Finished Work of Christ-Full by PST Banjo

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Pastor Banjo Ayeka


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Copyright ©2023 Pastor Banjo Ayeka
Time To eat Ministry

The Finished Work of Christ

INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________ 4
CHAPTER ONE ______________________________________________________ 10
THE SIMPLICITY OF THE MESSAGE ______________________________ 10
CHAPTER TWO _____________________________________________________ 18
UNBELIEF IS THE SIN_______________________________________________ 18
CHAPTER THREE ___________________________________________________ 26
FAITH IN THE FINISHED WORK __________________________________ 26
CHAPTER FOUR ____________________________________________________ 48
THE LAW AND THE FINISHED WORK ____________________________ 48
CHAPTER FIVE ______________________________________________________ 64
GOD'S DEFINITION OF SIN_________________________________________ 64
CHAPTER SIX________________________________________________________ 72
FAITH AND THE FINISHED WORK _______________________________ 72
CHAPTER SEVEN ___________________________________________________ 78
THE END OF GOD'S ANGER ________________________________________ 78
CHAPTER EIGHT___________________________________________________ 102
CHAPTER NINE ____________________________________________________ 110
THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS _________________________________ 110
CHAPTER TEN _____________________________________________________ 126
THE GIFT AND THE REWARD ___________________________________ 126

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The Finished Work of Christ


This is one of the book I will desire that should you follow.
Until you come to the revelational understanding that what
christ has done is enough to receive anything from God, you
will keep on thinking you must pay the price and sacrifice to
receive what christ has paid the price and sacrifice to give

That God has freely given all things pertaining to our life and
godliness is the message of the new testament and that is what
makes the message of the new testament to be a gospel (good
news). It is prophecy and promise if it is about what God will
do while it is gospel and revelation if it is about what God has

2 Peter 1:3 as His divine power has given to us all things that
pertain to life and godliness, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE
OF HIM who called us by glory and virtue,

This scripture didn't say he will give to us all things ( future

promises ) it didn't say he has given us some things, but the
scripture says he has given to us all things . The first step to
walk in the reality of this is to first believe it, don't let unbelief
make you add to it or remove from it, all things has been freely
given to us. What you need now is to begin to learn how to
effortlessly walk in the reality of what has been freely given
without paying any price or sacrifice, and that is what this book
is all about

Many have not been taught how to receive freely, what christ

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

has paid the price for and has given freely. This is God saying
again and again that if he gave you Christ freely, will he not
freely give you all things ?

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered
Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give
us all things?

Romans 8 :32 If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the

line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to
the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he
wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? ( MSG)

Who is he that is now telling you that you must pay price and
sacrifice to receive what God has ordained to give freely? You
can see how unbelief is affecting many Christians.Because just
as we have unbelievers so also we have many unbelieving
believers, unbelievers are those who reject the person of Jesus
and the scriptures say they are condemned already if they
choose to remain in their unbelief (John 3 vs 16-19).

Why unbelieving believers are those who accept the person of

Jesus and have received eternal life, but reject the finished
work of christ and that prevent them from receiving other free
blessings that should automatically follow salvation. They
have the life of God in them but lack the grace of God in them,
because how can you receive grace of God if you don't believe
the grace of God is free.

Look at the scripture again,

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered
Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give

The Finished Work of Christ

us all things?

shall He not freely give you all things? Not shall He not freely
give you somethings, but freely give you all things, meaning
there is nothing again that worth paying price and sacrifice to
receive because everything has been designed to be freely
given. If you are paying any price and sacrifice to receive
anything in this kingdom, you are only paying the sacrifice of
your ignorance, you have not yet learn how to receive
everything in the name of Jesus.

You have been religiously taught that asking anything in the

name of Jesus is by mentioning the name of Jesus three times
in prayer before making your request known unto God. You
don't know, that asking anything in the name of Jesus means to
ask based on what Christ has done, to ask with the knowledge
that Christ has paid the price for you, to demand for what you
need based on what Christ has done, to make your request
known to God based on the finished work of Christ.

Truly, to receive anything from the spirit world, it must be by

sacrifice, but the advantage we leverage on is that someone has
paid the sacrifice for us and ask us to demand for anything in
his name freely.

That is, that which you claimed you have received which have
not been given freely is not from God through christ, meaning
if you pay the price to receive anything, it means that which
you receive is not from God and it is not through Christ.

If it must be from God it must be through Christ and if it must

be through Christ it must be by faith and not of work less any
man should boast. It is not only salvation that is free, all

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

blessings are free, the scripture says if he give us salvation

freely, will he not also freely give us all things

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered
Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give
us all things?

Every blessing from God through Christ is free not because it

is cheap, it is free because it is too valuable that no single man
can pay the price to receive it. Christ pay the price for us
because no man can pay the price to receive the least of the
blessing in the realm of the spirit because the only language the
spirit world understands is blood sacrifice, not sacrifice of
fasting or sowing seed, it is blood, if it is not blood, it doesn't
speak in the spirit.

Whenever some people are teaching on the supernatural, you

see them making references on how the children of darkness
are paying different strange price and sacrifice to walk in the
supernatural and how to receive power from the devil, and you
see them ignorantly using that as standard to condemn
Christian that the reason why they are not working in the
supernatural is because they are not paying the price and
sacrifice like the children of darkness.

Truly no man can deny the fact that the children of darkness
are paying different strange prices and sacrifices to receive
anything from the devil, but it is because nobody has stood in
gap for them to pay the sacrifice for them.

If Christ didn't pay any sacrifice for us also, God will demand
from us prices and sacrifices to receive anything from him as
we saw in the Old Testament. He will demand tithing, first

The Finished Work of Christ

fruit, righteousness of the law and obedience to the law as

condition to receive anything from him which no single person
was able to meet up with those conditions in the old testament
but hide under the blood sacrifice of animals as substitute to
obtaining blessings from God but because Christ has paid the
price, the condition to receive anything from God changed, the
condition now is that whosoever believes in him shall not
perish but receive eternal life, if the life of God can be
received freely by faith, how much more the things of God . If
he can give you his life freely, shall he not also freely give you
all things.

The condition to receive anything now is faith, without faith it

is impossible to please God. Sacrifice may be the currency to
receive before Christ paid the price for us, but now that he has
paid the price for us, faith as become the currency in the realm
of the spirit. So if there is anything you must begin to learn now
is not how to pay price to receive anything but how to freely
receive what christ has paid price to give, because Christ has
paid the price and sacrifice for all, hs finished work is enough.

What is that thing you need, is it power ? Because that is what

my generation are longing to get and have built many
unscriptural teachings on it Jesus said concerning power that
freely you receive, freely you give.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Some are saying you must pay the price to work in power, I
don't know the scripture they are reading, because we are in a
generation who doesn't believe the scripture any more but have
built their life on the experience of men with results in life than

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

the experience of men with results we saw in scripture.

What Jesus said is what we follow, he said that freely you

receive. He didn't say you must pay the price to receive, but
freely you receive. If the finished work of Christ is not enough
for you then it is because you have not been taught or you have
been wrongly taught. Some people who want to balance grace
and sacrifice together again will say, truly we receive
everything freely, but we must pay price and sacrifice of
fasting to release what has been freely given, but scripture
didn't teach us that, what the scriptures says is that if you
believe in him out of your belly shall flow out whatever you
have freely received

John 7:38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out
of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

This is Jesus speaking here, and jesus himself was quoting

scripture, he didn't speak his own idea or experience, he said
if you can believe in him out of your belly shall flow rivers of
living water of any kind of spiritual blessing you have freely
receive. Can you follow the teaching spirit and the teaching
anointing that will be finding expressions in this book to gain
scriptural knowledge about the revelation of what christ has
done for you and how it is enough to receive anything you

The Finished Work of Christ




Romans 1:16 The Just shall Live by Faith

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power
of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first
and also for the Greek.

The power of the gospel is in its simplicity, if you want to

make the gospel powerless make it complicated, remove the
sacrifice of christ and add your sacrifice to it, remove the
finished work of Christ and add your finished work to it, then
you see the powerlessness of the gospel.

The Bible says Gospel is the power unto salvation, if the power
of the good news can make you save, the same power can make
you heal, anyone that can save you from sin is capable of
saving you from all evil, and the method he uses to save you
from sin can be adopted over anything you need to be saved
from. And he who saves you is Jesus and the method he used
is the gospel.

Anyone that can give you the gift of salvation freely is capable
of giving you all things freely, and the same methods he gives
you salvation is the same methods he has chosen to give you
all things That is why the plan of Jesus for the fivefold ministry
and office is to work around the gospel. The evangelist should

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

PREACH the gospel, the teacher and pastor should TEACH

the gospel, and the prophet should PROPHESY the gospel, the
apostles should lay the gospel as the DOCTRINE and correct
messages that are not the gospel.

And the gospel simply means good news, if you are teaching
and preaching on anything, it must be presented as good news
to people, if you are teaching on prosperity, make it good news
because when Jesus was anointed his first message is to preach
the good news to the poor, if it is not good news, it will not
become a power unto prosperity to them

If you are preaching salvation to the sinner make it good news,

less it will not become a power unto salvation to them. If you
are preaching or teaching on holiness and righteousness make
it good news to them, it will not become a power unto holiness
unto them, they will keep on learning your holiness messages
and yet keep on struggling to walk in holiness.

The power of God to anything is the gospel, believing in the

simplicity of the gospel. The good news is when you show
someone what he desperately needs but can't afford, but now
let him know that someone has paid the price for him to have
it freely, and once he can just believe in that person and what
he has done for him, he received what he needs freely.

Look at what the Scripture says

Galatians 3:5 Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and

works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the
law, or by the hearing of faith?

It is just by hearing of faith, hearing the gospel, if anyone want

The Finished Work of Christ

to preach what you are called ro preach is the gospel, that is

your messages must be received as the good news, if are you
are called fo teach all your messages is designed to be centred
on the gospel Because the eternal mandate is just to bring men
into one singular thing, and that is faith. Because a miracle is
designed to find expression in the environment of men who

Look at the scripture again in another translation

Galatians 3:5
Answer this question: Does the God who lavishly provides you
with his own presence, his Holy Spirit, work things in your
lives you could never do for yourselves, does he do these things
because of your strenuous moral striving or because you trust
him to do them in you? ( MSG)

I think this message version is enough to convince you that the

reason why many are not seeing the supernatural manifestation
is unbelief. You will discover now that many who are
preaching the supernatural and linking it to the sacrifice of
fasting and prayer rather than linking it to just simple faith are
the ones killing the true manifestation of the supernatural in the
body of Christ.

The most difficult thing in the spirit is to save a man, the devil
can manifest any dimension of power but he doesn't have the
power to save anyone. The greatest power available to man is
the ability to save the soul of man and if this power can be
hidden in the simplicity of the gospel then how much more
other things?

Gospel is not a message that makes you change your

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

behaviour, it is a message that makes you change your beliefs,

you don't receive the gospel and change your behaviour, you
receive the gospel and change your beliefs . It is to them that
believe right that now receive power to become the son of God,
true behaviour does not change by message, it changes by
power, it is the belief that changes by message

If your behaviour change after listening to messages on moral

sin, such change is temporary, you will see yourself going
back to doing what you cry in the church to repent from.
Because the gospel is not a message that makes you cry, it is a
message that gives joy and it is the joy of the lord that is our
strength to come out of any addiction and weakness.

Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the
fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom
nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not
sorrow, for the joy of the Lord, is your strength.”

We have wrongly taught that a revival message is a message

that makes you cry for repentance in the program, those are
just emotional fearful messages, it doesn't produce any change
in man, the same you that cry today will still cry next month .
Weeping over anything including your sin is only designed to
endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Meaning if you are in the night (darkness) you can be crying

over your sin but once you are in the light you are in your
morning, joy is your portion, and you rejoice over the gift of
righteousness. The joy of the lord is our strength, strength
comes when you receive the message of grace when you
receive the message of good news.

The Finished Work of Christ

Can you turn on the television to listen to news that favour you
and be crying?, it is bad news that cause sadness and make one
cry but good news cause joy and make one laugh, many men
of God are the bearer of bad news, they love to flog people with
words and called it bitter truth, if the truth is bitter then christ
is bitter because he is the only truth I know, he said I am the
truth, he is the truth you need to know that make you free, what
is the truth is not what you know and be set free, who is the
truth is who you need to know and be made free. If you preach
a message and people begin to cry, and you now begin to say
the presence of God has come down, sir you lack the
knowledge of the fruits of God's presence . What the scripture
says is that in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy and
not fullness of tears.

Psalms 16:11 You will show me the path of life;

In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

If under your ministration people are sensing joy in their hearts

it means the presence of a God has come down. All this
manifestation making you fall and making men of God shine
is far from the reality of the scripture, what the scriptures say
is that arise and shine for your light has come. Not you falling
under the chair and men of God shining, you are the one to
rise and shine. The glory of any man of God should be that his
members are rising and shining not that they are falling, so
when the true Gospel is preached the power of God is in
manifestation, saving those that believe and healing those that

The power of the gospel is in the simplicity, God has decided

to make a walk with him so simply, it is the spirit of religion

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

that is making it complicated . When you come to Jesus his

yoke is easy and his burden is light.

Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labour and are
heavily laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for
your souls.
Matthew 11:30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Look at how the message version put it.

Mathew 11 :
28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come
to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show
you how to take a real rest.
29 Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn
the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or
ill-fitting on you.
30 Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and

One thing about the grace message is that if you are not yet
tired of religion, your heart will be hardened to it with all
readiness to reject it, we all are once in that shoe. But the day
you begin to get tired of religion, that becomes the day you
begin to embrace the message of grace.

That is why the Scripture says are you tired of religion?

Two sets of people come to Jesus, the first are those tired of sin
and the second are those tied to religion, those tired of sin need
salvation, and those tired of religion need grace because

The Finished Work of Christ

religion will make you be doing by self-effort what Grace has

come to do for you or enable you to do. When you are tired of
sin you run to the person of Jesus to save you, while when you
are tired of religion you run to the finished work of christ to
remove the yoke on you.

The moment you receive salvation, the first attack you receive
is a religious spirit. Religion spirit is the spirit of darkness that
pretends to be an angel of light, when you are in darkness devil
uses sin to put you in bondage, while when you enter into christ
you fall into another error where religion will use scripture to
put you in bondage That is the wrong use and interpretation of
scripture to put you in bondage and make the Christianity of a
thing so hard for you but the day you know that the burden of
christ is easy and the yoke is light you will know that you have
not been feeding from the spirit of christ all these years. Once
anything is simple, it is christ but once it is hard it is the
Christian religion.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The Finished Work of Christ



1 John 3:8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned
from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was
manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

It is unfortunate again that many don't understand what sin is

all about; a sinful act is different from sin. You can be
separated and delivered from sin and still be manifesting a
sinful act. A born again person who manifests a sinful act like
anger, lie, fornication is not of the devil, because as far as God
is concerned those are not sins, those are just the works of the
What we define to be sin in the earthly place is different from
what ETERNITY describe as sin.
Sin from eternal perspective is anything that can separate you
from God, and the only thing that can separate you from God
is unbelief. That is, not believing in Jesus. Fornication, lie,
anger, is too weak to separate you from God. Truly, those are
sinful acts, those are works of the flesh, but that is not the sin
that separates you from God. In fact, your flesh that you think
is the weakest of man is what gives us the greatest advantage
in the spirit realm, because God's grace work most in our

Our flesh is what makes the realm of God's mercy to open to

man. How I wish we are not with this mortal body we tag to be

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

our weakness, if you sin, your sin will be without repentance.

There is no repentance and mercy in the realm of angels;
anyone that sins just once is eternally condemned, no room for
forgiveness and repentance for a single act of sin.

Lack of knowledge is making you to desire the angelic celestial

body when the angels pare longing to put off their body to have
this our mortal body, because their body doesn't allow mercy
and grace to be available for them and that makes it impossible
for them to move from the realm of worship to the realm of
fellowshipping with God, because they are too careful with
God. They are not free with God.

The realm of God's power is open to them because of their body

but the realm of God's mercy, God's love, God's grace is not
open to them because of their body. When God gives you the
ability to do something, God's grace, God's mercy and God's
love is removed from you in that area. Any mistake in that area
attracts God's instant judgement, such is the case of the angel.

That is the revelation Paul was speaking from when he said I

rejoice in my weakness, I love to be weak, I love to remain
weak, I love to be seen as weak person, because this is the
secret of God's love, God's favour and God's mercy that is new
every morning. So others may be ashamed of their weakness
but for me I glory in my weakness.

2 Corinthians 12:9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient

for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that
the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Paul desire the thorn to be removed from his flesh, but God

The Finished Work of Christ

refuse to remove it, so that Grace can be sufficient. The grace

Paul was talking about here is not the cure to the thorns in the
flesh , it is God's blessing irrespective of the thorns in the flesh.
The grace in this contest is not supernatural ability to do what
a natural man cannot do, it is God doing something for you
irrespective of your inability and qualifications, it is
underserved favour.

God doesn’t plan to free you from your addiction so as to bless

you, he want to bless you in respective of your addiction. So
that you will know that his love for you is unconditional and
his blessings for you is undeserving, at the time God will now
remove the addiction the reason why God remove it will be
different from the reason why you think you should be free
from it. You think you must be free from the addiction before
you can walk in certain anointing and power, But God is
saying he can grace you with any dimension of anointing and
power you can think of, irrespective of your sinful acts or
addictions. The same Paul cried out on this same struggle with
his flesh in Romans 7 that the things he doesn't want to do he
finds himself doing it.

NKJV, Romans 7:15

For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do,
that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.

NKJV, Romans 7:18

For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells;
for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good
I do not find.

NKJV, Romans 7:24

O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

of death?

You can see his cry in the book of Romans, and if you read to
the end, you will discover that God didn't deliver him from the
body of sin.

NKJV, Romans 7:25

I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with
the flesh the law of sin.
His consolation was that with his mind he served the law of
God but with his body, he still fall into moral sin, he still served
sin with his body. look at the scripture very well, Paul didn't
say I thank God through Jesus Christ our lord I am free from
the sinful body.

Paul didn't know the mystery here, that the weakness of your
body is the reason why God loves you. It was when he got to 2
Corinthians that he began to understand and glory in his

In Roman 7 Paul cried to God for his weakness, but in 2

Corinthians, he began to glory and boast about his weakness,
because he has come to the understanding that Christianity is
not about moral perfection, it is God's showing love, kindness,
mercy and grace to us irrespective of our imperfection. I don't
know your own addiction, your own thorns in the flesh, you
have been told by religion that the weakness is the reason why
God hates you, but I tell you today that that your secret
struggles is the main reason why God loves you. The day you
are perfect according to the law you are in trouble with God,
his grace, mercy and love will automatically be removed from

The Finished Work of Christ

What God defined as perfection is justification by faith,

justification means just as if you have never sinned. That is
why the Bible says when the holy spirit comes he will convince
us of sin and when you move further the scripture begins to
show us the sin that holy spirit will convince us of, and we
discover it is the sin of unbelief, because many don't know
what God defines to be sin. What the law defines to be sin,
righteousness and perfection is different from what God
defines to be sin, righteousness and perfection.

Look at the scripture

John 16:8 And when He has come, He will convict the world
of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
John 16:9 of sin, because they do not believe in Me;
He said he will convince them of their sin because they didn't
believe in Him, not because they fornicate, not because they
lie, but because they didn't believe in the person of Christ and
believe in the finished works of Christ. If you don't believe in
the person of Christ, you are separated from the person of God
while if you don't believe in the finished works of Christ, you
are separated from the grace of God.

I repeat if you don't believe in Jesus and you live all the moral
life and keep yourself from all Immorality. You are still
eternally condemned, because it is those who believe in Jesus
that are ordained not to perish but have everlasting life, while
it is those that refuse to believe in him that are eternally

John 3:18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he

who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

So sin is known as the work of the devil and that sin is unbelief
and for that purpose the son of God is revealed to destroy the
works of the devil in man. That is, to destroy unbelief in us.
Every of the teachings of Jesus is centred on faith, unbelief,
because everything about your life depends on it. Just as your
life depends on obedience to the law in Old Testament as
condition to receive from God, so also your life depends on
faith in the person of jesus and the finished works of Christ in
this New Testament as condition to receive from God because
as far as heaven is concerned, those he count to be sinners are
those who do not believe in Jesus, when a saved person is
found in an act of the flesh, God calls him imperfect saint.
What makes you sinner in the Old Testament is your
behaviour, because men are under a covenant where they are
justified by the law, but we are now under a Covenant where
by you are justified by faith so therefore what makes you sinner
is now your belief. Because the scripture says by the
righteousness of the law shall no man be justified before God.

NKJV, Galatians 2:16

knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but
by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus,
that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the
works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be

Whenever men want to justify you, they do so based on the

righteousness of the law, but many do not know that God does
not see the way man sees things. By the standard of the law,
you will find many iniquity in Jacob, but because God doesn't
see as man and judge as man, God says I find no iniquity in

The Finished Work of Christ

Jacob. Men judge from the stand point of behaviour and law
helps man to reveal the behaviour of everyone but God judge
from the standpoint of believing and Grace helps to reveal the
beliefs and unbelief of everyone.

So what men count to be sin is different from what God defines

to be sin. Sin and righteousness according to man is sin and
righteousness according to the law, but sin and righteousness
according to God is sin of unbelief and righteousness of faith.
Without righteousness of the law, it is impossible to please
man, while without righteousness of faith it is impossible to
please God.
That is why the scripture says when the Holy Spirit will come
he will convict men of their sins because they don't believe,
because unbelief is the unrighteousness in the sight of God. But
when men come, they convict you of what they define to be sin
because of moral failure according to the law. By this, you can
easily know men who are teaching and preaching by the
inspiration of the holy spirit and men teaching and preaching
by the inspiration of religious spirit. What are they convincing
you of?
Holy spirit doesn't convince men of their wrong behaviour; he
convinces men of their wrong beliefs. It is the conscience of
man that convinces men of their wrong behaviour. That is why
a man without Christ but with good conscience will live a
standard moral life.

Morality which is the righteousness of the law is not a message

of the kingdom, that is just a message of the culture of every
land. That is why morality is the message of every religion, if
morality becomes our message then we are not different from
other religions.
Every religion gives you law to have a right behaviour, but

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Christ gives you power to have a right behaviour.

Every religion gives you book to practice right behaviour, but
Christ come down into you and begin to make you will and
make you do right behaviour

NKJV, Philippians 2:13

for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His
good pleasure.

Philippians 2
13 That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you,
God himself willing and working at what will give him the
most pleasure.( MSG)

Other religions give you book without giving you energy to

live right, but Christ gives you energy without giving you book
to live right.

In Christ, holy book was not given to us to make us behave right,

holy book was given to us to make us believe right. Once your belief
is right, that faith will attract grace to behave right.
Because if a Spirit wants to deliver you from sinful nature, he will
deliver you from the book of the law and give you the book of faith.
Because the bible says the strength and power of sin is law.

1 Corinthians 15:56 The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin
is the law.

1 Corinthians 15 : 56 For sin is the sting that results in death, and

the law gives sin its power.( TLB)

And the bible in your hand can either be a book of the law to you or
it becomes a book of faith in your hand. It all depends on

The Finished Work of Christ



Romans 4:1-2
[1]Abraham was, humanly speaking, the founder of our Jewish
nation. What did he discover about being made right with God?
[2]If his good deeds had made him acceptable to God, he would
have had something to boast about. But that was not God’s
way.( NLT)

All you need to receive anything from God is to be acceptable

by him. If God accepts you, every good things available in his
kingdom follows you, while if He rejects you, every good
things in his kingdom begins to work against you. The
acceptance of God makes your life to become a magnetic force
attracting the grace of God. And from this scripture (Romans 4
vs 1-2), the bible begins to give us the code of acceptance and
code of rejection, that by good deeds shall not man be accepted
and justified by God. The scripture says concerning Abraham
that if his good deed had made him acceptable, he could have
had something to boast about, but that is not God's way.

The question is what is now God's way?

The way salvation comes is the way every blessing from God
through Christ is designed to come. It is all by Grace through
faith lest any man should boast that he earned it or paid the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

price for it.(Eph 2 vs 8). It is the sacrifice of Christ that makes

all blessings available for us freely. The scripture says clearly
that all God's promises is now of faith that it mighty be of

Romans 4:13
[13]Clearly, God’s promise to give the whole earth to Abraham
and his descendants was based not on his obedience to God’s
law, but on a right relationship with God that comes by faith.(

I don't know if someone needs to access this scripture on this

lighter mood, because this generation need to begin to explore
different bible translations to really understand what king
James versions of Bible is saying to us. Because the Book of
Romans is saying it clearly now in the New Living Translation
that God's promise to give us all things was not based on
obedience to the law but on right relationship with God
ordained to come by faith.

Now look at verse 14.

Romans 4:14
[14]If God’s promise is only for those who obey the law, then
faith is not necessary and the promise is pointless.

If God's promises on prosperity is only for those who obeys the

law of tithing and first fruit, the faith is not necessary and God's
promise is pointless, because by law shall no man be justified
before God. Why? Look at verse 15.

Romans 4:15
[15]For the law always brings punishment on those who try to

The Finished Work of Christ

obey it. (The only way to avoid breaking the law is to have no
law to break!)

Look at the scripture very well, the bible didn't say law brings
punishment to those who disobey it, but it brings punishment
on those who try to obey it. That is, once you think you can try
to obey the law so that God can be pleased with you and bless
you, you become attractive to God's punishment. You may
want to ask why against?

The answer is in Galatians 3 vs. 10

Galatians 3:10
[10]But those who depend on the law to make them right with
God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say, “Cursed is
everyone who does not observe and obey all the commands
that are written in God’s Book of the Law.”

Meaning if you obey 99 percent and offend in just 1 percent

you are still under a curse. If you pay tithe and get angry you
are under the same curse with someone under the law but not
paying tithe

James 2:10
[10]For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as
guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.

You can see why you must begin to get out of law that want to
make you rely on your finished work and begin to learn faith
that is leading you to rely on the finished works of Christ.
Because it is those that put their faith in Christ and believe his
finished works is enough to receive anything from God, to him
shall he share the same blessing that Abraham received

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

because of his faith.

Galatians 3:9
[9]So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing
Abraham received because of his faith.

Once something is God's promise, it is only ordained to be

received by faith, it is what God has not promised in his word
to give us that you can use your sacrifice and price to receive
from him. But whatever that has been promised to us in his
word, such has been ordained to be received as gift based on
what Christ has done and not as reward based on what you do.
Look at the scriptures that says so;

Romans 4:16
[16]So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift.
And we are all certain to receive it, whether or not we live
according to the law of Moses, if we have faith like Abraham’s.
For Abraham is the father of all who believe.

Faith is the currency to receive all blessings while Wisdom is

the key to maintain all blessings that you have freely received.
Heaven doesn't have two currencies because heaven doesn't
have two products. The name given to all the products of
heaven is called Grace and the name given to all the currencies
to buy grace is called Faith. In the spiritual realm, faith is the
principal thing because it is by it only you receive anything
from God while in the physical realm wisdom is the principal
thing because by it you sustain and maintain all that has been
freely given to you by God. God's grace brings connection your
way, but lack of wisdom manifesting as bad character can
make you to lose the connection that can bring you into

The Finished Work of Christ

Your bad character, wrong life, wrong decision does not stop
God's blessings from coming to you. It only makes you to loose
the blessing that has come to you freely. Have you not seen
thousands of men in life that you are very far better than in
morality, character and good deeds and yet God keeps on
blessing them again and again even more than you? Why? It
is because the blessing of God under the new covenant is not
based on good deed. It is based on good faith.

Look at the scripture again.

Romans 4:1-2
[1]Abraham was, humanly speaking, the founder of our Jewish
nation. What did he discover about being made right with God?
[2]If his good deeds had made him acceptable to God, he would
have had something to boast about. But that was not God’s
way.( NLT)

So a man that lacks faith in the finished works of Christ but

have good deed is under a curse as far as New Testament is
concerned, while a man that lacks character but have good faith
is under a blessing as far as New Testament is concerned,
because it is without faith it is impossible to please God. So if
it is not first about behaviour, it is first about Believing. By
believing you receive any kind of blessing freely while by
behaviour you maintain every blessing you have freely
received by your believing. So your behaviour is not in anyway
the reason why God has not blessed you, religion only makes
you to believe such error.

The blessings of the lord is of faith because it has been

designed to come by grace, and it is the finished work of Christ

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

that makes them free.

The Law and the Finished work

Romans 7:8
[8]But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous
desires within me! If there were no law, sin would not have that

Take note of the statement in that scripture that If there is no

law, sin would have no power. meaning it is law that gives
power to sin.

When God began to use paul to teach us to come out of the law
and be under grace, many thought that coming out of the law
is a message to promote lawlessness, many didn't know that
coming out of the law is the mystery of been delivered from
the power of sin. Truly we want people to be delivered from
the act of sin so we felt in our own understanding that putting
them under the law is the key to deliver people from the act of
sin, but we don't know that putting men under the law is to
increase the power of sin in them, because the power of sin is

Look at another scripture that confirms that

1 Corinthians 15:56
[56]For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives
sin its power.

I think that two scriptures is enough to let you know why we

The Finished Work of Christ

attack the law, it is because to attack the law is to attack the

power of sin. Many who attack we the grace preacher attack us
because they felt we are not attacking sin, but what is the good
in it when you attack sin and promote the power of sin, because
it is the power of sin that make people to find themselves in the
act of sin. If you attack the power of sin and men are free from
the power of sin which is the law, men will effortlessly be free
from the act of sin

The law preacher attacks the act of sin while we the grace
preacher attacks the power of sin, and it is because to every act
there is a power sponsoring it. A law preacher is just like a man
attacking the dressing of a mad man, a mad man is under the
influence of another power, if you want him to stop dressing
like a mad man, deliver him first from the spirit and power of
insanity affecting him and he will naturally and effortlessly put
off all the dirty clothes he is wearing.

And this is what we grace preacher are doing, we know

fornication is not good, we know lying is not good, we know
malice is not the nature of God, but attacking it doesn't solve
any problems, go to many churches that preach holiness and
righteousness if there is any good changes in the life of their
members, they are just filled with hypocritical lifestyles,
many of them are very bad in character, lack manner, they can
keep malice till kingdom come and yet they sat under holiness
message day and night. It is because that is not the solutions,
such act is like forcing a dirty cloth out of a mad man, he will
go back to dirty cloth and dirty things again and again

So we know that every thing the law says are sin and not good,
but we have by revelation known the source of the problem,
the source of the problem is not keeping quiet on teaching sin,

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

the source of the problem is the act of not keeping quiet on

teaching law because the problem is the power of sin
manifesting in man, if you are falling into sin it is not because
you are lawless, it is because you are under the influence of
the power of sin making you to do what you don't want to do ,
and the solution is to be free from this power of sin and the
scriptures give us the revelation of this power of sin and it says
the law is the power of sin. And to be free from the law is to be
free from the power of sin.

There are difference between been lawful and been under the
law. Been lawful is to be moral, while to be under the law is to
think your morality is the condition to receive blessings from
God, and this wrong mindset makes your good morality to
become filthy rag before God. To be lawful is to do good deed
to people based on the love you have for them, while to be
under the law is to do good based on love of the reward that
follows good deed, because if there is no reward in it, you will
keep on doing evil , been under the law will make you selfish,
every good things you do will be based on the selfish benefits
you want to get from it

Why do you give to the poor? ask a man who is lawful, It is

because I want God to use me for the poor, I want to be a
blessing to the poor, I hate poverty and wish to deliver men out
of it in my capacity. But ask a man under the law the same
question, why do you give to the poor? He will tell you
because givers never lack, meaning if givers lack he will not
give. Your morality is good if you are just trying to be
righteous for righteousness sake not trying to be righteous for
blessings sake

It becomes good when you are trying to be righteous for

The Finished Work of Christ

righteousness sake while your act of righteousness becomes

what will attract a curse of God when you are trying to be
righteous to attract a blessing. So to be lawful is when you are
trying to be righteous for righteousness sake while to be under
the law is when you are trying to be righteous for blessings
sake. So to come out of the law is not to be lawless, you can
come out of the law and still be lawful, to come out of the law
simply mean you no longer depend on your righteousness and
good deeds as condition to receive anything from God, so if
you are paying tithe pay tithe for righteousness sake, not
because of open heaven, pay tithe for the benefit of tithing to
the church and body of christ, the purpose is so that there will
be meat in the house of God,

But when you tithe under law, you eyes will be blind to the
benefit and purpose why God institute tithing and be opened to
what you will gain for tithing, your eyes will be blind to the
benefit of tithing to the body of christ and be opened to the
open heaven, so rather than tithing for righteousness sake, you
see yourself tithing for blessing sake. To tithe for the purpose
of tithing is to be lawful
To tithe because of the blessing of open heaven is to be under
the law not to tithe at all because you have been told that God
doesn't need your tithe to bless you is to be lawless. Not to
fornicate for righteousness sake is to be lawful, not to fornicate
because if you do, the anger of God will come upon you and
he will withdraw his anointing upon you is to be under the law,
so if God will not get angry you will fornicate while to be
lawless is to go and be fornicating because you have come to
the understanding of unconditional love of God.

Scripturally speaking, if you try to tithe because of open

heaven you put yourself under more close heaven. If you try to

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

do anything so as to be blessed by God, you put yourself under

more curse because curse is anyone who try to be justified by
the law

Galatians 3:10
[10]But those who depend on the law to make them right with
God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say, “Cursed is
everyone who does not observe and obey all the commands
that are written in God’s Book of the Law.”

You will think those that are lawless are those that God curse
'no sir' those that are trying to depent on the law to receive
blessing from God are the ones under curse of God. They are
the ones that God lays curse upon. It is when you don't
understand how to read old testament that you think those that
disobey the law are the one cursed by God 'no sir' it is those
that are trying to keep the law that are cursed by God. Because
God didn't give man law to keep it. God gave us law to know
that we can't keep it.

Romans 3:19
[19]Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given,
for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to
show that the entire world is guilty before God.

Truly we saw that law was given in the old testament through
moses but we never know the purpose even moses never knew
the purpose, and that was why they kept on trying to keep it. It
takes the revelation of paul to show us the purpose why God
gave us law, it is to bring us to grace, to make us see that we
need help, to make us see that no man can be justified by the
law before God.
You remain under the curse if you don't understand this and

The Finished Work of Christ

you keep on thinking you want to depend on the law to receive

blessings from God rather than depending on the finished work
of Christ.

Romans 5:13
[13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it
was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to

If you can understand this scripture, you will understand why

God ask us to come out of the law because you will keep on
asking that how can God who gave us the law be asking us to
come out of the law? It is so that your wrong doing will not be
counted as sin. That is why God said I found no iniquity in
Jacob. It wasn't because God forgave the sin of Jacob but
because Jacob was not under the law.

Numbers 23:21 “He has not observed iniquity in Jacob,

Nor has He seen wickedness in Israel.
The Lord his God is with him,
And the shout of a King is among them.

How could God say he didn't observe any iniquity in Jacob.

We all know what Jacob did. Should we talk about how he use
lies to receive blessing from his father? Yet, God says he has
not seen any iniquity in Jacob. It's because at the time Jacob
was doing those things, law has not come. So what Jacob did
was not counted as iniquity. It is law that makes God to count
what you do to be wrong. Meaning if you want God to stop
seeing your wrong doings as sin that will attract curse, come
out of the law. Meaning God is helpless to love you and help
you when you are under the law. If Jacob was under the law, I
can point out ten iniquities in Jacob. God will point out many

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

iniquities in Jacob because law will show us over ten iniquities

in Jacob. But God never counted it to be sin because Jacob
never broke any law.

Look at the scripture again in different versions

Romans 5:13
[13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it
was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to

NKJV, Romans 5:13

(For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed
when there is no law.

Meaning it is law that makes sin to be imputed into man.

Meaning through Adam sin entered into the world while
through Moses sin was imputed into man.

If sin was imputed into man by law and the law came through
Moses it means sin came into the world through Adam while
sin was imputed into man through Moses. It is just like when
they say HIV virus is in the world but that it is in the world
doesn't mean it is in you. It means it can be in the world and
HIV is not in you if you know how to prevent yourself from it.

The HIV virus came into the world through one person but that
is not much your business. Your business is how it will not
come into you. Same to sin. Sin came into the world through
Adam but the question is how can you live that the sin will not
be found in you? It is to run away from the law. Because it is
only through the law that sin can be imputed into you.

The Finished Work of Christ

The first person to be given a law was Adam and through him
sin came into the world' and the second person to be given a
law is Moses and through him sin was imputed into man. And
God decided to cancel the law because that is the fault the book
of Hebrew was telling us that God found with the law.

Hebrews 8:7-8
[7]If the first covenant had been faultless, there would have
been no need for a second covenant to replace it.
[8]But when God found fault with the people, he said:
“The day is coming, says the lord,
when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel and Judah.

Look at the scripture very well, verse 7 didn't say if the people
under the old covenant had been faultless but he said if the old
covenant has been faultless there will not be need of creating a
new covenant.

But verse 8 now begins to show us why God find fault with the
law, it is because it makes God to find fault with people.

God found fault with the law because the law makes God to
find fault with men he is suppose to love. Without the law, God
loves men but with the law God hates men, because law will
begin to make God to find iniquity in men and the eyes of the
lord can not behold iniquity. But once law is removed from the
equation, God can now behold men even in their wrong
behaviour because the wrong behaviour is no longer counted
as iniquity in the sight of God.

You can now see that through Adam, the nature of sin came
because the body of man is the nature of sin but through Moses

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

the power of sin came because law is the power of sin. Many
are busy attacking the nature of sin. They don't know that is not
the problem; the main problem is the power of sin. And for that
purpose God cancelled the law. The question is how did God
cancel the law? By making Christ to come and fulfill it.

Matthew 5:17
[17]“Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to
abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I
came to accomplish their purpose.

The nature of God's word is that it can't go back to God until it

is fulfilled and so that the law can go back to God, God has to
send Christ to fulfil it.

Matthew 5:18
[18]I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not
even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its
purpose is achieve

Meaning once the purpose is achieved it can now disappear.

Meaning if the purpose is achieved before heaven and earth
pass away, the law of God can disappear and Jesus said in verse
17 that the purpose why he came is to accomplish their

Let us study it in King James version.

Matthew 5:17 Christ Fulfills the Law

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I
did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
Matthew 5:18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth
pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the

The Finished Work of Christ

law till all is fulfilled.

Look at this scripture very well because this is the scripture

many who teach the law use to justify their ignorance, because
they love to read their mind to scripture without paying due
diligent attention to what the scriptures is saying.

Jesus is showing us the purpose why he came in this scripture

that his assignment is not to destroy the law 'but to fulfil the
law he now begins to show us why he came to fulfil in verse
18' it is because he wants it to pass away. Because as long as
the earth remains a jot of the law can't pass away until it has
been fulfilled . It means once it has been fulfilled, it can pass

Look at another scripture that confirms that

Romans 10:4
[4]For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which
the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made
right with God.

I don't know if the spirit of someone is lifting for joy for this
good news. You can see the finished works of Christ over law.
The scripture says for Christ has already accomplished the
purpose for which law was given

How I wish Jesus didn't fulfill the law, the law would have still
been relevant and breaking it would have still attracted curse
of God, but because Christ has fulfilled it, the law has passed
way, old things have passed away because the law is the old
thing and old things have passed away. Everything has become
new, and the new is faith and grace.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The blessing in the Old Testament is called God's promise and

the condition to receive the promises is the law (and this is the
testament that has pass away). The blessing in the New
Testament is called Grace and the condition to receive it is
called faith (and this is the testament that has become new).
Old Testament is not Genesis to Malachi while New Testament
is not Matthew to Revelation. Old Testament means old
covenant of obtaining blessing from God, old covenant of
being accepted and justified by God which is the law while
New Testament means the new covenant of obtaining blessings
from God, new covenant of being accepted by God which is
faith. So the old testament is law, while the new testament is
faith, without faith it is impossible to please God.

And Christ has fulfilled the law for our sake' and since Christ
fulfilled the law, the scripture now says Christ has become the
end of the law to them that believes.

Romans 10:4
[4]For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which
the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made
right with God.

NKJV, Romans 10:4

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone
who believes.

You can see how scripture is interpreting itself; no scripture is

of personal or private interpretation.

So, if you quote Mathew 5 vs. 17 saying Jesus said he didn't

come to destroy the law so why are grace preachers destroying

The Finished Work of Christ

the law? It is because you don't understand what Mathew 5vs

17 is saying.

We grace preacher did not come to destroy the law. We are just
the bearer of Good news that Christ is the end of the law; Christ
has come to accomplish the law.

Look at the scripture again for yourself

Romans 10:4
[4]For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which
the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made
right with God.

Then compare this scripture with Matthew 5:17-18 you will

understand what the scriptures is saying. We established in the
last page that sin came into the world through Adam, but sin
was imputed into man through the law(Moses)and the book of
Roman 5:13 give us clarity on that.

Romans 5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is
not imputed when there is no law.

So sin came into the world through Adam while sin came into
the life of man through moses. What came into man through
adam is not sin but death.

Romans 5:15 But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by
the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God
and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ,
abounded to many.

I will want you to be paying diligent attention to all these

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

scriptures because they are too loaded with the voice of eternity
that the heart of this generation need to hear so as to be free,
because these are the truth. This scripture say by one man's
offence many died.

Look at verse 12 and see something

Romans 5:12 Death in Adam, Life in Christ

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and
death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all

This scripture say through one man sin entered into the world,
but it was not sin that spread to all men, it was death that spread
to all men. God doesn't see the people of the world as sinners,
he sees them as dead people living, that is while what God
offered to the world is eternal life, what God did for the world
is not to save them from sin, but to save them from eternal
death, it takes eternal life to be saved from eternal death. And
that is what John 3 :16 is all about.

Eternal life doesn't save you from sin, it saves you from eternal
death. I repeat again that Jesus didn't come to save the world
from sin, he came to save the world from eternal death, because
it was not sin that came into the people of the world, it was
death that spread into them Look at the scriptures again

Romans 5:12 Death in Adam, Life in Christ

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and
death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all

Romans 5:15b. But the free gift is not like the offense. For if

The Finished Work of Christ

by the one man’s offense many died.

We have been taught that sin came into man through Adam,
but there is no scripture that said so, what the scriptures say is
that sin came into the world through Adam, why death spread
into man through Adam, but sin was imputed into man through
law(moses). It is death that came into man through Adam and
not sin. That is, the wages of sin of Adam was what came into
all man, and the wages of sin is death. That is, Adam sinned
and we all died, not Adam sinned and we all become sinners,
we didn't become sinners because Adam sinned, we only
became dead man because Adam sinned.
The only people that became sinner as long as God is concern
are the nations of Israel, and they become sinner the day they
received the law, because where there is no law there is no sin.
Sin was in the world before law came but the wrong doing of
man was not counted as sin, so no man was counted as sinner.

Romans 5:13
[13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it
was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to

It was through Moses that sin came into man, because law
came through Moses, and immediately law came sin was
imputed into man. Through Adam sin came into the world, but
sin didn't have access into man through Adam. And we saw
that in the book of Genesis, before sin could enter into cain sin
have to knock the door.

Genesis 4:7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if

you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for
you, but you should rule over it.”

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Meaning sin was not in Cain, sin need to knock at the door of
his heart before it can enter. Look at the scripture again, God
said to Cain if you do not do well sin lies at your door. He didn't
say sin is what make you not to do well, he didn't say not doing
well is sin, to you it is sin that makes people to do wrong, but
God is saying here that because you have not done well sin lies
at your door. Sin is not what make men to do wrong, law is
what makes men to do wrong, because law is the power of sin,
meaning without law sin is powerless.

1 Corinthians 15:56
[56]For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives
sin its power.

So before sin came into man through the law, God doesn't see
any man as sinner, God see man as a dead man, ( a living dead
man). Because it was death that reign through Adam and not
sin. Look at the scripture very well again and again

Romans 5:15
[15]But there is a great difference between Adam’s sin and
God’s gracious gift.

For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many. But
even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of
forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ. The
sin of one man didn't bring sin into us, the sin of one man
brought death into us. That was why the first thing we received
when we got born again is eternal life. What Christ came to
save the world from is not sin, what he came to save us from
his death , that was why what God offer the world in John 3
:16 is eternal life and the channel is through faith in his only

The Finished Work of Christ

begotten son.

So to the world salvation is not to be saved from sin, it is to be

saved from eternal death. The Gentiles who do not receive the
law do not need to be saved from sin, because without the law
there is no sin. It is the Jew that received the law that needs to
be saved from sin, and to be saved from sin is to be saved from

Look at the scripture again.

Romans 5:13
[13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it
was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to

The Gentiles were saved from death while the Jews were saved
from sin. That is why the scripture say we shall call him Jesus
for he shall deliver his people from their sin

Matthew 1:21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall
call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their

Take note of the scripture, not he shall save the world from
their sin, but he shall save his people (the Jew) from their sin.
Because as far as God is concern it is only the Jew that God
sees as sinner, God doesn't see the whole world as sinner. Even
though sin has been in the world, but God never count it to
them as sin because where there is no law there is no sin. If
God didn't give the Gentiles any law to break, God can't call
them sinner. So as far as God is concern the Gentiles are
without sin because they are without law, so Christ did not need
to come to save them from their sin. But for the Jews they are

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

under the law, they are the people of God, sin only reign
amongst them through Moses and for that purpose we shall
called him Jesus for he shall his his people from their sin.

Christ came to save the world from eternal death and save his
people from sin. And how do Jesus save them from sin? It is
by saving them from the law because the law is the power of
sin. So anyone who is under the law now is not yet saved from

See you in the next page where you will see the only condition
that can make God to count the people of the world sinner and
accuse them of sin, it is totally not in any away a wrong doing
according to the law.

The Finished Work of Christ




Romans 7:8
[8]But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous
desires within me! If there were no law, sin would not have that

Take note of the statement in that scripture that If there is no

law, sin would have no power. meaning it is law that gives
power to sin.
When God began to use paul to teach us to come out of the law
and be under grace, many thought that coming out of the law
is a message to promote lawlessness, many didn't know that
coming out of the law is the mystery of been delivered from
the power of sin

Truly we want people to be delivered from the act of sin so

we felt in our own understanding that putting them under the
law is the key to deliver people from the act old sin, but we
don't know that putting men under the law is to increase the
power of sin in them, because the power of sin is law. Look at
another scripture that confirms that
1 Corinthians 15:56
[56]For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives
sin its power.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

I think that two scripture is enough to let you know why we

attack the law, it is because to attack the law is to attack the
power of sin Many who attack we the grace preacher attack us
because they felt we are not attacking sin, but what is the good
in it when you attack sin and promote the power of sin, because
it is the power of sin that make people to find themselves in the
act of sin If you attack the power of sin and men are free from
the power of sin which is the law, men will effortlessly be free
from the act of sin

The law preacher attack the act of sin while we the grace
preacher attack the power of sin, and it is because to every act
there is a power sponsoring it, A law preacher is just like a man
attacking the dressing of a mad man, a mad man is under the
influence of another power, if you want him to stop dressing
like a mad man, deliver him first from the spirit and power of
insanity affecting him and he will naturally and effortlessly put
of all the dirty clothes he is wearing.

And this is what we grace preacher are doing, we know

fornication is not good, we know lieing is not good, we know
malice is not the nature of God, but attacking it doesn't solve
any problems , go to many churches that preach holiness and
righteousness if there is any good changes in the life of their
members, they are just filled with hypocritical lifestyles,
many of them are very bad in character, lack manner, they can
keep malice till kingdom come and yet they sat under holiness
message day and night

It is because that is not the solutions, such act is like forcing a

dirty cloth out of a mad man, he will go back to dirty cloth and
dirty things again and again So we know that every thing the
law says are sin and not good, but we have by revelation known

The Finished Work of Christ

the source of the problem, the source of the problem is not

keeping quiet on teaching sin, the source of the problem is the
act of not keeping quiet on teaching law Because the problem
is the power of sin manifesting in man, if you are falling into
sin it is not because you are lawless,

It is because you are under the influence of the power of sin

making you to do what you don't want to do and the solution is
to be free from this power of sin and the scriptures give us the
revelation of this power of sin and it say the law is the power
of sin And to be free from the law is to be free from the power
of sin.
There are difference between been lawful and been under the
Been lawful is to be moral, while to be under the law is to think
your morality is the condition to receive blessings from God,
and this wrong mindset makes your good morality to become
filthy rag before God.

To be lawful is to do good deed to people base on the love you

have for them, while to be under the law is to do good base on
love of the reward that follows good deed, because if there is
no reward in it, you will keep on doing evil , been under the
law will make you selfish, every good things you do will be
base on the selfish benefits you want to get from it

Why do you give to the poor? ask a man who is lawful, It is

because I want God to use me for the poor, I want to be a
blessing to the poor, I hate poverty and wish to deliver men out
of it in my capacity But ask a man under the law the same
question, why do you give to the poor? He will tell you
because givers never lack, meaning if givers lack he will not

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Your morality is good if you are just trying to be righteous for

righteousness sake not trying to be righteous for blessings sake

It becomes good when you are trying to be righteous for

righteousness sake while your act of righteousness becomes
what will attract a curse of God when you are try to be
righteous to attract a blessing So to be lawful is when you are
trying to be righteous for righteousness sake while to be under
the law is when you are trying to be righteous for blessings

So to come out of the law is not to be lawless, you can come

out of the law and still be lawful, to come out of the law simply
mean you no longer depend on your righteousness and good
deeds as condition to receive anything from God, so if you are
paying tithe pay tithe for righteousness sake, not because of
open heaven, pay tithe for the benefit of tithing to the church
and body of christ, the purpose is so that there will be meat in
the house of God, But when you tithe under law, you eyes will
be blind to the benefit and purpose why God institute tithing
and be open to what you will gain for tithing, your eyes will
be blind to the benefit of tithing to the body of christ and be
open to the open heaven, so rather than tithing for
righteousness sake, you see yourself tithing for blessing sake
To tithe for the purpose of tithing is to be lawful To tithe
because of the blessing of open heaven is to be under the law
Not to tithe at all because you have been told that God doesn't
need your tithe to bless you is to be lawless Not to fornicate for
righteousness sake is to be lawful Not to fornicate because if
you do, the anger of God will come upon you and he will
withdraw his anointing upon you is to be under the law, so if
God will not get angry you will fornicate While to be lawless
is to go and be fornicating because you have come to the

The Finished Work of Christ

understanding of unconditional love of God

scripturally speaking if you try to tithe because of open heaven

you put yourself under more close heaven If you try to do
anything so as to be bless by God, you put yourself under more
curse because curse is anyone who try to be justify by the law
Galatians 3:10 [10]But those who depend on the law to make
them right with God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say,
“Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all the
commands that are written in God’s Book of the Law.”

You will think those that are lawless are those that God curse'
no sir' those that are trying to depent on the law to receive
blessing from God are the ones under curse of God' they are
the ones that God lay curse upon It is when you don't
understand how to read old testament that you think those that
disobey the law are the one cursed by God' no sir' it is those
that are trying to keep the law that are cursed by God Because
God didn't give man law to keep it "God gave us law to know
that we can't keep it ".

Romans 3:19
[19]Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given,
for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to
show that the entire world is guilty before God.

Truly we saw that law was given in the old testament through
moses but we never know the purpose even moses never knew
the purpose, and that was why they kept on trying to keep it. It
takes the revelation of paul to show us the purpose why God
gave us law, it is to bring us to grace, to make us see that we
need help, to make us see that no man can be justify by the law
before God

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

You remain under the curse if you don't understand this and
you keep on thinking you want to depent on the law to receive
blessings from God rather than depending on the finished work
of christ

Romans 5:13
[13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it
was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to

If you can understand this scripture, you will understand why

God ask us to come out of the law because you will keep on
asking that how can God who gave us the law be asking us to
come out of the law? It is so that your wrong doing will not be
counted as sin. That is why God said I found no iniquity in
Jacob. It wasn't because God forgave the sin of Jacob but
because Jacob was not under the law.

Numbers 23:21 “He has not observed iniquity in Jacob,

Nor has He seen wickedness in Israel. The Lord his God is with
And the shout of a King is among them.

How could God say he didn't observe any iniquity in Jacob.

We all know what Jacob did. Should we talk about how he used
lies to receive blessing from his father? Yet, God says he has
not seen any iniquity in Jacob. It's because at the time Jacob
was doing those things, law has not come. So what Jacob did
was not counted as iniquity. It is law that makes God to count
what you do to be wrong. Meaning if you want God to stop
seeing your wrong doing as sin that will attract curse, come out
of the law.

The Finished Work of Christ

Meaning, God is helpless to love you and help you when you
are under the law. If Jacob was under the law, I can point out
ten iniquities in Jacob. God will point out many iniquities in
Jacob because law will show us over ten iniquities in Jacob.
But God never counted it to be sin because Jacob never broke
any law. Look at the scripture again in different versions

Romans 5:13 [13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was
given. But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet
any law to break.
NKJV, Romans 5:13
(For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed
when there is no law.

Meaning, it is law that makes sin to be imputed into man.

Meaning through Adam sin entered into the world while
through Moses sin was imputed into man. If sin was imputed
into man by law and the law came through Moses it means sin
came into the world through Adam while sin was imputed into
man through Moses. It is just like when they say HIV virus is
in the world but that it is in the world doesn't mean it is in you.
It means it can be in the world and HIV is not in you if you
know how to preserve and prevent yourself from it. The HIV
virus came into the world through one person but that is not
much your business. Your business is how it will not come
into you. Same to sin. Sin came into the world through Adam
but the question is how can you live that the sin will not be
found in you? It is to run away from the law. Because it is only
through the law that sin can be imputed into you.
The first person to be given a law was Adam and through him
sin came into the world' and the second person to be given a
law is Moses and through him sin was imputed into man.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

And God decided to cancel the law because that is the fault the
book of Hebrew was telling us that God found with the law.

Hebrews 8:7-8 [7]If the first covenant had been faultless, there
would have been no need for a second covenant to replace it.
[8]But when God found fault with the people, he said: “The
day is coming, says the lord,
when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and

Look at the scripture very well, verse 7 didn't say if the people
under the old covenant had been faultless but he said if the old
covenant has been faultless there will not be need of creating a
new covenant. But verse 8 now begins to show us why God
find fault with the law, it is because it make God to find fault
with people. God found fault with the law because the law
makes God to find fault with men he is suppose to love.
Without the law, God loves men but with the law God hates
men, because law will begin to make God to find iniquity in
men and the eyes of the lord can not behold iniquity.

But once law is removed from the equation, God can now
behold men even in their wrong behaviour because the wrong
behaviour was no longer counted as iniquity in the sight of
God. You can now see that through Adam, the nature of sin
came because the body of man is the nature of sin but through
Moses the power of sin came because law is the power of sin.
Many are busy attacking the nature of sin. They don't know
that is not the problem; the main problem is the power of sin.
And for that purpose God cancelled the law. The question is
how did God cancel the law? By making Christ to come and
fulfil it.

The Finished Work of Christ

Matthew 5:17
[17]“Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to
abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I
came to accomplish their purpose.
The nature of God's word is that it can't go back to God until it
is fulfilled and so that the law can go back to God, God has to
send Christ to fulfil it.

Matthew 5:18
[18]I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not
even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its
purpose is achieve

Meaning once the purpose is achieved it can now disappear.

Meaning if the purpose is achieved before heaven and earth
pass away, the law of God can disappear and Jesus said in verse
17 that the purpose why he came is to accomplish their
purpose. Let us study it in King James version.

Matthew 5:17 Christ Fulfills the Law

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I
did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
Matthew 5:18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth
pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the
law till all is fulfilled.

Look at this scripture very well because this is the scripture

many who teach the law use to justify their ignorance, because
they love to read their mind to scripture without paying due
diligent attention to what the scriptures is saying. Jesus is
showing us the purpose why he came in this scripture that his
assignment is not to destroy the law 'but to fulfil the law ' he

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

now begins to show us why he came to fulfil in verse 18' it is

because he wants it to pass away. Because as long as the earth
remains a jot of the law can't pass away until it has been
fulfilled . It means once it has been fulfilled, it can pass away.
Look at another scripture that confirms that

Romans 10:4
[4]For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which
the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made
right with God.

I don't know if the spirit of someone is lifting for joy for this
good news. You can see the finished works of Christ over law.
The scripture says for Christ has already accomplished the
purpose for which law was given How I wish Jesus didn't fulfil
the law, the law would have still been relevant and breaking it
would have still attracted curse of God, but because Christ has
fulfilled it, the law has passed way, old things have passed
away because the law is the old thing and old things have
passed away. Everything has become new, and the new is faith
and grace. The blessing in the Old Testament is called God's
promise and the condition to receive the promises is the law
(and this is the testament that has pass away).

The blessings in the New Testament is called Grace and the

condition to receive it is called faith (and this is the testament
that has become new) Old Testament is not Genesis to Malachi
while New Testament is not Matthew to Revelation. Old
Testament means old covenant of obtaining blessing from God
, old covenant of being accepted and justified by God which is
the law while New Testament means the new covenant of
obtaining blessings from God, new covenant of being accepted
by God which is faith. So the old testament is law, while the

The Finished Work of Christ

new covenant is faith, without faith it is impossible to please


And Christ has fulfilled the law for our sake' and since Christ
fulfilled the law, the scripture now says Christ has become the
end of the law to them that believe.
Romans 10:4 [4]For Christ has already accomplished the
purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who
believe in him are made right with God.
NKJV, Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for
righteousness to everyone who believes.

You can see how scripture is interpreting itself; no scripture is

of personal or private interpretation. So, if you quote Mathew
5 vs. 17 saying Jesus said he didn't come to destroy the law so
why are grace preachers destroying the law? It is because you
don't understand what Mathew 5vs 17 is saying. We grace
preacher did not come to destroy the law. We are just the bearer
of Good news that Christ is the end of the law; Christ has come
to accomplish the law. Look at the scripture again for yourself

Romans 10:4 [4]For Christ has already accomplished the

purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who
believe in him are made right with God.

Then compare this scripture with Matthew 5:17-18 you will

understand what the scriptures is saying.

Romans 5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is
not imputed when there is no law. So sin came into the world
through Adam while sin came into the life of man through
moses. What came into man through adam is not sin but death.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Romans 5:15 But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by
the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God
and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ,
abounded to many.

I will want you to be paying diligent attention to all these

scripture because they are too loaded with the voice of eternity
that the heart of this generation need to hear so as to be free,
because these are the truth. This scripture say by one man's
offence many died. Look at verse 12 and see something
Romans 5:12 Death in Adam, Life in Christ
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and
death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all

This scripture say through one man sin enter into the world, but
it was not sin that spread to all man , it was death that spread
to all men God doesn't see the people of the world as sinner, he
sees them as death people living, that is while what God
offered to the world is eternal life, what God did for the world
is not to save them from sin, but to save them from eternal
death, it take eternal life to be save from eternal death. And that
is what john 3 :16 is all about. Eternal life doesn't save you
from sin, it save you from eternal death.

I repeat again that Jesus didn't come to save the world from
sin, he came to save the world from eternal death, because it
was not sin that came into the people of the world, it was death
that spread into them Look at the scriptures again

Romans 5:12 Death in Adam, Life in Christ

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and

The Finished Work of Christ

death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all
Romans 5:15b. But the free gift is not like the offense. For if
by the one man’s offense many died.
We have been taught that sin came into man through Adam,
but there is no scripture that said so, what the scriptures say is
that sin came into the world through Adam, why death spread
into man through Adam, but sin was imputed into man through
law(moses) It is death that came into through Adam and not
sin. That is, the wages of sin of Adam was what came into all
man, and the wages of sin is death. That is, adam sin and we
all death, not Adam sin and we all become sinners, we didn't
become sinner because adam sin, we only become death man
because adam sin. The only people that become sinner as long
as God is concerns are the nations of israel, and they become
sinner the day they receive the law, because where there is no
law there is no sin. Sin was in the world before law came but
the wrong doing of man was not counted as sin, so no man was
counted as sinner,

Romans 5:13
[13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was given. But it
was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to

It was through Moses that sin came into man, because law
came through Moses, and immediately law came sin was
imputed into man. Through Adam sin came into the world, but
sin didn't have access into man through Adam. And we saw
that in the book of Genesis, before sin could enter into cain sin
have to knock the door.
Genesis 4:7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for
you, but you should rule over it.”

Meaning sin was not in Cain, sin need to knock at the door of
his heart before it can enter.Look at the scripture again, God
said to Cain if you do not do well sin lies at your door. He didn't
say sin is what make you not to do well, he didn't say not doing
well is sin, to you it is sin that make people to do wrong, but
God is saying here that because you have not done well sin lies
at your door. Sin is not what make men to do wrong, law is
what make men to do wrong, because law is the power of sin,
meaning without law sin is powerless.

1 Corinthians15:56 For sin is the sting that results in death, and

the law gives sin its power.

So before sin came into man through the law, God doesn't see
any man as sinner, God see man as a dead man, ( a living dead
man) Because it was death that reign through Adam and not
sin. Look at the scripture very well again and again

Romans 5:15 But there is a great difference between Adam’s

sin and God’s gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam,
brought death to many. But even greater is God’s wonderful
grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other
man, Jesus Christ.

The sin of one man didn't bring sin into us, the sin of one man
brought death into us. That was why the first thing we received
when we got born again is eternal life. What Christ came to
save the world from is not sin, what he came to save us from
his death , that was why what God offer the world in John 3
:16 is eternal life and the channel is through faith in his only

The Finished Work of Christ

begotten son. So to the world salvation is not to be save from

sin, it is to be save from eternal death. The Gentiles who do not
receive the law do not need to be save from sin, because
without the law there is no sin.
It is the jew that receive the law that needs to be save from sin,
and to be save from sin is to be save from law

Look at the scripture again.

Romans 5:13 [13]Yes, people sinned even before the law was
given. But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet
any law to break.

The Gentiles were saved from death while the Jews were saved
from sin. That is why the scripture say we shal call him Jesus
for he shall deliver his people from their sin

Matthew 1:21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall
call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their

Take note of the scripture, not he shall save the world from
their sin, but he shall save his people ( the jew ) from their sin
Because as far as God is concern it is only the jew that God
sees as sinner, God doesn't see the whole world as sinner. Even
though sin has been in the world, but God never count it to
them as sin because where there is no law there is no sin. If
God didn't give the Gentiles any law to break, God cant call
them sinner. So as far as God is concern the Gentiles are
without sin because they are without law, so Christ did not need
to come to save them from their sin.

But for the Jews they are under the law, they are the people of
God, sin only reign amongst them through Moses and for that

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

purpose we shall called him Jesus for he shall save his people
from their sin. Christ came to save the world from eternal death
and save his people from sin. And how do Jesus save them
from sin? It is by savings them from the law because the law is
the power of sin. So anyone who is under the law now is not
yet saved from sin. See you in the next page where you will see
the only condition that can make God to count the people of
the world sinner and accuse them of sin, it is totally not in any
away a wrong doing according to the law.

The Finished Work of Christ



NKJV, Genesis 18:24

Suppose there were fifty righteous within the city; would You
also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous
that were in it?
18:26 So the Lord said, “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous
within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.”

You can see the question of Abraham to the Lord and the
response of the Lord to Abraham
Mind you at this time, the law has not be given, what heaven
and man described to be righteousness at this time is not moral
righteousness, not righteousness according to the law One
thing you must learn to understand is that whenever God
mentions righteousness, you must learn to know that God is
speaking from his own perspective of righteousness and not
from man's perspective of righteousness Look at this scripture

NKJV, Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of God’s

righteousness, and seeking to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.

From this scripture you will discover that God has his own
righteousness he wants man to know and have and man also
have their own righteousness they want to practise and do.And
the concepts of man's righteousness been different from God's

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

righteousness began with the Israelites when the law came

Before the law came, Abraham didn't know any kind of
righteousness aside the righteousness of God, which is the
righteousness of faith, men who believe God are the one
abraham know to be righteous not men who practice good deed
and morality So when abraham begam to talk to the Lord about
Sodom that if you find 10 righteous people in the land will you
still destroy the land, what Abraham meant is that if you find
ten men who believes in God in Sodom will you still destroy
the land Because before law came, it is men who believes in
God that heaven counted as a righteous man.

Romans 4:3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham

believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”

So Abraham is asking the Lord if we find 10 men who believes

in God which I know you will count it to them as righteousness,
will you still destroy the land Just showing the righteousness
God need to preserve a land, not Nigeria righteousness, you
may be surprised to know that in the sight of God Americans
may be righteous more than Nigerians because what we
celebrate in Nigeria that make us to think we are righteous
more than other countries in the sight of God is just moral
righteousness, African is a nation that value morality most
especially in dressing and honour but that wasn't what God
counts to be righteousness in his sight, those are the
expressions of the righteousness of men and not the
righteousness of God And I pray African begin to learn the
righteousness of God, because the truth is that many of us
didn't know it, we have zeal for God in Africa and we can see
the proof of the zeal in our prayers but our zeal is not according
to the righteousness of God You don't practice God's
righteousness, God's righteousness is not something you

The Finished Work of Christ

practice, it is something you submit to, look at the scriptures

very well.

NKJV, Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of God’s

righteousness, and seeking to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.

And if you don't know how to submit to God's righteousness,

you will end up establishing your own righteousness which is
the righteousness of the law Now let us study sodom and study
their sin, the righteousness God demand from them and the
reason why God place judgement on the land The reason why
God destroys sodom is different from the reason why we
thought God destroyed sodom and gomorrah

I told you in the last page that as far as the gentile is concern
God does not see them as a sinner, it takes a law to be tagged a
sinner, if you don't break any law you are not a sinner, if any
law was not given to you to break God will not count you as
sinner Look at the scripture again

NKJV, Romans 5:13

(For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed
when there is no law.

Adam was counted as a sinner because he was the first to be

given a law and to break a law, and the wages of sin is death
that was why the scripture says it was death that spread into us
through Adam, and the second man to receive the law is moses
and he was the second person to also break the law and because
the law was given only to the Israelites, the Israelites was the
one known as sinner For the gentile, God doesn't see them as
sinners because they are not under the law and God can't get

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

angry to them because it is the law that bring out the wrath of

Romans 4:15 because the law brings about wrath; for where
there is no law there is no transgression.

So you can't count the sodom and gomorrah as transgressors

because God never gave them any law to break. Look at this
scripture again

Romans 5:13 Yes, people sinned even before the law was
given. But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet
any law to break. Now the question is if God didn't see those
without the law to be sinners in his sight why did God now
destroy sodom and gomorrah God didn't destroy Solomon and
gomorrah because they are doing homosexuality, fornication,

Look at the scripture and see why God destroyed Sodom

Genesis 18:20 And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against
Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very

Look at the scripture very well, the scriptures say because their
SIN is very grave Not because their sins(plural) is very grave,
but because their sin(singular) is very grave

Under the law you don't have one sin, you have sins, because
you don't have one law you have laws, But under grace you
dont have sins(plural) you have just one sin(singular).
Under grace it is just only one thing you do that God God
counts you as a sinner and it is just only one thing you do that

The Finished Work of Christ

God counts you as righteous And the only thing you do in the
sight of God that make him to count you as righteous is just to
believe in Jesus and his finished work, you will be counted as
righteous in the sight of God no matter your behaviour,
because it is with faith you can only please God and the only
thing you do in the sight of God to count you as sinner is to
reject the finished work of christ as what is enough, to think
you can do something to earn something from God, instantly
you fall from grace and you will be see as sinner no matter your
good deeds and morality And before law came this is the way
God see the earth and judge the earth, God didn't judge sodom
for their sins, he judge them for their sin(singular)
Look at the scripture again.

Genesis 18:20 And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against
Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their SIN is very

Scripture is written by the inspiration of the holy ghost and God

was so intentional about the choices of word, nothing was
writing by mistake in the scripture Because before any
translation of bible can be released, it must go through editing
for good 11 years by bible societies, it takes 11 years minimum
to edit scripture, for you to know the process it must goes
through ( you can make your research on that) that is scripture
will keep on passing through different kind of men for
thorough editing for Good 11 years before it can be release to
the public, that is why you can't see any tense error in the cost
of translating the bible.So for the scripture to use sin(singular)
to express the sin of sodom, then it is not those moral sins you
are thinking in your mind.

Now what is the sin? The book of john 16 give us the answer

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

John 16:8 And when He has come, He will convict the world
of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: John 16:9 of sin,
because they do not believe in Me;

The scripture says when the holy spirit comes, he will convict
the world of their sin(singular) not convict the world of their
sins(plural) And verse 9 begin to show us the sin and it says
because they don't believe in me
Meaning the sin of the world is unbelief, and God judged them
of unbelief
The world convict mean to judge, Meaning sodom was
convicted and judge because of just one sin, and that is
unbelief, they didn't believe in God, that's why Abraham
began to ask the lord that if you find 10 people who believe,
will you still destroy the land ? And God said no. Abraham
know that all you need to be counted righteous before God is
just to believe, Abraham already knows the sin of sodom,
Abraham knows that it is not homosexuality, nor fornication,
nor lesbianism, but refusing to acknowledge God, refusing to
believe in God.

Scripture didn't say God will judge the world because of

homosexuality, he saved the world because of homosexuality
and judge the world because of their unbelief So you will wait
in bitterness with your self righteousness, thinking God will
judge America one day because of homosexuality, lesbianism
and getting married to dog, but I tell you that God will keep on
blessing them and come down to save them for such sins,
because where such sins increase grace increases much more

Romans 5:20 Moreover the law entered that the offense might
abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,

The Finished Work of Christ

Sir, the way of God is mystery, let us be humble to learn it,

what we claim to be doing in Africa is not true christianity ,
what we are doing is just religion, we have not yet understood
the righteousness of God The moral righteousness we know in
Africa is not the righteousness that attracted God's blessing, it
is the righteousness that attracts Gods curse, the more you try
to be righteous by practicing the law the more you receive

Galatians 3:10
[10]But those who depend on the law to make them right with
God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say, “Cursed is
everyone who does not observe and obey all the commands
that are written in God’s Book of the Law.”

You can see why God is blessing other white nations in all
more than us in Africa. Are we to be moral? sure we must be
morally righteous, but is that the condition to receive blessing
from God ? No, If you go to God with such consciousness,
your moral righteousness become filthy rag before him and
attack curse That is why many who claim to be righteou in their
own eyes are having many attack and problems, and they cant
understand why those whom they tag to be sinners are getting
more blessing and favour of God This chapter have just told
the mystery now What we have only in Africa is salvation, we
have only received the gospel of salvation, but we have not
received the gospel of Gods righteousness And If we continue
this way, we may end up like Lazarus who lost God's blessings
on earth as a nation and made it to heaven.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The Finished Work of Christ



You can never walk in faith until you understand the finished
work of Christ, you can't hold unto God's promises in his word
until you understand the finished work of Christ.

Because you will keep on thinking there is something you did

wrong that make God's promises not to come to pass in your
life and there is something you must do right to make the
promises of God to come to pass.

You will never know that all the promises of God has been of
faith so that it can be of grace.

NKJV, Romans 4:16

Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so
that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those
who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of
Abraham, who is the father of us all

The reason why it is of faith is so that the promises might be

sure to all the seed, that is there is no seed of Abraham now
that can give excuse for not obtaining God's blessing, no seed
can say the reason why God didn't bless him was because he
didn't keep the commandments, no seed can say the reason
why God didn't bless him is because he didn't pay tithe.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Because the promised blessing is no longer for those that keep

the law, it is now for those that believe in christ and his finished

That is why the scripture says if the inheritance is of the law, it

is no longer promises.

NKJV, Galatians 3:18

For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no longer of promise;
but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

Kindly look at another scripture

NKJV, Galatians 3:14

That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in
Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit
through faith.

That is, the Spirit of God has been given different kinds of
promises in the old testament both material and spiritual, and
the scripture now says the Blessing of Abraham as come to we
the gentiles and we can now receive those blessings of the
Spirit through faith.

Because the promised blessing has become of faith so that it

can be of grace.

Look at the way New Living Translation explains it.

Romans 4:16
[16]So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift.
And we are all certain to receive it, whether or not we live
according to the law of Moses, if we have faith like Abraham’s.

The Finished Work of Christ

For Abraham is the father of all who believe.( NLT)

And why has God's promises been of faith? because all we

know God's promises in the old testament to be is of the Law,
because there is always condition to the promises in the old
testament and if you meet up with the conditions you get the
promised blessing and if you don't meet up with the conditions
you loose the promised blessing( even though there was no
single man that was able to meet up).

Since no man can obtained the blessings through the law, the
condition has to change, the covenant has to change, and that
is the origin of the new covenant, which is based on faith.

Then why has it now be of faith? It is because someone has

come to fulfilled all the conditions for our sake, someone has
come to fulfilled the law for our sake, so that faith in him now
becomes the only condition to receive the blessing freely from

In the old testament every blessings is from God through law

to you, law was the way in the old testament, but under the
new covenant every blessing is from God through christ to us,
christ is now the way, christ has become the end of the law to
them that believe

NKJV, Romans 10:4

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone
who believes.

This is what the finished work of christ is all about, that is,
Christ has finished the work that can be the requirement to
obtain blessing from God , so the rewards of christ obedient is

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

what becomes grace for us, christ do the work, we eat the gain.

That is why the scripture now says it is no longer of works it is

now of faith.

Romans 3:27 Boasting Excluded

Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of
works? No, but by the law of faith.
Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by
faith apart from the deeds of the law.

Romans 4:5 David Celebrates the Same Truth

But to him who does not work but believes on Him who
justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness,

The greatest attack to faith is when you think you must add
work to faith, and the book of James chapter two where James
said faith without work is death as been the major scripture
devil has been using to kill the true and raw message of faith
in the mind of man(many doesn't just understand what that
scripture is saying, which I have explained in my past book on
faith titled BY FAITH ALONE)

Misunderstanding scripture do more harm to your life than not

knowing scripture, that is, holding scripture in error is more
dangerous than not holding any scripture at all.

Thinking you must add work to faith is the greatest enemy of

faith, such mindset is one of the greatest attack against your
faith and it is because many doesn't understand the perspective
at which James was speaking from.

The strength of your faith is when you come to the

The Finished Work of Christ

understanding of the fact that what Christ has done is enough

to make the promises of God come to pass in your life.

The strength of your faith is in knowing God of all graces,

knowing that God's love is unconditional, knowing that christ
has paid the price for you to get anything from God.

Why paying the price to get what christ has paid the price to
give freely?

If you want to walk in the realm of faith, you must surely fight
one thing and that is the law.

Because the three greatest enemy of faith is the law , your sense
and the voice of carnal and natural men.

It is the law that points you to what you must do to get what
you need from God, the law put your confidence in your
strength, while the world system put your confidence in your
sense, while men put your confidence in things like money.

So to walk in faith, you most not trust in your strength, you

must not trust in your sense and you must not trust in men,
because with men it may be impossible, but with God all things
are possible.

You must only learn to put your trust in God's promises and
put your faith in christ and his finished work as the only
condition to make the promise of God to come to pass in your

Take a look at this scripture and see the power of faith

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are
possible to him who believes.”

Meaning impossibility only exist in the realm where faith is

missing. The scripture didn't say all things are possible for men
who pay the price.

Anywhere you see faith, it means it is not of works less any

man should boast

The Finished Work of Christ



There are two scriptures I will be showing you in this chapter
to make us see that the finished work of christ is also an end to
God's anger, that is, God is not and will not get angry with
anyone again.

Anyone preaching about the vengeance of God doesn't know

the scripture , he is just like a lecturer who is outdated because
he refuse to be upgraded with current information because the
concept of God's anger is the message of the old testament to
the old testament people.

Now look at this scripture critically.

Isaiah 61:1 The Good News of Salvation

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has
anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty
to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Isaiah 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,

And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,

I want you to take note of the verse 2 of this scripture critically

and compare it with Luke 4vs18-19
When Jesus quoted the same bible verse

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
Luke 4:19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Look at Isaiah 61 vs 2 and compare it luke 4 vs 19, you will

discover that Jesus removed something there

it is what Isaiah said.....

Isaiah 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,

But at the time Jesus will repeat Isaiah 61 vs 2, he removed the

negative aspects and only said and ended at "To proclaim the
acceptable year of the Lord"

Luke 4:19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Meaning, his assignment is not to proclaim the anger of God,
Jesus is a bearer of goodnews and not bearer of bad news.

The Finished Work of Christ

Everything that is goodnews in that Isaiah 61 1-2 that will bring

joy into the heart of men Jesus proclaimed, while the bad news
in it that may bring fear into the heart of men Jesus removed.

Then I asked myself, who is sending those who are preaching

about the wrath of God, vengeance of God, by what inspiration
are they preaching?

Because Jesus that sent us to preach removed the second side

of Isaiah 61vs2, you who is sent by Jesus claims Jesus is
sending you to preach it (that can never be Jesus ) because he
will never ask you to preach what he didn't preach himself, he
will not ask you to proclaim what he didn't proclaim.

Because we are in the dispensation of grace, we are in the

acceptable year of the lord that is,
what he sent us to preach is the gospel, and the gospel means
the goodnews, we are not sent to be teaching and preaching
about the anger of God, that is not a gospel.

There are many preachers who never teach and preach about
the acceptable year of the lord which we are in, the years of
God's favour and grace which we are in, paul calls it the
dispensation of grace, they never preach those message of the
new covenant, but all they are preaching is about the coming
of the wrath of God.

Ephesians 3:2 if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of

the grace of God which was given to me for you,

And we have been in this dispensation of grace since the day

of Pentecost but many didn't know, the devil blindfolded the
mind of many to know it, that was why paul was asking if

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

indeed they heard about the dispensation of grace.

Many doesn't know that the throne of the kingdom of God has
become the throne of grace, where you can come boldly to
obtain mercy and find grace

When paul want to talk about his calling look at what he said
God sent him to preach

The Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me; nor do I
count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with
joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to
testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

Kindly look his mandate very well, he said to testify to the

gospel of the grace of God, that is, grace of God is all that God
sent him to preach.

I love the way NLT put it

Acts of the Apostles 20:24

[24]But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for
finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work
of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of

Take note: the Good news about the wonderful grace of God.

I dont know how some woke up and claim their assignment is

to preach about the anger of God, the vengeance of God and
the wrath of God.

Let us see the way the message version put it

The Finished Work of Christ

24 But that matters little. What matters most to me is to finish

what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting
everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant
generosity of God.

Kindly see what we are to preach and teach about God: the
incredibly extravagant and generosity of God, this is what we
call good news.

If Jesus whom we are preaching about removed the

proclaiming of the anger and vengeance of God at the time he
will be quoting the whole book of Isaiah 61 vs 2 why will you
be preaching it?

Now the question is why did Jesus remove it? Was it that it was
Isaiah that added it? Was it that it was not the word from God
but the opinion of Isaiah?

No sir, the prophet of the old never speak by their own

imagination, the bible says they speak as they where moved by
the holy spirit.

2 Peter 1:21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but
holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

Meaning, it was the holy spirit that moved Isaiah to say what
he was writing clearly in Isaiah 61 v2, Isaiah never wrote by
the will of man, nor write by his own will, but he spoke as he
was moved by the holy ghost.

Then why did Jesus remove that statement from Isaiah 61 vs

2? It is because the wrath of God that Isaiah was talking about

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

is going to be fulfil in Christ.

Christ didn't need to talk about it because for that purpose he

came to bear the wrath and vengeance of God for us, he doesn't
need to proclaimed the wrath of God, because the anger and
wrath of God that supposes to fall upon all sinner has been
ordained to fall upon Christ for our sake

The day of vengeance of our God was the day Jesus died on
the cross. What you see on the cross was the expression of the
anger, wrath and vengeance of God upon the life of all man.

The anger that God will ever have on me, he poured it on Jesus
that is why the love he have for me now is an everlasting love,
it is an unconditional love.

The highest level of God's anger is what you see on the cross,
to destroy his only begotten son, if God display any anger more
than that it will be to destroy himself and destroy his throne.

This was the anger and vengeance of God that Jesus wants to
reject at Gethsemane, he said let the cup of your anger, wrath
and vengeance pass over me, Jesus was saying I can't stand
your anger, but he said never the less if it is your will that I bear
the wrath of men, let your will be done.

I tell you this, there is nothing I can do bad that can make God
to hate me or get angry at me, I dont know for you, but if you
can get the revelation of this teaching you will understand the
realm at which I am speaking from.

There is nothing I can do good to make God to love me the

more and there is nothing i can do bad to make him love me

The Finished Work of Christ


So when I see people talking about the vengeance of God now

I ask myself that by what spirit are these people preaching

When Jesus began to preach he began by saying blessed are

you, blessed are they, he never said curse is the one, why?
Because his assignment is to become the curse for us.

See Mathew 5 vs 1-8

So he doesn't need to be preaching about curse because he has

come to take the curse for us, he can't be preaching and
proclaiming the curse when his assignment is to redeemed us
from the curse of the law

NKJV, Galatians 3:13

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having
become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone
who hangs on a tree”),

The messenger and prophet of the old testament came to

proclaim the curse of God, while the messagers of the new
testament came to proclaim the Grace of God, because christ
has come to redeem us from the curse of the law

So you don't need to be talking about God's anger, because the

anger of God has been reveal on the cross, the highest level of
the anger God wants to release on man he has released on

So if you are teaching on God's anger, it is not the anger of God

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

that is coming, it is the anger of God that has come, the anger
of God that has come upon Jesus for our sake.

Truly God is a consuming fire, but not to his children, he is a

consuming fire to the enemy of his children.

It is just like saying my daddy is a soldier and he have a gun,

yes does that mean the gun is to kill his children? It is to kill
the enemy of his children.

I saw someone of recent preaching powerfully how God is a

consuming fire and he can consume anyone, then I ask myself
a question on his behalf that if you have a son whom you love
and you are a consuming fire, can you consume your son?

If no, then why do you think God who is love and have loved
his children unconditionally will now consume his children for

If God is a consuming fire, it is to consume the sickness in the

body of his children that he loves, the wisdom of God knows
how to separate sin from sinner, so that he can judge sin on the
cross and save sinner on the same cross. So God is not angry
at anyone again, The finished work of christ has eternally
quenched the anger of God over man.

Any anger we will see next is going to be the anger of christ

over those who refuse to believe in him and that will be after

As far as God is concerned now, it is still for God so loved the

world, no matter the iniquity of the world, it is still for God so
love the world.

The Finished Work of Christ

Don't wait for the iniquity of any nation to full, thinking once
it is full the judgement of God will come. When the iniquity of
any nation is full, it is the salvation of God that will come and
not the anger of God because the love that God have for the
world covers multitude of sin, the love of God now will
swallow any iniquity if it's full and it will bring down God's
mercy rather than God's judgement.

So God is not eternally angry with any man again, God is now
love, love don't get angry, the scripture didn't say God have
love, but God is love.

So God is not angry with anyone again, some says if God is

not angry with anyone again why will God now judge the
world ?

God will not judge the earth again, the scripture says God has
put all judgement into the hand of christ.

John 5:21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to
them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will.
John 5:22 For the Father judges no one, but has committed all
judgment to the Son,

I don't know If people teaching that the judgement of God is

coming dont read their bible. The scripture is saying now that
the father judges no one again, because he has committed all
judgement into the hand of Jesus.

You can see why Jesus removed that statement of vengeance

of God when he was quoting Isaiah, because he knew that God
has chosen not to judge anyone again, he knew that the wrath

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

of God is not coming upon anyone again, all judgement is now

in the hand of christ.

That is why it is now call the judgement sit of christ.

Romans 14:10 But why do you judge your brother? Or why do

you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand
before the judgment seat of Christ.

Like I said, that the finished work of Christ has put an end to
the anger of God, God is no longer and can no longer get angry
with man again. The fruit of anger is judgement, what is the
essence of getting angry at someone if you can't use the anger
to do anything against him or to harm him expressing your
hatred for his actions. The scripture show us clearly that God
no longer judge anyone because he has committed all
judgement into the hands of his son.

John 5:22 For the Father judges no one, but has committed all
judgment to the Son,

So if God has committed all judgement into the hand of Jesus,

what is now the essence of God's anger? Meaning, if he gets
angry again, he can't do anything, his love for us will not allow
him to do anything that will harm us. There is a transaction that
says God is no longer in the business of judging man again
because he has handed over all the business of judgement to
his son, so for now it is for God so love the world and not for
God so get angry with the world.

And If judgement is now in the hand of Christ, just imagine

how he will judge, he will judge you by saving you, he will
judge you by mercy, he will not judge you by killing you but

The Finished Work of Christ

judge you by killing the sin in you.

When God handed over judgement to Christ, Christ method of

judgement changes.

In the old testament, when God handed over judgement into

the hand of angels, once you commit sin, the angel will judge
the sinner and save the sin, so no matter the judgement they
receive, you see them committing more sin again and again but
when Christ became the judge, Christ save the sinner and judge
the sin.

The judgement of Christ is not upon the unrighteous one but

upon the unrighteousness of man. That is, christ method of
judgement is that he will save the unrighteous one and judge
the unrighteousness of man.

That is, he saves the sinner and judge the sin of man. Under the
government of Christ now, which is the government of the new
testament, the once the wrath of God is revealed, it is reveal
towards the unrighteousness and ungodliness of man

Romans 1:18
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the
truth in unrighteousness,

The scripture didn't say the wrath of God is revealed toward

the ungodly and the unrighteous one, but it is revealed toward
the ungodliness and unrighteousness of man.
That is, what God judge now is the sin of man, the
unrighteousness of man and the ungodliness of man. It is just
like when the healing power is upon you and you see any sick

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

person, you arise in anger to judge the sickness in the body of

the man.

Judging the sick man is different from judging the sickness of

the man, when your anger is towards the sickness of man the
result of the anger will be to bring healing to the sick person.

So also when the wrath of God is reveal towards the

unrighteousness of man it means the anger want to bring the
gift of righteousness to man, if the wrath of God is against the
sin of man it means the anger want to bring salvation to the

When God judgement is from God through angels to men the

result is what you see in the old testament, and that is not the
nature of God, but the channel through which the anger came
through was what bring judgement to man, the center
processing unit (CPU) was very wrong.

By the nature of God, he doesn't want the death of any sinner

but for all to come to repentance,but we saw in the old
testament that many sinners were dying because of their sins,
no room for repentance. It means it is not God placing those
judgement on man, God's way of judgement is what you see in
christ, the act of knowing how to separate sin from sinner and
place judgement on sin and place salvation on man. Ability to
separate the unrighteousness of man from the unrighteous man
and then place judgement on the unrighteousness of man and
release the gift of righteousness as garment for the unrighteous
one is the true nature of God.

Let us see examples of the nature of the new judge we now

have. Remember Jesus told his disciples that God has

The Finished Work of Christ

committed all judgement into his hand, so the disciples were

happy to see themselves as a disciple of who will judge heaven
and earth and some days later, a matter arose and they told
Jesus as a judge to give them grace to call down fire as Elijah

But look at what our new judge said

Luke 9:54 And when His disciples James and John saw this,
they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come
down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?”
Luke 9:55 But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do
not know what manner of spirit you are of.
Luke 9:56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s
lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.

The new judge is saying he didn't come to destroy the life of

anyone but for all to come into repentance. David was able to
capture the revelation of the government of his new judge when
he said I know you will not deal with me according to my sin
nor judge me according to my iniquity.

Psalms 103:10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins,

Nor punished us according to our iniquities.

This scripture look as if it contradicts our beliefs about God's

judgement. All we are brought up with is that to every soul that
sin will God punish but this scripture began to say now that
God doesn't deal with us according to our sins nor punish us
according to our iniquity.

Why? It is because he has dealt with Christ according to our

sins and punish Christ according to our iniquity.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Truly Whom God love he chastise, the scripture is very correct,

but God doesn't chastise his children with sickness and poverty
because the chastisement of our sins is upon Christ, he as been
chastised for our iniquity, he was flogged for our transgression.

NKJV, Isaiah 53:5

But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

You suppose to be wounded for your transgressions, because

the soul that sin must not go unpunished, but under the new
judge, he was wounded for our transgression

We have peace of mind now not because we did anything right,

but because we know that the chastisement for our peace was
upon him, so peace of mind now is a gift from him, he said
peace I give to you not as the world give .

The rod in the hand of God to chastise his children now is not
sickness and poverty it is the word of God, he uses word to flog
you and his rod and staff for chastisement comfort us, to you,
you feel when you flog them with words and they cry that is
repentance. Be honest with yourself, is it not those that cried in
the last program still the ones crying this Sunday under your
ministration because that is not the way God chastise us with
his word, when he flogs us with his rod, the scripture says it
comfort us.

NKJV, Psalms 23:4

For You are with me;

The Finished Work of Christ

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

If God wants to bring you into lasting repentance, it is the

kindness of God that produces the repentance of man not the
anger of God. All those messages making people to cry in
church only produce fake repentance, I will show that from the
scripture in the latter chapter.

1 John 5:20
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us
an understanding, that we may know him who is true; and we
are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true
God and eternal life.

1 John 5:20
[20]And we know that the Son of God has come, and he has
given us understanding so that we can know the true God. And
now we live in fellowship with the true God because we live in
fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only true God,
and he is eternal life.( NLT)

Take note of the word TRUE GOD in that bible verse , and that
scripture begin to point us to the true God which is Jesus Christ.
There is an idol that Christian religion worship that is not the
true God. The scripture already told us the true God which is
the God that is revealed through Christ. The god that many
Christian religion worship is the god that is revealed through
No one in the old testament ever gave us the true understanding
of the true God, the understanding they gave to us about God
is false, it is only Christ that has come to give us the true
understanding of God, he has given us the understanding of the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

true God, and he didn't give us the understanding by given us

a book, he gives us the understanding by given us himself,
because the moment you know Christ you have the knowledge
of the true God.

Look at the scripture again

1 John 5:20:
[20]And we know that the Son of God has come, and he has
given us understanding so that we can know the true God. And
now we live in fellowship with the true God because we live in
fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only true God,
and he is eternal life.

This scripture defines Jesus as the only true God, and it is the
understanding we have about Christ that is the true
understanding about God.

Look the scripture very well, it says we have fellowship with

God because we have fellowship with Jesus Christ which is the
only true God.

I love the way the message version put it

1John 5:
20 And we know that the Son of God came so we could
recognize and understand the truth of God - what a gift! - and
we are living in the Truth itself, in God's Son, Jesus Christ.
This Jesus is both True God and Real Life.( MSG)

Truly Moses had an encounter with a being that called himself

a God, but I tell you, that is not God,that image that Moses had
painted is what many defines to be God, and I tell you that it's

The Finished Work of Christ

just an idol if you carry such image now, that is why when John
pointed us to the true God in 1st John 5vs 20, he said in verse
21 to keep ourselves from idol

1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come and
has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is
true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ.
This is the true God and eternal life.
1 John 5:21: Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

Meaning every image you have in your heart about God not
consistent with the character of christ is an idol.

Everything you see manifesting in the old testament as God is

not the true nature of God, those are just the true nature of the
Holy Angels.

It is the Holy angels, men of old encounterd and they define

them to be God which appear so fearful to men.

The first and the last time God appeared in the old testament
was to Abraham and he never appeared in a fearful way, he
came in the form of man and ate with Abraham, and Abraham
began to negotiate the matter of Sodom and Gomorrah with

Because when you have true encounters with the true God you
will not bow down in fear and worship him, you will sit down
in love and fellowship with him, and we saw that between
Abraham and the Lord, you see the lord coming to eat in his

Genesis 18:8 So he took butter and milk and the calf which he

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them

under the tree as they ate.

Imagine God eating in Abraham's house (I will show you the

mystery as we read on why he is the only one that walk in this
friendly dimension with the Lord)

Genesis 18:16:
Then the men rose from there and looked toward Sodom, and
Abraham went with them to send them on the way.
Genesis 18:17: And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham
what I am doing,

Out of those three men, two where just Angel while the third
one was Jesus, and the second time God appeared as man it
was also to abraham again when he came as king of Salam (The

And it is because it was only Abraham that have the kind of

God's righteousness that could make God to relate with man in
love, which is the righteousness by faith, because without this
gift of righteousness obtained by faith it is impossible to be
justified by God and it is impossible to please God and it is
impossible for God to have fellowship with you.
So no man again have an encounter with God in the old
testament. Truly, Moses thought he had encounter with God in
the burning bush, but the new testament scripture showed us
clearly that he only had an encounter with an Angel. Truly it
was recorded in the old testament as if God by himself wrote
the law on a stone with his finger and give it to moses, it was
recorded as if he saw God and God handover the law to him
but the new testament began to show us that it was Angel that
gave the law to Moses.

The Finished Work of Christ

Galatians 3:19
[19]Why, then, was the law given? It was given alongside the
promise to show people their sins. But the law was designed to
last only until the coming of the child who was promised. God
gave his law through angels to Moses, who was the mediator
between God and the people.

You can see the second part of the scripture, it say God gave
the law through Angels to Moses, meaning it was just the
Angels moses was busy having fearful and spectacular
encounters with that he thought it was God. Truly, Moses
claimed to see God face to face and it was recorded in the old
testament like that,

Exodus 33:11 So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a

man speaks to his friend.

But Jesus came to tell us that no man have seen God face to
face, except him.

John 1:18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten
Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.

Then who do Moses saw? It was angel, it was angel that

manifested to them as God, all those fearful characters you see
in the Old Testament that was attributed to God are just the
nature and character of angels.

You may want to ask, why then is scripture contradicting

itself? Scripture didn't contradict itself, it is men who doesn't
know how to divide the word of the truth that create those
impressions out of the word of God and contradict themselves.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

In the old testament , those who speak thought they have

encountered with God, they thought it was God that spoke to
them, but it was Angel.

Let me show you an instance.

Judges 13:21 When the Angel of the Lord appeared no more to

Manoah and his wife, then Manoah knew that He was the
Angel of the Lord.
Judges 13:22 And Manoah said to his wife, “We shall surely
die, because we have seen God!”

Verse 21 says when the Angel of the lord appeared to Manoah

and his wife , the scripture say he knew that he was the Angel
of the lord but when you get to verse 22, Manoah said to his
wife "We shall die because we have seen God.
He didn't say we have seen the Angel of the lord, meaning their
experience and encounters with the angelic beings was what
they describe as an encounter with God. If you begin to go back
to all they saw before Christ came in the old testament and
attribute it to God and build God's character from those
perspective what you know is a false God, because those are
not the image and identity of the true God.
What God did in the Old Testament is that he allowed angels
to rule the affairs of man. Angels are the mediator between God
and man. It was Angel that God put at the entrance of the
Garden of Eden so that men don't have access into God's
presence but can have access to the presence of the Angelic.

Genesis 3:24 So He drove out the man; and He placed

cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword
which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.

The Finished Work of Christ

So if you try to press into the spirit to have an encounter with

God before christ came , it is angel you will see, because the
garden of Eden means the entrance to the supernatural and the
scripture says God has put cherubim at the gate of that realm .
But when Christ came, he began to show us the true image of
God, Christ is the true visible image of the invisible God.

Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the

firstborn over all creation.

Christ didn't come to show us one dimension of God that the

old testament didn't capture, he came to show us the totality of
the nature of God,

Meaning, any character you see in the old testament that you
don't see in Christ, such character is not the character of God,
meaning all you saw in the old testament is not the true image
of God.
That is why you will totally misunderstand God if you see him
from the old testament perspective, and this is the wrong lens
many Christians has been using to see God and relate with God.
The God that created the heaven and earth is love, not that love
is one of his dimension, Love is the total package of his nature,

Anything outside the expression of LOVE that you see in the

old testament is just the characteristic of one angel that God
choose to rule in the old testament. It is a wrong impression to
think God is an angry God, that is why you are struggling to
overcome anger, because you felt you are expressing the image
of God, ANGER is an expression of the nature of one angel in
heaven and not the expression of the nature of God.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

When men thought God manifest anger in the old testament, it

was just one Angel that came, but when God want to manifest
love he came himself. The revelation of the nature of the angels
are what men defined to be revelation of the nature of God in
the old testament. You can never know God and have fear of
him, when you know him you will have a perfect love of him,
and the scripture says perfect love cast out every form of fear.

1John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out
fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not
been made perfect in love.

If the scripture says God is love and it now says there is no fear
in love, it mean there is no fear in God.

It is the grace of lord Jesus christ , the love of God, and the
fellowship of the holy Spirit be with us, the scripture didn't say
the law of our Lord Jesus and the fear of God and the anger of
the holy spirit be with us. We shared the grace of our lord at
the end of every program and we never teach it, we pray that
the love of God should be with us and we never teach it, we
begin to teach that the fear of God should be with man, and the
scripture says he who have the fear of God can never be made
perfect in love because fear involves torment.

1John 4:18b.....because fear involves torment. But he who

fears has not been made perfect in love.

If God is love and you can't be made perfect in love by fear, it

mean by fear you can't be made perfect in God. Some said but
the scripture says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

I have explained this scripture many times that the scriptures

The Finished Work of Christ

never say the fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom, the fear
of GOD is the beginning of bondage and torment, that is the
beginning of slavery. It is the fear of the LORD, that is the
beginning of wisdom, and the LORD is different from GOD.

Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of


Take note of the scripture very well, the scripture never said
the fear of God, it says the fear of the Lord.

You may ask who is the Lord,

Psalm 23:1 showed us the lord, he said the Lord is my


God is not your Sheppard, God is your Father and as a Father

you don't fear him, you love him and honour him, it is christ
that is your Lord, your shepherd and the lordship of Christ is
not like the lordship of master to slave, it is like the lordship of
Shepherd to sheep, that is why the scripture didn't say the lord
is my Master, it says the Lord is my shepherd, so the fear you
have for the Lord is not the fear a slave have for his master, it
is the fear a sheep have for the shepherd. Don't use natural
sense to express things of the spirit, what heaven defines to be
fear is not what we see as fear on earth, our definition of fear
is a product of our falling nature, which is called torment in the
sight of God, been afraid to disobey God because you dont
want to see the anger of God is not the fear of the Lord, that is
torment, meaning if God will not get angry you will disobey
God, you can see that you are under bondage.

The fear we have for evil is the kind of fear we are having for

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

God, that is an idol, that is not the true nature of God. The fear
a slave has for his lord is not the beginning of wisdom, that
kind of fear is the beginning of torment, that fear can never be
found in God who is your Father and you can never find it in
Jesus who is your Lord because the Lord is your shepherd.

The Finished Work of Christ




Romans 8:31
[31]What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

Demonic attack against the life of a chosen one doesn't exist in

the pathway of men walking by faith, because to be justified
by faith means God is now for you and you are now his own
and the scripture say if God Is for you who can be against you?

All these battles against your destiny, battle against your

financial life, breaking yoke of delay, are theology that exist in
the realm of those under the law or those without Christ,
because the life of anyone born again but under the law is the
same as anyone not in Christ in term of exposure to demonic
attack, devil have equal legal right over the two of them, both
can still fall victim of generational curses and die of it, just that
the one who is born again but under the law will make it to
heaven while the one without Christ will find himself in hell.
Once you are under the covenant of faith and grace, such
doesn't exist, that is why we don't fight those battle in CHI
church, because we don't raise members to be under the law.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Have you ever seen Abraham mentioning the devil?

He never saw the devil as the one behind the barrenness of his
wife, because he knows how to talk to God on any matters and
know God's mind over any matter. It is the lack of relationship
with God that make you to be experiencing delay and the next
thing you can think of is that devil is the one behind it. Who
told you that? Have you discussed it with God and God said to
you that devil is the one attacking you. You can see the
problem of many Christians , lack of relationship with God is
the cause of many warfare prayer you are seeing in many
places, that is why God has sent us in this season to open the
eyes of many to the understanding of gift of righteousness
which will make you to have a fatherly, friendly and lovely
relationship with your Father who art in Heaven, which will
enable you to effortlessly approach Him over any matter of
concern in the place of prayer and hear from him effortlessly
in the place of prayer. But come to those under the law, God
doesn't cause any delay, it is devil that caused their delay,
which they need warfare prayer to come out of it and break
out of it. But once you are under faith, everything about your
life is now in the hand of God. If you press any button of life
and it doesn't work or knock any door of opportunity and it
doesn't open, it means it is not God's will, not that God doesn't
want good things for you but God want a better thing for you.

If I try to open a door and it closes the more, I will turn back,
because I already know that is not the way of God, because

The Finished Work of Christ

what my scripture told me is that, if God set an open door for

me, the devil that will shut it doesn't exist

NKJV, Revelation 3:8

“I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door,
and no one can shut it;

If I am going in a way and I am seeing demonic attack, I will

turn back, that is the evidence that the way I am going doesn't
please God, because if that way pleases the Lord he make even
my enemies to be at peace with me.

NKJV, Proverbs 16:7

When a man’s ways please the Lord,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

You may want to ask how can my ways pleases the Lord?

The answer is very simple, there are no seven step to please the
Lord, without faith it is impossible to please God. Meaning, if
you believe in Christ and His finished work as all that is
enough, your ways has pleased God.

If you take any step that is contrary to God's Divine plan for
you, God will not let it work out, because your way is now fully
in his hand and you see him directing your path. But come to
anyone under the law, they must fight through, breakthrough,
war through with much fasting and prayer, they don't want to
know if it is God's will or not, once it is what their selfish

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

interests desire, God must approve it by fire by force, they don't

understand the way of rest, and they don't understand how to
do things from the place of rest. Do men of faith fight spiritual
battle? Sure but not as those under the law and not as those
without Christ.

Those under the law fight generational curse but those under
faith the weapons of their warfare are not canal but casting
down imagination.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4
[3]We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do.
[4]We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to
knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy
false arguments.
[5]We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from
knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach
them to obey Christ.

You can see what we fight against: The scripture called it

human reasoning, king James version called it stronghold.

The scripture say we destroy false argument, we destroy every

proud obstacle that keep people from knowing God, you can
see our warfare, you can see that reading this book now is a
I love the way the message version put it

The Finished Work of Christ

vs5: We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped

philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of
God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into
the structure of life shaped by Christ.

You can see what we use the weapon of our warfare to do, it is
to destroy philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against
the truth of God, now I understand why the scripture says the
sword of the spirit for warfare is the word of God.

Ephesians 6:17
[17]Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the
Spirit, which is the word of God.

If they ask an African Pentecostal man that what is the weapon

of your warfare? he will tell you it is prayer and fasting, I still
don't know why we will see the simple recommended truth in
the scripture and choose to follow custom and traditions of the
church called warfare prayer, because I say this to you clearly
from the standpoint of scripture that warfare prayer is not

You can't be wiser than God, He has given us the armor of God
and prayer wasn't amongst.

Read Ephesians 6 very well with open mind, the talk on the
armor of God begin by breastplate of righteousness know as
righteousness by faith and it end in the sword of the spirit
which is the word of God. Vs 17. Then in verse 18-19, paul

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

began to discuss another things entirely on prayer and when he

mentioned prayer it wasn't warfare prayer he mentioned, he
was talking about praying in the spirit at all time, that is talking
to God at all time( and that is fellowship), not fighting devil
with prayer. Paul was also talking about praying for believers
and in verse 19 he demand the church to pray for him for

Ephesians 6:18-19
[18]Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay
alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers
[19]And pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words
so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good
News is for Jews and Gentiles alike.

So the major armour ended as sword of the spirit which is the

word of God, meaning the major warfare is against ignorance
and unbelief, imagination, strong holds known as believe and
ideology contrary to the faith, we fight thoughts not subjected
to the knowledge of Christ. You can see the warfare, and the
weapons of attack for all these battles is just the knowledge of
the word of God, the revelational knowledge your have from
the word of God is the sword of the spirit, while the weapon of
defence are the gift of righteousness, helmet of salvation, belt
of truth, and shield of faith.

For those under law the place of warfare is their life, but for us
under faith and grace the place of battle is our hearts and mind.

The Finished Work of Christ

For those under law, the weapon of their warfare is fire, prayer
and fasting because what they want to pull down is not
strongholds and imagination what they want to pull down is
generational curse, stagnation, poverty, demonic attack on
their health and their financial life. So what devil is fighting is
their life, their marital life, financial life, career life, ministerial
life, it must just be their life. But when you are under faith and
grace, the devil that will touch your life doesn't exist because
you don't have any life aside from Christ life

The bible says Christ which is now your new life,

Colossians 3:3-4
[3]For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with
Christ in God.
[4]And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole
world, you will share in all his glory.

So I am struggling to understand how can your real life hidden

with Christ in God, be under demonic attack,

I can't comprehend how my financial life, marital life,

ministerial life that is hidden in Christ be under attack.

You can see how lack of the knowledge of the word of God is
affecting many lives, if devil is attacking any area of your life,
it means, that area of your life is not hidden with Christ in God,
and warfare prayer is not the permanent solution, sitting down
to learn how your life can be hidden in Christ is the solution. It

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

is something outside Christ that can be attack by the devil not

something inside Christ.

Question: you said warfare prayer is not scriptural, but we saw

many prophets and men of God on prayer mountains using
warfare prayer to break yokes in the life of people and they are
getting results, what is the mystery?

Just be following, the answer is in the scripture and we will do

thorough teaching on it.

The Finished Work of Christ



John 16:8-10
[8]And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and
of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.
[9]The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me.
[10]Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and
you will see me no more.

We have explained in the past chapter what it mean for the

Holy Spirit to convict the world of their sin, and we make us to
understand that the sin of the world from God's perspective is
not fornication, adultery, lie, anger and many more, the sin of
the world is unbelief, and we saw in verse 9 that the sin of the
world is that, they refuse to believe.

I love the way the message version put it

John.16.8 "When he comes, he'll expose the error of the

godless world's view of sin, righteousness, and judgment:
John.16.9 He'll show them that their refusal to believe in me is
their basic sin; (MSB)

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Now let us move to the second things the Holy Spirit will
convict men of, the scripture says he will convict men of

NKJV, John 16:8

And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and
of righteousness, and of judgment:

The righteousness this scripture is saying here is not moral

righteousness, not righteousness of man, Holy Spirit doesn't
need to expose that kind of righteousness again, because even
before law came, before bible came, and before Christ came,
men in their conscience have the knowledge of what is evil and
what is good, they know what is right from what is wrong, even
the scriptures say the gentiles who doesn't have the law and
have preacher of the law are by nature doing what is inside the

Romans 2:14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by
nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the
law, are a law to themselves.

So the righteousness that men didn't know that the Holy Spirit
came to reveal is called the righteousness of God

Look at the way NLT put it again.

The Finished Work of Christ

John 16:8-10
[8]And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and
of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.
[9]The world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me.
[10]Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and
you will see me no more.

Verse 8 intentionally show us the kind of righteousness the

Holy Spirit came to reveal and it is called God's righteousness
and it is because men are seriously ignorant of this
righteousness even till today.

Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness,

and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not
submitted to the righteousness of God.

Men of God who preached the righteousness men established

which is moral righteousness, are the one we tag to be preacher
of truth, why we who preach and teach the revelation of the
righteousness of God are the one people tag to be end time
heretics false teacher. People don't know that if moral
righteousness is our message they we are not different from
other religions, every religions preach morality, even culture,
nation and nature preach moral righteousness, what make the
different is that no religion have the revelation of God's
righteousness and no religion can receive the gift of God's

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

And this God's righteousness that many are ignorant of is one

of the reason while the Holy Spirit came to expose that
dimension to men, this is what make our message different
from other religions

Look at the verse 10 of the scripture very well, he said he will

convince them of righteousness because I go to the father.

NKJV, John 16:10

of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no

Then I ask myself what does righteousness have to do with

Christ going to the father?

It is simply because to God, righteousness is Christ staying

with his disciples, God coming down in flesh as Jesus to relate
with some twelve set of people is called righteousness.
The bible says his name shall be call Emmanuel meaning God
is with us.
Righteousness is not you having right standing with God, it is
God having a right standing with you. So for Christ to stand
with his disciples, it is called righteousness, and now Christ is
leaving them alone, it look as if Christ is not having a right
standing with them again, they're not secure again, and the
scripture says when the Holy Spirit comes he will convince
them of righteousness, that is, he will make them to know God
is still with them, even though Jesus has left them in body.

The Finished Work of Christ

Those under the law thought righteousness is you having a

right life with God and as far as God is concerned that is filthy
rag, with moral life it is impossible to please God, no man can
be justify before God with moral life.

NKJV, Galatians 3:11

But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is
evident, for “the just shall live by faith.”

I love the way the Message version put it.

Galatian 3 vs 11
11 The obvious impossibility of carrying out such a moral
program should make it plain that no one can sustain a
relationship with God that way. The person who lives in right
relationship with God does it by embracing what God arranges
for him. Doing things for God is the opposite of entering into
what God does for you. Habakkuk had it right: "The person
who believes God, is set right by God - and that's the real life."

Preaching morality is not a bad message, God doesn't have

issue with it, But God begin to have issue with it, when you
begin to preach it as condition to have relationships with God,
and condition to be blessed by God.

Those who caught a light of grace and the gift of righteousness

also thought righteousness is you having a right standing with
God, this is close to the truth but it is not the truth. The truth
is that righteousness is God having a right standing with you,

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

irrespective of who you are. It is God that comes down to us,

we dont launch into the spirit to meet God, it's God that come
down to man, Jesus didn't ask the disciples to launch into the
spirit to meet with the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost, He
only told them to wait, because it was the Holy Spirit came
down to them, not we going up to meet the Holy Ghost. The
curtain teared at the temple is not so that we can enter into the
holy of holies, it is so that God that dwells in the holy of holies
can come out to us. The reason why the curtain was tore is so
that God can come down to us.

It wasn't Adam that press in the spirit to meet with God in the
garden of Eden, it was God coming down at the cool of the day
to meet with Adam. But on our case, God didn't even come
down at the cool of the day, He came down to make our body
His tabernacle, He came down to make our body His temple,
he has come to dwell in us.

The God you are praying to is not your father who at in heaven
above you, he is your father who art in heaven within you. He
has built eternity in your heart, so there is one heavenly places
in your heart, and God dwells there. That Holy Spirit you
received that chose your body has the temple is the one that
created the heaven and earth, that was the same Holy Ghost
moving in Genesis chapter one when the darkness was upon
the face of the earth, that was the same Spirit that say let their
be light, that same Spirit is in you now.

The Finished Work of Christ

The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead on the third
day is now in you, and that is what heaven define to be
righteousness, that is God coming down to have a right
standing with man, there is no sweet revelation and good news
higher than knowing that God is with you not because of what
you did right or did wrong, but because you are born by Him,
because of who you are to Him, you are His child. That is why
Paul said He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world,
because he that is in the world is a creature while he that is us
is the Creator of he that is in the world.

So the gift of righteousness is God having a right standing with

you, that is why the scripture say if God be for us who can be
against us.

NKJV, Romans 8:31

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who
can be against us?

The Scripture didn't say if you be for God or be with God, it is

God be with you. It is not about you choosing God, it is about
God choosing you, it is not about you loving God, it is about
God putting his love in us.

Romans 5:5
[5]And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know
how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy
Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Any love you claimed to have for God and it is not the Holy
Spirit that put it there is fake, it is selfish religious love and that
love is a filthy rag before God, if God want you to love Him,
He will not give it to you as commandment by telling you to
love him with all your heart, because no man can do that, what
God will do is that he will put his love in you and you
effortlessly loving God,that is why Paul said nothing can
separate us from the love of God.

Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?

Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or
nakedness, or peril, or sword?

He didn't say nothing can separate us from the love for Christ,
you better don't trust your love for Christ, it is love of Christ
that nothing can separate us from, not love for Christ.

Love of Christ is different from love for Christ. Love for Christ
is about your love towards Christ, but love of Christ is about
God's love towards you. That is, nothing can make God or
Christ to stop loving us. That is, that we are hungry doesn't
mean God doesn't love us, that we are tied down like animal to
be slaughtered doesn't mean God has stop loving us. This
understanding is what is missing in John the Baptist that make
him to say are you the Jesus or we should be expecting another
one. He was offended in God because he felt if God love him,
He will not allow him to face that situation. Is that not the way
many are getting offended at God? Thinking if God love them,
they can't be facing all they are facing.

The Finished Work of Christ

They have not come to the understanding of Paul that nothing

can separate us from the love of God, that is, nothing can
separate the love God have for us.

I love the way the message version explains the bible verse

Roman 8vs 34
35 Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge
between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not
trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not
homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even
the worst sins listed in Scripture:

He said do you think anyone can separate us and Christ love

for us ?

Not your love for Christ , it is Christ love for us. Your love
doesn't count in heaven, it is God's love for us that counts.

If God want us to love us, the Scripture say and the Holy Spirit
share God's love in our heart.

That is, if God want you to love him, he will put his love in
your heart.

Not you trying to love God, but you, manifesting the love GOD
as put in you.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen.
Hebrews 11:2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.

In verse 1 the Holy Spirit through the writer of Hebrew begin

to explain to us what faith is all about, and in verse 2 the bible
says by that faith men of old obtained good report, meaning if
faith is out of the equation none of them can have any good
report before God.

That is if God decides to judge them by law and not by faith,

none of them is qualified enough to obtained good report ,
because by the standard of the law , the wrong things you do
will disqualify you from obtaining any reports or rewards on
the good things you do.

James 2:10
[10]For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as
guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.( NLT)

If it is by the standards of the law, me and you know that none

including Abraham have a good report. But come to the lens of
faith, everything bad they did became silent while everything
good they did became loud, and under faith you see God saying
I found no iniquity in Jacob.

NKJV, Numbers 23:21

“He has not observed iniquity in Jacob,

The Finished Work of Christ

Nor has He seen wickedness in Israel.

The Lord his God is with him,
And the shout of a King is among them.

If I should view Jacob from the standard of the law, he can

never obtained good report, I personally can bring out ten
iniquity in Jacob, I can point out three wickedness in Jacob,
but God who doesn't see as man sees and judge as man judges
, God who sees with the lens of the gift of righteousness which
is righteousness by faith said I have not observed iniquity in

Under law, everything good you do becomes silent while

everything bad you do becomes loud. That is, even though you
did 99 percent good things, the 1 percent thing you did wrong
will be loud far more than the 99 percent good you have been
doing , and the one thing you didn't do right will disqualify you
from receiving the rewards of the 99 things you have done right

Look at the Scripture again

James 2:10
[10]For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as
guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.

Because in the standard of the law if you are guilty of one you
are guilty of all

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

So because men of the old were justified by faith, none of their

bad enter into the record of heaven, and that make them to
obtained God reports.

Imagine the book of Hebrews mentioning Samson as part of

those who obtained Good report.

NKJV, Hebrews 11:32

And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell
of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David
and Samuel and the prophets:

The church has never for once give any good report about

Look at the Scriptures very well, imagine God grouping

Samson with Samuel. You can see that many have lost the
pertain through which God want us to study the Scripture, to
you I may not be good enough, I may not have enough good
report before man but because I have been justified by faith,
you will be amazed at the good reports I have before God.

The Scripture that says Enoch have a testimony that he pleased

NKJV, Hebrews 11:5
By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death,
“and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before
he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

The Finished Work of Christ

Do you think it is by moral righteousness? The Scripture

already told us that by faith it is impossible to please God, that
is why the book of Hebrews begin to reveal to us now that it
was by faith enoch pleased God, not by doing anything good
or doing anything sacrificial or sanctimonious. Meaning, it is
by faith men of the old walked with God. Then I asked myself
what do men of the old know about faith that the devil has
blindfolded the mind of we in this generation not to see?

How can we be blind to their faith and be open to their

sacrifices, who did that to us?
God himself is pointing to us to learn from their faith and how
they use faith to manifest great supernatural but all we begin to
do is to be studying their sacrifices, studying their moral
righteousness, studying their good works and think that is what
we need to learn from them, you can see how people make
religion out of what is of no relevant in the corridor of heaven.

Then I now understand what the Scripture says about the god
of this world

NKJV, 2 Corinthians 4:4

whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not
believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who
is the image of God, should shine on them.

It blinded the mind of many not to believe the good news .

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Because he knows that BELIEVE is the key... it is those that

believe that receive.

I love the way NLT put it

2 Corinthians 4:4
[4]Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds
of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious
light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message
about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

Message of Grace is very simple to practice but hard to believe.

The message of the law is very simple to believe but hard to

practice ( in fact impossible to practice)
Why do men sit with it, when they know they are struggling
to do all that the law says, because if you keep 99 percent of
the law and offend in one, you are guity of all.( james 2:10)
James 2:10
[10]For the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as
guilty as a person who has broken all of God’s laws.

Why not renounce the law and come under grace, why not
shout as Paul did in Roman 6 that I am no longer under the law
but now under grace.

Why refusing to learn about the righteousness of God that

justify the ungodly by faith.

The Finished Work of Christ

NKJV, Romans 4:5

But to him who does not work but believes on Him who
justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness,

Look at the scripture very well, he didn't say God justify the
Godly, he justify the ungodly ( so do your worst with your self

Moral righteousness justify the godly and condemned the

ungodly, why the righteousness of God reject the godly and
justify the ungodly who believe.
It is as raw as this, if you teach the truth of the grace and love
of God for man, men will surely ask you, as they ask paul, that
should we now continue in sin and said grace will increases?(
romans 6:1)
Many men of God you see knows the truth of God's grace, but
the fear of thinking it will lead people to sin is what make them
to be quiet over it and begin to teach law. They fail to know
that it is law that make people to sin the more, because law is
the power of sin.

NKJV, 1 Corinthians 15:56

The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.
Pst Banjo why do you always attack law? It is because law is
the strength and power of sin, so attacking law is attacking the
power of sin. Grace message is the cure to sin, where sin
abound grace abound much more.

NKJV, Romans 5:20

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But
where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.

I so much love the way the message version put it.

Romans 5
20 All that passing laws against sin did was produce more
lawbreakers. But sin didn't, and doesn't, have a chance in
competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace.
When it's sin versus grace, grace wins hands down.

Look at the last statement, it say when it is sin versus grace,

grace win hands down. To you where sin abound, it should be
law that should abound much more, you can't be wiser than
God, it is where sin abound that grace abound much more.

What God said is that law came so that sin can increase, he
didn't say law came so that sin can die, but law came so that
sin can increase.

Look at the first statement of the romans 5vs 20 clearly

Romans 5:20
Moreover the law entered that sin might abound. But where sin
abounded, grace abounded much more,

You can by yourself see from the Scripture now that all this sin
and law preachers are the one making sin to increase but they
don't know, they thought they are fighting against sin and
attacking sin, they don't know they are the greatest tools in the
hand of the devil making sin abound.

The Finished Work of Christ



Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him,

for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He
is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Those who teach that life with God is not only a system of
grace and gift, that there are also rewards, this Hebrew 11:6
is one of the Scripture they used to justify their doctrinal error.

I have said it on many occasions that the word of God doesn't

contradict itself, it is men who read their mind to Scripture that
bring out contradicting matters out of the Scriptures saying the
same things( Scriptures only complement one another but it
doesn't contradict).

The best way to interpret Scriptures is to allow scripture to

interpret itself, that is what paul mean the Holy Spirit teaches
by comparing spiritual with spiritual

NKJV, 1 Corinthians 2:13

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom

teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual
things with spiritual.

You can see clearly the pattern through which Holy Ghost
teaches, it is an act of comparing Scripture with Scripture, this
is the best way not to enter into error, no Scripture is of private
interpretation, there are other Scriptures that will surely be
saying something about any Scripture you want to explain if
you truly know how to divide the word of the truth.

Now back to the bible test we decide to discuss which is

Hebrew 11:6

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him,

for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He
is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Whenever people want to attack grace message which make us

to understand that God has make all blessings to be free, and
received as gift by faith without paying any price or work for
it, Hebrew 11:6 is one God the Scripture, they quoted out of
wrong understanding to think what the scripture is saying is
that God is a rewarder of them that pay the price of seeking
God. What the scripture say clearly about his promised
blessings is that all blessings has been ordained to come by
faith and receive as grace .

NKJV, Romans 4:16

The Finished Work of Christ

Therefore ( the blessings of God) of faith that it might be

according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the
seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those
who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all

NKJV, Galatians 3:18

For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no longer of promise;
but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

If it is law, it will surely require a work and it will be given as

reward and not an inheritance, but once it is inheritance it
means your father work for it and give it to you as gift,
inheritance is a finished work of someone handed over to you
base on biological relationship.

Now let study one of the inheritance.

Psalms 2:7-8
[7]The king proclaims the lord’s decree:
“The lord said to me, ‘You are my son.
Today I have become your Father.
[8]Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance,
the whole earth as your possession.

Under the old covenant nations is given as reward of obedience

( Deuteronomy 28vs1) but under the new covenant what was
reward of obedience under the law has become inheritance for
the son( Psalm 2 vs7)

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

You can see how it can be dangerous to be picking Scripture in

isolation, without knowing how to divide the word of the truth,
do you know that some Christians still put themselves now
under the Deuteronomy 28:1 thinking the Scripture is talking
to them.

And you see them trying to obey all the laws of God so that
they can earn Gods blessing in Deuteronomy 28.
Then you may ask again, if the book old Deuteronomy 28 vs
1 is not talking about us under the grace why was it now written
in the bible? The answer is in Romans 3 vs 19.

NKJV, Romans 3:19

Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who
are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the
world may become guilty before God.

It says whatever the law is saying, it says it to those under the

law, and the purpose is not so that they can earn God's blessing
by it, but so that they can know they can never earn God's
blessing by it, ( read the Scriptures very well) it says so that all
men can be guity before God .

Look at the first part of the Scripture again and again.

NKJV, Romans 3:19

Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who
are under the law.

The Finished Work of Christ

Meaning, there are messages to those under the law and there
are message to those under grace. That is why if you are still
under the law i am not your teacher, because what God sent me
to teach is specially for those under the grace, and this is the
bad news for those under the law , till you die you can never
meet up with the condition of deuteronomy 28 vs 1, meaning
there is no hope that God will rise you above all nation in this
life by law, you can see why we come out of the law and begin
to claim God's word by faith alone base on the finished works
of christ.

Because this is the condition.

NKJV, Deuteronomy 28:1

“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of
the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments
which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set
you high above all nations of the earth.

Take note of the condition for the blessing very well ; TO


And the wickedness of the law is that , it is without mercy (

Hebrews10:28), if you observed 99 percent of the law, and
failed in one, you will be punished as someone who never obey
at all.

NKJV, James 2:10

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one
point, he is guilty of all.

You can see while you can never obtained God's blessing as
reward, no man on earth can deserve God's blessing, no man
can pay the price or meet the conditions for Gods blessing.

God that send Christ to pay the price for you so that you can
rest in his finished work, knows what he is doing. ( you can't
be wiser than God). So first deliver yourself from reward
mentality of trying to pleace God with your good deed,
thinking by it you will earn God's blessing as reward, if you
do that you will be offended in God, because it will look as if
God is partial, seen many who you think doesn't serve God the
way you do and God is blessing them more than you. Now
what is God now saying In Hebrews 11: 6 that he will reward
those that diligently seek him.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him,

for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He
is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

First take note, what God is saying he will reward in this

scripture is not those that serve him, he said to that seek him,
seeking God is different from serving God.

And seeking him is not a work, if God hid himself, seeking

him can be a work, but because God has make himself
available to be seen, therefore seeking him is not a work, in

The Finished Work of Christ

fact God is the one seeking for us, he is the one that come down
to us, and make himself Emmanuel for us.

To find God under the law, this is the condition

NKJV, Jeremiah 29:13
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me
with all your heart.

It must be with ALL YOUR HEART....... not 99 percent of

your heart, ( you can see how law can make your life

But to find God under the new covenant is not with all your
heart, it is not by seeking him, it is by grace .

Look at the Scripture

NKJV, Isaiah 65:1

“I was sought by those who did not ask for Me;
I was found by those who did not seek Me.
I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’
To a nation that was not called by My name.

That is, those who are trying all their best to seek God with all
their heart never found God, but God was now found by those
who did not seek for him.

I love the way the message version put it

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Isaiah 65
1 "I've made myself available to those who haven't bothered to
ask. I'm here, ready to be found by those who haven't bothered
to look. I kept saying 'I'm here, I'm right here' to a nation that
ignored me.

This is wisdom God has used to humble those who pride in

their works, sacrifice and price they paid, those who love to
boast in their reward, thinking God has blessed them because
they did something right. So under grace, seeking is not a work,
because God has make himself available for us even when
when we don't seek him.

Now the question if God has been found by those who are not
seeking him, why do God now decide to reward those seeking
him? It is because seeking God is no longer a work, then the
reward has become a grace, meaning the reward is not what
you earn it is now what is added, and that is the meaning of
what Jesus is saying in Matthew 6:33

NKJV, Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and
all these things shall be added to you.

That is when you seek God first , all things be added, meaning
reward is no longer what is earn, it is now what is added.

Meaning reward under grace has changed from what you earn
to what will be added, God reward us under grace, but our

The Finished Work of Christ

reward is not what is earned, it is what is added. Under law you

earn rewards because you work for it, but under grace rewards
are added.

Now what does it mean for something to be added? What is the

difference between when something is added and when
something is earn ?

Hebrews 11:6
[6]And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone
who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and
that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

I said it before that don't mistake the reward for seeking God
to be reward for serving God, seeking God is not serving God,
and Mathew 6 :33 show us clearly the reward of seeking God

NKJV, Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and
all these things shall be added to you.

What you see in Mathew 6:33 is not in any way a reward for
serving God, it is purely a reward for seeking God, I will show
you reason why many have been serving God for years and yet
nothing as been added, because they hold unto Mathew 6:33
when serving God thinking on the basis of their service every
other things will be added.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

I have said it that it is better not to know scripture than be

wrongly applying scripture, it will do more harm to your
destiny than good, it is better not to hold scripture in dealings
with the issue of life than holding scripture in error,you will
injure yourself, have you not seen men who rejected scripture
but apply natural principles of life and get results more than
those claiming to be applying scripture to reality of life, it is
just because they are holding scriptures in error, if scripture is
rightly applied, the results is always tremendous, peace, joy
and eternal security and one of the scripture many hold in
errors is this Mathew 6:33, to think seeking first the kingdom
mean serving first the kingdom, and you see them doing doing
evangelism, attending all church programs, becoming a
worker in their denomination and making their service to that
denomination a priority and they think that is what it mean to
seek first the kingdom, some even go into full time ministry
like us and think that is what it mean to seek first the kingdom.

Serving first the kingdom is different from seeking first the

kingdom. I have explained in the last page that the reward of
seeking God is not something you earn, it is something that is
added, because seeking God doesn't require any work or labour
all else you want to make religion out of it.

God has make himself available to be found, and he was found

by those who are not seeking for him( Isaiah 65:1) and not
those who are trying to seek him with all their heart ( Jeremiah

The Finished Work of Christ

Because no body can fulfil the condition for finding God

mentioned in Jeremiah 29:13, but we saw Christ coming to
fulfil it for our sake and whosoever that believe in him will be
found by God, this is how to leverage on the finished work of
Christ to get the blessing of the law without fulfilling the
condition of the law.

So Mathew 6:33 is not in anyway talking about serving first

the kingdom of God, you can be serving first the kingdom of
God and not seek first the kingdom of God. The servant and
service mentality is what make us to be having a mindset of
serving God to receive the reward of service, truly there is a
reward of service but God doesn't designed our life to depend
on it. Just imagine yourself been a rich father and you claim
until your son whom you love serve you like other servants in
your company before you can pay him wages or salary as other
servant, then you are a wicked father.

What the scripture told us about the quality of a good father is

that he leaves inheritance for his children and children's

Proverbs 13:22a.... A good man leaves an inheritance to his

children’s children,

The scripture didn't say a good father demand service from his
children before blessing them, then if you know God as your
father, please deliver yourself from servants mentality. Truly

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

there are reward for service but God doesn't designed your life
to depend on it.

It is the life of the servant that depends on the reward of service

not the life of a son, for son, their life depends on inheritance,
not that they die with inheritance without doing anything, but
they begin their life with inheritance, they work with
inheritance, inheritance is their starting point. They started
from where their father finished, they leverage on the finished
work of their father but where Christ finished is where we are
to start from.

Christ finished all at resurrection, while our life began at

resurrection. Many struggle because they don't know that the
finished work of Christ is their starting point, that is why they
can't just comprehend it when God says we are more than
conqueror. That is, we are not the conqueror, Christ is the
conqueror, Christ is the one strong and mighty in battle, me I
am only strong and mighty in enjoying the victory of the battle
won by Christ, but because many doesn't know we are to start
from the finished work of Christ, you still see them fighting
battles of life as if Christ has not destroyed the principalities
and put them in a public shame for us.

Colossians 2:15
[15]In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities.
He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.

The Finished Work of Christ

Then you ask why are Christians still receiving demonic

attacks ?

The answer is in Ephesians 6 vs 16

Ephesians 6:16
above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able
to quench all the fiery arrows of the wicked one.

God told them to hold faith to quench all arrows, they are
holding fasting and prayer to quench arrows, and you see them
even receiving arrows on Prayer Mountains.

Look at the scripture very well, the scripture didn't say to

quench some arrows of the wicked one, but to quench ALL
ARROWS, meaning there is no arrow that faith can't quench,
(there is something about this faith of a thing that devil doesn't
want the church to know).

He want to keep them busy, they don't know resting is our


Hebrews 4:10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also
ceased from his works as God did from His.

And how can you enter your rest ? see vs 3

NKJV, Hebrews 4:3

For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said:

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

“So I swore in My wrath,

‘They shall not enter My rest,’”
although the works were finished from the foundation of the

Why did God swear than they will not enter their rest ? The
answer is in Hebrew :3:8

NKJV, Hebrews 3:18

And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest,
but to those who did not obey?

The scripture says because they didn't obey, God sworn that
they will not enter his rest .

The question again is what obedience did God demand from

them? Obeying the law? Capital no, don't fornicate or dont lie?
Capital no.

Then what was the obedience God demanded from them? The
answer is in verse 19

Hebrews 3:18 And to whom did He swear that they would not
enter His rest, but to those who did not obey?
Hebrews 3:19 So we see that they could not enter in because
of unbelief.

Unbelief is the sin they committed, they died in the wilderness

because of unbelief, that is why the book of john also begins to

The Finished Work of Christ

show us that when the Holy Spirit come will intentionally

convict the world of their sin which is unbelief.

John 16:8 And when He has come, He will convict the world
of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
John 16:9 of sin, because they do not believe in Me;

See the message version.

John 16(MSG)
8 "When he comes, he'll expose the error of the godless world's
view of sin, righteousness, and judgment:

9 He'll show them that their refusal to believe in me is their

basic sin;

Unbelief is the greatest disobedience, just believe in Christ and

what he has done for you as all that is enough to be blessed by
God is the greatest obedience. Someone said, but love God and
your neighbor is the greatest commandment? yes sir, greatest
commandments is different from greatest obedience, love is the
greatest commandment, but faith is the greatest and only
obedience, without faith it is impossible to please God, it is
those that believe that God count as those that love him.

All is by faith, to receive from God is by faith, to reject the

arrow of the devil is by faith. Devil will want you to know
everything but not faith, that was why Jesus said if I am coming
back will I meet faith on earth?

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

He didn't say will I meet prayer on earth? as important as love

is, he didn't say will I meet love on earth? his concern is faith,
because he know the target of the devil is faith.

Ask a religious man who lack the knowledge of the scripture

that what is the key to quench the arrows of the enemy? He will
tell you that you must be on fire, pray in tongues for at least
5hours daily, do vigil three times a week, when the scripture
just say hold the shield of faith to quench the arrow of the
wicked one.

You see them singing this song birthed from the womb of
OF ME...

When the scripture says if God be for you who can be against

Back to the point....

If seeking first the kingdom is different from serving first the
kingdom, then what does it mean to seek first the kingdom ?.

We established a doctrinal point in the last page that seeking

first the kingdom of God is different from serving first the
kingdom of God.

The Finished Work of Christ

And the scripture shows us clearly two things to seek in that

Mathew 6:33 and he said the first is the kingdom and the
second is His righteousness

NKJV, Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and
all these things shall be added to you.

And looking at this scripture, you will discover that the

kingdom is a person because the scripture didn't say seek first
the kingdom and ITS righteousness but he said seek first the
kingdom and HIS righteousness. If it is about ITS
righteousness, then we say the kingdom is about a place,
location or realm in the heavenly places and we will also say
the righteousness is about law, and moral and spiritual
principles that guides the kingdom,but because it is about HIS
righteousness that makes us to know that the kingdom is not
about location, it is about person, and the person is Christ that
also make us to know that his righteousness is the
righteousness of God Paul was talking about in Romans 10 vs

NKJV, Romans 10:3

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to
establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the
righteousness of God.

I love the way NLT put it

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Romans 10:3
[3]For they don’t understand God’s way of making people
right with himself. Refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to
their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the

So His righteousness that Mathew 6:33 is talking about, is

God's way of making people right with himself, that is seek
first to know God's way of making people right with himself,
which is by faith. So to seek first the kingdom is to seek first
Christ and the book of Hebrews now says God is a rewarder of
them that seek him (Christ), because you don't seek God by
seeking the invisible God in the spirit world, you can never
find God that way because he did not make himself available
to be found that way. You seek God by seeking Christ, because
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God, God wants you
to see him that is why he made himself available as Christ.

God is a Spirit, and He is invisible, but when he makes himself

Christ, he becomes visible and the second thing you are to seek
is HIS righteousness. This righteousness is not principle of the
kingdom as many do teach. This righteousness is His
righteousness. That is, the righteousness of God.

The scripture didn't say its righteousness, if it is its

righteousness then we will talk principles, but the scripture
says his righteousness, that is God's righteousness, God's right
way of doing things. His righteousness is not the right way he

The Finished Work of Christ

wants you to do things, but his right way he has chosen to do

his things.

Many of us feels what we need to learn is how he wants us to

do his things, but we fail to know that all we need to learn is
how he has chosen to do his things. It is by beholding how he
has done his things, for us that we effortlessly know how he
wants us to do his things, and if you can patiently learn how he
has done his thing, you will know that you have nothing to do
for him, because Christ has done all things. All you need is to

Some came to Jesus to ask that what shall we do to do the work

of God? Jesus told them, just believe.

John 6:28-29
[28]They replied, “We want to perform God’s works, too.
What should we do?”
[29]Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from
you: Believe in the one he has sent.”

Look at verse 29 of the scripture very well, Jesus said this is

the only work God wants you to do, just believe in whom he
has sent. I know you like to do something, you like to pay price
and sacrifice, but Jesus said as far as God is concerned, to
believe in Jesus is the only work he wants for his children (Kai!
Grace is sweet) And every of his blessing will come into your
life just because you believe.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Romans 5:1
[1]Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by
faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ
our Lord has done for us.

Our peace with God is base on the finished work of Christ .

Galatians 3:9
[9]So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing
Abraham received because of his faith.

Not all who work for God, not who pay the sacrifice of serving
God, but those who just put their faith in Christ, the scripture
say they share the same blessing Abraham received because of
his faith.

So seeking first the Kingdom is seeking first to know Christ,

seeking first his righteousness is seeking to know more of his
righteousness and as you are seeking to know him and his
righteousness, every other thing will be added

So seeking is not serving, seeking is learning, you are not

seeking to find him, he has been found by you. The only people
who have not found God are those who are not saved.

Salvation is a result of an encounter with him. So you are not

seeking him to find him, you are seeking him to know him.

The Finished Work of Christ

You don't count everything as loss to serve him, you are to

count everything as loss to know him.

Another scripture that shows us how to seek first the kingdom

and his righteousness is Philipians 3 vs 8 where Paul says I
count every things as loss that I may know him, not that I may
serve him, but that I may know him.

What Martha is doing is what many count to be seeking first

the kingdom of God. They feel it is about spiritual service,
doing something for God sacrifiallly.

But what Mary was doing is what it means to seek first the
kingdom of God, just sit down with him and be learning him
that is what it means to seek first the kingdom.

Luke 10:41-42
[41]But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried
and upset over all these details!
[42]There is only one thing worth being concerned about.
Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

If you understand verse 42 you will understand what it mean

to seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, Jesus said
there is just only one things that worth been concern about and
he said Mary has discovered it

What is that things mary discovered?

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Luke 10:39
[39]Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he

This is the most important things as far has heaven and earth is
concerns, it is when you do what mary was doing First that
every other things will be added. Now, the question is what is
the connection between seeking him to know him and every
other things been added. How does knowledge about him lead
to every other things?
We established a point, that seeking first the kingdom is
learning first Christ and his righteousness and upon this, the
scripture says every other things will be added,then we begin
to ask what is the connection between seeking to know christ
first and every other thing been added, how does the
knowledge of Christ lead to every other thing getting added to
you and for you?

The answer is in 2nd Peter 2:1.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the

knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,

*He said peace and grace be multiplied unto you through the
knowledge of Christ,*
Meaning, it is grace that make every other thing to be added
unto you. That is, it is when grace enter into you that the grace
becomes magnetic force attracting everything to your life.

The Finished Work of Christ

That is why the scripture says surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me, when the grace of God is missing in your life,you
seek after goodness and mercy, you run after goodness and
mercy, you see your self looking for mountain of mercy to pray
to God of mercy but when the grace of God is upon you, it
becomes a magnet drawing favour, goodness and mercy to you
and the scripture now says, this grace and peace is designed to
flow into your life through the knowledge of God and the
knowledge of Christ.

Pay attention to the scripture very well, the scripture is showing

us how it comes from God. The knowledge of how grace come
to you is different from the knowledge of how to receive grace,
it is by faith you receive grace but it is by knowledge the grace

Knowledge of christ is like pipe water, like water coming from

the well, but passing through the pipe to you and this scripture
specially told us specific knowledge that become channel
through which grace flow to you, and he said the knowledge of
God and the knowledge of Christ.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the

knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,

Not the knowledge of spiritual realm, not the knowledge of

angels, not the knowledge of sins, not the knowledge of
holiness and righteousness, not that those knowledge are not
good, but they are not the recommended knowledge through

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

which grace flow into us. Grace be multiply through the

knowledge of God and that God is Christ.

If you have faith to receive grace and you do not have men who
will teach you grace, teach you God and teach you Christ, you
will not see the grace in your life, because you only have the
currency to buy grace which is faith, but you are not yet
positioned in the channel through which the grace will come.

You are like someone who have the money to get a certain
product available in another country, but there is no means
through which the product will come to him from another

Grace is a product of heaven, it is a product of another country,

faith is the currency to buy grace in that country, now you have
pay for the grace by faith, how can the grace get to you?

And the scripture says it is through the knowledge of Christ

and the knowledge of God.

You can see what Mary was doing when Jesus said he has
chosen the greatest thing, and no man can take it away from

Luke 10:42
[42]There is only one thing worth being concerned about.
Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

The Finished Work of Christ

Meaning there is something she received as she sat to listen to

Jesus, grace is been released into her from Jesus and one thing
about grace is that it is without repentance,once you have it no
man can take it away from you.

Once the grace of good marriage, grace of peace of mind in

life, grace of joy, grace of prosperity enter into you, nothing
can take it way from you.

That is the major advantage of grace, you can get what grace
give through other means, but the disadvantage of it, is that it
doesn't have eternal security.

It is only what grace give to you that have eternal security, if

grace give you salvation you can't loose it, because the grace
that give you will keep it in you for you.

Jude 1:24
[24]Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling
away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious
presence without a single fault.

John 10:27-29
[27]My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow
[28]I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one
can snatch them away from me,

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

[29]for my Father has given them to me, and he is more

powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the
Father’s hand.

Meaning because it is my father that given them to me, no one

can snatch them away, but if it is not God the father than give
you to Jesus, you can surely lost your salvation.

If you work for your salvation yourself, if men give you

salvation, and you got saved by much persuasion and fear of
hell, you can loose the salvation, if you don't receive your
salvation by gift you can lost, because any Gods gift is without

When God give you anything he doesn't take away, the power
he gave to devil , he never take it away from him, how will you
now say God take his grace away from you because you
commit sin, it mean what you receive is not grace .

how wish there is gift of salvation in heaven before satan fell,

and he received salvation before fell, he can never loose it, any
things you receive as gift from God can't be lost....

If the grace that bring salvation appear to you and you received
it, you can never loose it, because the same grace will begin to
teach you how to deny ungodliness.

If the grace that bring prosperity appear to you and you

received it by faith, the devil that will make you poor again

The Finished Work of Christ

doesn't exist because you have just encountered the blessing of

the lord that make one rich without adding sorrow to it.

Let me show you how salvation come and how you receive it
so as to see how you are to receive all blessings.

The scripture says the grace that bring salvation appear to all
man, but do you know that even through the grace for salvation
is available many are not yet saved.

It is because the channel through which the grace of salvation

will come to them is not available, someone must preach about
Christ to them and how Christ saved them from sin, they must
know Christ, and once they believe the knowledge they receive
about christ then salvation enter into them. If they don't believe
the knowledge, then the grace of salvation will not enter into
them. This is the same way grace of prosperity, grace for
healing and grace for anything come into us.

It is by teaching about Christ and what he has done for us

regarding that area you need grace and as you believe it then
grace for that thing you need enter into you.

If you are taught that Christ became poor so that through his
poverty you might be rich, and you receive the knowledge and
believe it, the grace of riches will enter into you. All you will
notice is that the grace will begin to open doors of opportunity
for you, doors of connection for you, doors of Job or business
for you, you see yourself finding favour before men.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

For those that need healing, this is also how it is added, just be
learning Christ and you see the grace of healing resting upon
you. Many have been reading Mathew 6:33 but never know
how it work. It is not about just working for God and be waiting
for miracles to come from heaven and meet your needs as
reward for service

It is about learning Christ and through that knowledge, you

receive grace that make your life to be attracted to everything.
*Get this, we are designed by God to be a magnetic force to
things of life.*

If you are the one running after things of life, you have missed
the divine patterns, you have missed the grace.The pattern is
that things of life become an objective force running after you.
The fact is that you need the things of life, Jesus said your
father know you are in need of them.

Matthew 6:31-32
[31]“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we
eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’
[32]These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but
your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.

It is not carnality to admit you need the things of this life,

because your heavenly father know you are in need of them.
It become carnality to allow your need for them lead to the

The Finished Work of Christ

pursuit of them. We are not designed to seek them as the

gentiles do.

The scripture didn't say you should not seek them, but you are
not to seek them as the gentiles do. So how do we seek them,
we seek them by seeking for grace that will make our life
become a magnetic force attracting them and how do we
receive the grace, it is through the knowledge of Christ and the
knowledge of God.
Grace doesn't come by prayer, prayer is just an
acknowledgment that you need it, faith is the key to receive it
why the knowledge of Christ is the channel through which it
come to you. So every other things design to be added is a
reward for knowing christ not a reward for serving Christ.
Those that know their God shall be strong and they shall do
exploit, because the knowledge will bring grace into them and
by the grace they will surely do exploit.

The reward of knowing God is different from the reward of

serving God. What God ordained as reward for knowing him
is what many are teaching as reward for serving God, because
they don't know their inheritance in christ , they don't know
God as their Father. They only know him as their Master
which they must work for to bless them.

Now what is the difference between the reward for knowing

God and the reward for serving God. We established it, that the
reward of knowing God is different from the reward of serving

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

What God ordained as reward for knowing him is what many

are teaching as reward for serving God, because they don't
know their inheritance in Christ, they don't know God as their
Father. They only know him as their Master which they must
work for to bless them and everything they are now teaching
as reward for knowing him become what they are teaching as
reward for serving God.

What God said is that , that the blessing of Abraham might be

to them that believe.

Galatians 3:9
[9]So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing
Abraham received because of his faith.

Not the blessing of Abraham might be to them that serve God,

Abraham didn't do any work for God, God didn't give Abraham
any assignment, Abraham didn't have any ministry, and yet
God blessed him. Then I asked you, on what basis did God
bless Abraham? That is the same basis that will qualify you for
God's blessing, just believe in christ and his finished work.

Just as Adam fell from glory so also the children of Israelites

fell from grace when they received the law.

Galatians 5:4

The Finished Work of Christ

[4]For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by

keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have
fallen away from God’s grace.

You can see how many Christians are falling from grace today,
some felt it is sin that make men fall from grace, men fall from
grace in an attempt to be righteousness before God by keeping
the law. The plan of God for the Israelite was that through
Abraham the family of the earth shall be bless but they prefer
to be bless through the law.

They want to earn their blessings, they want to work for it,
they want to pay the price for it and such mentality and mindset
make them to fall from grace but now that we have been
restored back to grace, let your mentality change, you are now
a son.

The knowledge of how a son receive blessing from his father

is what you need to be begin to learn not how a servant receive
blessing from his master.

For servant, they are blessed because they work for their
master, and their blessings are rewards, why for son they are
blessed because they are born by their father and their blessing
are inheritance and entitlement, you are responsible for taking
care of your children because you are their Father.

If you are rich and your children are seens are those who are
not well taken care of, the society will not see them as

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

irresponsible children, society will see you as inresponsible

Wrong use of your resources in their life will only make society
to see them as inresponsible children but lack of your resources
and riches in them make society to see you as inresponsible
So because God has his own name to protect, he bless you for
his name sake, not because you did anything right, but for his
name sake, and he told us that whenever we want to ask him
anything we should ask for his name sake.

But religion didn't make many Christian to understand this,

they begin to religiously mentioned the Name of Jesus three
times before prayer and begin to ask God for blessing for their
tithing sake, you see them saying God you know I am a
tither;;;; they come in the name of their tithing, in the name of
their good deed, they don't understand the way of sonship.

For servant, it is who you serve and what you do that

determines your blessing, but for sons, it is who you know that
determines your blessings, that is, it is not by merit, it is by
connection ( it is by who you sabi not what you sabi) and if you
sabi jesus, by faith you receive abrahamic blessings.

NKJV, Galatians 3:7

Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of

NKJV, Galatians 3:9

The Finished Work of Christ

So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing


NKJV, Galatians 3:29

And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs
according to the promise.

Success in life is not about what you know it is about who you
know, same to the protocol of heaven, you just need to know
Christ to receive anything from the realm of God.

So the blessing of the Lord comes to you base on who you

know, many are busy with what they need to know, rather than
busy with who they need to know

Grace does not multiply by what you know, it multiply by who

you know, it say through the knowledge of christ and of Goď

NKJV, 2 Peter 1:2

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God
and of Jesus our Lord,

Sir, you need to know someone, (kingdom of heaven is about

who you sabi not what you sabi, it is about connection not by

So the blessing of the lord came to you base on who you know,
it become because you know God has your father, what you
now do with the blessing determines your reward for service.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

In this kingdom, you dont work for God to be blessed as a son,

you are working for God because you are blessed , it is with
God's blessing that you serve God.

I have said it on many occasions that the biological sons of

Daddy bishop David Oyedepo are not working in Living Faith
to be blessed, they are working in living faith as a blessed son,
they are different from others full time pastors in the ministry.
If the sons of daddy oyedepo decide to quite pastoring in living
faith and go into fashion business that will not stop their father
from blessing them, but let some full time pastor quite
pastoring in living faith, they stop been receiving blessing from
the ministry, because they are servant in the ministry, and
their blessing is tied to their service for the ministry.

Same to children of God, the same mentality the children of

Bishops Bishops oyedepo carried with their father is the same
mentality you should have about God. God is your father,when
God want the Israelites to serve him, he first deliver them from
the land of slavery and say to pharaoh let my people go, so that
they can serve me.

Exodus 9:13
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Rise early in the morning and
stand before Pharaoh, and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord God
of the Hebrews: “Let My people go, that they may serve Me,

But it is unfortunate today now that many are serving God so

that he can deliver them from poverty, ( you can see wrong

The Finished Work of Christ

mindset). Religion make you to be working in your fathers

house like slave.

For servants their life is tied to the reward of service, but for
son their life is tied to their inheritance from their
father.Servant becomes miserable if they don't work and serve,
while son becomes miserable if they dont receive their
inheritance. So if you are miserable and poor as a son of God,
it is not because you are not hardworking, it is because you
have not received your inheritance.

And how do you receive your inheritance? The answer is in act

20 vs 32

NKJV, The Acts 20:32

“So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of
His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an
inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

And on every occasion God is committing you to the message

of grace by bringing grace message and grace preachers your
way who can build you with grace messaga, and lead you to
your inheritance amongst the saint but you are the first to attack
grace message. You are attacking what Gods has ordained to
build you.

You are the first to write on social media that "Beware of all
this grace preacher." You can never be built by God's standards
until you encounter grace message and grace preacher.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

You will only be built religiously and never be built spiritually

until you encounter the message of grace , because the only
recommended message designed to build you and give you
inheritance is grace message. You can see why devil will do
everything to close your heart to this message of grace. He will
want you to carry slave mentality working for God and be
expecting God to reward your labour in the kingdom because
to you your life depends on it.

Son's don't work for blessing, they work with blessing, what
they receive as reward for working is what come to them for
be a blessing to life. So they do what they love to do, not what
they need to do.

For the servant, they do what they need to , servant doesn't

love what they are doing, they just have to do it because they
need to do it to survive, but for the son, they dont do what they
need to do, they do what they love to do and they are blessed
again for doing what they love to do.

Once you are a son, God will surely bless you, the blessing of
God to you is not a reward, it is an inheritance, the blessings
of men to you is what is a reward, and the reward comes by
using God's blessing in you to bless others.

That is how we work in this Kingdom, God deposits a measure

of his blessing in us, and as we use the blessing to bless life,
men bless us back, so the blessing of man to us is our reward,
while the blessing of God to us is our inheritance.

The Finished Work of Christ

So, we don’t receive God's blessing for serving God, we

receive God's blessing for knowing God while we receive
reward from men as gain for using God's blessing in us to bless

Any blessing that comes from God through Christ to you is not
earn, and it can never be earn, it is a product of the finished
work of Christ, but any blessing that comes from God through
men to you can be earned.

You earn it by using God's free grace and gift in you to serve,
and what God defines to be service is an act of using his
blessing in you to bless others, ( if it is not in this format God
doesn't recognize your so called labour for the kingdom). And
any blessing from God through Christ to you is not a blessing
you receive with your hand it is a blessing you receive with
your heart, it is called spiritual blessing and this spiritual
blessing is called grace, it is what become a magnetic force in
you attracting men, opportunity, contract, connection to you
and how you use this God's blessing determines your reward.

We come to the end of this book.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka


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