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The Glory of the Son


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Copyright ©2023 Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Time To eat Ministry

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Introduction ......................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................... 18
THE GLORY OF THE SERVANT ......................................................... 18
CHAPTER TWO................................................................................... 38
THE MESSAGE FOR THE SONS .......................................................... 38
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................... 58
THE GRACE FOR THE SONS ............................................................... 58
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................. 84
BEHOLDING THE GLORY .................................................................... 84
CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................ 112
THE BENEFITS OF BEHOLDING ..................................................... 112
CHAPTER SIX ................................................................................... 134
THE CHANNEL OF BEHOLDING ...................................................... 134
CHAPTER SEVEN ............................................................................. 156
THE VEIL ................................................................................................ 156
CHAPTER EIGHT ............................................................................. 178
THE PATHWAY TO THE GLORY ..................................................... 178
CHAPTER NINE ............................................................................... 224
UNVEILING THE GLORY .................................................................... 224

The Glory of the Son

Pastor Banjo Ayeka


John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

The first thing I want you to take note in this scripture is

that it began by showing us the glory of the Son and the
scripture says that glory is full of grace and truth. If grace
means blessing we don't deserve, if grace means blessing
we can't pay price to get, if grace mean blessing we cannot
earn, it means the glory of Christ is full of blessings we
don't deserve, the glory is full of blessing we cannot earn,
the Glory of the Son is full of spiritual blessings we can't
pay the price and sacrifice to attain but which God has
freely made available for us (Ephesians 1:3). And the
scripture move further to begin to show us again that the
glory is not only full of grace, but the glory is full of grace
and truth. Let me show us the correlation between grace
and truth, the grace is like a product while the truth is like
the currency to buy the product, it is like saying the life of
someone is full of valuable properties and money, the
properties is the product while the money is the currency
he used to buy the product, same to grace and truth.

The Glory of the Son

Many have mistaken this truth to be law, you see them

saying the scripture didn't only talk about grace but the
scripture also talk about truth. You now begin to see them
teaching the law with all zeal and anger and they call it the

Now let us go to the scripture to understand the difference

between the law and the truth

NKJV, John 1:17

For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth
came through Jesus Christ.

The scripture says law came through Moses while grace

and truth came through Christ, meaning the law is not the
truth, because this scripture is showing us clearly now that
there are differences between the law and the truth and
how they came to differ. The bible didn't say grace and law
came through Jesus, but grace and truth came through
Christ. Meaning, the law is different from the truth. The
law is not the truth and the truth is not the law. Many have
been preaching the law and they call it the truth. Some will
say we need to balance the law and grace. Sir, you can't
balance the law and grace, you cannot put an old wine in
new bottle, old things is ordain to pass way and everything
is designed to become new. Grace and Truth is what God
ordain and designed to go together and not Grace and law,
so don’t mistake the law to be the truth and don't mistake

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

the truth to be the law, because the scripture didn't, don't

try to balance what scripture didn't balance, dont bring
together what the scripture has separated.

Now the question is what is the truth and what is the law?

The law is the old condition for obtaining God's blessing,

it is the old condition for pleasing God, the old condition
for justification, the old condition for gaining God's
acceptance and since no man could obtain God's blessing
by it, since no man could gain God's acceptance by it, since
no man could please God by it, someone now came and
fulfilled the law that came through Moses for our sake and
make all the promises to become grace and the new
condition for obtaining God's promise is called the truth.

The law is the old condition for obtaining Gods promised

blessing, the truth is the new condition for obtaining Gods
promises and that new conditions is faith. So the old
condition (law) came through Moses and the new
condition (faith) which is the truth came through Jesus.

The law put you in bondage while the truth set you free.
The scripture say you shall know the TRUTH and the truth
shall make you free, not you shall know the LAW and the
law shall set you free, law cage you while truth sets you

The Glory of the Son

Everyone that Jesus sets free in the scripture either from

sickness, from sin, etc., what was the simple truth that
Jesus said to them as the condition to obtained their
healing and saving blessing? he said just believe
(Everything is possible to them that believe, not to them
that pay the price). That is faith is the truth that comes
through Jesus, and that faith is what set every man free, we
all receive salvation by faith, and everything we are going
to receive in life will be by faith alone because every
blessing has become grace, and it can only he received by
faith, that is why the scripture say in Romans 4:16, now it
is of faith, that it might be according to grace, so that the
promised blessing can be sure for all the seed.

NKJV, Romans 4:16

Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace,

so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only
to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of
the faith of Abraham,who is the father of us all.

Meaning, if you don't show people that the promised

blessing of open heaven is now of faith and not of tithing,
it will not be sure to all seed, you can see that those
preaching tithing as key to open heaven are the one closing

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

the heaven over people by their teachings. You can see the
difference between the truth and the law, the law always
tell you what you must do to earn and deserve blessing,
but truth tells you what Christ has done to make the
blessing available for you free, that is why the blessing is
called underserved blessing, meaning you cannot deserve
it. When Jesus begin to give us the character of the truth,
he said you shall know the truth, not you shall do the truth.

John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free.

The truth is not something you do, the truth is not

something you practice, you practice the law and do the
law but for the truth, it is something you know.

You shall KNOW the truth and the truth shall set you free.
If you know the law you only put yourself in bondage,
because the knowledge of the law is the power of sin.

1 Corinthians 15:56

[56]For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law
gives sin its power.

Any message that points you to what you should do as the

condition to earn the blessings of God is the law while any

The Glory of the Son

message that points you to what Christ has done as the

conditions to receive the blessings of God, that is the truth.
Any man of God that point you to what you must do to
earn Gods blessing is telling you the law while any man of
God that point you to what Christ has done as the only
condition to earn Gods blessing is telling you the truth.
The law says you should pay the price and sacrifice to
receive the blessing, the truth says Christ has paid the price
and sacrifice to receive the blessing.

The law says you must pay the price and sacrifice to walk
in power, but the truth says freely you receive, freely you
must give.

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the
dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely

The law said by your obedience you shall be made

righteous, the truth said by one man disobedient we were
made sinner, while by one man's obedience which is Christ
many will be made righteous.

NKJV, Romans 5:19

For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners,

so also by one Mans obedience many will be made

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The law tells you that without obedience to the law it is

impossible to please God, but the truth say without faith it
is impossible to please God.

Hebrews 11:6

[6]And it is impossible to please God without faith.

So the teaching of faith as the only condition to receive

from God on any matter is the truth.

Galatians 2:16

[16]Yet we know that a person is made right with God by

faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law. And we have
believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right
with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we
have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right
with God by obeying the law.

You can see the difference between what came through

Moses and what came through Christ. The law tells you to
fast and he tell you the fasting is to go without food for
days but the truth also tells you to fast, but the truth tells
you the fasting that God has chosen.

Isaiah 58:6 Is this not the fast that I have chosen:To loose
the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens,To
let the oppressed go free,And that you break every yoke?

The Glory of the Son

Isaiah 58:7 Is it not to share your bread with the

hungry,And that you bring to your house the poor who are
cast out;When you see the naked, that you cover him,And
not hide yourself from your own flesh?

Verse 5 show us the fasting God has not chooses, which

many denominations in the body of Christ are still
ignorantly doing till today, which is the act of afflicting
your soul and body with hunger, going without food for
days, God said he didn't choose that fasting, your body is
a temple of God, God wants you to eat well with the body
so that the body can be useful for God. Each time you
suffer your body, your new spirit can't be happy with you,
because the comfort of your body is the strength of your
spirit (which religion has taught you opposite) you can't
enjoy fellowship with God, enjoy studying spiritual things
if your body is not comfortable, that is why Benny Hinn
will tell you that he must eat something in the morning
before his devotion, because he needed his body to be
comfortable to enjoy sweet fellowship with the Holy

Do you know the reason why people died of sickness? It

is because when a body has suffer pains so much, the spirit
of that person will no longer be comfortable in that body
and you see the spirit moving out, and we called it death
in the physical (death is just departure of spirit from a body
because the spirit is no longer comfortable in that body)

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

that is why sickness is a key of death in the hand of the

devil, he know that is the greatest things that bring
discomfort to the body. Yet religion has told you to suffer
your body so as to receive power. Truly God want us to
fast, but kindly go back to scripture to see the fasting God
has chosen.

Isaiah 58: 6 now begin to show us the fasting God has

chosen, but the religion that make themselves the body of
Christ will never do verse 6 to 8.

We have a problem of not submitting to the righteousness

of God in the body of Christ, so we love to establish our
own righteousness (Romans 10:3) and that is what lead us
to all this suffering of the body with food we called fasting,
God created food to be a fuel to the body, it is just like
saying you want to suffer your car with fuel so that the
engine can be strong, you can see foolishness.

Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of Gods

righteousness, and seeking to establish their own
righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of

Meaning the fasting that the law is telling you to do that

we know in the body of Christ, God is not aware of it, they
are product of man-made righteousness, because some
Fathers of faith are used to it, we felt it is scriptural, God
didn't choose it, you can see while many are developing

The Glory of the Son

ulcers all in the name of fasting due to lack of knowledge,

because religion only choose that fasting for you not God,
that is why every religions do it, including Muslims.

Truly Jesus told his disciple that they don't need to fast
when he was with them, but when the bride shall be taken
away from them they shall fast, because Holy Spirit will
come and show them the fasting that God has chosen and
the fasting is the one we saw in the book of Isaiah 58:6,
and we saw the apostle practicing the fasting in book of
act by sharing all they have in common, have you ever
seen the apostles going for any 7 days fasting. Have you
ever see Jesus fasting food? The 40 days he did in Luke 4
wasn't a fasting, study the scripture very well.

Luke 4:1

Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned

from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the

Luke 4:2 being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in
those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had
ended, He was hungry.

The scripture didn't say being 40 days fasted, what the

scripture says is that being 40 days tempted, meaning
Jesus was tempted for 40 days and in those 40 days he eat
nothing, not that he was fasting for 40 days. Where the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

spirit of God lead him to for 40 days was wilderness, and

there was no food in wilderness, that was while the
Israelites only survived with manna when they went
through the wilderness, so Jesus didn't eat for 40 days
simply because there was no food to eat, not because Jesus
was fasting.

Do you ever see any scripture again that shows us Jesus

fasted food? The fasting Jesus did for the three and half
years ministry was the one God recommended in Isaiah 58
vs. 6, feeding the poor is the fasting, setting the oppress
free is the fasting

Isaiah 58:6-7

[6]No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who

are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who
work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the
chains that bind people.

[7]Share your food with the hungry,and give shelter to the

homeless. Give clothes to those who need them,and do not
hide from relatives who need your help.

Truly there are days Jesus didn't eat because he was busy
not that he was fasting. Moses didn't go to 40 days fasting,
Moses was invited by God into a realm where his mortality
was swallowed up by immortality and when he came back

The Glory of the Son

from the journey, he didn't came back with power, he

came back with laws, because Moses has effortlessly been
operating in power without paying any price and sacrifice
before he went for 40 day journey into immortal realm.
Same to Elijah, he journey on 40 day by the food of the
spirit, he was feed by Angel, he wasn't the one that chose
to go on that journey, it was an invitation, and it wasn't the
40 day journey that produce power for him, he has been
operating in power before the 40 days. Ordination is the
only key that determines the dimensions of power you
manifest and not fasting, not sacrifice you paid, if God
didn't call you into any assignment that require healing the
sick, if you fast for 200000 days you will not receive any
single power.

Same to Daniel, he never go on 21 days without food, he

was eating big time, what the scripture says is that he was
eating unpleasant food, but he was feeding his body very

Daniel 10:2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three

full weeks.

Daniel 10:3 I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came

into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three
whole weeks were fulfilled.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

But religion that came to kill and destroy will want you to
destroy your health and body system all in the name of
fasting because you want power. Fasting in the Old
Testament was for mourning, to seek God for repentance,
not in any way to seek God for power. When Jesus said
this kind goes out not except by fasting and prayer, the
fasting Jesus is talking about was the fasting God
recommended is in Isaiah 58 vs. 6-8, not the one many
religious churches are doing in the body of Christ,
destroying your body system and claim you are fasting
food. You can see that many doesn't know the truth yet.
Many only know the law that came through Moses but
never know the Grace and the truth that came through

And the Glory of the Son is not full of law, the scripture
says when we behold the glory, it is full of grace and truth.

As a son of God also, how can I be a partakers of this glory

full of grace and truth?

Follow this book.

The Glory of the Son

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



When you go through the Bible critically you will discover

that the scripture is full of men who walk in two kind of
dimensions of glory, which are the glory of the servants of
God and the Glory of the sons of God. Only few of men in
the old testament was able to tap into the glory of the sons
of God and manifest it before time, such men like
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David was able to enter into
such economy.

The glory of the sons is a dimension of glory that is full of

blessings whereby God blesses you with a certain
dimension of blessing not because he wants to use you, but
because he loves you. When it comes to the glory of the
servant, any blessings you see in them is either a blessing
God is giving to them because he wants to use them or a
blessing God is giving to them as reward for using them,
and we have men in the scripture who walked in this glory,
like Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Samson, and many more.

These are men that the call of God upon them was what
attracted the glory we see in them not the love of God upon
them, and the lack of the knowledge of this has made many

The Glory of the Son

servant of God to think they are special, or important than

their congregation in the sight of God.

I have said it in the past and I am saying it again that God

did not give you healing anointing because he loves you,
he gave you the healing anointing because he loves the
sick, so he anointed you because he want to use you for
those he love. When it comes to the glory of the son, any
blessing you see in them is not because of the call of God
upon them but because of the love of God upon them, that
is why when you see their glory "all you see is grace".

When you see the son of a rich man whom his father loves
so much, you will surely see the radiant of the riches of his
father upon him, those riches wasn't because he serves his
father, but it is because he was born by his father, meaning
those blessing was grace to him, his life is full of blessing
he didn't work for, his life is full of blessing he didn't pay
price and sacrifice to get, that is what it means when the
scripture say the glory as of the only begotten of his father
is full of grace.

Meaning, if you work for it, it is not the glory of the son,
if you pay the price for it, it is not the glory of the son, if
God give you the blessings because he wants to use you,
then it is not the glory of the son. The glory of the sons
is full of blessings because of Gods love for you and not
because of God's call on you....

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Can you kindly begin to take note of what the creatures are
waiting for, when the scripture says the creature are
waiting for the manifestation of the son of God

NKJV, Romans 8:19

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits

for the revealing of the sons of God.

I have said it in some of my book that this scripture is one

of the most misunderstood scripture by those who have
zeal for revival but lack the knowledge of revival. The
manifestation of the servant of God is what they are crying
for and teaching about and they call it the manifestation of
the sons of God, none of the old testament men of God
who walked in the supernatural like Elijah, Moses, was
able to reveal the manifestation of the sons of God, all you
see in them is just the manifestation of the servant of God.
That is, God empowered them with supernatural because
God wants to use them, not because God loves them, any
blessing you receive based on your calling, or you
received as reward of your calling is a manifestation of the
servant of God. It is only Abraham that walked in the glory
of the sons of God in the old testament, that is why
scripture keep on referring him to us, you see the scripture
saying that the blessing of Abraham might be unto all the

The Glory of the Son

NKJV, Galatians 3:14

That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the

Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise
of the Spirit through faith.

Not that the blessing of Elijah, not that the blessings of

Moses, not that the blessings of Daniel, all you see in them
is just the glory and the manifestation of the servant of

Look at the scripture again.

John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

This scripture is pointing us to something I want you to

pay attention to, he said the glory is the glory as of the only
begotten of the father, that is, the glory is as of the glory
of the son of God, which simply means there are glory as
of the servants of God and there are glory as of the sons of
God. Kindly look at the scripture from Genesis to
Revelation you will see the glory of the servant of God,
also come to the body of Christ and see the glory of the
servants of God called by God, you will see clearly that
what we still celebrate is the glory of the servant of God.
When you behold the glory of the servant of God what you

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

see is sacrifice while when you behold the glory of the son
what you see is grace, that is why the Jew almost prefer to
believe john the Baptist to be the messiah than Jesus. They
intentionally go to John the Baptist and ask him that are
you the messiah, because they saw that his life is full of
sacrifice, when they behold his glory, the glory of john is
full of sacrifice, by their sacrificial lifestyle you can
behold their glory.

Just giving us a picture of the difference between the glory

of a servant of God and the glory of the sons of God. I am
trusting God for a generations that will rise and capture in
details what I am expressing in this book, a generation that
the sons will rise and their glory will overshadow the glory
of any minister, servant or men of God. A stage where it
will not be ministry that will make you popular, the glory
of the sons has already manifest in you before going to be
by your father's business know as ministry, that is,
whatever glory that follows your service in the kingdom
will just be additional, that is you are not blessed because
you are in ministry doing Gods work, you are a blessed
man alright going into ministry. Just imagine a royal
prince of a king, who is also managing one of his father
business, he is glorious not because he is serving his
father, he is first glorious because he is born by his father,
the glory that follow service is just additional and that
glory of sons is what the creatures are waiting to see, not

The Glory of the Son

power to heal the sick or casting out demon. So if the

scripture says as long as the heir is a child, he is not
different from a servant, just imagine the glory of the

Galatians 4:1 Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a

child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is
master of all,

The glory of our great servant of God you see is not the
glory of the sons of God, that is just the glory of the
servant of God, and the scripture now say when an heir is
a child, his glory is not different from servant. That is,
whatever supernatural manifestation you see in the
greatest servant of God on earth, that is the manifestation
of the life of the heir who is still a child should capture,
those are not proof of spiritual maturity.

That is why the scripture says the sign shall follow them
that believe.

Mark 16:15 And He said to them, Go into all the world

and preach the gospel to every creature.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Mark 16:16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved;

but he who does not believe will be condemned.

Mark 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe:
In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak
with new tongues;

Mark 16:18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink

anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will
lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

The scripture didn't say the sign shall follow you that you
are preaching, what the scripture is saying is that when
you preach, amongst those that believe the message, this
signs will begin to follow them, those new covert will
begin to cast out demon. That is, the proof that they truly
believe is that signs will begin to follow them, that is
casting out demon, healing the sick is just a spiritual birth
certificate to prove you have received eternal life.

Look at the scripture very well..

In vs. 15 Jesus said go into the world and preach the good

In vs. 16 says he who believes shall be save

In vs. 17, the scripture now say the sign shall follow those
who believe

The Glory of the Son

Meaning, those new covert are the set of people that

scripture is saying the sign shall follow, meaning new
covert who believe will lay hand on the sick and the sick
will recover. So when an heir is a child, he can manifest
those glory, because these are the glory of the servant of
God, and the heir who is a child is not different from a
servant of God. That is, the greatest servant of God is in
the category of the least son of God.

Can you now understand why Jesus said amongst all the
old servant of God, the greatest is John the Baptist but the
least of the sons is greater than the greatest servant of God.

NKJV, Matthew 11:11

Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there

has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who
is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Raising the death or healing the sick is not in any way a

proof of spiritual strength and stamina, manifesting Gods
power is not the glory of the son, those are just tools for
service, those are glory of the servant, that is why if a new
covert is taught faith he will by faith heal the sick that day.

Just be following this teaching, anointing to remove the

scale and veil upon the eyes of men is upon this book. You
will know we have not touch the spiritual syllabus of the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

new testament in this generation, all many of us are

teaching are just the law that came through Moses, we are
just using modern language and eloquent to teach law, and
that is the greatest killer of the glory of the sons. The
greatest killer of the glory of the servants of God is sins,
once you sin, you cut short of that glory, because the glory
is not a product of grace ,while the greatest killer of the
glory of the sons is the message of the law. The message
in the mouth of many servants of God can only produce
another servant of God, they are messages that kill the
glory of the son and wake the glory of the servants

What is this glory of the sons? And what is the message

that can wake the glory of the sons of God?

Just be following


NKJV, Romans 8:19

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits

for the revealing of the sons of God.

Honestly speaking, when you look at the body of Christ,

you will know that the sons are not manifesting yet, for
long the creation have been waiting for the manifestation

The Glory of the Son

of the sons of God, but all we are seeing is just the glory
of the manifestation of the servant of God and the gross
darkness that has covered the face of many didn't allow
them to know the difference between the glory of the
servant and the glory of the sons and the children of God
themselves begin to called the glory of the servant of God
to be the glory of the sons (you can see the effects of lost
identity). So we are only having the rising of the servants
of God amongst the believers and the dying glory of the
children of God. You suddenly discover that if you are not
into ministry you can't be at the global lane and be globally
known. The creation are not waiting for the manifestation
of the servant of God, they are not waiting for the
manifestation of the minister of God, creation have been
seeing much of those manifestation right from the days of
Moses, Elijah, Daniel, even till today. What the scripture
told us that the creation are waiting for is the manifestation
of the sons of God. And lack of the knowledge of the
manifestation of the sons of God will make you to be
calling the manifestation of servant of God like power of
the Holy Ghost, healing anointing, casting out demon,
raising the dead to be the manifestation of the sons of God.
Anything you manifest because you are called by God is a
manifestation of the servant of God, while anything you
manifest because you are loved by God is a manifestation
of the sons of God.( Get the different).

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The manifestation of the servant is revealed in their

ministerial gift, and anointing, while the manifestation of
the sons of God is revealed in their inheritance.

The servant manifest with the ministerial tools while the

sons manifest with their inheritance, that is why the
scripture says the Glory of sons is always full of grace, it
is full of blessings they don't work for, not because they
work for such blessing, and not so that they can work with
it, but just because they are born by a Father who owns the
heaven and the earth. Not because they obey the law,
because the scripture already says that inheritance is not of
the law.

Galatians 3:18 For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no

longer of promise; but God gave it to Abraham by

It is unconditional promise for the son to receive it by faith

only. The question is why are we not seeing the
manifestation of the sons of God?

It is because what the servants of God are feeding the sons

of God with are poisonous food, they are food that can kill
the glory of the sons. Inheritance is all the sons needs to
shine in life, and the scripture says the inheritance is not
of the law, it cannot be obtained by keeping the law ,and
yet you are teaching the sons of God the law as condition

The Glory of the Son

to receive their inheritance, you can see that you are given
them poisonous food.

Galatians 3:18

[18]For if the inheritance could be received by keeping the

law, then it would not be the result of accepting Gods
promise. But God graciously gave it to Abraham as a

The servants of God are just like the servant of a rich

men,that is a situation where by a rich man employed a
maid to be feeding his new born baby, the glory of a
servant or maid of the rich man no matter how glorious it
may be, can never be compared with the Glory of the sons
in the house. That is why I said, it is because the sons of
God are not shining in glory that is why we the servants
of God feel important, as if we are the favourite of God.
NO SIR, God didn't anoint us because he loved us, he
anointed us because he loves you the sons, he called us to
serve you. The writing anointing upon me is not because
God loves me, that is not the manifestation of the sons of
God, the writing anointing is because God called me, God
employed me to feed his lovely children with food of the
spirit and the purpose of the feeding is so that the heir who
is a child can grow to maturity, because it is in maturity
that they can obtain their inheritance and their glory which
is the glory of the sons is hidden in inheritance. The

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

manifestation of the sons of God are few because the food

we are using to feed them are poison, we are using the food
for the servants of God to feed the sons of God. Law is the
message for the servants, while grace messages is the
message recommended by God the Father for his sons.

This is what the scripture says;

NKJV, The Acts 20:32

So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word

of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you
an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

God is showing us clearly from this scripture that the

message of his grace is the message that is able to build
any heir who is still a child, and as they grow under the
message of Grace, the same message is able to give every
sons their inheritance amongst those who are sanctified by

Meaning, the message of the law can't build a son, those

are poisonous message to the glory of any sons of God,
law message is the key to the glory of the servant of God
and the killer of the glory of the sons of God. That is why
it is only when you are called into ministry that you can
rise under their message, the highest revelation of God that
any servant will have is the revelation of the fear of God,

The Glory of the Son

because God is their master and the scripture says if I be

your master, where is my fear? (Malachi 1 vs. 6)

Malachi 1:6

A son honors his father, And a servant his master.If then I

am the Father, Where is My honor?And if I am a
Master,Where is My reverence? Says the Lord of hosts

Meaning a father doesn't demand fear from his sons what

he demand is honor, and honor is the value you have for
someone higher than you because of his unfailing and
amazing love he have for you, and the only revelation of
God Christ came to show we his children is our father who
art in heaven. God can be many things to many people, but
he is just one things to his children, he is a father to them.
It is just like a lawyer who also have a company and also
have a family, at office he is a judge to criminal, at work
he is a Master and boss to his servant, and at Home he is
a father to his children, he can't be treating his children
the way be treated his servant at work. If God says he is a
father to his children who are your congregation as pastor,
why are you given them the revelation of God the Master.

Highest percentage of the servant of God now made the

mistake of communicating their dealings with God as
message for their children of God and what become
edification for them become poisonous for the sons
because the highest revelation God want his children to

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

know about him is the revelation of the Grace of our Lord

Jesus Christ available for the son, the revelation of the love
of God for the sons, and the revelation of the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit for the son.

2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,

and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all. Amen.

Fellowship or communion means the ability to come down

and share what you have in common with someone, so that
what you have he can have also, and this is what Holy
Spirit want to do with the children of God. For servants
God want to give them gift of the spirit for service, but for
the children God want to give them fellowship of the spirit
as inheritance, so that they can have what their father have.
But all we discussed in the body of Christ are gift of the
spirit, we know nothing about fellowship of the spirit, we
thought fellowship of the Holy Spirit is speaking in
tongues under emotional vibrations after feeling heat
which we tagged to be fellowship with the Holy Spirit
(may God deliver us from what religion has downloaded
into us).

Fellowship is just an act of sharing what you have with

someone based on your love with the person. Another
language for fellowship is communion and what Jesus was
doing with his disciples at last supper is called fellowship,

The Glory of the Son

that is communion, Jesus was sharing himself with his

disciples that is the picture of the communion of the holy
spirit, and Jesus said we should keep on doing it with the
holy ghost in his remembrance, Jesus didn't say we should
be eating wine and bread in church and called it holy

Look at the scripture very well,

2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,

and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all. Amen.

The word of God is the living bread, each time holy spirit
break scriptures and feed your spirit with it, that is holy
communion, that is the fellowship of the holy Spirit. The
scripture didn't say fellowship with the holy spirit, you are
not the one doing the fellowship, what the scripture says is
fellowship of the holy Spirit, meaning it is the holy spirit
doing the fellowship with you, he is the one that want to
feed you with the living bread just as Christ feed his
disciples. The scripture now says let the fellowship be with
us, not you be with the holy spirit, so you are not trying to
launch into the spirit with worship song and called it
fellowship, it is the holy spirit coming down to you by
faith as a son of God to have fellowship with you, to share
himself with you and share what he have with you. The

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

message of the law that servant of God are feeding the

children are forbidden fruit, message that make them to
see they are naked and you see them running away from
God in fear, children now begin to have the fear of their
father rather than having the love of their father.

How can you be telling the children of God whom their

father love unconditionally that until they pay tithe,
heaven will be closed upon them, how can you gather the
children of God whom their father loves and die for, that
until they serve their father, their father will not bless
them, can you as a mortal man with your limited love do
that to your son? Which good father tied the success of his
children to their service to him?

What the scripture say is that a good father leave

inheritance for his children and his children children, not
a good father leave reward for service for his children after
they have finished serving him

Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his

childrens children,.

So telling someone that until he serve God before God will

bless him is a message for the servant, it is the servant of
God that need to serve God to be blessed, their blessing is
tied to service, they now begin to use the message that their
experiences captured as a servant of God to feed the
children of God. You can see the level of poisonous food

The Glory of the Son

we the servant of God have been using to feed the sons of

God, that is why what happened to Adam when he ate the
forbidden fruit, is happening to many children of God, the
day you eat law you shall surely die in glory because the
forbidden fruit that Adam eat was law.

Kindly look at the nature of the fruit and compare it with

the nature of law

NKJV, Genesis 2:17

but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall
not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.

The tree is the knowledge of Good and evil, the tree is not
evil, the tree was planted by God, just as law came from
God, but the nature of the tree is that it is a tree that give
the knowledge of good and evil. Kindly see the scripture
and look at what the scriptures say about the nature of the
law, it is to make you know good and evil, that is to give
you knowledge of what is good and evil.

NKJV, Romans 3:20

Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified

in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

What is good (righteous) what is evil (sin) and this is the

assignment of the law, and the day any sons of God eat it,
they shall surely die. God doesn't want his sons to know
what is good and what is evil, he only want them to know
what is God, that is what the tree of life captured, and that
is what the message of grace captures also.

So we only have two minister in this generation, minister

feeding the sons with the knowledge of good and evil, and
ministers feeding the sons with the tree of life, I pray may
God give you spiritual understanding to know whom to
listen to and follow, because many have been eating the
forbidden fruit called law since they got born again, and
you see them dying again. There are many born again who
have died again in the body of Christ, because they do not
know that the law killeth, and men preaching it are killers
of your spiritual life, Law kill your spiritual life and
replace it with religious life, so you will now be growing
your religious life and be thinking you are growing your
spiritual life. Your religious life need fasting, prayer and
studying of bible to grow, but your spiritual life only need
faith to grow. If your so called spiritual life begin to go
down when you stop praying, stop fasting food, and stop
reading bible, just know what you have is not spiritual life,
what you have is just religious life, that is why you will do
those religious activities for 20 years and yet nothing will

The Glory of the Son

be supernatural about you. When you see anyone who is

supernatural under law, it is because he leverage on his
calling, that is it is because God called him into ministry,
just as it is only those that are called into ministry that we
hear their names under the law before Christ came, like
Isaiah, Jeremiah, and many more. You died without
inheritance and supernatural if you are not called into
ministry and you are under the law, you will fast and be
frustrated, you will try to be righteous and become poor
with your righteousness.

Law only have earthly advantages for the servant of God,

if you are not called into ministry run away from law and
the message of law, Your spiritual life will die the day you
eat forbidden fruit (law).

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



Acts of the Apostles 20:32

[32]And now I entrust you to God and the message of his

grace that is able to build you up and give you an
inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.

I said in the last chapter that the message of the law is the
message that kill the glory of the sons and wake the glory
of the servant of God, while the message of Grace is the
message that kill the glory of the servants of God and wake
the glory of the sons of God. That is why many men of
God will not want you to go near the message of grace,
because the message of grace is the message that spoil
church businesses for many servants of God, just imagine
using the lens of grace and scripture to bring corrections
to the subject of tithes and first fruits, the ministry of many
general overseas will be affected because the message of
grace is a message that expose the servant of God and
bring their glory lower than the glory of the sons of God
which is where God want it to be.

The Glory of the Son

For any sons that want to be build and obtain his

inheritance the recommended message is Acts 20:32.

NKJV, The Acts 20:32

So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word

of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you
an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

You can see why many will stay under the ministration of
a denomination for 20 years and never be built, because
the servants of God are not feeding the heart of their
congregation with the message of his grace, it will not pay
them, Grace message doesn't pay ministry, it only pay
those listening to it, grace message is a yoke remover of
any yoke religion has place on you so it is law message
that pay ministry, just imagine telling all my congregation
the seven danger of not paying first fruit, tithing and
prophet offering and I moved to old testament to pick
scripture out of context, the ignorance among them will
fall victim, they will lose and I will gain. The question is
among all kinds of messages, why is it that the message of
grace is the only message God commit to his children to
build them and give them inheritance amongst the saint?

It is because the only thing that the sons of God need is

grace, all that the sons need is grace. Servant can need
many things, but for sons the summary of all they need is

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

grace. That is while the scripture say God is able to make

all grace abound towards you (2Cor 9:8)

NKJV, 2 Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that
you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have
an abundance for every good work.

For sons it is all about grace. When the disciples behold

the glory of the Son, what the bible say is that they behold
his glory the glory as of the son and the glory is full of
grace which is truth. (John 1 vs. 14)

The glory of the servants is not full of grace, their glory is

full of sacrifice,that is why they gathered the sons of God
and begin to ignorantly give them a message of sacrifice
and consecration, neglecting the scripture and be using
their personal dealings and experiences to feed the
children of God. Have you observed why the Jews thought
John the Baptist could be the messiah and when the real
messiah came to introduce himself they did not believe

John 1:19

The Glory of the Son

Now this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent

priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who are

John 1:20 He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed,

I am not the Christ.

Meaning, John already knows that the Jews came with the
impression that he might likely be the messiah. Meaning,
how I wish John the Baptist make the mistake to announce
himself as the messiah people will accept him, even
though they did not see any supernatural manifestation of
power in his life. It is because the glory of the servant is in
sacrifice and they saw the level of sacrificial life that John
the Baptist was living. Amongst all the old testament in
the scripture, there is no servant of God that even leave on
earth and pay the kind of sacrifice John the Baptist paid.
Their greatness is measured by the weights of their
sacrifice, in manifestation Moses is greater than John the
Baptist, in power Elijah is greater than John the Baptist,
but in sacrifice none of them is greater than John the
Baptist. When we put the sacrifice of all of them together
in comparison to the sacrifice paid by John the Baptist,
eternity has no option than to announce John as the
greatest, because the glory of a servant is in sacrifice.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Look at what the scripture describes the lifestyle of john

the Baptist

NKJV, Matthew 3:4

Now John himself was clothed in camels hair, with a

leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and
wild honey.

The scripture did not say he ate locust and wild honey for
days or months, what the scripture says is that his food was
locust and wild honey, meaning, he doesn't eat any other
things aside locust and honey, no prophet ever leave with
such strange sacrificial life, and when men see his
sacrificial life, they give glory to him and put him in equal
ranking with messiah. It was when Jesus came that he have
to put John the Baptist where he belong, that with all his
sacrifice, the least in the kingdom of the sons is greater
than John the baptist. The glory of the servant is in what
they do to earn the blessing of God, and that is what they
show in their message because if they didn't show their
sacrifice, the glory will be unto the lord, but if they shared
their sacrifice as message or during message, the glory
belong to them, even though they said with their mouth
religiously that ALL GLORY TO THE LORD. You share
in the glory of Christ by sharing your sacrifice you think
is the key to your supernatural, some will said I fasted for
2 years, that is your glory. So for the servants, their glory

The Glory of the Son

is reveal by sacrifice, but for the son their glory is not full
of sacrifice, it is empty of sacrifice and full of grace. When
the sacrifice of Christ is exalted the glory of the sons is
reveal, but when the sacrifice of Christ his silence and the
sacrifice of man is exalted then the glory of the servants of
God is reveal. You will now begin to look at them as angel,
as if they pay the price and sacrifice to walk in that
supernatural you see manifesting in them, you didn't know
that it is just their calling and ordination that brought them
to that economy. No man born of woman can pay the price
of the supernatural, Christ has paid everything and make
everything available for us free. He said freely you
received, freely you should give...

NKJV, Matthew 10:8

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out
demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

You become a disappointment to the kingdom and heaven

count you as workers of iniquity when you begin to teach
men seven step to receive power that Jesus said freely you

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord,

have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in
Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, I never

knew you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity

People didn't know those Jesus was referring to as workers

of iniquity which he will deny on the last day, just be
following this book, in the latter chapter I will do a
teaching on it and you will see for yourself from the
scripture that those Jesus was referring to are not men of
God who are into fornication, even though that is not
expected of any man of God, iniquity is different from sin,
Jesus didn't say they are doer of sin, he said they are
workers of iniquity. (Iniquity means not doing things the
way God want it to be done when you know the way God
want it to be done).

Any minister of God who knows the truth of tithing and

refuse to preach it because of what he want to gain, is a
workersl of iniquity and Christ will deny them on the last
day. The men of God that Jesus was referring to are men
who are making the sacrifices of Christ of no effects, men
silencing the finished work of Christ and exalting their
own finished work, men who teach that their sacrifice is
the reason why God is using them supernaturally, who
teach men also that their sacrificial offerings is what open
doors of prosperity for them,Where is the scripture that say
Christ become poor so that through his poverty we might

The Glory of the Son

be rich, not so that through our offerings, tithe, we might

be rich. Some said but if supernatural is now free, why are
my not working in power?, it is because by calling and
ordination God didn't call you into any assignment that
requires manifestation of power, power is not for display
or to proof point, it is for purpose, your purpose
determines your manifestation, supernatural graces are
just tools for divine assignment. God become a wicked
God if he called you into assignment and ask you to pay
for the tools needed to carry out his assignment, if a man
been evil can't do that to the workers of his company, how
much more God who is Good. If you get employment into
any standard organization built by man, they will give to
you every materials, equipment and tools in line with what
they called you to do needed for your assignment, they
only pay you your salary at the end of the month for using
their tools given to you freely for their assignment
committed into your hand. That is, you don't pay sacrifice
to get the tools for the assignment, you pay sacrifice by
using their tools for their assignment, it is labour because
you are using their tools for their assignment. If man can
do that, how much more God, you can see how religion
and many servant of God have present a wicked God to
the children of God. If not for lack of spiritual intelligence,
how can you tell me to pay price to get tools I will use to
work for God. If you are fasting for power, lust of fame is
one of your problems, you want to blow on social media,

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

so you have been told that power is the key to become

global as a man of God, you have been told that power is
the tool to sustain relevant, so you want to pay the price
for it.

I pray God will begin to raise sons in the kingdom who

will feed other sons, enough of all this servants of God
feeding children of God. Let sons talk to children, sons of
God can never gather the children of God and be teaching
them about consecration, teaching them about sacrifice
and price they must paid to receive something from their

When you see the teaching of Jesus to his disciples, you

will see the teachings of son teaching children. All the
Teaching of Jesus to his disciple is all about faith, not

Pay attention to this chapter, because I will be explaining

how to read the word of God as a son and how to teach or
minister the word of God to the children of God.

The scripture is full of two set of messages, God's message

to his servant as a Master, and God's message to his
children as a Father, that is while the bible says the word
of God is like two edges sword, one part of the edge is a
message of God to his servant as a Master and the other
part is a message of God to his children as a Father.

The Glory of the Son

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful,

and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to
the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Take note of the comparison in this scripture, that is using

two edges sword to explain the nature of the word, it is two
edges sword. A part is used to piercing the heart of his
servant, why the other side for piercing the heart of the
children. For the servant, the message must show the
wrath of God, the anger of God and judgement of God
before their heart can be pierce and seen them falling into
repentance in tears, But for the sons the message of Gods
love and kindness is what bring them to repentance. So
your audience determines the side of the two edges sword
you will used, But it is scripturally proven that the word of
God is the sword of the spirit.(Ephesians 6 vs 17).

The Book of Ephesians 6 give us the picture of the word

as sword, while the book of Hebrew 4:12 now give us the
picture of the type and nature of the sword, that it is like
two edges sword. Inability to know how to divide the word
of the truth will make you to be feeding the children of
God with message that is meant for the servant of God,
you will kill the children of God God you use the sword
designed for the servant to be piecing their heart.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The message of God to his servant is about God's

commandments for them, that is, what God is expecting
from them if they don't want to see the bad side of God,
and the message is LAW.

Romans 4:15 because the law brings about wrath;

You can see why God's anger was always upon them under
the law, because the law brings God's wrath, that is why
law is not the message of God to his children, there is a
message that bring God's wrath, and there is a message that
brings God's love upon his children, that is why the
message of God to his children as a father is a revelation
of God's commitment toward them, it is all about what
God has done for them (truths) and what God has freely
made available for them(Grace).

That is for servant, the word of God to them contains the

revelation of Gods commandments to them, why for the
children of God the word of God contains the revelation
of God's commitment towards them. So one part of the two
edges sword contain the message of Gods
commandments, and the second part contain the message
of God's commitment.

Let us go to the scripture and see the difference between

God's commitment and God's commandments, and how to
communicate God's commitment to God's children as the
only word of God from their father to them.

The Glory of the Son

Ezekiel 36:23 And I will sanctify My great name, which

has been profaned among the nations, which you have
profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I
am the Lord,” says the Lord God, “when I am hallowed in
you before their eyes.

Ezekiel 36:24 For I will take you from among the nations,
gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your
own land.

Ezekiel 36:25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and

you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your
filthiness and from all your idols.

Ezekiel 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new
spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your
flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause

you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My
judgments and do them.

Kindly take your time to look at this scripture, you will

see the pure example of Gods commitment towards man,
one thing is common in all this scripture, it is all about
what God will do and not what you should do.

Beginning from verse 23 you see God saying I WILL, not

YOU SHOULD, not about what you should do if you

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

want to see my blessing, but what I will do in you and do

for you because i want you to see my blessing.

Infact verse 27 seriously caught my attention, kindly look

at it again.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause

you to walk in My statues, and you will keep My
judgments and do them.

God want his children to obey him and walk in his statutes,
but he didn't just give them the commandments as law, if
God want servant to obey his word, he will give them his
word as commandments show them the benefit of obeying
in summary ( deuteronomy 28 :1-15) and show them the
consequences of disobedient in details beginning from
verse 16-68.

You can see the nature of God to his servant, so empty of

love and full of wrath, which Good father use just 15
verses to tell his children the benefit of obeying his word
and used 53 verses to explain the consequences of
disobeying his words, that is not the nature of God to his
children, if God want his children to obey his word, kindly
look at the commitment God begin to put into place.

Ezekiel 36:27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause

you to walk in My statues, and you will keep My
judgments and do them.

The Glory of the Son

I love the way the message version put it.

27 I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to

do what I tell you and live by my commands.( MSG).

That is, that God will put his spirit in you is not enough,
many felt once God give you his spirit, you have the
responsibility to now begin to obey the spirit, (that is not
God). What God said is that after putting his spirit in you,
he will continue to make it possible for you to do what He
tells you to do.

The KJV says God will put his spirit within them, and
cause them to walk in his commandments, not that they
will begin to work in commandments by choice, God
doesn't leave his children to choice , I said that again in

If he want them to do anything, he will come down to be

at work in them making them to WILL and to DO.

NKJV, Philippians 2:13

for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for

His good pleasure.

That is God will put his Spirit into you to tell you what to
do and God himself will come down into you and begin to
make you to will and to do.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

So when you said God ask you to fast and you begin to
struggle to fast (you have only listen to the voice of
religious spirit who use scripture to put men in bondage
and frustration) because God will not ask his children to
do anything and leave them alone to be doing it in struggle,
he will be at work in them making them to will and to do.

You can see the expression of fathers Commitment, this

is the good news the children of God want to hear, this is
the word of his grace he commanded us to commit to the
heart of his children to build them.

The Acts 20:32 “So now, brethren, I commend you to God

and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up
and give you an inheritance among all those who are

Non of the children of God grows under the message of

God's commandments, it is servant that grows under such
message, message of God's commandments kills the
spiritual life of every sons of God and replace their
spiritual life with a religious life, but the message of God's
commitment kills the religious life of every children of
God and awaken their spiritual life.

Lack of the knowledge of this will make you to be teaching

law and commandments to God's children and think you
are given them the truth, not knowing you are giving them
poisonous food.

The Glory of the Son

God doesn't make his children to walk in holiness and

righteouness by given them messages of holiness and
righteousness. Holiness and righteousness message will
make you more sinful than sinless, message of
righteousness will make you more unrighteous than

Go to churches that preach holiness and see the life of their

members, you will see how holiness message has made
them more heartless, unlovely, inconsiderate, intolerant,
unfriendly, hypocritical and wicked with a garment of
outward holiness (having them as roommates on campus
become the the most unfortunate things that can happen to

Holiness message will make your life to be like a

graveyard painted with white colour, because that is not
the pertain through which God want to bring his children
to true holiness. He want you to show them the
righteousness of God not the righteousness of the law
(Roman's 10:2-4).

God want to write the law in their heart by himself, he

didn't send you to help him write it, dont help God do what
he said he will do by himself.

Look at the scripture very well

NKJV, Hebrews 8:10

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws
in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be
their God, and they shall be My people.

This scripture didn't say you should..... God is saying I

myself will put the laws in their mind, and write it in their
heart. You can see why people still commit sin in your
church with all your ten years of holiness preaching,
because you can only put laws in their head, it is only God
that can put laws in the mind of people, you can only write
laws in their Brain with your message, but it is only God
that can write it in their hearts. For servants, God sent the
law to them through a mediator, like preachers, but for the
sons of God, God didn't send any man to give the law to
them, he came down by himself to write the law in their
mind, and cause them to walk in his laws.

The assignment he gave to us his children is about the

message of God's commitment and not the message of God
commandments. Someone is asking, How do God write
his law in the heart of his children?

The word of God to his children doesn't come as law, the

word of God to his children comes as power, it enters into
them as divine energy to do what God want them to do,
the word of king is power to his children and law to his

The Glory of the Son

So when the word enter into the heart of the son it become
way of life, while when the word enter into the head od
the servant, it become rules and regulations.

I love the way the message version put Philipians 2:13.

That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you,

God himself willing and working at what will give him the
most pleasure.

That is, the energy to do God's commandments is God's

energy, to servants it is by self determination, but to sons
it is by God's determination. Self control for sons of God
is a fruit of the Spirit, not a fruit of self determination,
Meaning, it is the Spirit that control the self for them.

How do I know? See Jude 1vs 24

NKJV, Jude 1:24

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And

to present you faultless

Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,

The scripture is not saying you should keep yourself from

falling, for the servant who are not sons, they try and take
heed to keep themselves from falling, but for we the sons,
we do not trust in our self-determination, our faith is in
God who is able to keep us from falling, it is all about

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

God's commitment, and when God keep us the fruit is self-


We effortlessly follow God's commandments by focusing

on God's commitment, focus on what God is doing and not
what you should do, this is the mystery of the message
God was communicating through moses when he asked
him to raise up a serpent on the cross in the wilderness,
and whosoever that focus on God's commitment received
victory, but those that focus on what they should do rather
than what God is doing, they died. The word of God for
his children that becomes a living bread to the sons is not
about God's commandments for them, it is about God's
commitment to them. They follow God's commandments
effortlessly by focusing on God's commitment

The Glory of the Son

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



NKJV, Galatians 3:18

For if the inheritance is of the law, it is no longer of

promise; but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

There is a grace that comes by faith while there is a grace

that comes by calling. Anyone under the law can never
obtain any grace by faith because the promise is not of the
law but of faith, because if the promises is of the law it is
no longer a promise but anyone under the law but have a
call of God have the tendency to manifest some grace and
blessings even though he doesn't have the living faith that
attracts grace.

Any Grace you see in their life is because of their calling,

their calling qualifies them to receive the grace, and any
blessing you see in their life, is a blessing that come as
reward for using the grace of their calling to bless lives.
This pattern that was only designed for those called into
ministry now becomes a message they begin to use to
teach all the children of God, by saying "if you want God
to bless you, you must work for him".

The Glory of the Son

That is why I said, it is only when you are called into

ministry that you can survive and become great under the
law, just as they are the only ones that become great in the
old testament because the ignorance of the religious
people is their advantage and this is what the servants of
God with a calling leverage on to shine under the law and
make themselves lord over others that are under the law. I
will show you mystery from scripture in this book why it
is only the glory of the servants of God that shine under
the law while the glory of the sons of God die under the

While under the grace, the glory of the sons shine and the
glory of the servant dies. The glory of servants of God only
shine in a religious environment and dies in a civilised
environment, that is the reason why no man of God can be
lord of lords in a civilised and exposed country like
America. They will honour you for your grace but not
make you special than other citizens of the country.

Many thought the high rate of popular men of God rising

in Africa is a mark that God is with us. I tell you that is
pure mark that God is against us. It is a sign that we are in
darkness; it is a sign that religion has blinded us. If God
is with any nation and for any nation, it is not the servants
of God that rise and shine, it is the sons of God that rise
and shine not because power has come, but because

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

anointing has come, also because their light has come.

(Isaiah 60: 1)

But any nation that God is not for them, you will begin to
see the rising of servants of God.

How do I know that God is not for us as a nation in Africa?

The answer is in Romans 8:31

NKJV, Romans 8:31

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us,

who can be against us?

It is easy to know when God is not for a nation or for a

man, devil will seriously be against them, they will have
devil to be fighting always, they will be facing all kinds
of demonic attacks. If they don't pray, devil will make
mess of them ( you can see that they have turned it to

Because what the bible say is that if God is for you, no

devil or man can be against you and devil will make them
to think they are receiving attack because there is
something special about them. This will make them to see
reasons to the attacked, and any nation that devil is
seriously attacking, men of God there have the tendency
to shine (such is the case of Africa).

The Glory of the Son

So the rising of men of God in Nigeria is not a proof that

there is something special about Nigeria, it is a proof that
there is something wrong with Nigeria.

The Glory of the servants of God doesn't shine in the

environment that is special in the sight of God, it is the
glory of the sons that shine. There was no priests and
Levites that their glory shine more than the glory of the
children of Israelites in the land of Canaan whenever God
is for them, it is when God is against them that you begin
to see the rising of priests and prophets.

How can God be for us in Nigeria? The solution is simple,

let us come out of the law, it is not sin that attracts the
wrath of God. America is more sinful that Nigeria, it is
law that attract the wrath of God ( see Romans 4:15 ) by

NKJV, Romans 4:15

because the law brings about wrath; Sin doesn't attract the
wrath of God, sin attract the salvation of God, it is law that
attracts the law of God

I love the way NLT version put it.

Romans 4:15

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

[15]For the law always brings punishment on those who

try to obey it. (The only way to avoid breaking the law is
to have no law to break!).

Don't expect the wrath of God upon America, be expecting

the salvation of God upon them, but be expecting the wrath
of God upon Nigeria if we don't come out of the law.
General overseers will not teach you this truth because it
spoil business for them. Their glory only shines under the
law while the glory of their congregation dies under the
law. When a revival begins to produce more men into full
time ministry and not into the secular world, it is a dominic
revival. It is a move of religion that hides under the move
of God.

You will agree with me that revival also takes place in

other religions, because if there is no revival in Islamic
nations, how could Islamic religion gain ground in some
territories, to show you that the spirit of religion can act
like Angel of light.

Religious spirit is when evil spirit put on the garment of

Holy spirit and hold the sword of the word of God in error
to act. Revival is a move of the spirit but you must be able
to discern which spirit.

Once anything begins to trend, there is spirit behind it and

that is what is called revival, meaning worldly spirit can
sponsor a revival, religious spirit can sponsor a revival

The Glory of the Son

while holy spirit can also sponsor revival. When a so

called revival begins to produce praying people and
movements, fasting people and fasting movements, just
know that a mass destruction of the glory of the sons is
about to take place, because that is a revival sponsored by
religious spirit.

(Because Christian religion is with just one mission, and

the mission is to use the law of the bible to destroy the
glory of the sons of God of the Bible). It is after 10 years
of such religious praying movement that you will now
begin to see the generation of confused people as a product
of that demonic revival whom their creativity has died as
a result of exotic and much fasting, who have no idea to
contribute to the society than to be praying religiously
shouting 10 hours prayer about. They have lost relevance
in the society and the only place they can gain acceptance
is to go into ministry, and you now see all of them
becoming full time pastors, not because God called them
into ministry, but religion has shaped them to look as if
they are called into ministry. There is a way religion can
shape you and you will lose relevance in the secular
system and have no option than to go into ministry. It will
make you to become earthly irrelevant. When they begin
to minister, you will know they lack ministerial
uniqueness, they can only act like pastor, but God didn't
called them to be one.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

They will now begin to follow the message of men who

have results in ministry, thinking by following their
messages and paying the price they paid they also will
work in ministerial graces and manifest supernatural
results, they now think they need to pay the price of the
supernatural. You can only walk in the supernatural you
see in the life of a man of God you are following only if
the call of God upon you is the same or similar to the one
upon them because it is your calling and ordination that
attract any supernatural that you will ever see in your life
not your sacrifice of fasting and prayer, infact not

If it is by impartation, every first son of every successful

minister of God will inherit the mantle of their father, but
just one out of hundred ever walk in such reality.
Christianity is not a religion, it is a life, infact saying
christianity is way of life is an understatement, because
that is an attempt to subject christianity to morality where
the emphasis become moral holiness and righteousness as
every religions preaches, because every religion preach
purity, moral righteousness and holiness, and if that is our
message then we are not in any way different from other
religion but the message is that christianity is eternal life,
and once you receive the life,you can never and never
perish again, the message of the kingdom is to begin to
educate those who have received the new life the evil that

The Glory of the Son

can never happen to them again because of the eternal life

in them and the good they should be expecting which is
available for them base on the new life in them because
that life is what make you a new creation.

NKJV, Galatians 6:15

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor

uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.

I love the way the message version put it

15 Can't you see the central issue in all this? It is not what
you and I do - submit to circumcision, reject circumcision.
It is what God is doing, and he is creating something
totally new, a free life!

That is once you receive the life of God, you become a

Christian , and Christians are new creation people ,and
everything good that God will do for you in life is because
of that life, devil cannot touch you again because of the
new life. The only thing Christ came to give us is life.

He said whosoever believe in him will not perish but just

have one thing and that is eternal life (John 3:16).

He said again that the thief( religion)came to kill, steal and

destroy but the son of man came to just give one thing and
that is life.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to
kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life,
and that they may have it more abundantly.

If you read from John 10 vs 1, you will know that Jesus

wasn't referring to the devil as thief in verse 10, he was
referring to message of law and messenger of law , he was
referring to teaching of law and teacher of law. In verse 1
he begin to show us the characteristic of the thief as those
who do not pass through the door.

John 10:1

[1]“I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall
of a sheepfold, rather than going through the door, must
surely be a thief and a robber!

In verse 9 Jesus begin to show us the door.

NKJV, John 10:9

I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved,

and will go in and out and find pasture.

Meaning anyone who want to get to God without passing

through the door( Christ) is a thief.

You see them teaching you seven way to get something

when Jesus is saying I am the only way to all things.

The Glory of the Son

Jesus said i am they way to obtain prosperity but you begin

to teach that it is by tithing, you are the thief, you are
showing us another door aside christ, you want us to pass
through window of heaven when jesus said I have set
before you an open door, Jesus said you are a thief.

Now go to verse 8 and see those that jesus was referring to

as thief.

NKJV, John 10:8

All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but
the sheep did not hear them.

He never says devil is the thief, he said all those that came
before me. All that came before Jesus including Moses, he
refered to all of them as thief, because they go through
window, because they break realms and portals by much
fasting and prayer to enter into the spirit and pick message
and you see them coming with the message of to walk with
the angelic, sacrifice and price you must pay to break
realms because they don't pass through the door, when you
pass through the door, you can never came back with the
message of law, you came back with the message of
Christ, you will surely see the finished work of Christ, that
is why Jesus refer to all that came before him to be thief,
because they didn't pass through the door, and those who
didn't pass through the door are the one we are studying

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

today, we have left christ and begin to study how Elijah

was able to call down fire from heaven.

If those that Jesus referred to as thieves are the one you are
making your role model, then you are in the lineage of
thieves, that is why their messages are your message.

When you quote John 10:10 out of context you will refer
to the thief as devil, and devil will be looking at you from
hell with amazement because he knows that the power to
kill, steal and destroy has been taken away from him,
christ is the one now that owns the key of death and hade.

Revelation 1:18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and

behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the
keys of Hades and of Death.

But when you study John 10 from verse 1 you will see
clearly that those Jesus refer to as thief are those who came
before him( vs john 10 vs 8). In verse 10 Jesus begin to
reveal what their message can do to the life of any sons of
God that listen to them, their message came to kill, steal
and destroy the Glory of the son. Anyone that came to you
with the message of law is a thief as far as this scripture is
concerned and they came to kill, steal and destroy the
eternal life in you and replace it with religious life.

The first day Moses came with the law, what happened?
the scripture say he use the law to kill and destroy 3000

The Glory of the Son

souls, the same law brought the death of all the soul that
came out of the land of Egypt, because the wrath of God
killed all of them in the wilderness and the scripture says
the major things that brought the wrath of God is law.

Romans 4:15

[15]For the law always brings punishment on those who

try to obey it. (The only way to avoid breaking the law is
to have no law to break!).

Law is a forbidden fruit capable of killing eternal life in

you, many Christians doesn't have this life of God again,
devil have replace it with religious life for them because
they put themselves under the law that kill, steal and
destroy the glory of the new life in them. No devil can kill
the glory of the sons of God but law can kill it, steal it and
destroy it but the Good news is that, you can receive the
new life again if you come to grace, that is why Christ said
he came to give it abundantly, he knows that many
Christians we be eating forbidden fruit ( law ) again and
again. For sinners, they turn to Christ and receive eternal
life, but for Christian who have once received eternal life
but fall victim of law must learn to turn from law and turn
to grace to receive the life again, the life is available in

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

And all that Christ came to offer you is this eternal life. He
said I came that you might have life and have this life in

NKJV, John 10:10b.

I have come that they may have life, and that they may
have it more abundantly.

He said again in John 17 that God has given him the power
to give life.

John 17:2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh,
that He should give eternal life to as many as You have
given Him.

From all these scriptures, you will see that the whole
assignment of Christ is to give us Eternal life. The process
of his death is an act of bringing the old life to an end and
making everything to become new and this is eternal life
is the glory of the sons. You are the light of the world
because you have the life of God in you. The scripture
says the life is the light of men, meaning once you have
the life, you have the light of men.

John 1:4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

Meaning the goal of the eternal life is not moral character,

but to become a light in you that make you to see things
from new and different perspective. It is not first about

The Glory of the Son

character, you are currently acting the way you are

because of the way you see, perspective is the root of every
action, meaning if the way you see changes, the way you
act and talk will change, and the scripture now say that
the eternal life you receive is the light of man. That is, the
life is the light that you need, it is called life-light, that
once the eternal life enter into you, it become light in you
and that light causes you to see things from heavenly

All that the sons of God need is this life, they receive the
Holy Spirit in them because Holy spirit is a giver of life
that become light in them. It is servants of God that seek
the Holy Ghost for power, because power is what they
need to shine, but for the sons they seek the holy ghost for
light, because they rise and shine because there light has

The goal of the servant is spirits, all they just want is

power, but those are not the concern of the sons, the
concern of the son is to have life, and have life in
abundance, sons doesn't need supernatural power to fulfil
their fathers mandate ( just be following). Jesus said to his
disciples, that do you want to go back? Peter said to him,
to where, because you have the word of eternal life,

John 6:67 Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want
to go away?”

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

John 6:68 But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to

whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

That is you have a word that give life and that life become
a light in us.What they need is not the word of fire, those
are word for the servants of God, but for the son, the word
that they need is the word of eternal life because all they
need is the life of their father, the servant want the power
of God, the son desires the life of God that become light
in them, because sons survive by light, they eat light, they
are translated from the kingdom of darkness not into the
kingdom of fire, but into the kingdom of light, for servant
all they want is fire because God made his ministers with
flame of fire, so they will always shout for fire, that the
ministers of God are shouting for fire is not bad, but
imposing fire on the children of God is error, God didn't
make his children with fire, light is what give birth to
them, they are not fire of the world, they are the light of
the world, sons don't shine because their fire has come,
they shine because their light as come.

Gentiles doesn't come to the fire of sons of God, gentiles

come to their light..

NKJV, Isaiah 60:1

Arise, shine;

For your light has come!

The Glory of the Son

And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

3:The Gentiles shall come to your light,

And kings to the brightness of your rising.

But for servants of God known as ministers of God, it is

when they are burning that their glory is reveal, because
God made his ministers with flame of fire.

Hebrews 1:7 And of the angels He says:

“Who makes His angels spirits

And His ministers a flame of fire.” Hebrews 1:8 But to the

Son He says:

“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;

A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.

Study the scripture very well, the children of God are not
designed to belong to where the Angels and the ministers
belong, they are to belong to where the Son( Christ)
belong, that is sited with christ on the throne. One thing
about the sons is that they are not ministry conscious.

They are conscious of their father's agenda on earth but not

ministry. Church ministry, interdenominal ministry or any
kind of ministries is just one of the agenda of God on earth
and it is servants that are designed for ministry, sons of

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

God don't have ministry. For the sons, they are after their
father's business.

Not that God doesn't use the sons, but the way God uses
the sons for his agenda is different from the way God uses
the servants for his assignment. For instance, God called
Abraham not to start any ministry but the call is just to
give birth to Isaac because God wans to bring a generation
out of him, and you see a whole nation coming out of
Abraham, that is a picture of how God uses a son. The
God's agenda of Abraham is just for him to be set apart
and generation be born through him and so that the
generations can be blessed through him, and after years
christ will come as flesh through that lineage, their mission
is not direct assignment like the servant, like the way God
called moses, empowered him and sent him to face
Pharaoh, God doesn't use his sons for such assignment.
Sons are born for prophecy, prophecy was proclaimed that
the Israelites will spend 400years in the land of Egypt, then
God picked Joseph and use circumstances to bring him to
the land of Egypt, even Joseph himself never knew the
purpose when the process was ongoing.

Mind you, there was no place where God appeared to

CHILDREN OF ISRAELITES but all we saw was that
through Joseph, a whole generation spent 400 years in the

The Glory of the Son

land of Egypt, you can see how his life was fulfilling God's
agenda, that is how God use the sons, God doesn't raise
them for things to happen by them, but God raise them for
things to happen through them. For servant, things happen
by them, but for son things happens through them. All
what sons do is to play some strange significance role in
their father's agenda, it may not be loud, it may not look
significant in the sight of man due to how we see from the
perspective of our fallen nature, because to us spectacular
is a mark of significance to us.

A son can rise and his only assignment is just to give birth
to Reinhard Bonnke and at the time eternity will begin to
give records, you begin to see God saying through her so
and so was born, children of God doesn't labour like
servant. The service of the sons are extremely indirect, that
is why I pity those who think the mansion of many General
Overseers will be greater than their congregations whom
God didn't call into ministry in heaven ( God doesn't think
like man, his way are not the way of man).

Anything that is significant in the sight of man have no

value in the spirit and anything that is not significant in
the sight of man is what echo value in the realm of the
spirit. If you understand this, you will not be having guilty
conscience thinking God didn't use you in ministry, you
are paying a strange role in the sight of God you don't

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

God's assignment for you may just be to travel to UK and

through you many people can have access to the place and
the purpose may just be that God want to use the great
grand children of those that entered into UK through you
in the next 500 years.

That is how God works with his children, the assignment

of the children of God are not loud assignment, they don't
make noise with crusade about, God may just be using
your life to establish what he want to do in the next 300

The son play some strange significant role in the agenda

of God. When Jesus was healing the sick and raising the
dead, all those are assignment of the servant of God.

Son doesn't need anointing and power of the holy ghost to

carry out their assignment, that is why when Jesus wanted
to reveal his assignment as servant, he said the holy ghost
is upon him for he has anointed me( luke 4:18), that is
servant for you, they need the spirit upon to function but
for sons, they only need eternal life to function. But when
jesus want to begin his assignment as a son of God he
didn't need anointing, he didn't need the power of the holy

The assignment of Jesus as servant of God end at

Gethsemane and his assignment as Son of God begin at
gethsemane when they arrested him to be killed, and for

The Glory of the Son

that purpose he was born. ( john 3:16) For that purpose

God gave his only begotten son. He doesn't need anointing
to die. For God so love the world and he gave his only
begotten son..not to heal the sick, but to die for the sin of
the whole world.

So he didn't need anointing to die, he does not need the

power of the holy ghost to die. Infact when he wanted to
begin his true assignment, he had to put off his anointing
and power. You can see why you can't trace any power to
Abraham, But God was with him always. That is why if
you want to study the assignment of son, study Abraham
Isaac and Jacob.

The studying of Elijah is our problem.

I will show you in the next page how they are our major
problem in the body of Christ.

NKJV, 2 Peter 1:3

as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain

to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who
called us by glory and virtue,

The grace that God make available for the sons is not for
service, it is for life and godliness. God doesn't make any
grace available for the life of the servant, he only make
grace available for their service and what is available for
their life is the reward of their service. If God is keeping

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

them , it Is because God is using them, if God is given

them good health, it is because God want them to serve
him well with their body.

But for son, if God is keeping them ,God is keeping them

because he love them, if God is given them Good health it
is because Good health is their inheritance. For servant the
only condition they will live and not die is when they are
proclaiming the goodness of God.

Psalms 118:17 I shall not die, but live,

And declare the works of the Lord.

Meaning if they fail to declare the work of the lord, death

can take them untimely, but for sons they are living for
God's pleasure, because they are created for God's
pleasure, they cannot die untimely because they believe in
him christ who own the keys of hade and death.

Revelation 1:18 I am He who lives, and was dead, and

behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the
keys of Hades and of Death.

They alive because death have been swallowed up in

victory, if any sons of God died, it is a call to Higher
Glory, For servant God call them because he want a
service, but for son God called them because he want a
family, he called them because he want a fellowship. The
servant survived by the reward of their labour, they don't

The Glory of the Son

have inheritance but for the sons, everything pertaining to

their life and having a relationship with God( godliness)
has been given to them. For sons, God is concerned about
their life, for servants, God is concerned about their
service. God blesses the son because of who they are to
God while God blesses the servant because of what they
do for him.

Someone says but a father have the tendency to love the

children that obeys him and serve him than the ones who
doesn't obey him and serve him. Sir, God is not a man that
have conditional love for his children, don't define God's
love for his children with men's love for his children.

God's love for his children is unconditional, so the child

that is very obedient is not different from the one that
doesn't obey in the sight of God( that is, if there is anything
like such) because in the sight of God, God doesn't have
obedient children and disobedient children, because all his
children are not justified by work, they are all justified by

Not by their own righteousness but by God's

righteousness. So since no sons of God can please God by
his doing, it is with faith we can please God. So God
doesn't love us more because we do anything right and he
doesn't love us less because we do anything wrong.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

His love for us is unconditional and his love for us is

everlasting. His love is unconditional because when we
where yet sinner he died for us, it is for God so love the
world. If God can love the world so much and he gave his
only begotten son for them, how much me who is now the
son, the scripture says will he not freely give me all things.

Romans 8:32

[32]Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him
up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?

I love the way the message version put it.


32 If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for

us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the
worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he
wouldn't gladly and freely do for us?( MSG).

Meaning, God can't wake up tomorrow and say he has stop

loving us, because the blessing of God for us is based on
his love for us, not based on our love for him. Our love for
God is too weak to earn anything from God, "while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us".

The greatest blessing in heaven is the gift of salvation,

devil wasn't privileged to have it, how I wish God make it
available for devil, devil could have been saved but for

The Glory of the Son

God so love the world, he make such a great blessing

available for us and you now come to the pulpit to be
vomiting error for me that if I don't pay tithe, God my
father who died for me when I am a sinner will now close
heaven on me now that I am a saint (Habaaaaa). Let us be
reducing our lies now, is it because of what we want to
gain ? This is a lie against my Father who at in heaven,
because I know Him, I know what he can never do against
me, no matter what, I am expressing the different between
the sons and the servants because we have many sons of
God with slaves and servants mentality, and their
mentality is preventing them from receiving freely what is
available for them as inheritance, you see them trying to
pay price and sacrifice to get what christ has paid price and
sacrifice to give freely and their mentality is formed
because of those they are beholding, they are beholding
the glory of the great servant of God ahead, they are
feeding on the message for only servant of God, and that
formed a servants mentality in them even when God is not
calling them to be one.

We begin to get it right in the body of christ when we begin

to raise servant with sonship mentality and not sons with
servants mentality. When you see a servant of God with
sonship mentality teaching, you will surely know, they
will never speak their experiences, all they teach is Christ
and his finished work, all they teach is the nature of your

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Father who art in heaven and his love for you, all they
teach is the grace of our Jesus Christ available for you base
on what Christ has done.

Those servant of God with sonship mentality are the one

that can raise the sons of God in this kingdom into glory,
they are the one that have the message of his grace that is
able to build you and give you inheritance amongst the

Acts of the Apostles 20:32

[32]“And now I entrust you to God and the message of his

grace that is able to build you up and give you an
inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.

The Glory of the Son

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



John 1:14.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

Take note of a statement in that scripture, ....WE


The scripture didn't say we behold his person, what the

scripture says is that we behold his glory.

There are differences between when you behold the person

of the Lord and when you behold the glory of the lord,
there are differences between when you behold the person
of Christ and when you behold his glory.

When you behold the person of Jesus, his person wasn't

full of grace, it is when you behold his glory that you see
the fullness of grace and truth.

The revelation of the fullness of this grace and truth can

never be captured by your spirit if the person of christ is

The Glory of the Son

what you are beholding and that is the reason why many
did not understand this scripture.

Let me show you another scripture that laid emphasis on

the "beholding the glory of the Lord".

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just
as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Take note also, Paul was saying in this scripture that we

behold in the mirror the glory of the Lord, not the person
of the lord

There are difference between beholding a person and

beholding his glory, for instance there different between
my person and my glory , when you study my person you
see my nature, charater and behaviour but when you study
my glory you see my grace.

When you behold the person of Jesus you see the exact
nature and character of God, because he is the visible
image of the invisible God, but when you behold his glory,
you see all the grace of God in fullness.

And the emphasis in that john 1 vs 14 is not about

beholding the person of Jesus, it is about beholding the
glory of Jesus that is why what they saw wasn't holiness,
what they saw was grace and truth. Inability to know this

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

difference is what is making many not to know what to

preach and teach. If the person of Christ is what you are
beholding to preach and teach you will be exhausted, that
is why many doesn't understand what to preach each time
we tell them that the message is all about Christ, they feel
will they be repeating the story of how Jesus was born to
the story of how he died?

It isn't their fault, the problem began by beholding the

person of Jesus rather than beholding his glory, that is why
all they could teach and preach about Jesus is how he
healed the sick and raised the dead.

You can't exhaust the teaching of Christ till kingdom come

if you can shift your eyes from his person to his glory, it is
his glory that is full of grace and truth. Intact if you want
to live holy and righteou, it is HIS GLORY you behold
and not his person ,because it is when you behold the
Glory that you see the grace to be holy and righteous. How
can you separate the person of Christ from the glory of
Christ, and how can you shift your heart from beholding
the person to beholding his glory ?

Now look at the scripture very well.

John 1:14.

The Glory of the Son

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

Take note of a statement in that scripture, "the glory as of

the only begotten of the father"

This scripture was specifically showing us the kind of

glory we are beholding that is full of grace and truth and
the glory is the Glory AS OF THE SON OF GOD.

There are two different glory Jesus manifested on earth, he

manifested the glory as of the servant of God and he
manifested the Glory as of the son of God.

If you behold the earthly ministry of jesus, all the glory

you will capture is the glory as of the servant of God, Jesus
healed the sick, raised the dead, casted out demons. Those
are not the glory of the sons of God, those are the
manifestations of the glory of the servant of God because
Jesus walked on earth as a servant of God to put an end to
the era of the servant of God and walked on earth as son
of God to begin the era of the manifestation of the son of

So Jesus manifested on earth as a servant of God and

beheld his glory and he also manifested as sons of God and
we behold his glory.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

But it is unfortunate that what he did as a servant of God

is what we are crediting to his account as a manifestation
of the son of God. Healing the sick is not a manifestation
of the sons of God. Elijah wasn't a son and he healed the
sick, every of the miraculous you see in Jesus is a pure
manifestation of the servant of God, sons doesn't manifest
that way.

That is why if you behold his person, you will only see the
glory of the servant and that Glory can blind you from
seeing his glory as a son of God.

If you want to behold the glory of Christ as of the glory of

the only begotten of the father , you must learn to first
begin to behold him from Gethsemane because that was
where his assignment to the whole world begin as a son.
His assignment to the nation of Israel began from Luke 4
when he said the holy spirit is upon him for his anointed
him to preach the gospel.

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,Because He

has anointed Me, To preach the gospel to the poor; He has
sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to
the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind,To set at
liberty those who are oppressed;

Not to preach to us but to preach to the jew, not to heal the

world but to heal the jew who are sick.

The Glory of the Son

Jesus assignment in this scripture wasn't to the whole

world. He said God has anointed him to preach the gospel
to the poor but when he wanted to send us to the world he
never anointed us to preach the gospel to the poor, he
anointed us to preach the gospel to the whole world to both
the rich and the poor, For you to know that this scripture
was talking about his assignment not as son of God but his
assignment as servant of God.

His assignment as son of God is not to the nation of Israel,

it is to the whole world and the assignment was just one,
to come and die for the sin of the whole world, and give
his righteousness as gift to the whole world so that base on
his death, we can be saved and base on his righteousness,
we can be justified and blessed. That is the summary of his
assignment as son of God, and he doesn't need anointing
and power of the holy ghost to manifest that.

But when he wanted to begin his assignment as a servant

of God strictly to the nation of Israel, he needed to be
anointed and empowered.

I told you sons doesn't need anointing and power to fulfil

their roles in God's agenda, the role of sons is a mystery,
It is strategically designed that even devil can't
comprehend it but the assignment of servant are very loud
and spectacular, they make noise, you begin to hear the
noise of mantle, anointing, power and the like, you will

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

almost be intimidated if you don't understand the glory of

the sons, and think God has abandoned you as a son of
God to be using servant for global ministry.

You can see the difference between Jesus as a servants of

God now and jesus as a son of God. As a servant of God
he was sent to the nation of Israel, while as a son of God
he was sent to the whole world strategically and codedly.

That is why you see Jesus saying on many occasions that

I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israelites.

Matthew 15:24 But He answered and said, “I was not sent

except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

There are deep mystery in all this statements of Jesus but

we don't pay attention to them.

Remember in Luke 4:18 Jesus was telling us that the holy

spirit is upon him for he has sent him, Luke 4:18 only
captured what he was sent to do, but never captured who
he was sent to.

It was later Jesus began to show us in Matthew 15: 24 that

he was sent strictly to the lost sheep of Israel.

The question is, he was sent as what? Sent as servant of

God. He was sent as the last servant of God to the nation
of Israel and was sent as the first Son of God to the whole
world. So the Glory of Jesus that was sent as servant to the

The Glory of the Son

lost sheep of Israel is all we behold in the body of christ

and keep on teaching it , that is why all we cry for is mantle
and power to heal the sick and raise the dead, because
Jesus the servant of God is all we behold, his earthly
ministry to the jew captured and documented is all we
know. Thank God for paul that was able to see beyond the
earthly ministry of jesus and begin to see the glory of the

If we behold the glory of the son, that is full of grace, you

will surely see yourself and grace designed for your
assignment in life beyond five fold ministry, and beyond
the nine gift of the spirit mentioned in 1cor 12 , how can
you limit all the grace of God to the nine gifts of the spirit,
it means you have not behold the glory of Christ, because
Paul only explains the nine gift of the spirit because that
was the nine gift finding expression in the Corinthian
church, not that, that was the only nine gift of the spirit
available in christ .

Scripture didn't capture the 99 percentage grace available

when you behold the glory of christ, the scripture say it is
full of difference kind of grace, you will see grace for
business, grace for investments, you will see creative
grace for technological inventory, you will see grace for
scientific research.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

There is a gift of the spirit for all manner of workmanship,

see exodus

Exodus 31:3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God,
in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all
manner of workmanship,

Take note of that scripture...ALL MANNER OF

WORKMANSHIP you can ever think or image, if that
spirit of wisdom enter into you, once you imagine any
technology, inspiration to create it will follow, that
dimension of grace is available in christ and that wasn't
captured by paul in 1 Corinthians 12.

I love the way the message version put it...

Exodus 31:3

2 "See what I've done; I've personally chosen Bezalel son

of Uri, son of Hur of the tribe of Judah.

3 I've filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him skill
and know-how and expertise in every kind of craft(MSG)

.......Graces for EVERY KIND OF CRAFT.

But servants of God who only know the Glory of christ as

the servant of God, will now gather the children of God
designed to manifest in different sector of life and be
telling them about how Jesus heal the sick, that is the
reason why the creatives mentality of many sons become

The Glory of the Son

limited, they could not picture themselves receiving

Grace's for web development, inventory different craft,
but all we know is power to raise the dead. The scripture
say the glory as of the son is full of grace, think of any
grace you can ever imagine, when I behold the Glory as of
the servant he manifested on earth I never saw writing
grace, Jesus never operated in writing grace as a servant of
God, but when I beheld this glory of the son of God full
of grace, I saw writing grace.

You can see why church is extremely limited, all we talk

about is power to heal the sick and raise the dead. We fail
to know that Jesus limited himself to those dimension
because he was sent to jew and jew are only moved by sign
and wonder, but gentiles are not move by those things, the
scripture says gentiles are move by wisdom,

1 Corinthians 1:22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks

seek after wisdom;

Jesus operate in power in the jew because he know that is

what they request, that is what they seek, meaning how
wish Jesus was sent to the nation of Gentile, he would have
manifested more of strange wisdom than power, because
that is what get the attention of gentiles. That is why the
scripture says the gentile shall come to your light, they
don't come to fire, they only come to light.

NKJV, Isaiah 60:3

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The Gentiles shall come to your light,And kings to the

brightness of your rising. Can you now understand why
queen sheba came from the far east to sit under the wisdom
of Solomon.

1 Kings 10:1 The Queen of Sheba’s Praise of Solomon.

Now when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of
Solomon concerning the name of the Lord, she came to
test him with hard questions.

1 Kings 10:4 And when the queen of Sheba had seen all
the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built,

1 Kings 10:6 Then she said to the king: “It was a true
report which I heard in my own land about your words and
your wisdom.

In the day of Elijah with all his power not body from the
east heard about him, because Greek only seek after

Let Myles Munroe with his wisdom and one great man of
God with his power from Nigeria go to UK to minister, the
ministration of the man of power will be full of black
people while the ministration of Myles Munroe full of
wisdom will be full of white people, because gentiles are
moved by light. For you to know that if Jesus was sent to
greek in his earthly ministry the dimension of grace you
will see in him will be totally different from all the casting

The Glory of the Son

out demon and raising the death captured in Mathew,

Mark , Luke and John.

Just showing that we have not yet beheld the glory of the
Lord in the body of christ, all we are beholding is the glory
of Jesus the servant of God, and that only make us
religious and begin to transform from morality to morality
but when we begin to behold the glory of the son, the
scripture already told us what we happen, we will begin to
change from glory to glory.

NKJV, 2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the

glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same
image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

The glory of the sons of God are reveal when we behold

the glory of the Lord.

Just be following,

Take note of these three aspects of Christ:

1. The Growing up of the person of Jesus that is empty of


2. The Earthly ministry of the person of Jesus that is full

of the Glory of the servant of God.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

3. Jesus as the son of God with a Glory full of Grace and


When it comes to beholding Christ, you will discover that

this is the three major aspects of him we behold.

First he was born as a child and grow up and the scripture

give us the revelation about him in this nature that there
was no glory to be identified with him.

Isaiah 53:2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender

plant,And as a root out of dry ground.He has no form or
comeliness;And when we see Him,There is no beauty that
we should desire Him.

The bible says he grow up like a tree planted in a dry

ground, and no beauty can be seen in him, It means no
glory can be seen in him, because the fruit of Glory is
beauty, grace and honour.

And this was the way he grew up, the scripture says he was
a man of sorrow,

NKJV, Isaiah 53:3

He is despised and rejected by men,A Man of sorrows and

acquainted with grief.And we hid, as it were, our faces
from Him;He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

This verse 3 wasn't taking about him after Gethsemane

when he was arrested and and streap naked, this verse 1 to

The Glory of the Son

3 was talking about how he grew up from childhood, it was

beginning from verse 4 that Isaiah begin to give us the
revelation of after Gethsemane.

He grew up with no beauty found in him, and because of

that he was despised and rejected by men, do you hear in
history that Jesus have a childhood friend, it was because
he was rejected by all men of his age, that fine boy acting
Jesus in the firm titled passion of Christ" was far from the
look of Jesus described for us by revelation in the book

The Jesus that Isaiah prophesied about born by Mary was

a child with no beauty that we can desire of him, he grew
up as a man of sorrow.

Any one can relate with this, growing up with every things
ugly about you and ugly around your life, looking as if you
are the most unfortunate in life, coupled with the
revelation of how you will die, you will surely grow up
been a man of sorrow.

But suddenly when he became thirty years of age, the spirit

of God rest upon him and anoint him into ministry and
when the ministerial grace begin to find expression in him,
the scripture says fame about him spread abroad.

NKJV, Luke 4:14

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee,

and news of Him went out through all the surrounding

Because at this stage something has been added to his life

that brought glory to him, he returned in the power of the
Holy Ghost and news of him went out through all the
surrounding region.

This is a pure evidence of ministerial glory, because before

this, the scripture shows us that Jesus was anointed by the
Holy Ghost, anointing as nothing to do with the glory of
the son, anointing is for assignment, for anyone to be used
by God in ministry, something must rest upon you, it is
called the spirit upon,

For the son, nothing rest upon them before they manifest,
it is out of their belly shall flow rivers of different grace
out of them, and this flow just because they believe.

NKJV, John 7:38

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of

his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

Sons don't tarry to manifest, they dont wait for power to

manifest, all they do is to behold the glory of the lord and
as they believe, out of their belly shall flow rivers of living
water. What shine out of son is light, their light break fort
like sun in the morning, and the gentiles begin to come to

The Glory of the Son

their light, and king coming to the brightness of their


They don't need consecration to manifest, they only need

to believe, prayer, fasting and consecration may be the
strength of the servant but faith is all the strength of son,
as long as you are son, everything is possible to them that

So when you notice the earthly ministry of Jesus, you will

know clearly that this is the glory of the servants and the
purpose of this book is to shift our eyes from this aspect of
Jesus to the aspect many are not familiar with and that is
the aspect called the manifestation of the glory of as of the
only begotten son full of grace and truth.

If the glory of Jesus as the servant of God is all you behold

to teach, you will only be able to raise servant of God,
called into ministry, how can you minister to the children
of God design into academic , politics and different sectors
of life, if all you focus them on is the glory of the earthly
ministry of Jesus, that is when you will be ignorantly
teaching them how they should be casting out demons in
their place of work but when you behold the glory as of
the son full of grace, your teachings will be able to minister
to every nation and men will be able to apply your teaching
to every area of their lifes, because there is no area of your

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

life that you don't need grace, you need marital grace, need
financial grace, need carrier or ministry grace.

One of the name of God is the God of all grace, the

scripture says he can make all grace available for you.

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace

abound toward you, that you, always having all
sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every
good work.

Many things about the earthly ministry of jesusy can only

be apply to those called into ministry, because he was
moving on earth in his three and half years ministry not as
a banker, but as a full time minister of God and nd he did
that because his earthly ministry is only designed for the
Jews, and Jew is a religious land, but we must be able to
see Jesus beyond the scope of his earthly ministry.

Paul said we once knew Jesus from the perspective of flesh

and blood but how differently we know him now.

2 Corinthians 5:16b.

[16]At one time we thought of Christ merely from a

human point of view. How differently we know him now!(

16 Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by

what they have or how they look. We looked at the

The Glory of the Son

Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know.
We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. (MSG)

The reason why we could not do more than what Jesus did
was because we are beholding the wrong things, we are
beholding the person of Jesus rather than beholding his
glory. When you behold his person you only see the glory
of a servant of God who walk in anointing and power, but
you will agree with me that there is no more difference
between all the miraclous life of Jesus and the prophet who
have walk in the past.

Elijah raised the dead, Jesus also did the same, Elijah
cleansed the leper, Jesus also did it. So nothing is special
and this is affecting us today. Jesus of Nazareth is what
many of us are beholding and not the Christ. His earthly
ministry captured the glory of the servant and at the time
he will be begin the journey to manifest the glory of the
son, he had to put off the glory of the servant at
Gethsemane and the first thing we saw was shame,
mockery. All his disciples were confused, how could a
man full of power suddenly become naked and he cannot
call down fire from heaven? They don't know that a
transition is taking place, Jesus is putting off the glory of
the servant to put on the glory of the son.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Let me show you this scripture for you to know that Jesus
never walk in the glory of the son on earth and when he
begin to pray for the glory of the son.

John 17:1

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and

said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that
Your Son also may glorify You.

Take note of the word, glorify your son, not glorify your
servant. As a servant, he as been glorified when the the
Holy Spirit anointed him, anointing and power is the glory
for the servant, but those are not the glory of the son.

This is Jesus praying for glory, the question is what glory?

This is a man that his fame was all over everywhere, what
glory could be more than that? but in all those
manifestation and fame, they are just the glory of the
servant, Jesus was not moved by those glory, we are the
one dying of fasting for those glory of the servant and it is
because devil have blinded us not to see the glory od the
son available for us.

Jesus knew there is more to this ministerial grace because

if Jesus just died naturally with all those earthly ministerial
glory, he will only be group in the lineage of the old
prophet and this is what the Muslim could not understand
till today that made them to see Jesus as prophet of God.

The Glory of the Son

Every religion acknowledges Jesus as prophet from God,

as messenger of God, why ? Because all they could see is
the glory of the servant in him.

As a servant he told us that the Holy Spirit is upon him for

he has anointed him. You don't anoint a son, you only
anoint a servant, that is Jesus the anointed one, put off the
glory of the son and put on the nature of the servant and
humble himself to be anointed.

Christ who is the anointing in heaven, he is the anointing

of heaven, now become the anointed one on earth. The
person that by him all things was made, meaning by him
anointing was made, but because he want to bring himself
to the level of servant, he became anointed one to manifest
the glory of the servant.

Now the question, what is this glory of the son that Jesus
was praying for?

Take note of these three aspects of Christ:

1. The Growing up of the person of Jesus that is empty of


2. The Earthly ministry of the person of Jesus that is full

of the Glory of the servant of God.

3 Jesus as the son of God with a Glory full of Grace and


Pastor Banjo Ayeka

When it comes to beholding Christ, you will discover that

these are the three major aspects of him we behold. First,
he was born as a child and grow up and the scripture gives
us the revelation about him in this nature that there was no
glory to be identified with him.

Isaiah 53:2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender

plant,And as a root out of dry ground.He has no form or
comeliness;And when we see Him,There is no beauty that
we should desire Him.

The bible says he grow up like a tree planted in a dry

ground, and no beauty can be seen in him. It means no
glory can be seen in him because the fruit of Glory is
beauty, grace and honour. And this was the way he grew
up, the scripture says he was a man of sorrow.

NKJV, Isaiah 53:3

He is despised and rejected by men,A Man of sorrows and

acquainted with grief.And we hid, as it were, our faces
from Him;He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

This verse 3 wasn't talking about him after Gethsemane

when he was arrested and stripped naked, this verse 1 to 3
was talking about how he grew up from childhood, it was
beginning from verse 4 that Isaiah begin to give us the
revelation of after Gethsemane. He grew up with no

The Glory of the Son

beauty found in him, and because of that he was despised

and rejected by men, do you hear in history that Jesus have
a childhood friend, it was because he was rejected by all
men of his age, that fine boy acting Jesus in the firm titled
passion of Christ" was far from the look of Jesus described
for us by revelation in the book Isaiah. The Jesus that
Isaiah prophesied about born by Mary was a child with no
beauty that we can desire of him, he grew up as a man of
sorrow. Anyone can relate to this, growing up with
everything ugly about you and ugly around your life,
looking as if you are the most unfortunate in life, coupled
with the revelation of how you will die, you will surely
grow up being a man of sorrow but suddenly when he
became thirty years of age, the Spirit of God rested upon
him and anointed him into ministry and when the
ministerial grace begin to find expression in him, the
scripture says fame about him spread abroad.

NKJV, Luke 4:14

Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee,

and news of Him went out through all the surrounding

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Because at this stage something has been added to his life

that brought glory to him, he returned in the power of the
Holy Ghost and news of him went out through all the
surrounding region. This is pure evidence of ministerial
glory, because before this, the scripture shows us that
Jesus was anointed by the Holy Ghost, anointing has
nothing to do with the glory of the son, anointing is for
assignment, for anyone to be used by God in ministry,
something must rest upon you, it is called the Spirit upon.
For the son, nothing rests upon them before they manifest,
it is out of their belly shall flow rivers of different grace
and this flow just because they believe.

NKJV, John 7:38

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of

his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

Sons don't tarry to manifest, they don't wait for power to

manifest, all they do is to behold the glory of the Lord and
as they believe, out of their belly shall flow rivers of living
water. What shines out of Son is light, their light breaks
forth like the sun in the morning, and the Gentiles begin to
come to their light, and the king comes to the brightness
of their rising. They don't need consecration to manifest,

The Glory of the Son

they only need to believe, prayer, fasting and consecration

may be the strength of the servant but faith is all the
strength of the son, as long as you are a son, everything is
possible to them that believe. So when you notice the
earthly ministry of Jesus, you will know clearly that this is
the glory of the servants and the purpose of this book is to
shift our eyes from this aspect of Jesus to the aspect many
are not familiar with and that is the aspect called the
manifestation of the glory of as of the only begotten son
full of grace and truth. If the glory of Jesus as the servant
of God is all you behold to teach, you will only be able to
raise a servant of God, called into ministry, how can you
minister to the children of God designed for the academy,
politics and different sectors of life, if all you focus them
on is the glory of the earthly ministry of Jesus, that is when
you will be ignorantly teaching them how they should be
casting out demons in their place of work but when you
behold the glory as of the son full of grace, your teachings
will be able to minister to every nation and men will be
able to apply your teaching to every area of their lives,
because there is no area of your life that you don't need
grace, you need marital grace, financial grace, career or
ministry grace. One of the names of God is the God of all
grace, the scripture says he can make all grace available
for you.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace

abound toward you, that you, always having all
sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every
good work.

Many things about the earthly ministry of Jesus can only

be applied to those called into ministry because he was
moving on earth in his three and half years of ministry not
as a banker, but as a full-time minister of God and he did
that because his earthly ministry is only designed for the
Jews, and Jews are a religious land, but we must be able to
see Jesus beyond the scope of his earthly ministry. Paul
said we once knew Jesus from the perspective of flesh and
blood but how differently we know him now.

2 Corinthians 5:16b.

[16] At one time we thought of Christ merely from a

human point of view. How differently we know him now!

16 Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by

what they have or how they look. We looked at the
Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know.
We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. (MSG)

The reason why we could not do more than what Jesus did
was because we are beholding the wrong things, we are
beholding the person of Jesus rather than beholding his

The Glory of the Son

glory. When you behold his person you only see the glory
of a servant of God who walks in anointing and power, but
you will agree with me that there is no more difference
between all the miraculous life of Jesus and the prophet
who has walked in the past. Elijah raised the dead, Jesus
also did, Elijah cleansed the leper, and Jesus also did. So
nothing special and this is affecting us today. Jesus of
Nazareth is what many of us are beholding and not Christ.
His earthly ministry captures the glory of the servant and
at the time he will begin the journey to manifest the glory
of the son, he had to put off the glory of the servant at
Gethsemane and the first thing we saw was shame and
mockery. All his disciples were confused, how could a
man full of power suddenly become naked and he cannot
call down fire from heaven ?

They don't know that a transition is taking place Jesus is

putting off the glory of the servant to put on the glory of
the son. Let me show you this scripture for you to know
that Jesus never walk in the glory of the Son on earth and
when he begins to pray for the glory of the son.

John 17:1

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and

said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that
Your Son also may glorify You.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Take note of the word, glorify your son, not glorify your
servant. As a servant, he has been glorified when the Holy
Spirit anointed him, anointing and power are the glory of
the servant, but those are not the glory of the son. This is
Jesus praying for glory, the question is what glory ? This
is a man whose fame was all over everywhere, what glory
could be more than that? But in all those manifestations
and fame, they are just the glory of the servant, Jesus was
not moved by that glory, we are the ones dying of fasting
for the glory of the servant and it is because the devil has
blinded us not to see the glory of the son available for us.
Jesus knew there is more to this ministerial grace because
if Jesus just died naturally with all those ministerial earthly
glory, he will only be grouped in the lineage of the old
prophet and this is what the Muslims could not understand
till today which made them see Jesus as the prophet of
God. Every religion acknowledges Jesus as a prophet from
God or as a messenger of God, why? Because all they
could see is the glory of the servant in him. As a servant,
he told us that the Holy Spirit is upon him for he has
anointed him. You don't anoint a son, you only anoint a
servant. That is, Jesus the anointed one, put off the glory
of the son and put on the nature of the servant and humble
himself to be anointed. Christ who is the anointing in
heaven, he is the anointing of heaven, now become the
anointed one on earth.

The Glory of the Son

The person that by him all things were made, meaning by

him anointing was made, but because he want to bring
himself to the level of a servant, he became anointed one
to manifest the glory of the servant. Now the question is,
what is this glory of the son that Jesus was praying for?

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



John 1:14 The Word Becomes Flesh

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

I will want you to follow the revelation embedded in this

scripture. It has a lot to do with our lives and destiny as a
son of God if you really want to see the manifestation of
the Glory of the Son finding expression in your life.

Now that we have understood the nature of the Glory of

Christ as the son of God as something different from the
Glory of Jesus as the servant of God, the next question is
what is the benefit of beholding this glory?

It is so that your life can capture a measure of the fullness

of Grace you see in the Glory of Christ as the Son of God
because what you see in him as the Son of God is the Grace
available for all the sons of God, that is, God gives all the
grace we need to Christ so that through him you can be
graced as a son. For instance, if you are called into

The Glory of the Son

prophetic ministry you can behold the prophetic grace of

those who have gone ahead as a prophet to know that
whatever prophetic grace you see in them when you
behold their prophetic glory is likely to be what you will
see in you.

Same to you as the son of God, once you are born of God,
all you need to see and behold to know the grace available
for you is when you behold the glory of the Son of God
full of all kinds of grace and as you behold, you suddenly
discover that you are becoming what you are beholding. I
say this directly to your heart, the only recommended way
through which the glory of the son will shine in you as a
son of God is by beholding the Glory of Christ as the son
full of grace and truth.

Look at the scripture

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just
as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Get this, you don't receive by beholding, you only

manifest what you have freely received through faith by
beholding. You receive by faith. And can I shock you?
You have received all the grace you need in life the day
you believe, the day you see it by revelation that God has
blessed you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

and you believe it, you already have them in you but
manifestation of them lies in beholding. The reason why
Jesus said the river of living water will flow out of your
belly is because you have received them already, if it is a
spiritual blessing you have not received, it will flow out of
heaven to you, but if it is something you have received
already it will flow out of your belly. That is why I
sorrowfully pity those who are still waiting for the window
of open heaven, when everything has been designed to
flow out of their bellies.

The only people who have not received all spiritual

blessings in them are those who do not believe, but once
you believe, you already have all spiritual blessings in you.

Question; “Why have you not seen the manifestation”? It

is because you are not following the recommended way
through which God said you will see it, you have been told
by religious leaders that it is by fasting you release it.

You hear teachings like "You receive by faith and release

by sacrifice", ask them to show you just one scripture to
back that statement, they will never find one because those
are just traditions of men. What the scripture says is that
as you behold the glory of the Lord, you are changed from
Glory to Glory, that is something is coming out of you to
be revealed. Spiritual transformation is different from
spiritual empowerment, spiritual empowerment is when

The Glory of the Son

something from above rests upon you, spiritual

transformation is when something from within find
expression out of you due to change and this scripture is
now saying that the glory of the sons will not come to you
by empowerment, it manifests by transformation, it is
something you changed and transformed into.

Look at the scripture

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just
as by the Spirit of the Lord.

For servants, their Grace comes as empowerment, but for

sons, their grace is seen as transformed because the Glory
is already embedded in them. For servants in order for
grace to flow, they will have to tarry long in the secret
place, but for sons, all they do is to behold, beholding the
glory of the Lord and they begin to transform from Glory
to Glory but you will discover that the message we are
brought up with is all about tarry, they tell us to tarry long
in the secret place. That is why I said the highest
percentage of men of God we have can't raise sons of God
into Glory, the message they have is a message that can
kill the glory of the sons. When you see a man of God who
has not caught the revelation of the grace message, just
know He has not been called to raise sons of God and build

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

them, it is not their fault, it is the fault of you not called

into ministry listening to them because to be built as a son
of God and obtain your inheritance which is your glory,
the message of grace is what God said you need.

Acts of the Apostles 20:32

[32]“And now I entrust you to God and the message of his

grace that is able to build you up and give you an
inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.

I beg you, pay attention to the message of Grace, I didn't

say you should listen to me, I am not the only Grace
teachers, but look for grace Teachers and grace teachings,
let them format all the religious things you carry that you
are calling spiritual life and let them sit you down with
scripture and take you on a journey. All you need is an
open mind, it will dawn on you that you have been
brainwashed for long. Once you are a son of God, all
blessings are designed to come to you freely by faith,
servants may pay price and sacrifice to obtain blessing
from God their Master, but Christ paid the price and
sacrifice for all sons to receive the blessings from their
Father. So, you receive all blessings as a son of God by
Faith and manifest all blessings as a son by beholding.

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being

The Glory of the Son

transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just

as by the Spirit of the Lord.

The transformation that come out of you as you behold

the glory of Christ that this scripture is talking about is not
transformation from bad character to good character and
from good character to God's character, even though that
will surely be part of our Christian experience as a growth
in grace but that is not the message this scripture is passing
across to us, the message is that the transformation is from
glory to glory, that is from Grace to Grace because when
you behold any Glory you find in any sons of God, it will
be glory that is full of a measure of Grace available in
Christ, that is Glory expressed as Grace, not Glory
expressed as holiness and righteousness. Even though
religion wants you to believe that the change this scripture
is talking about in 2 Corithians 3:18 is a transformation
from one holiness and righteousness to another higher
holiness and righteousness, but God doesn't design our
glory to shine through that. It is the Glory of God that is
designed to reveal and shine in holiness, and God doesn't
share his Glory with anybody, it is the Glory as of the only
begotten son full of Grace and truth that God wants to
share with us, not the Glory of the person of God. Truly
we are to be holy and righteous, but God never desire us
to glory in that, or for men to glorified us because of our

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

holiness and righteousness, if men do that to you and you

fail to correct their impressions, God count it as pride,
because it means you are sharing in the Glory of God.
They did that to Peter when he by God's power healed the
cripple man at the beautiful gate, and they began to look
at Peter as though he by his holiness and sacrifice healed
the cripple.

Kindly see how Peter replied.

The Acts 3:12 So when Peter saw it, he responded to the

people: “Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why
look so intently at us, as though by our own power or
godliness we had made this man walk?

Religion and people who grew in religion always love to

share in the glory of God, they love to pride in holiness
and righteousness and that is the expression of God's glory
that he never shares with anyone. He wants to share the
Glory of His son with us as a son born by him and not the
Glory of himself and the Glory of God Himself is revealed
as Holiness while the Glory of his only begotten Son is
revealed as Grace and Truth.

Look at the scripture very well.

John 1:14.

The Glory of the Son

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

Take note: “this scripture is not talking about the Glory of

God the father, the scripture is talking about the Glory of
God the son, the Glory is talking about the Glory as of the
only begotten son, and this is the Glory that God wants to
share with us”.

No one can behold the Glory of God and fellowship with

it, His Glory is a consuming fire, you can only fellowship
with light which is the Glory of the Son, but you can't
fellowship with fire which is the Glory of God, the
scripture says when the Glory of God speak the voice is
like thunder.

Psalms 29:3

[3]The voice of the lord echoes above the sea. The God of
glory thunders. The lord thunders over the mighty sea.

How can you fellowship with personalities that speak and

his voice echo as thunder, you will never be able to stand
such without fear. Just showing you why God never come
to us in his Glory, he comes to us as father in the Glory of

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The son, that is, he is called the father of light and not the
father of Fire.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from
above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with
whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

He is a God of fire, he is a consuming fire, But a father of

light to we his children because he designed we his
children to be the light of the world and made himself to
be the fathers of we the lights, that is why the scripture
says every good gift comes to us from the father of light,
so For God to fellowship with us, he has to come in the
Glory of The Son which is Christ and that is the Glory he
wants we children to behold. No man can behold the Glory
of God and survive it. The first time He came in his Glory
to the land of man, the children of Israel could not stand it.

Deuteronomy 5:24

[24]They said, ‘Look, the lord our God has shown us his
glory and greatness, and we have heard his voice from the
midst of the fire. Today we have seen that God can speak
to us humans, and yet we live!

Kindly look at the scripture very well, the voice of God

came in the midst of the fire, but to us, whenever the word
of God comes, it comes in the midst of light. When the

The Glory of the Son

Glory of God came down to the midst of Israel at mount

Sinai, let us see their reaction.

Exodus 19:9,18-19

[9]Then the lord said to Moses, “I will come to you in a

thick cloud, Moses, so the people themselves can hear me
when I speak with you. Then they will always trust
you.”Moses told the lord what the people had said.

[18]All of Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because

the lord had descended on it in the form of fire. The smoke
billowed into the sky like smoke from a brick kiln, and the
whole mountain shook violently.

[19]As the blast of the ram’s horn grew louder and louder,
Moses spoke, and God thundered his reply.

Kindly study that scripture and see how God came down
in his Glory, verse 19 says and Moses spoke to God and
God thundered his reply, not that the word of God echoed
like thunder, but the word of God is thunder, any time you
hear the sound of thunder it mean God has spoken.

Each time rain is falling and God speaks all we see is

thunder, how many of us can stand such thunder ? God
intentionally allow his voice to be heard each time rain is
falling for us to know the value of what we are enjoying
when he speaks to us through Christ and the entrance of

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

his word begins to give light and give understanding to the


Look at this scripture again

Psalms 18:13 The Lord thundered from heaven, And the

Most High uttered His voice, Hailstones and coals of fire.

Do you know that when Jesus was on earth, on two

occasions God spoke, and the word came into the earth as
thunder, not that the word came like thunder, the word
came as thunder, men of Jew receive it as thunder, because
they thought rain want to fall, but Jesus was able to
interpret what God was saying.

John 12:28

Then a voice came from heaven, saying, “I have both

glorified it and will glorify it again.”

John 12:29 Therefore the people who stood by and heard

it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has
spoken to Him.”

John 12:30 Jesus answered and said, “This voice did not
come because of Me, but for your sake.

Aside from the children of Israel, only one man heard the
voice of God again and that was John in the book of

The Glory of the Son

revelation. He wanted to document what that thunder was

saying, but he was not permitted.

Revelation 10:3 and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion

roars. When he cried out, seven thunders uttered their

Revelation 10:4 Now when the seven thunders uttered

their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from
heaven saying to me, “Seal up the things which the seven
thunders uttered, and do not write them.”

What John saw as seven thunders was just God speaking

seven times and each thunder contained information and
as he was about to write those mysteries down, a voice
came to him saying seal up the things which the seven
thunders uttered, they are not information needed for man.
John himself never knew it was God who spoke to him,
he only said the thunder was talking to him but by the help
of revelation through scripture we know that it is God that
speaks because his Word is released as thunder. So when
God came down at Mount Sinai to speak to the children of
Israel and his word came as thunder, kindly see their

Exodus 20:18-19

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

[18]When the people heard the thunder and the loud blast
of the ram’s horn, and when they saw the flashes of
lightning and the smoke billowing from the mountain, they
stood at a distance, trembling with fear.

[19]And they said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will

listen. But don’t let God speak directly to us, or we will

If you are in this shoe, you will say the same thing the
Israelites said and manifest the same fear they did. Who
dare jot down revelation when the voice came to him as
thunder, for you to know that the Glory of God is not
something designed to be behold by men, it is for the angel
and not man, that is why the highest the angel can do is to
worship God in fear and not fellowship with God in love
because by divine design, heaven is created to be filled
with the Glory of God, while the earth is created to be
filled with the Glory of Christ which is the Glory of the
Son, that is why the scripture says heaven is filled with the
glory of God.

NKJV, Psalms 19:1.

The heavens declare the glory of God;

And the firmament shows His handiwork.

That is why to see the Glory of God you have to get to

heaven, it is the heaven that speaks of his glory and when

The Glory of the Son

Isaiah had a glimpse of heaven by vision to see the Glory

of God he said holy, holy, holy. Steven also was able to by
vision gazed into heaven and saw the Glory of God.

Acts of the Apostles 7:55

[55]But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily

he saw Jesus standing in the place of honor at God’s right

So, men who were able to see God's Glory and desire it
were men who by vision see into heaven, because it is
heaven that speaks about his Glory. What the Bible says
about the earth is that it is full of the Glory of the Lord
(that is The Glory of Christ).

NKJV, Isaiah 6:3

And one cried to another and said:“Holy, holy, holy is the

Lord of hosts;The whole earth is full of His glory!”

The Lord of Host that Isaiah is talking about here is Christ,

Christ is the Lord of all Host and Isaiah now said the earth
is full of his glory. Isaiah didn't say the heaven is full of
his Glory, but he said the earth is full of his Glory and the
Glory that the Earth is full of is the one John 1 vs 14 was
not telling us that when we behold it, it is full of Grace.
The question is what is this Glory? But just know already
that the earth is full of the glory, so we don't need to go to

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

heaven to see the Glory as of the son, we don't need vision

to see it. If it is something in heaven like the Glory of God,
we can only by vision see it from earth, but when it comes
to the glory of Christ which is the glory of the son full of
Grace and truth, the scripture says the Earth is full of that

Now how can we see it?

Now take note of this three glory and the difference

between them all. The Glory of God the father, The Glory
of God the son and the Glory of God the Holy Spirit. We
have talked about the Glory of God in the last page as
something we can not behold with our eyes, we explained
through the lenses of scripture that it is the heaven that
speak about the glory of God, and few men who were able
to sees the glory were able to capture it by vision and we
saw Stephen who by vision gazed into heaven and capture
by vision the Glory of God.

NKJV, The Acts 7:55

But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and
saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand
of God,

We begin to explain again that it is the earth that is full of

the glory of Christ and if the earth is full of the glory of
Christ it means it is something that can be seen with our

The Glory of the Son

physical eyes and Isaiah was able to see this by vision also
and he begin to prophesy. He was able to see the person of
the Lord of host and see his glory also when he saw his
person he shouted holy, holy and holy and he utter a
strange statement in that scripture and he said the earth is
full of his glory.

Isaiah 6:3 And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy,
holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His

That is when he saw the person of the Lord in heaven and

saw that the earth is full of his Glory. He never says the
Heaven is full of his glory, he said the earth is full of his
glory, meaning if we want to behold the glory of the Lord
which is the Glory of the only begotten son we should
behold the earth. Now the question is how can we discover
this glory on earth? Because we have already saw the
location where the glory can be found "the earth is full of
the glory" we have also know what we are going to see
when we behold the glory, the scripture said the "Glory is
full of Grace and truth".

Meaning, this earth is full of the grace of our Lord Jesus

Christ, I thought I need to press into the spirit to catch the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, not knowing the earth is
full of His grace. Get this today that the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ is different from the gift of the spirit, the gift

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

of the spirit is an expression of the Glory of the Holy

Spirit. Holiness is an expression of the Glory of God, gift
of the spirit and supernatural manifestation is an
expression of the Glory of the Holy Spirit, while grace is
an expression of the Glory of the Son. The earth is not full
of the Glory of the Holy ghost, If you want to see the Glory
of the Holy Ghost just behold the body of Christ, the Body
of Christ is full of the Glory of the Holy Ghost while the
earth is full of the glory of Christ.

Christ didn't come for the body of Christ, he came for the
world, he said I am the light of the world not I am the light
of the Body of Christ. Holy Spirit also didn't come for the
world, he came for the body of Christ, the world can't
receive the power of the Holy Ghost, you must be part of
the body to receive any gift of the Holy Ghost. When you
behold the glory of Christ you find spiritual blessings, that
is why the scripture says God has blessed us with all
spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3).

When you behold the glory of The Holy Ghost you find
supernatural blessing, while when you behold the Glory of
Christ you find spiritual blessing. Spiritual blessing is
different from supernatural blessing, God didn't designed
anyone as individual to be blessed with all supernatural
blessing, Holy spirit give supernatural blessing according
to your calling and ordination.

The Glory of the Son

1 Corinthians 12:11

[11]It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these
gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should

Take note of that scripture, Holy Spirit alone decides

which gift each person should have, you cannot use your
fasting and prayer to decide. Holy Spirit do the decision
and the measurement of his decision is base on your
ordination before the foundation of the world. He gave me
teaching and writing gift because that is what I have been
ordained to do before the foundation of the world, so gift
of the spirit is not base on decision, if it is base on my
decision teaching and writing grace is the last thing I will
demand for. But because it is based on predestination, he
decide which one I have. So enter your rest and stop
paying unnecessary price and sacrifice of fasting in
ignorance. This is what the scripture say, do we all
do miracle? Of course not.

1 Corinthians 12:29-30

[29]Are we all apostles? Are we all prophets? Are we all

teachers? Do we all have the power to do miracles?

[30]Do we all have the gift of healing? Do we all have the

ability to speak in unknown languages? Do we all have the
ability to interpret unknown languages? Of course not.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

So Why killing yourself. If God wants to use you for any

assignment be it healing ministry or teaching ministry, you
are not the one that will be begging for Gift. It is when you
want to use God to do your will and not his will that you
fast and pray for gift. I have never for one day pray for
grace to write or pray for revelation to write, he want me
to write then he supply what to write, if he didn't supply I
drop my pen and go to sleep, I flow effortlessly in writing
and teaching grace because I operate from the place of rest,
on many occasions I don't send up to 50 percent of what I
write every day on social media. So you are not the
determinant factor of the supernatural blessing you have,
you cannot receive supernatural blessing by faith so also
you can not receive or manifest it by fasting and prayer,
your calling and ordination before the foundation of the
world is what attract them into your life, and if you didn't
see the supernatural gift of any kind finding expression in
your life effortlessly, it means God didn't call you into
ministry. Supernatural gift finding expression in you
effortlessly is the major voice and evidence to know you
are called into ministry, and the gift grow in you by
consistent use of it, you don't grow it by fasting and prayer,
you grow it by using it, the more you use it, the more it
grow, and the more you exercise it, the more it grow. So it
is only the servant that are blessed with supernatural gift,
because it is a tool to serve the children of God, that is, the
sons of God are designed to sit and enjoy supernatural

The Glory of the Son

blessing, I am writing to you now as a servant of God

while you are enjoying the revelation as a son of God. Just
as the servant of the king serves the prince and children of
the king in the palace, if the King gives the servant a Gun,
it is so that he can protect the sons of the King. So God
designed the servant to be gifted with supernatural
blessings and designed every son of God to be blessed
with all spiritual blessings. Someone is asking what is the
difference between supernatural blessing and spiritual
blessing? Healing gift and healing anointing is a
supernatural blessing while divine health is a spiritual
blessing. So any son of God who doesn't know his right in
the kingdom and has not obtained divine health as
inheritance can fall sick and because of them God raises
the servant with healing anointing to heal the sick who
doesn't know his right in Christ and his position in the
kingdom. The children of God who didn't know that
generation curses can't be their portion again, but due to
spiritual blindness still believe in generational curses, for
that purpose God raised the prophet and set them on prayer
mountains to break generational curses and the ignorance
from the children of God.

In order for them not to perish due to their ignorance, God

has to raise servants for rescue missions into breakthrough
and deliverance ministry. God doesn't design all men to
have healing gifts but God desires for all his children to

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

walk in divine health, so rather than showing them what

the devil can do to them if they don't pray, show them what
Christ has done for them if they can believe.

Supernatural blessing is for ministry while spiritual

blessing is for life and godliness. So if you want to behold
the Glory of God, you see into heaven by vision, because
heaven speaks of his Glory.

Psalms 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God;And the firmament

shows His handiwork.

If you want to behold the Glory of the son you see into the
earth, because the earth is full of his glory.

NKJV, Isaiah 6:3

And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the
Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!”

If you want to see the Glory of the Holy Spirit you see into
the body of Christ, because the body of Christ is full of the
Glory of the Holy Ghost but the purpose of this book is to
behold the Glory of the son.

Now if the earth is full of his glory, how can I see it?

The Glory of the Son

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



We established a scriptural point in the last page on the
location where the glory of the only begotten Son can be
found, and we found out in the scripture that the earth is
full of the Glory.

Isaiah 6:3 And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy,
holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His

Meaning, when the writer of John was saying they beheld

the glory, it wasn't something they are beholding with the
eyes of the spirit, it is something they were beholding with
their physical eyes, and when they beheld it, they begin to
give us the revelation of what they saw which is full of
Grace and truth.

I want you to know that when you behold the glory today,
or behold the glory in the next 1000 years that is the same
thing you will see, what the glory of the Lord contains is
constant, it has always been full of Grace. Now the
question is how can I behold this glory? The answer is in
that same scripture, look at it again.

The Glory of the Son

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just
as by the Spirit of the Lord.

The scripture begins to show us that when it comes to the

glory of the Lord, you don't behold it directly, you behold
it through a mirror. Look at the scripture very well.. he said
beholding as in a glass mirror the glory of the Lord.

Meaning, you can't see the glory directly, even though the
earth is full of the glory, but you cannot see it directly, if
you see it directly you will not believe that it can be the
glory of the Lord but when you see it through the mirror
you will believe that THIS IS THE GLORY. The role of
the mirror is to give you the picture of this glory, the mirror
points you to the glory that is full of Grace and Truth.

Now the question is what is this mirror ? Because the

knowledge of the mirror becomes the beginning of the
solution to our revelation. I ask again, what is this mirror?
The mirror is the word of God.

The scripture describes hearing the word of God as to be

like seeing through a mirror.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

James 1:23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a

doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a

To see the glory of the Lord through the mirror means to

see the glory of the Lord through the scripture. I love the
way the classic Edition of the Amplified version puts it,
because it directly refers to the mirror to be the word of

2 Corinthians 3:18

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we]

continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror
the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured
into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and
from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from
the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.

That is, the word of God is the lens through which you
behold the glory of the Lord.

Let us see another scripture.

The Glory of the Son

1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but

then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know
just as I also am known.

That is, the recommended way we are designed to see now

as sons of God is to see through the mirror, that is, to see
through the scripture. As far as heaven is concerned,
inability to see through the scripture is what it means to be
spiritually blind, spiritual blindness is not the inability to
see through the prophetic visions, spiritual blindness is the
inability to see through the scripture, because real spiritual
vision is the ability to catch the picture of the future
through the scripture. We do celebrate supernatural vision
which is the prophetic vision, but not everyone will walk
in that dimension, because it is not a spiritual blessing for
the sons, it is a supernatural blessing for the servant, it is
mostly designed for those called into prophetic

When the scripture says I will pour out my spirit upon the
flesh and the youths shall see vision, (Act 2 vs 17). The
scripture is not talking about supernatural visions, because
not every youth will see supernatural visions, and I am not
sure I have seen one before myself but what that scripture
is saying is spiritual visions which is the act of seeing into
the spirit or seeing into the future with the lens of the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

scripture. That is, seeing the reality of life, reality of the

spirit, and the reality of the future with the lens of the

And every son of God is expected to walk in this

dimension of vision beginning from the day you receive
the Holy Ghost, because the assignment of the person of
the Holy Ghost is to begin to open the eyes of your
understanding to see through the scripture how he want
you to walk in life, (this is what it means to be guided into
all truth).

Look at the scripture again.

1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but

then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know
just as I also am known.

He said now we see in a mirror, but then when we get to

heaven we shall see face to face, meaning if we want to
see the glory of the Lord now, it can only be through the
mirror, that is, we behold the glory through a mirror and
when you behold the glory through the mirror what you
will see is Grace. GRACE means a Blessing that is freely
available for you, now I understand what the scripture says
that when the Holy Spirit comes he will show us what has
been freely given to us, not what will be freely given

The Glory of the Son

(promise) but what has been freely given (grace). Promise

is about what God will do, While grace is when the
condition to make the promise available has been fulfilled
by someone who now makes that promised blessing
available for us freely.

The scripture now say the Glory of Christ is full of

blessings we don't deserved, it is full of unearned
blessings, it is full of free blessings, the scripture called
those blessings the grace of our lord Jesus Christ, another
scripture called it the Glory of the Lord, another scripture
called the Glory as of the only Begotten son of the father.

Now look at this scripture......

1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of

the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might
know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

If the scripture says the assignment of the Spirit of God is

to show us things that have been freely given to us, then I
ask, by what spirit are people preaching and teaching that
you must pay price and sacrifice? Because this scripture is
making us understand now that the Holy Spirit will never
do such a teaching. If they want to fool themselves again
they will say there are some blessings that come freely
while there are some blessings you must pay price to get,
but ask them to show you scripture, they will never see one
because what the scripture says is that God has blessed us

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1 :3) meaning all

spiritual blessings are free, another scripture say again that
if God can give us Christ freely will he not freely give us
all things ?

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare His own Son, but
delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him
also freely give us all things?

You can see clearly that those preaching and teaching that
you must pay price and sacrifice are not teaching and
preaching by the Spirit of the Lord, they are busy teaching
with eloquence by religious spirit because it is a religious
spirit that loves to put yoke and burden on people while
the Spirit of Lord brings freedom, because anywhere the
spirit of the Lord is, one of the things you will notice is
liberty from the law and freedom from religion.

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where

the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

When you read this scripture from verse 10 you will see
clearly that Paul was talking about freedom from the
bondage of the law. Now the question is how can I now
behold the glory of the Lord through the mirror ? How can
I behold it through the scripture ?

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being

The Glory of the Son

transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just

as by the Spirit of the Lord.

You may want to ask that how does beholding the glory of
the lord automatically lead you into changing from glory
to glory?

When you behold the glory of the Lord the major things
he does to you is that it changes your mentality and
mindset. Mentality and mindset is the mystery behind
everything that happens to you in life, mentality is the
magnetic force that attracts what you believe into your life,
the way your mind is set is surely going to be the way your
life will be set.

When devil want to use men to fight you or stand against

you, your wrong behaviour becomes their legal ground,
that is, they hold unto what you have done wrong as a tool
for their warfare but whenever the devil want to fight you
or stand against you directly from the spiritual realm your
wrong believes becomes his legal ground, that is, he hold
unto what you believe as his legal tool for his warfare
against you, and whatever you believe is a product of what
you behold.

That is why the scripture told us to quench all dark arrows

of the devil by faith:

Ephesians 6:16

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

[16] In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith

to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.

That is, right believes becomes a shield to prevent any

arrows of the wicked one, and attracting the blessing of the
Holy one, while wrong believes becomes a magnetic force
and open door attracting any arrow of the wicked one and
preventing the blessing of the Holy one, because without
right believing known as faith, it is impossible to please
God. So when what you are beholding changes, your
mentality will changes, and when your mentality changes,
your belief system also change and when your beliefs
system change, your life automatically change.

Everything you see in your life today is a report card of

your past belief system, you may not know, because
beliefs doesn’t produce a change in your life overnight, it
happen gradually. For instance if you begin to have right
believe today, don’t think results will come overnight, but
a change has instantly happen in the spirit which will begin
to form and become your reality in the physical within the
pertain of a gradual process.

Now this is the point, When your beliefs system and

mentality is not in line with the new creature, the scripture
calls it stronghold and the assignment of the stronghold is
just one thing, to prevent what the WORD OF GOD says

The Glory of the Son

concerning you not to be your experience and allow what

devil is saying concerning you to be your experience

2 Corinthians 10:4

[4]We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons,

to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to
destroy false arguments.

This things called stronghold will ensure your life doesn’t

capture by experience what you see concerning yourself in
the scripture. Truly you will be seeing that what you are
reading in the scripture is correct, but you keep on asking
yourself why are you not experiencing it and this can make
you to go back to the law to think there must be a sacrifice
you must pay.

When you see people jumping from grace to law and from
law to grace, one thing is just their problem, lack of result
but if results is what you are after, I think the best people
to follow are the people of this world, because they have
results more than anyone you see in Christ but many in the
church have failed to know that things pertaining to our
peace and joy is the first thing to run after not things
pertaining to visible result, because by divine design
progress is ordained to come when peace is established,
but if you violate the law of peace just because you want
to get progress known as result, you may surely have it,
but the same things you have will become the object of

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

your sorrow, having known at late that life doesn’t consist

of the abundance of things man have.

Luke 12:15

[15]Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of

greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”

So inability to know the way of peace is what is making

people to jump from grace to law and law to grace. Many
doesn’t know the things pertaining to their peace and seek
it first, all they are running after is results, and when that
becomes your lust, you end up sacrificing things
pertaining to your peace just to get results in life.

Luke 19:41-42

[41]But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city

ahead, he began to weep.

[42] “How I wish today that you of all people would

understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and
peace is hidden from your eyes.

The way of faith is the way of peace.

NKJV, Romans 5:1

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace

with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

The Glory of the Son

But we want to reject the way of faith because it doesn’t

give us result when we want, faith only give you results
when God want, that is why patience always follow faith,
that is why the scripture says we should follow men who
through faith and patience inherit the promise.

Hebrews 6:12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate

those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Impatience and desire for quick results is what make many

to become sluggish about the way of faith, and follow the
way of law because law will always suggest seven step
you must do to get the promised blessing you see in
scripture. Many feels there is something they are doing
wrong affecting their results so they begin to look for
secrets of what to do right to get results. They don’t know
that as long as the promises of the scripture is concerned,
what you believe wrong is the only scriptural hindrance,
while what you believe right is the major magnetic force
to bring to manifestation what you see in the scripture.

Romans 4:14-15 New Century Version (NCV)

If people could receive what God promised by following

the law, then faith is worthless.

Law from scriptural context mean believing in what you

must do as condition to get what God promised, while faith

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

mean believing in what Christ has done as the only

condition to get what God promised

So one thing that the beholding the glory of the Lord does
is that the glory will begin to shine into your heart as light
and it will begin to bring understanding into you, changing
your mentality to see more of what Christ has done and
see that all is by grace, because when you behold the glory,
it is grace you will see, that is, you will see blessings that
are freely available for you and this will change your
mentality from been law conscious to been faith
conscious. Before you behold the glory of the lord, your
idea and mentality is that you must do something to earn
blessing of God, so you look at those blessings of God as
something to obtain as reward, But when you behold the
Glory of the lord which is the Glory as of the Son, you
don’t see reward, you see Grace, all you see will be grace,
and Grace meaning something available for you freely.
This mentality alone will change your approach from
beholding the right things in scripture. Truly the scripture
is the lens through which you behold the Glory of the Lord,
the scripture is the mirror through which you behold the
glory as recommended for us in 2 Corithians 3:18.

NKJV, 2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with unveiled face, BEHOLDING AS IN A

MIRROR the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into

The Glory of the Son

the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of

the Lord.

The scripture describes that mirror to be the word of God

(James 1 vs 23)

But you must know that the scripture have two lens, when
you behold the scripture and what you see is GOD’S
COMMANDMENTS you have successfully used wrong
lens, and the scripture says that it becomes a veil in your
heart from seeing the Glory of the lord but when you
behold the scripture and what you see is GOD’S
COMMITMENT then you have successfully used the
right lens to see.

Knowing Gods commandments for you put you under law

and it put you on curse, because curse is everyone who
receive the law and fail to do all that is written in it, which
no man can do it.

Galatians 3:10

[10] But those who depend on the law to make them right
with God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say,
“Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all the
commands that are written in God’s Book of the Law.”

When you focus in knowing Gods commitment towards

you, it put you under faith and it places you under Grace.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Because what the scripture says is that whenever Ten

Commandments is read a veil covers the heart of men.

2 Corinthians 3:15

[15]Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their

hearts are covered with that veil, and they do not

Take note of that scripture, it say even till today when

Moses writings is read, and the ten commandments is
Moses writing

Let see the way another version put it

2 Corinthians 3:15 But even to this day, when Moses is

read, a veil lies on their heart.

This is Paul talking in the dispensation of Grace, this is

Paul talking in the new testament, he knows men will
surely be reading Moses till kingdom come, he now began
to show the side effect, he said that truly you are reading
it because you want to promote morality, you want to
promote God’s commandments, you felt men can be
justified by keeping God’s commandments, you don’t
know that when you begin to read the law, when you begin
to read the ten commandments, when you begin to read
Moses, a veil lies in your heart and that veil prevents you
from seeing the Grace which is the Glory of the lord. The
scripture says when Moses is read, the question is what is

The Glory of the Son

this Moses that scripture is talking about? It is the

commandments of God, the commandments of God to
man came through Moses while the commitment of God
for man came through Christ.

The commandments of God is called law, while the

commitment of God is called grace. The scripture called
the reading of Ten Commandments the ministration of

2 Corinthians 3:7

But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on

stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could
not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory
of his countenance, which glory was passing away

Kindly look at the scripture very well, if the ministry of

death written on stone was glorious.

What was the things written on stone? It is the ten

commandments, the Levitical law wasn’t written on
stone, the ceremonial laws wasn’t written on stone, it is the
moral law which is the ten commandments that was
written on stone, and the scripture calls it the ministration
of death, because it cannot give you eternal life, it cannot
give you the righteousness that God demands .

Galatians 3:21 Is the law then against the promises of

God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

which could have given life, truly righteousness would

have been by the law.

Law cannot make you please God because without faith

it is impossible to please God, it cannot make you to be
justify before God because justification only comes by

Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified

by faith apart from the deeds of the law.

In fact law makes God to hate you the more:

Romans 4:15

[15]For the law always brings punishment on those who

try to obey it. (The only way to avoid breaking the law is
to have no law to break!)

That is not trying to obey Ten Commandments attract

Gods grace while trying to obey it attract Gods punishment
(this is the foolishness of Good news that the intelligent
people cannot comprehend) this is the message of the cross
that sound foolish. Law makes you to be under the curse
of God

Galatians 3:10

[10]But those who depend on the law to make them right

with God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say,

The Glory of the Son

“Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all the
commands that are written in God’s Book of the Law.”

Law makes you to fall from Grace

Galatians 5:4

[4]For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God

by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ!
You have fallen away from God’s grace.

Then the question is why beholding the law? Why

preaching it? you can see that it is not God sponsoring the
popularity of many men of God preaching law, because
they are the ones devil is using to bring veil into the heart
of every sons of God, those men of God are innocent, devil
only take advantage of their ignorance to give them a
message and they felt it is God calling them to preach such

Devil knows that once ten commandments is read there is

a veil that cover the eyes of your understanding, you can
see the wisdom through which the god of this world is
blinding the heart of many from knowing the way of faith
and the way of Grace through faith, devil knows that it is
the pathway to the manifestation of the sons of God

Look at this scripture.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

2 Corinthians 4:4 whose minds the god of this age has

blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of
the GLORY OF CHRIST, who is the image of God,
should shine on them.

Take note of the people that devil blinded their mind.

People who do not believe. He doesn’t want the light of
the glory of Christ to shine to them, devil know that if they
turn from law to the Lord they will behold the glory and
see that it is full of Grace

(NKJV) 2 Corinthians 3:16 Nevertheless when one turns

to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

He now make them to behold the law so that veil will cover
their mind. Devil knows that you follow men of God
because of results, he knows that you listen to men of God
not because he is teaching from bible but because he is
teaching from his experience that produces results, so
devil allow their unscriptural wrong act to get results so
that their result become a tool of blinding your spiritual
eyes from beholding the Lord.

You suddenly begin to see them flying on social media,

becoming popular overnight and you think for them to
have such results they must know what they are saying.

All this are demonic way of advertising veil that covers the
heart of man from seeing grace available for you freely,

The Glory of the Son

lies can flies and spread universally overnight, but you see
the truth coming behind slowly and yet catch up with the
lies that has flown for years.

Do you know the years and decades that the error of tithing
flies in the body of Christ with track records of results
following? For you to know that whenever devil want to
make error to become a stronghold, he make results to
follow, and you will think the result is from God but you
will only observe that only two people will have the result
out of 100 and he will now make the testimony of just only
those two people to become veil to cover the heart of 98
people (This is the devices of the devil for you).

He will produce error out of prayer and make those that

championed it to have results, and you will think it is God,
the result is just to put generation into bondage, that is why
if you are result driven and not driven by the simple truth
you see clearly in scripture you end up becoming a victim
of demonic veil.

It takes extremely long time for truth to become popular,

which is why generation dies for beholding what becomes
veil in their heart and becomes difficult for themselves to
be convinced. Devil knows that the day you behold the
Lord, your veil will be removed.

Look at the scripture

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

2 Corinthians 3:15 But even to this day, when Moses is

read, a veil lies on their heart.

2 Corinthians 3:16 Nevertheless when one turns to the

Lord, the veil is taken away.

That is, when you turn to the law a veil covers your heart,
but when you turn to the lord and behold the Glory of the
lord, the Veil is removed

The veil is not removed by fasting and praying, just turn

to grace preacher who will turn you from beholding the
law to beholding the lord, you will effortlessly see the Veil
removing gradually. Look for grace teacher who will turn
you from beholding the Ten Commandments (Moses) to
beholding the God’s commitment (Christ) you see the veil
removing because when you behold the glory of Christ all
you will keep on seeing is what God has done for you,
what Christ has done for you to make his blessing freely
available for you.

But when you behold the law, you see what you must do
to earn God’s blessings and that mentality of the
knowledge of what you must do now becomes veil
preventing you from seeing what God has done.

Grace doesn’t go against morality, it only correct your

impressions if you think you can use morality to obtain
anything from God, your morality become filthy rag. You

The Glory of the Son

only relate with men base on moral value, while you relate
with God base on faith value.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



2 Corinthians 3:15 But even to this day, when Moses is

read, a veil lies on their heart.

2 Corinthians 3:16 Nevertheless when one turns to the

Lord, the veil is taken away.

Anyone who can catch the revelation of this scripture will

run away from the law and law preachers and never have
anything to do with them in his life again, if you
understand this scripture you will see clearly that the
greatest tools in the hand of the enemy against the sons of
God are the preachers and teachers of law, they appear as
holiness and righteousness preachers, but devil is
indirectly using them for just one singular assignment.

And the assignment is to cover with veils the eyes of many

children of God from beholding the lord, he make them to
keep on reading moses which stands for law and as they
read moses a veil lies in their hearts, devil knows that once
they turn to the lord, the veil will surely remove.

Let us see the way TLB put it

2nd Corinthians 3: 15

The Glory of the Son

Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their

hearts are covered with that veil, and they do not

You can’t read Moses and understand the grace of our

Jesus Christ, your heart will be covered with veils, verse
16 says but when you turn to the Lord the veil is removed.

2nd Corinthians 3: 16 But whenever anyone turns to the

Lord, then the veil is taken away.

Devil knows that once you turn to the lord, you will surely
behold the Glory of the lord and he know that once you
behold the Glory of the lord, the light of the Glory will
shine into your heart (2cor 4vs4) and he knows that once
the light shine into your heart you will surely see Grace,
because the Glory is full of Grace.

The devil knows that the day you know what Grace came
to do in man’s life, that become the day you are free. So
devil will make you to see law as message of holiness and
righteousness and make you to see grace message as
message promoting sin.

If you are under the law and you are living right and now
listen to grace message and begin to live wrong, it means
you have not fully understood the message of grace and
the solution is to keep on listen to it. It is the only
recommended message by God to build you up.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Acts of the Apostles 20:32

[32]“And now I entrust you to God and the message of his

grace that is able to build you up and give you an
inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.

Message of grace didn’t come to attack a good act, it came

to attack the motive why you are doing right, if the motive
is to earn blessing from God, be justified by God, and
make God to be pleased with you then you have grace and
grace preacher to contend with .

Law is given to you to be justified by man and not justified

by God. Law is given to you to earn blessings from man
and not earn blessing from God, law is given to you to
make men be pleased with you and not to make God be
pleased with you

If you are following the law with this simple

understanding then we say you are moral, and that is very
good, but if the motive why you are following or keeping
the law is so that you can be righteous before God, so that
you can make God be at peace with you, so that you can
be justified by God and so that you can earn God’s
blessings, then we say you are religious, and this is the
veil. That is the veil that didn’t make you to see the gift of
righteousness known as righteousness by faith available
for you, that is the veil that didn’t want you to know that
it is only by faith that you can please God, that is the veil

The Glory of the Son

that didn’t want you to see that justification is by faith, that

is the veil that didn’t want you to see that all blessings is
now grace, they have been freely given.

So there is big difference between been moral and been

religious, it is God’s will for you to be moral, grace
message never attack morality, in fact under grace you
obtain capacity to be more moral but what grace message
came to attack is religion, that spirit making you to do right
thing with wrong motive, and this will make your life to
look as if the word of God doesn’t work.

It will make your life to look as if righteousness doesn’t

pay, yes righteousness of the law never pays, it make God
to hate you the more, even though you are trying to make
God love you. Righteousness of the law attract the wrath
of God over your life even though the purpose why you
are doing it is to attract the love of God.

Look at the scripture very well

Romans 4:15

[15]For the law always brings punishment on those who

try to obey it. (The only way to avoid breaking the law is
to have no law to break!)

Righteousness of the law can never make God to be

pleased with you even though the purpose why you are

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

trying all your best to be perfect is so that God can be

pleased with you.

Righteousness of the law will put you under the curse of

God even though the purpose why you are trying to be
righteous is so that you can be blessed by God.

Tithing under law make heaven to be closed over you even

though your sincere motive is so that heaven can be open
over you, because you are sincerely wrong. Don’t let any
one deceive you that tithing works, 90 percent of those
who tithe faithfully never see the reward and result of
tithing. It is not about devourer not attacking your money
that is not the center promise of tithes according to
Malachi, it says God will open the window of heaven for
you, and pour out a blessing so great that you will not have
enough room to contain it.

Malachi 3:10

[10]Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be

enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the lord of
Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for
you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have
enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!( NLT)

Be honest with yourself, has this promise come to pass

since you have been tithing for over 10 years? I said in the

The Glory of the Son

last page that the nature of the devil is to make just 2

people out of 100 to have result under the law so that he
can use the results and testimony of 2 to keep 98 people
under veil and bondage, because once you see two people
having results, you will believe it works.

You are a baby Christian if results is the strength of your

conviction, if the clear and simple truth of the scripture is
not enough to convince you, then you are ripe and
qualified for deception.

Pack 1030 tithers together and ask them honest questions

about the blessing of tithing mentioned in Malachi 3, if
that promised blessing for thither has come to pass in their
life. You will discover that only 30 out of them have the
financial blessing attached to tithing mentioned in
Malachi, and the reason why devil allow that 30 to have
results is so that he can use the testimony of 30 to put 1000
people in bondage. Every promised blessings of the
scripture is not tied to obedience of any law, it is tied to
faith alone because all the blessing has become grace, and
the obedience of one man which is Christ is what
guarantee you to receive them freely.

Romans 4:14 For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith
is made void and the promise made of no effect

I love the way the message version express it

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Romans 4 vs 14(MSG)

14 If those who get what God gives them only get it by

doing everything they are told to do and filling out all the
right forms properly signed, that eliminates personal trust
completely and turns the promise into an ironclad
contract! That’s not a holy promise; that’s a business deal.

So how come do you now think you can get the promises
of open heaven by tithing, then it mean open heaven is not
a promise, it mean it is a business deal, but if it is a promise
let us see verse 16 and see what God says concerning

Romans 4:16

[16]So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free

gift. And we are all certain to receive it, whether or not we
live according to the Law of Moses, if we have faith like
Abraham’s. For Abraham is the father of all who believe.

If the scripture says all the promises is now by faith, and it

is given as free gift, are you telling me open heaven is not
part of the free gift.

Let us see verse 16 in the message version

Romans 4:16(MSG)

16 This is why the fulfilment of God’s promise depends

entirely on trusting God and his way, and then simply

The Glory of the Son

embracing him and what he does. God’s promise arrives

as pure gift. That’s the only way everyone can be sure to
get in on it, those who keep the religious traditions and
those who have never heard of them. For Abraham is
father of us all. He is not our racial father – that’s reading
the story backwards. He is our faith father.

Are we to tithe, yes, but are we to tithe so that heaven will

open? Capital No.

Are we to keep ourselves pure from fornication? Yes, that

is morality, but are we to keep ourselves from fornication
because we don’t want to loose anointing? Capital No.
See, law is something given to keep relationships with
man not something given to keep relationships with God

Law has been in existence before Moses was born, nature

and culture is already speaking and promoting law.

It is called “law of Moses” because Moses presented it as

something to obtain blessing from God, as something to
be justified by God, as something to earn peace with God,
and that is the beginning of religion, because that wasn’t
the reason why God give law, and that wasn’t the intention
of God.

Kindly look at the intention of God for law

Galatians 3:19

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

[19]Why, then, was the law given? It was given alongside

the promise to show people their sins. But the law was
designed to last only until the coming of the child who was
promised. God gave his law through angels to Moses, who
was the mediator between God and the people.

This scripture captures why the law was given and the date
the law is ordain to be expired.

The law was not given to show you holiness, the law was
given to show you your sin so that you will know that you
need grace of salvation, the law came to show you that
you can never be righteous enough to please God so that
you can embrace the gift of righteousness and the scripture
now say the law is designed to last only till the day the
child which is Jesus will be born, but this is over 2000
years after Christ has gone yet devil is still using so called
men of God to teach law.

The way Government design law is the same way God

wants law to be, it is a tool needed to keep the society in

Once more than two people is in a place, there must be law

to put them in order. Law is not the way you think you
should do things, not the way I think I should do thing, but
the acceptable way we both can do things that will make
us be in peace, unity and harmony amongst ourselves.
What God designed to be given to us to relate with one

The Glory of the Son

another, Moses brought it and present it as something you

must use to relate with God and that now make God to hate
those under the law the more, because they don’t
understand the purpose of the law. That law now become
the ministry of death to them

So grace never attack morality, if eventually you were

lawful and became lawless when you begin to hear the
message of grace, going back to the law is not the solution,
stay with the grace message and keep on listening to it,
surely your life will unconsciously produce the fruit of
righteousness because it is the grace messages that is able
to build you, (Act 20: 32).

Acts of the Apostles 20:32

[32]“And now I entrust you to God and the message of his

grace that is able to build you up and give you an
inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.


2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face,

beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being
transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just
as by the Spirit of the Lord.

It is important to talk about the veil, since it is with the

unveiled face we are ordained to behold the Glory of the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

lord, and the only things that become this veil is when old
testament is read,

2 Corinthians 3:15 But even to this day, when Moses is

read, a veil lies on their heart. (NKJV)

If you don’t know how to read the Old Testament it

becomes a veil in your heart not to understand the new
covenant and the grace and glory that follows.

For instance, I can’t just imagine how some people

compare we the preachers and servants of God sent by
God under the new covenant with the servant of God sent
by God under the old covenant?

The assignment of the servant of God under the old

covenant is totally different from the assignment of
servant of God under the new covenant.

Under the Old covenant the message of the minister of

God have to do with warnings from God if they don’t want
to see the wrath of God, but under the new testament what
we are sent to preach and teach is the Gospel, and Gospel
mean good news, it is not about the wrath of God, it is
about the acceptable years of the lord.

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,Because He

has anointed Me, To preach the gospel to the poor;He has
sent Me to heal the broken-hearted,To proclaim liberty to

The Glory of the Son

the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at

liberty those who are oppressed;

Luke 4:19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Take note of verse 19, to proclaim the acceptance years of

the lord, not to proclaim the wrath of God.

Remember Jesus quoted this scripture from the book of

Isaiah At the time Isaiah we be speaking about thus
statement, kindly see the way Isaiah released the

Isaiah 61:1 The Good News of Salvation

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,Because the Lord

has anointed Me, To preach good tidings to the poor;He
has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty
to the captives,And the opening of the prison to those who
are bound;

Isaiah 61:2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,

And the day of vengeance of our God;To comfort all who

Kindly compare Isaiah 61 vs 2 with Luke 4 vs 19.

At the time Isaiah gave the prophecy under the old

testament, he mentioned the proclamation of the
vengeance and wrath of God, but when Jesus will be
quoting Isaiah 61 vs 2 in Luke 4 vs 19, he remove the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

proclamation of the Vengeance of God and only mention

the spirit of the lord is upon me to preach the acceptable
years of the lord. If Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, removed
the proclamation of the wrath of God and only mentioned
the preaching of the acceptable years of God, then by what
spirit are you preaching the wrath of God? (YOU ARE A

You don’t know the new way God has chosen to deal with
the race of man. “it is now for God so love the world”

Under the old covenant you tell sinner to repent lest the
eternal wrath of God is coming, but under the new
covenant you tell sinner to rejoice because the salvation of
God has come (It is called God news)

The wrath of God doesn’t come upon any sinner as far as

God is concerned, it is the salvation of God that is coming
upon them.

Where sin abound, the scripture didn’t say the wrath of

God abound much more, but where sin abound, the grace
of God that bring salvation abound much more.

Romans 5:20 Moreover the law entered that the offense

might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded
much more,

Under the Old Testament if you preach about the grace of

God, preach about the love of God, you are a fake servant

The Glory of the Son

of God, because it means you don’t know the mind of God,

because men are the enemy of God in the Old Testament,
then, it was not "for God so loved the world" that he send
his only begotten son to save, help and blessed men, but it
is for "God so hate the world" that he sent his holy angels
to destroy men in his anger because any time God raise
men of God in the old covenant it is to sound a warning
because of the wrath of God that is coming, and that is
why many of the prophet were killed, the way to know true
prophets then was to preach the wrath of God but under
the new covenant if you preach about the wrath of God,
you are a fake prophet, you are a false teacher, you don’t
understand God the father, you don’t know God who is

1 John 3:1a Behold what manner of love the Father has

bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!

The Old Testament has become a veil to cover your face

to see the new dimension of God which is Love, you can’t
see that we are in the acceptable years of the lord, where
God come down to be in Christ reconciling the world to

2 Corinthians 5:19

[19]For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to

himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them.
And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

If God says he is no longer counting the world sin against

them, where did you come with the message of Gods
wrath, because wrath and vengeance come when God
count your sin against you, but God is saying we are in the
acceptable years of the lord, we are in the season full of
Grace, where God no longer count sin against men.

A season where rather than God to come down and judge

you because of your sin, he will rather come down and
save you because of your sin, rather than God to judge
sinner, he will rather save sinner and judge sin, His love
for the world has made him to send His only son to
separate sinner from sins and then save sinners on the
cross and judge sin on the cross.

I love the way the message version put it 2 Corithians 5:19

19 God put the world square with himself through the

Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering
forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling
everyone what he is doing.

Look at the task the message version says God has given
to us, a task of telling everyone what God is doing.....

So I ask you Mr Holiness and righteousness of wrath of

God interdenominational ministry, who give you the task
of the message you are preaching because the ministry of
reconciliation is the ministry God has given to us, God

The Glory of the Son

doesn’t recognise your ministry if it is not the ministry of

reconciliation and what is the ministry of reconciliation?
It is that God no longer count the sin of the world against
them but have come to save them from their sin which is
the sin of unbelief and then blessed them with blessing
they don’t deserve.

How do I know the sin of the world is unbelief? John 16

give us the answers

John 16:8 And when He has come, He will convict the

world of sin,

9 of sin, because they do not believe in Me;

But your John the Baptist who came in the acceptable year
of the lord begin to preach the wrath of God in the
acceptable years of the Lord, his head will surely be cut
off and nothing will happen. You don’t know the God that
love the world, that gave His only begotten son, you don’t
know God who died for us when we were still sinner, is
that the same God that will now kill us now that we are
saint ?

You are a fake prophet and false teacher, God didn’t send
you, you only love the glory that is identified with been
seen as a preacher of the wrath of God, because the
scripture say the ministration of condemnation have glory

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

because people tend to see them as the true preacher of


2 Corinthians 3:9 For if the ministry of condemnation had

glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in

Mind you, the ministry of righteousness that have more

glory, this scripture is talking about is the ministry of
righteousness by faith, ministry of God's righteousness,
but because many didn’t know that it has glory, it is a glory
that come steadily, because it had come to stay.

So people settle with the ministration of condemnation,

they settled with the ministration of the wrath of God
because of the Glory attach to it. They don’t know that the
Glory of the ministry of condemnation is a glory that come
out quickly and also fade away quickly, your message will
not be able to cut across dispensation, because it is a
ministration of death, it doesn’t have life in it. The
scripture describe the message and the glory that follow as
the Glory that is fading away.

NKJV, 2 Corinthians 3:11

For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is

much more glorious.

You compare yourself with the old covenant minister of

God thinking if they kill them for preaching about the

The Glory of the Son

wrath of God that must be the same thing our experience

must capture. No sir, we are not in the dispensation of the
law, under law if you preach the wrath of God you are
correct because the scripture say law attract the wrath of

NKJV, Romans 4:15

Because the law brings about wrath; for where there is no

law there is no transgression.

So when God want to stop counting the sin against men,

he remove the law, God now raised we grace preacher to
begin to remove people from the law, because as far as
God is concern, if there is no law there is no sinner in his

See the way NLT put it.

Romans 4:15

[15]For the law always brings punishment on those who

try to obey it. (The only way to avoid breaking the law is
to have no law to break!)( NLT)

It is not sin that attracts the wrath of God, sin attract the
salvation of God, while law attracts the wrath of God.

So if you want to bring people out of the wrath of God,

bring them out of the law of God, if you want to bring
people into the love of God bring them under the grace of

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

our lord Jesus Christ. So under the old covenant they were
under the law, so if you preach that God love them then
you are fake prophet, you are a false teacher because they
are under what attract the wrath of God, you don’t say
peace unto Jerusalem under the old covenant as a preacher,
you tell Jerusalem the wrath of God coming to make the
land desolate but under the new covenant, the bible says
for God so loved the world, the scripture says we are no
longer under the law that attract the wrath of God, we are
now under grace that attract the love of God.

Preach about the love of God to sinner not about the wrath
of God. What God send us to preach is the gospel, how can
you preach the gospel and people will attack you in the
land of the gentiles. It is only in the Jewish land that you
will preach the gospel that they will attack you, because
they have their religion, and what make religion to attack
you for preaching the gospel is not because you preach
against sin, the religion are lawful people, but they attack
you because you preach Gods love, You called God your
father, they attack you because you’re teaching against
their religious beliefs.

I think the word gospel is the problem of many Christian,

they don’t know the meaning, may be we should simplify
it and let them know that gospel mean good news. That is
news that is good to hear and make people joyous is the

The Glory of the Son

message God sent us to preach not the message that make

people cry.

The scripture say God is with us, Emmanuel, and in the

presence of that God that is with us, there is fullness of
joy, and you claim when people cry under ministration is
a prove that God has come down, that is a prove that
religious spirit has come down. The message is that God
loves, and the scriptures says the love that God have for us
goes beyond knowledge… That is human language is too
weak to express the dimension of love God have for us.

Ephesians 3:17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts

through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,

Ephesians 3:18 may be able to comprehend with all the

saints what is the width and length and depth and height—

Ephesians 3:19 to know the love of Christ which passes

knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of

Take note of verse 19, it say to know the love of God

which passes knowledge. Verse 18 say how deep, how
wide, low high the love of God is for us.

The church have not yet known the love of God, and you
are teaching them the wrath of God, you read Moses and
veil covered your heart.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Under the old covenant true preacher are those who preach
about Gods wrath and false preacher are those who preach
about God’s love, because they are not under a covenant
that can ever attract the love of God, the law of God does
not attract the love of God, the law of God only attracts the
wrath of God.

But under the new covenant true preacher are those who
preach about the love of God, because we are now under a
covenant that attracts the love of God, FOR GOD SO

The Glory of the Son

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



Hebrews 11:13 The Heavenly Hope

These all died in faith, not having received the promises,

but having seen them afar off were assured of them,
embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and
pilgrims on the earth.

Take note of this first scripture and compare it with the

second scripture I will be showing below.

Hebrews 6:12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate

those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Take note of this two scripture critically, you will discover

that it look as if they are contradicting each other. The first
scripture says men of old all died without obtaining the
promises, which simplify that they didn’t lay hold of the

The second scripture now told us that we should follow

some men who through faith and patience inherit the

The Glory of the Son

The first one said they all die in faith without obtaining the
promise, that is, the only thing they obtained with their
faith is good report before God, but they never obtained
the promise from God.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the

evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:2 For by it the elders obtained a good report

Take note, by the faith of Hebrews 11 vs 1 the elders

obtained Good reports in verse 2. There are differences
between obtaining good reports and obtaining the promise.
Good report before God is that you are declared righteous
before God,that is as far as heaven is concerned they don’t
have anything against you.

The earth saw many sins in your Jacob but God will keep
on saying I found no iniquity in Jacob,

Numbers 23:21 “He has not observed iniquity in

Jacob,Nor has He seen wickedness in Israel.

The Lord his God is with him, And the shout of a King is
among them.

How could God not count what Jacob did to Esau as

wickedness, how could God not count it as iniquity? It is
because he was justified by faith before God, by faith he

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

obtain Good reports before God, he believed God and God

count it to him as righteousness and justification by faith
is when God declare you righteousness without looking at
your wrong deed.

Look the mystery in TPT version

Romans 4.

1. Let me use Abraham as an example. It is clear that

humanly speaking, he was the founder of Judaism. What
was his experience of being made right with God?

2 Was it by his good works of keeping the law? No. For if

it was by the things he did, he would have something to
boast about, but no one boasts before God.

3 Listen to what the Scriptures say: Because Abraham

believed God’s words, his faith transferred God’s
righteousness into his account.

And for us now, the God’s word that Abraham believed

has become flesh called CHRIST once you believe in him,
God transfer his righteousness into your account, and that
make you to have good reports before God irrespective of
your deed, because you are now perfect as God is perfect,
you are righteous as God is righteous and you are holy as
God is holy.

The Glory of the Son

When the scripture says be Holy as God is holy, religion

in its foolishness make you to think, it is in your way of
life, character and behaviour that you should be holy and
perfect as God is holy and perfect.

If not for pride, how can you think in yourself that you can
be holy in actions, word, deed and thoughts as God is

When God says be holy as God is holy, that can only be

achieved by faith, and once you believe in Jesus the
righteousness of God will be credited into your account
and God sees you as holy as himself, because you believe
in Jesus and his finished work, you are now holy as Christ
is holy before God, (this is what is called gift of

Romans 5:17 For if by the one man’s offense death

reigned through the one, much more those who receive
abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will
reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)

A situation where by God declare you righteous in his

sight because of the obedience of one man (vs 18-19), and
the scripture say in the new testament is a season of the
reigning of abundant of grace and gift of righteousness,
but devil will not want you to know this, he will want you
to focus on righteousness of the law and blind your mind
to righteousness of faith.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The righteousness of God that come through justification

by faith make the way God sees you to be different from
the way man sees you.

Meaning before man, Jacob may not have good reports,

because men does not justify by faith, they justify by law
but before God, Jacob is justified by faith so he have good
reports, that is why the scripture says by faith men of the
old obtained good reports.

Just imagine, Samson who never had good report before

us, to us Samson was a bad guy, but we see scripture
grouping Samson among those that obtained good report
before God.

Hebrews 11:32 And what more shall I say? For the time
would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and
Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets:

That is Samson was part of those justifying by faith, for

you to know that you will meet Samson in heaven, infant
scripture group him side by side with Samuel. Samuel is
a good model before man, but that doesn’t count for
justification before God, God doesn’t justify anyone
because of what men are saying about him, that is if
Samuel didn’t understand faith with all his earthly good
reports he will land himself in hell, and if Samson
understand faith with all his earthly bad reports he will

The Glory of the Son

land in heaven, that is why I said Heaven will surprise

many of us on the last day.

It is because men who obtained good report before God

are those who through faith obtained it but scripture now
begin to show us that this men of old who obtained good
report died without inheriting the promise.

Hebrews 11:2 For by (FAITH) the elders obtained a good


11: These all died in faith, not having received the

promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of
them, embraced them and confessed that they were
strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

Guess what? They operated in the supernatural, we all saw

the supernatural manifestation in all of them and yet the
scripture says they all died without inheriting the promise.

May God open your eyes to see and know this promises,
because what we saw in them all is what we count as the
promises, that we are using fasting and prayer to kill
ourselves to obtain. We never seek the main promise, what
is not the promise is what we are seeking about, we want
to be like Elijah who died without getting the promise.
What you saw in Elijah is the glory of the servant and not
the glory of the son, and i have explained to us that it is
not your faith that bring any supernatural manifestation as

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

a servant, it is not also your sacrifice that bring them, it is

just your calling and ordination that bring those
supernatural manifestation and glory you see in them, and
the scripture is now saying THOSE ARE NOT THE
PROMISES. You want to be like the people that the
scripture says they are not complete without us

Hebrews 11:39 And all these, having obtained a good

testimony through faith, did not receive the promise,

Hebrews 11:40 God having provided something better for

us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.

But it is unfortunate that my generation never seek the

better things that God has provided for us, all we want
again is double portion of Elijah mantle.

We have full knowledge of the Glory of the servants that

men obtained by ordination but lack the knowledge of the
Glory of the sons that men obtained as inheritance

The glory of the servant is called old glory and that is all
you see in the generals of the scripture and that is also what
you are seeing in the body of Christ today manifested by
many men of God, but the scripture say there is something
better God has provided for us, and this better things God
provided for us men of the old all died without obtaining
this promises and it is unfortunate also that many
generation are dying in every dispensations without

The Glory of the Son

obtaining the promises, even though the promised

blessings is now available for them. And it is because we
are not learning and following men who through faith and
patience obtain the promises.

Those we are following are Elijah, Elisha, Samuel, Moses,

we thought the supernatural we saw in them are mark that
they obtained the promises but the scripture say they all
die without obtaining this glory, they died without
obtaining the promise, learning from men of the old
become a veil that cover your eyes from seeing the Glory
of the Lord full of Grace which is the promise but suddenly
scripture begin to point our attention to some few sets who
obtained the promise, and the scripture gave us the code
that make them to obtain it.

Hebrews 6:12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate

those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

The scripture says they are men who through faith and
patience obtained the promise. Meaning, those who died
in faith without obtaining died because patience is missing
in them. The major man who through faith and patience
obtained this promise is Abraham and the scripture now
says if you are to follow at all, do not follow men who
through faith obtain good reports, follow men who
through faith and patience obtain the promise, that is, men
who believed and waited for it patiently knowing fully that

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

God that gave the promises is faithful to fulfil it, The

believe that if God is not ready to do it, he will not be ready
to say it, but for Him to be ready to say it, it means He is
ready to do it. So there are men who died obtaining good
reports but never obtained the promise in the Old
Testament, and they are Moses, Elijah, Samson, Jeremiah,
and Isaiah but there are men who obtained good reports
and also obtained the promise in the Old Testament and
they are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

Mind you, those who obtained the promise never walked

in any ministerial supernatural manifestation like Elijah
and Moses. Just imagine men who operate in the
supernatural, God is saying concerning them that they
didn’t obtain the promise while men who didn’t operate in
the supernatural God is saying those are men that obtained
the promise and God now begin to say that if at all you
want to learn from the old, learn from those who through
faith and patience obtain good reports.

When you learn faith so much and didn’t learn grace you
will have faith and lack patience, when you see a man of
faith and the faith is manifesting as patience, they are men
who have learnt faith and also learnt grace. Learning faith
without grace will make you to think action must follow
your faith, but if you learn grace message as you learn faith
message, you will know that it is patience that should
follow your faith and not actions.

The Glory of the Son

Faith without patience is called weak faith and you can’t

use that faith to inherit the promise, it will make you to
start anything on a good note but lack consistency in
everything, that faith that is making you to think once you
believe, you will see miracle the second day is not a faith
you can use to obtain the promise, because if you don’t see
results as you believe, you lost your faith but the faith that
make you to be convinced that God will do what he says
even though you are not seeing the result, that is the faith
that make you obtain this new Glory, that faith back up
with patience is the faith to obtain any grace you see when
you behold the Glory of The Lord.

Truly when you behold the Glory of the lord, The Glory is
full of Grace, but if you are not patience your life can’t
experience those Grace you behold in the Glory, beholding
is not looking, beholding is looking consistently with
patience and it is on that note that you become what you
behold because it is men who use faith and patience that
obtained the promises because those promises in the old
covenant is what has become Grace in the new testament,
when you behold the Glory before Christ paid the price for
us, it is full of promises, but when Christ pay the price and
make the promise available for us, the promises become

Every promised blessings in the scripture for your life and

godliness is what you obtain by faith and patience, all

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

those promises, blessing is now what you will see as Grace

when you behold the Glory of the Son. It is called promises
before Christ came because they are what God want to do
for us and give to us, but it is called Grace in the new
testament because they are what God has done for us and
make available for those who believe. So when you
behold the Glory of Christ the Glory is full of blessing
available for us freely as a child of God, not a blessing
given because you are working for God, but blessing given
because you are loved by God.

And the scripture now say when it come to this grace, if

you want to receive them follow men who through faith
and patience obtain the inheritance. For anyone who desire
Grace of God for life, should go back and read my book
again IN NEED OF PATIENCE. Get this, in this journey
of faith, it is not result that produce your conviction, it is
the revelation of the truth you found in the scripture that
will produce your conviction, that is, even though you are
not seeing results, we die believing this message of grace
because that is what we saw the scripture saying, we know
that, it is the center message of the bible, and that was the
mind-set Abraham had, that make him to obtain the
promise and the scripture begin to tell us to learn from

Romans 4 vs

The Glory of the Son

19 In spite of being nearly one hundred years old when the

promise of having a son was made, his faith was so strong
that it could not be undermined by the fact that he and
Sarah[m] were incapable of conceiving a child.

20–21 He never stopped believing God’s promise, for he

was made strong in his faith[n] to father a child. And
because he was mighty in faith and convinced that God
had all the power needed to fulfill his promises, Abraham
glorified God! (TPT)

When I see anyone who can’t stay with grace message,

inpatient is one of their problems, they are looking for
overnight results, that is not the way of Grace, that is why
many of them go back to law, it is not because they love
obedience, but they love the reward the scripture attached
to obeying the law, which no man can get blessing in that
way, because you can never be qualified. When you see
any one who walk in Grace as son of God, they are men
who through faith and patience obtain the promise. The
promises is available in Christ for us all as spiritual
blessings, and when you behold it you will see that they
are full of grace, but until you add patience to your faith
you can’t obtain it. You will keep on saying this grace
message of a thing is not working. I show you the key
today, men who obtain grace are men who through faith
and patience inherit it.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

Glory is like when you receive a container that contain all

things you need in life. It is like a container that has a full
package of all you need that is why John said when you
behold the glory, the glory is full of grace.

That is, you don’t need to behold prosperity, good health,

favour and goodness you desire in life, just behold the
Glory of the lord and you will find all you need in life in
it, obtaining the Glory of the son is obtaining in full
package all things pertaining to your life. Grace itself is
received by faith alone, but glory is not receive by faith
alone, glory is received by faith and patience, because that
promised blessing we are to obtained through faith and
patience is called GLORY.

Hebrews 6:12 that you do not become sluggish, but imitate

those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Meaning between the time you believe in God, and the

time that all you believe God for will comes to pass, there
is a season where you will be in need of patience, and the
truth is that in this season, your life will be faced with
some measure of suffering but the hope is that the

The Glory of the Son

suffering you are facing now, when you believe in God, it

can not be compared to the Glory that is ahead.

Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this

present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory
which shall be revealed in us.

Running away from the suffering is to run away from the

spirit of glory, because the suffering will surely attract
shame and mockery and that shame is what attract the
spirit of glory.

1 Peter 4:14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ,

blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests
upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part
He is glorified.

At the time men are mocking you for what you are going
through because of your faith, the spirit of glory is resting
upon you. What God really want to give to you is glory,
this glory is the manifestation of the Sons of God.

I have told us walking in the supernatural is not the

manifestation of the son of God that is just the
manifestation of the servant of God. The creation are not
waiting for the manifestation of supernatural in any one,
the creation are used to that beginning from the old
testament days and men who walk in those supernatural
are not sons of God, they were all servants of God, and

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

those manifesting in supernatural today are not

manifesting in them because they are sons of God, they are
manifesting in them because they are called by God, that
is, because they are servant of God.

Let me show you the difference between the glory of the

son which is spiritual blessing and the glory of the servant
which is supernatural blessing.

When the power of God rest upon you. that is the

manifestation of the glory of the servants that is
supernatural but when the God of the power himself come
to stay in you that is the spiritual blessing and that is the
manifestation of the sons of God.

The plan of God is to give himself as inheritance to his

children, when you study Abraham you see this dimension

Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the Lord came
to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I
am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”

Not I will give you reward, but I will make myself your
exceedingly reward. For servants of God, God give them
rewards, but for sons of God, God make himself their
reward, only few people walk in this Glory of the sons in
the old testament, that is the promise God want to give to
sons, He want to come to them as Glory, just having the

The Glory of the Son

God that own the heaven and earth as Father and him
having you as son is the greatest blessing of life.

When you see the son of a King you will surely see the
Glory of a prince in his life. That Glory of a prince is the
visible example of what it means to carry the Glory of the
sons of God, that is, there is something we all know God
to be and we come to the understanding that if God can be
this way, then his children should be that way.

This is a situations where by it is evidence that God is with

you and God is for you, that it is evidence that God is using
you is different from when it is evidence that God is with
you, if it is evidence that God is using you that is the Glory
of servant, but when it is evidence that God is with you
and for you it mean you are son of God, there are many
that God is using mightily that Jesus will said to them I

Let me show you another example of men who walk in

this dimension in the Old Testament

Genesis 39:2 The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a

successful man; and he was in the house of his master the

Not the power of God was with Joseph, but the God of
power himself was with Joseph, a situation where you
come to the understanding that all you need and all you

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

have is God. Servant may say all he need is the power of

God, and you see him fasting and praying for it, but for
son all they need is God, and all they need to have God is
faith, just as Abraham who have a right standing with God
by faith.

Let me show you the fruit of what to be expecting when

God is with you.

Genesis 39:2 The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a

successful man; and he was in the house of his master the

Genesis 39:3 And his master saw that the Lord was with
him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his

Genesis 39:4 So Joseph found favor in his sight, and

served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and
all that he had he put under his authority.

Verse 2 show us that God was with Joseph, then verse 3

show us the results, the lord made all he did to prosper in
his hand, and verse 4 show us another fruit, and Joseph
found favour in the sight of his master.

Can you see that you don’t need to be in ministry or be

working for God before God move with you, Joseph
wasn’t doing ministry in his master house, Abraham was
not into any ministry and this are men that scripture told

The Glory of the Son

us to follow, and they are men who through faith and

patience inherit God.

Every other generals of the old never have God as

inheritance, they have the power of God but never have
God of the power that is why the scripture say they all died
without inheriting the promises.

Do you observe that when Joseph got to the palace and

become the prime minister of Egypt, we never hear of his
gift of dream and interpretation anymore because the glory
of the son swallowed the glory of the servant in him
because there is a realm of son ship that is more than any
gift of the spirit, when Joseph was in Potiphar house he
never manifest the gift of dream in him and yet the
scripture say God was with him prospering the work of his
hand, that is, even in the secular business God was with

Kindly look at verse 4 and 5 and see what God can begin
to manifest in you in your secular job

Genesis 39:4 So Joseph found favor in his sight, and

served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and
all that he had he put under his authority.

Genesis 39:5 So it was, from the time that he had made

him overseer of his house and all that he had, that the Lord
blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house

and in the field.

Look at how promotion came to him in the place of work

because God was with him, verse 5 says God begin to bless
all the Egyptians in the house of Potiphar’s house for
Joseph’s sake, to you religion has made you think that until
your boss fall sick and you heal him before he can promote
you in the place of work. To you it is gift that must make
away. Gift doesn’t make a way for sons, God make a way
for them, Christ has set before them open door.

Many felt they are at disadvantage because they don’t have

any gift of the spirit, they don’t know they are of the most
advantage because they have the God of the Spirit, sons
of God doesn’t need gift of the spirit to prosper, they only
need to have their father (God) by their side.

If God their father is for them, the devil that will block
their way doesn’t exist.

Joseph didn’t rule in the land of Egypt as a dreamer, he

ruled as a minister of finance, and that is the expression of
the glory of the son.

Note that sons doesn’t manifest gift of the spirit, you see
it finding expression in their life if the need be, but their
success is not because they have gift of the spirit, their
success is that they have the God of all gift and Grace as

The Glory of the Son

their father and that make blessing they didn’t work for
nor qualify for to come their way.

That Joseph used gift of dream to come out of prison is not

the message, God can use anything to bring him out,
Esther doesn’t need the gift of dream to get to palace, so
our faith is not on gift, we have many gifted people who
are frustrated, because rather than putting their faith on
God of all gifts and talents, they put their faith in the Gift
and talent of God in them.

Just imagine Joseph a prisoner becoming prime minister

of a nation with world economy, that is grace!

Finding yourself in a position you are not qualified for,

opportunity you don’t deserve, contract you are not
qualified for, those are the expressions of the glory of the
son, that is your gift, talent, certificate doesn’t qualify you
for it.

Romans 8:18 from Suffering to Glory

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are

not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us.

Take note of this scriptures very well because there are a

lot of things to dig out from it

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

The emphasis is in verse 18 which began to show us that

in deed the sons of God are likely to suffer some things on
earth, but that suffering is for a purpose and the purpose is
for process but the scripture began to show us that no
matter the suffering any son may be going through, that
suffering can never be compared with the Glory that will
be revealed. Meaning, there is connection between the
suffering and the Glory. Then I began to ask myself what
could be the connection between suffering and glory,
because all I know is that, there is connection between
suffering and Shame and there is connection between
glory, riches and honor. But suddenly I stumbled on a
scripture that brought light to the mystery behind the
connection between suffering and glory

NKJV, 1 Peter 4:14

If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are

you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On
their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is

Meaning, it is shame that attracts the spirit of Glory, that

is, to be running away from shame is to be running away
from the spirit of Glory. That is, suffering attracts shame
and shame attracts Glory, because men who have common
sense and physical eyes they can see the shame that is
attached to suffering but because men lack spiritual sense

The Glory of the Son

and the eyes of understanding is darkened they can't see

the spirit of Glory that follows.

Let us see how the message version put it

1Peter 4.

14 If you're abused because of Christ, count yourself

fortunate. It's the Spirit of God and his glory in you that
brought you to the notice of others.

Meaning when the spirit of Glory is upon you, it will first

manifest as shame, it is the fruit of Glory that manifest as
riches and honor but the seed of Glory manifest as shame,
it doesn't look like it, that is why Romans 8vs18 began to
tell us that if you can discern the manifestation of Glory
resting upon you as they muck you, then you will know
that the suffering of the present can never be compared
with the Glory of the sons that follow.

How do I know Romans 8vs18 is talking about the sons of


When you begin the reading of that Romans 8 from verse

16 you will discover that the scripture is talking about the
sons of God.

Look at the scripture again in details,

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Romans 8:16

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are
the children of God

17: and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs

with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also
be glorified together.

18: From Suffering to Glory

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are

not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us.

19: For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly

waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

In verse 16 the scripture first give us an affirmation that

the spirit bear us witness that we are son of God, that is,
irrespective of what we are going through

And verse 17 begin to show us the definition of what we

are going through, that if we suffer with Christ we shall be
glorified with him, that is, that which you are passing
through is called suffering with Christ, suffering with
Christ in this content is not suffering because you are
standing for the righteousness of the law, suffering with
Christ in this scripture is talking about is not also
persecution for righteousness sake, it is sufferings that

The Glory of the Son

come because you have receive eternal life. Let me tell you
the effect of having eternal life, once you receive it, every
good step you take in life that is not God's perfect will can't
come to pass, your life is now under predestination, it is
only things written concerning you before the foundation
of the world that can produce results in your life, anything
outside Gods will become frustrated in your hand. This is
just the problem of many Christians that makes them to
think devil is attacking them, devil can never and never
attack anyone that have eternal life, if devil attack you, it
means you don't have the life of God in you, that is, you
have allowed law and religion to kill the life of God in you.
Because the only thing that can kill eternal life in you is
law, many Christians you see doesn't have eternal life
again, you can never be under the law and have eternal
life, and once you are under the law God can never be with
you, because law attracts the wrath of God.

Romans 4:15a.

Because the law brings about wrath;

So if devil is against you in life, it Is a report card that God

is not for you, and if you want God to be for you, come out
of the law and learn how to be justified by faith, and once
you have been justified by faith, the devil that will attack
you again in life doesn't exist. Because God is now for you,
and if God is for you who can be against you.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Romans 8:31

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us,

who can be against us?

Romans 8:33

Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God

who justifies.

Once you have eternal life you are now God's elect, and
no devil can lay charge against you again, and the scripture
say again even God will not lay charge against you again,
it is when you are under the law that God will have many
things against you, such is the case of the churches in the
book of revelation, under law God sees your good works,
and have something against you and what God have
against you will disqualify you from receiving any reward
of your good work, law is as bad as that, because under
law just one things you did wrong will disqualify you from
99 things you did right.

James 2:10

For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in
one point, he is guilty of all.

But under Grace, God doesn't have anything against us, at

the same time he doesn't see our good work, we are hidden

The Glory of the Son

under the good work of the finished work of Christ, you

see God said to us that I find no iniquity in Jacob.

Numbers 23:21

“He has not observed iniquity in Jacob,

It is because Jacob wasn't under the law, Jacob was justify

by faith, if Jacob was under the law, God will find many
iniquity in him, if you present CHI to God, He will tell you
he doesn't have anything against CHI, because we are
under grace, CHI is not a ministry build under law, it is a
ministry that is justify by faith, and the mandate is to
deliver generations out of the law and show them what
Grace came to do in man's life. So once you are under the
law, you are spiritually dead but religiously alive, and the
effect is that devil can be attacking you any time, if you
don’t pray devil will make jest and make mess of you, but
once you are under grace you become religiously dead and
become spiritually alive, and the devil that will attack you
doesn't exist, not because you pray, but because God is for
you, and if God is for you, the devil that will make mess
of you doesn't exist. You are now under a covenant where
the scripture says no weapon fashioned against you shall
prosper, you are now under a covenant where no
divination nor enchantment can stand against your Jacob
any longer.

NKJV, Numbers 23:23

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

“For there is no sorcery against Jacob, nor any divination

against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob

And of Israel, ‘Oh, what God has done!’

This is the tribe you belong, the lineage of Abraham before

they receive law through Moses, because you now have
the life of God in you and that life is the blood of Jesus,
because the scripture says the life of anything is in the

Deuteronomy 12:23

Only be sure that you do not eat the blood, for the blood is
the life; you may not eat the life with the meat.

So to have eternal life in you is to be covered with the

blood of God (Jesus), and If the death that is the most
powerful being in the realm of darkness can see the blood
of the lamp and Passover, how much more the blood of
Jesus. Lack of knowledge and your identity is what is
making you to think you can overcome the devil by prayer
that is why you are singing if you don't pray Satan will
make jest of you. But for we who have the life of God in
us, we overcome him by the blood of the lamp, if we don’t
have eternal life in us, if we are not cover with the blood
of Jesus Satan will make mess of us. We quench all the
arrows of the enemy just by faith not by prayer.

Ephesians 6:16

The Glory of the Son

Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will
be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

I so much love the way TPT version put it

Ephesians 6

16 In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield,

for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming.

In every battle take faith, he didn't say take prayer, it is

lack of faith that make devil to make mess of you not lack
of prayer. The most attacked churches by the devil are the
most prayerful churches, they more they pray the more
devil attack them, they don't have rest because they don't
know the way of rest, the greatest wrong tools for warfare
is prayer, .let me say that again in capital letter THE
PRAYER. The greatest tools for fellowship and
communion with God is prayer, while the greatest wrong
tool for warfare is Prayer, faith is the greatest right tool for
warfare, we overcome the world even with our faith.

1 John 5:4. For whatever is born of God overcomes the

world. And this is the victory that has overcome the
world—our faith.

Let us see TPT version

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

1st John 5:4 you see, every child of God overcomes the
world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs
over the world.

It says our faith is the victorious power, the message

version finished the whole matter

1st John 5:4 Every God-begotten person conquers the

world's ways. The conquering power that brings the world
to its knees is our faith.


WORLD TO ITS KNEES IS our faith but a generation
who doesn't read their bible and claim to be the champion
of apostolic move rose with a doctrine "that if you don't
play Satan will make jest and mess of you", you can see
the depth of spiritual ignorance back up with eloquence
manifesting as apostolic move in is generation. Prayer for
us the son is a tools of communication and fellowship with
our father not a tools of warfare, just as communication
strengthens the relationship between me and my wife so
also prayer strengthen the relationship between you are
God, if you see prayer more than just communication, then
you don’t know prayers. You are part of those the message
version is talking about, who claims to be prayer warriors
but are prayer ignorance.

Mathew 6

The Glory of the Son

7 "The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are

prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs
and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want
from God.

8 Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are
dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need.

Because sons doesn't fight warfare, GOD fight for them

and they hold their peace, so sons of God doesn't fall for
those nonsense.

Exodus 14:14. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall
hold your peace.”

That is the advantage of eternal life, God doesn't empower

his children to fight their battle by themselves, he fight for
them, Jesus sitting in the position of a son in heaven and
God said to him sit at my right hand until I make your
enemy your foot stool, God didn't say I will empower you
and you shall make your enemy your footstool by yourself,
but sit, take a position of rest, sons don’t fight battle, God
fight for them. This is designed to be your reality if you
have eternal life, if devil is attacking you it is because God
is not for you, if God is for you no devil can be against
you. Now if this is the reality of those that have eternal
life, those who are children of God, why do scripture now
says in romans 8 vs 18 that children of God will face

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our

spirit that we are children of God.

Romans 8:17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and

joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that
we may also be glorified together.

Romans 8:18 from Suffering to Glory

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are

not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us.

In the last page we talked about the advantage of receiving

eternal life, as a key to enter into the eternal security with
God. Once you have this eternal life this simply means you
are a child of God and if you are a child of God, it also
simply means God is with you and God is for you, and this
eternal life is all that qualifies you to walk in the Glory of
the son!

Now the question is what is the disadvantage of receiving

eternal life? It means your life is now in the hands of God
that is Christ is now your new life

Colossians 3:3. For you died, and your life is hidden with
Christ in God.

4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will
appear with Him in glory.

The Glory of the Son

Meaning you cannot plan your life by yourself again, your

good understanding has become crippled when it comes to
the direction of your life and destiny, and you can't
determine what to do to succeed again, God become the
determinant factor of all that happens to you. That is you
can't determine what happen to you any longer, devil also
can't determines what happen to you again, your life is no
longer under the law of choice, your life is now under the
law of predestination. Are you saying we will now be
behaving like robots? Are you saying sons of God don't
make decision, no sir, I only mean God will be so
intentional to influence your decisions making, he comes
down into you and make you to will and do what he want
you to do.

Philippians 2:13. For it is God who works in you both to

will and to do for His good pleasure.

This is a reality of those that have eternal life, that is why

I find it difficult to relate with the people who claim to
struggle with their spiritual life or struggles to obey God,
Because if God is with you, he will never leave you alone
to struggle, he will be at work in you making you to will
and to do, meaning God will not only make you to will, he
will also supply the capacity to do.

I love the way TPT put it

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Philippians 2:13 God will continually revitalize you,

implanting within you the passion to do what pleases him.

Sons don't fall into sin not because they are strong, we sons
of God are the weakest but we have a strong God who is
able to keep us from falling

Jude 1:24 Glory to God. Now to Him who is able to keep

you from stumbling, and to present you faultless, before
the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,

We know we are eternally save because we believe he that

started his good work in us is able to keep us to the end.

Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing that He

who has begun a good work in you will complete it until
the day of Jesus Christ;

So those who believe they can lose their salvation, let it be

to them according to their faith, and they may end up
losing it because they are the one trying to keep
themselves from falling. But for us, the confident we have
about our eternal security is that he that started the Good
work in our life is able to keep us.

John 10:27 my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and

they follow Me.

The Glory of the Son

John 10:28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall
never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my

John 10:29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is

greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of
My Father’s hand.

How do you know those that hear the voice of Christ

which is the voice of faith? Vs. 28 give us the answer that
Christ give them eternal life, and because you have eternal
life you shall never perish, and Jesus now said further that
no one can snatch them away from his hand, because he is
the one keeping them. Then verse 29 say God who give us
to Christ is greater than all and no one can snatch us out of
Gods hand. If you believe you can lose your salvation, you
may be right, because if your salvation is not a gift, you
can lose it, because gift is without repentance. But if your
good deed is what make you to have salvation then your
wrong deed will surely make you to lose it, it is what
righteousness give to you that unrighteousness will make
you lose. But for us who receive the gift of salvation, it is
the disobedient of one man that make us to lose our eternal
security and it is only by the obedience of one man that
will make us to get it. If you teach this truth, their wrong
mindset will now make them to ask you that are we now
saying people should and continue in sin because they
already have eternal security. If this question is in your

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

mindset it mean the reason you stop sinning before is

because you want to make heaven, meaning if heaven is
not in the equation you will sin, (you can see their
problems). The major reason we don't sin in the kingdom
is because sin is not in the DNA of our new nature, sin no
longer have dominion over us because we are not under
the law. Sin is not our problem that is why sin is not our
message, sin will always be the problem of those that
preach and teach law and hell fire, because it is when you
are under the law that sin have dominion over you.

Look at the scripture yourself

Romans 6:14. For sin shall not have dominion over you,
for you are not under law but under grace.

Meaning if sin is having dominion over you it is because

you are under the law and if you don't want sin to have
dominion over you the key is not fasting and prayer,
because you will fast and pray and still break your fast
with masturbation, but if you don’t want sin to have
dominion over you, kindly come out of the law, and open
your heart to grace message that is able to build you (Acts
20 vs. 32)

Acts of the Apostles 20:32.

[32] “And now I entrust you to God and the message of

his grace that is able to build you up

The Glory of the Son

The recommended message by God to build anyone into

true holiness and righteousness is grace message. I love
the way TPT version put it.

Act 20:32 “And so now, I entrust you into God’s hands

and the message of his grace, which is all that you need to
become strong.

Take note of the last statement in that scripture....WHICH

those things you need but ALL YOU NEED. Grace
message is all you need to be strong. You think preaching
and teaching law is what will make you strong while
teaching and preaching grace is what make people to sin,
but the scripture say all you need to be strong is the
message of his grace. The teaching of law only make you
sinful the more, you will be like a white tomb full of dry
bones because law message is the strength and power of

1 Corinthians 15:56

[56]For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law
gives sin its power.

You think those preaching law are the greatest attacker of

sin, but they are the greatest promoters of sin, there
message is the power of sin but they themselves didn't
know, truly they sincerely want people to come out of sin,

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

but they don't understand Gods wisdom of bringing people

out of sin, they are using their own understanding to do
what only Grace can so in man's life. See TPT version

1 Corinthians 15.

56 It is sin that gives death its sting and the law that gives
sin its power.

So I am not the one that say so, that is the mystery unveiled
by the scripture , so we grace preachers attacking law are
the one attacking the power of sin, we know the act of sin
is not the problem, the power of sin is the problem. I don't
attack the act of sin, but I attack the power of sin, because
I know the act of sin is not the problem. The act of sin the
fruit of the power of sin at work in man, meaning if you
can attack the power of sin, the fruit of sin will die
naturally, and the power of sin is law.( This is the wisdom
God has put in place to bring people out of sin). Those who
preach law, preach holiness and righteousness just need to
be humble enough for we grace preacher and teachers to
educate them about all these things. Look at the scripture
very well on matter of eternal security

John 10:28-29

[28] I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No
one can snatch them away from me,

The Glory of the Son

[29] For my Father has given them to me, and he is more

powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from
the Father’s hand.

If it is not God that give you to Christ, you can also lose
your fake salvation, but for use, the revelation of John 10,
Jude 1 vs. 24 and Philippians 1 vs. 6 is enough for me to
know I can't lose my salvation. This is a personal issue
base on your current level of faith and walk with God,
nothing to argue about it, if you believe you can lose it, let
it be to you as you believe. I love the way TPT put it

John 10.

27 My own sheep will hear my voice and I know each

one, and they will follow me. 28 I give to them the gift of
eternal life and they will never be lost and no one has the
power to snatch them out of my hands. 29 My Father, who
has given them to me as his gift, is the mightiest of all, and
no one has the power to snatch them from my Father’s
care. 30 The Father and I are one.”

So if you claim we who believe in eternal security are from

pit hell then Jesus is from pit of hell, because he was the
first to preach eternal security. Just saying this for you to
know that once you have eternal life the following are your

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

1. You are now a son of God, God is now with you and for
you and no devil can be against you again, the scripture
say if God is for you who can be against you, the heavenly
father that watch over his son doesn't sleep and slumber(
Romans 8:32).

2. You are eternally save, because he that started his good

work in you is faithful to keep it to the end. (Philippians

3. You your will shall be empower not to take a step that

will earthly and eternally destroy your life, because God
will be at work in you making you to will and to
do(Philippians 2:13).

4. This last one which sound negative, no matter how good

and pleasant plan you have for yourself may be, if it is not
the perfect will of God, God will frustrate it until you come
to his will for your life.

It couldn’t have taken God a second to bring us into the

knowledge of his will, but God intentionally allow this gap
to train us, because it take time for mind to renew.

It doesn't take time to become a son, because once you

believe you receive the power to become the sons of God,
but the first problem of many son is that they become the
son of God with a slave mentality and it take time for God
to change this their ideology to begin to think as son, act

The Glory of the Son

and react to life as son. This now usually lead to warfare

between the good will and plan you have for yourself and
the good will and plan of God for you and God
intentionally allow this warfare because we become
trained and mature through it. God doesn't leave his
children to face a battle between good and evil, that is
between their good will for themselves and evil will of the
devil for them. But God leave them to face a battle
between their good will and Gods will for them (and this
is called wilderness experience)

That is why the scripture says after you have suffered for
a while, meaning you will surely suffer,then why did God
allow that for his children.

Now that we have discovered that no evil can ever happen

to the children of God, now let us study a certain
unpleasant thing that can happen to the children of God
and this unpleasant thing is mostly designed to manifest
has delay. God doesn't use sickness or evil of any kind to
teach his children lessons but God allows delay in some
area of their life not to teach them less but to build their

James 1:2. My fellow believers, when it seems as though

you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an
invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that
you can!

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

3: For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up

power within you to endure all things.

If anything negative you are passing through does not

manifest as delay, then it is not God, and if anything you
are passing through is only manifesting as delay then it is
not devil. I say this to you today, that devil doesn't cause
delay, devil doesn't prevent any good thing to come your
way, don't let Nigerian Christian film written by some
people to give you wrong mindset. Devil doesn't prevent
good things from coming, he only make you to loose good
things that has come, devil doesn't prevent opportunity
from coming, he can only make you to loose opportunities
that has come. Devil is not in charge of challenges, he is
only in charge of problem, Devil is not in charge of trials
he is only in change of temptation, that good and godly
brother are not coming to ask your hand in marriage is not
the devil, that ungodly brother with fine face and good
cash are coming is the devil, so you must learn to resist
those devils and patiently on God for the right brother.
That job opportunities are not coming your way is not the
devil, but that opportunities are coming demanding you
compromise is the devil so you must learn to resist those
devil and wait for Gods opportunities by faith, because if
it is God the way God pure.

Any blessing you cannot honestly share the testimony of

the process is not God, what came to you is not what make

The Glory of the Son

us to know it is God, but how it come is what make us to

know, if the process is not pure, then the blessing is not
God, and if the blessing is not God, you have just have just
exchange your peace, and joy in life with blessing package
with sorrow. So don't be quick to see delay as devil once
you are under Grace. When your blessing is from God
through law to you, devil can have legal ground to prevent
your blessing from coming, and we saw him doing that in
the case of Daniel because they were under the law,
kingdom of darkness operates by laws, their strength is to
have something against you, that is why when Christ
blotted out every ordinance of law written against us,
principalities became powerless.

Col 2 vs. 14(TPT)

He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record

and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased
it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they
cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam
has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently
there as a public display of cancellation.

So now that our blessing is from God through Christ to

you, the devil that will stop your blessing from coming
doesn't exist, you only give devil legal ground yourself if
you put yourself under the law, but you render the accuser
of brethren powerless if you put yourself under grace. So

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

any delay you are now experiencing under grace is

designed by God that is you see God telling you that you
are in need of patience after you have done the will of God.

Hebrews 10:36. For you have need of endurance, so that

after you have done the will of God, you may receive the

The question is what is this will of God you must do before

patience? It is just to believe in Christ.

John 6:28 Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that
we may work the works of God?”

John 6:29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the

work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”

The only will of God is to believe in Christ and his finished

work, with this you are justified by faith, and it is upon this
faith that you please God and it is upon that simple faith
you receive all blessing the scripture promised if only you
can be patience. And this scripture now say after you have
done this will of God, you are in need of patience. The
question is why patience? It means the economy of delay
will find expression in your life after you believe, that is
why if you don't learn patience you can't inherit the glory.
You must learn to follow those who true faith and patience
inherit the promise. Any delay in your life as a son of God
is not the devil, you don't cause it, God knows about it, and

The Glory of the Son

the fact is that nothing can be against the son of God. If

anything is against you in life, it means God is not for you,
because if God is for you nothing can be against you.

Romans 8:31 God’s Everlasting Love. What then shall we

say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against

If something now look as if it is against you when you

know God is for you, kindly enter your rest, God is aware
of it, God allowed it because it is designed to work
together for your good. Just imagine Joseph fighting
against any arrow of the devil making him to move from
pit to prison, that is ignorance of the highest order, and this
is what many sons of God is doing, they don't know their
position in Christ and they don't know that God loves them
too much for him to allow devil to touch their life. Have
you ever seen Joseph fighting generational battle, or
breaking yoke of stagnation and delay? Because he knows
that God is for him, so nothing can be against him,
anything that may look as if is against him was only
working together for his good, all he needed was patience
( this is how sons of God think in this kingdom). When the
scripture want to give the summary of what Joseph passed
through, the scripture says and the word of God tried

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Psalms 105:17 He sent a man before them—Joseph—who

was sold as a slave.

Psalms 105:19. Until the time that his word came to pass,
the word of the Lord tested him.

So to every sons of God on the pathway to Glory, there is

a season that the word of the Lord will try you, and the
manifestation will be delay, it is season where no evil is
coming into your life and also no good you desire is also
coming, look at the scripture again, vs. 19..... Until the
time that Gods work came to pass, the word is already
settled in heaven, but there is an appointed time it is
designed to settle in the life of every sons of God, inability
to wait for this appointed time has made many sons of God
to begin to do for themselves what God plan to do for them
by Grace. Sons of God don’t work things out for
themselves by themselves, God work things out for them
by Himself, everything work together for their God.

Romans 8:28. And we know that all things work together

for good to those who love God, to those who are the
called according to His purpose.

Called according to purpose is not ministry, not a called

into ministry, but just know that this scripture is talking
about the sons of God, those he called are those he
justified, those under the covenant of predestination, those
whom God has foreknew. When you read verse 29 and 30

The Glory of the Son

you will understand those called according to purpose in

verse 28

Romans 8:29. For whom He foreknew, He also

predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that
He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Romans 8:30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He

also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and
whom He justified, these He also glorified.

Look at verse 30, you will discover that those he

predestined are the people he called, and those that He
called He justified them, and this set God himself glorified

So verse 28 is only a reality if you are under the covenant

of predestination, everything can’t work together for your
good if you are not under the covenant of predestination,
and every sons of God are under the covenant of
predestination, but it is unfortunate that many didn't know,
so they felt their destiny is in their hand, not knowing their
destiny is in the hand of their Father who at in heaven. You
don't determines what happen to you, no devil can
determines what happen to you, only God determine what
happen to you.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka



John 1:14.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

The scripture didn't say the Grace is glory, the grace is not
glory, but the Glory is full of grace. Meaning when your
life carries the grace, it will manifest as glory and when
your life carries the glory it will manifest as Grace. The
Glory of the Sons is not something you can explain but
when you see it you will know it. But grace is something
you can explain when you see it, because it is all about
blessing you don’t deserve, blessings you don't pay price
and sacrifice to get, blessing you don't qualify for by merit,
Blessing you can never earn even though chances are
given. So the revelation of the glory is what we are going
to be explaining in this chapter, because there is no
vocabulary to express the Glory of the son when you
behold it.

The language of man is too weak to explain what the glory

means, the only language available in the land of man to

The Glory of the Son

explain glory is LIGHT. And this is the reason why it is

something you behold, so when the scripture say the
gentile shall come to your light, it simply means the
gentiles shall come to your glory.

Isaiah 60:1. The Gentiles Bless Zion

Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the
Lord is risen upon you.

Isaiah 60:3 The Gentiles shall come to your light, and

kings to the brightness of your rising.

Because in verse 1 you will discover that it is when your

light come that the glory of the lord is designed to rest
upon us, meaning that light is the Glory of the lord, and
verse 3 now begin to show us that the gentiles shall come
to that light, meaning the gentile shall come to that Glory
of the lord they see upon you (remember that the
uniqueness of the Glory is that it is full of grace). There is
this glory that the gentile is expected to see in every sons
of God that is different from the glory of the world. The
glory of the world is prosperity without peace and joy that
is they have the things of this world and have sorrow with
it. The fact is that they may not tell you in public, they may
cover up with good face and laughter but the truth is
sorrow is eating them up like termite somewhere in an area
of their life, because it is only the blessing of the lord that
can make one rich without adding sorrow to it.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Proverbs 10:22. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich,

And He adds no sorrow with it.

So it is easy to know when the blessing you see in the life

of man is from the lord, once sorrow is added to it, it is not
the Lord, The lord can never bless a man and make you to
be using the blessing to nurse one sickness, sorrow doesn't
follow the package of God’s blessing. The blessing of the
lord doesn't come in such a way that it will only affect just
one area of your life, it will manifest as Graces in every
area of life, be it your marriage, career, children and
health, it is a blessing that make your life to be free from
every form of sorrow (your life can only capture this
reality if you can patiently journey in the pathway of faith
and grace). And you can never have the blessing of the
Lord without following the pathway of Faith, because the
blessing of the lord only come through faith. The blessing
of God is different from the blessing of the Lord, the
blessing of God is to man, the creator to creature through
nature by following the principles of life recommended by
nature and world system, while the blessing of the Lord is
from God the father to His children through Christ and
anything that is coming through Christ is designed to only
come as Grace and can only be received by faith.
Anywhere you see Lord in the Old Testament just know it
is different from God that is the hidden identity to explain
Christ in the Old Testament.

The Glory of the Son

The Lord is different from the God. The God is the person
of God the father to His children and the creator to all
creature, why the Lord is the word of God that become
flesh and dwell amongst man and that is Christ. The aspect
of God called the Lord is the word of God. That is why the
scripture says *the fear of the lord is the beginning of
wisdom* not the fear of God.

NKJV, Proverbs 9:10

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,

Not the Fear of God, but the fear of the Lord…Meaning

the fear of our lord Jesus Christ. The fear of God is not the
beginning of wisdom that is the beginning of slavery. God
doesn't want His children to fear Him, he want his children
to love him, but He wants His children to fear His word
(Lord). As a son of God, He wants you to love His person
and fear His word, the love of God is the beginning of faith
that is why the scripture say faith express in love.
(Galatians 5:6). While the fear of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom, it is about you having the fear of the word of
God not because God will punish you if you don't obey,
but because you know there is danger in doing the opposite
that is why you obey.

For instance God said don't eat that food, God knows that
the food has been poisoned, you don't need to know why
God ask you not to eat the food but if you have the fear for

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

His word you will know that for God to ask you not to eat
the food, it means there is danger in the food. If anything
happens to you after eating the food that is not a
punishment from God, it is a consequence that you don't
fear the word of God, truly God chastises His children but
He doesn't chastise them with sickness or poverty. He
chastise them with the word, His word is the staff and rod,
His word is what pain the spirit. For instance there is a way
I can talk to you that you will be pained so much, the part
of you that get hurt by word is your spirit. Your body
doesn't get hurt by words and God doesn't punish his
children by punishing their body, He doesn't punish any of
his children by punishing his life, He chastise His children
by flogging their spirit with words and you see them
having a godly sorrow that leads to repentance.

To the people who are not sons of God and those under the
law, God may be fast to anger and quick to punish them
with any curse of the law because the scripture say the law
attract the wrath of God (Romans 4 vs. 15)

Romans 4:15 because the law brings about wrath;

But for the sons of God who are under grace, God is slow
to anger, full of compassion and mercy, mercy is new
every morning over their life, his love for them covered
multitude of their errors.

The Glory of the Son

Exodus 34:6 And the Lord passed before him and

proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and
gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and

Psalms 103:8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to

anger, and abounding in mercy.

Psalms 103:10 He has not dealt with us according to our

sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities.

This is the reality of anyone under grace. What is the

point? Just trying to explain the difference between the
Lord and God, and the different between the blessing of
the Lord and the blessing of God.

You can have the blessing of God through nature by

following the principles of life and get it, but that is not the
way God wants to bless His children, people who get
prosperity through the principles of life end up getting
sorrow with it. It is lack of financial prosperity that make
you to think all is about money, when you have it and have
sorrow with it, you will understand what Solomon is
saying that all is vanity, then you will understand that by
divine designed the least of blessings is material
prosperity. The nature of a falling man is designed to place
value on what he lacks and place zero value on what he
has, that is why many who have good health but lack
money never know what God has done for them, but when

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

you lack peace of mind, lack joy, lack good health and
have riches then you will know that having money never
give true happiness, then you will know that material
prosperity is the least of all blessing. You don't have
problem when what you lack is what money can buy or
what money can solve, but you truly have problem when
what you lack is what money cannot solve. And those
things money can't buy is the first thing God want you to
seek that is what it mean to seek first the kingdom of God
because that kingdom of God you are to seek first is not
bread and butter but peace, joy and righteousness in the
holy ghost.

Romans 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and

drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy

By Gods designed when you have peace and joy,

prosperity will surely come, but when you lack peace and
joy, prosperity will surely go no matter how you have it,
lack of peace and sorrow will either make you go to grave
why prosperity stay alive or prosperity goes away why you
stay alive, because you will spend all the prosperity on that
thing given you sorrow, because you don't understand how
the blessing of the lord come. God doesn't designed His
children to be blessed in life through application of any
life principles, God designed His children to be blessed
through inheritance and inheritance is by faith alone.

The Glory of the Son

Look at Galatians 3 vs. 18.

Galatians 3:18

[18]For if the inheritance could be received by keeping the

law, then it would not be the result of accepting God’s
promise. But God graciously gave it to Abraham as a

It is not a blessing that come by what you do, it is the

blessing that come by who you know, who you have, and
who you are,

1. Who you know (Christ)

2 Who you have (Your father who at in heaven)

3. Who you are (The son of he that created the heaven and
the earth)

Just as a servant work in the company of his master and he

get paid at the end of the month, but everything the servant
is working for in that company is to be inherited by the son
of his boss, that is exactly what it means to inherit the
wealth of the gentiles. If a rich man have a company he is
a master to the staff of his company and a father to his son.
The way the staff who are his servant receive blessing
from their master is different from the way the son
received blessing from the father. But it become error for
the servant to now be teaching the son how servant can be

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

blessed by his master, sons doesn't need those teaching.

(And this is what the church has been teaching the children
of God for decades)

How can you tell sons that until they serve their father
before their father will bless them, and if they want their
father to bless them they must come with offering and
tithe…That is the reason why seven principles of
prosperity and law of hard-working never works for any
sons of God. If you apply any principles of prosperity in
this life and it works for you, then you are not a son, you
don't have eternal life. Once you receive eternal life, your
life is under inheritance, all you need is to begin to learn
the pathway of inheritance, which is how to receive the
blessing of the Lord. And the only pathway is to be open
to the message of his grace because that is the only
recommended message by God to build you and give you
inheritance amongst the saint.

Acts of the Apostles 20:32

[32]“And now I entrust you to God and the message of his

grace that is able to build you up and give you an
inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.

Because the blessing of the Lord is receive as inheritance,

and it is this blessing alone that makes us rich without
adding sorrow to it.

The Glory of the Son

If any blessing you have doesn't come as inheritance, then

sorrow is added, you are only covering it up with good
cloth, there is fire under the mountain in your life, if there
is no sorrow now, it is a matter of time because your life
is built on sinking sand, anything you build on principles
of life no matter how philosophical, intellectual and
sensible it may sound it is a sinking sand, scripture can
never lie. If sorrow is in your life with your prosperity and
riches, then the riches is not the blessing of the Lord, if the
riches is the product of hardworking then it is not the
blessing of the Lord. The blessing of the Lord is receive as
inheritance and this inheritance is the Glory of the son. Are
you saying sons of God doesn't work? You only think that
way when you don't understand the message, sons works
but they don't work as the gentle do, gentiles work by
seeking after what they need, sons work by managing what
God put in their hand, God give then the garden of Eden
and told them to keep it. God never told Adam seven key
to get Garden of Eden for himself, God provide it for him
and told him to keep the garden. Sons don't seek after what
God didn't commit into their hand, they maintain what
God keep into their hand, they don't seek relationships
with any rich or big men, God brought relationships their
way and they keep the relationship. The wisdom God put
in sons is for management, when the scripture say and
Jesus grow in wisdom, it is wisdom to keep whatever God
keep in his hand so that they don't get lost.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

John 10:27-29

[27]My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they

follow me.

[28]I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No
one can snatch them away from me,

[29] For my Father has given them to me, and he is more

powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from
the Father’s hand.

For Jesus what God put into his hand is sheep, because his
assignment is to be a shepherd. But for you what God put
into your hand may be business because God want you to
be a businessman, but just know that in this kingdom of
Christ, no man get anything all else it is given by God
through Christ.

John 3:27

[27]John replied, “No one can receive anything unless

God gives it from heaven.

And if it is coming from heaven it is coming through

Christ for the children of God, while if it is coming from
heaven it is coming through nature to the children of man
(creature), because God is responsible to all creature as a
creator, and he us responsible to all his children as Father,
and the pertain he choose to bless his creature is different

The Glory of the Son

from the pertain he choose to bless his children, if you

follow the way of creator to creature, sorrow will be
added. Because the blessing of the lord know as Christ
doesn't come to creature, it is only for the sons, So sons
don't get anything because we seek it, when you are
seeking for things to get it in life, looking for principles to
get it in life, it mean you don't understand sonship because
those are the ways of gentiles(Matthew 6:23) and the truth
is that you will not get it that way, everything about the
life of every sons of God is designed to come by Grace
through faith, if it doesn't come this way, it will give you
sorrow if you have it. If your marriage didn't come by
Grace through faith, that marriage will give you sorrow, if
your children didn't come by Grace through faith, the child
will give you sorrow in the future, ask Abraham to tell you
what Ismael became in life, a vagabond.

Genesis 16:11-12

[11]And the angel also said, “You are now pregnant and
will give birth to a son. You are to name him Ishmael
(which means ‘God hears’), for the lord has heard your cry
of distress.

[12]This son of yours will be a wild man, as untamed as a

wild donkey! He will raise his fist against everyone, and
everyone will be against him. Yes, he will live in open
hostility against all his relatives.”

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

That is the effect of birthing anything in life not by faith,

sorrow will surely be added, if you understand this, you
will never envy the prosperity of anyone not born again.
Heaven doesn't recognize anything not birthed by faith,
that is why God was talking to Abraham that bring to me
your only son, because as far as heaven is concerns
Abraham only have one son. You may have 8000 people
in your church as your members and to heaven you only
have 10 member, because it is only people that he brought
by faith that are sheep he recognizes. When you see
anyone who get riches by life principles I am telling you
that such person is not born again, he may be born into
Christian religion, but he is not born again, he may believe
in Christian religion but he doesn't believe in Christ, he
may have Christian religion but doesn't have Christ.

One of the way to know you have received eternal life is

that nothing you do again in life works for you all else you
follow the way of faith and grace, and If you use force
yourself to get anything you regret it, because sorrow will
be added, this is just the reason many are not enjoying their
marriage or job, they can't just wait for grace through faith,
because it require patience.

We have talked about the Glory of the father and where it

can be found, we have taught about the Glory of the only
begotten son full of grace and truth and where it can be
found, we have also taught about the Glory of the Holy

The Glory of the Son

Spirit and where it can be found. For the Glory of God, the
scripture say heaven speak about His Glory.( psalm 19 vs.
1) And to see this glory it can only be either by vision and
we saw the sample of how Stephen who was able to gazed
into heaven by vision and saw the Glory (Acts 7:55)

The Acts 7:55 (NKJV)

But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, GAZED INTO

standing at the right hand of God.

This Glory cannot be seen physically but it can be seen

with the eyes of the spirit through vision and a measure of
this Glory can be seen in the life of the beings in the
heavenly, because everything in heaven speaks about the
Glory of God.

Psalms 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament

shows His handiwork.

We also taught in this book about the Glory of the Spirit

and we said the Glory of the Spirit finds expression as
supernatural power and gift of the spirit for service and
work of ministry and when you behold any servant of God
you will surely see the Glory of the Holy Ghost in them.
Your life cannot manifest this Glory no matter how you
fast for it if God is not calling you into ministerial work

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

that is when you behold genuine Ministries founded by

God on earth you will surely see a measure of the Glory of
the Spirit. And we also taught about the Glory as of the
only begotten Son full of Grace and truth and we explained
that this is the Glory ordained to be found in the life of
anyone born by God and the scripture says when you
behold the earth the earth is full of this Glory.( Isaiah 6: 3)

Isaiah 6:3

And one cried to another and said:“Holy, holy, holy is the

Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!”

Then we begin to search out by the help of the spirit that

how can the earth be full of this Glory and yet the life of
the sons of God are empty of the Glory? Heaven speaks of
the Glory of God, and we see the glory in the life of the
Angels, and the Angel rules as God in the land of the living
before Christ came all through the Old Testament days.
The Church speak about the Glory of the Holy Spirit and
we see the Glory in the life of any one truly called by God,
because the glory of the Holy Ghost is a tool for ministry.
Jesus ask His disciples to wait for it before going into
ministry. Jesus Himself never starts any ministry until the
Holy Ghost rest on Him and anoint Him into ministry, but
it is now unfortunate that we can see the Glory of the
Angels, we can see the Glory of the servant and we see
that in the life of our fathers of faith, but we can't see the

The Glory of the Son

Glory of the sons manifesting in many, and the whole

creation keep on waiting for the manifestation of the Sons
of God.

Romans 8:19

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits

for the revealing of the sons of God.

The creation have seen the manifestation of the Angels of

God, they have seen the manifestation of the servants of
God which is power to heal the sick, cast out demon, raise
the death, and teach mysteries, but they keep on waiting
for the manifestation of the sons of God. And that leads us
to begin to search for what this Glory of the sons is all
about, and that give birth to this book in your hand. And
the purpose of this book is to reveal how our life can carry
this glory as a son of God and it is by knowing what the
glory entails and we discovered that the glory is full of
grace, then by beholding the glory as in a mirror and the
book of 2 Corithians 3:18 open us to this dimension we
become partakers of the Glory.

2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the

glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same
image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Since this Glory is full of Grace, that gives us the

understanding of how to know it when we see in it any
man, which is by seeing any blessing in them that they
didn't pay any price to get. If they tell you they pay the
price to get it, it is not the glory of the son. The glory of
the sons is not full of sacrifice, it is only full of grace, so it
is a blessing given that you don't deserve and you can
never pay the price to get it.

It is also a blessing given to you base on God's love for

you and not base on Gods call on you. The Glory of the
servant is the glory that is full of sacrifice and ministerial
gift, and the blessing that follows is the blessing that
comes as a reward for using the tools and gift to serve God.
Not that the sacrifice produced the ministerial grace, but a
certain sacrificial lifestyle called consecration must flow
with the ministerial Grace. For instance there are certain
things I cannot do again due to the teaching and writing
anointing upon me, the anointing demands a certain
consecration. It is not the consecration that brings the
anointing, it is calling and ordination that brings the
anointing, then the anointing leads to consecration. See the
structure in the scripture by the first man to be anointed
and consecrated in the scripture.

Exodus 30:30

The Glory of the Son

And you shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate
them, that they may minister to me as priests.

The scripture didn't say you shall consecrate Aaron and

anoint him, but you shall first anoint Aaron and then
consecrate him. Religion tells you to be consecrated before
you can be anointed, that is not scriptural, and you can
never pay the price of anointing. Anointing is a product of
calling and calling is a product of predestination.
Consecration simply means when God set you apart for
just one sacred assignment without permitting you to do
any other thing again and that is what makes it a sacrifice.
It is sacrifice not because of what you do, but because of
what you are not permitted to do. Any gifted or talented
man may not need consecration, even though you are in
ministry you can be doing secular work with it and be fine,
but the first calling upon every anointed one is a call to be
separated from secular work into ministerial work, it is a
calling into priesthood service. So by this understanding
you can tell if what you see in the life of anyone is the
glory of a servant or the glory of the son.

When you see pictures of the priest and Levite when they
get to the land of Canaan you will understand the Glory of
the servant, they are designed to be set apart for sacred
work and eat from the temple, why when you see the
picture of the remaining tribe of Israel you will understand
the Glory of the sons. The Glory of the sons is not design

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

to be seen in the life of the servant of God even though

they are sons of God also, but they are sons set apart, just
as the priest and Levite are children of Abraham but never
allow to be partakers of the inheritance, but what other
children of Israelite receive as inheritance is now designed
to come to them as reward through tithing and offering.
The Glory of the Servant also is not designed to be seen in
the sons, that the called one amongst the son into
priesthood service. Truly every son of God is a royal
priesthood but not every son is a servant priesthood,
servant priesthood are those who are priest by calling. This
is the long time errors that have make many sons to die
without manifesting the Glory of the sons, because they
want to manifest power by fire by force when God is not
calling them into ministry, you see a royal priesthood
forcing himself into servant priesthood when God didn't
call him into it. And we servant of God are now building
sons under us to be like us, we are now using the spiritual
syllabus for servant to build sons. What does the sons of
God have to do with the message of consecration? (You
can see error) if any minister is current in the spirit and he
can gazed into the syllabus for sons of God, you will know
it is all about the message of grace and faith. It is the
message of Grace that is ordained to build any sons of God
into spiritual maturity and that maturity effortlessly make
their inheritance to be given to them, because as long as
the heir is a baby he can never receive inheritance, even

The Glory of the Son

though he is the lord of all, ( that is lord of all material

blessing) he can never receive that material blessing as
inheritance, he may get it through life principles as you
have been taught in many churches but sorrow will be
added, but for the blessing of the Lord that make one rich
without adding sorrow to it to be given as inheritance, the
heir who is a child must grow to spiritual maturity. And in
other for such heir who is a child to grow, God will begin
to commit him to the message of Grace, God will begin to
bring him across Grace Message that will build him into
maturity and give him inheritance among the saint.

The Acts 20:32

“So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the

message of His grace, which is able to build you up and
give you an inheritance among all those who are

You can see the process...

Now what does it mean for an heir to be a baby? It mean

to be under the law, any one under the law is an heir who
is still a baby as far as God is concern. Even though you
spent 50 years in Christ, and in church, once you are under
the law you are an heir who is still a child.

Let us confirm that in scripture

Galatians 3:24-25

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

[24]Let me put it another way. The law was our guardian

until Christ came; it protected us until we could be made
right with God through faith.

[25]And now that the way of faith has come, we no longer

need the law as our guardian.

Look at this scripture very well, the law was guardian until
Christ came, it protect you until you understand how to be
made right with God by faith.

That is why for any Christian under the law, Christianity

is what came to them, and Christ has not come to them.
Christian religion has come to them but Christ has not,
they only accept Christian religion but they have not
accept Christ. Once you accept Christ verse 25 will surely
be your reality, you will neglect law with anger as your
guardian if you get the revelation of faith and grace.

See the verse 25.

25] And now that the way of faith has come, we no longer
need the law as our guardian.

But the scripture now say as long as they are still baby,
they will be under guidance.

Galatians 4:1-2

[1]Think of it this way. If a father dies and leaves an

inheritance for his young children, those children are not

The Glory of the Son

much better off than slaves until they grow up, even
though they actually own everything their father had.

[2]They have to obey their guardians until they reach

whatever age their father set.

Meaning anyone under law known as guidance is a baby.

Those led by law are babies why those led by the spirit are
the sons of God (Romans 8 vs. 14). Being led by the spirit
this scripture is talking about is not receiving instruction
from the spirit. Religion has made people to
misunderstood this scripture again, following the leading
of the spirit is not a situation where by you are going right
and a spirit now say go left, holy spirit doesn't lead his son
that way, holy spirit doesn't lead by thought as many do
teach, holy spirit doesn't speak English language as many
do say. How does the Holy Spirit lead? Because those led
by the spirit are the sons of God and those led by law are
the heir who is still a child.

How does the Holy Spirit lead?

This last chapter is encoded with the summary of all we

have been saying from the beginning of chapter one so as
to know where we are coming from as we fully unveil the
glory of the sons

Because once you behold the Glory as of the only begotten

Son and you see the fullness of Grace, just know those

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Grace are for you as a son of God, when you behold the
Glory of Christ anything you see is designed to be
available for you freely.

John 1:14.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and truth.

The scripture says the glory is full of grace, those grace are
the grace of our lord Jesus available for you and the
scripture say it is also full of truth that truth is what you
need to know to obtain those Graces, because by divine
designed, it is the will of God for Christ to give us his glory
as God Give Christ his Glory.

That was why Jesus was praying for this Glory he share
with God before the beginning of the world

John 17:1 Jesus Prays for Himself

Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and

said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that
Your Son also may glorify you,

John 17:4 I have glorified you on the earth. I have finished

the work which you have given me to do.

The Glory of the Son

John 17:5. And now, O Father, glorify me together with

yourself, with the glory which I had with you before the
world was.

Take note of verse 5, Jesus was talking about a glory here

and he called it the glory I had with you before the world
begin. There is a glory before the world begin and there is
a glory after the world begin, so Christ put off the glory of
the Son so that he can crown us with the glory of the son
and has he put off the glory of the Son he put on the Glory
of God that is why Christ is called God. You are called son
of God because Christ has put off the Glory of the son so
that you can put on the Glory of the son, and he did that
because of higher Glory, that is, if you see Christ now and
called him the son of God then you don't know Christ, he
is not the son of God, we are the son of God, he is the
visible image of the invisible God, he is the God the father.
That is why when one of his disciple said to him show us
the father, Jesus reply and said he that have seen me have
seen the father.

John 14:8 Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father,

and it is sufficient for us.”

John 14:9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so

long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has
seen me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show
us the Father’?

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Meaning Jesus is the father. For instance, it is not my body

that define who I am, my body is just a container designed
to carry me, I am what my body is carrying, I am what is
in my body, what is in me is who I am. Why did Jesus say
whosoever that have seen me have seen the father? It is
because of what he said in verse 10

NKJV, John 14:10

Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father

in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my
own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does the

Whosoever that have seen me have seen the father because

I am in my father and my father is in me.

So also to me, whosoever that have seen me Banjo Ayeka

have seen a dimension of Christ, because I am in Christ
and a dimension of Christ is in me. I can't say I am Christ
because no man carry the fullness of Christ, but Christ can
say he is the father because in him dwelleth the fullness of
the Godhead.

NKJV, Colossians 2:9

For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;

Christ didn't carry God in measure, it is not the dimension

of God that is in Christ, the fullness of God is in him, so

The Glory of the Son

you can't find God anywhere outside Christ, because in

him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Now
let us study the Glory of the only begotten son that God
has bestowed on Jesus as His only begotten son which
Jesus now give to us the others begotten sons of the father.

Psalms 2:7 “I will declare the decree:

The Lord has said to Me,

‘You are My Son,

Today I have begotten you.

Psalms 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give You

The nations for your inheritance,

And the ends of the earth for your possession.

There is a deep conversation here talking about a

communication that took place between God and Jesus
when he became the Son of God. Look at verse 7 very
well, you will discover that this scripture is not talking
about we the sons of God, that is, the scripture is talking
about Christ the only begotten son, look at it very well,
You are My Son today i have begotten you, and this
scripture is fulfilled at river Jordan when Word came from
heaven saying you are my only begotten son.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Mark 1:11.Then a voice came from heaven, “You are My

beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

So it is at river Jordan that Christ was born as a son of God,

Christ wasn't born as son of God through Mary, Jesus was
born as a son of man through Mary, and was born by the
word at river Jordan. When God speak his word is not a
conformation of reality, his word is creative, if God say
you are goat, you will automatically become goat , if God
say this is my son, that eternal utterance is not a
confirmation of who Jesus is, it is a word to make him
automatically become a son. Son of God are not born
either by corruptible seed (sperm of man) or born through
corruptible womb (the womb of marry), but it is the second
Adam that was born through Mary, second Adam grew in
wisdom and became the son of God at 30 years at river
Jordan. So when God say to Jesus today I have begotten
you, kindly see what God now say to Jesus in psalm 2
verse 8.

Psalms 2:7 “I will declare the decree:

The Lord has said to me,

‘You are My Son,

Psalms 2:8 ask of me, and I will give you

The nations for your inheritance,

The Glory of the Son

And the ends of the earth for your possession.

That is, God has given this earth to Jesus the only begotten
Son as inheritance, he has given the earth as Christ
possessions, God give the earth as Glory to Jesus to son,
that is why the book of Isaiah 6 vs 3 say the earth is full of
the Glory of the Lord. That is why the scripture say in
psalm 24:1 that the earth is of the Lord and all its fullness

Psalms 24:1

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and
those who dwell therein.

So every good things of this life with peace and joy added
is the Glory of the Son, mind you can get those good things
of this life without Christ, but the fact is that sorrow will
be added unto it, but it is when it is given to you by Christ
the lord that it become the blessing of the lord, and this
blessing of the lord designed to be given to you as
inheritance is the only things that can make you rich
without adding sorrow to it. And the scripture now say
even though the earth and the fullness has been given to
Christ as inheritance yet Christ become poor so that
through his poverty the inheritance can be transfer to us
the sons. So the things of this life is designed to come to
us as inheritance, it is called the blessings of Abraham,
God give the blessing of this earth as promise to Abraham

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

and he said through his seed which is Christ the family of

the earth will be blessed by it.

Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the

promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of
many, but as of one, “And to your Seed,” who is Christ.

Galatians 3:18 for if the inheritance is of the law, it is no

longer of promise; but God gave it to Abraham by

Now let us go back to Old Testament to study the blessing

Genesis 12:1-3

[1]The lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native

country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to
the land that I will show you.

[2]I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and
make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.

[3]I will bless those who bless you and curse those who
treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be
blessed through you.”

Take note of verse 3... The Glory of the Son is when this
Abrahamic blessings is finding expression in your life, and
this blessing is not designed to be receive by application
of principles it is designed to come by Grace through faith,

The Glory of the Son

It is not designed to come through any law of tithing of

seed sowing, look at scripture very well.

Galatians 3:18

[18]For if the inheritance could be received by keeping the

law, then it would not be the result of accepting God’s
promise. But God graciously gave it to Abraham as a

So God gave it Abraham as promises to him and to his

descendant, and we are the descendants of Abraham by
faith, so Abraham's blessings are mine, I am designed to
be blessed in the morning and blessed in the evening.

Genesis 24:1

[1]Abraham was now a very old man, and the lord had
blessed him in every way.

This is designed to be your portion, it take the blessing of

the lord to make you blessed in every away... it take a man
under the Abrahamic covenant to be bless in every way,
many rich people you see on earth have sorrow they are
nursing, and all this are the grace you will see when you
behold the Glory of the lord, because the earth is now of
the lord. Before Christ died he was the Lord of all, but
when he resurrected he become the Lord of lord while we
become the lord of all, that is God made Christ the lord of
lord why Christ made us the lord of all.

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

Look at the scripture

Galatians 4:1. Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a

child, does not differ at all from a slave, though HE IS

Meaning, the children of God are lord of all things of this

life, lord of all mean owner of all. How can one
motivational speaker sit you down and be teaching you
how to get what you are the owner of. The scripture says
you are the owner of something and the scripture now told
you the singular reason why they have not come to you as
inheritance, he said as long as the heir is a baby he can’t
receive the inheritance and the Glory of the son is designed
to reveal in you when your inheritance has been given to
you and your inheritance can not be given to you as long
as you are a baby.

The only key to be built into God's perspective of maturity

is when you are committed into grace message, because
that is the only message that can build you and give you
inheritance amongst the saint. Because there are many
who count themselves to be mature Christian whom
heaven is seen as baby, because as long as you still hold
unto the law, you are a baby, your maturity begin when the
revelation of faith and grace begin to come into your spirit.
Faith people are the mature people in the sight of God, and
your faith will be tested with patience if truly you

The Glory of the Son

understand this faith of a things. The word you believe will

tried you as he did to Joseph, the blessing of the lord which
is the expression of the glory of the son is not designed to
be given to you overnight, faith is the key, while patience
is the prove of faith

James 1:1-4

2 Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and

challenges come at you from all sides.

3 You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced

into the open and shows its true colors.

4 So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do

its work so you become mature and well-developed, not
deficient in any way. (MSG)

This is the reality of the process to inheritance and the

inheritance is the Glory of the son. Keep on beholding this
Glory through the scripture by because that is the mirror,
behold all the blessings in the word of God wait patiently
for it. Whatever you are passing through now is part of the
making, suffering is a tools for building faith, the suffering
of this hour can never be compare with the Glory that will
be revealed.

NKJV, Romans 8:18

Pastor Banjo Ayeka

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are

not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us.

Don’t think you can help God, the word of God can fulfill
himself in your life without you. Just believe and enter
your rest patiently.

We come to the end of the book (THE GLORY OF THE



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