Ilim Tauhid Lecture Note

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uNukCkAuuA1 5c1lON l5l104 llM 1Aunlu

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1- The meaning and scope oI Kalimat Tauhid
2- BelieI in Allah ( His Existance, Unity and Attributes )
3- BelieI in Prophets oI Allah
4- Revealed Scriptures
5- The Angels
6- Predestination and Freewill
7- Resurrection
1- Fazlul, k.m. (ud). Imam Ghazali`s Ihya`u Ulum Deen vol- IV
2- Khan, M M.(ud). Sahih al Bukhary- Arabic-English. Vol-1
3- Abdulwahab, I.M (UD). Fathul Majid Sharh al-Kitab al-Tauhid
4- Ashqar, S. U(ud). BelieI in Allah. Islamic Creed Series -1.
Abdalati, H.(1978).Islam in Iocus
-=-~' '=- _= ~~=~ '-~-~ _= -' _- -=' ~=' -' ~
Tauhid is an Arabic word which is derived Irom the word 'Ahad i:e One. As in
Suratu lal-Ikhlas, where Allah (SWT) says: " ~= -' - . " 'Say He is Allah
................ and in another verse Allah (SWT) Says: ' ~=' + " 'And your lord
is one............(Q2:163)
Kalimat al Tauhid is used to denotes the word oI testimony (Kalimat Shahadah),
i:e -' .~ ~~=~ -' ` " ` " The word encompass two diIIerent parts oI Islamic
declaration oI Iaith . The Iirst part is: -' ` " ` " which means there is no deity
except Allah. Meaning that, There is no one deserves to be worship except
Allah. The second part is: -' .~ ~~=~ " Muhammad is the messenger oI Allah,
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meaning that this worship should be carrying out according to the teaching oI the
Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
A believing Muslim is one who proclaims this testimony and remain
committed to it, and into his heart this declaration has penetrated, as the other
pillars oI Islam and articles oI Iaith are derivatives oI it. Thus, belieI in Angels,
Scriptures, messengers oI Allah and the liIe hereaIter, Prayer, Fasting, Poor due
and Pilgrimage. In addition, the limits and commandment set by Allah (SWT) oI
permissible and Iorbidden things, human aIIairs, laws, and Islamic moral teachings
and so on, are all base on the Ioundation oI worship oI Allah (SWT) and the source
oI all these teachings is the person oI the prophet Muhammad (SAW) through
whom Allah has revealed them to us.
In the Glorious Qur`an Allah (SWT) says:
' - ` ` - = ............. '" 'Know, thereIore that there is no other deity except
He also say in another chapter:
" ~ -~' -' .~ ~~=~ ".................. 'Muhammad is the messenger of
Allah...` (Q48.29)
In another verse He also says: ' " .~' '-= -' -= '-~ -~' '+- - ...............
'O ye' Who belief, obey Allah and obey the messenger .....`(Q47.33) and
in Q59.22.
BelieI in Allah is the most important teaching oI all the prophets sent by Allah
(SWT) to mankind, they taught that believers should worship Allah alone and they
should not associate anything with Him in worship, such association is considered
as (Shirk) i:e polytheism or disbelieI.
Allah in Islam is the ultimate cause oI all creation, al-Qur`an explain that the
entire creation has proceeded Irom Him and ultimately go back to Him (Q2:156),
al-Qur`an Iurther explain that 'He is the Iirst and the last... (Q57:3). This
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means that everything in this universe owes its existence to Allah (SWT) and the
extinction oI everything is equally also brought out about under the Divine plans.
Allah in Islamic perspective is one in His essence, motive and existence. In the
Glorious Qur`an He says: ~= -' - . .............. " .
Here we can understand that Allah`s nature is beyond our limited conception. He
is the one, to whom worship is done. He is eternally without beginning and ending
and not limited by time or place. We must not think oI Him having a son or a
Iather nor should we ascribe to Him, human or animal qualities into our conception
oI Him.
BelieI in existence oI Allah is considered as a Ioundation upon which other
belieIs are based. One will not be regarded as a true believer without a belieI in
existence oI Allah. Thus, Allah endowed a human being with the Iollowing thing
to serves as a channel to prooI His, these are:
i- Natural Instinct (Al Fitrah) - Which was imbued with each and every
human being, in order to enable him think to realize and understand his
creator and other thing, this is because man is innocent, pure, true, Iree,
inclined to right and virtue, and endued with true understanding about his
own position in the universe and about Allah`s goodness, wisdom and
power. Allah in Glorious Qur`an says:
' '+-= '-' = _' -' = '---= -~ =+= .............................. " 'So, set
your face truly to the religion being upright, The nature in which Allah
has made mankind ........` (Q30.30).
In the prophetic tradition the prophet (SAW) was reported to have said
: Each child was born in the stage of (FITRAH) But his parent make him
a Jew or a Christian.. Reported by al-Bukhary.
In another tradition, Prophet (SAW) in what he has report Irom His
lord, say: I have created my servant in true faith (sincere) but verily the
evil one snatch, and forbidden what I have allowed. Reported by
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ii- Reasoning (Fikrah or Istidlal) This means rational argument which
every wise thinking man or woman will deduce the existence oI Allah,
may He or She be scientist, atheist, Christian, Pagan or Muslim. This is
because our minds and hearts tell us that this world oI being with its
wondrous system did not come about by itselI, such as astonishing world
oI creation could not arise without being arranged by someone. There
must certainly be a creator who has brought about this vast and glorious
universe through his limitless knowledge and power. We later arrived at
the conclusion that the creator oI the universe and the controller oI all
what are in them is a great Engineer, a supreme artist, which is called
The Qur`an teaches that people should use their talents and ability to
reason and to prove the existence oI Allah. He (SWT) says:
" ` -' --' _=' - ` ".................... Allah' There is no deity except He-
the living the self-subsisting, supporter of all..... (Q2.255)
In another verse Allah (SWT) says:
" -' -~ -`=' _-`' ''~~' = '- ~ "...............................
And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and
the variation in your tongues/ languages, and your color, Jerily in that
are signs for those who know. (Q30.22).
You can also reIer to the Qur`an Ior more verses on the prooI
oI the existence oI Allah, see the Q6:1-5, 10:12, 10:92 and 40:65.
iii- Physical evidence (al Hiss) This includes the Miracle and Religious
evidences. In these two Allah explicitly prooIs His existence, as Iollows:
a- Miracle Allah (SWT) helped his messengers through miracle to
extend and establish a Iact about their mission, and Allah respond to
those who supplicate, and rescued those in distress.
~' - - - ,; --' ' - ; ' - ^ - ' - , ' - - =-' - -' - - ^- - - , -- - , - , , = - '
,- - -' =-' , - - - - 4 -' = ~ -
And remember Zun-nun, when he departed in wrath. He imagined
that we had no power over Him ' But he cried through the depth s of
darkness.......................... (Q21.87)
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- = -' ~, --' , - ^ - ; -' -- = - - ^ - ' - = ~' - J - , - -' - - ' =; - ;
(Remember) Noah, when He cried aforetime We listen to his (prayer)
And delivered him and his Family from great distress (Q21.76)
-= - _ - J' - ' | ~;, - _ - - - ;' = ; , -, - _ - - , - - -' - ; ~ - - ^ --'
' -; - - - J' - - - - J' - ^- - , ' - - - ^ --' ^ ' - - ' | ; -
Or take the similitude of one who passed by a hamlet, all in ruins
to its roots . He said ' How shall Allah Bring it to life after its death
but Allah caused him to die for a hundred years Then raised him
........ (Q2.259)
b- Religious evidence (As- Shari`a) This constituted that all the
revelations attach with the messengers oI Allah stated and emphasized
the existence oI Allah, as unique creator that provides discretion and

Islam is a monotheistic religion; it links all heavenly religions together because it
is the Iirst to state in the Qur`an that monotheism is the basis upon which all these
religions rest. (Q3:19-20 and 42:13-15) The Qur`an because, unity oI Allah in
Islam rest upon certain items that are pointing at a truth supports this. The Qur`an
also states that Allah is the sole creator oI everything.
In the belieI in unity oI Allah, one has to belieI in Divine unity, unity oI
creation, worship and attributes.
i- Divine Unity- Believers recognise the unity oI Allah as diIIerent Irom all
His creations. There is unanimous agreement among them about this Iact
. In the glorious Qur`an Allah (SWT) says: - - ~-' ; ; - ~ ^ -- - - ,- -
,- ~ -' ~ .... there is nothing whatever like unto Him, And Heis the
one that sees and hear ' (Q42:11).
In describing the oneness oI Allah , He (SWT) deIined His essence
when He said: - =,-' , -=,-' ; ' - ^ - ' - - =' ; ^ - - | - ;
And your God is one God , there is no God But He, most gracious, most
merciful '( Q2.163)
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He also says. ,; -,~ ' - - -, - - ; - =' ; ^ - ; ' - - J -
...........say.`But in truth He is one God, And I truly am innocent of
foining others with Him '(Q6.19)
You can also reIer to the glorious Qur`an Ior more detail about Divine
unity, see Q16:22, 23:91-92, 37:1-5, 38::65-68 and 112:1-4.

ii Unity of Worship -1auhid Rububiyyah
BelieI in Allah as a creator, it means to belieI that Allah (SWT) is the
one to whom belong the creation kingdom and command, there is no
creator than Allah and there is no possessor except Him and there is no
command but His. In the glorious Qur`an He say:
^ - ' - ,- - -' -' ~ , ^ --' 4 ,' , - -' ; _- =-'
...... Jerily, His are creation and command blessed is Allah, the
cherisher and sustainer of the world (Q7.54)
And in another verse He also says:
_ - = , - | - ~ , - - ; ^ --' , -;-- - , -' ; ' ;' - ~-'
.... if indeed you ask them who it is that created the heavens and
earth they would be sure say Allah (Q39.38), you can also refer to Q39.3-
iii &3ity of Worship 1auhid &uhiyyah
This means that none else deserves to be worship other than Allah;
this is because He is the sole creator oI the universe oI all thing and man,
and every existence praises Him. The un believers used to proIess that
Allah is the creator oI the heavens and the earth , but they worships their
Idols in the hope oI bringing them nearer to Allah and looked upon them
as mediators. This indicates that a Muslims must believe in Allah and
pray to Him alone, since He created us Ior a purpose oI worship. He say:
,; - - - ' - ,- -' ; , =-' - - = ' - ;
I did not created fins and mankind except that they should
worship me (Q51.56).
There are many chapters in the Qur`an and many prophetic
traditions that declare this `type oI belieI. Allah says:
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,- ~ - 4' - ; - - 4' -
Thee alone do we worship and from thee alone we seek for help
(Q1:4). And many see Q10:106, 40:60 Ior more detail.
In prophetic tradition prophet (SAW) reported having said: 'keep fast
hold onto God and He will preserve you, keep fast hold onto God and
you will find Him ever before you. I f you have need to ask, ask of God, if
you must seek help seek from God. Reported by Tirmidhi.

The attributes oI Allah are Iundamental basis on which we can Iorm our idea or
conception oI Allah. The Qur`an has clearly mentioned these attributes, this make
the scholars not to deIine Allah directly but they explain Him through the Iairest
names, which He is endowed in the Qur`an. By doing so, they admit two
a- Even though these attributes some are resemble human characteristics,
which is, applies to Allah alone is diIIerent.
b- What applies to human being is diIIerent Irom what is attributing to Allah.
The anthropomorphic conception oI Allah is totally rejected in Islam, as He is
above all material conception. In the glorious Qur`an Allah (SWT) says:
,' ~ -' 4 ,- - ; ; ,' ~ -' ^ - ,- ' -
No vision can grasp Him, But His grasp is all over vision... (Q6.103)
ThereIore, a true believer is the one who belieIs that Allah is above the
limitation oI metaphor. In the Qur`an Allah say:
,- ~ -' - - ~-' ; ; - ~ ^ -- - - ,- -
Nothing is like a likeness of Him, He is the hearer and seer (Q42:11).
Because oI the limitation oI human language, the words had used as in ordinary
use but with complete diIIerent conception, Ior instance, when it is said that
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Allah sees, speaks, controls, hears etc, such things are independent oI organism
which is the cause oI human gives rise to such qualities.
Allah is only proper name oI divine being, but all others denote His attributes.
This means Allah contains in itselI all the perIect attributes. There are ninety-
nine attributes oI Allah mentioned in the Glorious Qur`an. He say:
, -=,-' '; --' ; ^ --' '; --' J - _ -~ =-' -' -~ -' ^ - - '; -- ' - ' -
Say 'call upon Allah or call upon Rahman, By whatever name you call
upon Him, for Him belong the most beautiful names..............(Q17:110)
Abu Hurairah reported Irom the prophet (SAW) saying: 'Jerily there are
nine- nine names of Allah, and whoso ever recites them shall enter paradise`
Few are cited here, you could reIer to Glorious Qur`an Ior more detail:
i- LiIe (al-Hayat) This means that Allah is immutable, without Iigure, Iorm,
colour or parts . His existence has neither beginning nor end. He is not a
body composed oI substance or element. Q2:255, 24:35, 58:7
ii- Knowledge (al-Ilm) Q2:255, 6:3, 73, 58:73.
iii- Power (al-Qudrah) Q4:32, 39:62, 59:23.
iv- Hearing (al-Sam`) Q 46:6 etc
v- Seeing (al-Basr) Q6:104 etc
vi- Speech (al-Kalam) Q 4:164 etc
You can also reIer to Q59:22-25.

Allah has created the earth, heavens, and all that is in them, He is the ruler oI all
that He creates, Allah creates humankind, and all oI them are servants oI Allah,
who is their ruler and creator. Every ruler has messenger who pass his orders to the
rest oI his subjects and servants. Allah too has His prophets and messengers whom
He sent to guide humankind and all Hs servants to the right path in liIe.
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A prophet is a human being, Iree man, and male, matured, intelligent, to whom
Allah sent revelation pertaining to Shari`ah, but he was not ask to extend the
message to other human being, but he can announce his oIIice. Likewise, a
messenger, but he was commanded to extends the message to other human being,
he receive a Book or not.
The messengers and prophets are diIIered Irom other people, because they had the
best conduct, they were able to know and do things that all other people cannot do,
Allah has protected them Irom doing evil, they were very good people, they did not
tell lies, worship Idols, They worship Allah alone very well. All oI them preached
Islam, unity oI Allah, good conduct, honest and sincerity.
The messengers and prophets oI Allah are many only He knows their number;
here are some oI their names that revealed in Qur`an: Adam, Noah, Hudu, Salihu,
Ibrahim, Lut etc. Among them, there are some who possessed scriptures and
independent teachings, who are reIerred to in this verse, 'He has instituted the
same religion for you That He recommended for Noah and that We inspired in you
and commended to Abraham, Moses and Jesus, saying 'maintain religion and do
not be divided over it (Q42:13). These Iive Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and
prophet Muhammad (SAW) have brought scriptures and revealed laws, they are
called to as prophets oI decision (Ululal-A:m) and regarded as the most
prominent messengers. There has been a prophet Ior every people, but only twenty
were mention in the Glorious Qur`an. Allah says:
, _ - - | ~ ' -- ~ - J ~,-' 4- ,' = , - | ~ - , ; ^ --' - - , - |- -
Those Messengers we endowed with gifts, some above others to some Allah
spoke, others He raised to degree (of honour) ,..............( Q2.253)
, - |- - ; 4- - - ' -~ ~ - , - |- - 4- - - ~- - -
Among the prophets are those who we have told you of , and those that we
have not told you of . (Q40.73)
He also say: J; ~ , , - J - - ; 'Each people has a messenger .......(Q)10:47 and
,-' , ; - J - - ; Each people has guide...(Q13:7).
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These prophets/messengers are recognised in Islam and every Muslim is
require to respect them and belieI in them and their message and to belieI in
those whose name made known to us and those whose name is not mentioned in
the Glorious Qur`an, we also need to belieI in the truth oI their message.
Scriptures are the Books which Allah sent down to His messengers as
mercy and guides to humankind, so, that they may utilize it to achieve their
happiness in this liIe and hereaIter. In a hadith prophet (SAW) reported to have
said: ' is that you should believe in Allah and His Angels and His
books (Scriptures).................` Reported by Muslim
In the Glorious Qur`an Allah says:
_ ~; - ; - ' , ~ = ~ _ -; -' ~ = ~-' - - ' - ,
And this is the Books of the earliest (Revelation). The Books of Abraham
and Moses (Q87.18-19).
The belieI in scriptures includes Iour matters:
i- To belieI that origin oI these Books is Irom Allah. In the Glorious Qur`an
Allah says:
- -~ -- - ,~ ; - ; '; - - ,- - -' -- - _ =-' 4 , , - , ---' _; , ^ - , - J - ,-
'........ Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thee lord. In
truth in order to strength the believer... (Q16:102), see also the Qur`an
6:114 and 41:2.
ii- To belieI in the Books whose names made known to us in the Qur`an and
the one, which is unknown to us. e:g:
a- Al- Qur`an, which was revealed to our noble prophet Muhammad
(SAW).Allah says:
J- =- -' ; ' ,; -' J ,- ; ^- - - ,- ' - - ' -- ~ - _ =-' ~' --' 4- - - J , -
' It is He that who sent down to thee (step by step)in truth, the Book
confirming what went before it, And sent down the Taurah (of Moses )
and Gospel (OF Jesus). (Q3:3-4 and 7) and Qur`an 5:48.
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b- Taurah Revealed to prophet Musa (AS). In the Glorious Qur`an Allah
,; - ; - ' |- - ' ,; -' ' -- ,- ' -
It was we who revealed the Taurah (to Moses), therein was
guidance and light............. (Q5:44), and many verses which explain
this, you can reIer to Q3:48-50, 6:91and 154, etc
c- Injil, revealed to prophet Isa (AS) as explained in the Glorious Qur`an
where Allah (SWT) says:
-' -- ; ' ,; -' , - ^- - - ,- ' - - ' -- ~ - -, - ,' _ ~- ,' - _ - - ' -- - - ;
,; - ; - ^- - J- =- -'
And in their footstep, we sent Jesus the son of Maryam, confirming
the Taurah that had come befoe him, we sent him the Gospel , there
in was guidance and light........ (Q5:46) see also Q2:87, 3:3-4 etc
d- aburah, revealed to prophet Daud (AS) In the Glorious Qur`an Allah
(SWT) says:
' ,; , -; ;' - ' -- ;
'.....and to Daud we gave the psalm (Zabura)......... (Q4:163)
iii- To belieI that the revealed scriptures are Iree Irom any imperIection or
error. Allah says:
,; = -' = - ^ - ' - ; , ---' ' -- , - ,= - ' -
Jerily, we have without doubt, sent down the Quran, and we will
assuredly guard it... (Q15:9), and in another verse Allah (SWT) says:
^- - - ' - -- | - ; ~' --' , - ^- - - ,- ' - - ' -- ~ - _ =-' ~' --' 4- - ' -- ,- ;
To thee we sent the scripture, in truth, confirming the scriptures that
come before it, and guarding it in safety.......... (Q5:48).
iv- To act in accordance with what is revealed in these Books and submit to
its commandment whether realised the wisdom behind or not. Allah says
in condemning the act oI Jews in practicing part oI Taurah and leaving
the remaining which is not comIort with their wishes, Allah says:
,; - - - - , = ' - -- - 4 - - J - - , - -' , = ' - - , ,;, -- ; ~' --'
~' - -' - ~ _ - ,; -, - -'---' ; - ; '-- --' '- =-'
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..................then is it only a part of the Book that you belief in, and do
you refect the rest? But is the reward for those among you who behave
like this, But disgrace in this life................ (Q2:85) see also Q5:48

Angels as deIine by some scholars as bodies, which were created by light,
capable oI taken Iorms and Allah guaranteed them complete submission to His
command, and ability oI executing it accordingly, this Iorm oI creatures is a class
by itselI, purely spiritual and splendid beings whose nature requires no Iood, drink
or sleep. They have no desires oI any kind or material needs, they spend their Days
and Night in service oI Allah, there are many, and each one is charge with a certain
duty. In the Glorious Qur`an, Allah (SWT) says:
' ; - -' - --' , , - ~ ~- ,- ~- = - ,' -- - ,' - , ; - - ^- - _;,-
The Angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day, the measure whereof is
Fifty thousand years... (Q70:4) you can also reIer to these verses Ior more detail
about Angels and their duties Q2:30-34, 2:97-98, 15:7-8, 16:2, 25:21-25, 35:1 etc
In the Hadith prophet (SAW) reported to include the Angels among the articles
oI Iaith. Reported by Imam Muslim
BelieI in Angels comprises oI Iour essential things:
i- BelieI in their existence, because both Qur`an and Sunnah showed that
Angels are in exists. They also described the essence oI their existence.
Allah says:
' - ~ , - -' - --' J -' = , -' ; ' ;' - ~-' , =' - ^ - - -- =-'
!raise be to Allah, the originator of the heavens and the earth, who
made the Angels messengers................ (Q35.1)
In a Hadith prophet (SAW) reported to have said: 'Angels have been
created from light, and Jins have been created from Fire while Adam was
created from what described to you..........
Also Sunnah established a Iact that Angels can appear in Iorm oI other
creatures, as human being this is shown in Hadith no (2) al-Nawawi.
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ii- To belieI in those whose name is made known to us and those that are
unknown to us through the medium oI al-Qur`an. Allah says:
; ' - 4 , -; - = - - ' - ;
............. none can know the forces of thy lord, except Him.................
iii- To belieI in their attributes, shape and Iorms. As in the Glorious Qur`an
where Allah (SWT) says:
_' , ; ' - - ; _ -- - , = -= -;
................with wings, Two, Three, or Four...................... (35.1)
In a Hadith the prophet (SAW) was reported to have described the
Angel Jibril with his genuine shape, in which he was created, as saying:
'He was created having (600) winds and it covers the whole Hori:on`
In another tradition Al ParlLh bln Plsham asked Lhe ropheL now
Joes tbe Jlvloe lospltotloo come to yoo? ne teplleJ lo oll tbese woys
1be Aoqel sometlmes comes to me wltb o volce wblcb tesembles tbe
soooJ of o tloqloq bell ooJ wbeo tbls stote obooJoos me l temembet
wbot tbe Aoqel bos solJ ooJ tbls type of ulvloe lospltotloo ls tbe botJest
oo me ooJ sometlmes tbe Aoqel comes to me lo tbe sbope of o moo ooJ
tolks to me ooJ l ooJetstooJ ooJ temembet wbot be soys 8eporLed by

iv- To belieI with their action and duties, such as Tasbih, Tahmeed, Prayer
circumambulation around the Bait al-Ma`mun, without slackness. And
some were assigned to perIorm special duty, as:
a- Jibril (AS) He entrusted with sending the revelation to prophets and
b- Mika`il (AS) He is responsible Ior 'al-Qatr RainIall, plant etc.
c- IsraIil (AS) in charge oI blowing the trumpet when the Hour is
d- Malak al-Mawt, They are in charges oI pulling out the soul at the time
oI death.
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e- Raqib and Ateed they are assign to maintain records oI deeds,
perIormed by everybody. Etc
The Angels are so numerous and large in number, to the extent that no one
knows their exact number except Allah, you can also reIer to Q74:31 Ior more
detail, the Prophet (SAW) was reported to have said:
'.......... then the Bait al-Mamun was shown to me, where Seventy (70) Thousand
Angels perform 'Salat` daily, when they leave they will never return to it, and
fresh batch also come to it.........` (Hadith Israi)
In another tradition prophet (SAW) said, "Allah has some angels who look for
those who celebrate the !raises of Allah on the roads and paths. And when they
find some people celebrating the !raises of Allah, they call each other, saying, and
'Come to the obfect of your pursuit. " He added, "Then the angels encircle them
with their wings up to the sky of the world." He added. "(after those people
celebrated the !raises of Allah, and the angels go back), their Lord, asks them
(those angels)----though He knows better than them----What do My slaves say?
The angels reply, They say. Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar, and Alham-du-lillah,
Allah then says Did they see Me? The angels reply, No' By Allah, they didnt see
You............ Bukhary
!redesti3atio3 is to believe that Allah has created everything in accordance
with his decree, desire, will and in due proportion. Noting occurs or takes place or
shape within the heavens or the earth but with His knowledge and by His order.
The Prophet (SAW) said: 'Allah had pre decreed the creation Fifty thousand
years before He brought the heaven and the earth into existence` Reported by
Imam Muslim Ahmad and Tirmidhi. This means 'Qadaa and 'Qadar which
simply means that the timeless knowledge oI Allah anticipates events, and that
events takes place according to the exact knowledge oI Allah. In the Glorious
Qur`an Allah (SWT) says: ',, - - -' -- - = , - ~ J - ' -
Jerily, we created all things in proportion and measure... (Q54:49)
He also said: ' ,- - , - ~ J - - ^ --' J = - -
uNukCkAuuA1 5c1lON l5l104 llM 1Aunlu

cOuk5 lc1ukk 8AkOIl uAnlku

Jerily, for all things Allah Has appointed a due proportion... (Q65:3),
You can also reIer to these verses Ior more detail Q10:99, 30:5 etc
Freewi, Muslim thinkers as on the other hand deIine Freewill as, man is
completely Iree and he observes his action, but this deIinition is opposed by other
school oI thought as iI he is Iree there will be no burden upon him. However, in a
real Iact Allah has gave Man Iree choices, because oI the reason (Aql) that he was
given, this will enable him choose the right thing and reject the wrong one. Allah
clearly stated in the Glorious Qur`an: , ---- - -' ~ , - ; , --- - -' ~ , - -
................Let him who will believe, and let him who will, refect (it).... (Q18:29)
He also says: ,J- - ; |- - - - ' - ; ' =- - = |- - - 4' -- = ' - ; '; -, ~ ' - ^ --' -' ~ ; - ;
If it had been Allahs will, they would not have taken false gods, but we made
thee not to watch over their doings.... (Q6:107).
For more detail about, see Q10:99, 74:56, 76:29-31, 81:28, 82:2 etc.
The Resurrection is among the six articles oI Iaith in Islam. It denotes that
Allah most High will raise everyone up Irom the dead and survey their deeds,
giving an eternal bounty to the righteous and giving the evildoers what they
deserves. This is Day oI Judgement. To believe in resurrection one has to believe
that Allah has decreed a term Ior each creature, and a term Ior the liIe oI this world
(Q3:185), and 'Barzakh (Q23:100).
The sounding oI the trumpet will mark the world termination, then the trumpet
will sound again and humankind shall be resurrecting to stand beIore the lord oI
the world. In the Glorious Qur`an Allah (SWT) has explained and restated the
Iollowing about resurrection.
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uNukCkAuuA1 5c1lON l5l104 llM 1Aunlu

cOuk5 lc1ukk 8AkOIl uAnlku

O mankind! if ye have a doubt about the Resurrection, (consider)
that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a
leech-like clot, then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly
unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and
We cause whom We will to rest in the wombs for an appointed term,
then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that ye may
reach your age of full strength; and some of you are called to die,
and some are sent back to the feeblest old age, so that they know
nothing after having known (much), and (further), thou sees the
earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is
stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful
growth (in pairs).
You can also reIer to these verses Q16:38-40, 17:49-52, 19:66-72, 46:33-34 etc.
,- - -' -' ~ , ^ - - -- =-'
Write a Iull note on the Predestination, Freewill and Resurrection, supporting your argument
with Verses and Ahadith. Not more than Iour page. You are to Submit on or beIore Two weeks.

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