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Creating an automation for ebook download requirements.

Platform Mailchimp

STEP 1: SIGN UP TO happens from 3 places- and

the sign up form at the bottom of the website and POP UP sign up
Data to be collected remains same for all the 3 forms- Name and email id

STEP 2: When sign up happens visitor sees- Thankyou page

STEP 3: Branded Confirm subscription email

Example 1

STEP 4: Branded Subscription confirmed and Download guide link

Example 2 and
Example see link below*%7CITERATION_UNIQUE_ID%7C*&u=cdf91

STEP 5: Welcome message email in 2 weeks

Design to be discussed.

Note: Examples show double opt in. We require double opt in set up but should be able to switch it
on and off.
Example 1
Example 2

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