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Corey and Oats in…

Aiyido’s Surreal Dream Adventure.

Corey and Oats had a very special family member and friend at Nile Road, he was a beholder
named Aiyido. Aiyido was pink and round, in addition to this he was very cheerful and lovable
despite being part of a race that was known for cruelty and villainous traits, he had one purple eye
in the middle of his head and 10 eye-stalks which he used to see all sorts of things, he was
inquisitive and also quite talkative, he loved to talk with his friends and had all sorts of ideas, and
now he was an eye doctor and also very interested in dreams.

It was very fitting for a beholder to be obsessed with dreams considering he heard that is how
beholders were spawned, of course Aiyido didn’t know where was spawned from, but he knew his
mother helped raise him to be a good little beholder. He floated around in the lounge with the duo
and Mel one early afternoon while Carmela was on duty, Oats couldn’t help but think of a surreal
dream series he had…a series of dreams that took place in locations they had been to or had seen
but he didn’t know why they felt so alien in the dream world.

So he galloped over to Mel and he asked her…’Mommy, can you help me find out what my dreams
say about me? These dreams are surreal and confusing to me.’ ‘Sure, let’s go into the bedroom
and get something to help with our dream adventure.’ ‘Since you’re a beholder, Aiyido and your
species spawns via dreaming, how about you come with us?’

“I’d love to, I know all about dreams.”

The duo and Aiyido went into the bedroom and pulled out an item from the bedbox, this item was
a special ticket which Oats used to gain access to a secret entrance in the wall which opened up
and took them into a special area known as the land of many dreams which had a special
selection of places and dreams to jump into. Corey had always wanted to know what it was like to
jump into one of Oats’s dreams.

So Aiyido decided to help with this and used his powers to transport the three of them into Oats’s
dream, Oats’s dream-world was very pink and elegant and pretty, his house was a huge palace
with modernized touches and he had a garden full of flowers. That is when the lovable equine
saw his dream self, who was a beautiful equine princess who was loved by everyone…’Oatsie, in
your dreams, you are a princess.’ ‘Of course, I always dream of being loved and being pink and

He showed Corey and Aiyido around his dream palace including the bedroom where he showed
them his lovely floating bed and his wardrobe filled with costumes, his unicorn family members
galloping into the room as they greeted Corey and the beholder. ‘Mommy, are these your friends?’
Prince Whinnius asked. ‘Yes, and I love them.’

Oats trotted around as he performed a musical number about being such a lucky and pretty horse,
and Corey joined in. They then were shown into the ballroom where Oats got to dance alongside
his dream-self, he whinnied as he saw Andrea complimenting him on his dress and elegant
moves. ‘Your dreams are lovely..just like you.’
The dream was everything Oats ever wanted and was going smoothly until a demon horse
emerged from his bedroom mirror and screamed at him…’You will never be pretty, you will be
nothing more than just Oats.’ ‘So what? I may not be the prettiest horse but I have the biggest
heart, you will never have one.’

Oats managed to face the demon horse and confront his fear, he realized that this dream world
was a representation of how he felt and his personality in general, the next dream-world they
decided to visit was Corey’s dreams…Corey’s dream was like a video game world with levels
based on places they had been to.

The two of them and Aiyido bounced around in this strange dream world, completing various
quests and getting prizes for doing so. Things took an even more interesting if not bizarre turn
when they heard some of the characters speaking in a language that sounded like it was like in
reverse as if they were talking backwards, and creatures of all sorts were wandering about
including ones with food on their tails, ones that could shoot energy beams and ones that were
made out of an assortment of items including music CDs.

Corey couldn’t believe the selection of different monsters on display and he couldn’t believe he
himself was the one who dreamed of all of this, he explored and looked around, he saw lots of
shops including ones resembling ones Mel had been to previously, he called Oats over and the
duo entered the store and explored it. They went up the escalator to take a look at the toy section
and they saw all sorts of stuffed toys including TY, Zuru cone animals and plushes of various

“I wish we could buy things here.”

‘That’s the best part of this place, you don’t need money to buy things in this dream shop, you
can buy them and/or order them using the power of thinking.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Oh yes.’ Corey and Oats
thought about buying some of the toys and within seconds the toys manifested in their shopping
bags and they were able to go home with the items.

They explored the store and then they came across what appeared to be a set of steps, along with
Aiyido the stepped up the steps, they saw a slide at the top of it and sat down on it, sliding all the
down it and into a play area filled all sorts of quirky playroom things to play around with including
wall-climbing equipment and a ball pit that they dove into. After that, they decided to pay a visit to
one of Mel’s dreams.

In this dreamworld of Mel’s, they were in a carnival that had people in masks and costumes, it
seemed to be daytime for the first few hours of their arrival into this world, only for the sky to
darken and for the people in masks to turn into actual monsters as it became a horror scenario in
which they all had to fight off the performers. Oats whinnied as he felt afraid of what would
happen but he used his dream powers to make it so he wouldn’t be harmed and he became a
powerful magic user as Corey levitated in the air and became a superpowered version of himself.

Aiyido used his eye rays to blast some enemies as he floated around, after making the way
through the carnival they came across a strange set of arcade and casino type games, Oats
noticed what appeared to be a few people playing the games which in turn transformed them into
Dan Aykroyd characters. One woman, who was a goth/scene type..was getting into playing one of
the hardest levels in the game and she transformed into Darren ‘Mother’ Roskow from Sneakers.

After this they took a look at the prize selection before following a path that took them into
Aiyido’s dream world, in this dream world the lovable beholder had his own tv show similar to the
TV show House but with Aiyido in the lead role, acting as a version of the title character, this
version of Aiyido even sounded like the character, which is to say, like he was voiced by Hugh
Laurie. Corey and Oats watched as the dream version of Aiyido helped some patients with their
eyes and made witty remarks.

They were very impressed with Aiyido’s dream, Aiyido explained to them that the dream powers
beholders had were more than just powerful, but also unpredictable, he listed a couple of
examples like for example when a beholder dreams about dying they’ll become a death tyrant, or
if a beholder dreams of having a birthday they become a cake themed beholder, he also explained
if a beholder dreams of itself…another beholder is spawned. ‘Was that how you came to be,
Aiyido?’ ‘Well sort of, I don’t know.’ ‘You don’t know?’ ‘Oh yes, I never knew where I came from.’

Corey thought Aiyido’s powers were impressive and he was proud that the beholder had come a
lengthy way since he had met the two of them. Aiyido used his powers to help them when they
floated over to a dream version of the house in 28 Rosemary Avenue, it looked like it was daylight
out but then the sky darkened and turned black as if someone magically used the color fill tool
that is on photo editing programs to turn the sky from day to night as the moon rose.

Oats felt a little bit afraid as he trotted carefully up the stairs, holding on as he looked around,
everything looked like it normally did, but he went over to the bedroom. In the bedroom something
more than a teensy bit unnerving was happening as the wind blew and creepy voices echoed in
the background, he saw a version of Mel who was trapped inside the room, this version of Mel
couldn’t scream for help but she discovered she could do it once he explained to her how she had
dream powers that she could use.

They helped the dream version of Mel break out of the bedroom using some telekinesis, and th
duo and Aiyido floated out of the bedroom and into a dream-version of Jill’s room for protection
before floating back down the stairs, Oats panicked as he looked up at the one immense window
at the top, feeling like he would die if he tried to jump out of it, but he decided to give it a go, and
as he did…he found himself being able to fly. ‘Mommy, I can fly!’

There was a tv in the dream version of the living room, Corey flicked through the channels, one
channel was showing an episode of Beetleborgs…’Didn’t know Fox Kids made a return.’ ‘Neither
did I. But apparently in this dream world it has, and Beetleborgs has gotten a revival here.’ ‘That’s
insane.’ ‘Yeah, we don’t remember this happening.’ ‘Didn’t the show end after two seasons
because they ran out of footage?’ ‘Yes, that’s what I heard.’

Corey flicked through to another channel, the channel this time was CBBC and it was showing an
episode of Goosebumps. ‘Mommy, did you remember having CBBC on tv here?’ ‘I don’t think so,
when we had Sky I think it was Cbeebies, not CBBC.’ He flickered through another channel,
showing CITV and an episode of Sooty was on. Which was followed by him switching over to
another channel, this time it arrived on NBC and an episode of the Tonight Show With Jay Leno
was on. ‘Weird, we’ve seen the current run of the Tonight Show over here but we never saw Jay’s
one here.’ ‘Would you happen to know about this, mommy?’ ‘Well you know that i’ve met Jay and
we met him in one of our previous dream related adventures.’ ‘Oh yes.’

Oats carefully flew through the window and landed on the doormat, Corey and Aiyido followed
him as they all glided out of the fenestra, before landing on the ground, they made a run for it with
Mel and ran through the street. ‘Whew, that was a pretty out of control dream adventure don’t you
think, mommy?’ ‘Yes it was.’ ‘So we have seen my dream world, your dream world, Corey’s and
Aiyido’s, where do we go now?’ ‘Well I figure you could all do with a relaxing dream world…so.’

Mel used her dream powers to transport all of them, herself included, to a magical water playarea
with swimming pools, spas and places to relax in. She put on a red swimsuit and jumped into one
of the pools, Oats felt embarrassed because he didn’t have a swimsuit or bikini to wear but he
found a spare two-piece swimsuit in his size and put it on. He got up to the top of the diving
board and he jumped off it, performing an amazing set of acrobatic dives as he majestically dived
into the pool, Corey joined in by jumping through some hoops and into the pool. Aiyido sat in one
of the chairs and watched, taking photos as he did so, and he used his eye-rays to make some
colorful displays.

Corey sensed something was wrong as some of the other swimmers were seeing fish-monsters
and mutant fish emerge from the water but those turned out to be part of the attraction, so he was
relieved to see that nothing was going to go out of control for him or the others. Aiyido got an
idea as he saw a waterslide and he laid himself down and slid all the way to the bottom, landing in
the pool. They spent a couple of hours at the pools before the duo headed over to the spa with
Mel. At the spa, Corey and Oats got special relaxation treatments and Oats even got to have his
hooves painted which made him really happy.

They dried off and headed to the juice bar to have some iced tea, and they played around a bit in
one of the extra pools, and an hour later Mel told them it was time to go home. ‘Before we go, i’d
like to ask, how did you boys like your adventure?’ ‘Getting to learn all about dreams was super
fascinating, mommy.’ ‘I agree.’ ‘We all had an awesome look into each-other’s own dream-

Oats used the item that had been used earlier to summon up another doorway, this time the
doorway took them back to a passageway which took them back to Nile Road, upon arriving back
there they told their friends and the staff all about their adventures into their own little dream
worlds, the duo gathered up with Aiyido and Mel and some of the other microbes for afternoon
tea, within more than a couple of hours later they gathered at the table for dinner.

After dinner, they had a karaoke contest, emailed Jill about their dream adventure, and most
importantly relaxed, they listened to music and played games as well. When it was time for them
go to the bedroom they followed Mel. Corey put on his bat pajamas as Oats put on his pink
nightgown, while Aiyido the beholder put on a pair of pajamas with a D20 dice pattern on them,
they picked out a friend to snuggle with them before heading to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

Finally…after brushing their teeth, they played for a bit more..before finally getting into bed an
hour later, Corey, Oats, Mel and Aiyido all snuggled up and drifted off, listening to classical music
as they had sweet dreams of their unusual but fun dream adventure.

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