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Would you tell me that how much menu we need to pay at this point and what will be the next

step to go for this mission please 🙏

Of course, first of all is register it with the Ministry of the Interior, delivering a free document

where we include what the association will be called, the legal address (where notifications for

any procedure will arrive), the list of its representatives, the associates , the relationship of the

governing body, its ministers of worship, the relationship of real estate (since they do not yet have

a real estate but are going to acquire one, we have to inform of the desire to acquire a real estate,

giving the characteristics of the property in question), the statutes of the association, evidence to

verify seniority (in this case the secretariat requests to prove that they have been operating for five

years, that is, that they have had parishioners for five years, mention where the meetings were

held , etc; the above can be demonstrated with a certificate of facts, which is a document made by

a notary and can be made with some witnesses), a birth certificate of the legal representative of

the association is needed (they can only be Mexican), their CURP ( which is a key for

Mexicans), an official identity of the representative, the immigration agreement (documentation

that is made before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two originals) and finally those authorized to

hear and receive notifications of said procedure.

As a guideline, it is suggested that the statutes contemplate the following:

• Hold assemblies, contemplating:

• The types of assemblies (ordinary and/or extraordinary)

• Who should participate in the assemblies (associates, ministers of worship and/or governing body)

• The quorum for them to be valid

• Who should convene them

• The issues to be discussed in each one

• Provide for the body in charge of agreeing on the registration and removal of members, governing body,

rep resen tativ es an d p ro p erties th at are co n trib u ted fo r th e p u rp o ses o f th e relig io u s asso ciatio n .

• The procedure and the body in charge of modifying and/or adding to the statutes

• The procedure and the body in charge of the dissolution and liquidation of the religious association

The process is online, since the Ministry of the Interior in Mexico City checks everything, it is a

process that takes approximately 8 months to a year; This process begins before the

aforementioned Ministry of the Interior and is subsequently formalized before a Notary .

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