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Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C atau D pada jawaban yang
dianggap benar!

I. Answer the following questions correctly!

1. Look at the picture below!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Drinking
B. Eating
C. Take a bath
D. Washing

2. Look at the picture below!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Wash the dishes
B. Wash the pan
C. Wash the glass
D. Wash the face
3. Look at the picture below!

The energy source of the windmill is…

A. Fuel
B. Sunlight
C. Air
D. Wind
4. “ Bumi “ in English language is…
A. Sun
B. Earth
C. Geothermal
D. Sun
5. Plants need the energy.
The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Tumbuhan
B. Energi
C. Hewan
D. Membutuhkan
6. “ Energi “ in English language is…
A. Energy
B. Earth
C. Geothermal
D. Sun
7. “ Sun “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Bintang
B. Matahari
C. Bulan
D. Meteor
8. The biggest source energy on the earth is…
A. Sun
B. Month
C. Star
D. Planet
9. Water is one source of energy.
The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Matahari
B. Bulan
C. Air
D. Planet
10. “ Manusia “ in English language is…
A. Human
B. Tumbuhan
C. Hewan
D. Matahari
11. The water usage in life is except…
A. Cook
B. Play
C. Wash
D. Take a bath
12. Energy utilization.
The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Menghemat
B. Manfaat
C. Hemat
D. Bermanfaat
13. Save water.
The meaning of the word underlined is…
A. Simpan
B. Hemat
C. Menyimpan
D. Menghemat
is – source – an – petroleum – energy
The correct sentence is…
A. Petroleum is an energy source
B. Energy source is an petroleum
C. Is an petroleum energy source
D. Petroleum is energy an source
15. Look the picture!

The energy has been used in the picture…

A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire
16. Edo plays kite. The energy needed to play kite is…
A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire

17. Look at the picture below!

Energy has been used in the picture…

A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire
18. My mother is ironing clothes. The energy used by mother is…
A. Wind
B. Electricity
C. Sunlight
D. Fire
19. Energy sources that cannot be used is except…
A. Sun
B. Wind
C. Water
D. Solar
20. “ Petroleum “ in Indonesian language is…
A. Matahari
B. Angin
C. Minyak bumi
D. Panas bumi

II. Answer the following questions correctly!

1. What is the energy source that makes the lights turn on?
2. The example of electronic devices that use electrical energy are …
3. The example of natural resources that beneficial to the body are …
4. The example of bio fuels are…
5. The part of the animal used for biofuel is…
6. The energy source needed by salt farmers is…
7. A long time ago, farmer used sailboats to find fish, the energy source needed by fishermen is…
8. When plants do photosynthesis, the plants need an energy sources …
9. Mother will wash clothes, the energy source for wash is…
10. What is the energy source makes a moving windmill?

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