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We identify each unknown through :-

Physical properties Chemical properties

• State : solution • Reducing agent : in Alkaline Media
• Color : colorless • Oxidation : to Sugar Acid
• odor : odorless • Reduction : to Alcohol
• Reaction : neutral • Fermentation : to Co2 + Ethanol
• Aspect : clear • Ozasone Formation
• Solubility : all are soluble in cold water except • Glycoside Formation
starch (hot water) • Ester Formation

For each Test , You Should Know :

1- principle >>>>>>>> Idea
2- procedure >>>>>>> Steps
3- Observation >>>>>> What do you see ?
4- Result >>>>>>>>>>> What is the unknown ?
General test of Carbohydrates :
- Fehling’s test
- Bendict’s test
- Barfoed’s test
Why sucrose Non- Reducing sugar (chemically in-active)?
Differ between:-

Reduction Oxidation
Loss of oxygen Accept oxygen

Accept Hydrogen Loss of Hydrogen

Accept Electron Loss of Electron

Increase in negative charge Decrease in negative charge

Decrease in positive charge Increase in positive charge

Cupric ions >>>>> cuprous ions Vise vesra

Cu +2 >>>> Cu +1
Fehling & Benedict tests (Reagent)
*The color of ppt dependes on :1- Duration of heating
2- conc of sugar
Observation Result

Red ppt within 4 min Mono saccharide

( Glucose or Fructose )

Red ppt within 15 min Di-saccharide

( Lactose or Maltose )

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