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Class 8

German Language
Classwork/Homework done in Class
Q1. Why are you Learning German? / Why do you want to Learn German? ((Write in
English at least 100 words))
Q2. Write about Germany? ((You can use following question to write your answer))
- Name the capital city of Germany.
- List three major cities in Germany.
- How many countries border Germany? Name them.
- How do you say "Hello" in German?
- What is the German word for "Thank you"?
- What is the famous Festival?
- Name the famous dish/Food of Germany?
- Name the famous Landmarks in Germany?
- Name two famous German car brands.
- Draw and color the German flag.
- Create a postcard from Germany, drawing a famous landmark.

Topic Covered In class

Topic 1: Stammbaum (Family Tree)

1. Creating Your Family Tree:

- Design a detailed family tree (Stammbaum) of your own family, including at least
three generations (you, your parents, and your grandparents).
- Label each member with their name and their relationship to you in German (e.g.,
Mutter, Vater, Oma, Opa).
- Write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) in German about each family member.
Include details such as their age, profession, hobbies, etc.
For example: "Das ist meine Mutter. Sie heißt Anjali und ist 40 Jahre alt. Sie ist Lehrerin
und liebt Gartenarbeit." (This is my mother. Her name is Anjali and she is 40 years old.
She is a teacher and loves gardening.)

Topic 2: Personal Pronomen (Nominative)

2. Personal Pronouns Exercise:

- Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns in the nominative case.
1. ___ (I) spiele Fußball.
2. ___ (you - informal) bist meine beste Freundin.
3. ___ (he) hat einen Hund.
4. ___ (she) geht zur Schule.
5. ___ (we) lernen Deutsch.
6. ___ (you all) seid sehr nett.
7. ___ (they) sind meine Großeltern.

Topic 3: Possessive Pronomen (Nominative)

3. Possessive Pronouns Practice:

- Complete the sentences with the appropriate possessive pronouns (mein, dein, sein,
ihr, unser, euer, ihr).
1. Das ist ___ (my) Freund.
2. Wo ist ___ (your - informal) Tasche?
3. ___ (his) Schwester ist krank.
4. ___ (her) Katze ist schwarz.
5. ___ (our) Haus ist groß.
6. ___ (your all) Garten ist schön.
7. ___ (their) Auto ist neu.
Topic 4: Verb Konjugation

4. Conjugate the Verbs:

- Conjugate the following verbs in present tense (Präsens) for each pronoun (ich, du,
er/sie/es, wir, ihr, sie/Sie).

a. Essen (to eat)

- ich ______
- du ______
- er/sie/es ______
- wir ______
- ihr ______
- sie/Sie ______

b. Nehmen (to take)

- ich ______
- du ______
- er/sie/es ______
- wir ______
- ihr ______
- sie/Sie ______

c. Sein (to be)

- ich ______
- du ______
- er/sie/es ______
- wir ______
- ihr ______
- sie/Sie ______
d. Haben (to have)
- ich ______
- du ______
- er/sie/es ______
- wir ______
- ihr ______
- sie/Sie ______

e. Trinken (to drink)

- ich ______
- du ______
- er/sie/es ______
- wir ______
- ihr ______
- sie/Sie ______

f. Möchten (would like to)

- ich ______
- du ______
- er/sie/es ______
- wir ______
- ihr ______
- sie/Sie ______

Hallo Deutsch! (for Class 8)
Workbook (Second half part of the book)
Please try to complete pages 3-13.

We have covered the topics in class, and I want you to try and complete these
exercises on your own. We will discuss your work and any questions you have after the
summer break.

Please complete these tasks in a dedicated notebook and bring it on the first day after
the summer break.

Viel Spaß und schöne Ferien! (Have fun and have a great holiday!)

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