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Corey and Oats in..

It’s Not Over Until The Cows Sing

Corey and Oats knew all about the world of dreams and the world of nightmares,
the duo were in their house in Nile Road one evening when Mel, their owner,
recalled a terrifying experience she had as a young marsupial. The experience
was of her watching Nickelodeon in the late 90s and being traumatized because
of the closedown sequence.

Before Nickelodeon became a 24 hour channel it used to have a closedown

sequence that featured singing cows that would all sing…’Yawn, yawn…yawn,
now it’s time to go and say goodnight’, which used cut and paste style
animation, she didn’t think it would have much of an effect on her psyche but it
did, and to this day she still occasionally had nightmares about them, she closed
her eyes as she panicked.

The crossdressing horse and the covid microbe looked at her…’Don’t worry,
mommy. I am sure there is something we can do.’ ‘Come on, let’s look in the
magic bedbox.’ Oats galloped into the bedroom and pulled out an item from the
bedbox as they got into the bed and concentrated.

“Here we go, mommy.”

Their pegasus bed began to take off and as it did, it took off through a tunnel and
into another part of the city before taking them up into the sky and into the
nightmare realm. When they arrived at their destination, they flew off into what
appeared to be an old broken down house.

Upon reaching the broken down house they got in through the door and looked
around before walking upstairs to the bedroom, they had been in the bedroom
before, as this was from their previous nightmare realm adventure.

They looked around and inspected what was going on as they saw a television in
the media room that showed Nickelodeon as it was back in the late 90’s and early
2000’s, they were watching the ending of an episode of ‘Are You Afraid of The
Dark’ and after the end of the episode came on along with the credits, after the
credits there were a few commercials.

After the commercials the cows came on screen and started to sing their
goodnight song, as Mel saw a younger version of herself running and hiding
behind the sofa. ‘Always hated those cows, always singing every night.’ ‘Do you
want us to tell those idiots off, mommy?’

Corey looked out of the window of the bedroom and he listened, he could hear
that song the cows were singing and it was driving him mad. ‘Yaaaawn, yawn,
yawn, now it’s time to go.’ ‘Can you guys stop singing already? My dear owner
Mel has been traumatized by you and you clearly didn’t shut up when Mel told
you to. So please shut up.’ ‘But we need to do it.’

“Since when do you need to constantly do this?”

“Exactly…there hasn’t been a need for you to return if at all.”

‘But we’re important to the Nickelodeon package.’ ‘Yes, you WERE. Back when
Nickelodeon closed down after six thirty in the evening. But now Nickelodeon is
on 24/7 and well you guys were canned after 2002. I mean no one cared for you
after that, and i’m one of those people. Yes, your jarring cut and paste animation
and singing definitely traumatized Mel and a few others but nobody even knows
you anymore.’ ‘Yes, you’re just here for nostalgia reasons, this is a decade
dedicated to resurrecting nostalgic things.’

“We just want to keep our jobs.”

‘I am sorry but you lost your jobs in 2002, and yes Nickelodeon had a cow fixation
for a while but they didn’t call you back. None of you guys are going to come
back ever. Not even if they remix your song to make it hip, or if they get Lin
Manuel Miranda to do a version of it.’ ‘But we just wanna do our song.’ ‘Yes, yes,
the same song you sing over and over, the song that makes me want to
physically harm you just for existing.’

The cows started to sing a bit of their song only for Oats to pipe up…’I am sorry if
I sound like American Idol era Simon Cowell, but you guys are terrible. You don’t
have any variety in terms of your voices or your performance, you all sound the
same, and while this closedown sequence song may have been really clever at
the time, it doesn’t hold up now. We are currently in the era where Nickelodeon is
a 24 hour channel, which means there are no closedowns anymore.’ ‘No station
close downs anymore?’ ‘Why yes, no channel closedowns are needed anymore.’

“That isn’t right..”

‘I know, back in the 90’s and 2000s all channels required a closedown sequence
at certain times of the night but now they don’t, Nickelodeon dropped the cows
closedown sequence after 2002. And frankly it was for the better.’ ‘You cannot
say this sort of thing to us.’

“Actually he can.”

“But why?”

“Because frankly I understand where Mel is coming from.”

The cows tried to sing again only to be stopped by Mel herself…’I have heard
your song enough times to know that it’s still not a good one, you least
the dog closedown sequence has a cool heavy metal variant, yours has nothing. I
cannot believe I used to be afraid of you.’

She wasn’t afraid of them anymore, and she was teaching these bovines a harsh
but important lesson. ‘But…’ ‘But nothing, you have had your time to shine and
that time was up years ago and now you have no jobs.’ ‘Can’t you let us sing?’
‘No, you had your time to shine years ago but no one cares for you anymore and I
swear if I hear that stupid closedown sequence song ever again I am going to


“You better be.”

The duo looked over at the cows, Corey rolled his eyes…’I am just going to put it
this way, you used to be a big thing but you’re not a big thing anymore.’ Oats
nodded as the two of them managed to discover a special means of unlocking
their hidden dream powers.

Corey turned into a flying bat creature while Oats became a superpowered
princess and the two of them helped keep the cows at bay and they had all sorts
of fun together fighting off the cows.

They came across a secret passage and a special unlockable ability, they used it
to summon an extra friend and they teamed up to defeat the demons they had
encountered…’Take that, demon scum!’ Corey exclaimed.
It didn’t take them long to defeat the demons and they helped Mel as well, and
they comforted Mel’s younger self by telling her that it’s okay to be afraid and
they helped her.

Throughout their strange dream journey they looked around and explored the
area and learned how to use their powers, an hour later after that Mel told them
they did a good job fixing the problem of the singing cows.

“Thanks, mommy.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“No problem.”

The duo hugged Mel as she used a special item she had dreamed up to summon
the pegasus bed, the pegasus bed flew over to them and they hopped inside the
bed once more. Oats whinnied as he galloped over to the bed and hopped inside
alongside Corey the covid microbe and Mel and the three of them piloted the bed,
taking it for a ride out of the house and out of the windows before taking them
through the clouds and back to Nile Road.

When it landed, it landed back in Nile Road and back in the bedroom, landing
back in the bedroom gently as it did so and resting on the ground as the three of
them got off and sighed with relief, the nightmare was over. The duo looked
around and smiled at each-other before getting off and telling the other microbes
about their adventure and emailing Jill about their adventure.

Corey and Oats both put on their night-clothes, Corey putting on his cute bat
onesie and Oats putting on his pink night-gown with fairy wings as they went into
the bathroom and brushed their teeth. An hour later they went back into the
bedroom and helped pick out a friend to sleep with them for that night, and they
all got into bed and snuggled up.

As they snuggled up in bed and had nice dreams, their bed took off once again,
this time taking them on a fantastic flight through the stars.

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