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We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that, to the best of our knowledge and
belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which to
a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the
University or other institute of higher education, except where due acknowledgement has been
made in the text.

Signature Signature

Naman Sharma Rangeeta Aary

(2110013145023) (2110013145028)

Date: Date:

Signature Signature

Amrish Kumar Yadav Deepika Singh

(2210013145082) (2210013145084)

Date: Date:

Signature Signature

Divyanshu Kumar Singh Kumari Varisha Ansari

(2210013145085) (2210013145086)

Date: Date:
Certified that Naman Sharma(2110013145023), Rangeeta
Aarya(2110013145028), Amrish Kumar Yadav(2210013145082), Deepika
Singh(2210013145084), Divyanshu Kumar Singh(2210013145085), Km. Varisha
Ansari(2210013145086), has carried out the project work presented in this
project report entitled “To Implement Green Building Concept In Residential
Building” the award of Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering) from Faculty
of Engineering and Technology, University of Lucknow , Lucknow under my
guidance. The project report embodies results of original work, and studies are
carried out by the student himself and the content of the project report do not
form the basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to anybody
else from this or any other.

Er. Nidhi Srivastava
Department of Civil
Engineering FOET, University of

We wOuld like tO express Our esteemed gratitude tO Our

supervisOr Er. Nidhi Srivastava FOr her
invaluable supervisiOn, suppOrt and
guidance in carrying out Our
mini project as well as extend our gratitude tO the
Faculty oF Engineering and TechnOlOgy, University oF
LucknOw FO r their suppOrt and guidance and
providing all the necessary equipment in carrying out
Our project.

We wOuld like tO thank O ur group members FOr their

cOOperatiOn and cOntributiOn. Their hardwOrk and
dedicatiOn were crucial tO the success OF Our project.

We hOpe that Our wOrk will cOntribute tO the Field oF

Civil Engineering.
Pg. No.
Declaration 2
Certificate 3
Acknowledgement 4`
1.1 Current status of buildings
1.2 Scope of Green Buildings
1.3 Future Aspect


2.1 The Economic Necessity of Green Buildings 8
2.2 Achievement and Future 9
2.3 Green Building status in India 10
2.4 Green Certifications for residential buildings 10
2.5 Failure cases of Green Building 11
2.6 The Environmental and Social Necessity 13
Green Buildings
2.7 The Green Building for sustainable 14
development in India
2.8 Benefits and Limitations 15-18


In recent times, the environmental pOllutiOn and heavy

energy burden brought about by the rapid industrial
develOpment has pOsed a great challenge tO China and
even the wOrld. In Order tO Facilitate the sustainable
develOpment OF China's cOnstructiOn industry in the
current situatiOn, it is necessary and urgent tO create
green buildings. At this stage, green building designs are
emerging, From new energy sOurces tO new structures,
green buildings have emerged as a very large number
OF precedents in the design phase, new materials are
being used in buildings mOre and mOre, and green
buildings are growing year aFter year in terms OF data,
but there are still many problems that need tO be sOlved,
such as the green building protectiOn system is nOt yet
sOund, the quality oF buildings is still nOt high, the
maintenance management OF buildings aFter cOmpletiOn.
Many studies have only given initial ratings tO green
buildings, but have nOt paid much attentiOn tO whether
the subsequent results are as expected, sO green
buildings have only ever been in their inFancy and have
never been sustainable FOr lOng. At present, green
buildings in China are beginning tO take steps, but they
are still in the pilOt stage oF experimentatiOn and have
nOt yet FOrmed a cOmplete system. TO make substantial
progress, the government needs tO be strongly managed
in legal, ecOnOmic, and administrative terms, with all
parties participating tO play an impOrtant role.
ThereFOre, mOre human and material resOurces need
process and make a Final assessment OF the building


This study aims tO analyze the current FOrm OF
develOpment OF green buildings through a review OF
variOus literature and tO identiFy the problems that exist
in the Future develOpment OF green buildings, tO propOse
relevant measures tO sOlve them, and tO make a visiOn
FOr their sustainable develOpment. Green develOpment
is FOr better ecOlOgical develOpment, and green building
is an impOrtant part OF this develOpment path. IF we
tO make the ecOnOmy and ecOlOgical civilizatiOn go hand
in hand, we need tO pay mOre attentiOn tO the sustainable
develOpment OF the green building. This is nOt Only tO
meet the needs OF tOday's sOciety, but is alsO impOrtant
FOr the cOuntry tO be able tO develOp sustainably and
build FOr the lOng term.


Residential cOnstructiOn accOunts FO r a large share

oF building cOnstructiOn in India. EcOnOmic growth,
demOgraphic shiFt and rising aFFluence w Ould increase
the demand FO r residential cOnstructiOn in
Future. Building sectOr will play a majOr role in India’s net
zero agenda. HOwever, this is One oF the sectOrs that is
Falling behind in the adoptiOn OF green technOlOgies. This
project examines the cOst, aFFOrdability and Financing
strategies FOr green residential buildings in India.
The results indicate that the green Features increase
the cOst OF cOnstructiOn by 3.6%. This increase in the cOst
OF cOnstructiOn wOuld strain aFFOrdability oF
hOusehOlds in ecOnOmically weaker sectiOns, lOw incOme
and middle- incOme hOusehOlds, whO cOnstitute a
majOr propOrtiOn
O F hO usehO lds in India. Results From survey oF lenders
suggest that return On capital is paramOunt determinant
OF their investment decisiOns. This, in turn, implies that
lenders do nOt, in general, O FFer discOunt On
interest rates FOr buyers OF green residential buildings.
HOwever, the due diligence requirements OF green
residential buildings are lOwer than FO r cOnventiOnal
Lenders alsO charge a lOwer lOan Fees tO buyers OF green
buildings. There is, hOwever, discOunt OF 0.5-1% On green
building cOnstructiOn lOans tO develOpers. Based on the
study, an impOrtant pOlicy advOcacy will be tO put in
place regulatOry prescriptiOns On cOmmercial banks tO
provide as lO w as 0.5-1% discOunts On interest rate
on hOusing lOans FO r hOmebuyers. Based on the
aFFOrdability calculatiOns provided in the study, it may be
suggested that Only regulatOry prescriptiOns may n Ot be
enOugh. SOme enhanced FOrm OF government subsidies is
iF hOusing is sOught tO be made aFFOrdable FOr the BPL,
EWS and LIG hOusehOld categories.


Green architecture nOt Only seeks tO provide people with

a cOmFOrtable and cOnvenient living environment
throughOut the liFe cycle oF a building, but alsO seeks tO
cOnserve energy and materials, maximize the use oF
natural resOurces, reduce waste and pOllutiOn, and bring
people clOser tO nature, with artiFicially mOdiFied green
buildings maintaining a dynamic balance between people
and nature.
In its initial stages, green architecture was cOnsidered
tO be a product OF an ideal state, and the cOncept he
tO be in represented was tO cOnserve resOurces, protect
the environment and make sOciety sustainable with a
lOw-carbon liFestyle. At this stage, green building has
mOVed From a cOncept tO reality, and many real estate
develOpers are cOmmitted tO bringing the green building
tO the Chinese market. The problem with this is that the
cOnceptualized hOuses do nOt integrate with the existing
building system in many ways, resulting in develOpers
being out OF tO uch with reality From the design stage,
with nO pre-planning FOr Future occupancy, which
can hinder the sustainable devel Opment OF green
buildings. In this cOntext, Li and Cui explOre the
relatiOnship between human FactO rs and
stakehOlders in the
sustainable develOpment OF urban green buildings under
the green building cOncept, and pOint Out that given the
environmental, sOcial and ecOnOmic advantages OF green
buildings, government departments need tO adopt
incentive pOlicies tO encOurage mOre cOntractOrs tO
participate in the green building process.
SOme research Findings suggest that the lure oF huge
proFits can stimulate cOntractO rs tO act inappropriately
and that the use oF dynamic reward and punishment
mechanisms is mOre appropriate FOr government.

Chandra Shekhar Singh.2018 “Analysis On

green sustainable Building Techniques.”
Civil Engineering Research JOurnal, vOlume
4 issue 3: 110-111

EcOnOmic develOpment may seem tO be the least relevant

aspect OF green building, but rapid ec OnOmic develOpment
will certainly promOte the pursuit OF a mOre suitable
living environment, and the cOncept OF green building
design shOuld be cOnducive tO human health, with a
cOmFOrtable environment and Fresh air. In terms OF
issues such as the cOst OF design sOlutiOns, they shOuld
be operable. Under the premise oF eFFective cOst cOntrol,
chOOsing the mOst Optimal design sOlutiOn will be
cOnducive tO sustainable ecOnOmic develOpment in the
The ecOlOgical nature oF green buildings means respecting
ecOlOgical laws and protecting the ecOlOgical environment
in design, cOnstructiOn and use; adapting tO lOcal
cOnditiOns, cOmbining lOcal climatic characteristics and
Other geographical cOnditiOns, making maximum use oF
natural lighting and natural ventilatiOn tO reduce energy
cOnsumptiOn and pOllutiOn, giving preFerence
tO environmentally Friendly materials in material
selectiOn, eFFicient recycling oF natural resOurces, and
being as harmless as pOssible in waste discharge and
reasOnably recycled.
A chievement and Future

With the wind oF environmental protectiOn blOwing around

the wOrld, many cities have made "ecO-cities" and
"garden cities" their goal and mOde oF develOpment tO
put themselves in a goOd pOsitiOn tO cOmpete. HOwever,
inevitably, sOme people are trying tO attract Funds under
the guise oF being 'ecO' and 'green', and many oF the
'green buildings' that are built are nOt what they seem
tO be.
Builders cOVet the Energy and Environmental Building
CertiFicate, nOt Only because it represents leadership
energy and environmental design, but alsO because oF the
tax breaks available. Many sustainable building schemes
achieve their 'sustainable' criteria by installing a variety
OF energy-eFFicient equipment, such as less
energy- intensive mechanical equipment and higher
insulatiOn rates. These devices may produce goOd energy
savings in sOme parts OF the building, but the
overall energy
cOnsumptiOn is high due tO the outdated nature oF the
building plan and structure. And architects and builders
don't even think about this. This is a problem OF
perceptiOn. There is anOther problem with perceptiOn:
people oFten think that iF they reduce the energy
cOnsumptiOn OF the whOle building system, they will
reduce their energy cOsts. In reality, hOwever, the mOre
energy eFFicient the building itselF appears tO be, the
mOre recklessly its Occupants waste energy, with the
result that buildings that were suppOsed tO be lOw-energy
cOnsuming becOme even mOre energy intensive in the
Green building design shOuld be based on the protecti On
OF nature, nO t FO r the FunctiOn OF the building and
mOre energy cOnsumptiOn and increased pOllutiOn, based
on O ptimizing the traditiOnal architectural design
FOrm, tO
adapt tO the new era oF ecOlOgical and green cOnstructiOn
needs, tO achieve the harmOniOus unity oF architecture
and people and nature, harmOniOus develOpment. The
main theme oF green building design is tO save resOurces
and environmental protectiOn, thereFOre, green
building design shOuld nOt be carried out at the cOst OF
environmental pOllutiOn, user-health inFringement
natural environment change, tO highlight the FunctiOn OF
green building design, tO promOte the mOderate FunctiOn
OF green building, tO achieve savings and eFFiciency, sO
that green building better play the FunctiOn and system
value, tO achieve the goal OF designing the green building.

Green Building Status in India

As per the 2011 Census, almOst 31 percent OF India’s

current pOpulatiOn lives in urban areas and cOntributes
63 percent OF India’s GDP. With increasing urbanizatiOn,
by 2030, urban areas are expected tO hOuse 40 percent
OF India’s pOpulatiOn and cOntribute 75 percent OF India’s
GDP (, 2014). COmprehensive
develOpment OF physical, institutiOnal, sOcial, and
ecOnOmic inFrastructure is tO accOmmOdate this
required growth.
In India, the hOusing segment is growing quickly and is
cOntributing enOrmOusly tO the progress OF the natiOnal
ecOnOmy. There is an immediate need tO implement green
cOncepts and methOds in the hOusing sectOr, which can
help growth in a sustainable way. NatiOnal priOrities
addressed by a green building are water cOnservatiOn,
increased energy eFFiciency, reducti On in the use oF FOssil
Fuels, eFFicient handling oF hOusehOld waste, reduced use
OF virgin materials, and the health and well-being oF
residents. In this directiOn, the GOVernment OF India has
implemented smart cities, which requires that 80 percent
OF buildings cOnstructed shOuld be green.
Green CertiFicatiOns F Or Residential
Green Building

Agenda 21 was published in 1999 by the InternatiOnal

COuncil FO r Research and InnOVatiOn in Building
and COnstructiOn, which highlighted the main challenges
sustainable develOpment presents tO cOnstructiOn
industry. Over the past Few years, many cOuntries have
introduced new rating tOOls in Order tO improve
knOwledge about the level OF sustainability in the buildings
sectOr. SOme oF the prominent internatiOnal rating tOOls
are BREEAM (The Building Research Establishment’s
Environmental Assessment MethOd) in United Kingdom, HK-
BEAM(The HOng KOng Building Environmental
Assessment MethOd) in HOng KOng, LEED(The Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design)based on BREEAM in
USA, Green Star rating system in Australia, and the
Green Mark rating system in SingapOre. In India,
green buildings are certiFied by the IGBC (Indian Green
Building COuncil), TERI (The Energy and ResOurces
Institute), and
EcO-HOusing. The assessment tOOls are develOped tO
measure the implementatiOn OF the sustainability
cOncepts in the building sectOr and tO check the progress
made tOwards sustainable develOpment. The rating tOOls
attempt tO achieve cOntinuOus improvement in Optimizing
the perFOrmance oF green buildings and
reducing environmental impact, providing a measure oF a
building’s eFFect On the environment, and setting
trustwOrthy standards by which buildings can be judged

Yilin Wang. 2022. “Research On the

Sustainability in Green Building.” Advances
in EcOnOmics, Business and Management
Research, v O lume 215: 1389-1393
Failure Cases OF Green Building

The Gherkin building in LOndon (designed by FOster &

Partners in 2003) was designed as an O pen-
FlOOr ventilatiOn system, but during the cOnstructiOn
process, FOr saFety reasOns and cOst, all the windows
that cOuld
have been Opened had tO be clOsed. The open-FlOOr
ventilatiOn system was designed as an O pen-
FlOOr ventilatiOn system. This made the original
O pen-FlOO r design redundant and useless, and the
ventilatiOn OF the whOle building became wOrse, cOnsuming
Far mOre energy than Originally anticipated due tO the
additiOnal artiFicial ventilatiOn system. Such a green
building has a very idealistic design, but because it was
nOt initially cOnsidered practical and Feasible, it instead
lOses the meaning oF a green building. As a result, many
buildings have been built withOut proper planning, and
the results
have oFten been cOntrary tO the original expectatiOns.
The Federal Building in YOungstOwn, OhiO, which was
certiFied by the United States Green Building
COuncil (USGBC), is FamOus FOr its white roOF that
reduces energy
cOnsumptiOn and is designed tO use mOstly natural light,
making it an icOnic green building. HOwever, aFter an
investigatiOn, it was FOund tO have high utility bills and
was thereFOre stripped oF its Energy Star designatiOn.
AccOrding tO a study by the building's Owner, the General
Services AdministratiOn, the sOurce oF the bills was due
tO the high energy-cOnsuming operatiOn OF the building's
cOOling system. the USGBC said that From ula tO ry
pOlicies. vested in green buildings, and mOre legal aspect
this year onwards the cOuncil will require all new
buildings tO provide a list OF their energy and water
bills FOr the First Five years aFter they are put intO use
as a cOnditiOn OF achieving certiFicatiOn. As can be seen,
green buildings have becOme a gimmick FOr sOme
develOpers, inFlating the highlights OF their designs in an
attempt tO Obscure the huge Flaws in the actual OperatiOn
OF the buildings. SOme designs that appear tO be very
lOw carbon and energy-eFFicient may result in huge
energy cOnsumptiOn in Other areas. ThereFOre, the
assessment OF green buildings needs tO be viewed with a
lOng-term perspective, From design tO mOnitO ring
recOrds and maintenance aFter c OmmissiOning, which will
becOme an indispensable and impOrtant step FO r
the Future .

The Environmental Necessity oF Green


The environment has becOme a key FactO r in

assessing green buildings. In the develOpment process, the
environment is the basis FO r the survival OF all
things, and the building that provides the living space is
the mOst crucial part OF the environment. The sustainable
develOpment OF buildings must First meet the
green design throughOut, From the raw materials
used in
cOnstructiOn tO the technOlOgy that has the mOst
environmental perFOrmance. In additiOn tO this, as urban
land use becOmes increasingly tight, it is impOrtant tO
achieve optimal planning FOr land resOurces while
nOt damaging the environment, and the cOre oF
building design is tO reduce the use oF natural resOurces
and achieve the needs OF the building through design FO r
green buildings are needed tO mOnitOr.

The S O cial Necessity oF Green Buildings

With the develOpment OF the big data era, intelligent

buildings have cOme tO the FOreFront, and mOre and
mOre buildings are becOming mOre intelligent From the
inside out, while the advanced nature oF green buildings
means cOmbining green and intelligence intO One,
promOting green buildings with intelligence and
promOting intelligence with green ideas. Green
intelligence is the synthesis OF technOlOgy, through the
cOmputer netwOrk cOntrol technOlOgy FOr the building
energy cOnsumptiOn and indoOr environment and air
quality oF remOte detectiOn and cOntrol, green From
cOncept intO the actual, and ultimately reFlected in the

ProF. Neeraj Gupta.2023 “vThe green

building F Or sustainable develOpment in
India” InternatiOnal JOurnal OF creative
research thOughts (IJCRT), vOlume 11 issue
9: 1870-1875
The Green Building MOVement in India has been
spearheaded by IGBC, a part OF the COnFederatiOn
Indian Industry (CII), since 2001. IGBC rating tOOls have
been mOdiFied and adopted by LEED, which is an
internatiOnally accepted rating tOOl. AccOrding tO the
IGBC, ‘Green HOmes’ is the First rating
programme develOped in India, exclusively FO r the
residential sectO r and is a vOluntary and cOnsensus-
based programme. This rating is designed primarily
FOr new residential
buildings. HOwever, it is alsO applicable FO r existing
buildings designed in accOrdance with the IGBC Green
HOmes criteria. There are over 780 certiFied
green buildings (residential and cOmmercial) and 3559
registered projects.


Environmental and ecOnOmic perFOrmance: Green

cOnstructiOn methOds when integrated while design and
cOnstructiOn provide mOst signiFicant beneFits. BeneFits
OF green building include many oF the FOllOwing

Environmental BeneFits:

 Reduce wastage oF water.

 COnserve natural resOurces.

 Improve air and water quality.

 Protect biOdiversity and ecOsystems

Ec O n O mic BeneFits:

 Reduce operating cOsts.

 Improve occupant productivity.

 Create market FO r green product and


S O cial BeneFits

 Improve quality oF liFe

 Minimize strain On lOcal inFrastructure

 Improve occupant health and cOmFOrt

Energy EFFiciency & Water C O nservati O n

 Optimizing energy and water resOurces will
nOt Only decrease the use oF natural
resOurces but will decrease your water
alsO and
electric bills.

 Improved IndoOr Air Quality

Breathe easy with Fresh air indoOrs. We believe in

helping tO bring reFreshing OF air tO you,
your children, emplOyees, as well as elderly or
sick members through uphOlding our mantra oF
separate, ventilate and Filtrate.

Reduced Carbon F OO tprint

 Keep your project and the environment

clean and green by producing less waste and
reducing the release oF harmFul gasses.

 Increased Property Values

Green built properties are in demand

FOr their sustainable cOmpOnents that lOwer
maintenance cOsts and keep thOse within it
smiling, Feeling guilt-Free, and healthy. SO
go green, and then get the green in return!

Increased Empl O yee Productivity

With clean air tO breath, natural light FlOwing in,

and energy resOurces being put tO goOd use, thOse
wOrking in green built properties can better FOcus
On their wOrk and becOme mOre productive.

Improved Empl O yee Attendance

An environmentally Friendly wOrkplace
creates pOsitive vibes, while the natural resOurces
increase the health beneFits FO r thOse within
the property. EmplOyees stay happy, healthy, and
excited tO go tO wOrk every day

Increased Empl O yee Productivity

With clean air tO breath, natural light FlOwing in, and

energy resOurces being put tO goOd use, thOse wOrking
in green built properties can better FOcus On their wOrk
and becOme mOre productive.
Improved EmplOyee Attendance
An environmentally Friendly wOrkplace creates
pOsitive vibes, while the natural resOurces increase the
health beneFits FO r thOse within the property.
EmplOyees stay
happy, healthy, and excited tO go tO wOrk every day

Limitati O ns

The majOrity oF Our experts do nOt lOOk at going

green as sOmething that limits a hOmeowner.65%
OF Our experts believe there are an equal number
OF ecO -alternatives FOr any hOme project. SOme
even went as Far tO say that green O ptiO ns O FFer
new OppOrtunities, rather than hinder existing
O ptiO ns. These experts believe manuFacturers are
creating ecO-alternatives at a Fast pace, sO there
shOuld be nO limitatiOns On what green OptiOns
hOmeowners can use in their hOmes. SOme
manuFacturers are even creating new
as they uncOVer mOre sustainable ways tO build
and maintain Our hOmes. “In the past, going green
meant sacriFicing design, FunctiOn and price,”
explained JenniFer Dusina oF Freedom Rail clOset
sOlutiOns. “But tOday builders are reacting tO the
new demands OF hOme buyers FOr greener chOices.
They’re wOrking tOwards making green hOmes
mOre obtainable FO r the masses. ”One oF the
main cOncerns Our experts have is that the phrase
“going green” is becOming trendy, and, as a result,
devaluing the reasOns FO r jOining the
green mOVement in the First place. A Few
experts even claimed the term “green” shOuld be
eliminated From hOmeowners’ v Ocabulary. ”The
term green
shOuld seriOusly be banished; we’re Far tOO intO
the mixed messaging FOr sOciety tO ever get On
the same page,” said Kelly Fall is, interiOr
designer and owner oF RemOte Stylist, a website
O FFering online interiOr design services.
Regardless OF h Ow the terminOlOgy evOlves,
mOst OF Our
experts think going green is here tO stay. SOme
even said sustainability has been around
FOr centuries, but it was in the FOrm OF reusing
pass- alOngs and hand-me-downs. The
assOciated with the green mOVement has tO do
with the Fact that manuFacturers are catching on
and starting tO make new products that are
sustainable. “Saving the planet is nO lOnger
thOught OF as a Fringe mOVement, but
rather a way oF liFe FOr all OF us,” said ValOrie
Hart OF the interiOr design blOg Visual Vamp.


• Residential building is the secOnd mOst energy

cOnsuming sectOr aFter industrial sectOr, but mOstly
but green building cOncept has mOstly implemented
in cOmmercial and institutiOnal buildings
• NOt much wOrk has been done tO increase the
availability oF sustainable materials and

• Sustainable buildings may be energy and

eFFicient, they may nOt be designed FOr lOng term
durability or adaptibility. This means that they may
need tO be replaced sO it is needed tO wOrk in
this directiOn tO increase its liFe cycle.


The main Objective oF the present study is tO Outline

avenues tO make green certiFied building mOre aFFOrdable
tO the lOw- and middle-incOme hOusehOlds. The research
is sub-divided as FOllOws:

• Firstly, it will try tO examine the liFe-cycle cOst OF

green residential buildings in India.
• SecOndly, it will try tO estimate the impact OF cOst
OF green buildings On aFFOrdability FO r a
hOmebuyer and
• Thirdly, based on (i) and (ii), study propOses key
cOnsideratiOns FO r lenders in designing
Financing products FOr green buildings.

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