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26 Tweets • 2023-04-01 •  See on 

This thread goes over the majority for PD arrays that I

suggest you master (most important ones first)

A PD array is a type of ICT entry. There are lots. First I

will show them and say how to use them, then show
how to put them all together.


1. Fair Value Gap (anytime when a low of first candle

does not overlap high of a third candle in a sequence)
Best way to use a fair value gap is…

Longing a FVG if it is in discount (under 0.5) on a

market structure shift to the upside


Shorting a besrish fair value gap in premium (above

0.5) if we break structure to downside)

All other FVGs are irrelevant (for now)

2. Orderblock (OB)

Bullish OB is a set of green candles before up move in


Bearish OB is a set of 1 red candle before down

move in a DOWNTREND
Everyone uses these differently.

I suggest marking out order blocks on the higher

timeframe such as 15M 1H or 4 hour, then once we
arrive to one, go to the lower time frame like the 1m or
5m to see if we get a setup off of it

Like this:
You can also use order blocks for stop loss
placements like this:

Place stop above bearish order block if you are short

and below bullish order block if you are long
3. Balanced Price Range

This is when a Bearish FVG and Bullish FVG line up,

there’s more to this but don’t want to take the time to
over explain in this thread

Here’s unbalanced versus a balanced price range:

4. Breaker Block

To put this in the simplest terms as possible so you


Look for an orderblock that was broken through after

we purged liquidity.

*Breaker Blocks are not old OBs, because the OB

should not be respected in the first place*

This is a breaker block.

5. Mitigation Block

This is the same thing as a breaker except we do not

purge liquidity before.

Like this:

6. Treat volume imbalances like a Fair Value Gap.

Like this:
7. Wick / Rejection Block (credit to Lucius)
I don’t use these a ton, but if you ever see giant wicks
at bottom or tops of trend when taking liquidity, draw a
fib with the 0.5 on the whole wick alone.

Then you look for a setup off of it.

Like this:

8. Propulsion Block (Credit to Lucius)

This is basically when we get an OB, then a second
OB off the first OB. The second OB is a propulsion
block and you do not want us to retrace below the
mean threshold of it (50%)

Like this:

9. New Week Opening Gap (NWOG)

These act as magnets. I always draw the 50% (CE) of
NWOG and what I do is if I see we are in a sell model
and there’s sellside below, I often look to see if there’s
a NWOG under

If there is, that’s my target after sellside, then I look for

potential reversal off of it.

Like so
10. This is a hidden fair value gap. You treat this just
like a normal fair value gap.

Like this:
11. NDOG: Same thing as NWOG

(Although I believe NWOG holds more weight)

Alright, now note all these PD arrays

You can also use all of these as inverses. (besides OB

because that’s just a BB/MB)

So once we close above old bearish FVG you look for

a long setup off it and want to see it used as support

This just doubled the PD arrays you can use:)


ICT once said “If 3 PD Arrays fail, you’re fucked”

So if I see a FVG combined with an OB and VI, like

this picture, and we break through all 3:

That likely means my bias will change for the time


This is why you should know all PD arrays

That’s it. There are a few more but these are the most
common ones you should use every single day and
the only ones I really use.

Check out my discord if you have questions or want to

talk with other good ICT trader during the day:)

Here is my discord if you have any questions I will


I also live trade everyday for $15 a month if you’re

interested but just ask me about that in discord
For my BPR experts I know this is an inversion FVG



Read the picture. Green candle before down move =

bearish OB in a downtrend while order flow is bearish

Red candle before up move = bullish OB in an uptrend

while orderflow is bullish
i typed this out earlier after a tough tennis match and
should’ve rechecked everything when mindset was
better but posted anyways

i will do a whole separate orderblock thread anyways

so be prepared

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