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Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

School of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Introduction to Control Engineering: ECEG-3175


1. Plot the root-locus for the following unity-feedback systems.

s2 + 4s + 8 1
a) G(s) = K b) G(s) = K
s(s − 2) (s2
+ 2s + 2)(s2 + 2s + 5)
(s + 1) s+3
c) G(s) = K d) G(s) = K 2
s(s + 2)(s + 3)(s + 5) s + 2s + 5

2. Draw the Root-Locus given that this is the characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop system:

(1 + K)s2 + (2 − 2K)s + 2K = 0

3. Determine the angle and magnitude of

16(s + 1)
GH =
s(s + 2)(s + 4)

at the following points in the s plane:

a) s = j2 b) s = −2 + j2 c) −4 + j2
d) s = −6 e) s = −15 + j5

4. For the following transfer functions, find the breakaway points on the root-locus:
K K(s + 5) K(s + 1)
a) GH = b) GH = c) GH =
s(s + 6)(s + 8) (s + 2)(s + 4) s2 (s + 9)

5. Find the departure angle of the root-locus from the pole at s = −10 + j10 for

K(s + 8)
GH =
(s + 14)(s + 10 − j10)(s + 10 + j10)

6. Find the arrival angle of the root-locus to the zero at s = −7 + j5 for

K(s + 7 − j5)(s + 7 + j5)

GH = for K > 0
(s + 3)(s + 5)(s + 10)

7. Construct the Bode plots for the open-loop frequency response function
4(1 + jω/2)
GH(jω) =
(jω)2 (1 + jω/8)(1 + jω/10)

8. Construct the Bode plots and determine the gain and phase margins for the system with the
open-loop frequency response function
GH(jω) =
(1 + jω)(1 + jω/3)2

Prepared by: Nebiyu Tenaye Introduction to Control Engineering AAU/AAiT/SECE, 2023/24 AY

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