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State of New Jersey

% Statu IIigiiavay Depaktmunt

August 6f 19$2
o U. S« Routes

Mr. H* H. Hale, Esecutive Secretary
American Association of State HLghway Officials
917 National Press Building
Washington, D* C*

Dear Mr. Hale:

Referring to your letters with respect to a check of the newly Issued U. S.

Route Number Log, please be advised as follows t

I am forwarding to you under separate cover five copies of a map showing the
dlscr^ancles which I am noting below. Your letter requests that these dis­
crepancies be shown on the official map of the Depaxianent. I regret to advise you
that the last map printed by this Department was in the year 19li6 and the supply
is now completely eichausted. I am, however, using a Highway Planning Survey Meqp
of the State which will, I trust, serve the purpose since the Department is unable to
obtain authorization for the printing of other maps.

U. S. 1; The only discrepancy in this route would appear tp be in connection

with the Business Route portion thereof which leaves the n^n route
at the Tonnelle Circle in Jersey City from thence through
the Holland Tunnel into New York City.

P. S, 9: The same comment which applies to U. S. 1 applies to this route in

that it leaves joint Routes 1 and 9 at the Tonnelle Circle in Jersey
City and proceeds through the Holland Tunnel into New York.

P. S. 9W; It would appear to me that the portion of P. S. 9W in New Jersey has

been omitted from the description of this route and that there should
be a distance of six (6) miles to the New York State Line from I^ack
a distance of twelve (12) miles to the west end of the Qeorge
Washington Bridge in New Jersey.

P. S. UO: The route, as it appears in your publication, still goes to the

Pennsville Ferry, If you will refer to your letter to me under
date of November 20, 195l« you will note that the Executive Committee
approved a change in the designation of P« S. Route No. UO as
occasioned by the completion of the Delaware Memorial Bridge and the
closing of the Ferry. In submitting this matter to you \inder date of
October 10, 1951, Siq)erlntendent of Maintenance Alex, W. Muir, at
that time, gave you the revised log which can be used in correcting
the discrepant in this Route.
Mr. H. H. Hale -2- Aagast 6, 1952

U. S. I3O: It would appear that the description in the new log is still
intended to run to the Pennsville Ferry. The change in this
Route was approved the same action as above detailed in
the case of U. S. UO and the change in the log was also detailed
in Superintendent of Maintenance Muir’s letter of October 10,
g. S. 322t I am advised that the Deparhnent is not positive as to whether
such a change has ever been submitted to or approved by the
Esecutive Committee. As a matter of fact, U. S. 322 has
actually been marked coincident with U. S. UO between McKee
City and Atlantic City. This marking is also shown on commercial
maps. This additional marking was made on account of public
demand that U. S. 322 be carried throu^ to a tezminal point
in Atlantic City owing to the large amount of traffic using
this route to and from Atlantic City. It is therefore suggested
that the log of this route be changed to read as follows:

Atlantic City 0 Route Begins

Pleasantville 6 6 Crossing US 9
McKee City 7 13
Willlamstown 25 38,etc«

Very tou3y yours

R. J. Abbott
State Highway Commissioner


U* 3, HighiraTS

A. V. Halr/ANK.
of NfUl Seraeg
R. J. ABBOTT, Commissioner

Mr« Hal H* Hale, Easeativa Secretary

American Aseociation of State Hi^way Officials
917 National Press Building
Washington U» D* C«

Dear Mr, Hale:

Acknoided^mit is made of your letter of June 29, con­

cerning US 9 Alternate and US 1 Alternate,

Please be advised that the distance from tlie George

Washington Bridge to the Tonnelle Circle at Jersey City should
be thirteen miles in each ease on US 1 and US 9*

Very truly yours,


Alex, W, Muir
Superintendent of Maintenance
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June 29j 1953

%8sr8« Alex W. Iluir, Si^t. of llaintenanoe. New Jersey

V. L. Ostrander, of Operations and
Tlaintenance, New York


Wo are attaching hereto drafts prepared of a US 9 Alternate

and a US 1 Alternate in the New York City vicinity. These have
been prepared to be incorporated in the rovieed Log Book of the
U. S. Route Numbers.

Will you please look these two proposals over carefully and
note any corrections or changes that should be made and ret’jm
them to T]8 with your suggestions? The Infoxnatlon we had at hand
from which to prepare these routes is somewhat limited, and we
have had to follow only that limited data.

Your cooptation in this regard will be appreciated.

Sincerely yours.

Hal H. Hale
aW:vb Executive Secretary
UNITED STATES IUGHV/AY NlHffiE 1 (continued)

Point to Point- Accuniulated

Hil8i:i.<?:e lUlaage Reoar-ks

Port Cheater 3 833
Nei'f Rochelle 9 812
Jet. near V-'ostchester
Ooar'ty line 8U5 US lA. begins


Jet. naax Westchester
Oountj Line via 0 0 Route begins
Tfcitcliiii&on River Park-
Bruckner Blvd.,
Fii*st & Second Aves.
(?ir-3t Ave. Northbound,
Second Ave. Southbound)
Koliand Tunnel IB 18 Joins US 9A

Tonnelle Circle 21 Route ends. Rejoins US 1

George '''as’ilngton Bridge 853 Joins US 9, doubles US lt6 - 2 mj

Tcnnelle Circle 11 m
Jersey City 2 866

Point to Point Accumulated

Mileare Mileage Remarks

Yonkers 30 328
T'^rk (?an Courtlandt
Park) 3 331 US 9A begins

I©W Y^mx
rtevf Yoi'k (Van Cortlandt
Park) 0 0 Route- begins
Via Henry Hudson Parlovay,
Side Elevated HLghway
^Idlland Tunnel lU 11 Joins UP lA

Tonrselle Circle 17 Route endB, joins US 9

Nev5 York (Geo. Washington

' siridge) 335 US 9W ends* joins US 1

Tonnolle Circle 1C 3U5
Jersey City 2 3li7

U« S. HigliHays Nos. 1 and 9

A. W» Molr/AMK.
^tate of Nfui Seraeff
R. J. ABBOTT, Commissioner
May Tiranty-ninth
19 5 3

Mr. Hal H. Hale, EzBoatlye Secretary
American Association of State Higinray Officials
917 National Press Building
Washington 4* D* C«

Dear Mr. Hale:

Referring farther to our correspondence, concerning 1
U. S. Routes 1 and 9, please be advised as follows:

I would reccmmend that tbs portion from the Toimelle

Circle to the Holland Tunnel be designated and marked as U. S.
1-A and 9-*A«

Very truly yours,


l/t/ ^

Alex. W* Muir
Superintendent of Maintenance

Copy to Mr. V. L* Ostrander, New Toric Department of Public Works.

May 26, 1953

Messrs: MexW* Mair^ Supt« of Maintenance, New Jersey

V. It, Ostrander, Supt. of Operation and
Maintenance, New York


This is to acknowledge receipt of carbon copies of your exchange of

correspondence regarding U* S» routes 1 and 9 in the metropolitan area
of Greater New York. The suppestlons that you have made in your letters,
as well as the descriptions used, will be incorporated at the time we revise
the log book, which we hope will be this summer.

At the tins wo made the original compilation, we had very sketchy in­
formation on these routes in this area. We had to rely largely on the old
log book and such maps and petitions as were available. We hope that we
shall have the information included in the revised book to our mutual satis­

With kindest personal regards, I am

Sincerely yours,

Hal H. Hale E
Executive Secretary C-


Ur 20, 1953

Kr. Alex Hair.

Saperlntendent of MalnteneBee
State Blghvey Departnent
Trenton 1, Hew Jersey
Dear Hr* Mulrt
Tear eoamonleation of April 9th relatlire
to eertaln roote nmberlnga in the vieinity of hee York
City haa been under InTeatlfatlon by our Diatrlet
Enflneer foreea In that area and a copy of their report
la attached* It apparently la oonprehenaire and la
anteltted to yon for your oonalderatlon* We will be
pleaaed to hare aaoh farther cofmieBta a a you nay eare
to oeke*
We note that a copy of your eomatinleation
to oa waa aent to Hal Hale, Ixeeutlwe Secretary, AA8B0
and we are aendlng to Mr* Hale a copy of our inveatigation
Very truly youra,

Superintendent of
Operation and Salntenanee

cot Mr. Hale

Mr. Krick
££ P I

May 14, 1953

Ifr. V. L. Ostra nder, Supt,

Operation & Maintenance
Dept, of Public Works
Albany 1, New York

Dear Sir:
The following is our comment on the enclosed letter
from Alex W. Muir, Superintendent of ^^intenance of the New
Jersey State Highway Department.
At the present time, both II.S. Route 9 and U.S. Route
1 are routed over the George Washington Bridge to New Jersey.

An alternate route, U.S, 9A, carries traffic down

the Henry Hudson Parkway and the west Side Elevated Highway to
the Holland Tunnel. This route is restricted to passenger
vehicles only, since no eomraerclal traffic is permitted to use
either the Henry Hudson Parkway or the West Side Elevated High­
U.S, Route lA carries traffic from U.S, Route 1 lit
the Westchester County Line over the Hutchinson River Parkway
and thence over city streets to the Holland Tunnel. Here again,
commercial traffic is prohibited over the Parkway section of
the road.
Neither of these alternate routes is designated as
business routes.
From the quotation, on Page Two of Mr, Muir’s letter,
'•Business Route - to provide the traveling public an oppor­
tunity to travel through the business part of the city," it
would appear that the present routing is sufficient to bri^^S
passenger traffic within the limits of the city. Commercial
traffic terminating in Hew York City needs no further routing,
since on emerging from either the Holland or Lincoln Tunnels it
seeks its own destination. Commercial traffic having no desti­
nation within the city limits is best-handled by by-passing the
congested areas of the city and using the George Washington Bridge,
- 2-

In theory, the prlncip#^! r oute by-passing the central

business district and the alternate route passing through the
central business district is applicable In the case of afialler
cities, but in the case of Hew York City, while theoretically
possible, from a operational point of view, it is highly
impractical, due to the intense congestion.
This subject has been discussed thoroughly with the
City Traffic Department, and it is their opinion that the
present method of route marking is entirely satisfactory, adequate,
and serves the best needs of vehicular traffic through Kew York,

It is my recommendation that no attempt be made in

this instance to post a so-called business route through
Manhattan Island, and that the alternates for both tJ.S. Routes
1 and 9 be submitted to the American Association of State Highway
Officials, for official approval, without the designation,
"Business Route",
I am returning herewith Mr, Muir’s letter.

Very truly yours,

M. E. Goul
District Engineer
, -GK^MM—7-52

U» S. Highways Nos, 1 and 9

i>tatP nf Si'rsty

April Ninth

Mr, V, L, Ostrander
Superlntsndmt Operations and Mainoenanoo
Department of Public litorks
State Office Building
Albany, New York

Dear Mr, Ostrandert

As a result of a number of changes in route numbers and the preparation of

new maps by various organizations, a question has been raised as to the proper mark­
ing for an alternate route in Jersey City and through the Holland Tunnel and the
southerly end of the City of New York connecting main U, S, Routes Nos, 1 and 9.

An inspection of the description of the U, S, numbered routes, as put out

in the booklet published by the American Association of State Highway Officials and
revised to May 1, 1942, reveals the following notation in connectltm with U, S«
Route No, 1:

**U, S, 1 "Business Route" leaves Boston Post Road at Junction with Pelham
Parkway via southern Boulevard, First Avenue to Holland Tunnel opposite Jers^ City,
N, J,"

In connecti<Hi with U, S, Route Ho. 9, the notation is as follows:

"U, S, 9-A or "Ikisineas Route" leaves U, S» 9 at Broadway and Dyckman Street,

via Riverside Drive, Miller Ejqjress Id^ay, Canal Street, to the Holland Tunnel
opposite Jersey City, N. J,"

Reference to the 1951 revislcu^ issued by the same organlsaticn, reveals the
fact that there is the following notation in connecticm with U, S, Route No, 1: "U, S. 1
"Bus, Route” into New York City." In the case of U, S, Route No, 9 thei*e is no notation
idiatever as to auiy business or alternate route.

It would, therefore, appear that there is not uniformity of marking in con­

nection with theae alternate routes in New York and in New Jersey, which mazklng, we
believe, should be definitely imlfom.

Reference to the "Purpose and Policy in the Sstablishment and Oevelopaoit

of United States Numbered Hlgfivays," as revised by the American Associaticxi of State
Hi^way Officials July 1, 1940, and reprinted Januazy, 1947, reveals the following
**Ba«lMst Roat«x A "Business Root*" is a roais principally nlthlB tha
oorparata Units of a city whisk proridas tha travaling psd>lie an appartunity ia
irawsl throagh that city, passing throngh tha baslnsss part of tha eityi idiila tha
ragnlar nui^r is ussd to akviata paasing through tha aongastad part of tha city.
This "Basinaas Souta* eoiiBaats with tha ragnlar nunbarad ronta at tha oppasita sida
of tha eity Units.

"Baslnass Boats* nunbaring shall ha astabUshad by tha placing of a standard

strip carrying tha wards "Basinsss Boats* on tha staff abava ths U. S» shield.*

It woold appear that this definition would savor tha altamata far both
U. 8. Rastas Hos. 1 and 9 through ths Holland Tunnal and through ths lawsr portion
of ths City of Haw York. Tha only passibla axsaptlsn to the appUoabiUty of this
dafinition to thasa two altamata rastings is tha qusatian as to whathar thara ni^t
ba an abjastion that at least one of thanf nuMly U. S. Boats Ho. 9« invalvas
hi^ways whloh are not open to all dassas of traffic, Whether thara aight ba
azoaption takan on that account is a question.

It would appear to sa that Haw lark and Hew Jersey should ooaw to an agraa*
nant as to ths dasig|utl<m to ba used and sutasit saoh dasigaatlon to tha Anariean
Assaalatlon of State Bighssy Officials for affioial approval.

Will you, thsrafars, kindly advisa ns of your thoughts in tha natter, ia

order that wo nay naks a Joint application to ths assoc iatian? Ineidantally, I would
say that by reason of tha fact that Hew Jaiwayts portion of thasa two altamatas is
so vary short, 2 foal that Haw Jersey probably should defer to Haw York ia oonaaction
with the natter.

In view of tha fast that aartain nap nakars are asking far a ruling on tha
natter, I would appradata an early reply on this natter.

Taiy truly yours,


AIsx. W. Muir
SuparlaAsadmt of Maiatsnanaa

Copy to Nr. Hsl H. Hslo, Hmontivo Ssorstary, Ansrioan Aaaaeiation of Stato Midway
Officials, national Press Building, Washington, D. C«

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