1. Determination of the co-ordinates of internal division point by using
x1 y1 x2 y2 m1 m2 x= y=

-2 -3 4 6 2 1 x= y=

The co-ordinates of the internal division point is P(2,3).

2. Determination of the co-ordinates of internal division point from the graph:
Measure the length of the line segment AB using scale and divide it into three
(2+1=3) equal parts and plot the internal division point P as AP:PB 2:1 in the
graph paper. lt is seen that the point P is located 4 smallest squares away from the
y-axis and 6 smallest squares away from the x-axis in the positive direction of the
both axes. So, the co-ordinates of the internal division point is P(2,3).
3. Verification of the position of the internal division point on the graph:
Plot the point P (2,3) on the graph paper. From the graph we get, AP-3.6 cm and
PB-1.8 cm
Again, draw PM and BN as perpendicular to AQ, which is parallel to x-axis. Here,
AM Length of 8 smallest squares, MN = Length of 4 smallest squares

Result: The co-ordinates of the internal division point is P(2,3).

Comment: The co-ordinates of the internal division point obtained through the
formula and from the graph are the same i.e P(2,3). So, the results are accurate.
1. Graph paper having identical squares and a sharpened pencil have been used.
2. Calculations are done using the calculator putting in its proper mode.
3. The length of the line segment is measured by using a scale and has been
divided into a certain ratio accurately .
Experiment Number: 02
Name of the Problem: To determine the co-ordinates of the point which divides
the line segment joining two points A(-5,13) and B(5,8) externally in the ratio 5:1
and to express it in the graph.
Theory: The co-ordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining two

(x1, y1) and (x2, y₂) internally in the ratio m1 : m2 is ( )

Necessary Equipments : (i) Graph Paper (ii) Pencil (iii) Pen (iv) Sharpener (v)
Eraser (vi) Scale (vii) Scientific Calculator and (viii) Necessary Book.
1. Represent x-axis by XOX’ and y-axis by YOY’. Here, O(0,0) is the origin.
2. By choosing a scale such that the length of each 2 smallest squares = 1 unit
along with the both axes, plot the points A(-5,13) and B(5,8) on the graph paper.
3. Draw the line segment AB joining A and B.
4. Determine the point which divides the line segment AB externally in the ratio
5:1 with the help of formula and also using graph. Let the point is P.
5. Plot the external division point on graph paper and verify the accuracy of its
Compilation of Result:
1. Determination of the co-ordinates of external division point by using
x1 y1 x2 y2 m1 m2 x= y=

- 5 13 5 8 5 1 x= y=

The co-ordinates of the internal division point is P(7.5,6.75).

2. Determination of the co-ordinates of external division point from the
Measure the length of the line segment AB using scale and divide it into four
equal parts and plot the external division point Pas AP:BP-5:1 in the graph paper.
It is seen that the point P is located 15 smallest squares away from y-axis and 13.5
smallest squares away from the x-axis in the positive direction of the both axes. So,
the co-ordinates of the external division point is P(7.5,6.75).
3. Verification of the position of the external division point on the graph:
Plot the point P(7.5,6.75) on the graph paper. From the graph we get, AP-7.1 cm
and BP-1.4 cm

Again, draw PM and BN as perpendicular to AQ, which is parallel to x-axis. Here,

AM = Length of 25 smallest squares, MN = Length of 5 smallest squares

Result: The co-ordinates of the external division point is P(7.5, 6.75).

Comment: The co-ordinates of the external division point obtained through the
formula and from the graph are the same i.e P(7.5, 6.75). So, the results are
1. Graph paper having identical squares and a sharpened pencil have been used.
2. Calculations are done using the calculator putting in its proper mode.
3. The length of the line segment is measured by using a scale and has been
divided into a certain ratio accurately.
Experiment Number: 03
Name of the Problem: To determine the area of the triangle whose vertices are
(1,2), (4,5) and (6,2) with the help of formula and graph.
Theory: If (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) are the three vertices of a triangle then its
area is

= [ ] square units.

Necessary Equipments: (i) Graph Paper (ii) Pencil (iii) Pen (iv) Sharpener (v)
Eraser (vi) Scale (vii) Scientific Calculator and (viii) Necessary Book.
1. Represent x-axis by XOX’ and y-axis by YOY’. Here, O(0,0) is the origin.
2. By choosing a scale such that the length of each 5 smallest squares =1 unit along
with the both axes, plot the points (1,2), (4,5) and (6,2) on the graph paper. Let the
points are A, B and C respectively.
3. By joining the points A, B; B, C and C, A; we construct the triangle ABC and
darken its area using pencil.
4. We draw the perpendiculars AL, BM and CN from the point A, B and C
respectively upon the x-axis.
5. We determine the area of the triangle with the help of the formula as mentioned
in the theory and from the graph using geometrical method.
Compilation of Result:
1. Determination of area of ABC by formula:

Area of ABC = [ ] sq. units.; [Points are taken in anti clockwise


= {1(2-5)-2(6-4)+1(30-8)} sq. units = (-3-4+22) sq. units =

2. Derivation of area of ABC from the graph: (First Principle)

From the graph we get, OL =1, OM =4, ON=6, AL=2, BM=5 and CN=2 units.
Area of ABC = Area of Trapezium ALMB +Area of Trapezium BMNC –
Area of Rectangle ALNC
= (AL+BM). ML + (BM+CN). MN –AL.LN sq.units.

= (AL+BM). (OM–LO) + (BM+CN). (ON–OM) –AL.(ON–OL) sq.units.

= (2+5)(4-1)+ sq.units = .7.2 – 2.5 sq.units

= (2+5)(4-1)+ sq.units = .7.2 – 2.5 sq.units

= + 7 – 10 sq.units. = sq.units

3. Derivation of area of ABC by measuring the lengths of the sides from

From the graph we have, BC=a=18 smallest sq. = 3.6 units, AC=b=25 smallest
sq.=5 units, AB=c=21 smallest sq. 4.2 units.

Now, The half of perimeter, s= = units 6.4 units.

The area of
ABC = √

=√ sq.units 7.43 (app.) sq.units.

Result: The area of the triangle is or, 7.5 (app.) square units in each method.
Comment: The area of the triangle obtained through the formula and from the
graph is the same approximately. So, the result is correct.
1. Graph paper having identical squares and a sharpened pencil have been used.
2. Calculations are done using the calculator putting in its proper mode.
3. The Perpendiculars are drawn with caution and various lengths are determined
Experiment Number: 04
Name of the Problem: To determine the area of the triangle whose vertices are
A(5,8), B(-3,-4) and C(8,-5) with the help of formula and graph.
Theory: If (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) are the three vertices of a triangle then its
area is

[ ] square units.

Necessary Equipments: (i) Graph Paper (ii) Pencil (iii) Pen (iv) Sharpener (v)
Eraser (vi) Scale (vii) Scientific Calculator and (viii) Necessary Book.
1. Represent x-axis by XOX’ and y-axis by YOY’. Here, O(0,0) is the origin.
2. By choosing a scale such that the length of each 3 smallest squares 1 unit along
with the both axes, plot the points A(5,8), B(-3,-4) and C(8,-5) on the graph paper.
3. By joining the points A, B; B, C and C, A; we construct the triangle ABC and
darken its area using pencil.
4. We draw the perpendiculars AL, BM and CN from the point A, B and C
respectively upon the x-axis.
5. Through the point A we draw a line segment PQ which is parallel to the line
segment MN and extend BM and CN upto P and Q respectively.
6. We determine the area of the triangle with the help of the formula as mentioned
in the theory and from the graph using geometrical method.
Compilation of Result:
1. Determination of area of ABC by formula:

Area of ABC = [ ] sq. units.; [Points are taken in anti clockwise

= {5(-4+5)-8(-3-8)+1(15+32)} sq. units

= {5.1-8(-11)+1.47} sq. units = = x 140 sq.units =

2. Derivation of area of ABC from the graph: (First Principle)
From the graph we get, BP=BM+PM=4+8=12 units
CQ=CN+NQ= CN+AL=5+8=13 units
PQ=MN=OM+ON=3+8=11 units
AP=ML=OM+OL=3+5=8 units
AQ=LN=ON-OL=8-5=3 units
Area of ABC = Area of Trapezium BPQC - Area of APB - Area of AQC
= (BP+CQ). PQ - AP.BP- AQ.CQ

= sq.units sq.units sq.units

= sq.units sq.units sq.units = sq.units

3. Derivation of area of AABC by measuring the lengths of the sides from

From the graph we have, BC=a=34 smallest sq. =11.3 units, AC=b=39 smallest sq.
=13 units, AB = c =42 smallest sq.= 14 units.

Now, The half of perimeter, s= = units = 19.2(app.) units.

The area of
ABC = √

=√ = 70 (app.) sq.units.
Result: The area of the triangle is 70 (app.) sq.units in each method.
Comment: The area of the triangle obtained through the formula and from the
graph is the same approximately. So, the result is correct.
1. Graph paper having identical squares and a sharpened pencil have been used.
2. Calculations are done using the calculator putting in its proper mode.
3. The Perpendiculars are drawn with caution and various lengths are determined
Experiment Number: 5
Name of the Problem: To determine the angles of a triangle using formula and
graph whose sides are 50 cm, 60 cm and 70 cm respectively.
Theory: The cosine rule to determine the angles of ABC are

COS A = cos B = and cos C =

Necessary Equipments: (i) Graph Paper (ii) Pencil (iii) Pen (iv) Sharpener (v)
Eraser (vi) Scale (vii) Scientific Calculator (viii) Pencil Compass (ix) Protractor
and (x) Necessary Book
1. Represent x-axis by XOX’ and y-axis by YOY’. Here, O(0,0) is the origin.
2. Let, a=50 cm, b = 60 cm and c=70 cm. We determine the values ∠A, ∠B and
3. By choosing a scale such that the length of each smallest square =2 cm along
with the both axes, cut off a BC on OX such that length of 25 smallest squares 50
4. Taking C as centre and radius equal to b 60 cm 30 smallest square units, draw an
arc using a pencil compass.
5. Taking B-as centre and radius equal to c70 cm 35 smallest square units, draw
another arc such that it intersercts the former arc at A.
6. Join A, B and A, C to obtain AABC.
7. We determine ZA, B and C with the help of a protractor from the graph.
Compilation of Result: Determination of angles by formulae:

cos A = cos B = cos C =

= = =

= = =
Or, ∠A = cos -1(.714) Or, ∠B = cos -1(.543) Or, ∠C = cos -1(.2)
⸫ ∠A = 44026'19.3" ⸫ ∠B = 5706'42.85" ⸫ ∠C = 78027'46.95"
Given sides of the Obtained values of Obtained values of angles by
triangle angles by protractor cosine formula
a b c ∠A ∠B ∠C ∠A ∠B ∠C

50 cm 60 cm 70 cm 45° 57° 78° 44° 26′19.3" 57°6'42.85" 78 27′46.95"

Comment: It is seen that the values of the angles obtained from the graph using
protractor and also by the cosine formula are almost the same. Therefore, the
obtained results are correct and acceptable.
Precautions: 1. Graph paper having identical squares and a sharpened pencil have
been used.
2. The length of the sides are determined accordingly.
3. The straight lines are drawn properly with the help of a scale.
Experiment Number: 06
Name of the Problem: To determine the ratio of the sides of a triangle using
formula and graph whose angles are 50°, 60° and 70° respectively.
Theory: The sine rule to determine the lengths of the sides of the ABC are

Necessary Equipments:(i) Graph Paper (ii) Pencil (iii) Pen (iv) Sharpener (v)
Eraser (vi) Scale (vii) Scientific Calculator (viii) Pencil Compass (ix) Protractor
and (x) Necessary Book
1. Represent x-axis by XOX’ and y-axis by YOY’. Here, O(0,0) is the origin.
2. Let, ∠A = 50°, ∠B = 60°, ∠C = 70°.
3. Choose the scale such that the length of each smallest square 1 unit along the
both axes.
4. We cut off BC = 20 units = 20 smallest squares from OX and construct ∠EBC=
60° and FCB=70° at B and C respectively such that EB and FC intersect at A. So,
∠BAC = 50°.
5. Using a scale and a pencil compass we measure the lengths of the sides AB, BC
and AC and determine a:b:c. Again we determine the values of a:b:c using sine
rule and compare both the results.
Compilation of Result:
(i) Determination of ratio of the three sides by compass :
a= BC = 20 smallest squares =20 units.
c=AB = 24.5 smallest squares = 24.5 units.
b= AC = 22.5 smallest squares = 22.5 units.
⸫ a:b:c=20:22.5:24.5=77:86.6:94.3; [Multiplying each by 3.85.]
(ii) Determination of ratio of the three sides by sine rule :

or, a:b:c = sin A: sin B: sin C

or, a:b:c = sin 500: sin 600: sin 700 ⸫ a:b:c = .77: .87: .94 = 77: 87: 94
∠A ∠B ∠C Values obtained by compass Values obtained by sine rule
50° 60° 70° a:b:c=77:86.6:94.3 a:b:c=77:87:94

Comment: The ratio obtained from the length of the sides obtained by the help of
pencil compass from graph is equal to the obtained ratio of the sides by sine rule.
Therefore, the results are correct and acceptable.
Precautions :
1. Graph paper having identical squares and a sharpened pencil have been used.
2. The angles are to be measured carefülly.
3. The lengths are measured carefully with the help of pencil compass.
Problem Number: 07
Name of the Problem: To solve the triangle ABC using formula and graph
whose ∠A=45°, b=25 cm and c=20 cm.

Theory: For the ABC we know, the cosine formula is cos A = and the

sine formula is .

Necessary Equipments: (i) Graph Paper (ii) Pencil (iii) Pen (iv) Sharpener (v)
Eraser (vi) Scale (vii) Scientific Calculator (viii) Pencil Compass (ix) Protractor
and (x) Necessary Book
1. Represent x-axis by XOX and y-axis by YOY. Here, O(0,0) is the origin.
2. We have given ∠A=45°, b=25 cm and c = 20 cm. We are to determine the
values of ∠B, ∠C and a.
3. By choosing a scale such that the length of each smallest square =1 unit along
with the both axes cut off c AB20 cm 20 smallest squares from OX.
4. With the help of protractor we construct ∠EAB = 45° at the point A and cut off
b = AC = 25 cm = 25 smallest squares from EA.
5. Join B, C and we will get the АВС.
6. With the help of a protractor we measure the values of ∠B and ∠C from the
graph. Again with the help of formula we determine the values of ∠B and ∠C and
compare the results obtained from the two different methods,
7. With the help of a pencil compass we measure the length of the side a. Again
using formula we determine the value of the side a and compare the two results
obtained from the two different methods.
Compilation of Result: Determination of the length of the side a :
(i) From the graph using pencil compass:
a = BC = 17.8 smallest squares = 17.8 cm

(ii) From the formula : cos A =

Or, cos 45° = Or, 1000 cos 45° =

Or, 1000 cos 45° = ⸫ a = 17.83 (app.)

Determination of ∠B and ∠C :
(i) Using Protractor : ∠B = 83° ; ∠C = 52°

(ii) Using formula : Or,

Or, 25

Or, Or,
Or, ⸫ B = 82°33′45.89"

Again, Or,

Or, 20

Or, Or,

Or, ⸫ C = 52°28′56.27"
Given Values Length of a Value of ∠B Value of ∠C
Using formula Using Using Using Using
b c ∠A
formula Compass formula Protractor formula Protractor
25 cm 20 cm 45° 17.83 cm 17.8 cm 82°33′ 45.89" 83° 52° 28′ 56.27" 52°

Comment: The length obtained from the graph and the formula are almost equal.
Again the value of angles obtained from the formula and using the protractor are
also equal. Therefore, the results are correct and acceptable. Precautions:
1. Graph paper having identical squares and a sharpened pencil have been used.
2. The angles are to be measured carefully.
3. The lengths are measured carefully with the help of pencil compass.

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